The Bill S25E57 Fall Out

  • 3 months ago
The Bill S25E57 Fall Out
00:43See Oscar and see Oscar to to show his to a at 1520 at Cheetham primary
00:50This is really PC Taylor PC girl, we understand your son's gone missing
00:55Is there any chance he started off by himself or with some friends no, so you don't think nights before
01:00I mean always waits out front for me something's happened
01:05What is it he had his bike present from his father
01:30Locate the missing boys bike the no boy
02:05Risk incident at Cheetham Road primary school child believed to have been snatched. It's fine to them on the way
02:14Owen really aged eight we're missing from outside the school gates about 45 minutes ago
02:19It's bright was found just around the corner risk assessment rated as high
02:24So all the witnesses are saying the same thing I was playing around this bike waiting for his mom and then it was gone
02:29And he CCTV not from the alley. We're collecting footage from the school security cameras, but I only cover the gates in the ground
02:37Photographs and descriptions have been circulated and we're doing door-by-door of all the residents in the surrounding streets
02:42Do you be coordinating for my beer? I will
02:46It's a nice bike
02:48Yeah, there's a present from his dad those mom wasn't pleased about it the divorce maggot for me so whether now
02:54Mom's got home just in case he makes contact or turns up. I'll get a couple of CID officers to join him
02:59Okay, we try to contact the father, but we're just gonna messenger service. We need to find him ASAP
03:04We think the dad might have him. Well, it's help. Sorry
03:10Sweeney just I never got off on his own after school. No never
03:14We have an understanding it's the rules, you know three o'clock outside the school gates every day we never deviate
03:21But it did today flat tire. It was only five minutes
03:25Why didn't you wait? So the teachers could see him?
03:31We're having trouble tracking down Owen's father I can't help we don't really speak
03:40Thank you
03:46This is DS Moss and DC Perkins, this is a Danny my Emma partner
03:56I'll be all right. I promise you we'll find him. All right
04:13Thanks, where is he?
04:28So really
04:29For the concept you working. What do you want? It's about your son
04:34What is her problem? I sent him a bicycle. I'm still allowed to buy him presents. All right, of course didn't say anything about that
04:44I'm afraid. Mr. Rooney your son's gone missing half an hour ago from school
04:53Listen, what do you mean missing? Mr. Rooney? Is it all right if we have a look around inside? You think I've got him?
05:01But she put you up to this
05:04Not yourselves out
05:09What you got
05:11We've got officers moving north and south down Tredgar Street
05:14But we've had no luck with any of the residents either end of the alleyway. We found the father
05:17Yes, no sign of the kid though, and he wasn't too pleased about being treated like a suspect
05:21Well, I'll have to get used to it. They all will I want background checks on the parents partners to
05:28Security footage from the school
05:35Mean really
05:38He rides down the alleyway
05:51117 seconds later his mother arrives
05:57Sent five minutes late
06:01You were late don't fail just don't
06:04Look, this is nobody's fault and pointing the finger isn't gonna help your son. I haven't seen or spoken to my son for three months
06:11not allowed
06:14After the things I solicited said about me the things you said about me. This isn't doing any good. Who asked you?
06:20You moved in then no, yeah, leave Danny out of this
06:23How can I you're bringing a stranger into my home to live with my son?
06:33I'm sick of this waiting around. You've got something better. You can be doing. Yeah looking for Owen where
06:42But we've got a dozen officers out on the street
06:44Unless of course there's someplace specific that I might have gone to but you haven't told us about
07:25Think a hotel might fire from Sierra Oscar one. We have your image on our screens. We send a squad car to check it out
07:39You sing this boy went missing early this afternoon
07:43Beg, beg, beg, beg, beg, but said he saw a boy matching his description around the corner of this lane sat on a bench of an
07:49adult male
08:19Don't hear is it police got CCTV
08:32I mean really yeah
08:46Yeah, that's Owens, where did you find it?
08:49It was found on a bench three streets away from cheating primary. He threw it away. He'd never do that
08:54How bad is your son's asthma? I don't know. He's asked sometimes he has attacks. He takes his medicine. He's all right again
09:02Have any of you spoken to I heard from my since he disappeared of course not what's going on. What aren't you telling us?
09:08This is CCTV footage of fish line approximately 30 minutes after your son went missing
09:14Do any of you recognize this man?
09:18What's he doing who's he talking to
09:26Or we were hoping he was talking to one of you
09:53Right just over an hour ago
09:56Owen Rooney was apparently abducted by this as yet unidentified man from an alleyway next to his school apparently sir
10:03Well Owen didn't show any signs of distress
10:05They'd expect from an eight-year-old boy. He's just been abducted you think he knows his abductor. I think it's possible. Yeah
10:11Now we all know that these abductions are usually planned over a period of weeks
10:15But there's nothing here to show that this was random or opportunistic in any way
10:19So this guy could have been outside the school for quite a few weeks
10:23So that means we talked to everybody who's involved in this school as parents teachers pupils neighbors caretakers
10:28You name it what we got the parents Terry well Phil and Maggie really divorced six months ago
10:34So the divorce was acrimonious be a bit of an understatement the initial background checks came back clean. I got no form whatsoever
10:40Maggie Rene's got a partner named Daniel Meyer
10:43He's got a caution for a fray, but that was over ten years ago, and he was a teenager
10:47There are some custody issues though
10:49The biggest of which is that Phil Rene hasn't seen his son in over three months
10:53The more reason to do something about it, so we need to have a closer look Stevie
10:58Well, we haven't got enough a facial recognition, but we do have a partial plate, and I've got people working on that now
11:03Okay, well one thing we do know is that this guy made a mobile phone call from this place at exactly 1530 in connection with
11:10the abduction
11:11Right he's now been missing for one hour 37 minutes. That's from his mom his family his friends. Let's see if we can bring him home
11:24Don't see why I have to come back here
11:26Well, we keep the ferry together in the short term
11:29So we can respond to events more quickly. Why is there some place you need to be?
11:34anyway, but here
11:37Bad memories
11:44Saw that I'm sure he's why she was late
11:50Today of all days on it bad luck when you said
12:12Danny what you doing? Just looking for tea bags. What makes a cuppa take our minds off things
12:21They're in the top cupboard on the left, right you wanna see
13:03You got kids to
13:08You proud of them very proud of you
13:14Think so I'm so
13:21It's all changed
13:27My son
13:30Eight years old and six months I've been airbrushed out of his life
13:40I'll make some mistakes
13:44That doesn't give her the right to cut me out of his life I
13:48Won't let her
13:51Guys it's just the officer downstairs asking for you. Okay. Thanks
13:57The school had already called an emergency staff meeting when we got there
14:00One of the teachers came forward and said they'd seen a plumber's van parts outside at midday
14:04No rainies man, yeah, it's not the first time either
14:07He's been seen several times over the last few weeks always parked in the same spot
14:12Lunchtimes mainly to avoid bumping into his wife probably
14:16Just watching sir and nobody thought to report it. He's a parent watching his son at play
14:21He goes against his custody right so doesn't well apparently he never approached Owen just watched him
14:26The school had no reason to believe that fool really would ever harm his son
14:29They'd be wrong then
14:31Because according to the court records of the custody case Phil Reni
14:34Was refused any and all access because the court believed him to be a danger to his son's health based on one an incident that
14:40Happened two years ago. I am was hospitalized. He had ten stitches to his head a broken arm
14:45It wasn't a criminal case at the time, but it did come up in family court
14:49We got Leon
14:51Yeah, it's no wonder. It's gone flat again
14:54It's been spiked
14:58Bit of a jump though isn't it I mean arranging the abduction of your own son. Well. There is something else
15:04Phil Reni is supposed to be paying 700 pounds a month in child support
15:08So far he hasn't paid a penny claims. It can't even cover his own rent. That's a copy of an account from his business
15:1417,000 in profit in six months pays to be a plumber. I get Terry just us fill up
15:31Take care, I'll go back to you. I'm worried for you
15:38Let's see
15:47Told you already working you went straight home. Yes, what is this?
15:54You think I had something to do with my son being taken I?
15:58Think you're lying
16:02He told my colleague and I you hadn't seen your son in three months you lied
16:06You saw him today
16:08You were spotted outside his school watching him. It's the only chance I get do you understand?
16:15He's my son. I would never do anything to hurt him. That's not what the family court thinks is it
16:24This used to be all mine before the family court got involved I
16:29Grew up on an estate just down the road
16:32Do you know that no?
16:34Honey, do you know everything else about me?
16:38I had to look after my dad when my mum left him
16:42left us
16:44Eventually I never made enough of myself to be able to afford a decent nursing home for him
16:48So I could get on with my own life
16:50Get away from him
16:52Get away from there
16:57And now you think you're back where you started is that it not yet, it's still time
17:04Let me ask you another question
17:07What's the 17 grand for
17:13The money's to pay a solicitor
17:16So I can go to court and get my son back
17:20Is that so wrong? I don't know you tell me
17:24Do you know what it's like to work your entire life for something you never had a family a career and
17:31To watch it all taken away from you
17:34Watch some man come in and replace you as a husband as a father
17:42Yeah, I know exactly what it's like
17:46You go through it yeah
17:51I'm not allowing my past to dictate my future
17:59It was an accident, you know
18:02However Maggie and her lawyers made it look
18:07Owen was jumping up and down on the bed. I was trying to work. I
18:13Was an insurance back then and I hated it, you know
18:17You gotta put food on the table, don't you?
18:21I lost it
18:23Turned around screamed at him. I'm gonna shut up and sit down
18:28He fell right off the bed
18:31Broke his arm
18:33Cut his head on my desk
18:36Got blood all over my work
18:39Quit the next day
18:44I would never do anything to hurt my son
18:48I've got nothing to do with him being abducted
18:52What's bringing out boy man, he's going mad in the house
18:56You're right. Yeah
18:59I was just thinking there but the grace of God, you know, I mean
19:03I'm gonna see us boss
19:05Yeah, tell you come out with the treasure not mobile phone used by the guy who abducted Owen. It's an unregistered pay-as-you-go phone
19:11So is it dead end? Not exactly the outgoing call was made to another mobile phone
19:17registered to Danny Meyer
19:20Danny Meyer Maggie be in his boyfriend. Yeah, you sure about apples. It's just that doesn't make sense
19:26His background checks out he's got a good job as a duty manager in airport baggage. Oh, it's got no financial worries
19:31Yeah, well the background checks miss something didn't they?
19:34She won't bring him in. No, not yet. I don't want to spook him
19:37Okay, so what now?
19:40Steve you get all the uniform and have a look at Danny's flat Terry you stay here. We film. Yes, boss
19:46Oscar five two from seven nine five seven nine five. Go ahead
19:51Because he's been calling to work urgently
19:53Seven nine five all received don't let Maggie really out your side you stay with her. It's your Oscar five two out
19:59She's gonna let him go. No exactly
20:02Sierra Oscar five two tango one has left the house and is getting into the car suspect is carrying a small package
20:09Tango one is driving off heading east onto Benton close
20:20Turning left at the Glanville Street, I'll pull up to you
20:23Okay, I'll be there in a minute. Thank you
20:31Street for me, please
20:42We've got I bought Sierra one one
20:51Oh, yeah the way
20:59We're stuck behind a bin lorry, sir
21:11Okay, we've got him he's turning left no correction that's a right right into Handley Street
21:23We've got him now Sierra Oscar. Thanks. Where's he going? Who knows?
21:28But maybe we'll get lucky and the kid will be waiting there for us to pick him up
21:31When was the last time you got lucky inspector Smith?
21:36You know, I mean
21:39So I'm starting to search Danny May's place now
21:42Thanks, Stevie
21:43Any sign of Owen? No sign of life
21:46Yes, exactly a den of iniquities
21:49frozen head
21:51frozen yogurt
21:53No, I'm worried bill bills bills circulars
21:59What the hell is mr
22:01Unremarkable Danny Mayer got to do with the abduction of an eight-year-old child
22:05I've heard of train spotting does the same thing apply to airplanes flight list. No, it's a baggage handler
22:10It's for me to do these work. Yeah, what does he care where individual flights come from and when they're coming in?
22:17We go
22:30Danny Danny Danny, that's what if he under a pillow
22:40Yes, boss, okay great I'll be there straightaway
22:50System's thrown up a couple of possibilities on the partial plates
22:52We've got off the CCTV near the school one belongs to an 80 year old in Western Super Mare
22:57The other one belongs to Nick McCann
23:02That is him
23:06Possession possession with intent assault all fairly low-level dealing type stuff. Hmm fairly old. He had been nicked for nearly four years
23:15We just got smarter what's his connection with Danny Mayer nothing apparent
23:21Okay, go through McCann's associate list go back as far as you need to there's a connection there somewhere we got an address
23:26Afraid not moved on from his last known
23:29North onto Braganza Square now turning back onto Darrow Road
23:38Don't think so
23:44I was thinking the same thing sir. He's trying to break a tail
24:00Here we go, he's going to Edrington car park
24:03Received once you go in there with a lost eyeball on you
24:16How do you want us to proceed what's the priority I'll be picking up the target or sitting on the package of a drop is
24:22Let's see how things play out. Where's he gone?
24:30Suspect isn't visible
24:35That's great. Thanks little grace. What's going on in there? We're blind in here. Okay, I've got two possibilities on that partial plates
24:41One of them being a Nick McCann who was cautioned in a pub brawl alongside Danny Mayer 11 years ago
24:46It doesn't say who side they're both on. I think we can guess try me to bring him in asking
24:50I think it's about to make contact
24:55Where's he gone? Where's the car park? He can't have gone far
25:18The suspects heading towards the exit speed gulf
25:22He was waiting for someone and he saw us what you want us to do
25:49Mean I'm arresting a suspicion of the abduction of our marina
25:52You do not have to say if it may I'm your defense
25:53You don't mention a question something you like rely on in court anything you do say maybe give me an evidence
25:58I don't understand. Somebody could be watching us. I've got a package sir
26:06What have you done
26:22He's calmed down a bit now, but he's absolutely refusing to speak to anyone but Maggie
26:26Why does he want to speak to her to explain what I arranged to get her son kidnapped?
26:31Yeah, that's what's happening here at all. He went to make a drop you can take money to good sense
26:36Oh, yeah, the kid lost his inhaler. He can't ransom a dead eight-year-old. Can you?
26:40You know the first point of contact after I was abduction
26:44Was Danny McCann money Danny to know we go
26:48Why I mean one of the parents surely they were the targets maybe not
26:52Maybe it was a tiger kidnap
26:55What if Danny had something Nick McCann wanted what?
26:59His package
27:03You're an airport duty manager, is that right?
27:06How long have you been doing that job for about eight years?
27:09Does it pay well? I wouldn't say that but I get by and what's this got to do with anything?
27:15Well, it just seems unlikely that a man in your
27:18Financial position would leave two thousand pounds in cash underneath your mattress
27:27Saved it for a rainy day. I thought I'd do something nice for I'm in a Maggie. How'd you know Nick McCann?
27:33Don't lie to me. You know exactly who he is. You were in a pub brawl with him
27:37Yeah over ten years ago and now he's back in your life
27:42We have phone records we know Nick McCann called you and we know you spoke to Owen what'd you say to him?
27:51Told him not to worry
27:53It's gonna be all right, and I would see him soon after you did what Nick wanted
28:00McCann's got you bringing bags through customs, isn't he? What's in them?
28:07Drugs I think
28:09I've known Nick from way back and it's in him for
28:13Eight years or so a couple of months ago. I ran into him at a reunion
28:17In a few drinks caught up, you know
28:20In two weeks ago. He phones with a proposal easy money
28:26All I've got to do is ensure a bag ends up in unclaimed baggage avoiding customs and I'll go do the necessary paperwork
28:38Owens dad never took him and Maggie abroad
28:41She knows cheap deals they're doing to Disney those adverts
28:51It was just supposed to be a one-off no questions asked but you asked questions I looked in the bag
28:59No idea what I thought I'd find I saw these bags of powder
29:05And you left the bag in unclaimed baggage is that right I
29:09Didn't know what else to do with it. I couldn't come to you guys, and I didn't want that stuff out on the streets I
29:17Told him I wasn't going through with it. I told him to walk away. I even tried to give him the money back but
29:24So I've gotta get Owen back, but we can help with that no I can't risk going getting hurt
29:30Please this is my fault. I let Nick back into my life to our lives
29:36And I want to get him out again, and I can't do that unless you back off. It's too late for that. We're involved
29:44This man has abducted a child you can't deal with that on your own you need us
29:57So how did he go Danny's admitted to helping McCann?
30:00He made sure one of his bags dodged customs, and then freaked out when he realized it was full of cocaine
30:05So where the drugs now still sitting in unclaimed baggage Terry's on to it
30:08Well, we got enough to charge down a week conspiracy to import illegal substances
30:12Well, we'd have to prove that you knew there were drugs in the bag, but I think so yeah, what do you make of him Danny?
30:18That's terrified out of his depths. Just wants to get Owen back. Yeah, well it's our priority, but at this stage
30:24I'm not interested in charging Danny, but I think we can use him Danny gives McCann the drugs. He gives us Owen
30:29Yeah, Danny gives him a can
30:32You can trust him I think I'll do anything to protect his family
30:36Okay, you tell Danny what the options are and I'll update Maggie and Phil
30:44I'm gonna kill him. That's not gonna help Owen. It's his fault my son's been kidnapped Danny is he he's upset
30:50But I also think he's scared. He's scared for you, and he's scared for Owen. He should be scared for himself finding Owen
30:55That's what we need to focus on
31:03Thank you look at me
31:05I'm sorry Maggie
31:07You know how much I love Owen
31:10Please I will sort this out. I promise you
31:13What happens now?
31:15Okay, and Nick McCann has taken on because he wants something from Danny Danny is gonna give it to him
31:21And we're gonna be there. It's not gonna be safe. You're gonna trust him
31:25We don't have any choice
31:32Become time to count you tell him you've got what he wants
31:35But you only give it to him after you've seen that Owen is safe and sound
31:39He won't hand over own until he's got the stuff in his hand. She's exactly what you're gonna give him
31:44Now he can choose a place, but you have to agree the time
31:48Tell him you're gonna need advance warning in order to pick the baggage up and get there on time
31:52Any place any place?
31:57This listening device is quite lightweight, so you don't McCann frisking you too close now
32:01Oh, what if I don't get that choice? We've got an emergency code new bike you say those words
32:07We'll be with you in 10 seconds 10 seconds is a long time
32:15What about Maggie
32:19She and Phil really will remain here safe guarantee
32:30Would need you to get Nick McCann to confirm what's inside the bag
32:33And I got there and they'll only release Owen if and only if he gets what he's demanded
32:39And if I can't get all that there is some leeway
32:43But don't leave anything to chance that's what the wires for
33:01Just won't go away with it and you mean if Nick gets sent down he's not gonna forget or forgive
33:09I'll always be wondering who's looking over my shoulder
33:13Nick McCann's got his own problems
33:16Those drugs were meant for someone
33:20This is your chance to make things, right
33:24I tend to
34:33See us go on we'll see us confide to any sign of the target
34:39Negative sir
34:43So you seen anything no nothing yet time's our boy a bit twitchy
35:11See our man now
35:15See us go on this house before to we have an eyeball on town girl one any sign of the kid your end
35:26Think they get you sir. All you need some see us go five to tango one has approached Danny Mia over
35:33It's close
35:36Where is it? So he's close
35:43Danny you know
35:45You forced me to do this force you to do what force you to do what?
35:54I had to walk away
35:58You don't get to make that choice I don't get to make that choice
36:04Where is he just show him to me, please. I just want to know he's safe Nick
36:42Now let's just get this over with
36:47Come on Danny give him the sports back. Come on. What's he doing?
36:55I don't know what you're talking about Danny. I don't have anything for you
37:04What's going on I can't hear anything go see us go on we've got audio
37:10What's on us do now
37:12Sierra Oscar five two to all units wait for my signal nobody moves until tango one has got the sports bag in his possession
37:19I understood over
37:22Come on Danny give him the sports bag. Come on lad. What's he doing?
37:33Let's pull the wire all units go go go
37:41Stay still
37:44Blackmail and trafficking in a class-a substance
37:48Danny tips him off. That's why I intend to find out
38:11Danny may have cut the wire before we had time to connect McCann to the drugs imputation
38:15But Danny's already given us a statement if you want to protect Nick McCann, he could have done it
38:18Then he wanted time and privacy. He wanted to make sure the McCann didn't say the wrong thing
38:22Also tell him what the situation was
38:28Cocaine to explain why I mean, what are you trying to achieve?
38:31I thought we're gonna find out an interview is as it stands Danny's statement is all we've got to link McCann to the drugs
38:42Okay, you tell me about this I
38:45Don't know how it happened. That's funny cuz for all the world you look like you ripped it out
38:50Why would I want to do that? Well, we were hoping that you could tell us that
38:56Danny are you afraid of Nick McCann afraid of him?
39:02He's not a violent man
39:05He abducted an eight-year-old boy
39:11For the benefit of the tape, I'm showing the suspect exhibit bg3. That's you isn't it? Yeah
39:17And that's Irene really getting in the backseat of your car
39:22But I'm not kidnapping him
39:24What were you doing?
39:25taking care of the kid
39:27For Danny, he'd asked me to apparently his mom had a flat. I was gonna be late. So I picked him up from school
39:33It's just helping out. I
39:39Couldn't get out of work. I didn't know how long Maggie was gonna be I asked Nick to pick up enough
39:47I'm sorry for any confusion
39:50Yes, sorry
39:52Let me get this straight
39:54Are you telling us your previous statement is false? Yeah all of it all of it. I
40:04Didn't realize Maggie would be there so quickly that she'd panic and call the police
40:13Then everything just
40:20Do you think this is some sort of a game no, I don't think this is a game
40:24I'm trying to tell you what happened. I've never hurt anyone let alone a kid
40:29Never would in fact, he had a blast
40:32Playing video games ice cream the works
40:36Ask him if you don't believe me
40:43You sure you want to do this
40:48You're aware of the consequences possible charges losing your job
40:58You're protecting a drug dealer who kidnapped an eight-year-old child
41:02The only people I'm interested in protecting are Owen and Maggie
41:16The counts right we've got nothing to link him to the cocaine well Danny's admitted conspiring with McCann
41:21So even if he claims he didn't know there were drugs in the bag we can do him for theft
41:26He'd lose his job in his position that could mean a custodial
41:30Owen will be without a father for a second time. We're not social workers. We can't never gonna let this drop
41:36Danny's gonna be paying back that money for years to come at least we've got McCann on our radar now
41:40We've taken three kilos of cocaine off the streets, and we've returned an eight-year-old boy to his home. We've still been had
41:48All right talk to the CPS we'll release them both
42:35Don't know
42:42You knew didn't you that Danny was gonna flip on it
42:47Well the feeling
42:49Don't seem too upset by it. I'm not too happy about it, but I understand it
42:53well, I
42:55Think he was just trying to protect him
42:56If Danny had sent McCann to the wall then McCann would never have forgotten who put him away
43:01Which means Danny would have been looking over his shoulder for the rest of his life
43:03Which means Maggie and Owen would have been in danger
43:07As far as we're concerned he made a bad choice
43:11At least he did something
43:14You don't buy it no yeah, yeah, I buy it but I'd have preferred a result
43:33Oh Larry you got my paper, all right, okay. Thanks. Good night
43:55I've got yourself involved in a situation in the hand and flare this morning. You've been following me. What about this woman?
44:00What do we know about her? She got into a car with Leon
44:04Look at me
44:05Did I get emotionally involved? No, I've got a result. Excuse me sergeant. The responsibility for this is yours with the weapon on the floor
44:14Walk down the steps