• 3 months ago


01:30Did you get it yes, this is what to look for excellent in the name I can't
01:54They'll kill me if they find out about us, they'll kill you whether you tell me or not
02:12You disappoint us does
02:16Get him
02:19Follow me
02:21No forget him it's dust we want
02:48Come on snowy the Thompson's are waiting for us
02:55That's what you get for sticking your nose where it doesn't belong
03:16You don't see me digging in the garbage do you
03:25Now where on earth could that file I've got to to be precise where on earth is the file
03:40Maybe it's on the desk. I know maybe it's on the desk
03:47What are these
03:48Objects found on a drowning victim the one we can't identify
03:53I'm sure I've seen this before
03:55May I borrow this for a minute? I'll be right back
04:01What's going to him I'd better go and investigate best to find these things out
04:07We better go and investigate. Oh
04:11Dear he forgot his cane. Oh
04:14Dear I forgot my cane
04:21It's gotta be in here somewhere snowy
04:26Keating whatever are you doing? I'm sure the scrap of paper came from a crab tin. I threw here earlier
04:32I thought it could help your case. You don't say
04:39Well, it's not here
04:42You there police
04:45Open that sack immediately. Excuse me, sir. But would you mind if we checked your sack?
04:50We're trying to find a certain tin. Well, I
04:56No, it's not here either. Thank you, sir. Sorry to bother you
05:04Stranger than strange all would even add it's really strange. Would you mind if I kept this piece of paper for a while?
05:17Believe that they were looking for some kind of crab meat in
05:21Mr. Tintin doesn't know what he's getting into
05:32Yes, there's something definitely written here only I can't read it
05:41Let's just darken these letters and see what comes up
05:47Are a
05:51Caribou Jan, that's an Armenian name, isn't it? Hmm. Well that doesn't help much
06:12Great snakes
06:31I'll tend to you later much, but first I'm gonna take care of you
06:43Excuse me
06:47Great job snowy
06:59Let's get out of here
07:10What happened are you all right, mr. Tintin
07:14Oh that poor man. He was only trying to deliver a letter to you
07:21What in the world is going on?
07:25Don't know ma'am, but I intend to find out a
07:30Can of crab the word caribou Jan a
07:35Drowned man a Japanese kidnapped right on my doorstep. What does it all mean?
07:45Yes. Oh
07:47Hi Thompson. How are you? How am I? I've been better
07:52What's up an extremely interesting development? We've just identified the drowned man a sailor named Herbert doors
08:00He walked on a cargo ship called the caribou gin
08:05the caribou jam
08:06yes, it's dr. Pia for Thompson and I are going down there now to ask a few questions and
08:27Ah the caribou Jan
08:30That's him. Yeah, his name's Tintin. He's a reporter
08:34Well, we don't want any reporters sniffing around here. Do we sure is busy a snowy
08:53You missed fool
08:58What's going on what happened are you all right? Oh, I'm okay. Thanks
09:03We must be on something snowy people. Don't try to kill you just for sightseeing now
09:09How do we get aboard?
09:11Promoting we're here to make inquiries about that drowned sailor. Really mind if I tag along
09:18Consider yourself our guest
09:21Come along Tintin. Thanks detectives
09:28Police regarding Herbert doors
09:31Welcome aboard gentlemen. I'm the first mate Alan
09:36I'm detective Thompson, and I'm detective Thompson
09:43Let's go to my cabin
09:45Detectives you go on ahead
09:48Snowy and I'll take a stroll about deck fine. We'll meet you here in half an hour
09:53Sounds good
09:56This way gentlemen, what's your step?
10:02Precisely, what's your step?
10:08Take good care of our guests understand
10:13First mate Alan didn't seem very pleased to see us. I wonder what he's hiding
10:26What is it snowy
10:47Wow look at this now we're getting somewhere
10:53Let's find out what's going on
11:24You again this time I'll feed you to the sharks
11:45It's all clear now
11:48Your man was drunk and drowned by accident precisely an accident by drowning very
11:55unfortunate but accidents do happen
11:59Now where could Tintin be? Oh, yeah, he couldn't wait he left about ten minutes ago. I didn't even say goodbye
12:08Well, thank you detectives and watch out for this step right
12:22Raise the gangplank cast off all lines prepare to set sail
12:56Wonderful, how do I get into these messes?
13:08Hello, mr. Tintin enjoy your stroll it was fine. Pardon me for not getting up
13:19How much does he know about the shipment enough to know you killed someone for it you mean Dawes
13:26Well, he wasn't the first and he won't be the last mr. Tintin
13:38Nice guy it's going to take a miracle to get myself out of this one
13:44Snowy boy, am I glad to see you quick chew through these ropes
13:50Once I'm free, we've got to find a way off this ship. We've stumbled into a real hornets nest here
14:09What is it boy
14:23Am a policeman from Japan what's going on? Mr. Karaki?
14:27I've been working on this case for months the crowd team
14:30You were looking for is one of thousands that Aaron and his men used to smuggle narcotics drug smugglers
14:35I tried to warn you but they caught up with me. This is a worldwide operation
14:40They will stop at nothing to protect themselves even murder
14:45Herbert Dawes
14:46Yes, he was selling me information. I can't unlock these chains. Don't worry about me
14:53You must get a message to the police, but I can't leave you here. You have to it's our only chance
15:13Give it up. He's barricaded. The cop is still there
15:18What about Tintin? There's nothing for him to eat in there. We'll starve him out
15:23First mate Alan report to the captain's cabin immediately that booze hound. He probably wants another bottle
15:29Then let's give it to him, right?
15:33We'll never pull this off if he sobers up
15:45It's dark enough snowy time to try out my plan
16:02Who's there trying to bushwhack
16:06Yeah backstabbing scallywags
16:10Don't say a word who are you a prisoner on this stinking tub of yours?
16:38Why I'll have you clapped in irons no one slanders captain had a stinking tub
16:45I've had the full tour. Thanks. I
16:47Particularly liked your cargo hold full of drugs drugs in my hold you didn't know of course not
16:56I'm an honest man who would do something like that your first mate Alan for starters
17:02Impossible Alan's a good sailor
17:05Loyal devoted and generous with the whiskey
17:11Face it captain. You've been double-crossed by keeping you drunk Alan runs this ship the way he wants that includes
17:19smuggling drugs
17:22Double-crossed hornswoggle tricked by my own crew
17:28The shame of it all
17:34Come on captain get a grip on yourself
17:37He's not going to get away with this, but I need your help. You have to promise no more drinking
17:48Please think about your reputation think about your mother would she say if she saw you like this mother
18:00Time to go snowy
18:03Hmm is that you mother what's going on?
18:13I'm such a miserable fool drink up captain. This will make you feel better
18:22No, I promised him I wouldn't drink anymore who who did you promise? I don't know I've never seen him before
18:33Tin tin quick he's gone back to the hold you stand guard here. He may try to come back
18:41You come with me
18:56He's shooting at us
19:26What happened where's chinchin he snuck up on me boss
19:31He must have been under the bunk mr. Allen mr. Allen the captain and some kid jumped me
19:37I think they got a message off sir one of the lifeboats is gone
19:42Sir, they're not in sight should we turn the ship around?
19:45No, I've got a better way to deal with tin tin
19:58Drift at sea
20:00We must be 60 miles from land with no food and nothing to drink
20:06We're goners
20:07Relax captain snowy, and I have made it through harder times than this
20:12Relax captain relax
20:14We're gonna die out here you landlubber no, we won't I radioed our plans to the police it won't be long now a
20:25Seaplane we're saved. I told you not to worry
20:36He's coming in pretty fast not fast enough for me
20:47See n3 4 1 1 to caribou Jen come in this is the caribou Jen cn3 4 1 1 what's your status over?
20:55Have sighted target and carried out instructions over any sign of life
21:00No, sir, none request permission to return to base permission denied. I
21:06Must be sure land and confirm over
21:28Good enough for me looks like tin tins finally met his match
21:35Where did you come from Brussels originally
21:43Nice going snowy thundering typhoons nothing stops this boy
21:51The police should be waiting for the caribou jam when it reaches bad guard
21:57CN 3 4 1 1 did you check are they dead mission accomplished over and out?
22:27It all started when Herbert Dawes was murdered because of a mysterious crab tin did you get it?
22:33This is what to look for you
22:35Disappointed does
22:40Police thought it was an accident. What are these objects found on a drowning victim?
22:45But I wasn't so sure the crab tin label led me back to the harbor to the cargo ship caribou jam
22:54You missed we must be on something snowy it was clear
22:58I wasn't wanted aboard, but I knew that's where I'd find some answers now. We're getting somewhere
23:03I'd found something. I wasn't supposed to there was much more to that crab tin than I thought
23:09How do I get into these messes?
23:11Snowy boy am I glad to see you. That's when I found out what was going on
23:16I am a policeman from Japan. I've been working on this case for months diamond smugglers
23:21That's what it was all about the only person that could help was the captain
23:25I had to find him before they found me. Who are you? Don't say a word
23:30We managed to escape and get off the ship one of the lifeboats is gone fool, but that didn't stop the smugglers
23:41The pilot was ordered to finish us off, but we weren't going to let them win that easily
23:46Help was only a call away once we reached the radio in the plane
23:50The police should be waiting for the caribou jam when it reaches bag on
24:00Imagine the look on Alan's face when he sees the welcoming committee
24:03We've set up for him just as long as I get my hands on him before the police do
24:08You're sure we're on the right course for bagger. Of course. We're on course
24:12But it looks like there's trouble ahead. Oh, no, we're in for a rough ride
24:17Get your nose up flip your flaps
24:20Full power to the prop we're gonna crash
26:22Don't know where we are, but it sure isn't bag our the storm must have blown us off course
26:28What have you found snowy
26:36That's a camel that was a camel it probably died at first we're as good as dead
26:48Marooned in the middle of the desert will die
26:53Take it easy captain things aren't that bad
26:59Really thirsty
27:02Really thirsty
27:05Keep moving. We can't give up
27:12No, I've got a lie down
27:15Which bed is mine?
27:18Okay, we'll rest in the shadow of this dune, but we can't stay long
27:23Huh, how are we ever gonna get out of this one snowy?
27:29Bottle of champagne
27:34I'm saved
27:44Easy the heat must be getting to you
27:53We're sorry captain, it's only a mirage
28:42Shoo where are we who are you come with me?
28:57There you are come in
28:59I'm lieutenant Delcourt in command of this outpost
29:02Pleased to meet you. I'm Tintin. Take a seat, please. Mr. Tintin. You had us all quite worried
29:09It was sheer luck that we found you really my men came across the wreckage of your plane and followed the tracks
29:15They found the three of you unconscious. What about the captain? Is he? All right a drink. I need a drink
29:23He's all right
29:25Good heavens, where are my manners name your poison gentlemen?
29:29No, thanks, and none for the captain either what?
29:36All right, so tell me what brings you to this forsaken sandbox of ours
29:53And an SOS was received from the merchant ship caribou John a rescue vessel searched the area but no wreckage or survivors
30:01were found
30:02Bungie, it is presumed the caribou John went down with all hands
30:11To sink without having time to abandon ship, I don't believe it. Yes, I agree
30:21We must get to bag are immediately
30:42As soon as we reach bag are we'll check in at the harbor master's office. They'll know one way or the other if the caribou
30:48Jan sank
30:52Oh blistering barnacles readers quick behind the sand dune
31:10Outnumbered and short of bullets confound everything the last war
31:33Captain stop, they'll kill you
31:41Snowy he's scaring them off
31:55Nice going captain if they'd waited I would have shown them. No one shoots at me and get away with it
32:03After their men they're getting away
32:06Lieutenant I received a dispatch warning about bandits in the area looks like we got here just in time
32:13You mean it wasn't me who scared off those Raiders. I'm sure you did your best captain
32:20But by men and I will accompany you the rest of the way, thank you lieutenant
32:38Are you sure the harbor master's office is this way I could have sworn the merchant said it was the other way
32:45Do you speak Arabic captain? No, then we'll continue this way
32:50What is it boy?
32:57Allen I knew the caribou Jan didn't sink. Come on snowy. Let's see where he's going. Hey, wait for me
33:18Careful snowy if we're lucky Alan will lead us to whoever is smuggling diamonds
33:47No, he's gone
34:06Where the blue blazes is tintin
34:12Blistering barnacles
34:16That's the caribou John you there
34:19The radio said the caribou John went down with all hands. So what's it doing here? This here's the table of Mila
34:26Can't you read?
34:28Of course I can read but that's the caribou John you
34:34You mutinous dick rat tell him the real name of this ship, do you know there's not never laid eyes on him
34:46Okay, what's the problem here that ship officers it's the caribou Jan they said it sunk but it didn't
34:53I'd know her anywhere cuz I'm her captain and she's loaded with crab meat
34:57I mean opium and we just escaped by the skin of our teeth in a longboat and we flew into a terrible storm and
35:03Crashed in the desert. Oh, you'd better come with us
35:09But it's that truth I tell ya what
35:14Haddock you're sure
35:17That you can bet Tintin's not far behind. I don't care how you do it, but get me haddock
35:31Don't let it happen again
35:34Flat foots pencil pushers, you wouldn't know a crime if you fell over one. Yeah, miserable Navi like gherkins
36:02Only chance of finding the captain is to go back to where we lost Alan
36:07Remember Thompson, we are friendly locals precisely inconspicuous and blending in with the crowd
36:18Thompson and Thompson
36:20Excuse us, please, but we are not Thompson and Thompson. We are friendly locals
36:25Detectives, it's me Tintin alive
36:29And well, I need your help
36:34So far the only clue are the crab tins and you say the drugs are hidden inside the tins
36:40Yes, they've got a gold label with a red crab, but we saw some tins like that this morning where?
36:48Well, I think there's a lot of strange shops in these towns, you know
37:02Crab, what are you doing? Don't worry, sir. We'll pay. Yes
37:07But could you tell us who supplies you with these tins certainly young sir?
37:11They come from Omar bin Salad the wealthiest trader in all of Baghdad, thank you, sir
37:19Ask around about mr. Salad, but be discreet. Okay snowy and I will try to find the captain
37:28Thank you, sir
37:31Wait, wait, who's going to pay?
37:42A thousand blessings on you. I
37:47Know it's hot boy. But the only way to find the captain is to find Alan he came this way once
37:53He may come this way again
38:08Confounded paving stones
38:15What do you say we pay him a visit
38:19There he goes
38:22Keep up with him Thompson
38:25Be discreet
38:35I'll bet he went down there
38:44Where'd he go, I wonder if
38:57Secret door
39:20I'll bet these tins are full of drugs
39:28Confidence man yell all you want. No one's gonna hear you now for the last time
39:35Where's chin chin here? I am
39:49Hands up Tintin my boy. I'm so glad to see you
39:57Don't make a move captain keep an eye on them while I find Alan
40:09Gentlemen do sit down. May I offer you some refreshments? No. Thank you. Mr
40:15Salad this visit is strictly business
40:18Quite so we're conducting an investigation a very discreet
40:24Investigation I see and what is the nature of your investigation gentlemen?
40:31We think you're smuggling drugs
40:36The beard of the prophet out there you
40:39Get out get out. Oh, I'll have you flogged gods gods
40:45The jig is up I'm leaving now detectives. I'm afraid I'll have to eliminate you of course
40:56Good boy snowy Tintin well done. Don't let him out of your sight
41:08He's heading for the dock snowy stop
41:22Hey, stop that guy he's stealing my boy
42:39Hi to you too
42:47Throw them in irons the filthy pirates
42:51mutineers scallywags
42:53fat heads
42:54The correct spelling for that is Thompson with a P if it wasn't for the actions of mr
43:00Tintin and his friends none of this would have been possible
43:03Bungie you made it. Thanks to you Tintin and Thompson without a pay
43:11How's it feel to be a hero mr. Tintin it feels great
