4th July 2024 Part2

  • 2 months ago
4th July 2024 Part2
00:26Son, please, just talk to the police.
00:30If it wasn't for Denzel, you wouldn't be in this mess.
00:33You need to tell the truth.
00:35Oh, yeah? Like you do? 100% honest, are you?
00:38I don't want Denzel to get away with this.
00:43..he's my best mate.
00:45And you've just shoved him to the police.
00:47I don't even know if I can speak to him again.
00:50So what you've done has made this even worse.
00:55Police come away, I ain't saying nothing.
00:58He ain't answering his phone.
01:00He ain't been to school, no-one's seen him on the square.
01:03He's acting so shifty and guilty.
01:06He must be on the menu.
01:08You don't think he has collapsed, too, do you?
01:10I don't know. Why should Denz be the lucky one?
01:13Oi! Is that him?
01:19Oi! What do you think you're doing?
01:21You can't just come in here!
01:23You've arrested Denzel on suspicion of supplying clandestine drugs.
01:26Suspicion of supplying Class C-controlled substances to a minor.
01:29And under Section 18 of the Police and Evidence Act 1984,
01:33we have a right to search this property.
01:35No, no, no. Denzel ain't no drug dealer.
01:37Where is he? Is he all right?
01:39He's been taken to the police station.
01:41This must be a joke.
01:43You lot should be ashamed of yourselves.
01:45All this heavy-handedness for a schoolboy.
01:48And when it comes to the big stuff, you lot just drag it out for weeks.
01:51I'm telling you this now, you've got the wrong boy.
02:02I understand.
02:05I really do.
02:09But you could end up in prison.
02:12I know.
02:14But at least this might reopen the case and then
02:17Myra and her husband finally get their day in court.
02:20Well, he's already locked up.
02:23You could end up sitting in a cell next to him.
02:25I mean, who's that going to help?
02:30Me. Them.
02:32If it's justice, right?
02:34Is it?
02:36I'm not sure that it is.
02:38I mean, it's not going to make them feel any better about what happened.
02:42Nothing changes for Aaron.
02:44Everything changes for you.
02:46And for them,
02:48well, their lives have still been destroyed by a racist thug.
02:51And we need you.
02:53That's the other thing.
02:55All of us.
02:57Me especially.
02:59And I need you to keep me strong.
03:03I know.
03:06But if you do this,
03:09Aaron will have destroyed our family as well as theirs.
03:17You might think you're helping Denzel out.
03:19But lying to the police,
03:21obstructing their inquiries,
03:24you could end up in as much trouble as him.
03:27So come on.
03:30You tell your Dadaji.
03:36Tell me how this all started.
03:39All right.
03:41Yeah. Yeah, I'll tell you the truth.
03:45If you tell everyone that you've been kissing my mum...
03:51That's the way up.
03:56Your mother and I...
03:58I don't actually want to hear it, Dada.
04:01But if you don't get out of my face and drop all this stuff about coming clean,
04:06I'm going to tell everyone what you did.
04:14You need to get in that room.
04:16You need to get in that room and nip it in the bud right now.
04:19And you know what you need to do?
04:21You need to tell them, not my son, not today, not today or any other day.
04:24That's what you need to say.
04:26Because trust me, no matter how sorry he is,
04:28if they get half the chance, they're going to throw the book at him.
04:31I'm saying, oh, dear, what's your name?
04:33What's happening with Denzel?
04:35Is he all right? Has he seen a doctor?
04:37Yeah, he's been seen by the custody nurse.
04:39Hear what? I've got two words for you, yeah?
04:41Appropriate adult. I know my rights.
04:43Kids under 16, he needs an adult in that room with them right now.
04:47He's requested one.
04:49Oh, yeah. Right.
04:53How's he doing?
05:04Listen, um...
05:06You don't have to keep this up here forever, you know.
05:09I'm sure we can find a nice spot for it somewhere.
05:12And her birthday seems like the right time to move it, don't you think?
05:16You remembered.
05:18See, I didn't know what to say, what to do.
05:21I mean, would you celebrate?
05:23Of course.
05:25We'll celebrate it.
05:27And the drinks are on the house, OK?
05:29I see Dad's not wasting any time.
05:33Now, honestly, me and my ex,
05:35we can't even be in the same room together,
05:37let alone run a business.
05:39Treated you that bad, did she?
05:41No, the opposite.
05:43I loved her to death.
05:45But she was...toxic for me.
05:48Telling you, we were just proper rowers that were going for hours.
05:53But what can I say?
05:55I do like a woman with a bit of fire in her belly.
05:58Guilty as charged.
06:01It was, um, just like these influencers online.
06:04They did fitness stuff.
06:06To hell with gains in that.
06:08They never said it was illegal or nothing.
06:11So someone on social media told you where to get it?
06:14It was only for personal use, we never...
06:16If you let me ask the questions. Sorry.
06:18And you gave these steroids to the vendor?
06:20Yeah, but I didn't make any profit.
06:22Have you given them to anyone else?
06:25Denz really wants to help with the investigation, don't you, mate?
06:28Yeah, I do. I can show you the links I use and the DMs I got.
06:31These guys were making out that everyone was using them.
06:34It was totally safe.
06:36Now I'm not getting some awesome results.
06:41I might go into prison.
06:54When the kids are out of here, we should think about the future.
06:59We do have two kids together.
07:02The stronger we are, the safer and happier they'll be.
07:09Any luck getting through to him?
07:11Don't trust police, innit?
07:13I think I need to get back to the restaurant.
07:15OK. Look, I won't be long, yeah?
07:18Call me if there's any changes.
07:41I know I agreed to be patient,
07:43but you should know
07:46the vendor saw us kissing.
07:49I don't want to lie to the vendor, not when he's in hospital bed.
07:55I want to be in control of the moment when Sukhi finds out.
07:59Look, I just need to focus on my family.
08:03That's what the whole deal was about.
08:06Securing a future for your family.
08:08I think I made a mistake.
08:10I need to focus on being a mum.
08:13A piece of trash like you...
08:15isn't capable of that.
08:19You offered to sleep with your kid's granddad for money.
08:24You tried cheating them out of their inheritance
08:27by seducing a dying old man.
08:29So I'm warning you.
08:33You're going to try and blackmail me into bed?
08:35Do you realise how sad and desperate that makes you?
08:40Deal's off.
08:41No amount of money's worth it.
08:43No amount of money's worth it.
08:48As if you were ever going to get it.
08:53You are a pathetic excuse of a man.
08:57And you're going to spend the rest of your days miserable and alone.
09:01And quite frankly, you deserve it.
09:05Made your part in shaping history?
09:09The election. You voted.
09:12Oh. Is that today?
09:14What if you'd been living under a rock?
09:16No, I just had a lot on.
09:18Anyway, it's only one vote. What difference does it make?
09:20What difference does it make? Do you know what?
09:22If everyone thought like that...
09:24OK, OK. I get it. I'll do it.
09:26People like us, we've got to stick together.
09:30People like... I'm not sure we voted for the same people.
09:33Whatever. Just make sure you vote, all right?
09:45He's being released while they talk about a juvenile caution.
09:49If everything works out and the caution's approved,
09:52he won't face any more charges.
09:54Silly boy. Come here.
10:10You all right, love?
10:11Thank you.
10:15I'm sorry.
10:16I'm sorry.
10:17I'm sorry.
10:18I'm sorry.
10:19I'm sorry.
10:20I'm sorry.
10:21I'm sorry.
10:22I'm sorry.
10:24You went for Rocky recently. How's he doing?
10:27Oh, well, I had a call a while back.
10:30He puts on a brave face, but, well, let's face it,
10:33prison ain't no picnic, is it?
10:35It's not.
10:37Why do you ask?
10:39I just think about my Aaron sometimes, that's all.
10:42Yeah, well, there's the difference there, Harvey, innit?
10:45You know, Rocky's just a normal bloke who's made some really bad decisions,
10:48but scumbags like Aaron, that's who prison was made for.
10:52Look, I'm sorry.
10:54I know that's not what you want to hear, but it's the truth.
11:00You're right.
11:09What are you doing?
11:10Welcome home, son.
11:12Thank you.
11:13What's your name? What's yours?
11:15They had nothing on him, isn't it?
11:16Look, I'm storming in here like he's Pablo Escobar.
11:19Can we stop?
11:22You can all celebrate if you want,
11:25and yet I'm glad to hear my son's not a drug dealer.
11:29Not stupid enough for that.
11:31But he is stupid enough to pump his body full of steroids.
11:35No, I'm not listening to this.
11:37The police took them, I'm not doing it anymore, so it's not a problem.
11:39It is a problem!
11:42We're going to hospital to get you checked out by a doctor,
11:45because what you did was reckless and irresponsible.
11:48And you think I'm taking some advice from beta male?
11:51Excuse me?
11:52You ain't never stepped in the gym your whole life,
11:54and now you're trying to tell me?
11:56Hey, show your father some respect.
12:00No, no, I respect real men,
12:02and he is not one of them.
12:04Men like Zack, yeah?
12:05Yeah, yeah, why not?
12:06Look out on the square.
12:07Do you see him on the square in a clown outfit?
12:10Making a fool of himself!
12:14You're weak, you're lazy, and you're stupid.
12:19Why do you all think I go to the gym?
12:21Hmm? Why?
12:23Because I don't want to end up like no loser like him.
12:28Go to your room.
12:29There, look at you.
12:30Go to your room.
12:33Do you know what the truth is?
12:36I'm embarrassed to have you as a dad.
12:49I hear you, OK?
12:52You're right.
12:53Me falling on my sword is not going to help anyone.
12:57But I feel like I need to do something,
13:00and sacrificing a bit of cash each month to help out,
13:03that seems like a small price to pay.
13:05You know, we can tighten our belts and...
13:07Not the money, Harvey.
13:08To hell with the money.
13:10But this Maya is obviously unstable, and I know why.
13:15And I'm not judging her.
13:17But you will always be a reminder of what happened.
13:20You think? Yes.
13:22A permanent link to a horrible chapter in her life.
13:27For her sake, and yours,
13:30I think you should cut all ties and walk away.
13:36Just walk away, Harvey.
13:40Hey, Dad, are you OK?
13:43Sorry, I'm fine.
13:45No, you're not. Come on, let's go home.
13:47Come on, I'll take you home.
13:49Let's see if I can fix it.
13:51OK, all right, OK.
13:53Look, this way, then.
14:09Look, this way, then.
14:12I'm sorry, son.
14:15It's not how I wanted things to be.
14:19I thought the vendor didn't ask for a look at me.
14:22Stupid old fool.
14:25What are you talking about?
14:28I feel like I've let everyone down, son.
14:34She played me.
14:35She played me.
14:38Who played you?
14:43What's she done, Dad?
14:46Dad, what's she...
14:48Priya and I...
14:52We slept together.
15:04Oh, howie, howie.
15:08Beta male.
15:11Listen, don't be letting that get into your head, OK?
15:15It's just the algorithms.
15:17They're bombarded on all of their socials, so...
15:20And listen, he's a kid.
15:22Yeah, he doesn't even know what it is to be a man.
15:25It's got a pretty long list.
15:27OK, so you're not 6 foot 5 and a stack, so what?
15:31It doesn't make you less of a man in my eyes.
15:33And I should know.
15:35I've had my fair share and...
15:37Let me tell you, this rock-hard muscle is only skin deep.
15:40Do you have to?
15:43I'm talking about emotional strength.
15:48Psychological strength.
15:50Those are the bits that make you a proper man.
15:55OK, so you can't lift weights, but you know what you can lift?
16:00My soul.
16:03My spirit.
16:05Because you, Howard Danes...
16:10..you're my work.
16:12My absolute work.
16:16Denzel is not in Israel.
16:36They let you out, then?
16:38I swear, I didn't grasp. I didn't say nothing.
16:41Yeah, it's all right, man. I know it was your dad.
16:49Don't go upsetting him.
16:57Don't be hard on your dad, bro.
17:01Just looking out for you, innit?
17:03I told the police everything.
17:07Don't lie on me.
17:10How are you feeling?
17:13Pretty rough.
17:17Stupid one.
17:20I don't want to lie no more, ever.
17:23I've already apologised to Amy.
17:27She never tried to get it on with me.
17:30I tried to kiss her, which is stupid.
17:35She knocked me back and I guess I was jealous, angry, I don't know.
17:43Yeah, I know I messed it all up.
17:46Mate, I am so sorry.
17:50I just wanted the way it was.
17:53All of us friends and that.
18:01It's cool, man.
18:06I haven't been the mate, bro.
18:09I drove you to this and I know I did.
18:14So sweet you're in it, man.
18:22Dad wants me out.
18:25Just looking out for you, ain't he?
18:35When was this?
18:38She's been working me for weeks, man.
18:42She's been teasing me, tempting me.
18:48Until it finally happened yesterday.
18:51While poor Devinder was collapsing.
18:55The last thing that poor boy saw through the window
18:59was the two of us kissing.
19:06You and Priya are as shocked as you are.
19:14It's just, in that moment,
19:18in that moment,
19:21it just felt like the most natural, beautiful thing in the world.
19:26And then it became clear.
19:28This can happen again, she said.
19:32But I'll need something back in return.
19:40She wanted everything.
19:42The businesses,
19:44properties all signed over in her name.
19:47And when I resisted,
19:49that's when she threatened to tell everybody what had happened.
19:52Oh, she, she, she played me, man.
19:55She, she played me like the old fool that I am.
20:01And the only thing that I know for sure
20:03is that woman cannot be trusted.
20:07She doesn't care about you,
20:09the kids, any sort of family.
20:12The only thing that she cares about
20:15is herself.
20:34Would you like another one?
20:37You said you'd get me one drink to win me around, that was the deal.
20:41But did I succeed?
20:43Well, I'm not as angry as I was,
20:45but if you ever have another late-night drinking session in my gym,
20:50we'll be having worse.
20:52Promise is promise, in fact.
20:54Well, I don't quite understand how you irritated your ex-wife so much.
21:01Good night.
21:12Messing with Phil's ex is not a smart move.
21:16What are you talking about? It's ancient history, ain't it?
21:19Listen, you're playing with fire.
21:22And I told you to keep him on side.
21:24I am.
21:26But you know me, Dad.
21:28I've got a soft spot for bold ones.
21:30Yeah, well, don't you go causing us any trouble.
21:33Trouble? Really?
21:36I'm not the one keeping secrets from the family, am I?
21:40And I don't know what it is you're trying to cover up,
21:43but I'll be worried less about me and more about yourself.
21:54Ah, that looks so lovely up there, mate.
21:58Nice, eh?
22:00Let's have another drink for Lola, eh?
22:06Thank you, thank you so much for coming.
22:08Right, you need to stop calling me.
22:10Do you understand?
22:12It's upsetting Abdul.
22:15I understand. I just...
22:17I just need you, and I'm devastated.
22:20I'm real sorry, Maya, for everything.
22:22It's OK.
22:27There's stuff that I needed to say to you before.
22:30There's stuff that I needed to say to you, but...
22:33you're not your son. I do know that.
22:36Look, it...
22:38This doesn't make up for anything,
22:41but take it, and please...
22:44If it pays a bill, it clears up some doubt.
22:49Look, take it. It doesn't mean you forgive me.
22:51I haven't seen about that.
22:53Think of what you could do with it.
22:55Think of what you could do with it.
22:58And there'll be more next month.
23:00Every month, until you get yourself out of this hole.
23:04And what's Jean going to make of this?
23:09I'll explain the situation, but...
23:11Yeah, no, she's on board.
23:13I mean, she's totally on board, so...
23:17You'll want to help.
23:25Did you see that cardboard box thingy that they wanted him to wee in?
23:28Can't lie, it's so embarrassing.
23:30I will never go to a hospital.
23:32Oh, yeah? What if Davinda needs one of your kidneys?
23:35No, cos that's not a thing.
23:37Wait, is that a thing?
23:39Let's hope not.
23:41Breathe. Yeah.
23:43It's going to be all right.
23:49Whose are those?
23:51Look who it is.
23:54The OG gold digger herself.
23:57What do you call me?
23:59Funny. Give us a minute.
24:01I'm not going anywhere.
24:03What is this?
24:05I called you a gold digger.
24:07And that's even about right, doesn't it?
24:10For someone who's so keen to get her hands on my dad's inheritance...
24:15..that she slept with him.
24:19You did what?
24:34Don't want to hear anything.
24:36I'm not weak, you know.
24:38Yeah, well...
24:40I'm not!
24:44I'm not.
24:47If you want to know what a real man is...
24:50..it's me.
24:55I'm it.
24:59If you want to know how strong I am...
25:05..I'll show you.
25:10Come here.
25:13Come here.
25:17Come here.
25:24What are you doing?
25:26I love you.
25:34Do you feel that love?
25:39Do you feel how strong it is?
25:45You're a stupid boy.
25:50But you ain't in this alone.
25:52You understand?
25:55You ain't in this alone.
25:59Will you listen to me, please?
26:01Ravi, it never happened. He's making it all up in his head.
26:04Davinder saw us kissing.
26:06Are you serious? OK.
26:08OK, but it was a stupid kiss.
26:10It didn't lead to anything else.
26:12It led to him running away.
26:14It led to him collapsing on his own in the street.
26:16That ain't my fault. You slept with my dad for money!
26:18I didn't! Why would I lie?
26:20It's all you ever do. I made him an offer.
26:22OK? Yes.
26:24And so what? Is that really so bad?
26:26I've got nothing. I was just trying to secure a future for me and my kids.
26:30No, no, don't bring me into this.
26:32That's my grandad you were messing with, Mum.
26:34I didn't even go through with it.
26:36Our son's in hospital. Nothing happened.
26:39And, you know, us coming together,
26:42fighting for our child...
26:46..I actually started to feel something for you.
26:51And all the time you were trying to scam a dying man.
26:53No! You used me.
26:55Oh, drop dead! Mum!
26:57Acting all innocent!
26:59You wanted me on your arm to make Suki jealous.
27:02How could you say that?
27:04That's it, I'm done. You can't kick me out.
27:06This is Suki's house.
27:08Kick you out?
27:10Oh, the bags?
27:13No, no, no, no, they're not for you.
27:15They're for Avani.
27:17You think I'm going to let my daughter stay in ours with you?
27:21No chance.
27:23You're a terrible mum.
27:26You coming, baby?
27:28She ain't going anywhere.
27:30Well, why don't we ask Avani what she wants?
27:32Great idea. Avani, would you like to come and live with me and your brother?
27:36Or stay with the woman who seduced your dying grandfather to get her hands on his money?
27:41Good decision.
27:46Look, I'm sorry, I'm just well out of order.
27:49Please don't leave me.