The Buddha Assassinator 1980

  • 2 months ago
English dubs.
佛掌皇爺 1980
00:00:00The bull fist and the low hand fist trace from the same basic technique, and when competing
00:00:09against each other, there's little to choose between them.
00:00:12But the followers of the low hand style wanted more power for themselves, so they threw in
00:00:16their luck with the Ching, and used their new master's help to eliminate all other contenders.
00:00:21The Buddhist style followers resisted.
00:00:23There was much conflict in the fighting world.
00:00:53The Buddhist style followers resisted.
00:01:23The Buddhist style followers resisted.
00:01:53The Buddhist style followers resisted.
00:02:24Oh, mister, we'll be closing soon, but what tea would you like?
00:02:29Some paolay or chrysanthemum?
00:02:31I would like some ming tea, please.
00:02:33Oh, some ming tea. Yes, yes, yes. I believe we still have some in stock.
00:02:38Please, go upstairs.
00:02:54Our country comes first.
00:02:58Judy, the country comes before all else.
00:03:01Our laws are to be obeyed.
00:03:07How soon?
00:03:11How did it go? Anyone follow you?
00:03:13I had a tail, but I killed them all.
00:03:15What is your news?
00:03:17We've got information. The prince has just had a son.
00:03:20Prince Yi is very happy.
00:03:22So he's making a pilgrimage to the temple.
00:03:24Now is our opportunity.
00:03:26What's the date?
00:03:28August 13th.
00:03:30In two days' time.
00:03:39We'd better go through the procedure for when we move in.
00:03:46We must wait until we're sure Prince Yi has come.
00:03:48We don't get another chance like this.
00:03:50We've got no room for failure.
00:04:08That chicken's out of the way.
00:04:14Over there.
00:04:19What's going on?
00:04:21We only washed those uniforms two days ago.
00:04:23Obviously, you haven't heard the news.
00:04:26Tell me about it.
00:04:28I'm always the last one to know.
00:04:30They say the prince is coming here to pray.
00:04:33I've been phoned all the months.
00:04:35They want to make sure everything is tidy.
00:04:37Including all clothes.
00:04:39It's just our bad luck, because I've got so many things to do.
00:04:41But those monks keep treating me like a slave.
00:04:44We do depend on them.
00:04:46Shahei, hand me over that bundle of clothes.
00:04:48Mame, let me relax, will you?
00:04:58Soak the clothes in the water tub.
00:05:17Let's go.
00:05:30Shahei, when will the prince be here?
00:05:33I think he'll be here tomorrow.
00:05:35We don't have much time.
00:05:46Shahei, you've grown up.
00:05:48You've put on some weight.
00:05:50Come on, let's take a bath.
00:06:06It feels so good.
00:06:08Hai, the old man next door said
00:06:11someone stole the dog food from the village.
00:06:14I'm warning you.
00:06:16If you get caught one day,
00:06:18I'll break your legs.
00:06:24Why do you have to ask me that?
00:06:26It's just an excuse.
00:06:28You want to catch me?
00:06:30I don't even have a door.
00:06:33Stop right there.
00:06:36Don't try to fool me.
00:06:38Put it down.
00:06:39I wouldn't dare.
00:06:44There's a lot going on at the temple.
00:07:09This will make a good meal for uncle.
00:07:11I'll mix a tasty sauce.
00:07:26Many time of the year
00:07:28I'm ready to eat dog meat.
00:07:41Hold it.
00:07:53Uncle, why did you sleep in the haystack?
00:07:56I was dead drunk last night.
00:07:59I like dog meat for breakfast.
00:08:02It smells so good.
00:08:07Very good.
00:08:09But I don't think I can finish all that.
00:08:12You never got tired of dog meat.
00:08:27What's your name?
00:08:29Herbert Fung Yung.
00:08:31Herbert is coming here tomorrow.
00:08:36I get it.
00:08:37They don't want you around because you smell.
00:08:40Don't talk nonsense.
00:08:43Herbert Sun Loo.
00:08:45You will have to present yourself tomorrow.
00:08:48Yes, yes.
00:08:50Xiao Hai.
00:08:52You'd better make yourself scarce tomorrow.
00:08:54I don't want you making any trouble.
00:08:57I won't make trouble.
00:08:59Why don't you and I go for a long walk instead?
00:09:02In the name of the Lord.
00:09:08Come on.
00:09:10Hurry up.
00:09:12Get those things in place.
00:09:14Be careful.
00:09:17The Prince will be here soon.
00:09:19We're very busy.
00:09:21Except for Xiao Hai, who's too idle.
00:09:23I'll teach him to avoid doing his share.
00:09:25That's right.
00:09:27Hey, here he comes.
00:09:30What's going on?
00:09:32Where have you been?
00:09:34You've been skipping work again.
00:09:36Let the poor boy through.
00:09:38Thank you.
00:09:42Get up.
00:09:44Why are you stepping on my head?
00:09:55Get up.
00:09:57How can I when you're standing on me?
00:10:00I'm sorry.
00:10:05You get back to work.
00:10:07Xiao Hai, we've all got work to do.
00:10:09You've got yours too.
00:10:10I'll give you work.
00:10:12You go and grab that pillow clean.
00:10:14Go on.
00:10:23Haven't you finished yet?
00:10:25I've done it.
00:10:26Why is there still dust?
00:10:29All gone now.
00:10:31How dare you try to whizzle out of it?
00:10:33Go over there and clean that.
00:10:34Go on.
00:10:40What's wrong with you?
00:10:41You don't like me, eh?
00:10:44Go on.
00:10:45What's keeping you?
00:10:46Clean it up.
00:11:02What are you standing here for?
00:11:04Start cleaning it up.
00:11:06Why is it always me who has to work?
00:11:10You always get in trouble.
00:11:11It's your punishment.
00:11:12Are you...
00:11:14You want to get beaten?
00:11:18What's that?
00:11:20You want to get beaten?
00:11:22You want to get beaten?
00:11:24You want to get beaten?
00:11:26You want to get beaten?
00:11:28You want to get beaten?
00:11:31I won't work.
00:11:40The prince comes tomorrow.
00:11:42If you make any trouble, I'll lock you up with no food and water.
00:11:45Chow Hai, come here.
00:11:49But, Wei Ping, it's...
00:11:51This? What do you mean?
00:11:53Your salary this month will be given to charity.
00:11:56Now wash out the commode in my rooms.
00:12:06Mister, I'm sorry. I'm sorry.
00:12:08Are you all right?
00:12:10Who are you? That's where you're going.
00:12:12Buddha's name be praised.
00:12:19Hey, can you tell me who the hell that person is?
00:12:21I've not seen him before.
00:12:23I don't know who it is either.
00:12:25Isn't it enough to know that he's a monk?
00:12:27Looks like a bandit to me, not a monk.
00:12:58Thank you.
00:13:13That's fine, but it must be kept secret.
00:13:16You'll be well rewarded.
00:13:18Thank you, sir.
00:13:19You can go.
00:13:21Chief, the prince comes tomorrow.
00:13:23Is that when we move in?
00:13:25Daye, do you want to get on?
00:13:27Oh, if I deserve to.
00:13:29Get soldiers to surround the outside.
00:13:33Send in our best ten fighters to make an ambush inside.
00:13:36Chief, I don't understand.
00:13:38What are we waiting for?
00:13:40Why don't we just go there and get the lot of them?
00:13:44But we want the prince to find out.
00:13:46But only we can protect him when there's danger.
00:13:51Come on.
00:13:55Let's go.
00:14:25Let's go.
00:14:56For his name be praised.
00:14:58Please, my lord.
00:15:56My lord, I must burn the incense and pray to the Buddha.
00:16:20Drive them out of here.
00:16:22We don't want blood spilled in the temple.
00:16:26Let's go.
00:16:28Let's go.
00:16:29Come on.
00:16:30Let's go.
00:16:40Go after them.
00:16:41Go after them.
00:16:56Don't let anyone escape.
00:16:57After them.
00:17:10Follow me.
00:17:12Follow me.
00:17:13We're failed.
00:17:14Oh, too bad.
00:17:16Follow me.
00:17:18Tell me, what is your name?
00:17:20And why did you yell out my name?
00:17:22Tell me, what is your name?
00:17:24And why did you yell out Assassin just then?
00:17:26Oh, I'm called Shanghai.
00:17:27I saw that guy was going for his knife.
00:17:29So I guess since you just arrived, he was after you.
00:17:31So I yelled out loudly, Assassin!
00:17:34That's fine.
00:17:36Get up now.
00:17:38You just saved my life.
00:17:40Would you like to come back with me?
00:17:41Oh, of course.
00:17:42I don't want to work the whole time.
00:17:55What are you doing?
00:17:56You scared me.
00:18:02Have you seen any strangers passing through?
00:18:07No, not here.
00:18:11Don't lie to me.
00:18:12If you tell the truth, we'll leave you alone in future.
00:18:16Oh, really?
00:18:19What can I say?
00:18:20I told you all I know.
00:18:23All right, lads.
00:18:25Yes, sir.
00:18:26If I find them, you're for it.
00:18:38Search everywhere, sir.
00:18:39There's nobody here.
00:18:41No one?
00:18:48If those strangers do pass through,
00:18:49I will let you know immediately.
00:18:51It's the least I can do.
00:18:52After all, they're breaking the law.
00:18:56Let's go in.
00:18:57Yes, sir.
00:19:06What's been going on in the temple?
00:19:08Well, tell me.
00:19:10You puzzling idiot.
00:19:12Tell the prince what's been going on.
00:19:14Well, Prince, I...
00:19:18Please forgive me.
00:19:20Please forgive me.
00:19:22Those bandits.
00:19:24They're to attack us while we were praying.
00:19:27They were trying to assassinate me.
00:19:30Didn't you know that?
00:19:32Well, my lord.
00:19:34Since our secret agent was murdered,
00:19:36we combed the entire town for his killers.
00:19:39I also learned the information came
00:19:41from someone in your own house.
00:19:43So I ought to tell her.
00:19:45Well, go on.
00:19:49Mr. Moe ordered me
00:19:51to find out the identity of the inside man
00:19:54and arrange for some bodyguards
00:19:56to protect you while you were praying.
00:19:58We expected a sneak attack from them.
00:20:01Oh, I now hear.
00:20:02Why didn't you tell me before?
00:20:04You were praying, Prince.
00:20:07We decided on our own.
00:20:08Please forgive me.
00:20:10It's lucky Xiao Hai was here to save my life.
00:20:13Otherwise, they would have succeeded in killing me.
00:20:16It's all my fault.
00:20:17Please forgive me.
00:20:18It's my fault too.
00:20:20Please forgive me.
00:20:21Please forgive me.
00:20:24My lord.
00:20:25They were only trying to help you.
00:20:27Why not forgive them?
00:20:29They can get up.
00:20:33But you're to thank Xiao Hai.
00:20:39Xiao Hai, thanks a lot.
00:20:40Oh, that's all right.
00:20:41Xiao Hai, you saved my life.
00:20:44I want you to stay here
00:20:45and do some work for me.
00:20:47You interested?
00:20:49Well, I get well paid.
00:20:52If there's anything you want at all,
00:20:54just ask Jiao Er.
00:20:56Jiao Er.
00:20:57Yes, sir.
00:20:58You're to see Xiao Hai gets whatever he wants.
00:21:00Yes, sir.
00:21:01My lord, don't worry.
00:21:02You can leave it to me.
00:21:05Xiao Hai, is there anything else you want?
00:21:08Just name it.
00:21:09I'll see that it's done.
00:21:16I want to have that little dog.
00:21:18Shut up.
00:21:20That's the prince's favorite pet.
00:21:22You can't ask him for that.
00:21:24You're very smart.
00:21:27It was a present to me from the French ambassador.
00:21:31All right.
00:21:32You can have it.
00:21:35Ha ha ha.
00:21:39And I'd like to be taken back to the temple
00:21:41in a sedan chair.
00:21:43That's easy.
00:21:44Jiao Er.
00:21:45Yes, sir.
00:21:46Take Xiao Hai into the courtyard
00:21:48and have a sedan chair brought around.
00:21:49Yes, sir.
00:21:50Xiao Hai, please.
00:21:53Thank you, prince.
00:21:56My lord,
00:21:57this guy's a complete stranger.
00:21:59He can't stay here.
00:22:01Take it easy.
00:22:02Jiao Er will be with him.
00:22:04My lord,
00:22:05good idea.
00:22:07If this guy is seen in public,
00:22:09he can be bait
00:22:10for the trap
00:22:11for the big fish.
00:22:17the prince has just sent a man over here
00:22:19to check into last night's assassination.
00:22:21You shut up.
00:22:22Do you want to risk all of our lives?
00:22:24Abbott, he's here.
00:22:39Xiao Hai,
00:22:40you just watch your manners.
00:22:41Don't push it.
00:22:46Hey, Abbott,
00:22:47the prince has work for you to do.
00:22:49Prepare the special chamber for him.
00:22:51He intends to be staying here for quite a while.
00:22:53Yes, this way.
00:22:56Xiao Hai,
00:22:57I'm going to have a little chat with him.
00:22:59This way.
00:23:01Xiao Hai, please.
00:23:20What's Sheng Hai doing?
00:23:21What's he doing now, eh?
00:23:23Sikes me.
00:23:24The prince has got a new dog around here.
00:23:33Who were you calling, that dog?
00:23:36I was talking to myself.
00:23:38How dare you talk in the temple?
00:23:40Slap yourself.
00:23:42Slap myself?
00:23:43How can I?
00:23:59For this name be praised, Xiao Hai.
00:24:01How dare you?
00:24:02You better show Xiao Hai some more respect.
00:24:04I didn't do it.
00:24:05I didn't do it.
00:24:06Slap yourself.
00:24:07Yes, slap myself.
00:24:12I do miss not having Uncle San Lu.
00:24:14Hey, you go and get him.
00:24:16But he sleeps anywhere he wants to.
00:24:19It's always so hard to find him.
00:24:21Just find him, that's all.
00:24:24Go on.
00:24:28Go on.
00:24:44With me.
00:24:45Come here.
00:24:46Come here.
00:24:53You clean that?
00:24:55Yes, I have.
00:24:58Yes, I have cleaned it.
00:25:08Can't that clean?
00:25:10No, I don't.
00:25:12Clean it!
00:25:22Why hasn't Uncle San Luke come?
00:25:24We sent monks to look for him.
00:25:26If you still can't find him,
00:25:28you'd better start cooking some dog meat.
00:25:30When he gets a whiff of that,
00:25:32he'll come right away.
00:25:34We can't cook dog meat.
00:25:36In a temple grounds, that would be sacrilege.
00:25:38I don't care.
00:25:40You've just got to cook it.
00:25:42You've gone too far.
00:25:44This is too much.
00:25:50How dare you.
00:25:52I'd better slap your face for you.
00:25:56How dare you.
00:26:08He's a stupid.
00:26:10So who cares.
00:26:12It's not my business.
00:26:14Stop it!
00:26:20I told you to work.
00:26:22Instead I find you fighting.
00:26:24Now do your jobs.
00:26:26Yes, Abbot.
00:26:28Shao Hai.
00:26:30Please, you must do me a favor.
00:26:32Shao Hai, you have to forgive them.
00:26:36Shao Hai.
00:26:38We don't have to fight them.
00:26:40Let us return home.
00:26:42Then we can destroy the temple.
00:26:44Buddha's name be praised.
00:26:46Shao Hai, please.
00:26:52Buddha's name be praised.
00:26:54He has changed so much.
00:27:02Here, take it easy.
00:27:04It's all right.
00:27:12It's all right.
00:27:18It's all right.
00:27:20Of course you're all right, but I'm hurt.
00:27:22All right, I'll be more careful then.
00:27:28You'll be fine. Be patient.
00:27:36Shao Hai, what happened?
00:27:38Those monks in the temple hit me.
00:27:40And he didn't help me.
00:27:44What are you playing at?
00:27:46Why didn't you help him?
00:27:48Why did you let him get beaten?
00:27:50This is all your fault.
00:27:52But my lord, when Shao Hai was arguing with the monks,
00:27:54I tried to stop him,
00:27:56but Shao Hai didn't want me to interfere, so...
00:27:58No more excuses now.
00:28:02Shao Hai, how many times did the monks hit you?
00:28:04More than a hundred times.
00:28:06It's lucky I practiced Kung Fu,
00:28:08otherwise they would have broken every part of my body.
00:28:12What kind of Kung Fu do you know?
00:28:14Various styles, different kinds.
00:28:16You know, all kinds.
00:28:18Oh, you're a man of many talents.
00:28:20Well, let's see you attack Tao Er.
00:28:22Do it until you're tired.
00:28:26Hit him?
00:28:28All right.
00:28:30Damn you.
00:28:40Shao Hai.
00:28:44Let's go to the opera.
00:28:46It's a much better show.
00:28:48Right. I'll sort you out later.
00:28:54Gee, give me an idea what to do.
00:28:56He's gone too far.
00:28:58The right time to get your revenge.
00:29:00That's what I want.
00:29:04Shao Hai, I'm going to teach you a lesson.
00:29:12Have some food.
00:29:14Commander, you asked us all to come here today.
00:29:16What is it you want us to do for you?
00:29:18Something's come up,
00:29:20which has made me very angry.
00:29:22But I'm going to need your help
00:29:24to fix it for me.
00:29:26Look, Chief, you've done right by us,
00:29:28so now it's our turn to do right by you.
00:29:30Why don't you just leave this problem?
00:29:32Thank you, thank you.
00:29:34But don't take this guy too lightly.
00:29:36Make sure there are no mistakes.
00:29:40I must pretend I don't know you.
00:29:42Come closer.
00:29:54Let me in, let me in.
00:30:00All right.
00:30:02Put your money in.
00:30:06Hey, I'm dealer,
00:30:08and I'm banker.
00:30:10Let's have you, come on, let's have you bet.
00:30:12Place your bets, place your bets.
00:30:14Come on, everybody, place your bets.
00:30:16There you go.
00:30:18All right, four.
00:30:20Four, five, six.
00:30:22It's big.
00:30:24Four, five, six, I win.
00:30:26Right, we win.
00:30:28Please, place your bets again.
00:30:30Hold it.
00:30:32Let me bet with you.
00:30:34All right, you bet big or small?
00:30:36I'll bet on...
00:30:42On small.
00:30:44Right, so you bet small, you go first.
00:30:56One, two, three.
00:30:58All right, it's one, two, three.
00:31:00Remember it?
00:31:02You lost this time.
00:31:04But we agreed that you bet on small,
00:31:06but I get to throw first.
00:31:22Why is it blank?
00:31:24Of course it's blank.
00:31:26We bet on small numbers,
00:31:28so we won.
00:31:30It's an ambush.
00:31:32Quick, deal with them.
00:31:34Hey, what's going on?
00:31:36Don't you know who I am?
00:31:38An officer of the law.
00:31:40I don't care who you are.
00:31:42This is our territory here.
00:31:44How dare you try to cheat us?
00:31:46Get him.
00:31:50Hey, they're fighting us.
00:31:52You can handle this lot.
00:31:54I'll go back and get the soldiers.
00:31:56Leave it to me.
00:32:02Quickly, hurry up.
00:32:04I'll be back very soon.
00:32:22Another lot.
00:32:26Let's go.
00:32:56Beat him.
00:33:10Are you kidding me?
00:33:38Are you okay?
00:33:40Uncle, what are you doing?
00:33:56You asked for it.
00:34:00I'll show you.
00:34:10Take this.
00:34:20Here we go.
00:34:22Come on.
00:34:24Come on.
00:34:26Another one.
00:34:28Ten more.
00:34:38What's that?
00:34:40A monk?
00:34:42Yes, a really crazy monk.
00:34:44I don't know what kind of technique he was using,
00:34:46but it sure was the most effective form of Kung Fu fighting.
00:34:48There is a monk at the temple
00:34:50who pretends he's crazy.
00:34:52He's hiding something.
00:34:56find out all you can about this monk.
00:34:58Yes, sir.
00:35:00Hold it.
00:35:02You say that he saved Shao Hai,
00:35:04so you better also check
00:35:06if there's a connection between him and the assassin.
00:35:08Yes, sir.
00:35:30A Chin.
00:35:32If we've betrayed her here,
00:35:34we must do something now.
00:35:36We can't go on.
00:35:38We need to find out.
00:35:40We will find him,
00:35:42and we'll kill him.
00:35:50Stop him!
00:36:14Kill them!
00:36:20Kill them!
00:36:36Uncle, try it.
00:36:38It's very good.
00:36:48Shao Hai,
00:36:50why has he got such a funny smell?
00:36:52Uncle, you're the gourmet.
00:36:54Do you remember the French poodle the prince gave to me?
00:36:58That's why he tastes so funny.
00:37:04Shao Hai,
00:37:06the prince has been good to you.
00:37:08If he even gives you his own poodle...
00:37:10He's never turned me down once.
00:37:12Only one thing.
00:37:14He never lets me come near when he's practicing.
00:37:16Why is that?
00:37:18The others taught me.
00:37:20The prince has a special style.
00:37:24The old handstand keeps his secret.
00:37:26Shao Hai,
00:37:28do I treat you well, too?
00:37:30Very well.
00:37:38Shao Hai,
00:37:40would you do me a big favor?
00:37:42Just this once.
00:37:44What's so important?
00:37:46You know your way about now,
00:37:48around the prince's house.
00:37:50Find out where he's practicing
00:37:52and what his style is like.
00:37:54Uncle, why so curious about the prince's kung fu?
00:37:56Because I like kung fu,
00:37:58and I want to expand my knowledge.
00:38:00All right, I'll do it.
00:38:02I'll find out all about it.
00:38:08All right.
00:38:38Ha! Ha! Ha!
00:39:08Ha! Ha!
00:40:20Uncle, here's some wine.
00:40:24You almost scared me to death.
00:40:26It's so late now.
00:40:28What is the matter?
00:40:30I've some information for you.
00:40:32You saw the prince practicing?
00:40:34Yes, I did, Uncle.
00:40:36But I've got no idea
00:40:38what kind of kung fu it is.
00:40:40All right, first tell me exactly what you saw.
00:40:42He was practicing all alone
00:40:44in this special room.
00:40:46He'd be sleeping, and suddenly he'd jump out
00:40:48and charge around like a madman,
00:40:50laughing all the time.
00:40:52Really frightening.
00:40:54I didn't want to get caught,
00:40:56so I came over to see you.
00:41:00So the prince really is practicing
00:41:02the low-hand technique.
00:41:04Madness, laughter, and sleep.
00:41:12Shall I go and ask the prince
00:41:14to teach you kung fu?
00:41:16He's always got so many things to do.
00:41:18He wouldn't have the time for me.
00:41:20Then use a trick.
00:41:22Shall I challenge someone to fight tomorrow
00:41:24and lose?
00:41:26Maybe even get yourself hurt.
00:41:28Then ask the prince to help you,
00:41:30teach you his kung fu style.
00:41:32Uncle, can you tell me what this is about?
00:41:34Shall I?
00:41:36I can't tell you anymore.
00:41:38But if you will do what I ask you,
00:41:40you'll be doing me a big favor,
00:41:42as well as helping out lots of people.
00:41:44Many people will be grateful.
00:41:48All right, I'll have a go.
00:41:58Greetings, my lord.
00:42:00Get up.
00:42:04Reporting, lord.
00:42:06I just saw the crazy monk having a long talk with Shaohai.
00:42:08Where did you see them?
00:42:10What did they say?
00:42:12The crazy monk was talking to Shaohai in the street.
00:42:14I only heard the monk tell Shaohai
00:42:16to pretend to be badly hurt
00:42:18and then ask you to teach kung fu.
00:42:22Now tell me, why should that crazy monk want to trick me?
00:42:24What is the fool up to?
00:42:26I can't be sure about it.
00:42:28But you can always do the same back.
00:42:30Teach Shaohai kung fu,
00:42:32and I'll watch him closely
00:42:34to find out what exactly it is they're planning to do.
00:42:42So I will agree to teach Shaohai kung fu.
00:42:44Terror, better keep a close eye
00:42:46on all that monk gets up to
00:42:48and report back to me.
00:42:52Shaohai, there are three basic parts
00:42:54to the low hand technique.
00:42:56The eyes, the mind, and hands.
00:43:00I don't understand.
00:43:02The eyes, the mind, and the hands.
00:43:04The eyes, the mind, and hands.
00:43:06You see, you'll get hit
00:43:08if you don't keep your guard up.
00:43:14The flying horse kick.
00:43:16Head down, the belly.
00:43:18Your hands, head down.
00:43:20The jaw, the head.
00:43:22The feet, and head.
00:43:26And now catching an eagle.
00:43:38He learns fast.
00:43:52Now the dragon technique.
00:44:00Prince, you're doing it for real.
00:44:06Because that's the only proper way to learn it.
00:44:08All right.
00:44:10That'll be the last lesson for today.
00:44:12Terror, take him inside for a rest.
00:44:14Sir, Shaohai, let's go.
00:44:16Terror, take him inside for a rest.
00:44:18Sir, Shaohai, let's go.
00:44:28Prince, if you teach Shaohai
00:44:30the low hand style,
00:44:32what if he betrays us?
00:44:34He could make up a dangerous opponent.
00:44:36I have my own ways.
00:44:38But right now I need him
00:44:40as bait to catch a big fish.
00:44:50Oh, so sleeping like a log.
00:44:58Your feet sting.
00:45:02Who told you you could wake me up?
00:45:04I learned the low hand style.
00:45:06Oh, low hand style.
00:45:08So what should I do?
00:45:10We can fight.
00:45:12Shaohai, you're very fast
00:45:14and quick to learn.
00:45:16But you know that.
00:45:18Uncle, I'm only worried
00:45:20that I might hurt you badly.
00:45:24There's only one way to find out.
00:45:26My kung fu's really powerful.
00:45:28You better be ready.
00:45:30Doesn't worry me.
00:45:32All right, here I come.
00:45:34The flying horse kick.
00:45:46Uncle, that's my leg.
00:45:48Your leg, lad, couldn't hurt a fly.
00:45:52Watch yourself.
00:45:54You're going to kick up the arse.
00:45:56Catching an eagle.
00:46:08Hey, you'll be lucky
00:46:10you can't catch a thing.
00:46:18Catch. Catch. Catch.
00:46:20Catch. Catch. Catch.
00:46:22Ha! Caught you this time.
00:46:26You're wrong there.
00:46:36Now the dragon technique.
00:46:40Ha! Ha! Ha!
00:46:48That's not a dragon.
00:46:50It's more like a worm.
00:46:54Uncle, how come you can stop me?
00:46:56The low hand style
00:46:58is powerful and very fast
00:47:00and accurate.
00:47:02But you've only learned the basics so far.
00:47:04You've a long way to go.
00:47:06Uncle, why don't you teach me your kung fu?
00:47:08Want to learn? Then try to remember.
00:47:10The start.
00:47:12Your fists must be very fast.
00:47:18In constant state of motion.
00:47:32Hold your hands like Buddha.
00:47:42Uncle, that was
00:47:44really good.
00:47:46Not really. I was only showing you my
00:47:48where strikes. Can you teach me some?
00:47:50Of course, but not right now.
00:47:52When can you teach me?
00:47:54I'm not going to teach you
00:47:56till you have studied longer
00:47:58and mastered
00:48:00some of the techniques of the low hand style.
00:48:02What's so great about it?
00:48:32We don't know our plan.
00:48:34And we don't know that Zaixiang is a man
00:48:36who killed a loyal and righteous man.
00:48:38We can't blame him for our failure.
00:48:40The target of our assassination
00:48:42is Prince Yi,
00:48:48Prince Yi, Zaixiang.
00:49:02He's really coming along
00:49:04very well.
00:49:06He'll soon be one of our top fighters.
00:49:10We know nothing about him,
00:49:14He could be a traitor.
00:49:16If he is a traitor,
00:49:18do you really think that I'm
00:49:20unable to deal with him?
00:49:22I can handle him.
00:49:32I can handle him.
00:50:02I can handle him.
00:50:32Don't kill him.
00:51:02How dare you come here
00:51:04and break into my palace?
00:51:06Xiao Hai,
00:51:08quick, see who it is.
00:51:10Ah Man!
00:51:14Ah Man!
00:51:16Ah Man!
00:51:18Ah Man!
00:51:20Ah Man!
00:51:22Ah Man!
00:51:24Ah Man!
00:51:26Ah Man!
00:51:28Ah Man!
00:51:30Ah Man!
00:51:34How come it's Ah Man?
00:51:36What can it be, Ah Man?
00:51:54Ah Man,
00:51:56you brought me up since I was a child
00:51:58And now, I have paid you back by killing you.
00:52:03I never meant to do such a terrible thing to you.
00:52:07I'm a bad man. Please forgive me.
00:52:10I'm worse than an animal.
00:52:21Buddha's name be praised.
00:52:23It's fate. There's nothing you could have done.
00:52:26Xiao Hai, you mustn't blame yourself.
00:52:29But uncle, it was I killed Ah Mei. It's me.
00:52:33She pulled me up since I was a child. Did you know that?
00:52:36Now you know you have done wrong, but you cannot give up.
00:52:40You should try to carry out her wishes.
00:52:43Uncle, I'm going to leave the prince.
00:52:46But you can't. Once you did, the prince would immediately suspect you.
00:52:51Then you couldn't carry out Ah Mei's wishes.
00:52:56Also, what about me? I'd be in danger.
00:52:59Uncle, what shall I do?
00:53:02You can't show them that you know what's happening.
00:53:05Act like you did before. Cheerful. Naughty.
00:53:08Don't let them suspect you. That way, we've got a chance.
00:53:17Prince. Get up.
00:53:20Xiao Hai, since you've learnt the low-hand style from me,
00:53:24you've made plenty of progress.
00:53:27Now I'll test you in a fight with Xiao Er.
00:53:30But my lord, the low-hand style is so strong and powerful.
00:53:33I might hurt him badly. I don't want to do that.
00:53:36Xiao Hai, don't be so arrogant.
00:53:39Let us pay our respects to the prince before we start. I'm going to beat you.
00:53:42Xiao Er, the prince wants to have an accurate idea of just how good Xiao Hai is.
00:53:47So you're not to pull any punches. You fight Xiao Hai for real.
00:53:51I understand. Fetch me the invincible sword.
00:53:58Xiao Er, don't do anything stupid.
00:54:00What's that? You really have asked for it. I'm going to cut you into pieces.
00:54:04Bring my sword.
00:54:22Come on.
00:54:48I'll chop you up.
00:54:51Come on.
00:55:22Are you afraid of me now?
00:55:38Come on.
00:55:39Hold it. Xiao Er, get up. You should be ashamed of yourself.
00:55:44Xiao Hai, who taught you how to use that fighting style?
00:55:47A crazy monk.
00:55:51Then you go tell him. I'll be waiting for him here to have a match.
00:55:56Oh, no, no. He's a very strange guy. He'd never come to you.
00:56:00Just go and tell the monk. I'll be waiting for him here, and he'd better come.
00:56:06But you've got so many guards here.
00:56:09Just hand him this jade medallion. He'll have no problems then.
00:56:18Have you gone blind, crazy monk? You can't come in. You want to die?
00:56:27Oh, please forgive me, monk. I didn't see it. Please forgive me.
00:56:31Oh, please forgive me, monk. I didn't see it. Please forgive me.
00:57:02The last exponent of the Buddha fist style.
00:57:06What a pity that you're soon going to be dead. And your style, too.
00:57:10Buddha's name be praised.
00:57:13As master of the low hand style, you have everything you want.
00:57:18So why are you still intent on getting rid of a Buddha fist?
00:57:24Because there can only be one champion. There can never be two.
00:57:30But the Buddha fighters have no quarrel with you.
00:57:33Leave us alone, and we can go our separate ways.
00:57:38The low hand style and the Buddhist style must conflict. No room for both.
00:57:43If I can wipe out all Buddha fighters, then our Qing dynasty will last forever.
00:57:48So you see, as their last champion, you must go.
00:57:52Zhai Shang, we have nothing against you.
00:57:55But I am not prepared to hear such nonsense.
00:57:58And since I am here, I'm not afraid to die either.
00:58:03All right. Then today we can settle once and for all which of us is the best fighter.
00:58:23I'll show you a good fighter.
00:58:29That's easier said than done.
00:58:32I'm not afraid of you.
00:58:35I'm not afraid of you.
00:58:38I'm not afraid of you.
00:58:41I'm not afraid of you.
00:58:44I'm not afraid of you.
00:58:47I'm not afraid of you.
00:58:50That's easier said than done.
00:58:55Sun Lu, I never thought you were so expert.
00:58:58I'm only using my waist strikes.
00:59:20I'm only using my waist strikes.
00:59:38Bastard, you've really asked for it.
00:59:42I was born to be a fighter.
00:59:45You better start saying your prayers.
00:59:50Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
00:59:57hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
01:00:02hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
01:00:07hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
01:00:12hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey,
01:00:17Hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey, hey.
01:00:20Sun Luo, you're going to die today!
01:00:38Who do you think you are? You can't catch him.
01:00:41How dare you suddenly come without my permission?
01:00:44We thought you might be wounded Prince. We thought we'd better come to your aid
01:00:48We're loyal soldiers. Please forgive us
01:00:52He's got away
01:00:53So that means we'll have trouble
01:00:57Tell her call out the troops search the city. Yes, sir. But my lord, what about Shao?
01:01:05He's useless to me kill him
01:01:30Don't go
01:01:36That was a close shave those guys are trying to kill me while I was there I revealed myself as a Buddha fist fighter
01:01:43So now they'll look till I find me you'd better leave here and hide yourself
01:01:49Uncle, I won't since I may die. You're my only relative. I will stay here with you. No matter what
01:01:56Shall I you are a good lad and very brave
01:02:01You've a good life ahead of you. I
01:02:05Don't want you to get involved in my own private affair
01:02:09Uncle why not? And what if the low hand fighters got against the Buddha fist fighters?
01:02:16I've never told anybody about this, but now I don't have any time left. So I think I'd better tell you everything
01:02:26And we used to be all one school with the same master
01:02:31but later on
01:02:32We split into two different styles. I don't understand
01:02:36I don't get it. The prince and I were taught by the same kung fu master
01:02:42But the low hand fighters wanted money and they wanted power
01:02:46So they worked for the Qing and use Qing soldiers to try to get rid of us. I
01:02:58Saw our Buddha fist fighters killed one by one
01:03:03Then I made up my mind
01:03:06That one day I'd pay back Chai Shang
01:03:09But I'm too old
01:03:11Uncle, you can't allow the prince to win and eliminate the Buddha's fist. Ah, shall I do you want to uncle?
01:03:17I will see that you get your revenge. Please. Take me on as a pupil in the Buddha fist star
01:03:22All right, get up. May Buddha bless you. Shall I there are five basic points to Buddha's fist metal wood water fire and earth
01:04:17Water is smooth
01:06:05Useless haven't you tracked down shall I I'll give you three more days to find him
01:06:10Yes, sir
01:06:11Sure. Yes, sir. Spread their word for information on Santa Lu and shall I and tell us as a reward? Yes, sir
01:07:48Shall I
01:07:53Master shall I metal drowned and woody sharp water smooth fires fierce earth killed
01:08:00The five combined are formidable and form the final Buddha fist attack. Remember that yes master. I remember
01:08:44Easy now, I'm gonna kill the prince myself
01:08:59Shanghai why'd you do that?
01:09:40Saw it you lot again
01:09:55Not very accurate, but I see you brought your spears with you
01:10:00Shanghai the prince was good to you. So why do you have to betray him now? I'm not that stupid
01:10:07He was only using me as bait to trap my uncle chief
01:10:10Don't waste your breath on a traitor. Let's finish him off
01:10:14Just you have a try you aren't any match for me you dog
01:10:21Shall I
01:10:22Tell us where the crazy monk is and I'll spare your life. What do you mean? We've not fought yet
01:10:28What makes you think you'll beat me?
01:10:30Come on
01:10:32You I've got a big mouth
01:13:47You can't keep running for the rest of your life the day you die. My men hadn't interfered. You'd have died last time
01:13:56Fact is you've got too old. I'm young and strong. You can't defeat me
01:14:08You're right there you are young and strong
01:14:12Shall I it's you?
01:14:14Weren't you satisfied with the way I treated you before? I'm not a child. I know what's right and wrong. I'm not a fool
01:14:21I'm not your running dog
01:14:23You have two choices left to you. You can either throw in your lot with me and live or else you can die with him
01:14:32I'm the last student of Budapest. I'm not afraid
01:14:57Friends your style doesn't work anymore
01:15:08Course it does you watch this
01:15:26Now you watch my flying butter cake I've got three flying kicks
01:15:32And they're better than yours
01:20:55The dust will stop making you feel dizzy