• 3 bulan yang lalu
Sorbansantri.com Presiden Joko Widodo resmi memberhentikan tidak hormat Hasyim Asy'ari dari jabatannya sebagai Ketua KPU masa jabatan 2022-2027. Keputusan ini tertuang dalam Keppres No. 73 P tanggal 9 Juli 2024, menindaklanjuti putusan DKPP yang menemukan Hasyim melanggar kode etik karena tindak asusila.

Koordinator Staf Khusus Presiden, Ari Dwipayana, menyampaikan bahwa pemberhentian ini sejalan dengan UU Pemilu No. 7 Tahun 2017. Presiden Jokowi menegaskan bahwa pemerintah menghormati keputusan DKPP dan memastikan Pilkada serentak 2024 tetap berjalan lancar, jujur, dan adil.

Dalam sidang yang digelar DKPP, Hasyim Asy'ari terbukti melakukan pelanggaran terhadap CAT, anggota PPLN Den Haag. Majelis DKPP meminta Presiden untuk melaksanakan putusan ini paling lambat 7 hari sejak dibacakan dan memerintahkan Bawaslu untuk mengawasi pelaksanaannya.
00:00President Joko Widodo officially suspended Hashim Asyari from his office as the head of the KPU during the 2022-2027 term.
00:09This decision was laid in the press on July 9, 2024,
00:15postponing the DKPP decision that found Hashim violated the code of ethics because of Asusila's actions.
00:21Special Staff Coordinator President Ari Bipayana stated that the suspension was in line with the 7th election in 2017.
00:29President Joko Widodo insisted that the government respected the DKPP decision and ensured that the 2024 term was smooth sailing.
00:38Honest and fair, in the DKPP-sponsored hearing, Hashim Asyari was proven to have violated the code of ethics, PPLN members, and rights.
00:46The DKPP conference asked the president to implement this decision as late as seven days after it was read and ordered by Bawaslu to monitor its implementation.
00:54Sorban Santri.com reported.
00:57Santri Voice. Heart Voice.
