MI5. Spooks S05 E02 - Gas and Oil. Part 2

  • 3 months ago
00:04Across the road.
00:05Home secretary.
00:06Home secretary.
00:07Are you injured?
00:08Yeah, I think.
00:09Right here, sir.
00:10Where's Juliet?
00:12Somebody help me!
00:15Harry, I can't feel my legs.
00:16Just try and stay still.
00:18He had no scores.
00:19It is not easy.
00:20It is not easy.
00:21It is not easy.
00:22It is not easy.
00:23It is not easy.
00:24It is not easy.
00:25It is not easy.
00:26It is not easy.
00:27It is not easy.
00:28It is not easy.
00:29It is not easy.
00:30It is not easy.
00:31It is not easy.
00:32It is not easy!
00:33It is not easy.
00:34They tried to kill us.
00:35They tried to assassinate the home secretary.
00:36Damn it.
00:37It is my fault.
00:40Turn left heading 260.
00:41Descend to flight level 150.
00:42And make further contact...
00:43Hang in there.
00:46Don't worry.
00:519-6-0, turn left, heading 2-6-0, descent to flight level 1-5-0.
00:57And make further contact, and perhaps docking.
01:09I'll call you right back.
01:23Help me restrain this man.
01:24He's an intruder.
01:25I'm an officer of the security services.
01:26He's an intruder.
01:27Restrain him now.
01:28I need to speak to your manager.
01:30Blue wing 3-0-3, control.
01:33Roger, control.
01:34Maintain 4,000 and right onto heading 2-3-0.
01:40Blue wing 3-0-3, right onto heading 2-3-0.
01:44Eagle 4-7.
01:45Roger, control.
01:46Maintain 4,000.
01:48Increase speed to 2-5-0 knots.
01:51Roger, Eagle 4-7.
01:53Maintain 4,000.
01:54We'll go.
01:55What's the story here?
01:56This man is an Al Qaeda operative.
01:58His real name is Moin Hussein.
01:59This is bullshit.
02:00You need to close down operations and move to the nearest centre.
02:02Listen, guys, I don't want to sound racist,
02:04but which one of us looks more likely to be a terrorist?
02:06You call Section D, you ask for Harry Pearce.
02:08That is not your past.
02:09Show me yours.
02:14Take him.
02:15Listen to me.
02:16Listen to me.
02:17Innocent people are going to die.
02:18You need to close down operations.
02:21Now stick him in the cupboard, but watch him closely.
02:24I'll contact the anti-terrorist squad to come and pick him up.
02:30We have an MI5 intruder.
02:32Kill him.
02:34Police are on their way.
02:36I'll take him from here, boys.
03:03Come on.
03:33Turn left heading 260.
04:04You need to close down operations and move them to the nearest centre.
04:07Would I say that if I was a terrorist?
04:09Where are the police?
04:10Ask him.
04:11He hasn't called them.
04:12You call them.
04:13Do something.
04:14We're running out of time.
04:15They've tapped into your comms signal.
04:16Find out how.
04:18We're going to a Code 7.
04:20I repeat, a Code 7.
04:22Initiate transfer to East Colony.
04:24There's a signal intercept.
04:25We have to find it.
04:27Valentine 05, right turn.
04:30Valentine 05, right turn.
04:32Road navigation to East Colony.
04:34To hold at flight level 70.
04:37Now, keep these two apart till the police get here and sort this out.
04:44Samson 2571, climb to flight level 80 and route to East Colony.
04:50To hold.
04:51Roger. Control.
04:53We've got the interceptor.
04:56We've been 303. Immediate climb to 5,000 feet.
05:00And right turn, Eagle 47. Immediate descent to 3,000 feet.
05:04Eagle 08, 30 area.
05:06We're giving way to 5,000.
05:08We have down low heading 360.
05:15They've crashed civilian planes over our capital city.
05:18They've murdered my best friend.
05:21They've crippled Juliet.
05:25What do they want so badly that requires this?
05:27Terror and chaos to begin with as a platform for seizing power.
05:31Hold on, mate.
05:33I just heard they've released Jensen.
05:36They're obviously very well connected.
05:38What's going on?
05:39They've just put out the flames on the Home Secretary's car in Whitehall.
05:43The Home Secretary, Adam.
05:44I know.
05:46We're under no illusions. Nothing and nobody's safe.
05:57Have you talked to the doctors?
06:04Will I be able to walk again?
06:07They don't know.
06:09OK. Tell me the truth.
06:12Probably not.
06:16Oh, Christ.
06:20Oh, God.
06:22They're stronger than us.
06:25They're going to finish us off.
06:28We have to regroup and act fast to stop them seizing the initiative again.
06:33I had a front page about the plane crash already mocked up.
06:36Change it.
06:38To a bomb attack in the middle of Whitehall.
06:41Throw in that we foiled an air atrocity.
06:45And then we'll seal the airports with troops
06:47as a deterrent against further terror attacks.
06:50The public will be screaming for tougher measures from the PM.
06:54The Cabinet Secretary believes the PM is tiring of the struggle
06:57to keep control of the country. He will accept the package we offer him.
07:00But it must be done legally, as we discussed.
07:03There's enough leeway in the Prime Minister's powers
07:05and existing legislation to proceed quite legitimately to the next stage.
07:09Yes, Cabinet Secretary.
07:11That's assuming we keep the Prime Minister on side.
07:14That's crucial.
07:16Yours must be the only voice he hears.
07:18When the time comes, the PM has to sign my executive orders.
07:22He's utterly exhausted.
07:25We're offering a solution that guarantees his family's safety,
07:29resolves the conflict in the country,
07:31and allows him to stay in power.
07:34Figuratively speaking.
07:38Millington's papers have already started spinning their version of events.
07:41I'll talk to the Home Secretary. He'll brief the PM.
07:43Air traffic control conspiracy was brilliantly foiled by members of the Security Service.
07:46Even greater need for tougher measures. Yes, I saw it.
07:49The scale of events has increased dramatically in the last 24 hours,
07:53with an attack on the Home Secretary
07:55and rumours of interference with the air traffic control system.
07:58The Prime Minister is understood to be under intense pressure
08:01to consider a raft of special measures to protect democracy.
08:05How's that?
08:07It's all right. He'll be fine.
08:09I've seen him fight before. He's very dirty.
08:11Adam, we've received a coded message for you from Ros Myers.
08:15She wants to meet.
08:17Go and see her.
08:19You sure? The text warning she sent you.
08:21She saved lives.
08:23She's a line of communication. That's invaluable.
08:25Ruth, get me the Home Secretary on a secure line.
08:45Things have the potential to get very bloody.
08:47You mean bloody as in crashing planes full of civilians?
08:49I don't know anything about planes. I warned you about...
08:52Come on, Ros, you know what's going on. Your father's trying...
08:55I'm not here to discuss my father, Adam.
08:57I don't want things to spiral out of control.
08:59What, like murdered colleagues?
09:01I just want to keep lines of communication open in case we need to negotiate.
09:04You take it or leave it.
09:06All right.
09:10You were followed.
09:12Well, you were. They were here when you got here.
09:28Hello, Adam.
09:30Home Secretary.
09:32The Prime Minister sends his apologies.
09:34He's been called into an urgent meeting.
09:37An urgent meeting?
09:39And you ought to be resting anyway.
09:42I must speak to the Prime Minister.
09:45You will speak to him.
09:47But not now.
09:49I'm afraid I can't.
09:51I'm afraid I can't.
09:53I'm afraid I can't.
09:56But not now.
10:00Are you involved with this, Alan?
10:02Involved in what?
10:05Meyer's dirty little coup.
10:11Just remember a lesson from history.
10:14It's one thing to destroy democracy.
10:18It's much, much harder to get rid of the monster you replace him with.
10:25Go home and rest.
10:27I don't understand it.
10:55The Prime Minister won't see the Home Secretary.
10:57He won't see a man who's just escaped an assassination attempt.
11:00The Cabinet Secretary. What's his name?
11:02Alan Taylor seems to be running the show all of a sudden.
11:08What if they have a man in the Cabinet, Harry?
11:12What if Taylor's the trump up their sleeve?
11:14We have to find our own route to the PM.
11:16Where's the boy, Rowan?
11:18We're going to need everything possible to get access to the Prime Minister.
11:21I'm going to Whitehall.
11:30Fledgling secure.
11:33Hands down.
11:38You OK?
11:39Well, I'm wondering what I should call you now.
11:41Call me Katie.
11:42Yeah, but that's not your real name, is it?
11:44Well, call me what you like.
11:47You don't get it, do you?
11:5024 hours ago, you were my friend and my flatmate.
11:57And I...
12:17Yeah, I've got him here.
12:25I've lost him.
12:28What happened?
12:29He took the car.
12:31Where do you think he'll have gone?
12:32I don't know. Maybe home. He didn't have much petrol.
12:36She did what?
12:37Please tell me you're joking. Christ all bloody mighty.
12:39It wasn't her fault, Harry. He just bolted.
12:41Tell her to have him at that rendezvous point.
12:43You tell her to find him or her life will not be worth living when I see her.
12:46I now have an appointment with the Home Secretary.
12:48Harry, I'd prefer it if you didn't leave the building.
12:50If they've got a man in Cabinet who has the ear of the Prime Minister,
12:52we've got to do something about it. I'll be fine.
12:56They've assigned me a bodyguard. He's here now.
13:00Walk me down, Adam.
13:06Ruth, tell Jo to find Rowan or she'll be making tea for the next ten years.
13:09He's our best route to the PM today, whatever it takes.
13:14Jocelyn was our ambassador to Russia a few years back, remember?
13:17Tell Ruth to talk to Vasily Ivanovich, the Trade Attaché at their embassy.
13:22Tell her to use the code word Festival.
13:24What does it mean?
13:25It's a reminder that he owes me one.
13:37Hello, darling.
13:42You must be tired.
13:43Oh, the adrenaline keeps one going.
13:58You look troubled.
14:01Well, I am a bit.
14:05There are aspects of this that are deeply unpleasant to me.
14:10But I've no doubt that our higher purpose will make history look kindly on us.
14:18I'm sure all coup plotters from Brutus to Pinochet have thought that.
14:23We're not coup plotters.
14:25The Prime Minister, an elected member of Parliament,
14:28is after all backing our measures.
14:31Can we catch up later?
14:32Yeah, sure.
14:46This morning's Cabinet meeting has been cancelled.
14:49They're currently in the middle of a meeting.
14:51I'm afraid it's a bit late.
14:53I'm afraid it's a bit late.
14:55I'm afraid it's a bit late.
14:57This morning's Cabinet meeting has been cancelled.
15:00Their coup will be launched with emergency legislation.
15:03And how are they going to do this? There'll be a huge backlash.
15:06Are you sure?
15:08Millington's got most of the media sewn up
15:10and the country's tired of the endless attacks
15:12and indignant at the attempt on my life.
15:16I like to think so, anyway.
15:18So, what are they going to do?
15:20The PM is going to declare special measures to protect democracy
15:24which have been drafted for him by Alan Taylor.
15:27Very Orwellian.
15:28What exactly are these special measures?
15:33Compulsory detention orders
15:35which are at the discretion of the security service
15:38and which deprive the citizen of every existing legal protection.
15:43Emergency governors to scrutinise and censor media output.
15:48Direct ministerial appointment of the judiciary.
15:51That's for starters.
15:55Most worrying, though, are executive orders
15:58which do not require a parliamentary vote.
16:01But they can't do any of this without a parliamentary vote.
16:04Oh, I'm afraid they can.
16:06Through a loophole in the last executive and legislative reform bill.
16:10There were safeguards built in.
16:12The bill was a Trojan horse.
16:15It contained additional clauses
16:16which could be triggered at a time of national emergency.
16:20Once he's authorised the special measures
16:22there'll be no going back.
16:24This is utterly grotesque.
16:27You're telling me that Sir Jocelyn Myers
16:29can draft an executive order
16:31and the Prime Minister will simply rubber-stamp it.
16:33That's what will really happen if the PM signs tonight.
16:36That's what I'm telling you.
16:38Britain will be run by an unelected committee
16:40with the silhouette of a hangman behind it.
16:46Take a look at our bloggers. It's spreading.
16:48It's spreading.
16:51This is Liberty Warrior.
16:53British democracy dies today.
16:56Special measures to protect democracy
16:59are a legislative coup d'etat.
17:01All men are created equal except for these men
17:03who want to rule you as a superior elite.
17:05Yes, this is a conspiracy theory
17:07because there is a conspiracy taking place.
17:09Special measures aren't to protect democracy.
17:12They're there to destroy it.
17:14This is a backdoor way of changing British Parliament forever.
17:17At the moment, if a politician lies
17:19or a fat cat steals, they go to jail.
17:21But if this goes through,
17:23let's say a drunken executive runs over my daughter,
17:26there'll be no independent judge to hear my case,
17:29to give me a fair trial.
17:30There'll be no newspaper to uncover the truth
17:32and no MP to stand up and raise it in Parliament.
17:35I'll just be howling in the wind against the corruption.
17:38I urge you to stand up and be counted.
17:41March today.
17:42Let's show these bastards that they can't do this to us anymore.
17:45Everyone, you have to march today.
17:47We cannot let them do this to us.
17:50If you don't get out there and protest this...
17:52...the repercussions will be unfathomable.
17:54And with a little help from us,
17:55that's been sent to every mobile phone
17:57and completed with internet access in the UK.
17:59...today when internet bloggers,
18:00seeking to raise awareness of a march
18:02against the introduction of special measures,
18:04took the unprecedented step of flooding the World Wide Web
18:07with their message.
18:08The special measures are being introduced
18:10in response to recent terror attacks
18:12and have been furiously denounced by civil liberties groups
18:15who've called for a huge convergence on Parliament.
18:18You do not protect the nation by attacking civil liberties.
18:22For once, Ruby, we're on the same side.
18:24...public opinion.
18:25This is how dictatorships begin.
18:27By taking away all restraints on their power.
18:35I can hear a car engine. Tell me that's good news.
18:37Yeah, I had to hotwire a car. I'm still looking for Rowan.
18:42OK, I've got him.
18:51These are the names of the people we have to detain today
18:53as a preventative measure.
18:55The rest will follow.
18:56It's important we don't seem vindictive.
18:58This isn't South America.
19:00Ruby Mackenzie from civil liberties.
19:03Yes, I thought that one would please you.
19:06Harry Pearce.
19:08What does the star mean?
19:10It's just a little coding system, just to remind me of his status.
19:16He's not a public figure.
19:19We're doing the right thing.
19:22Yes, of course we are.
20:00What's going on?
20:01Mr Pearce, I have a temporary detention order for you.
20:03There's no such thing as a temporary detention order. Drive on.
20:06Mr Pearce, get out of the vehicle and come with me now.
20:09Can you hear me?
20:10Sir, don't make this any harder for me.
20:33All right, you got me secure.
20:36What do you want from me now?
20:37We need you to talk to your dad.
20:40Because the country's in great danger.
20:42Because the men who tried to have you killed
20:44want to use your father's authority and patronage to seize power.
20:47But if my father goes over to their side, then I'm safe, right?
20:50We're hoping you're going to rise above self-interest here.
20:53We need you to make him see what the consequences will be if they go ahead.
20:57I don't even know what the consequences are.
20:59Big men with guns breaking into houses and killing people.
21:02And you think your little fledgling can do something about that?
21:04You have to try.
21:06So will you talk to your dad?
21:13All right.
21:15What's the plan now?
21:18They're sending over a car with a secure satellite phone.
21:21We'll rendezvous in the next village.
21:23Navy arriving at front gate for processing.
21:27Captain Jennings, Bravo 4 and Standby.
21:37Stand still. Face the camera.
21:44The country is calm.
21:45People are driving to work, wondering about the football.
21:48Cash registers, they're still tinkling in the high street.
21:51Pints are being pulled in the pubs.
21:53And stands the clock at ten to three.
21:56But it does stand only a few hours away from our desired objective.
22:00I'm very disappointed you didn't join us, Harry.
22:02What is this place?
22:03Well, you should be honoured. It's a detention centre.
22:06Where we're bringing a select group of people
22:08who we don't really trust with their liberty at this delicate stage.
22:11You don't trust anybody with their liberty?
22:13Well, you should have joined us when you had the chance.
22:16We're saving the country from anarchy.
22:18Most of which you caused to get you to this point.
22:20Oh, please.
22:21Don't make me give you the omelette-egg routine.
22:24It's our moral calculus, after all.
22:27Is there anything you'd like, Harry?
22:29We're not barbarians.
22:31In that case, I'd like to go into work tomorrow
22:33and find my officer still alive.
22:35I think it's safe to say that you won't be going into work again, Harry.
22:43In that case, I'd like a bottle of scotch.
22:55I'd like a bottle of scotch.
22:57Bring him a good malt.
23:16We have to find him.
23:17We have to stop the scoop from taking place.
23:20By doing that, we'll also help Harry.
23:23Now, what have you found out about Myers, Al?
23:25A bit of a squirrel.
23:26Accounts in the Cayman Islands, possibly Lichtenstein as well.
23:28More digging required.
23:29Good. Can you take care of that?
23:30Yeah, sure.
23:31Malcolm, Myers won't be the only conspirator.
23:33Get on to Ruth's contact at GCHQ
23:35and find out what's coming out of the newspaper offices.
23:38Did you speak to Vasily Ivanovich?
23:39Did he give him the code word that Harry left us?
23:42He said he'd leave us a package at Mailbox 7.
23:45He must do it now.
23:47Ruth, look, I know Harry's in danger,
23:50but our only way of saving him is to remain focused.
24:20Shh, shh, shh.
24:30This should be interesting.
24:32The Spook and the Civil Liberties campaigner.
24:34I hope you've got a good lawyer,
24:36cos I'm going to take you to the cleaners.
24:38What's your name?
24:43I insist you give me your name.
24:47I insist you give me your name.
24:52Every time I've heard you yapping about civil liberties on television,
24:56I've wanted to do that to you.
24:58That's the rule of law now, is it, Michael?
25:00The whisky's a mark of my respect.
25:02Don't drink it so slowly, my patience runs out.
25:05Adam, the intercept's come through from Ruth's contact at GCHQ.
25:08Someone's got evidence that Millington knew about the planes in advance.
25:12Carol, I need to help. I'm in trouble.
25:14What is it?
25:15The planes have nearly crashed.
25:17I found a disc that proves our paper knew about it before it happened.
25:20Well, how did it...? What did you do with the disc?
25:22I left it in the Sport First Leisure Centre in Islington Locker 565.
25:25Something terrible is going on.
25:27Get off this line. It might not be secure.
25:29It's not secure.
25:31It's not secure.
25:33Get off this line. It might not be secure.
25:35Get off now!
25:37Was this call made from a landline?
25:39The call was made at the head of the NUJ chapel
25:41by one of Millington's journalists, Somme Chronicle.
25:43If we can hit this conversation circuit, many others.
25:45We need to find that locker.
25:53Ruth, I'm in. Where now?
25:55OK, still trying to get the architect's plans.
25:58Just a few more seconds.
26:01OK, Adam, I've got access to CCTV.
26:10We've got company.
26:14Excuse me, can you tell me where the lockers are?
26:16Down there on the left. Thanks.
26:21Ruth, I need some help here. Which way?
26:23This way.
26:29Right, there should be lockers on your left.
26:35Still here. There must be more lockers.
26:37There's another set upstairs.
26:41Top of the stairs. Take a right.
26:45Now, and right.
26:47OK, through the next door and into the changing rooms.
26:51Sorry! Sorry!
26:55What are you doing? You can't come in here!
26:58Come on. Get out. Come on.
27:21Sir, you're a spook.
27:25High-ranking one, obviously.
27:27What are you doing in here?
27:30I wasn't smart enough to avoid the pre-emptive purge.
27:34We're not going to get out of here, are we?
27:37When you finish that, they're going to kill us.
27:45The fools think the march will help their cause.
27:48The bigger the better for us.
27:50From march to riot to national emergency in one fell swoop.
27:53Then the PM will have to sign.
27:55And the police commanders have been briefed
27:57that we expect the march to be used to launch a suicide attack.
28:01Armed officers will be deployed.
28:03What if the protest remains peaceful?
28:05Well, we have a certain expertise in provoking conflict
28:08between protesters and police.
28:10The Home Secretary...
28:12The Home Secretary will not be giving the orders. I will.
28:15You're talking about the possibility of the police opening fire
28:18on a public demonstration outside Westminster.
28:21What better place to be, even under existing laws?
28:24If you get too close, the police can take you out.
28:26But you're talking about...
28:28That's what I'm talking about, is sending a message.
28:30Now, if you don't show that there's an iron fist inside the velvet glove,
28:34then they will gain confidence and they will fight back.
28:37I'm not sure.
28:39The danger is they gain martyrs.
28:41And did you just remember there, I was worried,
28:44that your concern was for the fate of this swineish multitude?
28:50If the protest conceals a terror attack,
28:53I think the British public will forgive us any reaction.
28:56We seem to be forgetting that the majority of the British public
28:59hold politicians in contempt and long for the firm hand.
29:04Michael's right.
29:06We can count on public support and the police.
29:09We can count on public support
29:11and discredit the protesters at the same time.
29:16We need to find the journalist who made that call.
29:18Oh, no, she vanished into thin air.
29:21It's just a bit of her own accord.
29:23This is a major setback.
29:25The next few hours will decide everything, including Harry's fate.
29:29This is going to be a propaganda war.
29:31Most of it will be fought in the media. We need to work on a Phoenix scenario.
29:34What's Phoenix?
29:35Phoenix, the calf that was saved from the foot-and-mouth cull.
29:37Millington and Myers think they know the British public.
29:40To a certain extent, they're right.
29:42We're not often moved by abstract principles like liberty and fraternity,
29:45but we can be moved to shame, pity and generosity.
29:48And we love an underdog. Get me an underdog.
29:51I'll get on to it straightaway.
30:09I said come here!
30:10Get off me!
30:11Get off me!
30:13Come on!
30:16Get up!
30:17Get up!
30:20Get off me!
30:22Get off me!
30:23Please, somebody do something now!
30:26Call the police!
30:27No, no, no, this is weird.
30:35Will somebody help us?
30:53Remind me never to tease them about looking like a 12-year-old again.
30:59Do you not think someone should tell them that British democracy is coming to an end?
31:02Let's not.
31:04This is us.
31:08Funny, I'm feeling really nervous about talking to my dad.
31:10Don't be. Just tell him exactly what happened.
31:16I think we'll let Rowan take the call in the back.
31:20Let's hope the weather in London stays clear for the march.
31:22It's a big cloudy.
31:29Lock your door, Rowan.
31:34So how did he know?
31:35He gave the wrong answer about the weather.
31:37So what do we do now?
31:38Now we try and get hold of your father some other way.
31:41Luckily, we live in a media village.
31:43Further controversy this afternoon surrounding the special measures being introduced by the government.
31:49The savage beating of a young protester by what are believed to be members of the security services has been captured on video.
31:55It's caused outrage across Britain and questions from European colleagues hardening opposition to planned special measures.
32:02What is this?
32:03This has nothing whatsoever to do with us.
32:05It's no good. You're giving them their Tiananmen Square Tank Man.
32:08I'm telling you, it had nothing to do with us.
32:10I don't care. It's your job to stop it.
32:12A photogenic kid being beaten before having a hood put over his head?
32:17What do you mean you failed to get hold of him?
32:19What's happening?
32:20We have to make sure that no calls from Rowan get through to the Prime Minister.
32:23MI5 have still got hold of him and they're certainly going to try and use him.
32:33Apparently people are arriving on trains and buses from outside London.
32:36This protest is going to be much larger than we thought.
32:46Yes, a large number of people are marching today, but a far, far larger number of people are not marching today.
33:02Looks like Phoenix has awoken Britain's affection for democracy.
33:06That's good, but it's not enough.
33:08We need to attack them from another flank.
33:11We'll walk from here or the car will get trapped in the march.
33:15There's a TV crew there waiting for us.
33:18What is it you want me to say to my dad?
33:21Address yourself to the man you remember putting the tent up for your family.
33:27I'm nervous.
33:31In what must be a huge embarrassment for the Prime Minister, his son Rowan has joined the protest against the special measures due to be introduced tonight.
33:39Rowan, do you think your father will be pleased with your appearance on this march?
33:43You know, the only reason I care about what's happening today is because of him and because of the example he set me.
33:49I remember a conversation when we were little and I asked him why people bothered to vote if it didn't change anything.
33:55He said that in this country young women had starved themselves to death for the right to vote.
33:59That young men had fallen from the sky in burning aeroplanes to defend that right.
34:04Dad, don't sign the special measures.
34:06It's the start of a coup d'etat against the people of this country.
34:10Stay with us, Dad. We need you now.
34:13He'll be a politician one day, like his father.
34:15Let's just hope his old man was listening.
34:19Ruth, Malcolm, get ready. Whatever happens to the PM, we have to find Harry before they get the special measures.
34:30Hello, Adam.
34:38Oh, look, we've been followed again.
34:45Don't be silly.
34:49A couple are Gillian and Robert Maguire.
34:51She's just had a miscarriage, so he's taken her to hospital.
34:55A couple are Gillian and Robert Maguire.
34:57She's just had a miscarriage, so he's taken her on holiday.
35:01That little kid's William Turner.
35:04He's just had an operation.
35:06It was very painful, so his parents have saved up to take him away as a reward for being brave.
35:13These are just some of the people boarding the planes that your conspiracy aimed to crash.
35:18My father does not crash planes.
35:20Of course not. That would make him a terrorist, wouldn't it?
35:22Call your father.
35:25Are you familiar with your father's business dealings?
35:29Let's take a look at your claim that the cause is honourable,
35:31that it's acceptable for boys like William Turner to die for the good of the collective.
35:35That is the chorus you keep singing, right?
35:39So how come your father's noble cause is being partly financed by a member of the Russian mafia?
35:44That's Misha Yelenkovich, ex-KGB hard man and Robert Barron,
35:47currently under investigation for looting Russia's natural acids.
35:50Your father used to visit his dacha regularly when he was ambassador.
35:53How do you think your father got onto the highly secretive board of Gas Street?
35:56Mr Yelenkovich, through his front company, Iprov Holdings...
36:01She's heard of it.
36:04...is still financing your father's noble mission.
36:08So your father's a traitor in more ways than one.
36:12After the terrorist attack on the gas pipeline, prices were hiked.
36:16Brilliant Einstein, because of supply problems.
36:18Strange time, then, for a huge ex gratia payment to turn up in your father's account in the Cayman Islands,
36:22from Iprov Holdings, which has long been accused of having a representative on gas stream.
36:28Who might that representative be, I wonder? Show the paperwork.
36:31Don't bother. You'll have forged it.
36:33We obtained these from Vasily Ivanovich at the Russian embassy.
36:37They show your father with Misha Yelenkovich.
36:41So my father's had to deal with loads of unsavoured characters.
36:44Do you think we forged these?
36:46It seems to the parties that Misha's dasher did tend to get rather... wild.
36:51Nothing there, really, to suggest your father was anxious to leave that particular party.
36:57Or that particular girl.
37:00Hard to read diplomatic duty into them, isn't it? Or nobility of purpose.
37:07Wake up, Ros.
37:10This conspiracy has always been cheap and sordid.
37:13Your father was prepared to murder British citizens.
37:16That's not true. My father knew nothing about those planes. It was Millington and Collingwood.
37:20Do you believe that?
37:24Do you really believe it was just them?
37:35It's big. They're heading towards Westminster.
37:37Yeah. And they're using Phoenix.
37:40Oh, my God, you're...
37:43Oh, cool.
37:45This'll so annoy your dad.
37:47Yeah. Covered under the stairs for me tonight, I think.
37:50Well, better that than an understay dinner, eh?
37:56I need to speak to him alone.
37:58No, I'm coming in with you.
37:59You'll ruin everything.
38:01All right, you've got five minutes.
38:03I'll have to find out where they're holding Harry.
38:05You've got to trust me here, Adam. I'll deal with it.
38:11I'm sorry.
38:12I'm sorry.
38:13I'm sorry.
38:14I'm sorry.
38:15I'm sorry.
38:16I'm sorry.
38:17I'm sorry.
38:18I'm sorry.
38:19I'm sorry.
38:20I'm sorry.
38:21I'm sorry.
38:22I'm sorry.
38:23I'm sorry.
38:24I'm sorry.
38:48They're splitting up the march. They're forcing us into a side street.
38:50OK, Jo, keep calm. It's going on everywhere.
38:52They're trying to control the march by sectioning off parts of it.
38:54Where exactly are you?
38:56Whitehall, moving towards Charles Street.
38:58There's a warrant down there. I don't understand how that will help dissipate the crowd.
39:01That's a lot of police.
39:03What are they trying to achieve?
39:06I'll call the commissioner.
39:23They told me you received money from the Russian mafia.
39:28I was a third party holding the money to finance a campaign
39:32for a Ukrainian politician
39:34who would not threaten our gas supplies in the future.
39:39Ulenkovich is a nasty piece of work, isn't he?
39:41One must hold one's nose, certainly.
39:45What did you make of him?
39:47I didn't. Didn't know him.
39:49I took money off him, I admit.
39:53As I say, for the greater good.
39:56But you didn't actually meet him?
39:58Fortunately, no.
39:59You're lying.
40:02I've seen photos of you with him at his dacha.
40:06And if you'll lie to me about that,
40:08how can I believe anything you say to me about the money?
40:13Did you say something to me about a higher purpose?
40:16I've seen the pictures.
40:17I've seen the pictures.
40:19You were cavorting with whores with a member of the Russian mafia.
40:23This isn't about avoiding Baghdad scenarios, is it?
40:25It's about egos and enrichment.
40:27You were prepared to kill innocent people.
40:30Collingwood takes responsibility...
40:31That's not good enough!
40:33That is not bloody good enough!
40:34Get her out of here, Jocelyn.
40:35You tell me.
40:37Tell me that you didn't take bribes.
40:40You tell me.
41:15We should go back, everyone.
41:18Come on.
41:41With all due respect, Commissioner,
41:43we've had no intel of a terror attack planned.
41:47No, Harry isn't around at the moment,
41:49but I am fully briefed.
41:52Thank you.
41:54It's chaos down there.
41:55No-one knows what's going on.
41:56There are isolating groups all over the city.
41:59What are you doing?
42:01Why are you keeping us here?
42:04This is a peaceful protest.
42:06Please, let us out of here!
42:09Adam, they're trying to break up
42:11and corner sections of the crowd,
42:13and the armed police have been told
42:15the march may be a cover for a terror attack.
42:17Collingwood would have planted people in there
42:19to stir the crowd up.
42:20Yeah, we'll find a way to kick-start a riot.
42:22This has got to stop.
42:28Oh, no.
42:30We really need help.
42:31There's smoke all over the place.
42:33We've got to get out of here.
42:34We've got to get out of here.
42:35We've got to get out of here.
42:36We've got to get out of here.
42:37We need help.
42:38Smoke bombs are going off.
42:39I don't know where they're coming from.
42:40OK, Jo, just keep calm.
42:41There's rumours of a terrorist attack
42:43but they are unfounded.
42:44It's easier to mistake an innocent protester
42:46for a suicide bomber in smoke like this.
42:48Don't panic.
42:50You'll be fine if you just don't panic.
42:54I need to speak to the commissioner immediately.
42:56No excuses.
43:03I can't stand it when you lie to me.
43:05Sir Johnston, you must tell the police not to fire on the protesters.
43:08Get her out of here.
43:12You knew about the planes, didn't you?
43:14Oh, my God.
43:15You knew.
43:17I found this lying about in a gym locker.
43:21Wait outside.
43:25This is the Chronicle's front page
43:27reporting the plane crash before it actually happened.
43:30There goes your smooth transition to power.
43:33I want a deal.
43:34Call off the police and you've got one.
43:36How about you?
43:37Still feeling confident, Cabinet Secretary?
43:40I simply advised the Prime Minister on constitutional matters.
43:42I knew nothing about this.
43:43I'm simply a politician.
43:44Then tell the police not to fire.
43:46I forgive you most things.
43:48I always will, but not this.
43:51Not lies, treason and cowardice.
43:54I'm not a coward.
43:55Then you stop it.
43:56You stop it now!
43:58Do you remember when I was a child
44:00you said I was scared of everything?
44:02Well, I was never scared when you were around,
44:04but now you absolutely terrify me.
44:17Jocelyn, who are you calling?
44:21Prime Minister, it's Myers.
44:23You want more time to decide?
44:25Let me speak to him.
44:26We can negotiate some kind of...
44:28No, no negotiations!
44:29Call them off, for God's sake.
44:30Your son's on that moat.
44:36It's over, Dad.
44:41All bloody bastards!
44:43You OK? You all right?
44:44Protesters are flying incendiary bombs.
44:46Activate the snatch squad now!
45:01Prime Minister, there are provocateurs on the march
45:05whose aim is to make the police open fire.
45:08You must countermand any order that's given
45:11or there'll be serious loss of life.
45:15And I think these measures may not be the best way
45:18to guarantee national security,
45:20given the state of the country.
45:23Now, where's Harry Pearce being held?
45:31Thank you.
45:33Jo, what's happening?
45:34The police should have been told to stand down.
45:36The Prime Minister's called a halt to this.
45:38Standing down?
45:39Ruth, the police are going mad.
45:41People are throwing molotovs.
45:42I don't know what's going on.
45:49Get off her! Get off her!
45:51Adam, there's chaos down there.
45:53The PM's message is taking too long to filter through.
45:56Keep drawing the police.
45:57I've got to get the prisoners out.
45:59Hang on, I've got Ross on the other line.
46:01Adam, Collingwood's refusing to accept the climbdown.
46:03He's planning some kind of Valhalla at the detention centre.
46:06Ruth, get down to the detention centre!
46:11Everybody, go now.
46:13I want to stay here with you.
46:14It's all over.
46:15Those cowards, they pull back from the brink as usual.
46:18I'll finish up here.
46:22You've done your duty.
46:30What are you doing?
46:34Can you hear me?
46:36She can't recover!
46:50I'm going to make sure that whoever follows me
46:53and will defend this nation
46:55don't have to waste their time.
46:57Don't have to waste their time
46:59dealing with people like you!
47:07There'll always be somebody like me in your way, Michael.
47:28Secure him, they're coming after me.
47:34A suicide bomber is directly in front of you!
47:37Prepare to fire!
47:39He's approaching your position!
47:40Stand by!
47:41On my order!
47:43There is no time for this.
47:45Please, they've got their guns raised.
47:47Please, stand down now!
48:17Get down! Get down!
48:20Take fire! Hold your fire!
48:45Go on, then!
48:46Shoot me!
48:49Adam, we're in here!
48:52Don't do it!
48:55If you run now, you might save yourself.
49:03Now, whatever you think is coming to the country,
49:05and believe me,
49:06I share many of your fears.
49:10Does it have to be dealt with like this?
49:13At least I shall never be accused of cowardice.
49:16At least I shall never be accused of cowardice.
49:47No, no.
50:06Go on, then!
50:07Shoot me!
50:28All units, stand down.
50:30All response, withdraw.
50:47You come to gloat?
50:50I've come to see if there's anything you need.
50:52Well, your...
50:54your men will be...
50:56coming to remove my belt.
51:01Is that what you want?
51:04Yes, leave me...
51:06leave me some dignity.
51:07Let me...
51:08let me keep it.
51:10I'm a man of my word.
51:12Leave me some dignity.
51:13Let me...
51:14let me keep it.
51:17Goodbye, Michael.
51:42I love you.
52:12I love you.
52:33I have nothing now.
52:37I'm finished.
52:39Not professionally.
52:43Listen, my recruiting policy sometimes raises eyebrows, but...
52:48I want you to stay and work with us.
52:51Join my team.
52:54What'll happen to my father?
52:57It's not for me to say, but it doesn't help the country to have big reprisals.
53:05You'll be okay.
53:09Your father will be all right.
53:13Think about what we're offering.
53:21Collingwood hanged himself with his own belt.
53:23Why on earth didn't someone take it off him?
53:26Somebody will certainly pay for the oversight.
53:29They have something of a problem with the others.
53:31What kind of problem?
53:32What to do with them.
53:35In the case of Millington...
53:40We have him over a barrel which will prove extremely useful.
53:43And Taylor?
53:46Taylor can go to Northern Ireland for all I care.
53:49But not Myers.
53:51I don't care what you charge him with tax evasion or something, but he's not going to get away with this.
53:56He stepped back from the edge.
53:57Not before he crippled me.
54:00I've spoken to the doctors today.
54:03They're a little more hopeful.
54:04No impunity for Myers.
54:06Myers, he stands trial, I mean it.
54:11There's the spaniel.
54:13Shame they can't replace your spine with your tongue.
54:16Are you in love with Ruth, Harry?
54:19Do the words skating, thin and ice mean anything to you?
54:22I'm disabled.
54:24I'm allowed a special licence.
54:26Well, Ruth has many wonderful qualities.
54:29That's not what I asked you.
54:30It's the only answer you're getting.
54:32She's in love with you.
54:33Is that so?
54:35I wonder.
54:39Don't let this opportunity pass you by, Harry.
54:45Now go.
54:47I want to watch the PM address the nation.
54:51And as plumes of smoke rise over the city, police are still refusing to comment on the shooting of an unarmed protester.
54:59The government has announced a cooling-off period and agreed to delay the special measures
55:03while the Prime Minister has been congratulated by all sides of the House for his handling of the crisis.
55:11You should get home.
55:13I'm organising Colin's memorial service and I wondered if you'd do a reading?
55:18Yes, of course.
55:20Anything in particular?
55:21His favourite book was Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
55:24That wouldn't really be appropriate.
55:25I thought maybe this.
55:29Comrades mine and I in the midst.
55:33And their memory ever to keep.
55:35For the dead I loved so well.
55:38It's Walt Whitman.
55:42Yes, that would be perfect, I think.