The Bill S25E59 That's Love For You

  • 3 months ago
The Bill S25E59 That's Love For You
00:00You're a dog person or a cat person?
00:11Dogs all the way.
00:15Definitely cats.
00:16What's so great about a cat?
00:17They only want to know you when they're hungry.
00:18That's the point.
00:19They've got it up there.
00:20Do you know what I mean?
00:21They're clever.
00:23So next time you're chasing some scrote with a knife, do you want a van to arrive with
00:40a dog in the back or a cat?
00:42Shut up.
00:44Oh, no, no, no.
00:51I think he's hit someone.
01:03I need a snuff.
01:14You alright?
01:22You alright?
01:23What's happened?
01:25Oh my God, he's taken the car.
01:26Alright, alright, calm down.
01:27He's taken the car.
01:28My baby's in the back.
01:29He's taken my baby.
01:30He's taken my baby.
01:31He's taken my baby.
01:32He's taken my baby.
01:33He's taken my baby.
01:34He's taken my baby.
01:35He's taken my baby.
01:36He's taken my baby.
01:37He's taken my baby.
01:38He's taken my baby.
01:39He's taken my baby.
01:40He's taken my baby.
01:41He's taken my baby.
01:42He's taken my baby.
01:43He's taken my baby.
01:44He's taken my baby.
01:45He's taken my baby.
01:46He's taken my baby.
01:47He's taken my baby.
01:48He's taken my baby.
01:49He's taken my baby.
01:50He's taken my baby.
01:51He's taken my baby.
01:52He's taken my baby.
01:53He's taken my baby.
01:54He's taken my baby.
01:55He's taken my baby.
01:56He's taken my baby.
01:58Descriptions of what she was wearing.
02:01Anything we can do to help?
02:02Still getting details off the mother.
02:03You can see if anyone saw anything.
02:05That would be a right help.
02:08And how old is Ches?
02:0918 months.
02:10I just put her in the car ready to go out.
02:12You say she was in a removable car seat.
02:14Was she strapped in?
02:15It just left her for two seconds to go and get the buggy.
02:17It was just two seconds.
02:19What did the guy look like?
02:22I don't know.
02:23I hardly saw him.
02:24I grabbed onto the car.
02:26I tried to keep hold but I fell over.
02:28OK, listen.
02:29Come on.
02:30We've got everyone out at the moment looking for Chelsea.
02:32We just need you to keep it together so you can help.
02:34Where's Gavin?
02:35Does he know?
02:36Lily, who's Gavin?
02:37Chelsea's dad.
02:38He's at work.
02:39A phone shop on Manly Road.
02:42OK, what do we know?
02:43Right, mother's name's Lily Wright.
02:44She lives here at number 20.
02:46She stuck her kid in the car ready to go out.
02:48I turned her back for a moment.
02:49Someone jumped in and took off.
02:50Could be a carjack.
02:51It could be an abduction.
02:52Right, let me assume the worst.
02:53Is she OK?
02:54Yeah, she got dragged, fell, banged her head.
02:56We've got an ambulance on our way.
02:57I think she's OK.
02:58Right, OK.
02:59We need the details of everyone that child interacts with, right?
03:01Friends, family, playgroups, the lot.
03:03All blind.
03:04No one saw anything.
03:05Right, then start knocking on doors.
03:06We need a witness.
03:08Pig's mind.
03:09Get yourself down to Manly Road.
03:13Stevie's up to speed.
03:14Anything new?
03:15Well, the alert's gone that wide.
03:16Engine 99 are airborne.
03:18But there's been no sighting, Jan.
03:20What does this one feel like to you, sir?
03:21Well, it's got all the hallmarks of a carjacking.
03:23Maybe the thief didn't realise the kid was in the back.
03:26But there again, somebody might have been watching the house,
03:28waiting for the opportunity to smash it.
03:30Either way, better safe than sorry.
03:32Well, Leon's getting a list together of everybody who's had contact with Chelsea.
03:35I want you and Grice working on it.
03:38I'll get a visor checked on a child sex offender.
03:39Start with a one-mile radius of Chelsea's house and go from there.
03:54Can I help you, officer?
03:56Oh, yeah, I'm looking for Gavin Downey.
03:58I'm John Downey, his brother. I run this place.
04:00Is there a problem?
04:01Well, I prefer to discuss that with Gavin.
04:03Someone say my name?
04:07Look, there's no easy way to tell you this,
04:09but your car's been taken and your daughter Chelsea was in the back.
04:13What do you mean, taken? Taken where?
04:14Lily banged her head trying to stop the car, but she's fine.
04:18Oh, hang on.
04:19No, no, I need to go home.
04:21Yeah, well, I'll take it. Just stop and think for a second.
04:24Is there anyone who might have a reason to take Chelsea?
04:27What do you mean, reason? Of course not, no.
04:30Anyone with a grudge? Anything you can think of?
04:32No. Maybe they just wanted a car, you know, some sort of crackhead.
04:35Yeah, well, that's what we're hoping.
04:37No, no, I've got to go home. I need to go now.
04:39All right, I'll be back.
04:40OK, I'll just lock up here. I'll follow you.
04:42Come on, everyone.
04:47Yeah, I heard about Chelsea. I can't believe it.
04:50How long has she been coming here?
04:51Since she turned one. A couple of mornings a week.
04:53Who brings her and collects her?
04:55Well, usually mum. Her dad's picked her up once or twice. Why?
04:59What about the other mums and dads? Anyone pay her any undue attention?
05:02No. You don't think someone's had their eye on her, do you?
05:05It's just routine. Hopefully it'll all be a waste of time.
05:08Do you ever get people hanging about outside?
05:10Well, we get the occasional, you know, weirdo looking through the fence.
05:13But they're always challenged.
05:15And if they come back, they're reported to you.
05:17Right, if you've got a record of those incidents, we'd like to see them.
05:20Whatever I can do, yeah.
05:22Come to the office.
05:31Is there anyone we can get to come round, friend, family?
05:35I don't have any family.
05:37No-one at all?
05:39There's my mum, but she's away.
05:42Well, if you like, we can come...
05:44No, it's just me, Gav.
05:48Lily, I know it must seem like we're prying,
05:50but we're just trying to help, OK?
05:52You've got to trust us.
05:54All right?
05:59How long have you and Gavin been together?
06:03About three years.
06:08We're trying to move out of this place.
06:12Find somewhere better.
06:15For Chelsea.
06:26Lily, darling.
06:27I couldn't do anything.
06:28I swear, I just turned around and left the buggy.
06:31I left the keys and it was just two seconds.
06:34No, no, no, it's all right now. Now look at me.
06:36Look at me.
06:37We're going to find our daughter, OK?
06:41We're going to give you guys some space, OK?
06:52Any joy with the neighbours, Gav?
06:54No. It's like talking to a brick wall.
06:57This is John Downey, sir.
06:59Chelsea's uncle. He runs a phone shop.
07:01Thanks, Roger.
07:02Any news?
07:03Nothing yet, Mr Downey.
07:04Yeah, well, tell Gav I'll be out looking for you.
07:06You know what? Maybe you should leave that to us.
07:08Well, no offence, mate, but we look after our own around here.
07:11And I guess you're not getting much help from the locals.
07:14So maybe they'll talk to me.
07:17Oh, and someone give this to Gav, will you? He left it at the shop.
07:22Hey, Gav.
07:24Thank you very much. Appreciate it.
07:26Is that John? Where's John? I want to go with you.
07:29You know what? You should stay here.
07:30I can't stay in the flat. I'll go mad.
07:32There is nothing that you can do.
07:34That's my daughter. You can't stop...
07:36Your brother bought this one for you.
07:38Come on, let's go back inside.
07:40Yeah? Lily needs your support, mate. You need to stay here.
07:46I bought this this morning.
07:48And you'll be able to give it to her soon.
07:51Everything that can be done, we're doing it.
07:58You've got to promise me...
08:01That you won't let my daughter get hurt and that you'll find her.
08:06I promise.
08:11Come on, let's go back inside.
08:14I bought this this morning.
08:22Speed camera on Cheetham Road got a hit.
08:24They're emailing the photo.
08:26Who are we on?
08:27It was figured at 10.50, nine minutes ago.
08:29I've already put the call out. Troops are shifting their focus eastwards.
08:32The car's on the move. Out in the open, she's safe.
08:34Yeah, but if he goes to ground, then...
08:39We're following up a couple of oddballs in the playgroup, but...
08:41Even so, we can't afford to miss anything. Keep eye on it.
08:43Got it.
08:47That's them.
08:50Sierra Oscar from Sierra One. We're on that. Less than a minute away.
08:54Sierra One from Sierra Oscar Five Two.
08:56I want an update as soon as you're at the scene.
08:58Roger that.
09:03God, you'd better be strapped in that back seat.
09:06You're too late. The driver's legged it.
09:08What about the kid?
09:09What kid?
09:13Where is she?
09:36What's going on?
09:39We found your car abandoned, but Chelsea's still missing.
09:42What? What does that mean? What do you mean, missing?
09:45OK, we think he might have left her somewhere, but we can't be absolutely certain.
09:53Gavin, wait!
09:55I'm going to find that daughter.
09:59Lily, listen to me.
10:01We've got everybody out there.
10:04We've got everybody out there combing the streets.
10:06We've got an eyewitness that can help us identify the carjacker,
10:09and when we find him, he will tell us where Chelsea is.
10:31Hang about.
10:32That's him.
10:34Are you sure?
10:36He's even got that same look in his eye, like he's out of his box.
10:39OK, thank you, sir.
10:40PC Roberts, will you see Mr Edwards out, please?
10:47Our man's ID'd the carjacker.
10:49OK, Danny Grant. Previous. Possession. Shoplifting.
10:53Theft of a motor vehicle. Possession again.
10:55Well, that's good news. It fits in with it being a straight carjacking.
10:57Maybe, but I'm not going to rule anything out.
10:59Where can we find him, Leon?
11:01No fixed abode.
11:02Known associates?
11:03Yeah, a couple. Jenny Cray and Cole Morris.
11:07Same problem? They're both on the street?
11:09Well, Roger knows the local junkies,
11:11and me and Nate know most of the spots they hang out.
11:13OK, let's hook these guys up to Stevie and Grace.
11:18Busy with us, Sarge.
11:20I don't fancy Grace's chances in the back of Nate's car.
11:25Hang on a minute. Is that Cole Morris?
11:28Jimmy Blake. Similar look, though.
11:33Do you ever miss uniform, Sarge?
11:35Which bit? Getting spat at in the street every day,
11:38or getting terminal case of piles in the back of a patrol car?
11:41Well, that'll be a no, then.
11:44We can go. Jenny Cray at 11 o'clock.
11:51Get lost!
11:52All right, Jenny. Hey, Nate, don't run away.
11:54We don't want to get cross.
11:56Oh, come on, mate. Come on, mate. Please, I've got to be somewhere.
11:59All right, cool it. We just want to ask you a couple of questions.
12:02I've heard that before.
12:03Danny Grant. Where can we find him?
12:05Don't know him. Yes, you do.
12:07No, honest. Where can I go now?
12:10You look like you're in a bit of a rush. A bit sweaty.
12:13Looking for a corner so you can go and jack up?
12:15No, listen, please.
12:16Perhaps I ought to have a little rummage through your pocket
12:18to see what I might find.
12:19Look, I haven't seen Danny today. I swear.
12:24He usually hangs out in that squat in Antley House on Renworth Street.
12:28They broke into a flat on the seventh floor.
12:30Will I find him there now?
12:32Probably, yeah.
12:33Listen, if you're pulling my chain and I have to come back and find you...
12:36All my life.
12:37Right. Do you know where she's on about?
12:39Yeah, it's on the ground that Leon and Grace are covering.
12:41CR Oscar 22 from 275.
12:44Info received that Danny Grant is likely to be found at the squat
12:47in Antley House on Renworth Street.
12:50Can you check it out, please?
12:51On my way.
12:52Where can I go now?
12:53Right, thanks.
12:55They're on the way round now.
13:00Right, usual, don't let anyone in or out, yeah?
13:02Just keep it clear.
13:03Thank you.
13:05What's the one?
13:07Watch for needles.
13:21Leon! Grace!
13:26He's just coming round.
13:27CR Oscar 437.
13:30Yeah, ambulance required.
13:31Danny, Danny, where's the little girl?
13:42Is he OK?
13:43I bet he's going to be OK.
13:45OK, thanks.
13:51Thank you.
13:52Give me some good news, Leon. We need him talking.
13:54It's going to be a while, but the good news is he's going to be OK.
13:57One thing, he's definitely the culprit.
13:59Audi registration document found in his jacket pocket.
14:01Danny Grant getting a kicking surely isn't a coincidence.
14:06Right, Sarge, if you're done with us, I'd like to get back to the street, Sarge.
14:09Fine, thanks.
14:10CR Oscar 1 from 437.
14:12We've finished with CID, sir. Where do you want us?
14:14I'm shifting the search west, so meet us at the south end of Downham Road
14:17and we'll go from there.
14:21Downham Road. It's not this one, is it?
14:23No, it's a little further down.
14:28Hold up.
14:29Is that Gavin?
14:31Yeah, that's him. It's Gavin.
14:33Hold up.
14:46Where are you going?
14:47She's somewhere here.
14:50It's Chelsea. She's been left in an alley somewhere off to Clendon Road.
14:53Right, OK. Where'd you hear this?
14:55I got a call on my mobile. It was anonymous.
14:58Right. OK, well, why didn't you call us?
15:01What are you doing here?
15:02Gavin's had an anonymous tip-off on his mobile.
15:05Reckons Chelsea's somewhere about here.
15:08So what else did they tell you?
15:09Just that she's been left in an alley somewhere off to Clendon Road. That's all.
15:15Right, you two, far end of Clendon Road, work this way.
15:17Gavin, you can stay with me.
15:18Sierra One from Sierra Oscar One.
15:20Clendon Road, at the double.
16:01This is crazy.
16:02I don't even know if she's still strapped into the car seat.
16:04If she isn't, she could have wandered off anywhere.
16:06All we can do is keep on looking.
16:14Hurry up!
16:18Oh, no.
16:21Oh, hey.
16:22Oh, baby.
16:25Sierra Oscar One.
16:27Sierra Oscar One.
16:28We found Chelsea. I repeat, we found Chelsea.
16:31What's he done to you?
16:34Where is she?
16:35She's through here. She's fine, but I want you to prepare yourself.
16:37She's got a few cuts and bruises, all right?
16:39I need to see her.
16:43She's been checked over and she'll be okay.
16:45Oh, God.
16:48Thank you.
16:57Are you all right?
17:05So what did the doctor say?
17:06Injuries are consistent with being dropped or possibly thrown to the floor.
17:10Any sign of social abuse?
17:11No, no, no, nothing like that.
17:13She's just a carjack, isn't she?
17:14Yeah, but even so, what kind of sick?
17:16Do you know what I mean? Who chucks a baby out of a car?
17:18Yeah, I know.
17:19But we've got inventive rights.
17:23Gavin, something on your mind?
17:25What do you think, eh?
17:26Lily doesn't need you losing it right now, and neither does your daughter.
17:32Take him outside for a breather.
17:35I'll be out there in a minute.
17:36Let's get a cup of tea.
17:45You okay?
17:57I was going to do this later.
17:59She's over here.
18:02Do you mind telling me again how you knew where Chelsea was?
18:05I got an anonymous phone call.
18:07Well, can I have a look at the phone, cos her number would be on it.
18:09The number was withheld.
18:11That information was beaten out of the carjacker.
18:15I don't suppose you know anything about that, do you?
18:19Where were you, Gavin?
18:21At around 12.15?
18:23I was with my brother.
18:24You think I did something?
18:26Let's go and talk to him.
18:29Let's go and talk to him.
18:39He didn't get an anonymous phone call. Why don't we just nick him?
18:42Have a look at his kid's face, Nate, yeah?
18:44Leave the kids alone.
18:45Right, listen.
18:46If he needs nicking, we know where he is.
18:50How is he?
18:52Matter of fact, he's tried to leg it twice.
18:54Keen to go back to his own medication.
18:56Has he said anything?
18:57He did tell the nurse what happened to him.
18:59And what did he say?
19:00Just that some guy grabbed him from behind,
19:02started banging his head against the floor, face down,
19:05trying to get him to talk.
19:06Did he get a look at his attacker?
19:10Well, let's see how he feels when he's back at the nick.
19:12If he's fit enough to leg it, then he's fit enough for interview.
19:14Right, I'll find out how long.
19:21No comment.
19:22Come on, Danny.
19:23You may as well admit it.
19:24The guy you crashed into picked out your photo.
19:26No comment.
19:28All right, what about the Audi's registration document?
19:30It was in your pocket.
19:32No comment.
19:34That's quite a beating you took, Danny.
19:37Are you sure you can't tell us who attacked you?
19:39No comment.
19:41Looks like he's going to get away with it, then.
19:45Can't really blame the guy, though, can you, Danny?
19:47After what you did.
19:51I mean, it's one thing taking a little girl,
19:53but why do you have to do that to her?
19:55What are you on about?
19:58The child you took out of the car
20:00dumped on her face in a stinking alleyway.
20:02I never.
20:04That's a lie.
20:06I never did that.
20:08I left her where she'd be found.
20:10I never hurt that kid.
20:12I swear to God.
20:15If you're talking about her face, she was like that when I first saw her.
20:17So you're saying the child was injured before you even took the car?
20:20I never hurt that kid.
20:23My sister's got kids.
20:26I didn't even see the kid when I first took the car.
20:28It was only after I got going.
20:30So why didn't you just stop there,
20:31park the car safely and walk away?
20:35I wanted the car.
20:37I needed the cash.
20:39But no way was I going to go anywhere with that kid.
20:41Why leave her in the alleyway, of all places?
20:45I used to get food from there.
20:48There's a restaurant that uses those bins all through the day,
20:50so I knew they'd find her.
20:52I knew to see she was okay.
20:55Go on.
20:58She was still asleep when I lifted her out.
21:01She had streaks on her face like she'd been crying,
21:04and all this side was bruised.
21:06When we found her, she was face down.
21:08How do you explain that?
21:09I can't.
21:11Maybe the seat tipped over when she tried to get out,
21:13but I left her upright, I swear.
21:18Danny Grant insists he didn't hurt Chelsea,
21:20and he was very convincing.
21:21He is a junkie. He's used to lying.
21:23Maybe, but you should have seen him in interview.
21:25I've just spoken to Danny's drugs counsellor.
21:27He's never known him to be malicious or physically abusive,
21:30even when stoned.
21:31He can't see Danny dropping or throwing her.
21:34Do you buy the story that Chelsea was already injured?
21:36I think it needs looking into, yeah.
21:38Then we're in a whole new ballgame, aren't we?
21:40Possible parental child abuse.
21:42Have you spoken to social services?
21:44They've never had any contact with Chelsea.
21:46Well, we can't bar Jean making accusations,
21:48not after what they've been through this morning.
21:50Me and Nate have still got to get a statement out of Lily.
21:53It's a good excuse to go back, innit?
21:55Yeah, do it.
21:56Probably a little deeper while you're taking the statement,
21:58but we tread carefully, right?
22:00Let's go.
22:01Meanwhile, Grace, can you get on to the doctor at St Hugh's again?
22:04I want to know more about those injuries.
22:30Hello, Gavin, mate. You all right?
22:31Listen, this won't take long, but... What's wrong?
22:33I was hoping everything was done with.
22:37Come in.
22:44Police, babe.
22:47Well, what's happening now?
22:48Is it still about that bloke being beaten up?
22:50No, no, not at all. Nothing like that.
22:52But we do need to get the statement for the carjacking.
22:54Well, I wasn't there.
22:56And Chelsea doesn't need reminding of it.
22:59Look, come on, I'm going to take her for a walk.
23:01Where? Where to?
23:02We'll go to the park, eh? It's all right. I'll take the buggy.
23:05Well, she's been sniffling. Maybe she's coming down with something.
23:08I'll take her coat, then.
23:10We'll go to the park.
23:11Good poppet.
23:12Don't let Daddy keep you out too long.
23:14No, no, no. We'll be a couple of hours.
23:16You know how she gets Mrs. Ives.
23:24It's hard letting her out of my sight.
23:26After what happened, I mean.
23:30Lily, the bloke that took your car said he didn't hurt Chelsea.
23:39I don't know what you're saying.
23:41Isn't it obvious?
23:44Chelsea was fine until you took her.
23:47He said her face was already like that.
23:49Why are you believing some crackhead instead of me?
23:52It's not a question of whether we believe him, Lily.
23:54We just need to get your side of it.
23:56My side of what? There's nothing to tell.
24:01Why didn't you want Gavin to take Chelsea out?
24:03I told you.
24:05Look, I don't want to go through that statement. You can't make me.
24:08No, you're right.
24:09Then I don't want to talk any more. I just want you to go.
24:43I thought I told you to tread carefully.
24:45She might as well have been waving a red flag, sir.
24:47She didn't want Gavin anywhere near Chelsea.
24:49Neil's right, sir. With Gavin out of the way,
24:51it was the perfect moment to hit her with an accusation.
24:53Except it didn't work, did it?
24:55No, but the fact she clammed up like she did spoke volumes.
24:57She's covering for him.
25:00The doctor at St. Hugh's said that Chelsea's injuries were fresh.
25:04He reckons they were inflicted no longer than a couple of hours before he treated her.
25:07Which suggests it was Danny Grant that did it.
25:09Well, it could still have happened prior to the carjacking, just.
25:12The shop's not far from the flat. He could have whizzed back in no time.
25:15Did the doctor notice any old injuries, anything suspicious?
25:18A few old bruises. Nothing unusual for a toddler.
25:21Then what we've got is nothing but gut instinct.
25:23We could do a bit more digging, Gov.
25:25Talk to Lily's GP, talk to the playgroup again.
25:28If Chelsea is being abused, there has to be a hint of it somewhere.
25:32Yeah, it's worth a shot.
25:35I'd like to follow it through too, sir. Please.
25:37Then place Gavin at the flat before the carjacking if you think he did it.
25:41Because if you can't, this whole thing's a non-starter.
25:44Sir, I've got an idea.
25:57Oh, what a shame. We just missed him.
25:59Excuse me?
26:00Gavin and Chelsea.
26:01When are you lot going to leave him alone, eh?
26:03What would I do in here?
26:04I'm taking this kid out for a walk.
26:06Trying to get his life back to normal for you lot, Len.
26:09We weren't looking for Gavin when I spoke to you.
26:12What about now?
26:14About what time did Gavin arrive for work this morning?
26:16I see. I knew it.
26:18You just can't leave him be, can you?
26:20Is this still about that carjacker getting bashed up?
26:25He got here at 8.30, like he told you.
26:27Right, so he'll be on time. Can I have a look, please?
26:31No problem, is it?
26:33So he popped out for 15 minutes, then what?
26:36Where had he been?
26:37That's his business, isn't it?
26:39I don't know.
26:53How did you get on?
26:54Chelsea's GP came up blank, as did the baby clinic and the health visitor.
26:58All we got from the playgroup was a bruise that could have been completely innocent.
27:01Gavin was away from the shop just prior to the carjacking. He could have done it.
27:04So you can place him at the flat for definite?
27:06Not for definite, but I've spoken to his brother and he...
27:08You got anything else?
27:11No, sir.
27:14Where are we going with this?
27:16As much as I hate to admit it, Gav, nowhere.
27:19We've got a kid that's been slapped about and a mother too frightened to speak up.
27:22What we've got, PC Taylor, is the word of a junkie.
27:25So if we find her dead in six months' time, what, we just...
27:30Sorry, sir.
27:32Best we can do right now is flag it up to social services.
27:36That's it?
27:37Yeah, that's it.
27:42At least Chelsea's on the radar. They can keep an eye on her.
27:45Up until now, she's been completely invisible.
27:53Forget the coffees, mate.
27:54What's going on?
27:55We're going to nick Gavin for this, or Danny Grant.
27:58Is the boss okay, Dad?
28:00Leon, talk to me.
28:02Talk to me.
28:04We can use it to put the screws on him, find out what happened to Chelsea.
28:07Yeah, I thought we'd agree we're not taking it any further.
28:10We've got no new evidence.
28:12You know Smithy'll have a fit.
28:16It's fine.
28:20Leon, wait.
28:25He definitely said he was going to be down here for a couple of hours at least.
28:29I must have gone home.
28:31All right, I'll ring the flat, yeah?
28:34Excuse me. Excuse me, madam.
28:37We're looking for a man with his child, young daughter.
28:41Would have been about 18 months.
28:43They went to the pub over there.
28:45That pub? Right, okay.
28:47Thank you very much. Thank you. Thank you very much.
28:49Lady remembers Chelsea because of the bruise on her face.
28:52He's over the road. He's over the pub.
28:54Oh, nice. So much for the swings.
29:17Where's Chelsea?
29:19Where's Chelsea?
29:21She's my little sweetheart.
29:23My princess.
29:25Who is she, Gavin?
29:27She were Lily.
29:28It broke my heart to see her like that.
29:30Yeah, I bet.
29:32What's that supposed to mean?
29:33I think you already know.
29:35You went back home from work this morning, didn't you, Gavin?
29:37What? What happened?
29:38What made you lose your head with Chelsea?
29:41I'm going home.
29:42No, you're not, you're not.
29:43For what?
29:44For assaulting Danny Brown.
29:46Get off me!
29:50I haven't done anything.
29:52I haven't done anything.
29:56It's all my fault.
29:58It's all my fault.
30:10I'm taking her into police protection.
30:12Don't touch my daughter. You can't do that.
30:15You can't do that.
30:17Watch me.
30:18It's your fault.
30:20It's Chelsea.
30:25It's your fault.
30:36Please tell me I've heard it wrong.
30:47What the hell was that child doing in here?
30:49I've taken her into police protection, sir.
30:51Section 46 of the Children Act.
30:54A child under police protection should not be brought to a police station,
30:57except in exceptional circumstances.
31:00Why didn't you just take her straight back to her mother?
31:02Because I'm not convinced she's in a position to protect her, sir.
31:04Oh, really?
31:06See, the problem is, Leon, you may have started this,
31:09but it is now all in my lap.
31:12What's Gavin been nicked for?
31:13Drunk in charge of a child.
31:15But you didn't know that, did you, when you went out looking for him?
31:18So your sole intention was to go out and arrest him, no matter what?
31:21She'd been left to play with broken glass.
31:24Was I wrong?
31:26It's not what you did, it's the way in which you did it.
31:28It's a mess.
31:31Now, you may be prepared to walk the plank.
31:33Don't expect everyone to follow you.
31:41Is she all right?
31:42Apart from a cut finger, she's fine.
31:44FME's on his way.
31:45And what about Lily?
31:47Ben and Sally are bringing her in.
31:48I assume she left to have contact.
31:50No, you've got that bit right.
31:51Gav, social services are here.
31:53Cheryl Dane.
31:54Thanks, Roger.
31:56I hope you can tap dance.
31:59Cheryl Dane.
32:00Hello, I'm Inspector Smith.
32:02This is Peter Taylor.
32:04Can we do this in there, please?
32:06Where is she? Is she all right?
32:08She's absolutely fine, Lily.
32:09She's just playing inside.
32:10I need to see her.
32:11We'll be with you in a few minutes, all right?
32:13But this is Cheryl Dane from social services,
32:15and we need to have a word.
32:16No, no, no.
32:17Please, don't take her away from me.
32:19You can't, please.
32:20I'm begging you.
32:21Nobody's going to do anything
32:22until we've talked this through, all right?
32:24Shall we stay with her?
32:30I take it there's a good reason why Chelsea was brought here.
32:38She was found in the custody of her intoxicated father
32:41in the back room of a pub with the door closed,
32:43playing with broken glass.
32:45OK, but there still wasn't sufficient grounds
32:47for using emergency powers in the way you did.
32:49You should have come to us.
32:52Don't you agree?
32:59I'm satisfied that my PC acted appropriately.
33:02Inspector, the decision to remove a child from its parents
33:05has to be made by a court unless...
33:07You don't agree that Chelsea was in imminent danger of significant harm?
33:11I don't agree the situation warranted your response.
33:17Look, we're all trying to do the right thing, I realise that.
33:20OK, so where do we go from here?
33:24I need to talk to Lily, get her side of the story.
33:27If, as you say, the problem is the father,
33:29then Chelsea needs to be returned to her mother as soon as possible
33:32and she must see her in the meantime.
33:36See, I need to prove that Chelsea was assaulted.
33:39Otherwise Gavin's going to get bail on his two-bit charge
33:41and he's going to go straight home.
33:43So what are you suggesting?
33:44That I get first crack at Lily.
33:46And before she sees Chelsea.
33:49Inspector, Chelsea shouldn't even be here.
33:51I can't simply delay things while...
33:53Look, I'm not talking about delaying things.
33:56But you need more information, right?
33:58Well, so do we.
34:01So why don't you let me try and kill two birds with one stone?
34:09When can I see her?
34:10Soon. Yeah, for me it's just checking her out.
34:13Have a seat.
34:17She's a little sweetheart, isn't she?
34:23She'll be talking properly soon.
34:27They have all kinds of tales to tell once they start chatting, don't they?
34:33He's not a bad man, Gavin.
34:36He shouldn't have taken her into that pub, I know, but...
34:39But what?
34:42He blames himself for this morning.
34:46I think that's why he was drinking.
34:48Why would he blame himself?
34:50You just do, don't you?
34:56Are you frightened of him?
35:01Well, you're sticking up for him and...
35:03you should be furious.
35:04I am.
35:11Why did Gavin come home again this morning after we'd gotten to work?
35:16And why didn't you tell us that he was there just before the carjacking?
35:19It didn't have anything to do with it.
35:20See, I think something happened.
35:28Where were you going with Chelsea when the car was nicked then?
35:30What do you mean?
35:32Well, you were taking the car, the buggy.
35:34Where were you going?
35:40You don't seem sure.
35:41Of course I am.
35:47How often does Gavin buy her things?
35:53I don't know. Occasionally.
35:56Well, can you think of any particular reason why he might have bought her a toy this morning?
36:03It's just a treat.
36:05Maybe he bought it because...
36:08he felt guilty.
36:11Like those blokes that slap their wives around and then bring home a bunch of flowers.
36:15If something happened and you don't tell us, then you're just as much to blame.
36:20People will think that you don't love her.
36:22Nobody can say that.
36:23Why wouldn't they?
36:24You didn't do anything to help.
36:26That's not...
36:27That's not what?
36:28That's not true?
36:30I mean, a minute ago, you just told me that nothing happened.
36:32Well, I'm sorry, but did it or didn't it?
36:34You're confusing me.
36:35How many more times?
36:37How many more times are you just going to keep saying that?
36:39I'm sorry.
36:40I'm sorry.
36:41I'm sorry.
36:42How many more times?
36:44How many more times are you just going to stand back and let him use her as a punch bag?
36:50How can you even look her in the eye?
37:00Tell me what happened.
37:02They'll take her away.
37:04They won't.
37:06Not now.
37:08Just tell me.
37:13We'd been arguing this morning.
37:17Money, things.
37:21When Gavin gets something going round in his head, he can't let it go.
37:28I came back, still wanting to argue.
37:35Go on.
37:38Chelsea was crying.
37:40Because we were shouting.
37:44She wouldn't shut up.
37:48I couldn't shut her up.
37:52And he...
38:03Has he hit her before?
38:19All I need is you to put all of that down into a statement.
38:21And then what will happen? You said...
38:23Yeah, we'll talk all of that through with social services, but you'll be able to take Chelsea home. Don't worry.
38:28And what about Gav?
38:34I don't know.
38:36First things first, eh?
38:40He does love her, you know.
38:49Say something, Gavin.
38:53Even if it's no comment.
38:58It's not what you think.
39:00Not the way it sounds.
39:01So how was it?
39:10I hit her.
39:12I hit my daughter.
39:14Lily's right.
39:16She's always right.
39:19What more do you want?
39:25It wasn't meant to be this way.
39:27None of it.
39:30Look where we are.
39:32How we have to live.
39:33Is that your excuse, yeah?
39:35Of course not.
39:36I don't know.
39:38I don't know.
39:40I just feel trapped sometimes.
39:45You know, I was going to do things.
39:47Be somebody.
39:49Move somewhere far away.
39:50And that's got to do with what, exactly?
39:54I'm going to be old before Chelsea's grown up.
39:56You mean by the time you're rid of her?
39:57I didn't mean it like that.
39:59I didn't mean it like that.
40:01I'm there, aren't I?
40:03For my family.
40:05Doing the right thing.
40:07Some blokes just walk away.
40:08Some blokes should just walk away.
40:12You know nothing about me.
40:14Don't judge me.
40:16I'll do anything for those two.
40:17Anything for my girls.
40:20You know nothing about me.
40:35You know nothing about me.
40:41Nice work.
40:43He did the hard bit.
40:45You happy with those bowel conditions?
40:46As long as he stays out of the family home, I'm happy.
40:49Well, he can stay at his brother's until the court case anyway, so...
41:01Gav, I'm sorry about that.
41:02Oh, it's...
41:03It worked. That's what matters.
41:05So let's get Gav in charge of them bowels, shall we?
41:08Oh, I appreciate it. Thank you.
41:19Right, let me repeat.
41:21You're going in there to pick up some clothes and a toothbrush.
41:24You will not talk to Lily or Chelsea,
41:26and you will not try and touch or approach them in any way.
41:28Do you understand?
41:35Thank you.
42:05Come on.
42:35Come on.
42:51How are you?
43:06Come on.
43:18Right, let's go.
43:24Let's go.
43:25Let's go.
43:35Let's go.
43:44Now, off you go.
43:46I thought you was going to give me a lift.
43:48I'm not a taxi service.
43:50Your brother lives in that direction.
43:52And remember,
43:53you come within a quarter of a mile,
43:56you're in breach of your bow.
44:23You reckon it'll stick?
44:25Them apart,
44:27who knows?
44:30Either way, you did what you could.
44:36I can't believe she was reaching out for him.
44:41That's love for you.
44:54My name's Angie Burgess.
44:56I think there's drug dealing going on at the car wash.
45:00Look, there's a man.
45:01His name's David Clayton.
45:02You've all got your targets.
45:04We do this hard, we do this fast,
45:06but we do it right.
45:08Let's get it done.
45:10Stop what you're doing!
45:11Stay where you are!
45:12How do we let her get into this, Dave?
45:14I don't know.
45:15I don't know.
45:16I don't know.
45:17I don't know.
45:18I don't know.
45:20I don't know.
45:21I don't know.
45:22How do we let her get into this, Dave?
45:23I don't know.
45:24I don't know.
45:25We're doing something about it now.
45:52Well, we get the occasional, you know, weirdo looking through the fence, but they're always
46:14And if they come back, they're reported to you.
46:17If you've got a record of those incidents, we'd like to see them.
46:20Whatever I can do.
46:22I'll see you in the office.
46:24Is there anyone we can get to come round, friend, family?
46:34I don't have any family.
46:35No one at all?
46:38There's my mum, but she's away.
46:41Well, if you like, we can come...
46:44It's just me, Gav.
46:45Lily, I know it must seem like we're prying, but we're just trying to help, okay?
46:52You've got to trust us, all right?
46:59How long have you and Gavin been together?
47:01About three years.
47:04We're trying to move out of this place.
47:12And we're trying to find somewhere better... for Chelsea.
47:26Lily, darling.
47:27I couldn't do anything.
47:28I swear.
47:29I just turned around and left the buggy.
47:31I left the keys and it was just two seconds.
47:32No, no, no.
47:33It's all right now.
47:34Now, look at me.
47:35Look at me.
47:36We're going to find our daughter, okay?
47:38We're going to give you guys some space, okay?
47:52Any joy with the neighbours, Gav?
47:54It's like talking to a brick wall.
47:55This is John Downey, sir, Chelsea's uncle.
47:56He runs the phone shop.
47:57Thanks, Woodrow.
47:58Any news?
47:59Nothing yet, Mr Downey.
48:00Yeah, well, tell Gav I'll be out looking for you.
48:01You know what?
48:02Maybe you should leave that to us.
48:04And I guess you're not getting much help from the locals.
48:05So maybe they'll talk to me.
48:06Oh, and someone give this to Gav, will you?
48:07He left it at the shop.
48:10Thank you very much.
48:11Appreciate it.
48:12Is that John?
48:13Where's John?
48:14I want to go with you.
48:15Yeah, you know what?
48:16You should stay here.
48:17I can't stay in the flat.
48:18I'll go mad.
48:19There is nothing here.
48:20I'll go mad.
48:21I'll go mad.
48:22I'll go mad.
48:23I'll go mad.
48:24I'll go mad.
48:25I'll go mad.
48:26I'll go mad.
48:27I'll go mad.
48:28I'll go mad.
48:29I'll go mad.
48:30I'll go mad.
48:31I'll go mad.
48:32I'll go mad.
48:33I'll go mad.
48:34I'll go mad.
48:35I'll go mad.
48:36There is nothing that you can do.
48:37That's my daughter...
48:38Look, back there.
48:39You can't stop...
48:40Your brother bought this one, get it?
48:41Come on, come on.
48:42Let's go back inside.
48:44Lily needs your support, mate.
48:45You need to stay here.
48:55What are you on about?
48:58That's him.
48:59Are you sure?
49:01He's even got that same look in his eye, like he's out of his box.
49:04Okay, thank you, sir. PC Roberts, will you see Mr Edwards out, please?
49:12Our man's ID'd the carjacker.
49:14Okay, Danny Grant. Previous. Possession. Shoplifting.
49:17Theft of a motor vehicle. Possession again.
49:19Well, that's good news. It fits in with it being a straight carjacking.
49:22Maybe, but I'm not going to rule anything out.
49:24Where can we find him, Leon?
49:26No fixed abode.
49:27No associates?
49:28Yeah, a couple. Jenny Cray and Carl Morris.
49:32Same problem? They're both on the street?
49:34Well, Roger knows the local junkies and me and Nate know most of the spots they hang out.
49:38Okay, let's hook these guys up to Stevie and Grace.
49:43Busy with us, Sarge. I don't fancy Grace's chances in the back of Nate's car.
49:49Hang on a minute. Is that Carl Morris?
49:53Jimmy Blake. Similar look, though.
49:59You're in Miss Uniform, Sarge.
50:01Which bit? Getting spat at in the street every day or getting terminal case of piles in the back of a patrol car?
50:07That'll be a no, then.
50:11Jenny Cray at 11 o'clock.
50:16Get lost!
50:17Oi, Jenny! Hey, hey! Don't run away! We don't want to get cross.
50:22Oh, come on, mate. Come on, mate. Please, I've got to be somewhere.
50:25All right, cool it. We just want to ask you a couple of questions.
50:27I heard that before.
50:29Danny Grant. Where can we find him?
50:31Don't know him.
50:32Yes, you do.
50:33No, honest. Where can I go now?
50:36You look like you're in a bit of a rush. A bit sweaty.
50:39Looking for a corner so you can go and jack up?
50:41No, listen, please.
50:42Perhaps I ought to have a little rummage through your pockets, see what I might find.
50:45Look, I haven't seen Danny today. I swear.
50:50He usually hangs out in that squat in Antley House on Renworth Street.
50:54But they broke into a flat on the seventh floor.
50:57Will I find him there now?
50:58Probably, yeah.
50:59Listen, if you're pulling my chain and I have to come back and find you...
51:02On my life!
51:03Right. Do you know where she's on about?
51:05Yeah, it's on the ground that Leon and Grace are covering.
51:07Sierra Oscar 22 from 275.
51:10Info received that Danny Grant is likely to be found at the squat
51:13in Antley House on Renworth Street.
51:16Can you check it out, please?
51:18Lily, who's Gavin?
51:19Chelsea's dad. He's at work, a phone shop on Manly Road.
51:24Right, OK, what do we know?
51:25Right, mother's name's Lily Wright. She lives here at number 20.
51:28She stuck her kid in the car, ready to go out.
51:30I turned her back for a moment. Someone jumped in and took off.
51:32Could be a carjacking, could be an abduction.
51:34Right, let me assume the worst. Is she OK?
51:36Yeah, she got dragged, fell, banged her head.
51:38We got an ambulance on her way. I think she's OK.
51:40Right, OK. We need the details of everyone that child interacts with, right?
51:43Her friends, family, playgroups, the lot.
51:45All blind, no-one saw anything.
51:47Right, let's start knocking on doors. We need a witness.
51:49Witness? Big one.
51:51Get yourself down to Manly Road.
51:55Stevie's up to speed. Anything new?
51:57Well, the alert's gone that wide.
51:59Engine nine-nine are airborne, but there's been no sighting, Jan.
52:02What does this one feel like to you, sir?
52:04Well, it's got all the hallmarks of a carjacking.
52:06Maybe the thief didn't realise the kid was in the back.
52:08But there again, somebody might have been watching the house,
52:12waiting for the opportunity to smash it.
52:14Either way, better safe than sorry.
52:16Well, Leon's getting a list together of everybody who's had contact with Chelsea.
52:19I want you and Grace working on it.
52:22I'll get a visor checked on a child sex offender.
52:24Start with a one-mile radius of Chelsea's house and go from there.
52:28Thank you.
52:40Can I help you, officer?
52:41Yeah, I'm looking for Gavin Downey.
52:43I'm John Downey, his brother. I run this place.
52:45Is there a problem?
52:46I prefer to discuss that with Gavin.
52:48Did someone say my name?
52:50Gavin. Yeah?
52:51Look, there's no easy way to tell you this,
52:53but your car's been taken and your daughter Chelsea was in the back.
52:57What do you mean, taken? Taken where?
52:59Lily banged her head trying to stop the car, but she's fine.
53:02Whoa, whoa, whoa, hang on.
53:04No, no, I need to go home.
53:05Yeah, well, I'll take it. Just stop and think for a second.
53:08Is there anyone who might have a reason to take Chelsea?
53:11What do you mean, reason? Of course not, no.
53:14Anyone with a grudge? Anything you can think of?
53:16No. Maybe they just wanted the car, you know, some sort of crackhead.
53:19Yeah, well, that's what we're hoping.
53:21No, no, I've got to go home. I need to go now.
53:23All right, I'll be back.
53:24OK, I'll just lock up here. I'll follow you.
53:26Bye, Mum.
53:31Yeah, I heard about Chelsea. I can't believe it.
53:34How long's she been coming here?
53:36Since she turned one. A couple of mornings a week.
53:38Who brings her and collects her?
53:40Well, usually Mum. Her dad's picked her up once or twice. Why?
53:44What about the other mums and dads? Anyone pay her any undue attention?
53:47No. You don't think someone's had their eye on her, do you?
53:50It's just routine. Hopefully it'll all be a waste of time.
53:53Do you ever get people hanging about outside?
53:56I bought this this morning.
53:59Then you'll be able to give it to her, Sam.
54:01Everything that can be done, we're doing it.
54:08You've got to promise me...
54:11..that you won't let my daughter get hurt and that you'll find her.
54:16I promise.
54:20Come, let's go inside.
54:23I bought this this morning.
54:31Speed camera on Cheetham Road got a hit.
54:33They're emailing the photo.
54:35Who are we on?
54:36It was figured at 10.50, nine minutes ago.
54:38I've already put the call out. Troops are shifting their focus eastwards.
54:41The car's on the move. Out in the open, she's safe.
54:44Yeah, but if he goes to ground with her...
54:48We're following up a couple of oddballs from the playgroup, but...
54:51No, we can't afford to miss anything. Keep on it.
54:53Go for it.
54:57That's them.
55:00Sierra Oscar from Sierra One, we're on that, less than a minute away.
55:04Sierra One from Sierra Oscar 5-2.
55:06I want an update as soon as you're at the scene.
55:08Break it out.
55:12God, she better be strapped into her back seat.
55:18Too late, the driver's legged it.
55:19What about the kid?
55:20What kid?
55:24Where is she?
55:48What's going on?
55:51We found your car abandoned, but Chelsea's still missing.
55:54What? What does that mean? What do you mean, missing?
55:57Kate, we think he might have left her somewhere, but we can't be absolutely certain.
56:04Gavin, wait!
56:06I'm going to find that door.
56:10Lily, listen to me.
56:13We've got everybody out there combing the streets.
56:15We've got an eyewitness that can help us identify the carjacker.
56:18And when we find him, he will tell us where Chelsea is.
56:38Are you a dog person or a cat person?
56:40Dogs all the way.
56:44Cats, definitely cats.
56:48What's so great about a cat?
56:50They only want to know you when they're hungry.
56:52That's the point. They've got it up there, do you know what I mean? They're clever.
56:55Don't let you treat them like little slaves.
57:06So next time you're chasing some scrote with a knife,
57:08do you want a van to arrive with a dog in the back, or a cat?
57:12Shut up.
57:13Come on.
57:23Oh, no!
57:31Oh, no, no, no!
57:32I think he's hit someone.
57:35All units from Sierra Oscar 2-2,
57:37I need a start following midnight blue Audi 80,
57:40index November 76, November Bravo Juliet,
57:42nursing heading for Manly Road.
57:44Sierra Oscar 2-2 received.
57:49You all right?
57:50You all right? What's happened?
57:52Oh, my God, he's taken the car!
57:54All right, all right, calm down.
57:55He's taken the car! My baby's in the back!
57:57He's taken my baby!
58:30Anything we can do to help?
58:31Still getting details off the muddy.
58:33If anyone saw anything, that would be a right help, thanks.
58:36Right, and how old is Chelsea?
58:3818 months.
58:39I just put her in the car, ready to go out.
58:41You say she was in a removable car seat. Was she strapped in?
58:44It just left her for two seconds to go and get the buggy.
58:47It was just two seconds.
58:48What did the guy look like?
58:51I don't know, I hardly saw him.
58:53I grabbed onto the car.
58:55I tried to keep hold, but I fell over.
58:57OK, listen, come on, it's all right.
58:59We've got everyone out at the moment looking for Chelsea.
59:01We just need you to keep it together so you can help.
59:03Where's Gavin? Does he...?