Salute, psoriasi grave, Corazza (Apiafco) : "Accesso struttura pubblica per farmaci biologici"

  • 2 months ago
(Adnkronos) - “La cura di un malato grave psoriasico deve accedere per forza alla struttura pubblica, che è quella che può darci i farmaci biologici”. Lo ha detto Valeria Corazza, presidente Apiafco - Associazione psoriasici italiani amici della fondazione Corazza, in occasione dell’evento 'Equity Group – Malattie croniche della pelle'.


00:00I am in charge of the private sector, especially when it comes to certain topical treatments.
00:11As far as the treatment of a serious psoriasis patient is concerned,
00:18we must of course give access to the public health system,
00:22which is the one that can provide us with what we no longer call innovative treatments,
00:27as biopharmaceuticals came out twenty years ago.
00:30But something new comes out every year.
00:34As our professor Bianchi said,
00:40I, a dermatologist, now have a range of treatments that I have never had in my life.
00:49But unfortunately, sometimes we face these difficulties.
00:54Some of them are also expensive products.
00:57And those who pay do not realize how to make a person happy,
01:02to make them return to work, to make them return productive,
01:06is much more important than continuing to keep them closed at home,
01:13out of shame or for other reasons, and unproductive.
01:17Unfortunately, medicine has not yet become mentally social.
