Vakiya Dailymotion l Dailymotion video

  • 2 months ago
Waqiya Dailymotion
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00:00Ali and Abbas were called.
00:02You placed your hand on their shoulders like this and your feet were touching the ground like this.
00:07You were not able to put your whole foot because of weakness.
00:09This was the position. Like this.
00:12And then you said a strange thing which no prophet said.
00:15He said that after me, my coming Ummah is called my Salam.
00:21And you said, people, it is time for me to leave.
00:28You said, Father, my loan is my responsibility.
00:34Then they started to get up. They could not get up.
00:37Then you said, tell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer.
00:4112 Rabiul Awwal came.
00:44632 Aisvi and 11 Hijri.
00:50You were very ill.
00:53The companions were praying. You opened the door and looked at everyone.
00:57This was your last visit for your Ummah.
01:01After that you started your journey to Allah.
01:05Then Jibreel said, O Messenger of Allah, Allah is eager to meet you.
01:10You said, go and ask Allah.
01:17And Umar had a sword in his hand.
01:19Whoever says that the Prophet of Allah has died, I will behead him.
01:22He did not die. He went to Allah.
01:24My Siddiq said, O people, whoever says that he worships Muhammad, then Muhammad is dead.
01:42So all my companions put the responsibility on me
01:46that I talk a little about the death of the Prophet.
01:51So I am trying to present it.
02:00So at the age of 53, you migrated from Makkah to Madinah.
02:08And you stayed in Madinah for 10 years.
02:17In 11 Hijri, you came for Hajj.
02:21And this Surah came on the 11th of Hajj.
02:30It was a sign that my Prophet, your mission has been completed.
02:34Now you are ready to come to us.
02:37So when you were lying in your tent before the collapse.
02:43This is the last Surah of the Quran that was revealed.
02:46So you came out after the collapse.
02:49You threw stones at all three devils.
02:52Then you got on your camel.
02:56And you said this historic sentence.
03:04O people, this is my last meeting with you.
03:07After today, you will not see me.
03:11On your return, you sent Maaz Ibn Jabal from Madinah to Yemen.
03:17So Maaz Ibn Jabal loved him so much that he walked 7 miles to see him off.
03:24Now he did not walk with anyone to send them off.
03:28He sent them off from the mosque.
03:30Maaz Ibn Jabal walked 7 miles with him.
03:33And when the last point came,
03:36He said, Maaz,
03:42Maaz, this is my last meeting with you.
03:48When you come back, you will see my grave and my mosque will not see me.
03:56So Maaz Ibn Jabal burst into tears.
03:59Imagining his separation.
04:01So he also had tears in his eyes.
04:03So he quickly turned his face.
04:05Maaz Ibn Jabal turned his face and hid his tears.
04:09And said, Maaz,
04:14Maaz, do not grieve for this separation.
04:17Whoever dies on Taqwa will be closest to me.
04:21Whether he is in Pakistan or in Africa.
04:24The closest to me will be those who have Taqwa.
04:27Who will be the ones who are close to Allah.
04:30When you came back.
04:3529 Safar.
04:3929 Muharram Safar.
04:4229 Safar.
04:43After Asr prayer, there was a funeral.
04:46After leading the funeral,
04:48You went to Jannatul Baqi to bury him.
04:54When you started returning from there,
04:58You had a headache.
05:00And the pain started to increase.
05:03And that day it was the turn of Hazrat Ayesha's house.
05:06So while returning home,
05:09You had a fever.
05:11A severe fever.
05:13A severe pain and a severe fever.
05:19For 14 days,
05:2012 Rabban,
05:2129 Tees,
05:22Two days this,
05:23And 12 days the next.
05:25For 14 days,
05:26You had this disease.
05:28Continuous headache,
05:30And continuous fever.
05:34Everyday when you changed houses,
05:37Nine wives were alive.
05:39So you used to ask,
05:40Whose turn is it tomorrow?
05:44Whose turn is it tomorrow?
05:45This is Mehmood's turn.
05:49Whose turn is it tomorrow?
05:50This is Hafsa's turn.
05:52Whose turn is it tomorrow?
05:53This is Umm Salma's turn.
05:54So the wives understood from this,
05:58That Allah's Prophets want,
06:00That I spend the days of illness with Ayesha.
06:03Otherwise, you yourself know,
06:05Whose turn is it tomorrow,
06:06Whose turn is it the day after,
06:07Whose turn is it the day after.
06:08So you had come to Hazrat Mehmood's house.
06:12So all the remaining eight,
06:14Seven wives gathered.
06:16And they came and said,
06:17O Messenger of Allah,
06:18As long as you are ill,
06:20You rest with Ayesha.
06:23And when Allah gives you healing,
06:25Then you start our arrangement again.
06:28So you thanked everyone.
06:30The example of justice,
06:32When Islam gives permission for second marriage,
06:34It sets a condition of justice.
06:36If you cannot do justice,
06:38Then there is only one.
06:40And you said,
06:42The one who did second marriage,
06:44And did not do justice,
06:45No matter how much he has worshipped,
06:47On the Day of Judgment,
06:48Half of it will be his reward.
06:50One side will be his reward.
06:53No matter how much he has worshipped,
06:56No matter how much he has worshipped,
06:58If he did not do justice,
07:00Then half of it will be his reward.
07:03So when all the wives said,
07:05That you are staying there,
07:07So you thanked them.
07:08You called Ali and Abbas.
07:10You kept your hand on their shoulders.
07:13And your feet were touching the ground.
07:15You were not able to touch your feet,
07:17Because of weakness.
07:18This was the position.
07:19Like this.
07:20And this was the day of pilgrimage.
07:22You entered Hazrat Ayesha's house.
07:24And the next day,
07:25You went to your Allah in Hazrat Ayesha's house.
07:28You spent the last week in Hazrat Ayesha's house.
07:33The companions came to meet you.
07:36So you started crying seeing them.
07:38And you said,
07:39I entrust you to Allah.
07:40May Allah protect you.
07:42May Allah be your companion.
07:44May Allah protect you.
07:45May Allah help you.
07:47You prayed a lot.
07:50Abdullah bin Masood,
07:52I asked, O Messenger of Allah,
07:54It seems that it is time to leave.
07:58Who will give you a bath?
08:01He said,
08:02My Ahl-e-Bayt.
08:04Who will give you a shroud?
08:06He said, My Ahl-e-Bayt.
08:07Who will offer your funeral prayer?
08:09So you started crying.
08:11So he said,
08:13When you give me a bath,
08:15All of you leave first.
08:17My two ministers,
08:19Jibreel and Mikail will come.
08:21And they will offer Durood and Salam on me.
08:23Our Prophet's funeral
08:25was not like this.
08:26Allahu Akbar.
08:27And there are pages behind.
08:29The companions used to stand
08:31near your bed.
08:33I will tell you now.
08:35So you said,
08:36First of all,
08:37Jibreel and Mikail will come
08:38and offer Durood and Salam on me.
08:40After that,
08:41the angels of the seven heavens
08:43will come one by one.
08:45When they leave,
08:46then first of all,
08:47my family,
08:48the men of my Ahl-e-Bayt will come
08:50and offer Salam on me.
08:52Then their women will come
08:54and offer Salam.
08:55Then their children will come.
08:56Then their servants and maids will come.
08:58After that,
08:59the Quraish of Makkah will come.
09:01After that,
09:02their women will come.
09:03Their children will come.
09:04Their servants and maids will come.
09:06After that,
09:07the people of Madinah will come.
09:08Then the women of Madinah will come.
09:10Then their servants and maids will come.
09:12And after that,
09:13you entrust me to Allah.
09:15And then you said a strange thing
09:17which no prophet said.
09:19He said,
09:20After me,
09:21call my people who will come after me
09:23as my Salam.
09:25And tell them that
09:27those who will come after them,
09:29call them also as my Salam.
09:31And in this way,
09:32Allah's Prophet delivered my Salam
09:34till the Day of Resurrection.
09:36That every coming nation,
09:38every coming generation,
09:39the next generation
09:40should be delivered the Salam of that Prophet.
09:43five days were left
09:45for you to leave.
09:49The Prophet said,
09:50Wash me with the water of the seven wells.
09:55water was brought from the seven wells
09:57filled with water.
09:59in the house of Hazrat Ayesha,
10:00there was no tub
10:02in which she could take a bath.
10:05a tub was brought from the house of Hazrat Hafza.
10:07She sat in it.
10:09She was wearing a tahmat.
10:10She took off her kurta.
10:12the water of the seven wells
10:14was poured on her
10:15little by little,
10:16little by little.
10:19the fever was reduced.
10:22because of headache,
10:23she tied a bandage.
10:25She dyed her hair red.
10:26And after that,
10:27with the support of the shoulders of Hazrat Ali and Fazal bin Abbas,
10:32she came to the mosque
10:34and she sat on the pulpit.
10:36And the Prophet said,
10:40it is time for me to leave.
10:43I have wronged someone,
10:46I have slapped someone,
10:47I have hit someone,
10:49I have oppressed someone.
10:51So, I am here with my life,
10:53with my wealth.
10:55Take revenge from me here.
10:57Do not make any claim against me in the Hereafter.
11:00I cannot bear the reckoning of the Hereafter.
11:04Because of them,
11:05the reckoning of people will be forgiven.
11:07Because of them,
11:08because of their intercession,
11:09people will go to heaven without reckoning.
11:11They will cry and say,
11:13I cannot give reckoning of the Hereafter.
11:15So, all the Companions started crying.
11:17But he kept repeating his words.
11:20No one got up.
11:22So, he led Zuhr prayer.
11:24After Zuhr, he came to the pulpit again.
11:26And he said,
11:28do the reckoning from me here.
11:31Do not do it in the Hereafter.
11:33Tell me,
11:35I have not given anyone any right.
11:37A Companion stood up.
11:39O Messenger of Allah,
11:40You have to give me three rupees,
11:42three dirhams.
11:44So, he said,
11:45I have to give.
11:46But I do not remember.
11:48Will you tell me?
11:49How can I give?
11:50He said,
11:51O Messenger of Allah,
11:52A beggar came to you.
11:54He asked you.
11:55You did not have.
11:57So, you said to me,
11:58Do you have anything?
11:59I had three dirhams.
12:01So, you said,
12:02Give it to me.
12:03I will pay you later.
12:04I remembered.
12:06In the house of my Prophet,
12:08there was no oil.
12:09There was no lamp.
12:11Where did the money come from?
12:13In front of him was your cousin,
12:15Fazal bin Abbas.
12:17He said,
12:19Will you take my loan?
12:27For whom the universe was decorated.
12:30For whom the keys of heaven were held.
12:33He did not have the courage to give three rupees.
12:36He said,
12:38Will you take my loan?
12:41He said,
12:42I will take my responsibility.
12:44He said,
12:45Take it from him.
12:47You went home.
12:50You used to come for prayer.
12:52You used to lead the prayer.
12:54On Friday night,
12:59You got up to lead the prayer of Isha.
13:02You could not get up.
13:03You fell.
13:06Then you got up.
13:07You could not get up.
13:08You fell.
13:09Then you got up.
13:10You could not get up.
13:11You fell.
13:12Then you got up.
13:13You could not get up.
13:14Then you said,
13:15Tell Abu Bakr to lead the prayer of Isha.
13:18Abu Bakr was standing behind.
13:20Umar was standing in front.
13:22So people said,
13:23No one is going to lead the prayer.
13:25So he led Hazrat Umar.
13:27He said,
13:28Allahu Akbar.
13:29When he heard the Takbeer of Hazrat Umar,
13:32Then he said from inside,
13:35Make Umar behind.
13:38Make Abu Bakr in front.
13:40My Lord said,
13:42No one can stand on my prayer except Abu Bakr.
13:49Friday prayer of Isha.
13:52Friday, Sunday,
13:5415 prayers.
13:56And Fajr prayer of Peer,
14:00And Friday prayer of Isha, 17.
14:02Abu Bakr led 17 prayers.
14:04In the presence of my Prophet.
14:07On Sunday,
14:08In Zuhr or Asr,
14:10You put your hand on the shoulders of Ali and Fazl bin Abbas,
14:14Entered the mosque.
14:16And Abu Bakr was leading the prayer.
14:21It was felt that the Prophet of Allah is coming.
14:24So Abu Bakr started to move back.
14:27So that,
14:28Move away from the prayer.
14:30So you pointed your hand like this,
14:34Don't move.
14:36So he came back to the prayer.
14:38So you came.
14:40And with the opposite hand,
14:41Sitting with Abu Bakr,
14:43You did Zuhr or Asr,
14:454 rakat prayer,
14:46In the presence of Abu Bakr.
14:50This was your last prayer,
14:52Inside the mosque,
14:53With the Ummah.
14:54And you came.
14:55It was Friday.
14:57Jibreel came.
14:58O Messenger of Allah,
15:00Allah has sent me to go and ask about my beloved.
15:04Allahu Akbar.
15:06So now,
15:07Pain and fever,
15:08Both were there.
15:09Headache was also,
15:11Heavy weight,
15:12And fever was also,
15:14So you said,
15:17Is in pain.
15:19In pain.
15:21On the day of the week,
15:23Jibreel came again.
15:25O Messenger of Allah,
15:26Allah has sent me to go and ask about my beloved.
15:30Then you said,
15:32In pain.
15:33On Sunday, Jibreel came again.
15:35O Messenger of Allah,
15:37Allah has sent me to go and ask about my beloved.
15:4212 Rabiul Awwal came.
15:46632 Aisvi,
15:48And 11 Hijri.
15:50You were in a terrible condition.
15:53So the companions were praying,
15:55You opened the door,
15:56And looked at everyone.
15:58So Hazrat Anas said,
16:00We were all in prayer,
16:01But when the door opened,
16:03And saw the face of Allah's Prophet,
16:05We all became like this in prayer.
16:07In prayer,
16:08We all started looking at Allah's Prophet.
16:10We forgot that we were praying.
16:12We got lost.
16:14So you quickly closed the door.
16:16This was your last visit for your Ummah.
16:20After that,
16:21You started your journey to Allah.
16:23After Ishraq,
16:25You called your wives.
16:27You didn't tell them that I was going today.
16:30You met everyone.
16:31You bid farewell to everyone.
16:33And sent them off.
16:35After that,
16:36You called Hazrat Fatima.
16:38The leader of the women of Jannah.
16:40The most beloved daughter.
16:42The one with the most heart.
16:46The one who made Fatima sad,
16:48Made me sad.
16:49The one who made her happy,
16:50Made me happy.
16:54She was close to him.
16:56She was close to him.
16:57You said to her,
16:59I am going.
17:01She started crying.
17:03You said, don't cry.
17:05After a few days,
17:07You and I will meet.
17:09After 6 months,
17:11Hazrat Fatima passed away at the age of 25.
17:15You sent her off.
17:17Then you called your son-in-law, Maula Ali.
17:20You kept his head in your lap.
17:23You kept your hands on his head and waist.
17:26You kept blessing him.
17:29His voice was not loud.
17:31It was soft.
17:33Like this.
17:34On his head and waist.
17:36You kept blessing him.
17:37You sent him off.
17:39In the end,
17:40You called your beloved son, Hasan and Hussain.
17:46I read a hadith to you.
17:48My prophet said,
17:50Give respect to your children.
17:55Especially to the mothers.
17:59When we take away the respect from the children,
18:03We take away everything from them.
18:06You didn't study.
18:07You didn't go to school.
18:08You didn't study.
18:10You didn't do your homework.
18:12Why did you eat this?
18:13Why did you wear this?
18:15When a mother and father humiliate their children,
18:19You are filling their hearts with hatred for you.
18:22My prophet said,
18:24Give respect to your children.
18:26Give respect to your children.
18:28They will return the respect to you when you need it.
18:32When you become dependent on them,
18:34They will return the respect to you.
18:36If you keep scolding them,
18:39In the name of upbringing,
18:44You won't get anything.
18:47What respect did you give to Hasan and Hussain?
18:51You are leading the prayer.
18:55The prayer is in the mosque.
18:57It is not at home.
18:58And you went in prostration.
19:00Both brothers jumped on your back.
19:04If there was a religious leader of our time,
19:07He would have come to beat them up.
19:11You made the prostration long.
19:15The companions were afraid that you would die.
19:19When Abdullah bin Hussain looked up,
19:22Both brothers were on their backs.
19:24And you were in prostration.
19:26He extended his hand to take them down.
19:28You saw from the side,
19:30That a hand was coming to take the children down.
19:32There are such hands in prostration.
19:34You stopped them like this.
19:37With a sign.
19:39As long as Hasan Hussain was riding on his back,
19:44My prophet did not raise his head in prostration.
19:47You gave this respect.
19:49And when he got down, you got up in prostration.
19:52As soon as you said Salam, you took both the children in your lap and said,
19:55My parents are sacrificed for them.
19:57Do not trouble them.
20:00And you came home for them.
20:02You took out time daily.
20:04Today parents do not have time for their children.
20:07Tomorrow the children will not have time for their parents.
20:12I don't tell my children to sit and give advice.
20:16Just transfer love.
20:18Give time.
20:19Turn off your mobile.
20:20Turn off the TV.
20:21And there should be such a relationship between you and the children,
20:26That their Bluetooth should be on.
20:29Your Bluetooth should be on.
20:31And all the data should be transferred.
20:33Will the data be transferred without turning on the Bluetooth?
20:36Tell me.
20:38So our children's Bluetooth is off.
20:41Because of schooling.
20:42Because of scolding.
20:43A three-year-old child is capable of going to school.
20:46A three-year-old child is for the mother's lap.
20:49It is for the father's shade.
20:51He goes crying and comes crying.
20:53Everyday he creates hatred with his parents.
20:57And he raises him and teaches him.
21:00You come home.
21:02And for Hassan Hussain, you give him a knee tag and a heart tag.
21:06Come children, climb on your camel.
21:08He used to take the two children on his back and take them around the whole room.
21:13Then he used to ask, how is your camel?
21:16He used to take both of them off and make Zainab sit.
21:19And he used to take Zainab around the whole room.
21:21The king of the prophets.
21:23Not the king of the prophets.
21:25Allah gave you the kingdom of the whole universe.
21:28He gave you leadership.
21:30And he was the most busy and responsible person in the universe.
21:34Everyday he used to take out time for the children.
21:37A small merchant used to say, there is no time.
21:39Or mothers used to say, there is no time.
21:45He forgot the pieces of his heart.
21:47As soon as he hugged them, he started crying.
21:52He let his wife go, he was silent.
21:56He let his daughter go, he was silent.
21:58He let his son-in-law go, he was silent.
22:00As soon as he hugged the children, he started crying.
22:04One of them died of poison.
22:07One of them was beheaded.
22:09My prophet was looking at the future.
22:13What is going to happen to my children.
22:16On that he was crying.
22:19He said nothing.
22:21He let them go.
22:23When they left, Jibreel came.
22:26O messenger of Allah.
22:28Outside, the king of death is standing at the door.
22:31He wants permission to come in.
22:33He said, come in.
22:35When did I stop?
22:37The king of death came in.
22:39There was another angel.
22:40He said, peace be upon you, O messenger of Allah.
22:42O messenger of Allah, I greet you.
22:45I have never greeted anyone.
22:49Your Lord said,
22:51When you go, take permission.
22:54Do not go in without permission.
22:56I never take permission from anyone.
22:58Allah said, if you want to come, bring it.
23:01If you want to stay, leave it and come.
23:03Allah has never given this authority to anyone.
23:06You are the first and last being.
23:08So he said, if I give permission, will you take my life?
23:18So he asked Jibreel, what do you say?
23:21What do you say?
23:23Jibreel said, O messenger of Allah.
23:26Allah is eager to meet you.
23:31My brothers and sisters.
23:33Pray to Allah.
23:36O Allah, give such a death.
23:38When it is time to leave,
23:40You are eager to meet us.
23:46A companion passed away.
23:48He went to his grave and prayed.
23:51O Allah, when you are in your grave,
23:54You look at him and smile,
23:56He looks at you and smiles.
23:59All the sorrows will be gone.
24:04So Jibreel said, O messenger of Allah.
24:07Allah is eager to meet you.
24:12Allah said, go and ask Allah,
24:16What will you do with my Ummah after me?
24:21Go and ask, what will you do with Hassan Hussain?
24:25Don't ask this.
24:27Everyone remembers their children.
24:30Remember the dying children.
24:32Give birth to children.
24:34My father suddenly died of a heart attack.
24:36So our sisters were not present.
24:38My two sisters.
24:40So my father said again and again,
24:42Give birth to my daughters.
24:46And my Prophet said,
24:48Tell me about my Ummah.
24:50What should I do first?
24:52Not Hassan Hussain.
24:54He said, look at those who are being sacrificed.
24:57Look at those who are suffering in poison.
24:59O Messenger of Allah.
25:01What loyalty did you do?
25:03And what reward did we give you?
25:05We put all the daggers in his chest.
25:08Every arrow,
25:10We pulled and pierced your heart.
25:15We took the oath of disobedience.
25:25Go and ask, what will you do with my Ummah after me?
25:32So Gabriel went and brought the message that Allah is saying,
25:38We will not leave your Ummah alone.
25:41By the honor of my Lord.
25:43Ladies and gentlemen.
25:45By the honor of my Lord.
25:47My Prophet did not say this.
25:51Someone becomes a pig,
25:53Someone becomes a monkey,
25:55Someone becomes a dog,
25:57Someone becomes a snake,
25:59What is the relationship of Allah with us?
26:03Read Durood and Salam on the one who has a camel.
26:06The one who left his children behind and asked you from Allah.
26:11And when hell will come and scream in the field of Mezhar.
26:16And from Adam to Jesus,
26:19Every prophet will say,
26:21Every mother and father will say,
26:24Every son and daughter will say,
26:27Every husband and wife will say,
26:30Every brother and sister will say,
26:32Hazrat Ibrahim will say,
26:34O Allah, I do not question anyone.
26:36Save my life.
26:38Jesus will say, O Allah, I do not question my mother Mary.
26:42My life.
26:43In the chaos of Nafsi-Nafsi, a voice will come,
26:55Who is this?
26:57The whole world is saying Nafsi-Nafsi.
27:00Who is this saying Ummati-Ummati?
27:02When you see in the chaos of the voice,
27:05Then see your Prophet.
27:10With a trembling body,
27:13With trembling hands,
27:15And with a spread veil,
27:18And with flowing tears,
27:20There will be only one personality.
27:23Peace be upon you, O Messenger of Allah.
27:26There will be only one personality who will say,
27:28O Allah, my Ummah.
27:30O Allah, my Ummah.
27:32Which Ummah?
27:34Which has lived with every great sin,
27:39My Prophet is remembering them,
27:41My Ummah, my Ummah, my Ummah.
27:45Until Allah said,
27:47I will accept your Ummah,
27:49He did not decide.
27:51Come on.
27:53Fulfill the destiny of Allah.
27:56And give two advice on the way.
28:00That too not for the children,
29:02Maswaq bahut farmate the. To aap itne kamzor ho chuke the ke bola nahi jaara tha. To aapki
29:06nazar-e-maswaq pe tik gayi. Dikhe jaa rahe hain. Maswaq ko dikhe jaa rahe hain. Hazrat
29:11Tasha ne masoos kiya ke nazar-e-maswaq par hain. To aapke ya Rasulullah aap maswaq karna
29:16chahta hain to aapne. To Hazrat Tasha ne ab bhai se lekar wo lakdi aur apne moonme chabaayi
29:23aur aapke moonme istara karke khud chalaayi. Kaha main wo khush kismat hoon jiska lawab
29:30aakhari iqizat thi jo mere nabi ke moonme gaya. Wo Hazrat Umma Aisha ka lawab mubarak
29:35tha. Aur phir uske baad agla yeh sara waqia hua. To aapne kaha. Dasala wa ma malakat aimanukum.
29:44Ek namaz na chhodna. Ek apne naukarnu qurani ghulamus se achha soluk karna. Aur phir Allahumma
29:51rafiqal a'ala. Ya Allah bula leh. Jab aapne ilan kiya ke chalo takdeer ko poora karo.
29:58Jibreel bhi ghamgeen hokar kahin laga ya Rasool Allah. Phir mera bhi aaj duniya mein aakhari
30:03deen hai. Aaj ke baad main bhi kabhi is duniya mein lot ke nahi aunga. Yani wahi ke saath.
30:10Aapki aankhen band hui. Hazrat Aisha r.a ki cheekh nikal. To sari begmaat dodi dodi
30:16aayin. To aapki manzil poori ho chuki thi. To aapko litaya gaya. Aur chadar daal di
30:23gayi. Abu Bakr r.a apni doosri begam ke paas gaye the aawali. Teen chaar mil. Pata chala
30:29to wahan se ghode par wo dodte huye aayin. Aur aakar aapke mathe se chehre se kapda hataya.
30:36Aur aapke mathe pa boosa liya. To aapke ansu mathe par gire. Ka waw nabiya. Wa khalila
30:43wa safiya. Hai mera nabi. Hai mera doos. Hai mera khalil. Hai mera jigar. Kaya Rasool
30:50Allah. Aaj ke baad aap koi dukh nahin dekhen. Jab aap dard se bekarar thi. Bibi Fatima r.a
30:58saath baithi thi. To aapki bekarari ko dekhar wo rohne lagi. Hai mere abba ka dard. Hai
31:05mere abba ka dard. To mere nabi ne kaha. Ma ala abbi ki karabun baad al yawm. Bithi
31:10aaj tere baap ke dukh ka aakhri din hai. Aaj ke baad koi dukh nahin dekhen. To Siddiq
31:16ne kaha. Aap aaj ke baad koi dukh nahin dekhen. Aap tashreef liye gaye. Masjid mein. To kohraam
31:23macha hua tha. Kuch gumsum tha. Aur Umar r.a talwar utha hua tha. Jo kahega Allah ka nabi
31:29faut ho ga. Mai sar uda doonga. Wo faut nahin hua. Wo Allah ka paas gayenge. Ek junooni
31:34kaifiyat pehda ho ga. Wo wapas aayenge. Sare kufar se jihad karenge. To Abu Bakr mimbar
31:41par aaye. Kaha Umar baith jao. Umar kahenge nahin baith tha. In ghar nahin baith tha.
31:48Aur talwar aise. Subhanallah. Wah Siddiq wah. Aapne mimbar pe khade hokar. Kyaa. Sone
31:57se bhi likhe jaye to. Kam hai. Keemat usse zyada hai. Mere Siddiq ne kaha. Logo man
32:06kaana yaabudu muhammadan fa inna muhammadan qadma. Jo muhammad ki pooja karte the to
32:13aaj muhammad ko Allah ne maud dethe. Wo man kaana yaabudu Allah fa inna Allah hayyun
32:19la yamood. Aur jo Allah ki pooja karne wale hain wo yaad rakho. Unka Allah zinda hai
32:25maud se paak. Fir aapne ya innaka mayyitun wa innahum mayyitun. Mere mahboob aapko
32:33bhi maud aayegi. Aur inn sabko maud aayegi. Hazrat Umar firmaatein jaye maine ye ayat
32:38suni to main yun nahin gira. Aise gira seedha. Tangon se jaan nikal gayi to yun gire aise
32:43aise. Yun. Aur kahenge mujhe yaqeen hogaya ki maud aayegi. Aur Allah ka nabi humein
32:49chod ke chalegi. To. Ghusal kaun de? Kaise de? Ahle bait ne ghusal dena tha. Aapke kapde
33:05utaar ke ghusal diya jaye. Ya jo aapne kapde pehne hain ussi mein ghusal diya jaye. To
33:12parashaan hain kya kiya jaye? Sab pe oong taari hogay. Ek dum sabko need aayi. Aur ghaib
33:20se awaaz aayi. Ke hamare nabi ko kapdo samayt ghusal diya jaye. Aapke badan-e-mubarak se
33:27kapda nahin utaare. Koi utaare nahin. To us awaaz par saare bedaar huve. To. Hazrat
33:34Abbas, Fazal bin Abbas, Shakran aapke ghulam aur Usama bin Zaid aur Ali bin Abi Talib
33:41aapko ghusal dene wale the. Hazrat Ali aap par paani daal rahe the. Aur Fazal bin Abbas
33:46jisam ko mal rahe the. Aur Hazrat Ali saath-saath rohte ho fi Ya Rasool Allah. Aapne hi hame
33:53sabar ka hukam diya. Agar aap hume sabar ka na kehte to aaj aam duniya ko roh ke dikhate.
34:02Aur aaj hum duniya ko apna gham dikhate ke kis tarah gham kiya jata hai. Aur Ya Rasool
34:09Allah. Aapke jaane par wo nuksaan hai jo qayamat tak na pehle hua na baad mein hoga ke aap
34:16ke baad nabuwat ka darwaza band ho gaya. Iss sara paani bhi daal rahe the. Aur rohte
34:21bhi jaa rahe the. Aur Fazal bin Abbas wo aapke pehlo badal kar haath mal rahe the. Haath
34:28unse mal rahe the. Kabar ke khodne ka waqt aaya. To woh lahad hoti hai khada khod ke
34:33phir side mein khada khod aaya jata hai. Aur ek hota straight jaise humare haan daal ke
34:38upar woh slip daal dete hain. To kaise banayi jaye? To Abu Talha R.A. kabar banate the
34:45wohli lahad wali. To firmaya jo pehle aajaayega na wohi kabar tayaar kar rahe. To Abu Talha
34:52pehle aagaye. To lahad wali kabar tayaar ki gayi. Aur aapke kafan dene ke baad wohi was
35:05sab chale gaye. Uske baad baari baari ehle baid unke khawateen, unke bachche, fir muhajereen
35:12unke khawateen, unke bachche, unke naukar, fir ansar unke khawateen, unke bachche, unke
35:17naukar. To peer aur mangal yeh do din saare guzar gaye. Aur mangal ko isha ke baad ja
35:24kar, yaani budh ki raat, aapki tadfeen ka waqt aaya. To jab aapko kabar mein utaar diya
35:31gaya, to Mughira bin Shobha R.A. khade the unne na apni angoothi utaar ke andar phenk
35:37di. Lahad. To fir kahen le gaye, Ali yeh meri angoothi neeshe gir gayi hai. Utha lo?
35:47Ek bahana kiya nabi ko bohsa lene ka. Angoothi phenk kar firmane le gaye, Ali, wo meri angoothi
35:57gir gayi hai, utha lo? Sab dekh rahe the ke padhi ho, kahan utha lo? To angoothi kya
36:02utha nahi thi, neeshe ja kar Allah ke nabi ko lipat ke. Aur dhod dhod rohna shuru kiya.
36:09Sab sahaba ki cheekhe nikaal de. Angoothi to ek bahana hi tha, aakhri shaksh jiska jisam
36:16nabi ke jisam se touch hua, wo Mughira bin Shobha hai. To phir sab ne shor machaya ki
36:23bahar nikaal ho, bahar nikaal ho, bahar nikaal ho, bahar nikaal ho. To ainten lagayi gayi,
36:28matti dali gayi. To jab wapsi hui to Hazrat Anas, guzre to Hazrat Fatima khaadi thi,
36:33thabat nofusukum an hasaitum ala rasoolillahi durab. Anas, kis jigar ke saath tumne nabi
36:41ko matti mein shubha diya. Kis jigar ke saath tumne nabi ko matti mein shubha diya. Allah
36:51se mila de. Kabar dekhne ko khaufnaak hai. Agar Allah razi hai, jab kabhi kabar se dar
36:56lagta hai, bohti lagta hai, to khyaal aata hai, agar Allah razi hai, phir to maslah
37:00hi koi nahi hai. Chunki Allah ne apne mehboob ko bhi kabar mein utara. Yeh hi nahi kaha
37:05ek khubsurat bedroom bana ke usme lita do, ka kabar mein utaro. Agar Allah razi hai,
37:10to marne wali ho ya marne wala ho. To mazai mazai hai. Yeh saare dua karo, ke jab hum
37:18duniya se ja rahe ho, Allah hum pe khush ho, Allah hum se razi. Koi bada maslah nahi hai.
37:25Faraiz ke saath Allah ko razi karo. Aur achhe solook ke saath Allah ke bandon ko razi karo.
37:31Apni zabaan ko khubsurat bol ka aadi bana. Isse gaali, isse gheebat, isse chughli, isse
37:38shiqaayt, isse taanay, isse tanz Allah ke waste nikaal to. Aur isse zabaan ko meethe
37:44bol ka aadi bana lo. Karwe se karwe zehreele bolon ko peeja. Peeja ayaam ki talkhi ko
37:51bhi hanske naasar. Gham ke sehne mein bhi qudrat ne mazaa rakha hai.
37:58To daastaan-e-gham hai, badi tabeel hai. Aaj bade arsa ke baad maine aapko sunaya hai.
38:08To koi pehle koi aisa mujhe mauka nahi mila ke main kuch tafseel padh ke aata. To jitna
38:13meri yaadash mein tha, wo maine aap se share kiya. Harek ne jaana hai. Aur hum chahatein
38:20jab hum jayein, to yeh humare aise jaanasheen hun, ke Allah paak inhe humari kabron ke
38:27thanda hone ka zarya banaye. Meme academy koi karubari idara nahi. Koi isse hum paise
38:33nahi bana rahe. Balke apni kabar banane ki fikr kar rahein. Aur iss aane wale sailaabi
38:39reyle ko, jo fahashi, uriyani, batakhlaaki, batkirdari ka ek ifreet aa raha hai. Iss
38:47hi yeh humare bachhe sisa pilayi tiwar banayin. Iss cheez ko iss tara nahi roka jayega, jaise
38:52jahan zeb ne ka ke kamron mein band kar do. Iss ko roka jayega, ke inho ko apne mehboob
38:57ka shahdaai bana do. Apne mehboob ki muhabbat de do. Abhir ki muhammad se wafatooni to
39:03hum tere hain. Yeh jahan cheez hai ki alohu kalam tere hain. Assalamu alaikum.
39:11Allahumma laka alhamdu kama anta ahluhu. Fa salli ala muhammadin kama anta ahluhu.
39:17Wafal bina ma anta ahluhu. Innaka ahlul taqwa wa ahlul maghfirah.
39:22Mere maalik, yeh humari masoom nasal batil ke narre mein hain. Hum bade bhi batil ke shikanje
39:33mein hain. Mere maula, badi lambi raat hai jisko khatam hone ka intizaar hai, ke hidayat
39:43ka sooraj chamke, teen ki hawa chale, nafraton ki aag buche. Kufar ka zor toote, aaj ke
39:52fironon ki gardanain marodi jaye, aur hidayat ka sooraj tuluhu. Mere maula, humari niyat
40:01to achi hai, kaam mein kotaiyan hain. Humari nasal ki hifazat firma. Humari hifazat firma.
40:09Mere maalik, har aane wala lamha humein maud ke kareeb kar raha hai. Aur ya Allah, har
40:16aane wale lamhe mein humari ghaflat barte ja rahi hai. Ya Allah, tujhe tere mehboob
40:23ka wasta, is ghaflat wale mahool mein humare dinon ko zinda kar de. Humari ghaflaton ko
40:31muaffar binte. Sar se lekar paun tak mere maula, roohin roohin mein khataon ne jad pakad li
40:39hai. Ghaflaton ne jad pakad li hai. Tu pyaar deta raha, hum jafa deta rahe. Tu bulata
40:47raha, hum bhakte rahe. Teri nehmatein beshumarain, hum na shukri ka shikaroo hai. Tune hamisha
40:56humein yaad rak, humne tujhe hamisha bulaya. Hum sharminda hai maula, teri rahmat ke talab
41:04ga rahe hain. Teri in masoom bachon ki duniya aur akharat ki khair ke talab ga rahe hain.
41:11Poori ummat ki khair ke talab ga rahe hain. Hum kitne bachon ko sambhal seke. Kroonon
41:17bachay hain mere maula. Aur aaj ke baatil karna wada banke, izzat-e-nilafon ke, haya
41:26ki jadartaar taaron ke. Mere maula, maari bepasi, maari bepasi ki intihaab ho gayi. Tu
41:37aaja mere maalik, tu aaja. Yeh duniya teri basti hai, tera angan hai, isse shaitanon
41:46ne kanda kar diya hai, bar diya hai, kufar se bar diya hai, shirk se bar diya hai, sharaab
41:53se bar diya hai, badkaari se bar diya hai, naafurmani se bar diya hai, zulmo sitam
42:00se bar diya hai. Ab us kamzor ki tarah hai, jo ghar ko jalta dekhta hai, paani ka ek dol
42:09bhi nahi gira sakta. Aaj tere mehboob hote hai, tu kitna rote hai mere maula. Ek chor
42:15ka haath karta tha, tere mehboob ke aason nahi ruke tha. Idhar umare masoom bachon ke
42:22ghazne karta hai. Izzat-e-nilamon ke mere maalik apna karam farwaat hai. Ummat, ummat
42:29bhi nahi rahi. Firqon mein bhatke, kaaliyan, zulmo, sitam, tanzitano ne mere nabi ki ummat
42:37ka saara maushara barbaat kar diya hai. Mera des mere maula manfi jazbaat ka jangal ban
42:45chuka hai. Hum bebas hain yeh do daiso bachon. Idhar toh croro bachon hain. Ya Allah, ko
42:52bachaye. Aaja mere maalik, tu aaja. Ya Allah, humare bachon ko humare aankon ki thandak
43:00banaate. Hum sabko apne mehboob Muhammad-e-Mustafa sallallahu alaihi wa sallam ki aankon ki thandak
43:08Mere maalik, hum sharmin the. Tauba karte. Humare tauba karte. Ya Allah, tu khud kahta
43:17hai. Tumhare itne gunah hoon ke asmaan ki chhat tak chale jaa. Phir ek daba maafi mango
43:24toh main mauf karte the. Hum toh mere maula thodi thodi, gandabiyon liye kuliye phir the.
43:32Humare gunah toh chaan tak bhi nahi ponche hoon. Is khala tak nahi ponche hoon. Hain
43:38gunahgaar hain. Tere habib ke umar the the. Tujhe wahdahu la sharik maante hain. Tujhe
43:45wahdahu la sharik maante hain. Tere sewa kisi ke aage haath nahi. Tere mehboob ko tera
43:53rasool aur aakhri maante hain. Teri jannat haq hai. Teri jannah. Tera hisaad haq hai.
43:59Tere firshat haq hai. Sare anbiya sari kitabein haq hai. Yaha tak toh humne khara imaan
44:06rakha hai. Jab amal ka waqt aaya toh hum khote sabit hoon. Hum haar gaye, shaitaan jeet
44:12ki. Hum haar gaye, shaitaan jeet ki. Mere maula maaf karte. Is gande mauhol se tukarana.
44:23Humare bas se bahar ho chuka. Is ubalte huye gatar aur is ubalte huye gandagi ko dhona
44:32humare bas se bahar ho chuka. Tere sewa koi nahi kar sakta. Aajaana yaar. Tu aajaana
44:40yaar. Tu aajaana mere maa. Jaise bachao abba se kahte. Abba chal mere saath. Chal mere
44:48saath. Chal mere saath. Woh bhi uth khada hota hai mere baalein. Tu toh aane jaane se
44:55paak hai. Zamaan aur makaan se paak hai. Yeh humara bagalban hai. Hum kehte hain aajaan.
45:02Tu toh pehle hi shaarak se zyada kareen. Aur is kufur ko, is gandagi ko, is aawargi ko.
45:10Hum kaise mit raha hai? Hum toh khud is ka shikar huye chale ja rahe hain. Hum khud
45:16is me bahte chale ja rahe hain. Aur maud tehli se kareem aa kar rahe hain. Matne waale
45:23ko mitti me daal ke chale jaate hain. Phir hum honge humare amal khote hain. Ya Allah
45:30karam kar de. Ya Allah apne habib ke aanson ke toh karam kar de. Is gandi fizaon ko paakiza
45:37bana de. Is gande maashara ko khubsurat bana de. Yeh humari nasal jo humare haath me
45:45hai. Inhe humari aankhon ke thandak bana de. Humari qabr ka samaan bana de. Humare
45:51baad duniya mein humari nek naami ka sabab bana de. In bachon ke dil mein humne haqeer
45:58si koshish ki. Tere mehboob ki mohabbat ki shama chala ki koshish ki. Patane hum kamyaab
46:08hu hai ya na kam. Yeh toh maud pe pata chale ka. Mere maula teri izzat ki qasim. Humne
46:18in bachon ke liye tere habib ki mohabbat ko chaha. Ki inki jawaniyon mein tere habib
46:26ki mohabbat shamil ho. Inke khon mein shamil ho. Inki sochon mein shamil ho. Ya Allah tu
46:33poori ummat ke bachon ko. Arab wa ajam ke bachon ko. Mere maula teri habib ki ummat
46:39jo magharbi mamalik mein chali gayi hai. Tabah ho gaye mere haqa. Barbaaz ho gaye mere haqa.
46:45Unki nasne Islam chod gaye. Humari nasal humein wapas lota. Humari nasal humein wapas lota.
46:55Aaj main ya Allah chhupti phirti hain apne bachon ki battameezi se. Baap darte phirte
47:04hain apni awlaad ki battameezi se. Aaj garebaan baap ka hai aur haath beta ka hai. Aaj dupatta
47:14maa ka hai aur haath beta ka hai. Mere Allah hum to aajiz hain. Tu qadir hai. Hum majboor
47:23hain. Tu jabir hai. Tu faisle firma de. Aaj faisla kare hi de. Ya Allah apne habib ki
47:31ummat ki hidayat ka surah tuloo firma de. Humari is haqeer si koshish ko kabul firma
47:38de. Isse badha de. Isse poori mulk nahin poori duniya mein phaila de. Aur jo is koshish
47:44mein humari saas shareek hain, unhe, un bachon ko, unke waaldein ko, ki azeezon ko, duniya
47:50aur aakhirat ki har khair naseeb firma. Har shar se bacha. Aur jo humari saas, ya Allah,
47:57is idare ko chalane mein shareek hain, khuwateen hain, mard hain, urte hain, bade hain, chote
48:03hain, un sab ki duniya bhi bana de, aakhirat bhi bana de. In saare aane wale hazireen hazirat
48:10ko, ya Allah, apni raza de de, apni muhabbat de de, apne habib ki raza aur muhabbat de
48:17de. Aur ya Allah, humari beemaron ko sihat de de. Ya Allah, humari tangdason ki tangi
48:24door firma de. Jo iman pe chale gaye, unki kabren roshan firma de. Jab humari jane ka
48:30rukha hai, to tu humse raza. Humme dudkar na dena. Humme thukra na dena. Apni rahmat
48:40ki chaadar mein chhupa dena. Humme dekh ke muskurana, jaise tu talha ke liye muskur
48:45aaya tha. Un sab ko juzay khair naseeb firma. Jitne yaan maujood hain, speaker wale, pehre
48:52wale, chowki daar, yes marki wale, sab ko, ya Allah, duniya aur aakhirat ki har khair
48:58tha firma, aur har sharf se mahfuz firma, wa sallallahu ta'ala nabiyyil kareem.
