Pasukan Israel Menghancurkan Sumber Air di Shujayea dan Sabra: Kotamadya Gaza

  • 2 months ago Selamat datang di berita hari ini. Kami mendapatkan laporan dari Kotamadya Gaza bahwa pasukan Israel telah menghancurkan sumber air dan jaringan di lingkungan Shujayea dan Sabra di Kota Gaza. Dalam serangan terbaru, dua sumur dihancurkan total dan dua sumur lainnya rusak berat, memperparah krisis air yang sudah melanda kota ini selama dua minggu terakhir.

Sejak dimulainya konflik pada bulan Oktober, total 42 sumur telah hancur, 16 sumur rusak sebagian, dan 70.000 meter linier jaringan air telah hancur. Situasi ini semakin memperburuk kondisi kehidupan di Gaza, yang sudah terhimpit oleh blokade dan serangan berkelanjutan.

Pemerintah kota Gaza menyerukan kepada komunitas internasional untuk bertindak segera, menghentikan penghancuran infrastruktur vital, dan memastikan pasokan air bersih bagi warga Gaza. Mari kita bersama-sama menggunakan suara kita untuk mendesak dihentikannya kekerasan dan menyelamatkan Gaza.
00:00Welcome to today's news.
00:02We received a report from the city of Matiagaza that the Israeli forces have destroyed water sources and networks in the area of Sujaya and Sabra in the city of Gaza.
00:10In the latest attack, two wells were destroyed in total and two other wells were heavily damaged,
00:14exacerbating the water crisis that has hit this city for the last two weeks.
00:18Since the start of the conflict in October, a total of 42 wells have been destroyed,
00:2316 wells partially damaged, and 70,000 meters of water network lines have been destroyed.
00:28This situation is worsening the living conditions in Gaza, which has been plagued by blockades and continuous attacks.
00:34The government of the city of Gaza urges international communities to act immediately,
00:39stop the destruction of vital infrastructure, and ensure clean water supply for the people of Gaza.
00:44Let's use our voices together to stop the violence and save Gaza. reports.
00:52Santri's voice, the voice of the heart.
