НОUSЕ ОN FIRЕ S01Е07 (2024)

  • 2 months ago
00:00How many boys have we been at together for you to even know that I don't clap or chant
00:11for anybody?
00:12What are you talking about?
00:13I get it.
00:14I'm not about to kiss your ass, girl.
00:15I'm not finna get into it with no witch queen, but if I have to, I will.
00:17I've been made up in my mind that I've washed my hands with AJ, and I'm just not feeling
00:22Wait, but the word on the street is Ross told me that y'all set him up.
00:26We were just discussing AJ and, you know, how he felt like the femme queen set him up.
00:31Y'all gotta learn respect.
00:32When the ball comes, and if he do warbly, I'm pointing my fingers at you.
00:37Do it.
00:38I'm good at this.
00:39Has Elena signed her application?
00:42We don't need her.
00:43We don't need the drama.
00:45But you and Tati, not good.
00:46Me and Tati haven't spoke.
00:47As soon as I walked up, she had a stink-ass look on her face.
00:50Y'all need to figure out a way to, like, have a conversation, you and Tati.
00:53We need to make this happen as soon as possible.
00:55Because inductions are around the corner, and you don't need to be having no issues
00:58with nobody.
01:00Father Yousef had brought it up, and how you were speaking to him, and you were very loud,
01:04and like, can I talk?
01:06You know, conversations, again, are a two-way street, and respect is also a two-way street.
01:09To go through an application, I felt kind of a little disrespected when you sent that
01:13to me.
01:14If you wanna come back, Elena, you're gonna have to come back in the way that we are doing
01:17things in there.
01:24Oh, my God.
01:25Yeah, what is this exactly?
01:26Oh, my Earth's poppin'.
01:27Today, I decided to invite everyone to the Edge.
01:28It is on top of one of the tallest buildings in New York City at Hudson Yards.
01:29This is exactly what we need going into the Mizrahi Ball.
01:30All right.
01:31Let's go.
01:32Let's go.
01:33Let's go.
01:34Let's go.
01:35Let's go.
01:36Let's go.
01:37Let's go.
01:38Let's go.
01:39Let's go.
01:40Let's go.
01:41Let's go.
01:42Let's go.
01:43Let's go.
01:44Let's go.
01:45Let's go.
01:46Let's go.
01:47Let's go.
01:48Let's go.
01:49Let's go.
01:50Let's go.
01:51Let's go.
01:52Let's go.
01:53Let's go.
01:54All right, this is the Edge, and if you look to your right, this is called City Climb.
01:57City Climb.
01:58What it is, is we will be strapped to harnesses, and we will walk the edge of the building
02:03along the 100th floor.
02:04I'm not doing that.
02:06Girl, what?
02:07You want us to climb the building?
02:11Come on now.
02:12I'm not Spider-Man.
02:13Is it windy out there?
02:17You know, I hope not, but...
02:18We'll be harnesses strapped in.
02:20I don't trust that harness.
02:21Is your wig glued down?
02:22It's not.
02:23That's the problem.
02:25So you might have to...
02:27It's hot as hell.
02:28You was just one to ride all the rides at the amusement park.
02:29But they not 100 stories.
02:30I feel like we need something exciting to get us going for this weekend.
02:34I'm down.
02:35Okay, you down?
02:37Roz, you down?
02:38Hell yeah.
02:39Hello, everybody.
02:40Welcome to the 100th floor of Bunsen Yards, where we're doing an as soon as getting you
02:47into your climb suit, as well as your harness.
02:49So, out of all things we could have done, why this?
02:52Because this is not something you would typically do.
02:54You have to push yourself out of your comfort zone.
02:56Eating sushi is not something I would typically do, either.
02:58I just seem to be getting a great view right now, you know?
03:02Those uniforms seem to fit exotic very well.
03:07It's good enough.
03:08A great view.
03:10This would be a horrible date, just so you know.
03:12A horrible date?
03:14I think it would be fun.
03:17Climbers ready!
03:18Climbers ready!
03:19Climbers go!
03:21Let's go.
03:22This is gonna be so much fun.
03:23I gotta make sure this motherfucker is on, baby.
03:24This is like going up the roller coaster.
03:25Click, click, click.
03:26Oh, shit.
03:27Are we really up here?
03:28Up here.
03:29Oh, my God.
03:30This is scary.
03:31We're gonna be looking into Hudson Yards.
03:32The trolley will follow you.
03:33Oh, shit.
03:34Oh, shit.
03:35Oh, shit.
03:36Oh, shit.
03:37Oh, shit.
03:38Oh, shit.
03:39Oh, shit.
03:40Oh, shit.
03:41Oh, shit.
03:42Oh, shit.
03:43Oh, shit.
03:44Oh, shit.
03:45Oh, shit.
03:46Oh, shit.
03:47Oh, shit.
03:48Oh, shit.
03:49Oh, shit.
03:50Oh, shit.
03:51Oh, my God.
03:52I feel like Mission Impossible.
03:53Oh, I am so scared.
03:54Like, I don't know what is going on.
03:55Like, I hope a bird don't come and poop on me.
03:56How many steps is this?
03:57Up to the sixty-one step.
03:58My glutes.
04:00I'm so scared, like, I don't know what is going on.
04:03Like, I hope a bird don't come and poop on me.
04:06How many steps is this?
04:09Up to the 61 step.
04:12My glutes.
04:16My ass is going to look real good for this ball.
04:19Oh my god.
04:21This is nerve wracking.
04:22Terrified is what I am in this moment.
04:24Yeah, so I actually need the distraction.
04:26I joke about his big booty, but I
04:28need to be staring at something other than the actual view.
04:31So I'm going to zone in to that.
04:38All right, everyone ready to sway, welcome to the apex.
04:42Oh my god, look at this shit.
04:44Oh my god.
04:45Thank you, darling.
04:46Come on.
04:47Oh, darling, it is windy.
04:49I'm leaning this way.
04:52Oh, I don't want to walk over there.
04:54That's as far as I'm going, baby.
04:57Me y'all king.
04:59Me y'all king.
05:01Mooglez in the front.
05:02That is y'all crazy.
05:03All right, baby, we've had enough leaning now, god damn it.
05:06One mooglez.
05:08I'm going to stay right here.
05:10Chanel, Chanel, Chanel.
05:15Baby, I'm not stepping in no glib.
05:18My beautiful ball.
05:21All right, wait a minute.
05:24Lock your knees straight.
05:26And when you're ready.
05:27That's great.
05:27Lock your knees.
05:30Oh my god.
05:32Go ahead, everybody, get your ball in line.
05:36Oh, yes, baby.
05:37This is my favorite part right here.
05:40The exit.
05:41There is no way possible I'm going to do it again.
05:44You don't do shit like that.
05:45Oh my god, it's like a little shit up here.
05:48I am not a daredevil.
05:50Like, I like my fun on the ground.
05:53Right, you can always tell somebody
05:55now going forward that you climbed to the top of one
05:57of the tallest buildings in the world.
05:58Got exotic to the top of the building.
06:01Well, this is one of the best parts right here.
06:02You get to stand on top of this glass
06:04and look down, there's like the whole city below you.
06:07This is crazy.
06:10Come here.
06:11Hey, now get your ass off that floor.
06:13Come on.
06:14Damn, I only took one picture.
06:16Let's go sit up here.
06:17I need to sit down for a second.
06:19Well, we can photo shoot.
06:20Yeah, it's photo shoot time, darling.
06:22So I know we haven't had a chance
06:24to really like talk aside from everything,
06:25dealing with like the house and rehearsals.
06:28But I know that, you know, we had something
06:32really special in the past.
06:35And I know that's been on your mind a lot.
06:38Of course.
06:39But I feel like you deserve closure.
06:43Back then, I wanted some things that you weren't ready for,
06:47and it just didn't work out.
06:49That's not the truth of my end.
06:50And so I never came up to you.
06:51I never called you or texted you or said, AJ, OK,
06:53let's go take this to the next level.
06:54Like, what did you say?
06:56You disappeared into thin air.
06:57Andre, you know you have to say things like I love you.
06:59If I ever, if I stop.
07:01No, you have not.
07:02If I ever, ever at any point knew that you love me the way
07:06you say that you love me, I would be with you.
07:08I didn't hear anything from you.
07:10I love you.
07:12Well, it's too late.
07:14It's hard.
07:15I have feelings for you, of course.
07:16I love you and I care about you.
07:18I think I'll always do that.
07:19I will always want the best for you.
07:20Well, at the end of the day, yeah.
07:22Rames is, that's my heart.
07:25You know what I'm saying?
07:26Like, that's where I'm at.
07:27He's good to me, and I would be good to him.
07:30And I just wanted to make sure that, you know,
07:32you come into the house, that you were doing
07:33this for all the right reasons.
07:35And that's because that's what you really wanted to do,
07:36and that you wanted to be a part of our world.
07:39I want to make sure that he understands where I'm at,
07:44and I understand where he is.
07:47And that it's OK to move on.
07:51Honestly, I am willing to take a step back,
07:53because I really do want to be a house member.
07:56But I need you to focus and stay out of situations
07:59with those girls.
08:00I'm only focused on getting to the house.
08:02If I can, like, not focus on you and our love,
08:04I think it shows that I'm focused on Mugler
08:06and what the goal is here.
08:08All right.
08:09All right.
08:11I haven't hugged you in a long time.
08:12I like that hug.
08:13Oh, a little hug.
08:14Now get used to it.
08:16Come on.
08:17I want to take a picture on the edge.
08:27Hello, doll.
08:29How are you?
08:30How's it going?
08:31I got you a book.
08:32Oh, my god.
08:33To add to the collection.
08:34Yes, exactly.
08:35You look fabulous.
08:36You look fabulous.
08:37How are you?
08:38Today, I am so excited to see my mentor.
08:41I love him to death.
08:42You know, he's always been there for me.
08:44Anytime I need advice on what to do next,
08:46he's been in the industry for a long time.
08:48So he's a really good person that I go to.
08:51So just, like, get it all out.
08:53Oh, you already made cocktails.
08:55I did.
08:55I know what you like.
08:58We have to catch up.
08:59It's been a lot going on.
09:01I know I've told you, like, I've been considering wanting
09:04to come back to ballroom.
09:05And it's been kind of like, do I like it?
09:07Do I love it?
09:08Do I hate it?
09:08What is it?
09:09So ballroom is a sport.
09:11What do you want out of the sport?
09:13You can't just be coming back into the sport, blah, blah,
09:15blah, blah, blah.
09:16What do you want out of it?
09:16What do you want out of the glare?
09:17What do you want out of this?
09:19Because yeah, yeah, yeah, yeah, I know that.
09:20I know that.
09:21I'm just, it's been a lot of drama.
09:23And you can't have ballroom without drama.
09:25I've been hanging out with a lot of members
09:27from my previous house.
09:28I met a new member of the house, Brooklyn.
09:32I had a few artications with her, actually.
09:34Well, not crazy artications, but we went to Coney Island.
09:38It was ghetto.
09:40First off, Brooklyn already had this, like,
09:42negative connotation about who I am and what I represent.
09:46She was basically going around telling people
09:49that I'm a prostitute and I'm an escort.
09:52And it came back to me.
09:53It left a bad taste in my mouth.
09:55She apologized about it eventually,
09:57but it was just kind of like, how could you even,
10:01you don't know me?
10:02I was trying to help her.
10:05And what I can say about her is she has a very beautiful soul,
10:08but on the outside, there needs to be some work.
10:12Welcome to my world.
10:13Welcome to the world of mentorship.
10:15She's young.
10:16She will mature.
10:17She is maturing.
10:19So let me ask you this.
10:20I don't know what to do.
10:20I need your advice.
10:21What do you want out of Ballroom?
10:22I want to be able to come back to Ballroom
10:24and just be a face, be a beacon of hope,
10:26be a beacon of light and go in there.
10:28And if people need mentorship,
10:30if people need, you know, some type of leadership,
10:32I can be that for my community.
10:34Being a figure in the world and a supermodel,
10:37you need to understand the role
10:38that you have within the community.
10:40And if you are not willing, full force to donate your time,
10:43that they're going to need to keep their legacy going,
10:46then you're going to be lying to yourself
10:47and you're going to be lying to them
10:48and you're going to create tension for yourself
10:50within the house of Mugler.
10:53That's what I don't want,
10:54is I don't want to have any tension.
10:55I don't want to have any tension at all in Ballroom.
10:58When you take yourself and you put yourself back
11:00in a self-culture that you've not been around for a while,
11:03it's about adjusting.
11:04I do think some people cannot stand you
11:05because sometimes they think you can be a bitch.
11:12You need to find the balance.
11:13I do need to find the balance.
11:15Every interview that you do,
11:16everything you have going on career,
11:17post-Sports Illustrated is dealing with Ballroom.
11:20So, mama.
11:20I mean, everybody's asking me about Ballroom.
11:22Everywhere I go, all the interview is about Ballroom.
11:24It is who you are.
11:24And you can't shy away from that.
11:26And you need Ballroom as much as we need you.
11:30You need to figure out your purpose and your role,
11:32not a temporary position.
11:36I think having this conversation with you
11:39makes me have a lot of clarity for myself
11:42on what I should do next.
11:44Now I need to sit down and talk to Andre and Yusef.
11:46I think Yusef has your best interest.
11:48He always has.
11:49Can you believe Andre sent me an application
11:51to apply to be in the house
11:53when I've already been in the house?
11:54He's the overall mother.
11:55There are protocols that he must follow.
11:56He said that same thing.
11:58You can't take it personal.
11:58He has a job to do as overall.
12:00But it's just like my line of work
12:01and what I do for Ballroom culture is my application.
12:04That's your resume.
12:06You can receive the application and throw it away
12:07and take your resume and let it speak for itself.
12:10So I should just send him my cover.
12:12Take that to the bank.
12:13Ha ha!
12:14Take that to the bank.
12:15I love it.
12:31I've never had a big item before.
12:32Me neither.
12:33I'm actually a little bit satisfied.
12:36Well, speaking of satisfied,
12:39is there anybody you're dealing with
12:41that's keeping you satisfied?
12:46You know, Miss Girl always got her man on standby.
12:50But I've actually found someone
12:54who isn't a part of Ballroom
12:55and I'm really liking where we're going right now.
12:57Yes, that's true.
12:59I love it.
13:00I love him.
13:00Ha ha!
13:02Oh, wow, love.
13:03I love it.
13:04Nah, but you know, I really like him
13:07and it's going good.
13:08So what's going on with you?
13:10What's going on in your dating pool?
13:12Is there a pool or is there one guy?
13:14Bitch, it's a pool.
13:16Are they contending?
13:19So I kind of do this thing where like,
13:20I talk to multiple guys.
13:23And I kind of like,
13:24weigh them out to see which one I could tolerate.
13:27And usually that becomes my man.
13:29Oh, you just got a lot going on.
13:32Yes, this is pretty.
13:37It's a beautiful little thing.
13:40So Yousef just been going off on everybody lately.
13:42He been going off on,
13:43he went off on AJ,
13:44he went off on you.
13:45Like, where is y'all standing right now in these moments?
13:49It's been a little distant.
13:50I'm not even gonna hold you.
13:51It's definitely been a little distant.
13:53I felt like Yousef not wanting to hear,
13:56plus, you know, my tone.
13:58It was just giving too much.
14:00Well, fuck all that Ballroom drama shit.
14:02Let's tip the fuck up out of here
14:03because I'm getting hot.
14:04You want a 50th?
14:06Let's go.
14:06You want a 50th tour?
14:07Let's go, baby.
14:10I have a really loving relationship with Brooklyn.
14:13I see how much potential she has.
14:14And I feel like her choosing her own path
14:16is extremely important right now
14:18because she is young
14:19and she's still, like, growing into herself.
14:22But at the same time,
14:23she still needs guidance.
14:40Bitch, you don't just walk in people's house.
14:41You gotta ring the bell.
14:43What the fuck you think this is?
14:44You need to keep your door locked.
14:46Beverly Hills, Billy.
14:47We are getting ready.
14:48We got the Mizrahi Ball,
14:49where there's a $30,000 grand prize,
14:52the biggest grand prize in Ballroom history.
14:54And we're not leaving there empty-handed.
14:57The pressure's on.
14:58The fabric for the space is a house
15:00and the corset is a house.
15:01It's a house.
15:02It's a house.
15:03It's a house.
15:04It's a house.
15:05It's a house.
15:05It's a house.
15:06It's a house.
15:07It's a house.
15:08It's a house.
15:09And the corsets.
15:11I gotta cover the corsets in all of this fabric.
15:14When it comes to my kids,
15:15it's important for me to help them get prepared
15:18for this Mizrahi Ball.
15:20This is the fabric.
15:20It's really pretty.
15:23Yeah, it's fab.
15:25That is not gonna come across your big ass.
15:27But this is not gonna fit me.
15:28This is an extra small.
15:29I know, that's why I was doing it like that.
15:31What are you doing?
15:33You have to glue the fabric on.
15:36That's not gonna stay.
15:36You have to, like, stitch some of it
15:39so it can stay.
15:40And if we win,
15:41we will be the champion house in Barlow.
15:45So where'd you get that?
15:48Is that what you were getting ready
15:49to make your wig out of?
15:50No, this is gonna be your girl's ponytail.
15:52It's a little ashy.
15:54Yeah, it's a dusty blue.
15:56The Mugler's want, it's all shades of blue.
15:58You forgot?
15:59We gotta tweeze her.
16:02You gotta be tweezed.
16:03We can do a little dream girl's action.
16:06I'm praying to God we come through with this win.
16:09Brooklyn dropped out of the fashion category.
16:14I'm just tired of people being flakes and shit,
16:16especially when we know how important this is for her.
16:18If you say you're gonna do something, come through.
16:20Don't commit and then drop out at the last minute.
16:22You should call her and find out.
16:28Oh girl, cut the shit.
16:29Are you walking the Mizrahi ball?
16:31I signed myself up for two categories.
16:34Hi, dad.
16:35Hi, daughter.
16:36You look like a guy at your house.
16:39Fuck you and that bandana.
16:41Excuse you, young lady.
16:42Mm-hmm, mm-hmm.
16:43No, I'm just playing.
16:44No, no, no.
16:45Yeah, we're one hand,
16:46because we're not gonna keep playing like that.
16:47Brooklyn has been very disrespectful to him
16:51and his authority,
16:52and not respecting him as a potential figure in his house.
16:55And I can't have that.
16:56I'm happy that you're walking two categories.
16:58Thanks for being a team player.
17:00You're welcome.
17:01I was really trying to be, you know,
17:02the ultimate team player,
17:04being in the background and not on the floor.
17:06But, you know.
17:09Girl, that's crazy.
17:13Why would you hang up on her like that?
17:14She's just stupid.
17:17Did he just hang up on me?
17:20You, sir.
17:21Did you just hang up on me, father?
17:22Yes, yes.
17:22Wow, you are so fierce.
17:24I'm leaving the house.
17:26Bye, thank you.
17:27No, you ain't leaving.
17:28Thanks for your service.
17:29Hold on, hold on.
17:30I think this is time to call her.
17:34What's going on, hon?
17:35Look who it is.
17:36How can I help you, darling?
17:38How can you help us?
17:39How can you help us?
17:40How can I help thou?
17:41What you walking at the ball?
17:44I'm walking in best dress as a house.
17:45Oh, so you're still part of the best dress as a house.
17:48No, she's not.
17:48She's full of shit.
17:49I'm Desiree's.
17:50I'm at practice right now, look.
17:52I'm with Lolita and Malik.
17:54Oh, hey, y'all.
17:55Oh, y'all practicing.
17:56Hello, parentals.
17:57How many categories are all y'all walking
17:59in the back at the Mizrahi Ball?
18:00I'm gonna do legendary performance.
18:02And if I'm feeling sexy, oh, wait.
18:06Not if I'm feeling sexy, hold on.
18:09Lolita, what is it giving, Lolita?
18:11I'm doing runway as a house, performance, and body.
18:17So three, we need that 30K.
18:19And I think that money could be ours
18:21if everybody just kinda like wear just a little bit extra.
18:24Sure could.
18:25I'm down.
18:26We have to check every box.
18:27We know how strong we are and let's fuck shit up.
18:31Y'all get back to what y'all doing.
18:35Love y'all.
18:38They're so cute.
18:40All right, well, that's good.
18:41They all walked in categories.
18:42Okay, that's a relief.
18:48Let's go.
18:49Are you ready for it?
18:51I love ballet.
18:53Yeah, boom.
18:55Go for it.
18:58Oh my God.
19:00We are next.
19:01We're gonna let them y'all move legs down.
19:03We are going to be in tip-top shape.
19:05I'm claiming it now.
19:06Grand prize, legendary performance.
19:08I think it's gonna be a hot ball for some reason.
19:10It's gonna be mixing.
19:11I feel like this is probably the most fun that we had.
19:14In a little while.
19:15In a while.
19:16We have to, though,
19:17because if we have to come together for the $30,000,
19:19we gotta get these 30 bands.
19:26Uh-huh, and down.
19:27Let's go!
19:31Let's go!
19:42Creating my own brand, Y by Yusef,
19:44was something that I dreamed of on a tour bus,
19:49and I am at the finishing stages.
19:52So the pressure is on.
19:56I feel like a weird scientist right now.
19:58So, here is the adjustment
20:01that you had wanted on the shampoo.
20:04So much more different when you see
20:05that fragrance incorporated into the shampoo.
20:08And then we have the hairspray here.
20:10Perfect, we got that color down.
20:13It's a nice little tint of a,
20:14kind of a blush tone.
20:15Yes, I love it.
20:17You can smell it here, how's that?
20:19Mm, that's it.
20:21Oh, that's nice.
20:22It smells like money, baby.
20:24Yeah, it smells expensive.
20:30And then I just kind of like mist it.
20:33Oh, I love how it's giving the shine.
20:35Well, good, because I don't have any.
20:36That's beautiful.
20:37And this is a product
20:38that will definitely work for everybody.
20:39I don't want my products to sit separate
20:42from any other product on the shelf.
20:44I want you and her to be able
20:45to go straight to the same product.
20:47I designed these products to be for everyone,
20:49and I feel like ballroom is the same.
20:52It's not just for one particular race,
20:53it's not for one particular person.
20:56It is open to all,
20:57and that's what Y by Yusef is.
20:59Now that the formulas have been approved,
21:01we're just into the final packaging,
21:03and then it's just going into production.
21:05The rest is history.
21:08Trust the process.
21:09So look, I'm putting fire under myself.
21:11Just step it up.
21:12Juggling my brand and the house.
21:14We got the Mizrahi ball.
21:16You best believe that we taking that, too.
21:23Thank you.
21:24Yo, it has been a crazy day.
21:27Cheers, babe, to world peace.
21:28World peace.
21:29I love you.
21:30I love you, too.
21:34There's Cleopatra's hair all over you.
21:37Yeah, you know how she sheds all the time.
21:39Yes, especially in this hot heat.
21:41Ooh-wee, my baby.
21:45It's been a long day.
21:46I love you.
21:47Yusef introduced us six months ago,
21:49and we were like,
21:50what's going on?
21:51What's going on?
21:52Yusef introduced us six years ago.
21:54The first time we met,
21:55we ended up just being really close.
21:57We spent literally the whole day together.
21:59We left each other around 6 a.m. in the morning.
22:01It was just good energy.
22:02And six years later,
22:04we was in Paris for fashion week.
22:06We've been together ever since.
22:08I love him to death,
22:09but that's all y'all need to know.
22:12Yeah, how do you feel lately?
22:13Well, you know.
22:14I mean, you know how important it is
22:18for me to have a child.
22:20I know that.
22:21I mean, having a little me and you
22:23running around the house,
22:26saying mommy, daddy, like that.
22:29Yo, what's up, little one?
22:31It's good that there are options,
22:33and you know, the option of adoption is also,
22:36you know.
22:37I mean, you know, it's the best.
22:38I've been adopted myself,
22:40so that kind of saved my life.
22:42We would be like this new modern family.
22:44Very modern.
22:45Very modern, you know?
22:47I mean, but the whole intersex thing,
22:49I don't know how we're gonna do that.
22:50Intersex people are born with the anatomy of both genders.
22:55I wanna have a child.
22:59I just can't have a child
23:01the same way that everyone else can.
23:03I doubt that since the beginning of the time
23:05that we were the first when it comes to that.
23:08Oh, the baby.
23:09You wanna go?
23:10You wanna go?
23:11Go ahead.
23:11You wanna stay?
23:12All right.
23:13She's good with mommy.
23:14She's good with mommy.
23:15Yeah, babe.
23:16I mean, I just,
23:18it took me a while to like,
23:19even have that conversation.
23:21You know, Andre's like the first person
23:22outside of my immediate family
23:24that knows that I'm intersex.
23:26I haven't really told a lot of people,
23:28but I'm intersex.
23:34So when I was born,
23:36I was born both genitalia.
23:39You know you have my full support.
23:41So I'm still trying to navigate
23:45how to talk about this.
23:46You know, for so long,
23:47people have known me as Lena,
23:49the trans this and trans that,
23:50the first trans woman,
23:51this, the first trans that.
23:52Like, I know her cat hair is everywhere.
23:55It's all right.
23:56I got you.
23:57I know it.
23:58Thank you.
24:00I don't know why it took me so long.
24:02It's your life.
24:04And obviously I'm afraid of rejection
24:06because yeah,
24:07there's gonna be people that say,
24:07oh, she's not really trans.
24:09Why is she saying that she's trans?
24:10And who does she think she is?
24:12She's supposed to be representing us,
24:13but she's not really us.
24:14I am you.
24:15I'm a human just like you.
24:16Since the day I was born,
24:18I have been under the microscope
24:20of people dictating every fiber of my identity,
24:24policing my body.
24:25I'm intersex.
24:26You know, I am of masculine.
24:28I am a feminine.
24:30I do hold both.
24:31Intersex is under umbrella of trans identity.
24:34There's so many umbrellas.
24:35So it's just like,
24:37where do I go?
24:39Where do I fit?
24:41What matters to me is what's inside.
24:44The mind, the heart and soul.
24:47Who do you represent?
24:48Do we vibe?
24:49Do we not?
24:50And we did right away.
24:51We did vibe, we did click.
24:53It's like, you cannot shake me.
24:54I love this person.
24:56So yeah, I was like a bit afraid at the beginning,
24:59like how it's gonna come out.
24:59You never showed me that though.
25:02Yeah, cause you know me,
25:03I can, I got large shoulders.
25:05So I'm like, let's handle, let's support.
25:10The problem was not you.
25:11The problem was
25:14the world.
25:18me, I'm fine.
25:19I'm at peace with it.
25:29Baby, come on.
25:30It's just, it's hard.
25:32It's hard to like,
25:33even to have this conversation with you.
25:35Take your time.
25:36You know how hard it was
25:37when I first started talking about it?
25:38Cause I was afraid that she was gonna judge me
25:40like everyone else and you haven't.
25:41By you being yourself and living your truth,
25:45this is how you inspire.
25:47Some people, you don't have to tell them anything.
25:48Just be who you are.
25:50I want to sit around at the fucking table for breakfast
25:52and talk about, well, this is what I was born with.
25:54And this is what it was this,
25:56and this is what of that.
25:57Like what's between my legs should not matter.
25:59I just, I'm tired of people fucking judging me.
26:02I just got to put a smile on my face to hide the tears.
26:04Cause I'm tired of crying.
26:06I don't have all the answers, babe.
26:07I don't, I don't know if I will ever have the answers,
26:09but what I do know is I can love and I can support
26:13and I can lead with that.
26:14And that's, that should be good enough for now.
26:16Give me a kiss and then we can go home.
26:20I love you.
26:29So yeah, I am right now headed to the ball.
26:32I'm excited.
26:42Hi, baby.
26:43You look so good.
26:45Thank you.
26:47Today is the House of Mizrahi 30th anniversary
26:51and house with the most points is $30,000.
26:55This is the biggest grand prize in the history of ballroom.
26:58And we're taking that home.
27:01Girl, get in here.
27:02Like we ain't got time.
27:04It's hot as hell in this ballroom,
27:05but we doing what needs to be done to win that 30K.
27:09And tonight we got something to prove,
27:11especially after losing by one point
27:12after coldest winter.
27:15It's very tight.
27:16I'm sorry, it's too tight to put on these hands.
27:18I have missed this so much.
27:20I love everybody in here.
27:22It's so much love.
27:23It's just feels so good to be back home.
27:25I'm so proud to be here in this space
27:27and seeing all this magic.
27:28Yes, go on.
27:30You look amazing.
27:33There's nothing like the energy of being at a ball.
27:36I mean, not only makes me want to join the house more,
27:38but it reminds me of all like the actual family part of it
27:41and not all the hypocrisy.
27:43Before they come, I just want to say thank you to everybody.
27:45I just want all of y'all to remember that we are powerful.
27:49We are strong.
27:50We are beautiful.
27:51We are kind.
27:52We are porcelain.
27:53And we are unbeatable.
27:55Unbothered and will never ever be defeated.
27:58Win or lose, coin or not,
27:59we are Miyawaki motherfucking.
28:01Move it.
28:08Tonight is definitely a night
28:10where everybody have to utilize all their talent.
28:13Every win that you get is for the house
28:15and the house with the most points
28:16will take home that 30K.
28:18Let's be ready for the 30K.
28:23Everybody looking for that strap.
28:25Get it.
28:26Get it.
28:27Get it.
28:43This is my first category walk in the night.
28:45Well, you look amazing.
28:46Like really, really amazing.
28:47Oh, I love your eyes.
28:49I need to come back to the house
28:50and do something different.
28:52So I'm here to purely support
28:56all the women out there.
28:57Yeah, you good baby.
28:58Thank you.
29:26So the fact that I got second to last battle
29:31lets me know that I'm doing something right, mama.
29:34I'm not even mad
29:36because I went out there and did my thing.
29:38Kudos to me.
29:42One win.
29:43This is what I'm talking about.
29:45Three wins.
29:46Three wins.
29:47Four wins.
29:49Five wins.
29:50Grand prize wins.
29:52You weren't so quiet,
29:53but when it's time to get lit,
29:54you get loud.
29:56Anytime before I go out,
29:57my nerves are always a fucking wreck.
30:01All right.
30:02Best dressed as a house.
30:03This is for three points.
30:26Let me score you.
30:2910, 10 across the board.
30:3210 across the board.
30:34Grand prize, the house of B.I.
30:39Yeah, so I came out and I slayed the girls and I won.
30:42You already know the vibe.
30:46Five one.
30:47Big, six two.
30:49Big sweetie.
30:50Grand prize, prodigy.
30:54Like, going crazy.
30:56But that's what I need to be.
30:57I know.
31:01I got girls lined up to get their hair done,
31:02exoticas running around,
31:04cutting fabric and making dresses.
31:06It's a nightmare.
31:08Enough guys.
31:09You cannot afford to miss category, so be ready.
31:11Well, the pressure is on.
31:14Like, never before.
31:16Ooh, it's hot.
31:18God, I can't breathe.
31:19Well, I'm certain that we'll have in the bag
31:22a certain amount of the sex and body category.
31:24The team has definitely been built up on
31:27in the past decade,
31:29as well as the drags team.
31:39Let me see it.
31:41Let me see it.
31:42Let me see it.
31:43Let me see it.
31:44How you doing?
31:45What you doing?
31:46Let me see it.
31:47Let me see it.
31:49Let me see it.
31:50Let me see it.
31:51Let me see it, let me see it.
31:53Let me see it.
31:54Prodigies, let's get it.
31:59Send it across to the boy.
32:01I'm the girl they wanna be.
32:02They wanna be, they wanna be,
32:04I'm the girl they wanna be.
32:06They wanna be, they wanna be.
32:08One more time.
32:09They wanna be, they wanna be.
32:11Three more, three more girls.
32:13Four, four guns.
32:17Six and five,
32:18I fucking chewed it, bitch. I fucking ate it.
32:22What's next?
32:25Brooklyn is a pain in the ass,
32:27but it's somebody that you kind of want around
32:30because she is talented.
32:31There's a lot of tension,
32:32but I am not gonna let that shift
32:34anything that's going on with the house,
32:37especially to win that 30K.
32:39There is nothing like the rush
32:48of walking on a ballroom floor.
32:50Like, you can become whoever you want to become
32:52when you hit that runway,
32:53and I don't feel like you can do that anywhere else.
32:56You know?
32:57Come on, Chanel!
33:02Thanks for riding for performance.
33:04First of all, Jason chopped me and the other girl.
33:07We didn't even get a chance to even do nothing!
33:09Like, it was shade.
33:10They didn't want the Muglers to win.
33:13Next category is...
33:15Face as a house.
33:33Bizarre versus futuristic.
33:34Let's get it.
33:38That way.
33:39Milan, grand prize, Milan.
33:42Wait, wait, wait, wait, wait, wait.
33:44You ain't do that right.
33:45Let me count it again.
33:46Sure, let's count it again.
33:47Give me one.
33:48There's a thing that's called ballroom politics,
33:50but I will call you out
33:51when I feel like you're being shady,
33:53and that's what's happening right now.
33:54Call that again, please.
33:56Thank you.
33:57Not tonight, baby.
33:58One, two, three, four.
34:03Four-one, four-two, five-two, six-two, six-three, seven-three, eight.
34:11Milan stays.
34:13Thank you, Bianchi Mugler.
34:16What the fuck was that?
34:17All-American runway.
34:19Turn it back right now.
34:21Two by two.
34:22All-American runway.
34:25That's it.
34:38Two-one, three-one, four-one, four-two, five-two.
34:44Grand prize, Antonio West
34:47against Brody Bianchi Mugler.
34:49Oh, wow, number one.
34:50All right.
34:51We started off really strong
34:53at the beginning of the ball.
34:54Now I'm afraid that things are getting a little tricky.
34:58At this moment,
34:59the house of Bianchi Mugler and the house of West
35:02are literally three points away from each other.
35:05The last ball we competed at
35:06were housed with the most points.
35:08We lost by one point.
35:10Honestly, I do think we have a chance
35:12at taking this $30,000, no shade.
35:14But do I think every other house has a chance, too?
35:17Yes, anything is possible.
35:19I don't know. I'm on my toes.
35:20All right, let's go.
35:23Let's go.
35:30Next category is
35:31Butch Queen Legendary Face.
35:33You look perfect.
35:35You're awesome.
35:37Okay, I get it.
35:38So what? You need the points.
35:40The house of West is on our ass,
35:42and Legendary Face is coming up,
35:44and I don't see any other bitch in the room.
35:47I'm gonna go up there and do what I have to do
35:49for my house and get that extra point.
35:51We have more or less judges.
35:52Are y'all ready?
35:57All right, let's go.
36:04I was not prepared to walk tonight,
36:06but I see we got to get this shit in the bag,
36:08so I got to do what I got to do.
36:17Give us five minutes to tally everything up,
36:19and we'll tell you the winner.
36:20Oh, my God.
36:21They are counting up the tallies.
36:23So quiet, you could hear a pin drop.
36:25We're all super nervous.
36:33I don't know.
36:34I feel like it's neck and neck now.
36:36Third place, the house of Prodigy.
36:39I appreciate y'all.
36:40Here we are, baby, at the end,
36:42and there's so much pressure on my house to win right now.
36:47Second place, the house of West.
36:49I appreciate y'all.
36:51Congratulations, $30,000,
36:54the house of Miyake Mugle.
37:08No weapon formed against us prospered.
37:11You are looking at the $30,000 house,
37:16the iconic house of Miyake Mugle, baby.
37:19I'm so proud of my family.
37:22The chills that are running down my body
37:24at this very freaking moment.
37:29We just won $30,000.
37:32Oh, my God.
37:38We made ballroom history!
37:41We are the 30K house, baby.
37:44Huh, what they gonna say now?
37:49Of course, that bag was ours.
37:51We came, we showed out,
37:54we deserved to snatch that $30,000.
37:59Think of it.
38:21Very Mugle!
38:27I decided to call a talkie up
38:29to smooth things over.
38:31I really, really, really,
38:33like, really don't want to do this,
38:35but in order to, like,
38:36keep things smooth for induction,
38:38I'll do what I have to do.
38:41How was the walkover?
38:43It was really, really hot.
38:45Were you dressed for the occasion?
38:46Do you think so?
38:47I think so. I like that.
38:48I think you're dressed for the occasion as well.
38:50You're in your... What you feeling like today?
38:52A basketball thug.
38:53Just giving real boy.
38:54Oh, I try.
38:55I'm trying to work on the realness category.
38:59The practice.
39:00I was hoping that she is trying to keep her cool
39:02because she can be a wild one.
39:04The whole Juicy Couture thing really wore me out.
39:07And for me, it felt like I was walking
39:09and y'all pulled my wig off from the back.
39:11And also, just to be kicked out in one day
39:13without being able to, like, redeem myself,
39:15like, I want to be you all's family.
39:17It really hurt my feelings.
39:18I can see that.
39:20I think when we had the conversation at the house,
39:22I think I was kind of, like, more so enraged
39:24about what you said,
39:26so I wasn't really able to be receptive
39:28to your apology in that moment.
39:30And I felt like the whole Layna situation
39:32between Layna and Brooklyn was a red flag for me.
39:35And then Brooklyn came to me at her transfer party,
39:37and she let me know that you planted a fiend
39:40saying very much that,
39:42do you feel like it's secret shade between us
39:44because she's the new it girl?
39:46Do you feel like Tati feels some type of way
39:48since you're the star now?
39:49Tati? Yeah.
39:51That rubbed me the wrong way because she's very young,
39:53she's very impressionable,
39:55which means have a habit of coming into femme queen business
39:57and stirring the pot,
39:58and then everything just goes to shit.
40:01I'm not going to take back my words
40:02or what I said.
40:04That was my perspective.
40:06Do you feel like I have a right to my opinion?
40:08Like, or what I might have observed as a friend?
40:11Like, I wasn't trying to be messy with you all.
40:13I mean, you can say that,
40:14but I still feel like those little jibs and jabs
40:16of you saying, like, I wasn't clapping for her,
40:19and I told her she'll never vogue like me.
40:21If you want to be a part of this family,
40:23why are you doing these little things
40:24that can come off as messy?
40:26I don't want any, like, issue with you.
40:28Ultimately, I want to be with Blair,
40:30and that's my goal at the end of the day.
40:31Coming into this family dynamic
40:34with the induction meeting coming up,
40:36you're starting beef and drama.
40:38You're losing the bulls.
40:40It's just real manipulative, victim, sympathy,
40:43and payola, like, at its finest to me.
40:46Where I'm at with this right now,
40:48it's in our best interest to be cordial at the moment.
40:51We do hang out with the same groups of people,
40:54but as far as when Blair comes,
40:57I'm a firm believer that actions speak louder than words,
40:59so I think right now it's a no for me.
41:10My mom died when I was in sixth grade,
41:12and my dad passed away this year,
41:14so, like, family is super, super important to me.
41:16I really appreciate you being, like, my father,
41:18being my sponsor.
41:20We need to talk about her return to the house.
41:23Of course she has to come to the induction meeting.
41:25Wait, when is it?
41:26Wait. Stop.
41:28Oh, my fucking God.
41:30She put her hand in my face.
41:31I would have been like, that.
41:33We don't talk to leaders like that.
41:34We don't talk to anybody like that.
41:36You've been acting out lately, and I don't like that.
41:39I see how you be talking to Yusuf on the phone,
41:41and we are still, like, your leaders, your parents.
41:44Welcome to the Y Club.
41:46You in the house.
41:48Oh, you the first man.
41:51Oh, you taking a hit right now?
41:53Don't stop fucking flying.
41:55Don't stop fucking flying.
41:57The only thing that you should have said at that moment
41:59was, I'm sorry.
42:01That was it.
42:02I don't have a problem with being reprimanded.
42:05We're done. We're done.