JUMBO WyldStyle LEGO Movie Play Doh Surprise Egg Frozen WWE Shopkins MyLittlePony TMNT Mashems

  • 2 months ago


00:00Hey guys and welcome back to DCTC. My name is Seth and today we have a giant
00:04play-doh wild style surprise egg. Beside her I collected a bunch of Mashems
00:08that we're gonna open up and check it out to season 2 Shopkins surprise
00:12baskets. So let's go ahead and get started. Alright so the first one I'm
00:16gonna start off with is this Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle Mashems. Let's go
00:20ahead and open this one up. Alright and the first one we got is Donatello.
00:31Donatello is a Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle. He lives in the sewers and he's
00:36got three brothers that he likes to fight crime with and he uses a bo staff.
00:40I think I'm gonna open up a Mashems now. This is gonna be my little pony and I
00:48kind of hope we can get maybe Rainbow Dash or Rarity. Rarity is my favorite.
00:53Alright here we go. Oh sweet we got Rarity on the first try.
01:00Check that out. Rarity's element is generosity and she has three diamonds.
01:06It only shows two though. She's supposed to have three diamonds I think. But yeah
01:10her cutie mark is diamonds and you can see right there they're blue. She is a
01:14pony that can use magic so sometimes she needs to cut out outfits or design
01:19things. She likes to use her magic to help her do it and she's really squishy.
01:25Not super squishy but she's pretty squish. I like her hair. Whoa I like your
01:32hair it's purple. Can I see you do some magic?
01:37Okay next up let's do a WW Mashems. Hey hey we got Dolph Ziggler. Whoa careful
01:52Dolph. Now see Dolph is extremely squishy so I think Donatello is pretty
02:00squished too like out of ten he would be maybe a seven. This guy he's he's an
02:06eight. He's like really soft and squishy. Look at his face. And Rarity not so
02:15squish. Now let's get a Frozen Fashem and it would be cool to get a Pabbie. Now
02:24there was a time where we were opening a lot of chocolate eggs and we kept getting
02:28Pabbies all the time but we never got Olaf. But now in the Fashems it seems
02:33like we get Olaf every time. Oh my goodness look the Olaf's just don't stop
02:38coming. Look oh now he's really I'm gonna say he is a seven out of ten because he
02:43is very squishy but his bottom half is not really squishy at all. Doesn't have
02:48any water in it just his head. That's a cute little Olaf. You can see how big he
02:52is next to Rarity. About the same height.
02:57Whoa I think that means we need to open a Shopkins season 2 box next. Okay get
03:04your thumb you poking right in the center. Pops right through. One potato too.
03:15And get a little sheet here so we can see who we get and we can see if they're
03:20rare. Okay let's check. Hmm seems like an onion. Is this Boohoo Onion? Yes it is
03:31right here. So it's a common Boohoo Onion. I know this is Boohoo Onion because Amy
03:37likes this one. I think it's because she has cute little eyes. Let's check out
03:41this one. Oh is this the pepper? Whoa so this one's a little mop and bucket. Let's
03:51see where that is. Not bakery. Not homewares. It looks like it would be a
03:59homeware but maybe it's cleaning and laundry. Molly Mops. So Molly Mops is our
04:06rare and we have Boohoo Onion as our common. Okay maybe it's time for another
04:10Ninja Turtles Mashems. Oh this one opened pretty easy. We got the leader
04:21Leonardo. So Leonardo is actually my favorite Ninja Turtle because I like his
04:26double katana blades. So now we have two of the brothers. Now they're pretty good
04:31fighters but do you think they could fight wrestlers? Let's see if they can
04:35when we open our next wrestler. Let's do that real quick. Oh and we got The Rock.
04:44Now The Rock is definitely really tough. So let's see how they do in combat. Hmm
04:51Hmm. You know how people sometimes headbutt before they go into a battle? Like hmm.
04:57Showdown. Alright and here we go. We've got Leonardo versus The Rock. There they are.
05:04There's the knuckle bump and they're about to start fighting. Oh. Oh look at that.
05:08Oh he's going in with a family tag. Oh. It's a bunch of memories. Oh. Oh The Rock is still
05:12looking up. He's looking fast. Oh and then double kick to the chest. Oh that can't hit.
05:16He ain't walking up from that one. Oh. Oh and look. Oh he's still going. Oh and he's
05:23bopping around. Oh there's a kick to the face. There's a kick to the face. That ain't right.
05:28That ain't right. He ain't gonna take that. He's tagging in his brother. There goes Donatello.
05:32He's going in with a sergeant toss. All right. All right. All right. All right. Now here we go.
05:37There we go there. There's round two. Here we come. And there's Ziggler. Here we come. He's
05:41gonna come in flying. Oh my goodness. And he's doing this. Oh my goodness. Look at that. Whoa.
05:50So much damage. I cannot believe. Oh there's sparks flying in this arena right now. It is so
05:55intense. Oh and he's gonna take that. He's gonna send it right back to him. That's a special
05:59delivery. A UPS to your chest. Is that even legal? How can he do a move like that? Oh my goodness.
06:05Are weapons even allowed? Oh and they're double tearing them. Oh and they're double ripping them.
06:10They're both taking off on them. And they're all fighting. It's a huge brawl. It's a huge brawl.
06:15They're all fighting. It's so crazy. Oh my god. They're fighting and they're throwing stuff.
06:19They're throwing hands everywhere. Fisticuffs. Wait. Who's that up there? It's Olaf. It's Olaf
06:26and he's got a basket. He's gonna get him. He's gonna attack them both. Oh my goodness.
06:31Look at Olaf go. I cannot believe what we are seeing tonight. Oh yeah. Now that's just wrong.
06:38Look at that. Oh my. He is just taking them out. He put them in the basket and he is going through
06:44the express line. He ain't wasting no time this Olaf. All right. That was fun. Let's go ahead
06:52and open up My Little Pony Fashems. So we already got Rarity. I want to get Rainbow Dash. Twilight
06:58Sparkle would also be really cool. So let's go ahead and yeah. We got Fluttershy. Okay actually
07:08Fluttershy is one of my other favorites. Just being real here. Check her out. She's got pink
07:12hair. She's super cute and has a cute little voice. She has butterflies for her cutie mark
07:18and two wings because she is a pegasus type. I mean she's not like a crazy fast flyer like
07:23Rainbow Dash but I mean she's cool because she's so kind and always has gentle words
07:28and she's yellow like our giant play-doh egg. Let's go ahead and open up our Frozen Fashems.
07:37Must tear the perforated edge. If only I had Olaf here to help me break this open.
07:43Oh oh it's Olaf. Oh oh and he took it off. Oh and it's Anna. He got her out. Just kidding. Okay
07:51let's put Olaf over there. And here we have Anna. I like what they did with her eye makeup. She's got
07:56pink makeup on and looks like she could kind of stick on to stuff. Look at that. No gravity. Anna
08:04she'd be a good wrestler. So she's got her blue dress on. Oh and she has a purple cape. They stuck
08:09that on there somehow. Really cool. And her hair is oh you can kind of pull it off a little. Oh goodness
08:17that's not right. What is this? We're gonna leave it like this because the other way I don't I don't
08:23know what this was. This oh my goodness. This is what she catches butterflies with. Next one let's do
08:31some Shopkins. Yeah must stab it open with a thumb. All right we're going for ultra rares here people.
08:42And we got a coffee maker. Now let's see who it is. Um cleaning laundry, pantry, shoes, baby, housewares,
08:53coffee drip. So we got coffee drip and coffee drip is a common. Let's see who else we got.
09:02It's a shoe. What kind of shoe? Whoa is it that shoe shoe? It's not sneaky shoe
09:09shoe person. Who is this one? So we got okay I see sneaky shoe, sneaky wedge. Okay I believe this is
09:19sneaky wedge. Sneaky wedge is a common. So we got two commons. But which one is your favorite?
09:27Now this is a secret so shh. But I really like coffee. Coffee is so yummy to me. But a lot of
09:33other people don't like coffee. But one thing I know a lot of people like are really cool shoes.
09:39And these are really cool because you have three colors. You have green, orange, and purple. And now
09:44it's time for us to open up wild style. Well actually hold on. There we go. Now it's time to
09:51open up wild style. Do you guys like wild style's hair? I think it's pretty cool. She's got a blue
09:56and a pink streak going on. It's really fun. And I like her little ponytail in the back. That's cute
10:01too. Let's go ahead and open her up. Actually I know an easy way. That was one of my secret
10:10wrestling moves. I call it the egg opener. Okay let's check out this Hello Kitty frenzies. Because
10:15I love these. I always want to put a new one on my phone. I have so many now. So let's see if this
10:21one will make the cut. We got a Hello Kitty who is on the pony. The Unicorno frenzies. What? No way.
10:29So for those of you who don't know, there's a set called Unicorno frenzies. And they just
10:34have the unicorns. But we got a double whammy. We have the Unicorno and Hello Kitty. So that is
10:39super cool. This is definitely one I would love to have on my phone. Let's go ahead and open up
10:43one of these. What do we have? Playmobil. Okay you guys don't know this, but I actually went to go
10:49ask my friend how we say this name right here. The Playmobil. And it's actually Playmobil. We
10:54checked on the website and everything and it said Playmobil. So we're gonna go with that. And it
11:00says we need scissors. Okay here we go. Blue scissors. Doesn't matter what color your scissors
11:08are. But mine are blue. Let's see what. Oh my goodness. We got a magician. It's this one right here.
11:16Her. Okay let's try to put this together. There's her hair and the hat. The legs go into
11:27the chest piece. I think. Maybe not. Ah you do this one first.
11:32And then perhaps you put the. Oh it's backwards. Okay we got this. Maybe. Nope. Just kidding. Do
11:42this one first. Aha. So now it can bend. See? Doop-a-doop-a-doo. And we put that on. Oh no. Okay.
11:54Now the arms. Oh you put the arms in first. And then you push up the legs. So push. Whoa. Hey.
12:05There. I did it. Success. Then the neck. Then we need the little rose. Ta-da. Oh we need this thingy
12:13too. All right. So who do you think could perform a better magic trick? Our Playmobil character
12:21or Rarity? We have one more surprise toy. This is a Playmobil over here. And it looks like we have
12:35an astronaut, a king, a clown. Maybe that's like King Neptune back there. Let's open it up. We've
12:41got some scissors. And it looks like we got maybe some kind of Roman soldier. Yes. That has to be
12:52him right there. All right. So we just did the other one. So doing this one should be a piece
12:57of cake. Hopefully really tasty cake. Like strawberry. No chocolate cake. Yeah. Chocolate
13:04cake. Okay. Let's put in his arms. You want to make sure you put them in the right way. You don't
13:09want to put his arms in backwards. Okay. Once you get the arms in, you push the bottom in like this.
13:16Nope. It's kind of, it's real easy. I promise. Okay. There. That's easy. So make him sit and then
13:25push it in. That's a lot easier. And his face. There we go. His hat. There we don't go. Okay.
13:36Hold on. He's got two hairstyles. What's going on here? I think they gave me an extra piece of
13:41hair for this guy. That's weird. Okay. Then we put on the helmet and we need the little
13:47Marvin the Martian thingy. Awesome. And we need the stick or it's like a javelin thingamabob
13:54and a little sword. Wow. This guy's decked out and he's got this piece. Oh, this is his belt.
14:00Okay. Let's see. Maybe he can just hold in his breath a little bit and we'll just squeeze it on.
14:07All right. So here he is all put together. Let's say you don't want to hold two weapons. You can
14:11put the sword inside the sheath or it's more like a holster, sword holster. And then you can have
14:17the javelin. Hey, yeah, excuse me. Do you know where I am right now? This is DCTC. Oh, why?
14:26Um, thank you. Alrighty guys. And that's it for our giant Play-Doh surprise egg. If you want to
14:31see more fun videos like this one, be sure to click on the like button and leave me a comment.
14:35Tell me your favorite toy that I opened up. Mine was Rarity. Also, if you haven't already,
14:39be sure to subscribe. This is Seth with DCTC and thanks for watching.
14:47Another video, that's the end. Come back soon or we'll miss you friend. DCTC. We do toy reviews.
14:55DCTC. And we play with Play-Doh too. Skits, pranks, eggs, and toys. We make videos for
15:02girls and boys. Uh-huh. Uh-huh. That's right.
