Saved a Plain Old Janitor, Broke a Bone, Now This Hottie Drops By Every Day…

  • 2 months ago
Saved a Plain Old Janitor, Broke a Bone, Now This Hottie Drops By Every Day…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Koki Goto, and I'm a 25-year-old working for a startup called Tokimeki Company.
00:08Think this'll work?
00:11Hey man, I'm counting on you for this one.
00:14What? This guy, Charao Yabasugi, he's an annoying colleague from my rookie days, and he's always pushing his work onto me.
00:23But he's a total charmer with the ladies and the boss, so he's got that high rep in the office.
00:30H-hey, isn't this job your responsibility? Why am I...
00:35Dude, I'm throwing you a bone cause you're a total slacker. Stop whining and get it done.
00:41Cool? Later, man.
00:44Hey, wait up!
00:46Hey there, old lady. Toss this one too.
00:52Sorry about that. He's a real jerk, you know.
00:56Oh, no, it's fine.
00:58But still, as an apology, I'll help out too.
01:03She's Miss Sasaki, responsible for cleaning our department.
01:07I see her often when I arrive early for work, so we know each other.
01:12I know it's none of my business, but why didn't you decline that thing he told you?
01:17Oh, it's alright. I'm really causing trouble with my slow work, so, you know.
01:24But that's cause you're helping with other people's work, right?
01:28I often hear stories about you coming to the rescue, you know.
01:32Really? I told them to keep it a secret.
01:36Yeah, it's all thanks to that I always end up loaded with work, and he thinks I'm a slow poke.
01:43I think it's cool that you work hard for others.
01:46When you put it like that, it kinda makes me blush.
01:48But seriously, thanks for always keeping the place pick and span.
01:52One day, after I finished up my fieldwork and returned to the office...
01:57Uh, there we go.
02:00Whoa, careful! Let me give you a hand.
02:03Oh, I'm totally fine. I'm pretty handy, you know.
02:08Watch out!
02:13Sorry! You okay?
02:18No! You're totally not okay! We need to call an ambulance, like, now!
02:24After that, I ended up in the hospital.
02:27It's embarrassing, but I broke my right arm and needed surgery.
02:33The surgery went well, but I'm stuck in the hospital for another two weeks.
02:38Full recovery will take a couple of months. At least she's safe.
02:42Not being able to use my dominant arm is a real pain.
02:46I guess I'll get some sleep.
02:49An hour later.
02:51Hm? What's that scent?
02:54It's like a bouquet of fresh flowers.
02:57Is there someone here?
02:59Well, look who's awake.
03:02Good morning.
03:06Check it out.
03:08Thanks. By the way, who are you?
03:11Still a bit groggy, huh?
03:14It's me, remember?
03:19Take a closer look, come on!
03:22Wait a sec. Could it be... your... boss?
03:28That's right.
03:30This lady is Reina Kurokawa.
03:33She's my boss.
03:35That's right.
03:37This lady is Reina Sasaki, the CEO of Tokimeki Company, the place where I work.
03:44In just a few years, she took our nobody company and turned it into a hotshot enterprise.
03:50She shouldn't be in a place like this under normal circumstances, but...
03:55Why are you here, boss?
03:58Oh, you still haven't realized. Who's the person you helped?
04:02Well, Miss Sasaki.
04:05And what's my name?
04:07Huh? You're Reina Sasaki.
04:10Looks like you finally caught on.
04:14You helped none other than me. I'm truly thankful. I appreciate it.
04:19No way. I had no idea it was you.
04:24But why work as a janitor?
04:27Oh? It's not that odd, is it?
04:29I just want to keep my company clean.
04:32Plus, dressing like that is convenient for hearing what employees really think.
04:37Oh, I see.
04:40As the story goes, for more than three years, she has been working as a janitor alongside her duties as the CEO.
04:48So that means she's been doing this since I joined the company.
04:53But more importantly, I'm really sorry.
04:56I'm actually quite clumsy, and I ended up causing you such an injury, Koki.
05:02No, it's me who should have caught you properly. But the shock was pretty bad, and...
05:08Does that mean I was heavy?
05:11No, it's definitely not...
05:16I'm just kidding.
05:19It's not an apology, but I'll take care of you, so don't worry.
05:24What? You don't have to do that, especially as the CEO.
05:30Don't hesitate. With your arm out of commission, it must be inconvenient for you.
05:35Come on, don't hesitate to ask for anything. I want to be of help to you.
05:41Even if you say that...
05:44Is there something troubling you?
05:47I'm currently in a bind. Don't get so close to my face!
05:51Since then, she's been coming every day as promised, taking care of me selflessly.
05:57Before I knew it, we have become close enough to call each other by our names.
06:02Reina, you okay with your work?
06:05I can manage my work even from here. Koki, you don't need to worry about anything.
06:11But what about your cleaning duties?
06:14About that...
06:16Somehow, it seems like I'm being seen as the caregiver for my hospitalized lover.
06:22A lover?
06:24Of course, it's just a misunderstanding, but everyone's cheering me on like,
06:29forget the cleaning, go visit your lover soon, you know?
06:33Oh yeah, everyone's so friendly, so...
06:39I'm causing trouble for you. I'm really sorry.
06:43I'll make it up to you through working once I return.
06:46Huh? Return? What are you talking about?
06:51I mean, if I stay away for too long, my salary will be reduced.
06:56So I gotta return to the office ASAP.
06:59That won't do. You don't need to worry about money.
07:03Everyone at work is covered by the company's insurance.
07:07The compensation during your leave is all set.
07:09Is that so? But I'm concerned about causing inconvenience to my colleagues.
07:15It's perfectly fine.
07:18Even your juniors are enthusiastic about repaying the favor they owe you.
07:22Do you intend to dismiss their motivation?
07:27Besides, it's cuz of me in the first place.
07:32Until you make a full recovery, just rest.
07:36Well, but you see...
07:37This is an order.
07:40Oh, yes ma'am.
07:43Well now, that that talk's wrapped up, so how about getting out of those clothes?
07:49What's going on?
07:51You didn't take a bath yesterday, did you? I'll help you with your back.
07:55It's fine, I can do it myself.
07:58No need to be shy. I've already been taking care of all sorts of things, you know.
08:04Sorts of things, you know?
08:07No suggestive comments, please.
08:1030 minutes later.
08:12Had a real good time.
08:16Men's backs sure are broad.
08:19My arms are kinda tired now.
08:22Guess I'm never getting married.
08:27Alright, time for the next.
08:30Here we go.
08:32Hey, what are you doing?
08:34A few more, you know.
08:36So if there's something you want me to do...
08:41Kouki, you're my savior. You're special.
08:46Nah, I can't. Get off, please.
08:50Aww, Kouki, you're so pure-hearted.
08:55A few days later.
08:57I was finally discharged from the hospital.
09:00It's gonna be tough with the bum arm.
09:04Don't worry about that.
09:06I'll keep taking good care of you from now on.
09:09Okay, let's go.
09:11And then, Reina took me to...
09:14Ta-da! Welcome to my home.
09:17Starting today, this is your place.
09:21I politely declined, but why did this happen?
09:25In the end, I continue to be cared for by Reina, doing even more than when I was in the hospital.
09:32I made the dessert you like. Come on, here comes the plane.
09:39This is so embarrassing.
09:44It was definitely a case of being pampered, but there were some troublesome moments.
09:51Kouki! Hey, Kouki!
09:54Hey, aren't you drinking too much? You already drunk?
09:59Huh? I'm not drunk at all.
10:02Alrighty then, give me a hug.
10:07Hey, Reina, that's too hard. Can you stop?
10:12No way. Say you love me a hundred times, and then I'll back off.
10:19Man, she's like a freaking clingy girlfriend.
10:23Come on, quit with the whining and act like a CEO, would you?
10:28Kouki, you're mean.
10:30Oh well, I'll open another bottle of wine then.
10:34You're planning to drink more?
10:37It's fine. I'm quite the heavyweight when it comes to alcohol.
10:44Reina, careful!
10:47You okay?
10:49Yeah, because you caught me.
10:53Reina's face is so close.
10:55I might have worsened your injury with that fall.
10:59There's no problem. I caught you with my left hand.
11:02Oh no! Did my fall break your left hand, like, into pieces?
11:08What you think my bones are made of? Plastic?
11:12And as a month later, looks like they're taking the cast off next week.
11:17That's great. Thanks to all the care I've given, maybe?
11:22Are you saying that yourself?
11:25I'm happy my arm is healing, but that means this current life is coming to an end.
11:32Um, I guess it's time.
11:36Thank you so much for everything.
11:40Oh, right.
11:43What's wrong?
11:47That night, I can't sleep.
11:49That night, I can't sleep at all.
11:53How do I really feel about Reina?
11:56I mean, I know I'm not her type, and not worth her, but...
12:03I feel... tickled?
12:07Reina? What are you doing?
12:11Are you really planning to leave?
12:14Let's keep living together, okay? Please?
12:19It's a really tempting offer, but if this keeps going, it'll reflect terribly on her rep.
12:27I'm sorry. I can't continue to trouble you even after I've fully recovered.
12:33Yeah, you're right. I don't know what I was thinking.
12:37It's not like that. I didn't mean it that way.
12:41I'm sorry. Forget what I said.
12:45Days passed awkwardly, and I left Reina's house. Soon after, I returned to work.
12:52I apologize for any inconvenience, but I'm back, and I will surely do my best.
12:58Welcome back!
13:00Glad you're back, but geez, you scared us!
13:05My old routine returned, but I lost any chance to interact with Reina.
13:12I tried to clear up the misunderstanding right away, but she ran away saying she was too busy.
13:19Nah, can't leave it like this.
13:22A few days later.
13:24Um, let me help you.
13:28Let's finish this together, shall we?
13:33It's been a while since we talked like this, huh? Don't run away today, okay?
13:37You're saying some pretty mean things.
13:40I need to tell you something, Reina.
13:43I don't want to hear it.
13:45Please, just listen. I want you to know how I feel.
13:52Hey, what are you doing here? There's a ton of work waiting!
13:56Charao, I've finished my work, haven't I?
14:00Huh? You haven't finished my job yet!
14:03What's going on, you guys?
14:04Are you telling me a young guy got hit on by some old janitor lady?
14:09Come on, have some self-respect!
14:15Hey, don't talk like that!
14:17What? What's wrong with stating facts?
14:20She's just a janitor lady, after all.
14:23Now come back soon. You've got a ton of work piled up that needs to be finished.
14:27Hey, janitor lady! Dump this one, too!
14:30Dump this one, too!
14:33You okay?
14:36Look at that! Now you're truly dressed like a janitor!
14:40Perfect for the job!
14:42Charao, apologize!
14:44Huh? Why should I apologize to a bottom-tier janitor like her?
14:50Being a janitor is an important job.
14:53Thanks to these people, we can work comfortably, you know.
14:56Huh? Shut up!
14:57Shut up!
14:59Thanks, Koki!
15:03I've thought this for a while, but you always push your work onto others, don't you?
15:09Even if you're skilled, you still need the right attitude to fit in around here, right?
15:14You giving me a lecture?
15:16Don't act all high and mighty, janitor lady!
15:19Stop it! What are you trying to do to Reina?
15:22Shut up! Back off!
15:25I won't back off! Try even laying a finger on her! I won't let that slide!
15:30Ah, geez! You annoying little...
15:35Hey! What's going on?
15:38There seems to be quite a commotion.
15:41Wait, what's this?
15:43It's okay. It's just a little dirt.
15:46Wait, I think I remember this person.
15:49You're Ron Tenshin, the CEO's secretary.
15:52Secretary? Why are you here?
15:55Wherever the boss is, you'll find me, you know!
15:58Huh? What are you talking about? She ain't here!
16:02Are you kidding me? Did you forget your employer's face?
16:09Oh, dear. You didn't notice?
16:13This is our company's president.
16:16The president? Why is she here?
16:19Earlier you said some pretty rude things. Are you prepared?
16:24I didn't know! Please forgive me!
16:29No. Can. Do. Reflect on your actions.
16:35Aw, come on!
16:38Afterward, Charao was transferred to a regional subsidiary, where he had to start from scratch.
16:45Thanks to you, I can work much more comfortably.
16:49Actually, I was planning to transfer him earlier, but...
16:53Really? Then why?
16:56I wanted you to grow more, Koki.
17:01You've always let yourself be bossed around by others, haven't you?
17:06You're definitely kind, but just being kind isn't enough for you or anyone around you.
17:13More than anything, I was frustrated.
17:16But you protected me the other day, didn't you?
17:19I was just... desperate.
17:22It doesn't matter. You've grown properly.
17:28You two have gotten quite close, it seems. My support was worth it.
17:35I advised you to visit him every day during his hospital stay, remember?
17:40I helped you find time. You're real charming, you know, boss.
17:45You don't need to mention that!
17:48Alright! I'll leave you now, so enjoy yourselves!
17:56It seems like you two are close friends.
17:59Well, yeah. We've been friends for a long time.
18:04I see. By the way...
18:08Hm? What is it?
18:11I'm sorry for all the misunderstandings I've caused.
18:17I'm sorry for not telling you earlier, but I like you, Reina.
18:23From now on, I want to be a man who can support you, not just someone who relies on your care, so...
18:29I'm happy to hear that. I like you too, Koki.
18:32I always thought you were working so hard, treating the janitorial staff equally. I've always liked that about you.
18:41So, will you go out with me?
18:46Of course! I'll be your girlfriend.
18:49And so, we started dating.
18:52From then on, Reina stopped dressing like a janitor and started visiting the office more often.
18:58She became even more loved by the employees.
19:00Um, Koki? I've got a little trouble here.
19:05Sure, pass it over here. I'll take care of it for you.
19:09Wow, thanks!
19:12Being nice is wonderful, but no cheating! I won't allow it!
19:18I won't! I'm only into you, Reina.
19:21I'll be the kind of man who can truly cherish this sweet, affectionate girlfriend.
19:26I'm ready to go the extra mile for her, and that's all I really want.
