The Bill S25E34 Down South

  • 3 months ago
The Bill S25E34 Down South
00:00Previously, on The Bill...
00:04You went against my orders today.
00:06I like a cop who trusts their instincts despite what I might throw at them.
00:10Hope you didn't take it to heart.
00:12Don't worry, Sarge. This northern skin's tough, you know.
00:15Takes a lot more than a southern softie to bring me.
00:30No, there's a job I couldn't do.
00:45My luggers could not take that kind of abuse day in, day out, no way.
00:48Any money, the girl's still in the changing room,
00:50stood in front of the mirror putting her make-up on.
00:52She's probably busting a few moves, getting ready for the school disco.
00:55You're showing your age, Leon.
01:03Miss Jordan?
01:06I'm PC Ryder, this is PC Taylor from Stonehill.
01:09You reported one of your pupils was missing.
01:11Lily Wormsley. She's in year nine.
01:14We finished our netball match and were about to go back to school
01:16when I did a quick head count and found that she was missing.
01:19I've even phoned her at home but her mum says she hasn't turned up there either.
01:22She's only 13.
01:23OK, I take it you've had a good look round the sports centre already?
01:25Checked everywhere.
01:26Did any of the other girls see her wandering off?
01:29OK, when did you last see her?
01:31About 11 o'clock when we were knocked out of the quarter finals.
01:34I told the girls they could go back in and watch the rest of the games
01:37then they were to shower, change and get back to the minibus by 12.
01:41Excuse me, I'm going to have a quick word with my inspector.
01:45Lily Wormsley, Leon. She's 13.
01:47Her teacher, Miss Jordan, hasn't seen her since about 11 this morning.
01:50Tony, Millie, can you check the CCTV footage from the security here?
01:53See what that gives us.
01:54You and Leon give the changing room to one side,
01:56I'll speak to the teacher, get Lily's description and we'll get that circulated.
02:01I reckon she's probably at home right now watching telly,
02:04blissfully unaware of the trouble she's causing.
02:07So when you were 13 and bunking off school, what were you getting up to?
02:11That we'll be telling.
02:15Oh, what's this?
02:17OK, these are hers.
02:19Right, OK, so she's dumped her uniform, her gym gear,
02:22stuck her glove rags on and done a runner.
02:24Do you know if Lily has a mobile phone?
02:26Yes, we've had things stolen in the past,
02:28so I've taken to looking after the girls' valuables.
02:31This is Lily's.
02:33I'll keep hold of this, if that's OK.
02:35I'll get someone to go through the callers, see who comes up.
02:38Mum, we found these hidden in the locker room.
02:41They're Lily's clothes.
02:42She obviously got changed into a silly's before she went off.
02:45Do you know if Lily's having any kind of trouble at school?
02:48Does she seem unhappy or...?
02:50Not that I've noticed. She's a good pupil.
02:52Then again, she's only been with us six months.
02:54What about friends? Is she close to anyone?
02:56She seems pretty good friends with Rebecca Evans.
02:58They hang around together a lot. I saw her with Lily earlier.
03:01Is she here?
03:03Do you know if she's got a boyfriend? Has she seen anyone?
03:06She's pretty young for her age. I wouldn't have thought so.
03:09She's not very outgoing.
03:10OK, can you two head over to the house, keep the family up to speed,
03:13and we'll need to establish what Lily was wearing when she left the sports centre.
03:16Yes, Mum.
03:17Oh, and can you also get a recent photograph for circulation?
03:20I'll need to have a chat with Rebecca and all the other girls.
03:27Is there any news? Have you found her?
03:29Not yet, Mrs Walmsley, but I'm sure it's only a matter of time.
03:32I'm going to go and look for her.
03:33It's important that you're here for when Lily returns.
03:35Anything could have happened to her.
03:37Look, honestly, we really don't think there's any reason to panic.
03:40My 13-year-old daughter goes missing in the middle of London,
03:42and you think that's no reason to panic?
03:46If you could have a look through her wardrobe, see if any of her clothes are missing.
03:49This way.
03:50Yeah, we found Lily's uniform in the changer room,
03:52so we assume she took spare clothes with her, got changed,
03:56and managed to leave the sports centre without anyone seeing her go.
03:59So we can circulate a description of her, what she's wearing.
04:02I'm sorry about the mess. She used to be so tidy.
04:05Do you know if Lily had plans to meet anyone? A boyfriend, maybe?
04:08She doesn't have a boyfriend. She's only 13.
04:11What about close friends?
04:12I mean, the fact that she took clothes suggests she knew what she was planning.
04:14She might have told someone.
04:15She did mention a girl called Rebecca.
04:17She's been round to her house a few times, but we've only been here six months.
04:20We're still kind of finding our feet.
04:22The whole family?
04:23Me, Lily, her brother Ewan and Simon.
04:27Her husband?
04:28Her partner.
04:30I phoned him. He's on his way home.
04:32Is there any other family that she'd want to see?
04:34Her gran in Manchester, her dad's mum, but we don't keep in touch.
04:37So Simon's not her father?
04:41Lily and Ewan's dad died a year ago.
04:44I'm sorry.
04:46Could you give us her grandmother's name?
04:47Eileen Wormsley, look, why aren't you out there looking for her instead of asking me all these questions?
04:51Maria, we've got officers out there doing exactly that right now,
04:54but it's obviously also important that we gather as much information as we can at this stage
04:58to speed the process up of finding Lily.
05:01Is anything missing?
05:02I can't see her.
05:03A brown bomber jacket with a hood with a fur trim and some blue jeans,
05:07and she was carrying a pink rucksack.
05:09What about money, Oyster card, any of that missing?
05:12Give her and Ewan spends each week for jobs around the house,
05:15and she keeps it in here, normally.
05:20It's empty. She would have had quite a lot in here.
05:22OK, I'll put a trace on her Oyster card, see if she's used it.
05:25I'll radio that in.
05:27I tell you what would be really useful right now is a recent photo.
05:30Do you have one?
05:36Right, we're going to get a copy of this printed out and get this back to you straight away.
05:39Thank you.
05:40And we'll be back in touch as soon as we have any news.
05:47What do you reckon?
05:48Well, I think the kid's still suffering from losing a parent.
05:51I mean, her dad dies within a couple of months, she's in a new part of the country,
05:54new home, new school.
05:55New dad?
05:56She's going to play up, isn't she?
05:59Mum, Lily was last seen wearing a brown hoodie, bomber jacket and jeans,
06:03possibly carrying a pink rucksack.
06:05We've got a photo and we're getting circulated ASAP.
06:07Thanks, Leon.
06:09I have to get the girls back to school for the rest of their classes and to fill in a report.
06:13Is it OK if I leave?
06:14Yeah, I'll get in touch if we need anything else.
06:17Zero one for five nine five.
06:19Five nine five, go ahead.
06:20We just found the CCTV footage from the sports centre, Mum.
06:23I think there's something you need to see.
06:26Fine, I'm on my way.
06:29He just waits there for a few minutes.
06:32And then, there's our girl.
06:36Well, she certainly matches the description we were given.
06:39And that's the rucksack her mum described.
06:41We can't see the index, Mum, but I'd say that's her ring number again.
06:44Can you just rewind it a bit, please?
06:50She's there.
06:52She seems pretty relaxed with the guard, do you think she knows him?
06:55According to her mum, she doesn't know anyone.
06:57According to her mum, she doesn't know anyone down here.
06:59Oh, she doesn't appear to be being forced, Mum.
07:01Right, can you take this back to the station? I need to get on to CID.
07:15Lily Warnsley.
07:16Last seen getting into a car with an as yet unidentified man outside North Canley Sports Centre.
07:21Now, we need to get CCTV from around the area just to make sure that this car wasn't captured at any other points.
07:26Now, Lily's laptops were technical just in case they made contact on the internet.
07:30We could be looking at a possible grooming here.
07:32We've also recovered Lily's mobile phone.
07:34There are no texts saved and only the past five calls have been registered.
07:37So, Leon, can you get this to the lab? We need to take it back as far as we can.
07:40No, tell us about the family.
07:41Lily's dad died just under a year ago.
07:43So, she moved down to London with her mum and brother about six months back from Manchester.
07:48Her mum, Maria, is in a new relationship with a guy called Simon Morris.
07:52How does he get on with the kids?
07:53Not sure yet. It wasn't the right time to ask.
07:55Does Simon Morris have any form?
07:56No, it's clean.
07:57We've also established that money and her Oyster card are missing.
08:00I've notified TfL, so the minute she uses it, we'll be able to trace her. But so far, nothing.
08:04I want to see if Lily's ever been on the at-risk register with social services too.
08:07Also, we need to get her school reports from Manchester. I want to find out what kind of kid she is.
08:11But our priority is finding this guy. We find him, we find Lily. OK, that's it.
08:17Mel, you've already dealt with Lily's mum, so it makes sense for you to be her fellow.
08:22Mum, do you know what? I don't think her mum really talked to me all that well.
08:25Well, she'd just discovered her daughter was missing. It's understandable.
08:28If you could just get the family to come to the station.
08:33I don't want to tread on your toes, Mum, but are you sure she's up for the job?
08:36She's FLO trained. Why wouldn't she be?
08:38Well, she might be for the training, but she hasn't put into practice, has she?
08:41You see the look on her face?
08:42She's nervous. Who wouldn't be?
08:44Sure, but it's the kind of job that requires a lot of sensitivity.
08:47Which I obviously think PC Rider possesses.
08:50Unless you want to enlighten me, Sergeant.
08:52No, no.
08:54Because I'd hate to think you're questioning my judgement, DS Turner.
08:57Not at all, Mum.
09:04This is Maria, Lily's mum. Her brother, Ewan.
09:07And this is Simon Morris, Maria's partner.
09:09Hello there. I'm DS Turner and this is DC Perkins.
09:11Thanks for coming in.
09:12Have a seat.
09:13So first off, Mel's going to be your family liaison officer
09:16and she'll keep you updated with everything that's happening with the case.
09:18You said on the phone you wanted to talk to us about something urgent.
09:20That's right, yeah.
09:21So we got CCTV from outside the sports centre
09:23and in it Lily's quite clearly seen talking to a man in his early 40s.
09:33Who is he?
09:34We were hoping you might be able to tell us.
09:38Does Lily know anyone that she might go to if she was in trouble or upset?
09:42She doesn't know anyone.
09:45Now, I have to stress that Lily wasn't forced to get in the car,
09:47I mean, so there's no coercion.
09:49She does not know anyone.
09:52I'm sorry, Maria, but she does appear to know him.
09:55She's a 13-year-old child.
09:57She would not ever go willingly with a man or a boy of any age.
10:00She's not like that.
10:03OK, how long have you two been together?
10:06We got together in Manchester.
10:08I was headhunted by a rival firm.
10:11They made me an offer I couldn't refuse, so we came down here.
10:14A new start.
10:15You get on with Lily?
10:19Well, as far as can be expected,
10:21I mean, it's been a rollercoaster ride for all of us,
10:24but we didn't have any arguments, if that's what you mean.
10:29You must be close to your sister, Ewan.
10:31Any idea who she might have gone off with?
10:33If I had, I would have said.
10:35You're not protecting her?
10:37You must know some of her friends.
10:39They all live in Manchester.
10:41Lily hardly speaks to them.
10:43At least not face to face.
10:46She's always on her laptop on face spaces.
10:48OK, well, I've got officers going through that laptop now,
10:50so hopefully that will tell us something useful.
10:53You don't think...
10:56You don't think anything's happened to you?
10:58Well, the fact that she got into the car voluntarily is a very good sign.
11:01And we're doing all we can to find out who the driver is.
11:04I just want my baby back!
11:07I just want my baby back!
11:13She's been down here for six months and she's not made one single friend.
11:16The nurse is keeping secrets from her family as well.
11:19She must have been fighting somebody.
11:21Maybe a friend in Manchester?
11:22All right, Mel, we can take it from here.
11:24Just have a word from the techies. These are all they've found.
11:28There's private messages on Lily's face spaces page.
11:31Yeah, from Rebecca Evans, going on her school.
11:33I just had a chat with her this morning.
11:35She wasn't very forthcoming.
11:37Right, Rebecca says, Lily, I'm trying to be your friend.
11:39Lily says, I don't need any friends.
11:41Rebecca says, I saw some bruising on your stomach.
11:44If someone's hurting you, I can keep a secret.
11:46Lily says, go away, mind your own business.
11:49And several other messages in the same vein.
11:51Well, if Lily's being harmed, no wonder she ran away.
11:53I'll speak to this Rebecca.
11:55Also, Mum, I want to speak to Lily's friends in Manchester.
11:57Also, grant if she's been in contact with them.
12:00Thanks, Mum.
12:02I thought face spaces was private.
12:05Well, with technology and a young girl going missing,
12:07nothing's private, I'm afraid.
12:08Well, it should tell you that on the website.
12:10I don't like people poking around in my business.
12:12Listen, all we want to talk to you about
12:14is the bruising that you say you saw on Lily's body.
12:16And what do you want to know about it?
12:18Well, when did you first notice it?
12:20A couple of weeks ago.
12:22We were in the showers after gym.
12:24And I saw them.
12:26They were all over her stomach.
12:29And she tried to hide them, but I saw them.
12:31It can get a bit rough in netball sometimes.
12:33They weren't from no netball game.
12:35And what were they from?
12:37Did, like, someone punch them or something?
12:39No, they were smaller.
12:41But lots of them.
12:42And you approached Lily about it?
12:46And what?
12:47And what did she say?
12:48Well, nothing really.
12:50Just walked off.
12:51Told me I got it wrong.
12:53And that was it.
12:54So, then you tried to tackle her on the subject again on face spaces, yeah?
12:58She didn't want to know.
12:59And I don't need to be told three times.
13:02I tell you.
13:03The girl's a total...
13:05What do you call it?
13:07Closed book.
13:09Pain in the arse.
13:13Rebecca, do you think Lily was being bullied?
13:15Doubt it.
13:16She didn't have any friends.
13:18She didn't have no enemies, neither.
13:20Alright, well, look.
13:21Thanks for your help.
13:22My pleasure.
13:24Well, if Rebecca's right and the bruising isn't being caused at school,
13:27suspicion falls back on our mystery driver.
13:29Or the family.
13:30There's a new boyfriend on the scene that could be worth checking out.
13:33Yeah, I don't want to broach the subject with them just yet.
13:35We can't verify the bruising until we find Lily.
13:37Mel needs to hear about this.
13:41Well, we made a discovery you should know about.
13:43We suspect that someone's been harming Lily.
13:45School friend said that she saw bruises on and around her stomach.
13:49Harming Lily.
13:50School friend said that she saw bruises on and around her stomach.
13:53What, you think it could be one of the family?
13:55Possibility, yeah.
13:56Makes sense.
13:57Makes sense how?
13:59Well, they've just been really cagey.
14:01Thirteen-year-old girls don't just run away for nothing.
14:03Do you want me to ask them about the bruises?
14:05Absolutely not.
14:06All we have is the word of a schoolgirl on this.
14:08It's too early to approach the family with it yet.
14:10I just think there's an awful lot they're not telling us.
14:12They must know their own daughter.
14:14Why don't we save time, ask them, get it out in the open?
14:16Listen to me.
14:17I want you to observe.
14:18Do you understand that word?
14:19It means to look without talking.
14:21And thirteen-year-old girls do run away if they're being groomed by an older man.
14:25Now, our mystery guy with the car is still our best lead to finding Lily.
14:35What have you got, Tony?
14:37Well, we've picked the car up again on CCTV at Maydale Street
14:41and again at the corner of Purbeck.
14:43This time we did manage to get an index.
14:45It's registered to a Joe Timoney, 32 Tallow Street.
14:48He's got no previous and the car's not reportedly stolen.
14:51There's nothing on Crystal Fridman?
14:52No, ma'am.
14:53OK, you and Millie get to his address and pick him up.
14:56And easy does it.
14:57If he still owes Lily, we don't want to spook him.
14:59Well, softly, softly.
15:07Can I get anyone a drink, tea, coffee?
15:12No, thank you.
15:14Where's Maria?
15:17Um, she's in Lily's bedroom.
15:21I think she wanted to feel closer to her.
15:24Excuse me.
15:27PC Ryder?
15:32Oh, well, thank you. I'll let them know.
15:36That was my inspector.
15:38I found these in one of Lily's drawers.
15:40CD chocolates.
15:41Did you give them to her?
15:44No, of course not.
15:48Then where did she get them?
15:51Simon, Maria, the man in the CCTV with Lily has been identified.
15:55His name is Joseph Timoney.
15:57Does that ring any bells?
16:01Never heard of him.
16:03No association with the family at all?
16:07I know you're reluctant to accept this,
16:09but it looks as though Lily has run away
16:12and this man may be involved.
16:14But we know where he lives
16:16and there are officers on their way round there now.
16:19Are these from him?
16:21This man?
16:23He must have given them to her.
16:30Is anybody in? It's like a right dump.
16:33Why would a kid like Lily go with a bloke who lives in a place like this?
16:36I don't know.
16:37Let's knock on a few doors and see if we can find anything else out about him.
16:44Tony and Millie went to Joe Timoney's house.
16:46He wasn't in.
16:47Neighbours say he's been out since this morning.
16:49He's a bit of a weirdo, by all accounts.
16:51Out all hours of the night and day.
16:52Keeps himself to himself.
16:53All right.
16:54Oh, incidentally, we interviewed Rebecca.
16:57Now, she reckons that Lily's got some bruising on her stomach,
16:59which would indicate physical rather than sexual abuse, right?
17:02One of the neighbours said it was only a matter of time
17:04before Timoney had us knocking at his door.
17:05What did he mean by that?
17:06His exact words.
17:07Timoney's a crime just waiting to happen.
17:09Let's hope it doesn't happen with Lily.
17:11Thank you, Mark.
17:12I'll let the sergeant know.
17:13Thanks, James.
17:17Isn't that him?
17:18Blue Renner.
17:22Yeah, it's the right registration.
17:24Let's go and have a check.
17:30Joe Timoney?
17:32Grab a word, please.
17:34Where do you think you're going?
17:37Shall we carry this on inside, yeah?
17:42We're investigating the disappearance of a young girl,
17:45Lily Wormsley.
17:46Do you know her?
17:50So, you weren't with her this morning?
17:53Who is she?
17:55Do you mind if we have a look around?
17:57If you have to.
18:03Don't touch those.
18:05Keep them in a special order.
18:07Don't touch those.
18:09Keep them in a special order.
18:21Wouldn't have thought pink was your colour, Joe.
18:25Yeah, it's hers.
18:28Joe Timoney, I'm arresting you on suspicion of kidnapping Lily Wormsley.
18:32You don't have to say anything, but it may harm your defence
18:34if you do not mention when you question something which you later rely on in court.
18:40Sorry, Mr Timoney.
18:41This morning, a 13-year-old girl goes missing.
18:44She's later seen on CCTV getting into your car,
18:47you go to your house,
18:48we find her rucksack there.
18:50What's the story?
18:51I don't know any girl.
18:53Now showing the suspect exhibit TS1.
18:57So this isn't you then, Joe?
18:59That's an innocent explanation.
19:01So, you do admit that this girl got into your car?
19:05If there's an innocent explanation, why don't you tell us what it is?
19:08I can't.
19:11Because what?
19:12Oh, come on. Help yourself here. Tell us what's going on.
19:16I'm sorry, no comment.
19:24Well, I found the leather goods section.
19:28Credit cards, ID, cash.
19:31They're all the same.
19:32I reckon he's a bit of a kleptomaniac, our Joe.
19:35Kleptomaniac? Well, he's faggot himself.
19:38Right, I got a pay slip from last month from Canley Cabs.
19:43He's a minicab driver.
19:45So what? Think we found Canley Cabs' lost property department?
19:48I'll call it in.
19:50No comment.
19:51How long are you going to keep this up?
19:54Can I have a quick word?
19:56Interview suspended at 16.05. We're not done with you.
20:00Just had word from Tony and Millie. They found a pay slip at Joe's flat.
20:03He's a driver for Canley Cabs.
20:05Now, I called the company and they've confirmed he was working this morning
20:08and that he was sent for a pick-up at the sports centre.
20:11Name of Wormsley.
20:12But they also said, strange as he is, he's their most reliable driver.
20:17He's been with them ten years.
20:18It doesn't explain why he's got Lily's bag though, does it?
20:20Tony and Millie also said they found an assortment of other stuff at Joe's flat.
20:25Various people's possessions. Wallets, watches, spectacles, all sorts.
20:30So, they get the impression that maybe Joe's just a bit of a hoarder.
20:34What do you think?
20:36I think it's possible.
20:37Doesn't exactly rule them out though, does it?
20:41Right, I think now would be a good time for you to start telling us the truth
20:44and you can start by telling us what you do for a living.
20:47I've been out of work.
20:48So you don't drive, do you?
20:50Why don't you start by telling us what you do for a living?
20:53I've been out of work.
20:54So you don't drive for Cagney cabs?
20:56Do some jobs for them sometimes, I suppose.
20:58Joe, this is serious.
21:00We're investigating the disappearance of a child and you were the last person to see her.
21:03So why didn't you tell us you were a cab driver? What are you hiding?
21:07I was scared.
21:08Well, so you should be, mate.
21:09A girl gets into your cab and disappears.
21:11I'd be bricking it if I was you.
21:12I didn't do anything to her, I swear.
21:15I picked her up and I dropped her off.
21:16So what about her rucksack? We found that in your house.
21:18She left it.
21:19She was trying to get away from you at your house or did you take her somewhere else?
21:24She didn't pay.
21:25She ran off and she left it in the cab.
21:27Well, where did you drop her?
21:28The train station, I swear.
21:32I'm not a thief.
21:34I only take things people don't want, things people leave.
21:37I keep them.
21:39I don't know.
21:40Just do.
21:43I haven't seen the girl since I dropped her off at the station.
21:45I promise.
21:50THE END
22:01I'd say we can discount the older boyfriend theory.
22:04I think she's on a bunk bed in Manchester.
22:06She's probably just got the train back up there.
22:08And the grand's the only link back to the dad, right?
22:11Okay, I'm going to get Uniform to check CCTV from the station.
22:14Because if Lily shows up at the same time that Timony says he dropped her off,
22:17then we know to check the trains.
22:18I think Mel's gonna tell us a bit more about the grandmother touch her Manchester school report shows
22:22There's a model pupil never been in any trouble
22:24No signs of bullying and social services don't have anything on the reader
22:28But ti you found several calls from a mobile phone to a bed-and-breakfast in Luxor Road. I got mail to us where she didn't recognize it
22:35Okay. Thanks, mate
22:36Why is a 13 year old called in the bed-and-breakfast?
22:42Mel is Stuart listen, we found out that Timoney is a taxi driver and he dropped Lily off at the train station
22:48So does that mean he's no longer our best lead?
22:53I thought she might be going home
22:56This line is really bad. So let's just talk to the family about this one
23:08That was DS Turner the man Timoney he's a minicab driver. He says he dropped Lily off at the train station
23:14You don't believe him. Do you think he's harmed her? No, we do believe that he's telling the truth. We searched his flat his car
23:19There's nothing to suggest he's lying. Okay, so if she got on a train, we think she may have gone to Manchester
23:24She could be going to see a gran. We've tried to call her you and
23:28Go and make your mum a cup of tea, please
23:39Has not gone to Manchester
23:41I'm from Leeds and the amount of times I've wanted to jump on a train and get out of it
23:44Don't have any contact with Lily's grandmother. We haven't spoken to her for over six months
23:50Do you mind telling me why she never approved of me or the move down here?
23:53She made that very clear. There is no way Lily is on her way to Manchester
23:58She knows I would never allow it. You also said she wasn't the type of girl to run away
24:04Is she close to Eileen
24:13Try it again if you think it might help
24:24So you're the landlady? Yeah, that's right. Stella. You seen this girl here? I'm not sure. I'm blind as a bat without my glasses
24:30Okay, so go find them
24:33We're investigating her disappearance from a sports center earlier today. Her mobile says she's run this place a few times
24:39She'll been in here, is she?
24:41No, it's Lily Wansley. Do you know her then?
24:44She's been here quite a few times. Recently? About an hour ago. What do you mean? Her gran, Eileen. She's been living here about a month now
24:55It's the first anniversary of her son's death in four days
25:02It's her
25:05Yeah, that's Eileen. Lily's mum tried to ban the girl from seeing her gran. Banned?
25:10There was some kind of disagreement and that was it. End of contact. Where's Eileen now?
25:14Well, she and Lily had a row, so the girls stalled off in tears
25:18Eileen left about 15 minutes later. It was the row about? I don't know.
25:22So you found where the presents came from? Same wrapping paper?
25:25Oh, yeah, she's always giving that kid something. Says she's making up for all the birthdays and
25:31Christmases their father won't ever have with her
25:35Does Eileen take these? I don't know, I've never seen her take them. What are they? Anti-depressants?
25:42Well, if you'd lost a son of 36 and you were banned from seeing your grandkids, you'd be depressed, wouldn't you?
25:47Well, Eileen's not seeing Lily. Where did she go? What did she do? She might go up the cafe for a cuppa
25:52Up the shops for bits. What about the pictures? Oh, yeah, she loved going to the movies
25:56They do a discount for OAPs in the afternoons. Up that Calico Street cinema. Makes sense. Warm, dark place. No one bothers you
26:04Okay, thanks for your help, Stella. Lily's obviously a girl with a few secrets
26:08Yeah, I'll get Mel to bring Rory into the station, get her up to speed. You and Paula can check out the cinema. Right
26:15I thought they shut this place down years ago. It's wicked, isn't it?
26:18I used to come to a place like this when I was a kid. Saturday matinees, far too much ice cream
26:22Air raids, Churchill and Powell
26:29Eurine's in the canteen getting a drink. I'll go sit with her
26:32That's bad news, isn't it? It's about Lily's grandmother. What's she got to do with anything?
26:36Well, it seems that Eileen's been living in London for the past month, staying in a B&B. She's what?
26:41Yeah, and Lily's been visiting her during that time. What, behind our backs? I don't believe this!
26:46What does that woman think she's playing at? Is Lily with her now? Is that where she is?
26:49Well, we don't know where Lily is
26:51But currently Eileen's on her way to St. Hugh's Hospital because we suspect she's taken an overdose of alcohol and antidepressants
26:56Tried to kill herself. What about Lily? As far as we know, Eileen was the last person to see her
27:01And what was their relationship like?
27:03They used to be very close, but Eileen and I fell out, so. And she stopped seeing her
27:10Okay, have a seat
27:14You mind telling me what this falling out was all about?
27:22Eileen's son and I were going to get a divorce. It was all perfectly amicable
27:28But he got sick. A brain tumour
27:32And we thought it would be better for the kids if they had the memory of their parents being together right till the end
27:38Simon was amazing. He helped me look after him 24-7. Liam and I were best mates at school
27:45And looking back, we realised that there'd been something between us for a long time
27:52Yeah, but nothing happened. Not while Liam was still alive
27:55But when you got together, Eileen thought it was too soon. She wouldn't accept us. What she didn't know was that Liam knew
28:03about us and
28:05Towards the end he gave us his blessing. He told us to be happy
28:10But even that wasn't enough for her. She just wouldn't let it go, so I told her I didn't want her in our lives anymore
28:15We didn't need her, any of us. That's
28:17Why we moved down here, to get away from her. How did Lily feel about that, you moving away from her gran?
28:23Well, I tried to explain the situation as best I could
28:28I mean
28:33I thought she understood
28:39I think she should take him back to that house. How's the boy?
28:41He's not saying much. I think both kids must still be grieving. They don't really get an outlet
28:45And I get the impression they don't really communicate much in that house. Well, Maria's not exactly up to speed with what's happening in our children's lives
28:52Listen, um
28:54How do you feel about talking to her about the bruising on Lily's body?
28:57Like I suggested I did earlier. Listen, this family is drowning in secrets. We're no closer to finding Lily, so yes, it's a good idea
29:04Just heard from St. Huw's, Arlene's come round. The only way they're now?
29:09Yeah, turns out she wasn't trying to kill herself. There's no pills in the system, just a load of booze
29:25Mrs. Wormsley? Yeah. Lucy Perkins from Sunhill CID
29:30I am so sorry if I've caused any trouble. I had a bit too much to drink. That's all
29:39I'm actually here to ask you a few questions about your granddaughter. Lily?
29:45Well, she's gone missing. We think she might have run away. Oh, she's all right, isn't she? We hope so
29:53Mrs. Wormsley, a good friend of your granddaughter's
29:58Said that she'd seen some bruising on Lily's stomach
30:01Now we hope that whoever she's run away with hasn't been doing that to her
30:05As you can imagine we're very keen to find her, so anything you can help us with would be much appreciated
30:12Now you saw her today, is that right? Yes
30:17You don't think I'm the one that's been hurting her, do you?
30:19I'm sorry
30:24We know what's been going on for the past month
30:28We know that you moved down here from Manchester
30:32We know that you've been seeing Lily behind Maria and Simon's back. I'm her grandmother
30:38I can't, I won't be cut out of someone's life like that
30:42Someone I love
30:45I would never, never hurt that girl
30:56When you see Lily
30:58Where do you go? What do you do? We don't have much time
31:03A few hours after school, a couple of nights a week
31:07She pretends she's staying at a friend's house
31:12She's like me, she loves the movies, the film stars
31:16The other Saturday we made our way down to Leicester Square
31:20That was a treat for her. What about Ewan?
31:24He doesn't know I'm here. She was scared he might tell his mum
31:28What happened today?
31:30Your landlady said that she thinks you and Lily had an argument, is that right? Well, it was my fault
31:36You see, the other night
31:41Suggested she come back up north. I only meant to visit her dad's grave
31:46It's the anniversary in a few days
31:49She turns up today thinking she's moving back up there with me permanently
31:56Even bought the train tickets
31:58So I said you can't, what about your mum?
32:03Well, she wanted to go back to Manchester
32:06She'd had enough down here. I said you can stay whenever you like
32:11But she didn't want to know
32:15And she just went, ran off. Where to, do you know? No
32:22Now Lily's gone missing
32:35Hey, do you mind if I have a word with Maria?
32:39In private
32:49Let's get some air
32:56What I need to talk to you about isn't gonna be easy
32:59But I need you to know that I wouldn't ask you this unless I really felt I had to
33:06Do you know anything about Lily sustaining any injuries on her body?
33:12No? A classmate said that she saw some bruises on Lily's stomach and when she asked her about them Lily just shut down
33:20Are you saying someone's been harming my daughter?
33:24We're fairly certain it's not happening at school. We don't think she's being bullied. So you think it's been happening here?
33:29You can't think it was me. I don't know
33:40The man who nursed his friend, my husband, through the final weeks of his life
33:45It's my duty to ask. Well, what about Eileen? She's the one who's been keeping secrets. Have you thought about her?
33:50We have to consider every possibility
33:52We have to consider every possibility
33:58What about Ewan?
34:03There've been no fights, arguments
34:05Yes, they fight, they argue. He gets quite worked up. His dad died
34:12Do you think I could have a look in his room?
34:23What exactly are you looking for? I'm not really sure, a diary maybe? I don't think he keeps one
34:31But then there's a lot I don't know about my kids. Isn't that the way it's supposed to be with teenagers?
34:53Um, these are letters from the school. They're addressed to you. I've not seen this
35:01Ewan has been displaying anger towards his fellow pupils
35:06Fighting, aggressive behavior. I'm afraid we're gonna need to bring Ewan into the station
35:23We found these letters in your bedroom, Ewan. They're addressed to your mother
35:30Apparently, you've been getting into trouble at school. It's no big deal
35:35Well, according to these letters
35:37You've been getting angry recently, getting aggressive
35:41Getting into some fights
35:44Have you been fighting with your sister, Ewan?
35:47Hitting her, maybe
35:49Ewan, a schoolmate of Lily's
35:52Tells us that she saw some bruising on Lily's stomach
35:56We were wondering how it got there. Well, it wasn't me
35:59But that's not a surprise to you
36:01You know about the marks
36:05Ewan, we're really worried about your sister
36:09We're worried that whoever's hurting her
36:12Is the reason why she's run away
36:15So we need to know who's doing this to her. I told you it wasn't me. Then who?
36:23I'm sorry. Lily didn't want you to know
36:30Who's doing this, Ewan? No one. She's been doing it herself
36:35I've tried talking to her. She wouldn't stop. She keeps on pinching herself really hard until she cries
36:53Okay, as soon as we hear anything, we'll call you, all right?
36:56Hey, just heard back from TFL. Lily's oyster car was used on the underground. She got on a water loop off of Leicester Square
37:02When was this? A half an hour ago
37:04Okay, well, that makes sense. Eileen said that she and Lily went to Leicester Square once
37:07I need to be there
37:08No, no, no. It's best you stay here. I'm going to get West End police on it
37:10They'll circulate Lily's photo and they'll look out for her on the CCTV. If she's there, they'll find her
37:13He's right
37:14Yeah, come back inside. Let's call Simon. Tell him what's going on. Maybe he can come down and get you in
37:18Simon, I think I should go over to Leicester Square
37:20No, no, no. You're the FLA instead of Maria
37:22She needs someone who understands her
37:24No, I just said no
37:25I want her there. She knows what Lily's been through
37:29All right, have a go
37:30Thank you. I'm going to find her
37:49Excuse me. Have you seen this girl?
37:51I'm sorry. I've not seen her
37:53I'm looking for this girl. She's not in this seat. All right?
37:56Excuse me. Have you seen this girl?
37:58Okay, well, there's a number at the bottom. Call it if you see anything. Thanks, ma'am
38:01It's not the long shot, is it?
38:03When you're away from home, you're always going to watch familiar
38:06Did you get that from a book?
38:08No. Experience
38:10Excuse me. Have you seen this girl?
38:12I'm sorry. I've not seen her
38:14I'm looking for this girl. She's not in this seat. All right?
38:17Excuse me. Have you guys seen this girl?
38:20No, I haven't seen her. Sorry
38:22All right, thanks
38:25Evening, Haystack
38:28Look, I should just try over here
38:38No, not yet
38:40Sam's taken Ewan home
38:42Mel and Leon have just got to Leicester Square, but there's nothing here
38:50Okay, keep her talking. Put it on loudspeaker
38:53Lily, where are you?
38:55I messed up, Mum. I'm sorry
38:57I messed up too, but it doesn't matter. None of that matters now
39:00Just come home, please
39:02Where are you?
39:03In a phone box. Mum, I'm scared
39:05Hello, Lily. My name's Stuart. I'm a police officer
39:07I am in trouble, Mum. See?
39:09No, no, no, you're not. We just want to help you
39:11So can you tell us where you are?
39:12Leicester Square
39:15Okay, can you be a bit more specific than that?
39:17No, I don't know
39:19Lily, have a look around you. Tell me what you see
39:21Mum, go away. Leave me alone
39:25Lily, we have officers close by. If you look around you, tell me what you see
39:29Leave me alone
39:30Mel, it's Stuart. Listen, Lily's in a phone box somewhere in Leicester Square and somebody's threatening her
39:34Okay, I'm looking for a phone box
39:39What's that you're taking?
39:41Okay, well, we're going to need to split up, so I'll go this way. Just keep communications open
39:47Maria, give me the phone
39:48No, she might call back
39:49It'll have a record of the last call received. I'll call her back. Give me the phone
39:58It's engaged
39:59Listen, when we were speaking to her earlier, there was music in the background, wasn't there?
40:02Yeah, there was, yeah. Like she was near a busker
40:04Okay, try again
40:06Mel, it's Stuart. Listen, when we were speaking to Lily earlier, there was music in the background, like a penny whistle or something like that
40:11So I want you to check the phone boxes which are near a busker or a street performer, and that's where she is
40:21Ali, we're behind the cinema
40:23Give me your pen! Give me your pen!
40:26Give me your pen!
40:27Give me your pen!
40:28Give me your pen!
40:29Give me your pen!
40:30Give me your pen!
40:31Give me your pen!
40:32Give me your pen!
40:34Give me your pen!
40:35Give me your pen, I'm trying!
40:38Come on! Come on!
40:42We're not trying nothing!
40:49Lily, wait! Please, Lily!
40:52Stop! Please!
40:58Is it okay, the girl?
41:03I'm sorry
41:05All that trouble I caused
41:07I'm sorry
41:09You're not in any trouble darling
41:11We're just here to make sure you get home
41:15I don't want to
41:17I know you don't want to
41:19I don't blame you
41:21Because I've been talking to your mum
41:23And your brother and your nan
41:25And it doesn't sound like there's an awful lot to go home to
41:29Everybody's fighting and arguing
41:31They're putting you right in the middle of it
41:35I just want everyone to get on
41:37Like we used to
41:41That's exactly what we want
41:43Because we've all been talking today
41:45And your mum and Eileen
41:47They've made a promise
41:49That if you come home
41:51They're going to do everything they can to try and make it alright
41:53Okay, but you've got to come back
41:57It's not just them
42:01I don't like myself at the moment
42:05I feel strange
42:07All the time
42:09We know you've been hurting yourself
42:13I think that
42:15With everything that's been going on lately
42:17Everything you've had to deal with
42:19I think it would be strange
42:21If you weren't acting a little bit odd
42:23I also think
42:25If things change at home
42:27If they get better
42:29I don't think you'll do that anymore
42:43She's safe
42:47Your mum's waiting for you
43:09I think we've got some talking to do, don't you?
43:11Can we go and see your gran?
43:13Of course we can
43:15That was a good choice mum
43:17You don't mind us, do you?
43:19I get the turn of seal of approval now
43:21I'm glad you dropped, I know my office is a bit better than you think I do
43:23No, I didn't mean it like that mum
43:25I just thought you did a fantastic job
43:27You know Stuart
43:29You've got a really nice shade of red
43:33Well done today, good work
43:35Thank you mum
43:37You must be tired, that was quite some night
43:41I don't think I'm going to have any trouble sleeping
43:43Well, goodnight PC Ryder
43:45You're not going to tell me
43:47How well I did today then Sarge
43:51You don't need me to tell you that
43:53You already know
43:59Next time on The Build
44:01Malyard Senac, he's a middle ranking dealer
44:03Go, go, go
44:05Admit it, you've got nothing on me
44:07Yeah, they know you're going to get Senac
44:09Maybe they're more confident than I am
44:11There was an opening in the child exploitation unit
44:13Turns out they want me