The Bill S25E50 Reaching Out

  • 4 months ago
The Bill S25E50 Reaching Out
00:00Let's say the attacker mistook Clara for Julia.
00:05Do you know where Clara is now?
00:07She's dead.
00:08And who would this someone be?
00:09Jared Myles.
00:10And it concerns me you're going after him on the basis he's a threat to me because that's
00:16What's going on here, Neil?
00:18Maybe Julia Bickham is the real target.
00:20The incident with her patient.
00:21This is you trying to assuage your guilt.
00:23You saved her life.
00:24You tell me Jared Myles is out to get me.
00:27You keep pursuing it even when I tell you it doesn't make sense.
00:29Do you know a woman called Julia Bickham?
00:31No comment.
00:32You're trying to make reparations for what happened before.
00:34What do you make of Julia?
00:35I'm sorry?
00:36I'm just wondering why this case is feeling so complicated.
00:39You've been here all night?
00:40What's going on here, Neil?
00:41You've been here all night?
00:42You've been here all night?
00:43Yeah, I was just, uh...
00:44Grace, I'm sorry about last night.
00:45I was...
00:46I was out of order.
00:47We were all tired.
00:48Go home.
00:50Let someone else finish up.
01:00I know you didn't think that Jared was a viable suspect yesterday,
01:09but he's in custody, and given what happened overnight...
01:12I'm scared we're focusing all our energies on him
01:14when there could be another suspect out there.
01:19And I don't want anyone else to get hurt.
01:21As you know, last night there was a hit and run on a cyclist, Harry Gilmartin.
01:48Harry Gilmartin is the partner of Dr. Julia Bickham.
01:51We believe Dr. Julia Bickham was the attended target of an assault yesterday.
01:55Well, we don't know for sure.
01:56No, but it's highly likely.
02:01Gerard Miles was arrested on suspicion of both assaults, and we've got him in custody.
02:05But I don't want us to stop investigating this case.
02:08I don't want us to limit ourselves.
02:10I thought you just said that he was involved in both incidents.
02:13Yeah, but we can't be sure.
02:14When did we start resting on our laurels just because something works on paper?
02:17I'm not resting on anything, boss.
02:18I'm just suggesting that maybe we might want to interview him first.
02:21Well, let's remember that he's got a history of mental illness.
02:24He's vulnerable.
02:25I don't want to pressure him to the point that he tells us something that we want to hear.
02:30Look, I don't want any stone left unturned on this, OK?
02:32I want to make damn sure we get the right person.
02:37OK, that's it.
02:37Thank you.
02:43Grace, is everything all right with this case?
02:47Fine, sir.
02:48Can I have a word in my office?
02:53I know a problem when I see one, Grace.
02:55So, what is it?
02:57D.I. Manson.
02:59Obviously, there's a lot of history attached to this investigation.
03:02You mean the shooting of Michael Sinn?
03:04The Julia Bickham connection?
03:06I know it was two years ago.
03:09But I think it's still a complicating factor.
03:12I think he may be using this investigation to make amends for what happened before.
03:15Well, he had to make a call on a man's life, and he made the wrong call.
03:19Takes longer than a day to get over something like that.
03:21I'm not criticising.
03:22No, neither am I, but I don't want this whole thing to fall apart because he's too close to it.
03:27So, what's your honest opinion?
03:29If he thought he was jeopardising the inquiry, he'd take himself off it.
03:32You sure about that?
04:03I was going to come back.
04:05How's he doing?
04:06Fractured pelvis.
04:09He's stable.
04:11Do you know how it happened?
04:13Not yet, no.
04:15But you think he was delivered?
04:16It's got to be someone you or Harry knows.
04:18You could be in danger, Julia, and you need to think.
04:22I don't know.
04:23Well, what about Harry?
04:24Is there anyone who might have a grudge against him?
04:33Don't worry, we'll find him.
04:40All I wanted was somewhere safe to sleep, and that's why I took the car.
04:45Gerard, you remember having an accident in the car?
04:49Did you hit a cyclist?
04:52Right, you hit a cyclist on Trafford Way, and then you drove off, didn't you?
04:55No, I didn't.
04:57I crashed into another parked car.
04:58Oh, yeah, where was that?
05:04Right, you stole a car, but you can't remember where from.
05:07Then you had an accident in it, but you don't remember where.
05:10Now, in all your lapses of memory, you're absolutely positive
05:13you were nowhere near Trafford Way in between, isn't that right?
05:17Gerard, yesterday we found footage of you near the market,
05:19not too far away from where the serious incident took place.
05:22Now, you claim you knew nothing about it.
05:24Then last night we had a phone call from your probation officer
05:26saying he's just had a conversation with you about a boy, a child.
05:29And Mike, your probation officer, tries to talk to you about it,
05:32and you lash out at him.
05:33You remember that?
05:37Gerard, we believe the little boy was present at the survey.
05:38I remember that all right.
05:39This is true, and this raises some serious questions.
05:45I haven't done anything wrong.
05:46And you've got absolutely nothing to worry about, OK?
05:50Just tell us how you came across the little boy.
05:55I just saw him, the boy.
05:59Are we still sure he's got nothing to do with this?
06:03Gerard, I've just been on to Harry's gym.
06:07It's where Julius said he was last night prior to the hit and run.
06:10The staff have been through the CCTV, and he's not showing up.
06:13They say he always works out at lunchtime, anyway.
06:16I did also go through his mobile.
06:18He received a call three quarters of an hour before the incident,
06:21and he made a call to the same number earlier in the day.
06:24It's pay-as-you-go, and it's stored in his contact list
06:26under the initial S.
06:30Now, I've no idea who this is. Why don't you just call the number?
06:32I have done. It's going straight to automated voicemail.
06:35Does he have any friends or work colleagues with the initial S?
06:39No. I don't know.
06:40Look, you need to check with the gym again. They've made a mistake.
06:43They've got a swipe card system, so we know he was there at midday.
06:46No, that's not right. He goes there every Monday and Thursday night.
06:48Always has done, ever since I've known him.
06:50I'm sorry, Julia, that doesn't appear to be the case.
06:52Has Harry got a diary or anywhere he writes appointments?
06:56Um, the laptop.
06:57Do you mind if we take a look?
07:01No. There's nothing in the diary.
07:05No surprise there.
07:07If he's lying about where he's going to Julia,
07:08he's not going to write it down, is he?
07:11How long have they been together?
07:13He said she moved in with him nine months ago.
07:18I wonder how well she knows him.
07:20What do you mean?
07:27The motor unit uniform found Jared in.
07:30The dark saloon was involved in an attack on Clara Novak,
07:33and the dark saloon ran down Harry last night.
07:35What do you know?
07:36A woman who owns the red Nissan over there, Terry,
07:38said it was undamaged yesterday afternoon.
07:41Right, so this one's obviously it, that one.
07:44Tallies with Jared's statement about driving into a parked car.
07:47I had a conversation with the driver of this car last night.
07:51Said he told him her movements were parked on double yellows.
07:53What time?
07:54About quarter to ten.
07:55That's about a quarter of an hour before Harry was knocked off his bike.
07:58Well, a witness said the driver's a sleeper and a backseeker,
08:00a bit like Jared was when we found him last night.
08:01Well, there you go, there's Jared's alibi, innit?
08:03The D.I. was right.
08:04Jared couldn't have done it yet and run.
08:07All right, thanks, fellas.
08:23So what have we got, then?
08:25Right, there's the car.
08:26There's Harry.
08:28Pen samples taken from Clara Novak's car
08:30have just come back from the lab.
08:31They're from a dark blue Rover 496 to 2000.
08:34Thank you.
08:34Right, there you go.
08:35Looks like that could be a Rover.
08:37We need to clear a shot of that index, yeah?
08:38Looks like someone is after Julia.
08:40Or a partner.
08:42Personally, I think this is more likely to be about Harry Gilmartin.
08:46Why do you say that?
08:47I ran a PNC on him.
08:49He's got form for ABH.
08:51None of the charges have got results on them,
08:53so we need to check with the case progression unit,
08:55see what's happening.
08:56Look, if this case is running around starting fights,
08:58maybe he's made some enemies.
09:00Want me to look into it?
09:02No, you deal with Jared.
09:03Grace, you can deal with Harry.
09:10So he was arrested three times in 2006.
09:13Both assaults were on his ex-wife's new boyfriend.
09:16The police were called out another five times to her address
09:19because the neighbours reported raised voices,
09:21sounds of a fight.
09:24Where did these incidents take place?
09:26She lived on Kingsdown Street.
09:28Kingsdown Street?
09:30Well, if I'm not mistaken,
09:32Kingsdown Street is about a quarter of a mile...
09:36...from where Harry came off his bike.
09:38Maybe that's where he was at his ex's.
09:40That would explain why he lied to Julia.
09:42All this happened three years ago.
09:48Why didn't you mention this morning that you'd done a check on him?
09:52When did you do it?
09:54Last night.
09:55After the hit-and-run?
10:04We know that Jared wasn't involved in the hit-and-run and the assault.
10:07I told you that yesterday.
10:09We've also identified the make and model of the car that hit Harry,
10:12and we believe it's the same car that was involved in the assault
10:15on Clara Novak.
10:18So you know what that means?
10:19That means one person is doing this.
10:21I don't know who that one person might be.
10:23OK, do you think Harry might know?
10:27Harry's been in trouble with the police in the past.
10:30You didn't know?
10:36What for?
10:40Looks like he had a few wrangles with his ex-wife's new partner.
10:44You knew he'd been divorced, right?
10:46Of course I did.
10:48Do you know if he still sees his ex-wife?
10:52It's just...
10:53she lives round the corner from where Harry had his accident last night.
10:57She hasn't got back to us as yet.
11:01He would never do that to me.
11:04He just wouldn't.
11:12All right, mate?
11:15Why don't you take a seat on the bench?
11:19They're saying I danced, Dad, Mike.
11:24They know.
11:25It had nothing to do with the hit and run.
11:28And they know you didn't assault anyone.
11:33You need to tell the police about what happened yesterday.
11:36About the boy.
11:38I'm not going to.
11:39I'm not going to.
11:40I'm not going to.
11:41I'm not going to.
11:42I'm not going to.
11:43About the boy.
11:48They need your help.
11:54What did you see, Gerard?
11:58It just looked normal.
12:03Father getting his son out of the car.
12:05Near the market?
12:09It's true what I said.
12:11I was running.
12:13I was trying to get to my probation appointment on time.
12:16That's when I saw it.
12:18What did you see?
12:20The man was crying.
12:22He was really crying.
12:27Gerard, can you describe him at all?
12:34I'm not sure.
12:35What about the car?
12:40It was dark blue.
12:43Right, model.
12:46Gerard said this man was crying.
12:48Yes, sobbing apparently.
12:51Well, Clara said yesterday that the man who attacked her stopped when he heard Tom cry out.
12:55He wasn't expecting the kid to be in the car.
12:58Which adds weight to the theory that he missed Clara for Julia.
13:01I mean, if he'd have been watching Julia, he'd realise that she doesn't have a kid.
13:04We've got an index for the car and an owner, Stephen Fairfax.
13:08Right. Has he got any phone?
13:09No, but that's his address.
13:10Thanks, Roger.
13:11Let's go.
13:14Have you opened the door? It's the police.
13:19Someone's come.
13:22Sorry, I was just having a nap.
13:23Stephen Fairfax?
13:25Detective Inspector Manson. DC Dashery's son.
13:29I want to talk to you about your car.
13:31We found it.
13:32What do you mean?
13:34It was stolen about a month ago.
13:35We did a check on the vehicle back at the station. It didn't come up as stolen.
13:39Yeah, well, it wasn't insured.
13:41Where were you last night, about ten o'clock?
13:44Just down the pub.
13:45Which pub?
13:46Lord Banbury Picket Road.
13:48Were you there with anyone?
13:51While I'm here, there's another incident I'd like to ask you about.
13:54An assault took place yesterday morning.
13:58I don't know anything about that.
13:59Obviously, we're going to check your alibi, but I wonder, would you come down to the station, answer a few questions?
14:04I don't think so.
14:05You don't have to come voluntarily, sir.
14:07I haven't done anything.
14:08Stephen Fairfax, I'm arresting you on suspicion of grievous bodily harm.
14:11You do not have to say anything, but it may harm your defence.
14:14I've given you an alibi for last night. I've told you my car was stolen. What more can I do?
14:17Does the name Julia Bickham mean anything to you?
14:23What about Harry Gilmartin?
14:26No, nothing.
14:30Tell me about yourself, Stephen.
14:32You what?
14:33Tell me about yourself.
14:34What do you do for a living?
14:36Unfortunately, I'm on benefits at the moment.
14:40Sorry about that. What did you do before?
14:42Bits and bobs. Construction, security.
14:50No family?
14:52None I'm in contact with.
14:54Well, um, life must be quite lonely.
14:58No job, no family. How do you fill your time?
15:00I read.
15:02What books?
15:03Amongst other things.
15:06I'm quite interested in the law, actually.
15:09And I don't think you've got any reason to keep me here.
15:13We spoke to staff at the Lord Bambury. They back up Stephen Fairfax's story.
15:16And he was there last night.
15:17Yeah, but they don't know when he left, though.
15:19Apparently he's down there every night.
15:21Don't talk to anybody. Sits on his own.
15:23Orders a couple of pints, nurses in, then he's on his time.
15:26What sort of money?
15:27Well, enough for a new life abroad.
15:29What, like an inheritance?
15:30That's what the bartender told us.
15:32Apparently it's the only bit of information he's ever given up about himself.
15:34It was never mentioned after that.
15:35And you're certain he was lying about having his car stolen?
15:38And he's never heard of Gilmartin or Julia?
15:40That's what he's saying, but I reckon we might have a different story
15:42when we mention Fairfax's name to them.
15:45I don't think so.
15:47I don't think so.
15:48I don't think so.
15:49I don't think so.
15:50I don't think so.
15:51I don't think so.
15:52I don't think so.
15:53I don't think so.
15:54I don't think so.
15:55What would you say was his name to them?
15:56I don't know a Stephen Fairfax.
15:59Well, maybe you could look at your records.
16:01Your patient records.
16:04Julia, if you could just check please.
16:06Like you said yourself, you can't remember every patient that's passed through your care.
16:13Could you take Julia back to her office please, Grace?
16:15I don't want to go. I want to stay here.
16:18When Harry wakes up, I'll call you.
16:20I promise.
16:22Has Harry been in prison?
16:23No, just cautioned
16:26Why didn't he tell me it's kind of thing you want to keep under wraps, isn't it?
16:32You obviously think he's still seeing his ex really we don't know
16:38I'm just wondering what else I'm gonna find out
16:45Stephen Fairfax, I remember the name if it meant anything to me
16:48I'm sorry
16:52Okay, well tell me about the accident do you remember the car going into you
16:58No, that's a moment up and
17:01the lead-up, yeah, I
17:04Yelled at the driver none I
17:07Chested him to pull out. So he was cutting you up
17:10He's driving dangerously close to me
17:14As you mean a curb
17:17Did you get a look at him I
17:19Know it was a man. It's a white guy apart from that. I couldn't tell you anything about him
17:25He said you nearly left your job after Michael Simms was shot
17:30The hospital were great
17:32Gave me open-ended leave offered me a new post, but I was still in shock ended up back at my parents
17:38Not in a very good way
17:43Then I met Harry
17:46What were you doing on Trafford way I was coming out from the gym
17:52Decided take the bike half a bit longer. I'm gonna level with you Harry. We know you don't go to the gym
17:58When you tell Julia you go to the gym, okay?
18:02We also know your ex-wife lives near Trafford way. So
18:08We also know that you've had a few problems with your ex-wife's new fella, so
18:14What are you talking about, you know what I'm talking about Harry, so you start talking to me
18:21He was brilliant completely supportive
18:34Is this your ex-wife's phone number
18:46He's my sponsor
18:50Sponsor what last night I was at an AA meeting
18:58Julia doesn't know
19:05There's no one with a surname Fairfax here how far back the records go four years
19:12I'll give you a lift back to the hospital. Um
19:15Actually, I think I'll make my own way. I need to let people know what's happening here. Okay
19:19Thank you. I
19:23Was working really hard 13
19:2749 days and it just sort of crept up on me really
19:31But my marriage started breaking down
19:33What was that? It's about a year before I got arrested
19:38Found out that Susie was seeing someone else so I started drinking even more
19:45I lost my job. It's just all the usual stuff. Tell me about the ABH. I
19:50waited outside Susie's house until a boyfriend came out and then I
19:56Just went through
19:58By the time I met Julia all that stuff was a distant memory. I
20:03Know I should have told her I always meant to why didn't you she wasn't in a good way
20:10It wasn't long after the shooting incident you were involved in
20:13Michael Simpson, I
20:16Never said that to light her. I
20:18Really didn't
20:22Julie's gonna hear this from me. I don't want you telling her
20:30Mentioned your arrests through Julia earlier today
20:38Why did you do that
20:59Julia doesn't know Fairfax
21:02Harry doesn't know Fairfax, and I've just thrown a hand grenade into a
21:07Perfectly good relationship. Hang on
21:09Harry chose not to tell Julia certain things about himself
21:12Yeah, because he was busy propping her up after I shot one of her patients. You didn't shoot him. No, I didn't shoot him
21:18I didn't actually pull the trigger
21:22If only I hadn't run his name through that
21:26System, so why did you because I wanted him to be the bad guy rather than you. Yes
21:37You are not to blame for what happened to Michael Sims
21:42Well, Julia doesn't think that you heard her. No, she didn't want to be reminded of it
21:47She didn't want to revisit the whole thing. She wasn't blaming you. That's you. You're blaming yourself
21:51It's not fair
22:02What do we do now
22:06That's you Fairfax I've released him a failed him there's nothing we can tie him to okay
22:14Why don't we go back to our original witness the little boy
22:20Think we've got all we can get out of Thomas sense. We could show him a video lineup with Fairfax in it
22:28Trip out in the car in it
22:31So I've got toys today. I'm not you sit up on this chair like a big boy
22:37Now this is dead easy
22:39All you've got to do has Thomas spoken to you anymore about what happened yesterday morning. Yeah, I know sort of garbled way
22:46He's upset about Clara, I don't think I actually saw what happened to her though, thank God first one has he said anything else
22:52He keeps going on about a sad man, you know sad to him meaning crying tears
22:58He said that someone
23:00Helped him in the car park and showed him towards the market. What about this man? That makes sense
23:20Remember yesterday when you said that Clara had another name did this man called Clara by a different name
23:29Do you remember what that name was
23:35Did this man called Clara Jules or something like Jules?
23:54Thomas is not going to pull the name jewel that thin air Jules isn't Julian isn't it's near enough
23:59And Tom picked out Fairfax from the video lineup. It's enough to pull them in
24:03There's no idea who this bloke is Harry and Julia have never heard of him. We could do some more digging
24:07Yeah, but I don't lose sight of him. Let's get some surveillance on okay
24:10Boss, I was on if it was all right to release Jared Terry. He should have been out of here hours ago
24:14I've been talking to you to the Vincent project. What's that place out in Essex?
24:19They they deal with the homeless that have mental health issues or drug abuse problem
24:24They've got a place for another
24:26Potentially nobody doesn't get a yeah, so you'll sentence those
24:29His probation officers okay with us
24:33Well good work Terry nice one gov
24:36Patrols found Fairfax's car
24:38Where is it when the cops want to stay at a bit of waste ground?
24:49We talked to Fairfax about his car
24:51Two hours later we find it burnt out a bit of a coincidence. Don't you think this is good news the fact he's bodged this
24:58He's getting sloppy
25:00Anything from surveillance not yet gov?
25:08He's heading west down Tilson Street in the direction of the Elmcombe estate
25:29275 from 437 I've got him following on foot
25:45Won't worry from 437
25:49Right Fairfax is waiting at bus stop
25:55Fairfax went inside the property about 15 minutes ago
25:59Can you give me the address again? It's 109 walking Avenue?
26:04No, it's coming out
26:06Something's happening
26:09He's having an argument with an icy one older female
26:14He's leaving the address right we'll keep following him we'll head down to the house
26:33Yeah, yeah, I'm Anson son hill this is DC this last week of a social services now, it's the police. I'm sorry
26:39I'm not playing this game anymore. I think we've got our wires crossed. We're not responding to a call
26:46Of our uniform officers saw a man called Stephen Fairfax at this house 45 minutes ago now
26:52We desperately need information about him
26:57We think he was involved in a hidden run and an assault
27:01You know him he's Lily's father who's Lily my granddaughter so Stephen Fairfax is your son-in-law
27:08I don't have never married him and they're not together now
27:12Daniel died
27:14I'm sorry about it. It's quite a while ago now. I
27:19Got custody of my daughter's little girl
27:21The courts felt he wasn't best placed to bring her up
27:25Stephen wants her back. There's been lots of disputes about access. It's all turned very nasty in the last few months
27:32Where's Lily now my sister
27:36Is this her hmm, how old is she three and a half
27:42Stephen's behavior changed recently
27:45After her death he changed
27:47Five years ago. You couldn't find a more caring considerate bloke, but he never came to terms with it. He's so angry. She's gone
27:54And then there's the whole fiasco over the money
27:58What money life insurance he copied me in on all the less
28:40They both took out a policy when they found out Daniella was pregnant her and Stephen
28:47After a death Stephen found out there was a clause in the policy the insurance company wouldn't pay out
28:53He's been contesting ever since got lawyers involved
28:57And then about six weeks ago the final ruling came through
29:01He lost his claim
29:03What was this clause in the policy?
29:06Danielle committed suicide
29:08Stephen always maintained it was an accidental overdose the inquest ruled that she'd done it deliberately taken her own life
29:15He thinks if he had the money you'd be able to get custody of Lily, it's rubbish or make-believe
29:19But it's become like an obsession with him
29:23Prior to your daughter's death. Was she getting help from doctors?
29:28She'd been diagnosed with depression five years ago. He still can't accept you couldn't fix it. That's why slashing early everyone else
29:36After Daniella been diagnosed with depression was she referred to a doctor or a psychiatrist. Do you know who?
29:45It's a lady
29:47Was it Bickham dr. Julia Bickham, that's it
29:57I haven't seen Julia told me she was coming back here. Well, she obviously changed her mind. She hasn't phoned
30:05You have no idea where she might be. She's probably back in the flat packing her things. No, that can't be right
30:10She was desperate to see you as soon as you came round even after she heard everything. Yeah, I mean
30:16She didn't know you're going to weigh a meetings. I
30:19Think she was worried you're seeing your ex-wife
30:22Tell her everything I will I just need to find out where she's gone. Well, you don't think anything's wrong
30:30Hello Grace Julie's not in her office and no one's seen her since two hours ago. We need to go to a flat
30:35I'll see you there
30:52Uniform of lost Fairfax
30:54Concierge said he saw Julia's car been driven out of here about half an hour ago by some bloke with Julia in the car
30:59He said he didn't know
31:01Think someone was in the passenger seat
31:03Fairfax has been keeping tabs on Julia and Harry for two weeks
31:08Obviously, he knows where she works
31:10He could have waited for her at the hospital and followed her home or just waited for her at home
31:15We're sure that dr. Bickham has a connection with Danielle hands. Well, I've spoken to the hospital Julia was Daniel Haynes a psychiatrist
31:21She also gave evidence of the inquest supporting the idea that Danielle had committed suicide
31:26Right that trace we put on dr. Bickham's phone. Nothing's come back yet
31:29Mickey what about the car? Of course been put out to all units governor nothing back
31:34Right, we need to station an officer next to Harry's bed. We need to ping Fairfax's phone and search his house, sir
31:42So, how did we lose Fairfax there's a crowded market place
31:46So and Julia become a man didn't occur to either of you to put tabs on that. That was my fault, sir
31:50I'm not interested. I just want this situation sorted. We're on it
31:53grace I
31:56Thought I told you to come to me it was all okay, but it's not now is it?
32:04Wasted on timing, you know
32:07Hold this correspondence has to do with his insurance claim
32:10It must have taken us every waking moment how much money was expected to get listen. It probably wasn't even about the money
32:17Me me he throws himself into some big legal battle. It means he doesn't have to think about anything else his wife
32:22He doesn't have to breathe. What about Harry? He's lashing out at anyone who's close to Julia
32:28Well done Jerry, yeah
32:36Fairfax's got a gun license
32:52Yeah a gun
32:55Angela does Stephen own a gun. I don't know what's happening. He's not at his house
32:59He's been missing for two and a half hours. We need to find him
33:02You got any idea where he might be look to be honest
33:04I have as little to do with Stephen as I can
33:06I don't know why he does with himself during the day
33:08Is there anyone else that he's close to no one has anything to do with him these days, but what about work?
33:13He used to have a really good job doing what running security on building sites sterile it buildings that developers have bought that something
33:19Okay, we got a name of the company. I'll find out for you. Thank you
33:23Okay, where we at right still nothing on her phone now that either means the batteries dead or it's been removed
33:28We pinged his and it's the same however the phone company said that he made a call about an hour ago in this area
33:33Security firm have sent through a list of buildings and sites that Fairfax was in charge of when he worked for them
33:39Well, these two are in the area get uniformed to check him out
33:49Can't stand them pigeons rats with wings
34:12Okay, Roger seal off the area we're on our way you knew this would happen. He's armed. He's volatile. It's happening again
34:22Yeah, you know yeah, I could be that
34:29I'm checking it out
34:32Terry yeah, I want a plan the inside of this building the super's already on to it
34:37It's liaising with the armed response unit now. Okay, call CAD. I want all sirens from patrols stopped as they're approaching. Yes, boss Terry
34:45Give me the plan. Yeah boss. I'm on to it
34:49Okay, he's gonna come in on his own
34:51Without any backup. That's madness. Someone's got to talk to me grace. We're the only person listen to
34:57Get over there and talk to me
35:00Silent approach of one so I'll go in there without any backup
35:04We've just got a hold tight and wait for the supers instructions
35:08You saw the blood on Julia's car, right? We don't know how injured she is. I mean he may have shot her already
35:13I just want to get a visual right? I just
35:17want to get a visual I
35:20Don't want you to get hurt
35:26Tell you what, why don't we get a helicopter to land on the roof don't do this
35:32So you let him go in on his own he wanted to do a recce boss he wanted to get a visual on you Matt
35:56You know that Fairfax might have a gun. Don't you?
35:58Terry Oscar seven zero four five two Neil
36:29Stephen it's the I Manson
36:31I'm on my own and I'm unarmed. All right
36:35Stephen listen to me. I
36:38Only want
36:45I only want to know if Julia is okay
36:48Look I think I understand what this is all about. You don't know anything. I know about Danielle. I
36:56Know you've got a little girl
37:01Got a plan in the building
37:07It's a flaming labyrinth in it he's never gonna get a clear visual in there. I want you lot inside right we're going in
37:41Stephen you believe that if you hurt Julia, you'll feel better. Yeah, and you'll get rid of all that rage
37:52You won't feel any better
37:58What will you be left with a
38:02Stephen you will spend
38:05Every moment of your waking day trying to justify what you did and you will never justify it Stephen. Believe me
38:11You will never justify it
38:14Please do the right thing
38:18Let Julia go
38:20Stephen Stephen do the right thing
38:24Please let Julia go
38:27Please Stephen Stephen
38:41It's okay Stephen
38:43It's okay. It's okay Stephen
38:47Look at me Stephen Stephen
38:51Give me the gun
38:53Shelby and see we can just walk out of here meet you. That's it. That's good. That's good. That's good
39:24On your knees
39:27That's it do what I do copy me okay on your front, that's it. That's it. It's okay
39:32Put your arms out put your arms out put your arms out. That's it. That's it. That's it
39:36It's okay. It's gonna be okay
39:54You'd be lucky to keep your job after this so second deal
40:03Well done for today get yourself back to the neck
40:08I'm going with Julia to the hospital. She needs to see her boyfriend
40:24I'll tell Harry here
40:36Thank you
40:39For what you said to Fairfax
40:42Are you played it?
40:44Wasn't play acting is I feel
40:53Michael Simms was with me in that office I
40:58Knew he didn't have a gun and I knew there were marksmen waiting outside the door
41:04Yeah, I
41:07Could have told everyone he was unarmed
41:10Instead I froze
41:15So who's more guilty you or me
41:28Neither has acted out of malice Neil
41:33We did what we could in that moment
41:43It's over
42:12If you're about to give me a lecture, please don't
42:16Where's nothing to say is that you saved up
42:19And you were reckless and you scared the hell out of me
42:28I'm sorry
42:34You off yeah
42:39Unless you want to get some food I join you a lot on any other night, but not tonight
42:58Must go
43:08Why today
43:10Well, I've only got our life we need to write bloke. Yeah, we've got result of night. Yeah
43:18So where you off?
43:20Go home
43:21Doc Gray said you were gonna get something to eat
43:24No, I wasn't invited
43:26No, I mean either
43:34So now that maybe silly shock
44:05Think so
44:12Someone we know Joseph Sassoli someone made an anonymous 999 call from a mobile registered in your name
44:18You're asking me to use this boy's trust to betray him
44:22I can't believe you crossed me off had no choice. I'll be watching you. I'll be watching you detective
45:13Let's say the attacker mistook Clara for Julia, do you know where Clara is now?
45:18She's dead and who would this someone be Jared Miles and it concerns me. You're going after him on the basis
45:23He's a threat to me because that's unfounded
45:26What's going on here? Maybe Julia Bickham is the real target incident with a patient
45:31This is you trying to assuage your guilt. You saved her life
45:34You tell me Jared Miles is out to get to me. You keep pursuing it
45:38Even when I tell you it doesn't make sense. Do you know a woman called Julia Bickham? No comment
45:42You're trying to make reparations for what happened before. What do you make of Julia? I'm sorry
45:47I'm just wondering why this case is feeling so complicated. You've been here all night. What's going on here Neil?
45:51You've been here all night. You've been here all night
45:54Yeah, I was just
46:00Grace I'm sorry about last night. I was I was out of order. We were all tired
46:09Go home. Let someone else finish up. No
46:16I know you didn't think that Jared was a viable suspect yesterday, but he's in custody
46:21And given what happened overnight, I'm scared. We're focusing all our energies on him when there could be another suspect out there
46:29And I don't want anyone else to get hurt
46:53As you know last night there was a hit-and-run on a cyclist Harry Gilmartin
46:58Harry Gilmartin is the partner of dr. Julia Bickham. We believe dr. Julia Bickham was the attended target of an assault yesterday
47:05Well, we don't have sure nobody's highly likely
47:08Jared Miles was arrested on suspicion of both assaults, and we've got him in custody. I'm anyway. I did also go through his mobile
47:15He received a call three quarters of an hour before the incident and he made a call to the same number earlier in the day
47:21It's pay-as-you-go, and it's stored in his contact list under the initial s
47:28No, I'm no idea who this is why don't you just call the number I have done. Let's go straight to automated voicemail
47:33Does have any friends or work colleagues with the initial s?
47:35Does have any friends or work colleagues with the initial s
47:39No, I don't know, but you need to check with the gym again. They've made a mistake
47:43They've got a swipe card system, so we know he was there at midday
47:46No, it's not right. He goes there every Monday and Thursday night always has done ever since I've known him
47:50I'm sorry Julia that doesn't appear to be the case because Harry got a diary or anywhere. He writes appointments
47:56And the laptop do you mind if we take a look?
48:02No, there's nothing in the diary
48:05No surprise there if he's lying about where he's going to Julia. He's not gonna write it down is he?
48:11How long have they been together? He said she moved in with him nine months ago
48:18Wonder how well she knows him. What do you mean?
48:27My uniform found Jared in
48:30Dark saloon was involved in attack on Clara Novak and the dark saloon ran down Harry last night
48:35What do you know a woman who owns the red Nissan over there Terry said it was undamaged yesterday afternoon, right?
48:41All right, so this one's obviously it that one
48:44Talies with Jared's statement about driving into a parked car
48:47I plug over there at a conversation with the driver this car last night
48:51So he told him a movie was a part on double yellows what time about quarter to ten
48:55That's about a quarter of an hour before I was knocked off his bike
48:57Hmm or a witness said the driver's asleep on the backseat been like Jarrod was when we found him lost
49:01Well, there you go. There's Jared's alibi in it. The DI was right. Jerry couldn't have done he didn't run
49:07All right
49:23What we got then
49:25Hey, there's a car. There's Harry
49:28Go pen samples taken Clara Novak's car. Just come back from the lab. They're from a dark blue Rover
49:33496 to 2,000. Thank you. Well, there you go. Looks like that could be a Rover
49:37We need to clear a shot at index, yeah looks like someone is after Julia or a partner
49:43Personally I think this is more likely to be about Eric your mind
49:46Why do you say that? I ran a PNC on him
49:49He's got form for a BH. None of the charges have got results on them
49:53So we need to check with the case progression unit see what's happening because this case is running around starting fights
49:59Maybe it's made some enemies exactly. Are we looking to it?
50:02No, you deal with Jared grace. You can deal with Harry
50:06Okay, yeah
50:10So he was arrested three times in
50:132006 both assaults were in his ex-wife's new boyfriend
50:16The police were called out another five times to her address because the neighbors reported raised voices sounds of a fight
50:24Where did these incidents take place?
50:26She lived on Kingsdown Street
50:29Kingsdown Street
50:30Well, if I'm not mistaken Kingsdown Street is about
50:34Quarter of a mile. Yep from where Harry came off his bike
50:38Maybe that's where he was at his exes that would explain why he lied to Julia
50:42All this happened three years ago, so
50:48Why didn't you mention this morning that you done check on him
50:52When did you do it last night after the hit-and-run before why interesting?
51:04We know that Jared wasn't involved in a hit-and-run and the assault I told you that yesterday
51:09We've also identified the make and model of the car that hit Harry and we believe it's the same car that was involved in
51:15the assault on Clara Novak
51:18So, you know what that means that means one person is doing this I don't know who that one person Michael
51:25Do you know how it happened? No yet? No
51:28But you think it was to me what it's got to be someone you or Harry knows you could be in danger
51:33Julia you need to think I
51:35Don't know. Well, what about Harry? Is there anyone who might have a grudge against him? No
51:46Don't worry, we'll find him
51:53All I wanted was somewhere safe to sleep and that's why I took the car
51:58Jared you remember having an accident in the car
52:02Did you hit a cyclist
52:05But you hit a cyclist on Trafford Way and then you drove off didn't you? Oh, I didn't I crashed into another parked car
52:12Oh, yeah, where was that?
52:17But you stole a car
52:19But you can't remember where from then you had an accident in it
52:22But you don't remember where now in all your lapses of memory
52:25You're absolutely positive. You are nowhere near Trafford Way in between. Is that right? Yes, Jared yesterday
52:31We found footage of you near the market not too far away from where the serious incident took place
52:35Now you claim you knew nothing about it
52:37And last night we had a phone call from your probation officer saying he's just had a conversation with you about a boy the child
52:42And Mike your probation officer tries to talk to you about it. You lash out him. You remember that
52:50Believe the little boy was present at this. So this is true and this raises some serious questions
52:58I haven't done anything wrong and you've got absolutely nothing to worry about. Okay, let's tell us how you came across the little boy
53:08I just saw him the boy
53:12We still sure he's got nothing to do with it
53:18Just been on to Harry's gym
53:20It's where Julius said he was last night prior to the hit-and-run
53:22Right, the staff have been through the CCTV and he's not showing up
53:26They say he always works out at lunchtime, but I don't want us to stop investigating this case. Sorry
53:31I don't want us to limit ourselves. I thought you just said that he was involved in both incidents
53:36Yeah, but we can't be sure when did we start resting on our laurels just because something works on paper
53:40I'm not resting on anything boss. I'm just suggesting that maybe we might want to interview him first
53:45Well, let's remember that he's got a history of mental illness. He's vulnerable
53:48I don't want to pressure him to the point that he tells us something that we want to hear
53:53Look, I don't want any stone left unturned on this. Okay, I want to make damn sure we get the right person
54:00Okay, that's it. Thank you
54:07Rice is everything. All right with this case fine, sir. Have a word in my office
54:16I know a problem when I see one grace. So what is it?
54:20Do you I'm Anson?
54:23Obviously, there's a lot of history attached to this investigation. I mean a shooting of Michael's son
54:28Julia Bickham connection. I know it was two years ago
54:32But I think it's still a complicating factor. I
54:35Think you may be using this investigation to make amends for what happened before
54:38Well, he had to make a call on a man's life and he made the wrong call
54:42Takes longer than a day to get over something like that. I'm not criticizing
54:45No, neither am I but I don't want this whole thing to fall apart because he's too close to it
54:50So what's your honest opinion?
54:52If he thought he was jeopardizing the inquiry, he'd take himself off it. You sure about that?
55:26Was gonna come back, how's he doing fractured pelvis, you know, he's stable