Białe tango odc. 4 – Choroba serca

  • 3 months ago
00:03:00No pięknie. Nie może być lepiej, Pani Gieniu. Widać, Pani służy to stanie w kolejkach.
00:03:10Młodzi to mogą stać, ale mnie to zaraz tak w kolanach łupie to ten reumatyzm.
00:03:15Ale dla Pani doktor też wzięłam. Kawałek karkówki, ale taka chudziutka.
00:03:21Dziękuję, Pani Gieniu. No naprawdę się Pani trudziła.
00:03:27No jedno stanie, Pani doktora. Przecież wiem, że Pani doktor nie ma czasu, że nie tylko u nas,
00:03:32ale i w ośrodku i cały dom na głowie Pani.
00:03:36Bardzo, Pani, dziękuję. Bardzo dziękuję. Wyręczyła mnie Pani.
00:03:41A ile jestem winna?
00:03:43Sześćdziesiąt złotych.
00:03:45Mój Boże. Czy wreszcie kiedyś przyjdzie taki czas, że człowiek będzie mógł wejść do sklepu i kupić, co chce?
00:03:53Podobno w osiemdziesiątym pierwszym roku. Mówili w telewizji.
00:03:56Ten blondyn, taki przystojny, taki ondulowany mówił.
00:04:00Ondulowany? Zalewski.
00:04:02Tak, tak, tak. Zalewski. Ten, co o burakach cukrzowych zawsze mówi.
00:04:06To mówił, że w osiemdziesiątym pierwszym skończą się kłopoty z mięsa.
00:04:10W osiemdziesiątym pierwszym? Pani Gieniu, to bardzo głupotne.
00:04:13Kto to wytrzyma?
00:04:17To ja mówię wtedy. Dziękuję bardzo.
00:04:19Do widzenia, Pani Gieniu.
00:04:22Dzień dobry.
00:04:24A to ty? A co to się stało, że dzwonisz tutaj?
00:04:28Masz jakąś sprawę?
00:04:31A może jesteś chory?
00:04:33Prawda, zapomniałam, że ty nigdy nie chorujesz.
00:04:36Ale mój drogi, my się zaczynamy starzeć.
00:04:39Musisz wziąć to pod uwagę, tak?
00:04:43Dzisiaj? Czekaj, co to dzisiaj za...
00:04:46No tak, to ja dzisiaj nie przyjmuję w przychodni.
00:04:50To powinienem być w domu gdzieś około czwartej.
00:04:54A Jerzy też powinien być i dzieci też.
00:04:58Rozmawiałeś z nim?
00:05:02A ja nic nie wiem, że on wróci później.
00:05:08Słuchaj Andrzej, czy możesz mi powiedzieć, o co chodzi?
00:05:16A chcesz osobiście? No dobrze, dobrze.
00:05:20Postaram się być punktualnie.
00:05:23A gdybym się spóźniła, to będzie Agnieszka, tak.
00:05:27Ona ma klucze.
00:05:29No to do zobaczenia.
00:05:46Dzień dobry.
00:06:14Dzień dobry.
00:06:15Dzień dobry.
00:06:16O, przepraszam, nie wiedziałam, że pani doktor już wychodzi.
00:06:18A co chciałaś?
00:06:19A chciałam coś na ból zęba, bo wziąłam awialginę i proszę go o dwólu głowy, ale nie pomaga.
00:06:24Najlepiej to pójść do dentystyki.
00:06:26A najlepiej, ale ja wziąłam pracę zlecone, bo chcę sobie kupić nowe buty.
00:06:33Masz i płuc szałwią.
00:06:35Dziękuję bardzo.
00:06:36Nie ma za co.
00:06:38I zacznij wreszcie dbać o zdrowie.
00:06:41Do widzenia.
00:06:42Do widzenia.
00:06:55O, dzień dobry pani Zosima.
00:06:56Dzień dobry.
00:06:57No, a jak tam mała?
00:06:58Dziękuję bardzo.
00:06:59Bardzo dobrze.
00:07:00A smaruje pani te pleśniki?
00:07:02Wspaniałe lekarstwo.
00:07:03Od razu przyszło.
00:07:04Stare lekarstwo.
00:07:06Dziękuję bardzo.
00:07:07Do widzenia.
00:07:08Do widzenia.
00:07:24O, dzień dobry.
00:07:25Dzień dobry.
00:07:27No tak, gazetki.
00:07:28No i papieroski.
00:07:30Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:31Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:32Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:33Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:34Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:35Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:36Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:37Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:38Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:39Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:40Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:41Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:42Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:43Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:44Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:45Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:46Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:47Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:48Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:49Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:50Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:51Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:52Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:53Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:54Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:55Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:56Tak, tak, tak.
00:07:57Thank you.
00:07:58Thank you.
00:08:02Oh, the crane has lived a long life, Mr. Stasiuk.
00:08:05Yes, yes, yes.
00:08:08There is no medicine!
00:08:22Are you waiting here?
00:08:23Agnieszka, no medicine.
00:08:28What's so heavy? Do you carry stones?
00:08:31Oh, you're not used to it.
00:08:33And it's like stones.
00:08:36And what is this device?
00:08:38Well, pipes.
00:08:39Can't you see?
00:08:40We broke the heating, they pulled it on top.
00:08:42And all the luck, because we wouldn't have warm water.
00:08:52Mr. Stasiuk, come here.
00:08:54Come here.
00:08:56You're not hungry.
00:08:57The dog will get something in a moment.
00:09:00The dog will get something in a moment.
00:09:07Why are you standing like that?
00:09:09Let the birds go.
00:09:12Go to your room.
00:09:13I have to go.
00:09:22Tell me, old man, what happened?
00:09:25I'm waiting for you to sit down.
00:09:28Some serious conversation.
00:09:32Listen, I think you know what's going on.
00:09:38I don't know.
00:09:41What happened?
00:09:43You look very strange.
00:09:45Jurek asked me to talk to you.
00:09:50What kind of comedy is this?
00:09:54He's sick.
00:09:56In a sense, yes.
00:10:01I would never agree if it weren't for you.
00:10:07It's really hard for me to talk about it.
00:10:09Talk, talk.
00:10:13You don't have to pretend you don't know anything about that woman.
00:10:25I know something about that woman, not something.
00:10:31Is that what you wanted to tell me?
00:10:36I came because...
00:10:40Jurek wants to divorce you.
00:10:45What do you mean?
00:10:46What do you mean?
00:10:47What do you mean?
00:10:48What do you mean?
00:10:49What do you mean?
00:10:50What do you mean?
00:10:51What do you mean?
00:10:53What do you...
00:10:56What do you mean, divorce?
00:10:59What do you mean, divorce?
00:11:02Jesus Christ.
00:11:05What are you saying?
00:11:09And what will happen to the kids?
00:11:12To the house? To me?
00:11:15Jurek decided to move out.
00:11:18He'll only take the car.
00:11:23He'll only take the car.
00:11:29It's very nice of him.
00:11:31That he'll only take the car.
00:11:38What am I going to tell the kids?
00:11:41Jesus Christ, what am I going to tell them?
00:11:46That he found a new wife or what?
00:11:51That he moved out of the house?
00:11:53Oh, Mother of God.
00:11:57Mother of God.
00:12:00What am I going to tell them?
00:12:03Bożonka will understand, but...
00:12:05But Agnieszka, she loves him very much.
00:12:09Man, I made up all those lies, all those conferences.
00:12:12Maybe it was a mistake.
00:12:14Maybe you shouldn't have agreed to it from the beginning.
00:12:18I don't know.
00:12:21I don't know how it was, I love him, I don't know.
00:12:23Maybe, maybe.
00:12:26Well, yes.
00:12:29I know he had other girls, but I don't know.
00:12:35But it all ended somehow.
00:12:37I could never understand.
00:12:39Maybe even more you than him.
00:12:42What couldn't you understand?
00:12:44What couldn't you understand?
00:12:46What couldn't you understand?
00:12:48That I've been holding this house with those damn claws of mine?
00:12:51Couldn't you understand that?
00:12:54I'm the one who's dragging it all.
00:13:01I've been working from morning till night.
00:13:03Look at me.
00:13:04What do I look like? Ten years older, right?
00:13:10You can't understand.
00:13:11I'm the one who's dragging this house.
00:13:13It's just that there was a guy here.
00:13:16I think you're unfair.
00:13:19You were stupid.
00:13:22I never expected him to come here.
00:13:28Sometimes I had the impression that it's up to you.
00:13:31That Jurek is leaving the house.
00:13:34You know, you're stupid.
00:13:36You just...
00:13:40It was up to me.
00:13:43It was up to me.
00:13:49Damn, it's all the same.
00:13:55She's the one who set this condition.
00:14:01Jurek asked me.
00:14:03He thought it would be better if you found out from me.
00:14:07I want to talk, if you calm down a bit.
00:14:10Believe me, it's not easy for him either.
00:14:15Yes, it's not easy for him.
00:14:21He always knew how to find someone for a dirty job.
00:14:26For 20 years, it was me.
00:14:28And now he found you.
00:14:31Not exactly, yes.
00:14:34Leave me alone.
00:14:39Life is so stupid.
00:14:42Life is so stupid.
00:14:44You just have to do everything yourself.
00:14:47Home, work, home, work.
00:14:49All the same.
00:14:52He persuaded you to do a doctorate.
00:14:56And who would take care of the children?
00:14:59The house?
00:15:01Don't you know, by chance?
00:15:03I didn't want them to...
00:15:05to eat on some tables,
00:15:07to lie down on some lights.
00:15:09I didn't want that, do you understand?
00:15:11It's the price you pay.
00:15:13The price?
00:15:17The price.
00:15:21This price is too high.
00:15:25Far too high.
00:15:28Children have to have a normal childhood.
00:15:31Don't you all understand that?
00:15:33God forbid!
00:15:35For him, it's also a tragedy.
00:15:37You know how he loves children.
00:15:41he's also attached to you.
00:15:47To me?
00:15:51He has the audacity to say that right now.
00:15:54He has the audacity to say that right now.
00:16:03How did that girl do it?
00:16:09She pulled him away from home, from the children.
00:16:13She must be very clever.
00:16:18I don't know what to say anymore.
00:16:25Do you want some vodka?
00:16:27No, thank you.
00:16:54I don't know what to say anymore.
00:17:24I don't know what to say anymore.
00:17:55Turn off this adapter
00:17:58and ask your friend to go home.
00:18:01I have a bad feeling about this.
00:18:04I have a bad feeling about this.
00:18:24Why do you treat my guests like that?
00:18:27I'm not a whore.
00:18:29You can say that to Agnieszka, but I...
00:18:31You can say that to Agnieszka, but I...
00:18:37That's all I wanted to tell you.
00:18:41Come here, darling.
00:18:43I have something to tell you.
00:18:53Father left us.
00:18:57What are you talking about, Mom?
00:19:00What are you talking about?
00:19:02He wanted a divorce.
00:19:09Be quiet, darling.
00:19:11Don't cry.
00:19:13Please, don't cry.
00:19:15Bożenka, you're a big girl now.
00:19:18You have to help me.
00:19:21We have to think about Agnieszka.
00:19:24We have to think about Agnieszka.
00:19:28Where is she?
00:19:31She's upstairs with Kowalski.
00:19:34She's doing her homework with Zosia.
00:19:37Go get her.
00:19:39We have to make dinner.
00:19:46And don't tell her anything, okay?
00:19:57Please, please.
00:19:59Give me your paw.
00:20:13Stop feeding the dog.
00:20:16And what about Dad?
00:20:19He's not here.
00:20:21He's not here.
00:20:23He's not here.
00:20:25He's not here.
00:20:27And where is Dad?
00:20:35Dad is busy.
00:20:38In the evening?
00:20:40He was supposed to do his homework with us.
00:20:43You were in Zosia and you were doing your homework.
00:20:46So what?
00:20:48But we didn't do our homework.
00:20:50And when will Dad be back?
00:20:53Dad left.
00:20:56But you said he was busy.
00:20:59Oh, don't ask so many questions.
00:21:05Take some ham.
00:21:08And where did he go?
00:21:13Dad left suddenly.
00:21:16He called me to work.
00:21:19And did he ask about me?
00:21:25And what did you tell him?
00:21:28That you left the notebook in the kiosk.
00:21:31I know. Mr. Stasio told me that Mom gave it to him.
00:21:34He said today is his third day of stomach pain.
00:21:37And he can't even drink a glass.
00:21:41Because Mr. Stasio likes to pull Stanislaw.
00:21:48Why don't you say anything?
00:21:53It's enough that you say it.
00:21:56You don't need anyone else.
00:22:08No, I didn't pack anything.
00:22:11Do it yourself.
00:22:14I don't care anymore.
00:22:21No, I don't agree at all.
00:22:24Not now. Especially Mom.
00:22:27She can't see you.
00:22:30I can't deal with her right now.
00:22:33She's starting to suspect something.
00:22:39My dear, you knew what you were doing.
00:22:42You had to know.
00:22:46It's you for the kids now, not them for you.
00:22:49You have to act in such a way
00:22:52to hurt them as little as possible.
00:22:55If it's even possible.
00:22:58I'm not shouting. I'm sorry.
00:23:05Bożenka? Good.
00:23:11She's calm. She's helping me.
00:23:21And me?
00:23:24What about me?
00:23:27I don't know.
00:23:30I'd rather not talk about it.
00:23:33Yes, in this situation it's the least important.
00:23:47Think about it.
00:23:50You need the kids.
00:23:53Especially Agnieszka.
00:23:56She really needs you.
00:23:59Don't do anything stupid.
00:24:02If you want, I'll come.
00:24:05We'll meet.
00:24:08We'll talk.
00:24:11The little one doesn't know anything yet.
00:24:14You can come back at any time.
00:24:29Yes, yes. If you're sure,
00:24:32there's nothing to say.
00:24:36So when it comes to your things,
00:24:39I'll come in the morning,
00:24:42when there are no girls.
00:24:45Leave the key with the watchman.
00:24:51I don't want you to have the key.
00:24:57My request is to come in the morning,
00:25:00when there are no kids.
00:25:03And when there won't be me.
00:25:36Yes, you can take the skis too.
00:25:39They're behind the wardrobe,
00:25:42and the shoes are in the closet.
00:26:04One, two, one, two...
00:26:08One, two, one, two...
00:26:29Good morning, ma'am.
00:26:32You're an engineer, aren't you?
00:26:36My husband moved out.
00:26:45Where are my father's things?
00:26:48Tell me where he is!
00:26:51He left.
00:26:54You're lying! I know everything!
00:26:57He left, but forever!
00:27:05He left, but forever!
00:27:35Don't bother me!
00:27:38I can't go out now!
00:28:06Agnieszka's not here.
00:28:09I don't know what happened.
00:28:12Maybe Kowalski's here?
00:28:15I was there. I called all my friends.
00:28:18She's nowhere to be found.
00:28:21Mr. Stanisław said she went to the bus stop.
00:28:24Why to the bus stop?
00:28:27Did I see her getting on the bus?
00:28:30No, but she's not here.
00:28:33I wouldn't leave her like that.
00:28:36She was fine.
00:28:39Maybe I should call my father.
00:28:42She's not there.
00:28:45She doesn't know her phone number.
00:28:48She could go to his office.
00:28:51He'd let us know.
00:28:54Where is she?
00:28:57Bożenka, call him.
00:29:04I'm sorry.
00:29:07A child picked up a mistake.
00:29:10It's not a mistake.
00:29:13This woman has a child.
00:29:16Bożenka, call him again.
00:29:19I'm sorry.
00:29:22It's not a mistake.
00:29:25This woman has a child.
00:29:28Bożenka, call him again.
00:29:31I'm sorry.
00:29:43Mr. Majewski?
00:29:46It's Bożenka.
00:29:49I wouldn't call you.
00:29:52I just wanted to ask if you know where Agnieszka is.
00:29:55No, nothing happened.
00:29:58She should be home by now.
00:30:01Maybe she went to see a friend.
00:30:10I know it's early, but she should be home by now.
00:30:16No, I won't call.
00:30:19Why are you talking to him?
00:30:22He's your father.
00:30:25He's your father?
00:30:28Bożenka, please don't talk about him like that.
00:30:31Mom, do you always have to explain everything to us?
00:30:34Didn't you notice what he did to us?
00:30:37Especially to you.
00:30:40Let's not talk about it now.
00:30:46I think I'll go with the dog.
00:30:49He'll get mad.
00:30:55Let's go.
00:31:25Let's go.
00:31:58What are you doing?
00:32:01What are you doing?
00:32:26May I, Mrs. Zofia?
00:32:29Of course.
00:32:32Are you sick?
00:32:35I don't think so.
00:32:38I haven't been able to eat lately.
00:32:41I have a sore throat.
00:32:44I'm hungry and I can't eat.
00:32:47What could it be?
00:32:50I don't know.
00:32:54If you don't feel well,
00:32:57please come to me.
00:33:00We'll do some tests and so on.
00:33:03Now you have to be less nervous.
00:33:06In my case, it's impossible.
00:33:09I'd like to ask you for something to calm me down.
00:33:12The herbal powders I got from you didn't work.
00:33:15The powders won't remove the cause, Mrs. Irena.
00:33:18The powders.
00:33:21The powders.
00:33:24Maybe herbs?
00:33:27All right.
00:33:30What about the children?
00:33:33How's Agnieszka?
00:33:39I can't deal with her.
00:33:42She's still young.
00:33:45I don't understand why her beloved father
00:33:48suddenly moved out of the house
00:33:51and lives on the streets with another woman.
00:33:54I found her notebook.
00:33:57She writes poems about that woman.
00:34:00There's hatred in all of it.
00:34:03It was the gentlest child under the sun.
00:34:06The child is alive.
00:34:09I know that pain.
00:34:12When my husband died,
00:34:15Basia was 13 years old.
00:34:18She was almost as old as Agnieszka.
00:34:21She couldn't understand either.
00:34:24Yes, but it's something else.
00:34:27Agnieszka's father is alive.
00:34:30Yes, yes.
00:34:33It's something else.
00:34:36I don't understand.
00:34:39How could he leave such good children, his family?
00:34:43Here's the recipe.
00:34:48Thank you.
00:35:16I'm sorry, but I knew there were no girls.
00:35:19You could have called.
00:35:22I preferred to come.
00:35:25May we come in?
00:35:33Please, please.
00:35:42Thank you.
00:36:01It's about the call.
00:36:06I thought it would be better for you
00:36:09to be the judge.
00:36:15I don't understand.
00:36:18We could sort it out.
00:36:21You'd feel like a judge.
00:36:26No, no.
00:36:29I'm better at this.
00:36:32As you wish.
00:36:35But what's the point
00:36:38of being a judge?
00:36:41You're funny.
00:36:44Do you think we'll go to court
00:36:47and ask for a divorce after 20 years
00:36:50and they'll give it to us without blinking?
00:36:53You've always been childish, my dear.
00:36:59When you finally grow up
00:37:02and have a husband, it won't happen.
00:37:05You and that woman.
00:37:08She had a hard life.
00:37:11That's why you abandoned our children.
00:37:14You know how it really was.
00:37:17What do you mean?
00:37:20I don't know.
00:37:23We've been together for years.
00:37:29At the beginning of our relationship
00:37:32you didn't mind it at all.
00:37:35Did you lose your mind?
00:37:38I didn't mind it?
00:37:41You've got it all wrong.
00:37:44Show me a woman
00:37:47who's happy
00:37:50that her husband betrays her.
00:37:53Show me a woman like that.
00:37:56I just wanted peace at home.
00:38:00I wanted a normal life for the girls.
00:38:03I never had time for anything.
00:38:06You liked to be busy.
00:38:09You never had time.
00:38:12It was even in your style.
00:38:15Remember our conversations from 17 years ago.
00:38:18I remember.
00:38:21If I had listened to you then,
00:38:24I wouldn't have been a godmother.
00:38:28How many times have I heard
00:38:31that I made a career in science at your expense?
00:38:34You know, I never said that.
00:38:40If I ever thought about anything,
00:38:43it was only that I didn't get anywhere.
00:38:46You didn't want to listen to me.
00:38:49It's my huge fault
00:38:52that I wanted the girls to have a normal life.
00:38:56Yes, but even in this case, you forgot about me.
00:38:59Even now, when you want to stop me,
00:39:02you have only one argument.
00:39:05The kids.
00:39:11It's my huge fault.
00:39:14No, it's not your fault.
00:39:17But don't be surprised
00:39:20that it is what it is.
00:39:23We didn't even spend the last few years together.
00:39:26The kids had to be with us all the time.
00:39:29First with me, and then with you.
00:39:32But Agnieszka has a sore throat.
00:39:35The sea is good for her.
00:39:38There were colonies and there still are.
00:39:41What are we even talking about?
00:39:44It doesn't matter anymore.
00:39:47It does matter.
00:39:50I'm a soulless monster.
00:39:53I don't want to spend the rest of my life alone.
00:39:59And the kids?
00:40:02You see, even during this conversation,
00:40:05you didn't think about us.
00:40:11You didn't learn anything, Zosia.
00:40:20I'm sorry.
00:40:36Doctor, will you take one more?
00:40:39It's over. We're not going to dance.
00:40:42Okay, I'll take it, but it's the last one.
00:40:45It's very expensive.
00:40:51Here you go.
00:40:54These powders will help, doctor.
00:40:57The powders alone will never help.
00:41:00You have to take care of yourself.
00:41:03I don't like you, Mrs. Opat.
00:41:06You have to go to the gynecologist,
00:41:09because I suspect it's a matter of a woman.
00:41:12I'll go, I'll go for sure, doctor.
00:41:18I'm listening.
00:41:21Yes, it's me.
00:41:24Well, in court, as in court.
00:41:27It's not the most pleasant thing.
00:41:30Imagine, they wanted to make us agree,
00:41:33but for the first time in our lives,
00:41:36we said no.
00:41:39I'm sorry, I have a patient.
00:41:42I'll call you later, okay?
00:42:02It's five o'clock.
00:42:05You'd better undress. Andrzej is never punctual.
00:42:08You'll get wet.
00:42:11So what?
00:42:14If you don't undress, you won't go anywhere.
00:42:17Dad's calling home. We're going to the cinema together.
00:42:20Do you still have to go there?
00:42:23Maybe I have to.
00:42:47You're not feeling well, Mom?
00:42:53At what time was he supposed to pick her up?
00:42:56At seven.
00:42:59At seven?
00:43:02I don't know.
00:43:05I don't know.
00:43:08I don't know.
00:43:11I don't know.
00:43:14At what time was he supposed to pick her up?
00:43:17At seven.
00:43:20And what time is it now?
00:43:23It's eight.
00:43:26Bożenka. Yes, Mom?
00:43:29Call me.
00:43:36It's Bożenka.
00:43:39Is Agnieszka still with you?
00:43:42Mom's worried.
00:43:45Did Adam come out?
00:43:48Good night.
00:43:51Oh, they're here.
00:43:54Here we are.
00:43:57Bożenka, I'm telling you, I was in the attic.
00:44:00And this boy gave me a jet ski.
00:44:03It was fantastic.
00:44:06About the Snow Queen, about the dwarfs...
00:44:09Did you do your homework?
00:44:12Okay, go on.
00:44:15Please, Andrzej, follow the rules of this house.
00:44:18We try to be punctual.
00:44:21I'm sorry.
00:44:24Good night.
00:44:33Good night.
00:44:56Eat, eat.
00:44:59I won't eat anymore.
00:45:02Take some cheese, Agnieszka.
00:45:05But I'm already full.
00:45:08If you don't eat, you're not going anywhere.
00:45:11I'm going to Campinos with Dad.
00:45:14Don't argue since this morning.
00:45:17She's the one who argues.
00:45:20She always starts with everyone.
00:45:23Yesterday, when Maja called, she didn't want to answer the phone.
00:45:26Shut up!
00:45:29Why are you meddling in my business?
00:45:32Why are you meddling in my business?
00:45:35Calm down, Agnieszka.
00:46:00What are you doing?
00:46:03What did you do to yourself?
00:46:09I'm already big.
00:46:12If you don't clean it now, you're not going anywhere.
00:46:15Dad invited me to a trip.
00:46:18There will be this lady and her son.
00:46:21And I can get out of here.
00:46:24Before you get out, you have to wash your face.
00:46:27I'm going to kill you!
00:46:57Don't cry.
00:47:00Don't be sad, Agnieszka.
00:47:03What did I do, Mom?
00:47:06I didn't want to.
00:47:09She won't forgive me.
00:47:12But she will.
00:47:15Try to apologize to her.
00:47:18But she won't forgive me.
00:47:21Try it.
00:47:31I didn't want to.
00:47:34Don't be mad.
00:47:42What did you want, cabbage head?
00:47:45What did you want, cabbage head?
00:47:48Go to the mirror, to the bathroom and look at your face.
00:47:51Go to the mirror, to the bathroom and look at your face.
00:47:54Go to the bathroom, to the bathroom, quickly.
00:48:08What can I do?
00:48:11The patient is not bleeding.
00:48:14What time is it?
00:48:17People are getting sick.
00:48:20How much strength do you need to do all this?
00:48:22If I need to, I'll find the strength.
00:48:26And I'll drink my coffee with pleasure.
00:48:30Oh, the pressure dropped.
00:48:33Pressure, pressure.
00:48:35The doctor doesn't respect himself.
00:48:38How many times do I hear what the doctor says to the patients?
00:48:42That they should take care of themselves and rest.
00:48:47Don't you know, Mrs. Róża, that the boss comes in without shoes?
00:48:53The coffee is over. I'm going to borrow it.
00:48:58Mrs. Waża.
00:49:06Please, have a seat.
00:49:11Mrs. Kobiałko, right?
00:49:16I'm not a patient.
00:49:21I'm listening.
00:49:24We don't know each other.
00:49:27My name is Anna... Anna Kamińska.
00:49:32This is Jerzy.
00:49:38Jurek is in the hospital.
00:49:41He has a concussion.
00:49:44He's very worried.
00:49:47He asked you to tell him.
00:49:50Which hospital is he in?
00:49:53In the Transplant Hospital.
00:49:56I mean, in the Prask hospital.
00:50:00I don't know what to do.
00:50:03He's terrified.
00:50:05He's counting on you.
00:50:09Don't worry so much.
00:50:12A concussion is not a concussion yet.
00:50:16It happens in his age.
00:50:20Will you go to him?
00:50:24Yes, I will.
00:50:38Thank you.
00:51:08Thank you.
00:51:24May I give you a lift?
00:51:27No, thank you.
00:51:39I haven't seen you for a long time.
00:51:41I'm sick.
00:51:43My husband is in the hospital.
00:51:45I told the engineer to have a drink.
00:51:49It will help.
00:51:51For the liver, for the heart, for everything.
00:51:55Thank you.
00:51:58Will you go to the park with me?
00:52:02We haven't seen each other for a long time.
00:52:24You know, father, what's going on?
00:52:27These are the new methods.
00:52:29They even tell the concussion patients to walk on the stairs.
00:52:33Maybe we're not needed.
00:52:37I'm sorry, mom.
00:52:40I'm in trouble, too.
00:52:43I broke up with Mark.
00:52:47Yes, somehow.
00:52:50You know, it's all because of father.
00:52:54At first it was cool.
00:52:58But after what father did to us, something changed.
00:53:03And I changed.
00:53:06I started to look at Mark as if he were the same as father.
00:53:12I just stopped believing him.
00:53:15No, you can't say that, sister.
00:53:20Every person is different.
00:53:22Every matter is different.
00:53:25When something like this happens between me and father,
00:53:29both sides are free.
00:53:32Sometimes I can understand you, mom.
00:53:36You'll understand, darling, when you're as old as I am.
00:53:56Excuse me.
00:53:58Excuse me, what's the connection between England and France?
00:54:02The Canal La Manche.
00:54:05Thank you.
00:54:12Come on, come on.
00:54:15Come on, come on.
00:54:18Come on, come on.
00:54:22Come on, let's sit down.
00:54:26You're still weak, darling.
00:54:35But it'll be better with each day.
00:54:52I'm sure that with a little bit of good will,
00:54:59that if we both made this effort,
00:55:05I would change a lot of things.
00:55:10I understood how...
00:55:15how much I'm connected with you, with the children.
00:55:22You understood a bit too late.
00:55:27You know, it's only been a few months.
00:55:33Yes, but a lot has happened, Jerzy, a lot.
00:55:38You can't just go from this to that,
00:55:43erase it from your memory.
00:55:48The girls have already reconciled with your absence.
00:55:53And now the return?
00:55:56Where from? Why? How are we going to explain this to them?
00:56:03Agnieszka would be happy.
00:56:08Bożenka is so big that she can be taken away from her.
00:56:15I don't know what to do.
00:56:20I don't know what to do.
00:56:25I don't know what to do.
00:56:30I don't know what to do.
00:56:35Do you know what Bożenka told me?
00:56:39That she broke up with her boyfriend because he seemed like you to her.
00:56:45Do you understand what that means?
00:56:49She's at an age when she can't forgive herself so easily.
00:56:56Ah, there's nothing to talk about.
00:57:01You also have obligations towards that woman and her child.
00:57:06She loves you, Jerzy.
00:57:13I don't want to start life anew.
00:57:18I'm too old for that.
00:57:22I'm too tired.
00:57:27You'll have to try, like me.
00:57:32Well, I did wrong, you did wrong.
00:57:37Now we have to pay for it.
00:57:40And yes, everything has its price.
00:57:46Come on, I'll take you to your room.
00:57:51Excuse me, I don't agree with something.
00:57:54What? Where? With this channel?
00:57:58We'll see in a moment.
00:58:01Which number is this?
00:58:04This one?
00:58:07This one?
00:58:09This one?
00:58:11This one?
00:58:13This one?
00:58:15This one?
00:58:17This one?
00:58:20Which one is this?
00:58:22Number 15, right?
00:58:25Ah, here you are.
00:58:28Because it's written as La Manche.
00:58:34La Manche, here you are.
00:58:36And you'll agree with it.
00:58:37Thank you.
00:58:49La Manche, here you are.
00:59:19La Manche, here you are.
00:59:50I've been there, I've been there.
00:59:54I've been absorbed by time.
00:59:57I've had enough of tears.
00:59:59Will it be the same for me?
01:00:02Loneliness is my pain.
01:00:10This white tango is
01:00:13My blackest thought.
01:00:17I know it's easier to ask
01:00:20Than to look for the door.
01:00:24But I'll try to leave.
01:00:28This thought is stronger
01:00:31That you won't turn around
01:00:34To refuse me again.
01:00:39It's not worth dancing any further
01:00:44When I know our paths
01:00:47Have already crossed.
01:00:51This white tango is
01:00:54My blackest thought.
01:00:58I know it's easier to ask
01:01:02Than to look for the door.
01:01:06But I'll try to leave.
01:01:10This thought is stronger
01:01:13That you won't turn around
01:01:16To refuse me again.
01:01:20To refuse me again.
01:01:24To refuse me again.