• last year
00:00:30My gusta la musica que escuchas tienes un buen gusto puedes elegir la música que quieras
00:00:35Gracias, entonces esta canción es de parte de son
00:00:38La musica que escuchas tienes un buen gusto
00:01:08La musica que escuchas tienes un buen gusto
00:01:12Que bonita es esta carretera
00:01:14Si es verdad en primavera se ve mucho mejor
00:01:16Podemos venir
00:01:18Quiero decir con la gente de la agencia
00:01:20Podriamos venir todos juntos a este lugar
00:01:22Si podriamos venir un fin de semana
00:01:26Bien pensado
00:01:32Pues bueno
00:01:34No vas a creerlo llevo dos dias fuera y extraño a Deren
00:01:36¿A Deren?
00:01:40Podriamos ir directamente a la agencia
00:01:42La aprobación del texto de Maquinum va a llegar hoy
00:01:44Así es tenemos mucho que hacer
00:01:48Quiero decir ya veras como entre todos lo sacamos
00:01:50Yo te voy a ayudar con el trabajo
00:01:52No te preocupes
00:02:36Debes estar cansado
00:02:42Si quieres voy yo
00:02:44Tomare nota de todo
00:02:46Y te mando un correo
00:02:48No te preocupes por nada
00:02:50Sanem no voy a entrar
00:02:52Ya lo se por eso te lo estoy diciendo
00:02:56Yo tomare notas
00:03:06Y mas tarde te mandare un correo con todo
00:03:16Sanem mañana tampoco voy a venir
00:03:28¿Como dices?
00:03:30He decidido aceptar la oferta de Polen
00:03:36Me marcho
00:03:40¿Entonces te vas?
00:03:46¿Estas seguro?
00:03:48Si Sanem
00:03:50Muy seguro
00:03:56Lo decidí me voy
00:04:02Si ya lo decidiste
00:04:04Esta bien
00:04:10Pero quiero decirte algo
00:04:16Cometí muchos errores
00:04:18Porque no quise perderte Jan
00:04:22Pero me esforce de verdad
00:04:26Y despues me esforce mas por ti
00:04:28Sabia que iba a ser muy dificil
00:04:30Pero al menos yo lo intente
00:04:32Pero y tu
00:04:36Te rendiste Jan
00:04:42Y ahora huyes de todo
00:04:44De tus problemas conmigo de tu madre
00:04:46No quieres saber nada de nadie
00:04:48Estas enfadado con tu madre pero te comportas igual
00:04:50Si tienes ganas de irte
00:04:52Yo no lo puedo impedir
00:04:54No puedo
00:04:58Como ya esta decidido
00:05:10Entonces se va
00:05:12Y te lo dijo asi como sin nada
00:05:16Asi como te lo estoy contando
00:05:18Va a aceptar la oferta de Polen
00:05:22A lo mejor entendiste mal
00:05:24No sera que el te esta tratando
00:05:26De poner a prueba
00:05:28Leila es como te lo he dicho
00:05:30Incluso lo mire con lagrimas
00:05:32Y no le importo
00:05:34No hizo ningun esfuerzo
00:05:38La verdad yo tambien estoy cansada
00:05:42Y por mucho que lo ame
00:05:44No puedo ir detras
00:05:46De alguien que no me quiere
00:05:48Ay Sanem claro que te quiere
00:05:50Pero creo que no esta claro
00:05:52Con sus sentimientos esta confundido
00:05:54Y quiza ni siquiera sabe lo que esta haciendo
00:05:56No puedo quedarme en la agencia
00:05:58Asi que
00:06:04Sanem espera
00:06:06Una decision como esa
00:06:08No se puede tomar a la ligera
00:06:10Tranquila solo piensalo
00:06:12Mira ya no me quiere
00:06:14Y por eso se marcha
00:06:16No tiene ningun sentido que me quede aqui
00:06:18Me pasare todo el dia acordandome de el
00:06:22Acabas de comenzar tu carrera profesional
00:06:24Y estas progresando
00:06:26Nosotros te queremos
00:06:28Te necesitamos
00:06:34Es que asi no puedo trabajar
00:06:36Es imposible
00:06:40Si voy a renunciar
00:06:44Que haces vas a escribir la renuncia
00:06:52Esta no pinta
00:06:54Esa debe ser una señal
00:06:56Asi que luego le escribes
00:06:58Dame algo para escribir por favor
00:07:00No puedo porque no tengo mas aqui
00:07:02Y ya no hay papel
00:07:06Solo pediré a alguien mas
00:07:08Oye Sanem
00:07:10Ay eres muy necia
00:07:20Bien tira lo genial esta funcionando
00:07:26Tengo noticias
00:07:28Jan va a aceptar la oferta
00:07:30Y ademas termino con Sanem
00:07:32Esta escribiendo su renuncia
00:07:34En este momento
00:07:36De acuerdo
00:07:38Un beso querida
00:07:48Sanem que haces
00:07:50Tu que haces damelo
00:07:52Sanem creo que te estas precipitando
00:07:54Oye que haces dame eso
00:07:56No seas inmaduro
00:07:58No tiene nada que ver con ser inmaduro
00:08:00No seas impulsiva gobiernate
00:08:04Que haces esta ocurriendo algo
00:08:06Bueno esta
00:08:10Es mi carta de renuncia
00:08:12Como el señor ya no esta y tambien eres mi jefa
00:08:14Te la presento a ti
00:08:18No pienso aceptarla de ninguna manera Sanem
00:08:20Porque es una tonteria
00:08:22Con todo lo que has trabajado para esta agencia
00:08:24Porque quieres irte ahora
00:08:26Por motivos personales
00:08:28Que motivos personales
00:08:30Es que el señor Jan
00:08:32Quiere irse con la señorita Polen a los Balcanes
00:08:34Jan se va
00:08:36Se nos va
00:08:38Como se va a ir
00:08:40Pues en avion en que mas
00:08:42No puede irse
00:08:44Tenemos mucho trabajo que hacer y pendientes en la agencia
00:08:48De la gana sea lo que sea
00:08:50Pero tu porque quieres irte Sanem
00:08:52Bueno Deren resulta que
00:08:54Mientras siga trabajando aqui
00:08:56Vera al señor Jan en todas partes
00:08:58Esta agencia siempre le va a recordar a el
00:09:00Por eso se nos va
00:09:02No podias dejar de ser tan chismoso
00:09:04Bravo Yeye te felicito
00:09:06Si ese es mi problema
00:09:08Si ya me conocen para que me invitan
00:09:10Ya lo saben asi soy no se callarme
00:09:12Asi asi asi soy asi soy yo
00:09:14Esta bien
00:09:16La verdad te entiendo
00:09:18Te han roto el corazon
00:09:20Y no es facil recuperarse
00:09:22Pues si
00:09:24Por eso yo
00:09:26No yo no la acepto
00:09:28No puedo firmartela
00:09:30Entregasela a
00:09:34Que el te la firme y que
00:09:36Tome una decision yo no me siento capaz
00:09:46Pasa de acuerdo luego te llamo
00:09:48Gracias adios
00:09:50Señor Enrique tiene un momento
00:09:52Claro Sanem
00:09:54Se han reconciliado cuentame
00:09:58Para nada
00:10:00Que mal
00:10:02Señor Enrique
00:10:04Voy a dejar el trabajo
00:10:06Este es mi renuncia
00:10:08Que dices Sanem
00:10:10Pero porque
00:10:12Pues porque
00:10:14Estoy cansada
00:10:18Llevo esforzandome mucho
00:10:20Desde el dia en que llegue
00:10:22Tratando de alejarme de todos los engaños
00:10:24Y las mentiras
00:10:26Y no pude
00:10:28Yo no lo culpo
00:10:30No lo tome mal enserio
00:10:32Yo no culpo a nadie
00:10:36Todos somos un poco culpables
00:10:38He intentado que Jan me
00:10:40Perdonara por cada uno de mis errores
00:10:44Pero no pude
00:10:46No me perdonara
00:10:50Y ahora se va
00:10:56Acepto la oferta de Polen
00:10:58No veo
00:11:00Ninguna razon para quedarme
00:11:04Por cierto
00:11:08También quiero
00:11:10Devolverle el dinero que me presto
00:11:14Se lo iré pagando a plazos
00:11:18No lo hagas
00:11:20Se lo devolveré señor Enrique
00:11:24No hay deuda
00:11:28No insistas
00:11:30Pero aun asi yo prefiero pagarle
00:11:32Escucha me si
00:11:34No te precipites
00:11:36Conozco a mi hermano
00:11:38Se va a arrepentir
00:11:40Parece que esta vez no hay nada que hacer
00:11:44Si algo no funciona
00:11:46Es mejor no forzarlo
00:11:58Sanem como estas
00:12:00Voy a recoger mis cosas
00:13:10Cuando te pongas triste habla con el
00:13:12Ya veras como te responde
00:13:14Y no es de pilas
00:13:28Cuidate mucho
00:13:34Que paso aqui
00:13:36Pues que Sanem
00:13:38Deja la agencia
00:13:40Por que
00:13:42Por motivos personales
00:13:44Claro es normal
00:13:46Cuando se mezcla el trabajo con la vida privada
00:13:48Suelen ocurrir este tipo de cosas
00:13:52Da igual querida
00:13:56Deseo que te vaya muy bien Sanem
00:14:18Dejalo yo me lo llevare
00:14:32Los quiero amigos
00:14:38Y muchas gracias por todo
00:14:48Buena suerte
00:14:54Que dejes la agencia
00:14:56No significa que no puedas venir a visitarnos
00:15:00Nos vemos
00:15:02Estamos acostumbrados a ti
00:15:04Por ejemplo yo
00:15:08Cuidense mucho
00:15:36Sanem mañana
00:15:38Tampoco voy a venir
00:15:40Como dices
00:15:42Decidí aceptar la oferta de Polen
00:15:44No estas luchando Janvures
00:15:56If you loved me, you wouldn't run away.
00:15:58You would forgive me.
00:16:12Are you okay?
00:16:13Are you okay?
00:16:14Are you hurt?
00:16:15Hey, are you okay?
00:16:17Please help me.
00:16:19I'm fine.
00:16:20You should be more careful.
00:16:22Don't move. I'm going to call an ambulance.
00:16:24I'm fine. I just hit my head a little.
00:16:28What's wrong?
00:16:29Thank you very much.
00:16:32Does it hurt?
00:16:33Are you okay? Can you stand up?
00:16:36Be careful, miss.
00:16:37Let me.
00:16:38Gentlemen, please help me.
00:16:42Be careful.
00:16:43I'll take you to the hospital.
00:16:44Open the door.
00:16:45Calm down.
00:16:46It's happening to me.
00:16:47It's nothing.
00:16:48Of course it is.
00:16:49Let's go, please.
00:16:50To the hospital.
00:16:51We have to go to the hospital.
00:16:52It's not necessary.
00:16:53Stop it.
00:16:54There are no excuses.
00:16:55I'm going to take you and that's it.
00:16:56Be careful.
00:16:59Let me help you.
00:17:01Let's go.
00:17:20It has emergency brakes.
00:17:23I think it was my fault.
00:17:26At this time, it doesn't matter.
00:17:34Yes, please.
00:17:35I need you to give me the patient's report.
00:17:37There is nothing in the x-ray.
00:17:40But they want you to stay under observation to rule out complications.
00:17:44Thank you very much.
00:17:45And sorry for the inconvenience.
00:17:47No, not at all.
00:17:48On the contrary.
00:17:49You're here because of me.
00:17:51You could even report me if you wanted.
00:17:56This was my fault.
00:17:57How am I going to report you?
00:17:59If you want, you can go.
00:18:01You don't have to waste more time with me.
00:18:04I prefer to make sure you're okay.
00:18:06We'll put pressure on you and then I'll ask you some questions.
00:18:11I'll wait in the hallway.
00:18:12Don't you want me to tell someone in your family?
00:18:14No, my parents are going to worry.
00:18:18But it would be nice to call my sister.
00:18:21If you want, I can call her.
00:18:22No, thank you.
00:18:24And my bag?
00:18:25It's in the car.
00:18:26I'll bring it to you.
00:18:27I appreciate it.
00:18:30You're a little pale.
00:18:32And you have low blood pressure.
00:18:34I'm fine.
00:18:35It will be better if the doctor sees you.
00:18:37And then we'll take you to a room.
00:18:39Very well.
00:18:46Thank you.
00:18:48Did they tell you anything else?
00:18:50No, I'm fine.
00:18:56You have a little low blood pressure, right?
00:18:58Yes, but it's nothing serious.
00:19:02I just have a couple of strokes.
00:19:04The doctor will come right away.
00:19:07He'll give me a lift.
00:19:08So if you want, you can go.
00:19:10No, no, no way.
00:19:11I want to see the report so I can be more at ease.
00:19:15And another thing.
00:19:16Would you mind if I took care of you?
00:19:18It's been a bad experience.
00:19:20And all this makes me very embarrassed.
00:19:22And the formal treatment doesn't help much.
00:19:24The truth bothers me.
00:19:29Then I'll try.
00:19:32Thank you very much.
00:19:33You'll see that when you get out of here, you'll be like new.
00:19:36Thank you.
00:19:43Are you okay?
00:19:45Well, yes.
00:19:46Just a few bruises.
00:19:48But what did the doctor tell you?
00:19:51Well, that he'll give me a lift soon.
00:19:54But are you really okay?
00:19:56Because you never complain.
00:19:58You never say you're not okay.
00:20:00And now you are?
00:20:02Did they do a x-ray?
00:20:03Did they check that everything is fine?
00:20:05Do you need anything?
00:20:06You tell me.
00:20:07No, nothing.
00:20:09And the doctor?
00:20:10Why are you here alone?
00:20:12You're not alone, young man.
00:20:14I have everything under control.
00:20:17Oh, you have everything under control?
00:20:19Then I'm calmer.
00:20:23Under control?
00:20:25Are you a doctor?
00:20:28Then why does he say that everything is under control?
00:20:30How does he know that everything is fine?
00:20:32I'll explain it to him.
00:20:34Of course.
00:20:35Of course.
00:20:37He's not a doctor.
00:20:41Well, he's the guy who hit me.
00:20:45His name is Jigit.
00:20:48Did he hit me?
00:20:51It was me.
00:20:52My car hit Sanem.
00:20:55What do you mean your car hit Sanem?
00:20:57Is that what he said?
00:20:58Look, first of all, nothing about Sanem.
00:21:00In any case, Miss Sanem.
00:21:02Miss Sanem.
00:21:03And now, secondly.
00:21:05How can you say that your car hit her?
00:21:07Is it your car's fault?
00:21:08And if I hit her and say it was my hand and not me,
00:21:11what would you think?
00:21:12That's not it.
00:21:13That's what he said.
00:21:14What do you mean if it was the car?
00:21:15You're a danger.
00:21:16He could have killed her.
00:21:17Well, I wouldn't describe myself like that.
00:21:19You think I'm a monster, Sanem?
00:21:21How would you describe yourself?
00:21:22I was driving slowly.
00:21:23Is that clear?
00:21:24And then, out of nowhere, Sanem comes out.
00:21:26And he barely gave me time to brake.
00:21:28Of course not.
00:21:29To hit someone, you have to go at a certain speed.
00:21:31At what speed did he come so as not to see her in front of you?
00:21:34I wasn't even going at 50.
00:21:35That's why I was able to brake.
00:21:36And he says everything is under control.
00:21:38Where does that confidence come from?
00:21:39He doesn't even know where he's driving.
00:21:41I was referring to the medical part, not the traffic.
00:21:43If you let me, I'd like to rest.
00:21:45And it's true.
00:21:46The accident was my fault.
00:21:48I crossed the street without looking to call a taxi.
00:21:51And of course, he didn't have time to react.
00:21:54That's why.
00:21:55Yes, of course.
00:21:57Now don't choke and don't move much.
00:21:59Stay calm.
00:22:01What I don't understand is that this man is cheating on you.
00:22:03And besides, he treats you with so much confidence.
00:22:05You just met and, above all, he just ran over you with the car.
00:22:08It's something I can't understand.
00:22:10It's a short time, but we've been through a lot.
00:22:12The accident, then coming to the hospital, the tests, all the income.
00:22:16I brought you your belongings.
00:22:18We've been getting to know each other.
00:22:20Now there's confidence.
00:22:21You took a lot of confidence.
00:22:22It looks like you're enjoying it a lot, isn't it?
00:22:24Jan! Jan!
00:22:28Come, please.
00:22:29Are you okay?
00:22:30Just in time.
00:22:31I'm fine.
00:22:32Don't worry.
00:22:33I was distracted.
00:22:34But are you okay?
00:22:35Yes, I'm fine.
00:22:37Who is he?
00:22:38I introduce you.
00:22:39The one who almost crushes Sanem with his car, my brother Emre.
00:22:42Emre, he is the one who almost crushes Sanem with his car.
00:22:47There are already many people here.
00:22:48Do you want me to open the window?
00:22:50Of course, open it.
00:22:51Yes, right away.
00:22:52Please, I'm not cold.
00:22:53I'll be out in a moment.
00:22:54Was there a lot of road traffic?
00:22:59I talked to everyone at the agency and I told them you were okay.
00:23:02Thank you very much.
00:23:03Yes, I appreciate it.
00:23:07You can go.
00:23:09She's done enough, thank you.
00:23:10I've been with her until now, but she doesn't have to stay here.
00:23:14Seriously, you can go.
00:23:16What's missing.
00:23:17Sorry, but you didn't let me explain.
00:23:19It's not necessary.
00:23:20Well, I'm not moving from here until the doctor confirms that Sanem is fine and nothing happened to her.
00:23:24I want to have a calm conscience.
00:23:26Well, calm your conscience out there.
00:23:28There can't be so many people with a patient.
00:23:31The doctor will come right away and he won't like it.
00:23:33Finally, finally.
00:23:34Yes, let's see if he comes.
00:23:36Now that you've seen that she's fine, you can go out and wait.
00:23:39Call me if you need me.
00:23:40Well, yes.
00:23:41Sanem would be there at the door, okay?
00:23:43Okay, Leila.
00:23:48And you?
00:23:49Me what?
00:23:52They already left.
00:23:53One person can stay in case you need anything.
00:23:59I said outside.
00:24:01I'm going out.
00:24:06I'll be out there.
00:24:08Did you hear?
00:24:09In case you need me.
00:24:13Maybe I'll have some tea.
00:24:16Thank you very much.
00:24:17You're welcome.
00:24:29Why doesn't it work?
00:24:30I don't understand.
00:24:31If the TV doesn't work, why do they put it on?
00:24:34And besides, I'm fine.
00:24:35Why don't they let me go?
00:24:36Because they want to make sure there are no complications.
00:24:39It's for your own good.
00:24:40That's why they haven't fired you yet.
00:24:42I understand.
00:24:46Tell me how the accident happened.
00:24:53I quit.
00:24:55What? You're quitting now?
00:24:59Not now.
00:25:02It was before the accident.
00:25:04I submitted my resignation to Mr. Enre.
00:25:06I was distracted on the street.
00:25:11And then it happened.
00:25:15And why did you quit?
00:25:17It's just...
00:25:19I can't stay there.
00:25:25I'm leaving the agency.
00:25:28And you, you have a lot of talent.
00:25:30You're very good.
00:25:34Leaving your career halfway is absurd.
00:25:37No, it's not.
00:25:38That you give up your career for what is ours is absurd.
00:25:41It's throwing everything you've done away.
00:25:43I decide about my career, okay?
00:25:46If I go out or come in, it's my thing and no one else's.
00:25:49I thought we didn't give each other advice anymore.
00:25:52You can't quit.
00:25:53I already did.
00:25:55You can't leave the agency so soon.
00:25:57It's over and I left the agency.
00:25:59You have to do what stipulates the contract.
00:26:02You have to give a notice.
00:26:04How long?
00:26:05Well, the normal thing in these cases.
00:26:07You let them know you're leaving and you keep working 15 more days.
00:26:11It's the norm in all companies.
00:26:1315 days?
00:26:14It's what the law stipulates.
00:26:15Good morning.
00:26:17The doctor brings the results.
00:26:20It seems that everything is correct.
00:26:22If she's feeling well, we can let her go right now.
00:26:25I'm fine.
00:26:28Let me go right now, please.
00:26:30I told you she wanted to go.
00:26:33She can't shut up.
00:26:36Doctor, why don't you tell this man that there are no more visits?
00:26:47Are you okay?
00:26:49You can take my arm if you want.
00:26:51I'll go get the car.
00:26:52Put the heating on so it doesn't get cold.
00:26:54Go slower, sister.
00:26:55It was just a few blows and I want to get home.
00:26:58Do you want me to take you home?
00:26:59Hey, friend, please.
00:27:00This is too much.
00:27:01What do you want?
00:27:02I'm nervous.
00:27:03What's going on?
00:27:04I'm usually a calm guy.
00:27:05But so much unnecessary courtesy makes me feel bad.
00:27:08What do you want?
00:27:09What are you looking for?
00:27:10Let's see.
00:27:11Don't you think you've helped enough?
00:27:12Or is it an angel who's going to follow you from here to there?
00:27:15Or what do you want?
00:27:16I try to be kind.
00:27:17A good person.
00:27:19It's amazing.
00:27:20Zanem, listen.
00:27:21It doesn't cost me anything.
00:27:22But you're here because of me.
00:27:23Let me take you to make up for it.
00:27:25Zanem, do you want me to take you to the man?
00:27:32Well, if it's not too much trouble.
00:27:34No, how do you think?
00:27:35It's not a nuisance.
00:27:36I'm going to the parking lot by car.
00:27:37It's not a nuisance, little angel.
00:27:39Be careful.
00:27:41Don't run over someone on the way.
00:27:43Look where you're going.
00:27:46What's all this?
00:27:47What's this about?
00:27:48Why are you doing this to me?
00:27:50Why are you going with him if you don't know him?
00:27:52He's a stranger.
00:27:53I'm not going with him.
00:27:54I'm going home with my sister.
00:27:56If for you I'm a person like anyone else.
00:27:58Why does it bother you?
00:27:59I don't understand you.
00:28:00Don't be exaggerated.
00:28:01I didn't say that.
00:28:02Let's see.
00:28:03Why are you going with that man?
00:28:04It's a danger.
00:28:05He's running over people on the street.
00:28:06And it looks like you don't care.
00:28:08That guy is a criminal.
00:28:09Let's go.
00:28:10He's a complete stranger.
00:28:12Come with me or with my brother if you want.
00:28:14But why are you going with that guy?
00:28:18We're here.
00:28:20It's here?
00:28:21Thank you.
00:28:22Thank you very much.
00:28:24Wait a minute.
00:28:25Let me help you.
00:28:26It's not necessary.
00:28:27Of course it is.
00:28:29Be careful, Sanema.
00:28:31Be careful.
00:28:32Thank you.
00:28:33You're welcome.
00:28:36And I hope that what had you distracted...
00:28:39gets better very soon.
00:28:42Me too.
00:28:44Thank you.
00:28:45See you later.
00:28:46Good day.
00:28:47See you later.
00:28:48Let's go.
00:28:50Does it hurt?
00:29:04Well, you see...
00:29:06The truth is that...
00:29:08I'm not calm at all.
00:29:09I'm afraid you'll have to go back to the hospital and...
00:29:12Things get complicated.
00:29:13I'm afraid something bad will happen to you.
00:29:15Is there any way I can know about you?
00:29:19I agree.
00:29:21I'll give you my number.
00:29:24I love it.
00:29:25Write it down here.
00:29:30Take this.
00:29:31Take it.
00:29:32I love your neighborhood.
00:29:33It's so folkloric.
00:29:34There are street vendors, old people, like in the movies.
00:29:37Well, that's our neighborhood.
00:29:40And all the neighbors are lovely.
00:29:43Here you go.
00:29:44Well, thank you very much for everything.
00:29:46And have a nice day.
00:29:48Not everything is so beautiful.
00:29:51Let's go.
00:29:52See you later.
00:29:55Let's go slowly.
00:30:00I was afraid someone would see us.
00:30:02Good day, young man.
00:30:04We don't argue in front of the girls.
00:30:08Hello, girls.
00:30:10Sit here, Sanem.
00:30:13I'll serve the soup.
00:30:14Yes, put me to me.
00:30:15I'm coming.
00:30:18Are you feeling well?
00:30:20You're very pale, aren't you?
00:30:21I'm tired.
00:30:22I went to see a client and then I had to work at the agency.
00:30:28Go with Mr. Jan.
00:30:31He does exploit his employees.
00:30:34I guess I should learn from him.
00:30:38I'll serve you.
00:30:53Oh, disgusting.
00:30:59What are you doing?
00:31:00Don't you like it?
00:31:01I like it a lot.
00:31:02I love it.
00:31:03Don't do that.
00:31:04It looks disgusting.
00:31:05Besides, it's not healthy.
00:31:06Don't eat it.
00:31:10I'll bring you something.
00:31:12What are you doing?
00:31:13Oh, dad.
00:31:16Mom's organic spices.
00:31:18100% natural.
00:31:19Do you want?
00:31:20Well, no.
00:31:27And here too.
00:31:29And here I also have olive oil and organic homemade sauce
00:31:33for those who want to eat healthy.
00:31:36I don't want.
00:31:41Hey, dad.
00:31:42It's soup.
00:31:43What are you doing?
00:31:44Oh, that's better.
00:31:53Do you want?
00:31:56Do you want?
00:31:57Oh, no.
00:31:58Thank you.
00:31:59I'm fine.
00:32:00Thank you, dad.
00:32:01And you?
00:32:02You know I like soup.
00:32:03But now I don't want it.
00:32:04Thank you very much, dad.
00:32:05But it's delicious.
00:32:12My girls.
00:32:13Do you want to try mom's spices?
00:32:15I prefer the simple flavor.
00:32:17Without so much seasoning, you know?
00:32:21Do you like olive oil?
00:32:23It's very healthy.
00:32:24No, mom.
00:32:25Now I don't feel like it.
00:32:26But thank you very much.
00:32:27Oh, please.
00:32:28Don't say the same thing, dad.
00:32:30But it's delicious.
00:32:31Do you eat everything with mustard?
00:32:35I don't think so.
00:32:39He just hit me.
00:32:41They told me it was nothing serious.
00:32:44And that's why I didn't want to worry them.
00:32:46Forgive me, friend.
00:32:48I made a mistake.
00:32:49I'm very sorry.
00:32:50Get well soon.
00:32:51No, Ulis.
00:32:52Nothing happens.
00:32:54I was thinking about my things.
00:32:56And then I crossed the street without looking.
00:32:58Where did you hit yourself?
00:32:59Which side?
00:33:01And here?
00:33:02Doesn't your shoulder hurt or anything else?
00:33:03No, it doesn't hurt anymore.
00:33:07Are you okay?
00:33:08Of course.
00:33:09Are you sure about that?
00:33:10Of course.
00:33:11How many are there?
00:33:12Two, dad.
00:33:13That's because you don't eat organic products.
00:33:15Organic food improves concentration.
00:33:17And that wouldn't have happened to you.
00:33:19Yes, of course.
00:33:20And what else?
00:33:21This happened because he wasn't in the store.
00:33:23Because he got away from sodas and cookies.
00:33:25That's why.
00:33:26Yes, the cookies.
00:33:28You're right.
00:33:29I can't believe it.
00:33:30You have no remedy.
00:33:33Any excuse is good to humiliate each other, right?
00:33:39Let's have a cup of tea.
00:33:41What do you think?
00:33:42If mom prepares it and dad puts sugar on it, why not?
00:33:48Of course.
00:33:49Let's have tea.
00:33:50For your mom.
00:33:51Come on.
00:33:52For your daughter.
00:33:53Zenem, I'm sorry.
00:33:55I thought you knew.
00:33:56What a shame.
00:33:57It's okay.
00:33:59Thanks for the flowers.
00:34:00Oh, Gulis.
00:34:01But how could you think...
00:34:02Oh, how horrible.
00:34:03How horrible.
00:34:04How is it possible that this kind of thing happens to us?
00:34:10Yes, of course.
00:34:11They are things of life.
00:34:12There are accidents.
00:34:13But we are supposed to believe in fate.
00:34:15And that's what we have to do.
00:34:17And I didn't come to be interested in your health.
00:34:20And why are you bringing flowers?
00:34:22My roommate wasn't home.
00:34:24I came here to look for him and I found out that Zenem had had an accident.
00:34:28It seems that I come to wish him to recover very soon.
00:34:31Well, that's the truth.
00:34:32No, not at all.
00:34:33You didn't come to see me.
00:34:34You already said it.
00:34:35Of course, you're right.
00:34:36Don't repeat it.
00:34:37We had our story.
00:34:38But that stayed in the past, in the garbage.
00:34:40Please don't complicate yourself because our story is over.
00:34:45You are no longer special to me.
00:34:47From now on, you will be...
00:34:50Of course.
00:34:51I'm no longer...
00:34:53special to anyone.
00:34:54Calm down, Ori.
00:34:55Don't start now like a victim.
00:34:59I'm a victim.
00:35:00I guess I suffer like everyone else.
00:35:03What's going on here?
00:35:04The truth is that I don't understand anything.
00:35:08It's a joke between Musafer and Zenem.
00:35:10Since they were kids, Musa just wanted to make her laugh.
00:35:14But since Zenem is sensitive about Jean, he took it in another way.
00:35:20You look pale.
00:35:21The visits must be brief.
00:35:22Take care, okay?
00:35:23If you need anything, call me.
00:35:25Take care.
00:35:26The truth is, I didn't come to say that.
00:35:28Maybe I came to see Julisita because she knows a lot about the world of advertising.
00:35:32She's a genius.
00:35:33She has beautiful eyes.
00:35:34She's a little short, but I don't care about that.
00:35:37These flowers are for you.
00:35:39It's a little detail I wanted to have with you.
00:35:41Enjoy them, Julisita.
00:35:43Okay, thank you very much, Musa.
00:35:44You saw it, right?
00:35:45Zenem, I'm sorry again.
00:35:50I hope you don't make a mistake again.
00:35:54I appreciate your visit.
00:35:55See you later.
00:35:56Yes, thank you.
00:35:57Goodbye, Julis.
00:36:00I don't know why I opened the door.
00:36:02Zenem, I know you're having a hard time.
00:36:06You could pay off your debt with the company, and then we'll fix it.
00:36:10Hey, that's a good idea.
00:36:12Go ahead, he can pay for it.
00:36:14There are greedy men who you always owe money to.
00:36:18And there are other generous people like my brother.
00:36:20The patriarchal mentality has already come out.
00:36:22As if now it was about that, right?
00:36:24And what does that have to do with it?
00:36:26What does it have to do with it?
00:36:27It's true.
00:36:28What does it have to do with it?
00:36:30The debt...
00:36:32It's my fault.
00:36:33No, it's not your fault.
00:36:35They make you suffer in that world of advertising.
00:36:38People make you suffer.
00:36:39That's how they are.
00:36:40JJ is also from the world of advertising.
00:36:42And it makes me suffer that you don't see how I am.
00:36:44Girls, forget about that.
00:36:46Zenem, we are a family.
00:36:49I know, Osman.
00:36:51We are brothers-in-law.
00:36:54Don't worry so much.
00:36:56Come on, friend.
00:36:57Do what your body asks you, okay?
00:36:59Because we will always support you.
00:37:02Well, of course, friend, I already know that.
00:37:07And here's that sad face.
00:37:09Well, we're leaving.
00:37:11As JJ says, the visits should be brief, right?
00:37:14He's the only one who says that.
00:37:16Yes, it's true.
00:37:17See you tomorrow.
00:37:18I always remember him.
00:37:19See you tomorrow.
00:37:22Thank you.
00:37:31Are you still up?
00:37:32Are you getting ready to go to bed?
00:37:34Yes, I was going to bed.
00:37:37Come here.
00:37:39Why do you torment yourself so much to be so distracted?
00:37:42You weren't like that before, my daughter.
00:37:44What happened?
00:37:45Is it because of work?
00:37:46Any problem with Jan?
00:37:48Please tell me.
00:37:49Trust me.
00:37:54We're not okay.
00:37:56Oh, well, those are things that happen.
00:37:59Don't you believe it?
00:38:00Your father and I spend the whole day fighting.
00:38:02But I don't throw myself in front of the cars.
00:38:04I'm not stupid to do that.
00:38:06How do you think?
00:38:07Mom, that's not what happened.
00:38:12Jan is leaving.
00:38:15To the Balkans.
00:38:16To take pictures.
00:38:17To travel.
00:38:22Let him go take pictures.
00:38:24Then he'll come back.
00:38:26What's wrong with that?
00:38:29It's not like that.
00:38:31He wants to be away from me.
00:38:34He accepted an offer from his ex-girlfriend.
00:38:38When he was arrested, I did something he didn't want.
00:38:42To save him.
00:38:44Because it was...
00:38:46very unfair.
00:38:49That man was after my perfume and I...
00:38:53gave it to him.
00:38:55To save Jan.
00:38:58I tried to tell him everything.
00:39:01Explain it to him.
00:39:03And he found out about someone else.
00:39:05And he got upset with you.
00:39:08He told me he was like everyone else.
00:39:11That he had ruined our relationship.
00:39:15Mom, I wanted him to understand.
00:39:18At least he would understand me.
00:39:21But he didn't.
00:39:25Maybe it's for the best.
00:39:27I don't know.
00:39:29Maybe he needs some time.
00:39:32Or maybe...
00:39:34you should rest and think.
00:39:38What are you going to do?
00:39:40Work hard and move on?
00:39:43And keep working?
00:39:46I quit my job.
00:39:48Did you think it over?
00:39:50I can't stay there.
00:39:54Of course not, dear.
00:39:56My beautiful girl.
00:39:59My little bird.
00:40:02My sweet dreamer.
00:40:05Don't worry.
00:40:09Mom, I feel like my heart is going to break.
00:40:14Very hard.
00:40:16I know, dear.
00:40:18I know, dear.
00:40:20The bruises heal quickly.
00:40:23But the heart takes longer.
00:40:27But it will pass. You'll see.
00:40:30You'll recover.
00:40:33My beautiful girl.
00:41:06Jigit, hello.
00:41:09I just saw your message.
00:41:12Thank you very much.
00:41:14That notebook is very important to me.
00:41:17I don't want to lose it.
00:41:19Don't worry. It's in good hands.
00:41:23I'm going to go.
00:41:25I don't want to lose it.
00:41:27Don't worry. It's in good hands.
00:41:30Look, I'd like to talk about what you wrote.
00:41:35Sorry, but I couldn't resist.
00:41:37When I started reading, I couldn't stop.
00:41:40You're a great writer.
00:41:43Thank you very much.
00:41:45I wanted to dedicate myself to it.
00:41:47In the future, of course.
00:41:50You convey the reader with great sincerity.
00:41:53It's much better than other books.
00:41:56Do you think so?
00:41:58Well, thank you. I love writing.
00:42:01It's my dream.
00:42:03You must write. I know what I'm saying.
00:42:06And I'm not talking lightly.
00:42:08But as the owner of a publishing house, you're good.
00:42:11Don't tell me.
00:42:13Are you an editor?
00:42:15What a surprise.
00:42:17Look, I really want to write a novel.
00:42:20I've been dreaming about it for years.
00:42:23But I haven't been able to do it yet.
00:42:25Yes, Sanem, I understand.
00:42:27People forget their dreams because of the daily routine.
00:42:31But you should devote time to what motivates you.
00:42:34Start writing.
00:42:36At least in your free time.
00:42:39Actually, I quit my job.
00:42:43That's perfect.
00:42:45What a great opportunity.
00:42:47So you'll have time to write.
00:42:49I'm not sure.
00:42:51Look, if you need anything, count on me.
00:42:55Thank you very much. I'll think about it.
00:42:58And thank you for saving the notebook.
00:43:02We'll talk later.
00:43:08It can't be.
00:43:10I can't be happy without Jan.
00:43:29Good morning.
00:43:30Good morning.
00:43:31Oh, Sanem.
00:43:33Let me explain.
00:43:36Mr. Jan told me yesterday that I had to resign 15 days in advance.
00:43:41So I have to go to work.
00:43:43And I don't want to owe him anything.
00:43:45So, to the office.
00:43:47Well said, my daughter.
00:43:48Very good.
00:43:49We always pay our debts.
00:43:51If it's 15 days, do it.
00:43:55Let's do it right.
00:43:56If that's what you want, Mr. Jan.
00:43:58Me too.
00:44:00Let's go to the office.
00:44:02Get up, it's late.
00:44:03Okay, let's go.
00:44:04Daughters, be careful.
00:44:05See you later.
00:44:06Have a good day.
00:44:08You always have to support your daughters, woman.
00:44:11Of course, we always do.
00:44:16I knew you'd come back.
00:44:21Are you staying?
00:44:23Not at all.
00:44:24I'll only be here for two weeks.
00:44:26And then I'll leave.
00:44:31Good morning.
00:44:32Good morning.
00:44:33Good morning.
00:44:35Thank you.
00:44:36Sanem, it's a pleasure to see you again.
00:44:40Let's see, team.
00:44:44The launch of Red Mode is tomorrow.
00:44:46And the relationship with them, as you know, is quite tense.
00:44:49Well, I apologize again.
00:44:53It was all my fault for giving important information to Eileen about the campaign.
00:45:00That was the second part.
00:45:02Basically, it all happened because of the obsession with certain people.
00:45:06Anyway, that's in the past.
00:45:08We have to focus on the future.
00:45:10Leaving things behind is your specialty.
00:45:12Can you teach us?
00:45:13Of course.
00:45:14I'd love to.
00:45:15I'll teach you whenever you want.
00:45:16That's enough.
00:45:17But that's not enough.
00:45:18The learner must not stray from the right path or he will get lost.
00:45:22What are you saying?
00:45:23To find the right path, one has to have gotten lost many times.
00:45:26Oh, yes.
00:45:27Those metaphors are from the Red Mode campaign.
00:45:29The idea of the right path, right?
00:45:31It was another campaign.
00:45:32Sorry, I got confused.
00:45:33No, JJ.
00:45:35It has nothing to do with Red Mode.
00:45:37What do you want us to do?
00:45:38A quick review of what we have?
00:45:40Yes, yes, yes.
00:45:41Well, let's see.
00:45:43The press releases have been sent.
00:45:46Sanem, did you review the headlines one last time?
00:45:49Of course I did.
00:45:51Beren, did you check if Sanem reviewed them?
00:45:53I had assigned you that task.
00:45:55Yes, of course.
00:45:57I checked it and there's no problem.
00:45:59Very good.
00:46:00The advertising fences for other cities.
00:46:02Did you review the entire list, Sanem?
00:46:04Yes, Mr. Jan.
00:46:06Mr. Jan also told me to do it.
00:46:08I reviewed it and it was perfect.
00:46:10Very good, JJ.
00:46:12He also assigned it to me.
00:46:13He gave us the same task.
00:46:14I see.
00:46:15Double verification.
00:46:16That's never too much.
00:46:17That's normal.
00:46:18Yes, of course.
00:46:19Because some of us are brainless
00:46:21and we can have our heads elsewhere.
00:46:23For example, in the Balkans, right?
00:46:25Yes, of course.
00:46:27Sometimes the cold that comes here comes from the Balkans.
00:46:29Cold waves.
00:46:30They always, always, always, always say it in the news.
00:46:33Have the locations of the posters been identified?
00:46:37Yes, and I also made a list.
00:46:40The slogans are
00:46:41Attract, Impress and Challenge.
00:46:46They must hang in that order.
00:46:49She'll take care of it.
00:46:50I repeat, it is
00:46:51Attract, Impress, Challenge.
00:46:56Deryn, a question.
00:47:00Can we still change the slogan?
00:47:02But what are you doing, Jan?
00:47:04We have the approval of the client.
00:47:06It is already decided.
00:47:07We have the next phase.
00:47:09Mr. Jan, maybe you don't remember.
00:47:11But we gathered the team at my house
00:47:13and we worked all night for this.
00:47:16And I also remind you that the client was delighted
00:47:19and he thanked us a lot.
00:47:28Listen to everyone.
00:47:29Get back to work.
00:47:33It can't be.
00:47:35Serena Morena.
00:47:37I'll be for the shooting of the ad.
00:47:39Dreadmode will be in your charge.
00:47:46Hello, old man.
00:47:47Sanem, how are you?
00:47:48I hope I don't interrupt you.
00:47:50No, calm down.
00:47:51I'm in the office.
00:47:52It doesn't matter.
00:47:54I'm calling you because I was going to take your notebook.
00:47:57Oh, don't bother.
00:47:58You can send it by mail.
00:47:59No, no.
00:48:00It's no bother at all.
00:48:01In fact, I'm in a coffee shop
00:48:02very close to the agency.
00:48:04How do you know where the agency is?
00:48:07I didn't give you the address.
00:48:08It was written in the notebook.
00:48:10Fikri Arika.
00:48:11Oh, it's true.
00:48:13Yes, I wrote the address in case I lost it.
00:48:17Well, we can meet.
00:48:18I'll give you the notebook back and we'll talk.
00:48:20I have some suggestions about your texts.
00:48:22If you want to hear them, of course.
00:48:25Of course.
00:48:29Yes, I know the place.
00:48:32Well, see you later.
00:48:43Where are you going?
00:48:44I arrived.
00:48:45He brought me the notebook and I'm going to pick it up.
00:48:47I won't be long.
00:49:03Can I come in?
00:49:18Are you serious?
00:49:20Yes, the main topic doesn't matter.
00:49:22It's very moving.
00:49:24You write very fluently.
00:49:26Thank you very much.
00:49:27Hearing that from an editor is motivating me a lot.
00:49:31But you also need an opportunity.
00:49:34You can write about whatever you want.
00:49:36Maybe people will read it.
00:49:38In fact, I'll put it this way.
00:49:40If you write about meatballs, I'll read it to you.
00:49:44Well, we've talked a long time, but I have to go back to the office.
00:49:49Well, but this is also a kind of work meeting.
00:49:54What? What do you mean?
00:49:56You told me you were going to quit your job.
00:49:59And now I have an offer for you.
00:50:01What offer?
00:50:03Well, I want new writers for my editorial.
00:50:06To make novels.
00:50:08And I see that you have a lot of potential.
00:50:11Maybe it's time for you to write the novel you've always wanted.
00:50:15You, my novel?
00:50:17I write it and you publish it?
00:50:19Yes, wherever it is, that's how things are done.
00:50:22But I also want you to work with me as an editor.
00:50:27You know about advertising, you're the perfect candidate.
00:50:30Do you think I'm capable?
00:50:32Whenever you want, anything is possible.
00:50:35Look, I lived in Canada for several years.
00:50:37And there I gave creative writing courses.
00:50:40I liked it, but...
00:50:42Why did you leave it?
00:50:44I liked giving writing classes and being with the students.
00:50:48But I understood that my dreams were going down a different path.
00:50:53It wasn't enough for me just to help people who wanted to write.
00:50:58I wanted something more.
00:51:00Yes, it's like a dream.
00:51:02Here I have a partner editor.
00:51:04And well, we've kept in touch and we've worked here and there.
00:51:09But what I really want is to reach young writers in my country.
00:51:15How nice, then you will be able to fulfill your dream.
00:51:19Indeed, that's what I'm doing.
00:51:21And you must do the same.
00:51:23Look, I've read a lot.
00:51:25There are books that are good and others that are frankly bad.
00:51:29But I'm telling you the truth.
00:51:31Everything you write will reach readers easily.
00:51:36So here's your chance.
00:51:39You could consider it.
00:51:41Let's see...
00:51:43I don't know what to say.
00:51:45Yes, there is no hurry.
00:51:46Think about it, we have a lot of time.
00:51:50This was also a work meeting.
00:51:53Yes, but...
00:51:55I have to stay in my job for 15 days.
00:51:59And that?
00:52:00Well, it's the law.
00:52:03I mean, the notice or something like that.
00:52:07Now I have to go back to the office.
00:52:09Yes, of course, I understand.
00:52:10Let me ask for the bill.
00:52:13Now I'm looking for an office to put my editorial.
00:52:17In fact, I'm going to see a real estate agent.
00:52:19If you want, I can take you to the agency on the way.
00:52:21Okay, let's go.
00:52:28My novel.
00:52:29My novel.
00:52:38Don't touch me!
00:52:39Hey, hey, are you crazy?
00:52:40It's not possible that they put a bazaar in the agency.
00:52:42What are you doing here?
00:52:43Hey, what are you doing? That's pine honey.
00:52:44Pine honey?
00:52:45No, Mom, this looks like a small bazaar.
00:52:47I wish it were.
00:52:48Dealing with the police is better than dealing with Dengis and his mustache.
00:52:52What are you doing?
00:52:53What is this?
00:52:55Everyone is crowded and without work.
00:52:58I was telling you not to crowd, Mr. Foam.
00:53:01But they didn't want to listen to me.
00:53:03Dear lady, I didn't hear your name well, but we are selling very good organic products.
00:53:08And now we are only promoting them to let them know.
00:53:12From the very heart of the neighborhood, straight to your house, we want to open up a little way in the sector.
00:53:17And we have brought samples of many things, all at your disposal, dear lady.
00:53:22Do you have anything to do with this?
00:53:24Yes, Musafer and I opened a store to sell organic products.
00:53:28It's ours.
00:53:30Because there have to be more entrepreneurial women.
00:53:33Although with some style.
00:53:35Because in a neighborhood of bad luck, they have no future.
00:53:39Don't believe it, you know that my mother has found a great passion in the market of organic products.
00:53:46Yes, while others watched TV at home.
00:53:50And it has a viability report.
00:53:52Yes, exactly.
00:53:54We have a complete market study and we are going to take advantage of this gap.
00:53:58It is a sector that is still unexplored.
00:54:00We sell all kinds of organic products.
00:54:02From wheat to pine honey, through tomato paste.
00:54:06The business is booming, my dear lady.
00:54:09So without wrinkles and longhorns, buy.
00:54:13Black oil with rosemary and aloe vera.
00:54:17Of course.
00:54:18Our aloe vera is the best there is.
00:54:20In the United States I used these products, but in Turkey I could not find them.
00:54:24Here's a little bit.
00:54:25Well, I'm going to buy it.
00:54:26Here it is.
00:54:27Yes, of course.
00:54:28Well, look, I recommend this to you.
00:54:30It's tea tree oil.
00:54:31It's natural.
00:54:32I see you have a little damaged hair from using artificial dyes.
00:54:38You'll see that it suits you with the products.
00:54:40It's not easy to keep it healthy.
00:54:42The chemicals damage the hair.
00:54:44The organic heals it.
00:54:46Oh, and we also have a conditioner made from dead ants.
00:54:50And it's fantastic.
00:54:52It works for open tips.
00:54:54The dead ant will help you.
00:54:59I'll keep it too.
00:55:00I'll try it.
00:55:01Very good.
00:55:02These two hate each other.
00:55:03They don't love each other.
00:55:04I don't understand anything.
00:55:05JJ, I think the best thing is not to get involved.
00:55:07What else is there?
00:55:08Well, we also have ...
00:55:10Let's see, pass me that soap over there, please.
00:55:13Sure, here you go.
00:55:14The entrepreneur wants that soap.
00:55:16Will Gülis be able to come back?
00:55:18Yes, he's squeezing.
00:55:19They are already in the final lap.
00:55:21Gülis is gaining ground.
00:55:22Go ahead, Gülis.
00:55:23Who will reach the finish line?
00:55:24And Deren wins by a heel.
00:55:26Bravo, Deren.
00:55:27Good, good.
00:55:28JJ, what's going on?
00:55:30What's going on?
00:55:32You can go back to work.
00:55:34Good morning.
00:55:35Hi, how are you?
00:55:36Can I help you with something?
00:55:39Well, I think so.
00:55:41It's something very easy.
00:55:43I won't take your time.
00:55:46I came to look for Zanel.
00:56:01Excuse me.
00:56:05Jiget, did you leave something in your car again?
00:56:08No, not at all.
00:56:09How do you think?
00:56:10The truth is, I wanted to know the agency.
00:56:14It's very colorful.
00:56:16And Deren is like a rainbow.
00:56:24This again.
00:56:27And besides, Zanel, I also wanted to tell you something else.
00:56:31It's almost time for you to leave, right?
00:56:35It's just that today we have to do overtime.
00:56:38A campaign that we present tomorrow.
00:56:43Sorry to interrupt you.
00:56:44What's up?
00:56:50Well, Jiget, I wanted to tell you something.
00:56:54I didn't know about overtime, of course.
00:56:59You know.
00:57:00Of course, how was I going to know?
00:57:03Today we are busy.
00:57:05And a lot.
00:57:06Any matter that is not a work matter should not be treated in office hours, Zanel.
00:57:12Actually, it's about work.
00:57:14I found out that they were renting the floor below.
00:57:17I didn't want to waste any more time and I already rented it.
00:57:20How about it?
00:57:21I rented it to open my new publishing house, Zanel.
00:57:24What publishing house? What are you talking about?
00:57:27I offered a job to Zanel and I hope she accepts.
00:57:30Really? Don't tell me.
00:57:32She already has a job.
00:57:34For a short time.
00:57:37I have to consider offers.
00:57:39Think about it.
00:57:40That's what I expect, Zanel.
00:57:42But there is no hurry. Think about it.
00:57:44Very well.
00:57:47As I see you busy, I better go.
00:57:52See you soon.
00:57:53See you, Jigit.
00:57:58Have a good day.
00:57:59Thank you very much.
00:58:00Good day.
00:58:01Goodbye, Mr. Jigit.
00:58:17Hey, Gullis, I'm going to tell you.
00:58:19The car that ran me over?
00:58:21I drove Jigit, can you believe it?
00:58:23Yeah, yeah, come and I'll tell you.
00:58:25Well, he's an acquaintance of mine.
00:58:27Look, do you remember the car that ran me over?
00:58:30Well, the guy who was here is the driver.
00:58:33And why is he coming?
00:58:34I'm going to explain it to you, look.
00:58:39Come to my office with the presentation.
00:58:42You know that tomorrow is a very important day.
00:58:44Let's review it again.
00:58:46Of course, I'm going right now.
00:58:48Make sure there are no mistakes.
00:58:50I'll take care of it.
00:58:51And you still don't trust me.
00:58:53Take it easy.
00:59:00Mr. Jan.
00:59:02Show me.
00:59:03We have 40 slides.
00:59:04We have reviewed them, Deren and I,
00:59:06and I think everyone else on the team too.
00:59:08And what?
00:59:09Well, it would be better not to waste time with so much review,
00:59:12because there are still many things to do for tomorrow's presentation.
00:59:16The most important thing is to review it with you.
00:59:28Review them with me?
00:59:31With you or with someone else.
00:59:34It doesn't matter, but you were free.
00:59:36Yes, of course.
00:59:40I thought you'd be packing your suitcase to leave
00:59:43after the Red Mode presentation,
00:59:45to run away like you were going to do.
00:59:47It's something you're good at.
00:59:48I don't know why you think that.
00:59:49I never pack my suitcase.
00:59:51I don't take anything.
00:59:52That's not my style.
00:59:53I prefer to start from scratch and buy everything when I get there.
00:59:56You don't worry.
00:59:57I know what I have to do.
00:59:58I've traveled a lot, you know?
01:00:00I'm used to it.
01:00:01Shall we start at once?
01:00:03Well, we have to start.
01:00:09That's good.
01:00:10Not bad.
01:00:13No, I already read that one.
01:00:16Let's see the next one.
01:00:17And that one.
01:00:20I already read that one.
01:00:21Wait a minute.
01:00:30Are you going to accept Chiquit's offer?
01:00:33What offer?
01:00:34The job offer.
01:00:35What offer is he going to make you?
01:00:36Has he made you other kinds of proposals?
01:00:38Indecent proposals?
01:00:39Of course, the job offer.
01:00:40What do you mean?
01:00:41What else is he going to offer me?
01:00:44I'm sorry, but you don't have the right to ask that.
01:00:46You don't have the right.
01:00:47A stranger comes here and starts talking nonsense.
01:00:50That's horrible.
01:00:51I don't want...
01:00:53I don't want you to get into trouble and everything goes wrong.
01:00:56When you go far away to the Balkans, I'll stay here alone.
01:01:00I think I'm able to take care of myself.
01:01:02You don't have to worry so much.
01:01:04I'll leave my phone there.
01:01:06I have your phone here and it's useless to me.
01:01:08No, I don't think the one over there is useful to me.
01:01:10But thank you very much.
01:01:11Sanem, don't talk to me in that tone, okay?
01:01:14It's not appropriate.
01:01:15Behave yourself.
01:01:16Do you hear me?
01:01:17During these 14 days, I'm still your boss.
01:01:19Well, that's enough.
01:01:20I'm going to go out there and I'm going to scream that in this office I'm being mistreated psychologically.
01:01:26I'm not going to run.
01:01:27Let's see if instead of going to the Balkans, they put you in jail.
01:01:30You're obsessed with me going to the Balkans.
01:01:32And to drive me crazy, you look for weird relationships and absurd jobs.
01:01:35And you'll end up being unhappy.
01:01:37That's enough, Sanem.
01:01:38Well, surely at this moment I am very happy.
01:01:41He leaves me my boyfriend, I leave work, but life smiles at me.
01:01:46I couldn't be happier now.
01:01:50Very good.
01:01:51We continue.
01:01:53We have to review it seriously.
01:01:56Where were we going?
01:01:57Second revision or tenth, I don't remember.
01:02:00I don't think there's any problem.
01:02:03Nothing should happen before your trip.
01:02:09Don't be so hard on yourself.
01:02:11Impatient people squeeze the buttons of the elevators and decompose them.
01:02:15And if you do the same with that key, you'll end up breaking the computer.
01:02:18It's a matter of time before it decomposes.
01:02:20So did the elevator decompose again?
01:02:22And what do you think?
01:02:24Don't be so close.
01:02:26You see, now it doesn't respond.
01:02:28Well, I go back.
01:02:29I can't.
01:02:30Don't you understand?
01:02:31There's no going back.
01:02:32I have no possibility.
01:02:33I know that perfectly.
01:02:34I can't go back.
01:02:35No, of course not.
01:02:36You decomposed it.
01:02:37It doesn't work anymore.
01:02:39But I'm sure you have change to buy another computer.
01:02:42I haven't written for a long time just to write for me.
01:02:46I had forgotten what I wanted.
01:02:48My dreams.
01:02:50I ignored them.
01:02:52I walked away.
01:02:54I have already chosen.
01:02:57There is no place for me on your path.
01:03:00For me.
01:03:02Now it's my turn to make a decision.
01:03:07A philosopher said, if you lack courage, you can only look at life.
01:03:12I will be brave.
01:03:14And I'm going to show Jan that I can be happy without her.
01:03:25Please, you must be smiling.
01:03:27The red light always comes on from here.
01:03:30Yes, of course.
01:03:34It's too high.
01:03:36Good luck.
01:03:37Excuse me.
01:03:38There are a lot of footprints here.
01:03:39You have to clean this a little more.
01:03:41Tell me.
01:03:42You have to go down.
01:03:43Oh my God.
01:03:44I thought it was going to explode.
01:03:45If you already know, why are you afraid of it?
01:03:47Because it's hot.
01:03:48Oh, Jan, Jan.
01:03:49You make me nervous and the pressure goes up.
01:03:51Jan, you calm down.
01:03:52I'm nervous.
01:03:53And now...
01:03:54Leave it like this.
01:03:55Here, this is what you asked for.
01:03:56Oh, thank you very much, Leila.
01:03:57And how's everything going?
01:03:59This is not my first presentation, but I'm very nervous.
01:04:05That's normal.
01:04:06The presentation is your last event with the company.
01:04:11Oh, I'm sorry, Sanem.
01:04:13I didn't mean to say it like that.
01:04:14I didn't mean that, sister.
01:04:16No, it's okay.
01:04:19It's not about me.
01:04:21It's Jan's last event.
01:04:27Hey, Sanem, do you want to review the presentation one more time?
01:04:31Uh, very well.
01:04:32I have the file here.
01:04:34Let's see it.
01:04:35Let's sit there.
01:04:36Oh, take it.
01:04:41You should highlight this part here.
01:04:44Because it's the most shocking.
01:04:46And then you start with the slogans.
01:04:52Jan, where have you been?
01:04:54I already saw Mr. Enrique.
01:04:55Good, great.
01:04:56Mr. Jan will be here any minute now.
01:04:59I don't think it will take long.
01:05:01But what do we do?
01:05:02We can keep reviewing until he arrives.
01:05:04But first you start talking about customer data.
01:05:08Don't take too long because people get bored and then they stop paying attention.
01:05:12Very well.
01:05:18There it is.
01:05:19Oh, cheers.
01:05:20Oh, I hope it's not what I'm thinking it is.
01:05:23Unfortunately, yes.
01:05:26No, forget it.
01:05:27No, don't get demoralized.
01:05:29What is that woman doing here?
01:05:31Oh, don't listen to her.
01:05:32Let's see, that's the most normal thing in the world, huh?
01:05:35Jan invited a friend as adult and civilized people.
01:05:39You see?
01:05:40Yeah, just like you.
01:05:42You invited Arjan and Mozafer.
01:05:45That's all.
01:05:47Oh, no.
01:05:48I can't see it that way.
01:05:50I can't either.
01:05:51I spoke without thinking.
01:05:56They're here.
01:05:57I have a presentation and I can't stop sneezing.
01:06:02There's an epidemic.
01:06:03How horrible.
01:06:07Leila, I made a decision.
01:06:12About what?
01:06:13Did you change your mind?
01:06:14I won't do the presentation.
01:06:17Because lately I've totally neglected Jan.
01:06:20Maybe I can spend a couple of hours with him.
01:06:23And who knows?
01:06:24Maybe he'll convince him to stay.
01:06:26Stay in the present.
01:06:27Well, I think it's a good idea.
01:06:29Yes, but it won't be easy.
01:06:31How will you talk to him here?
01:06:33There are a lot of people.
01:06:34It's very crowded.
01:06:35What can we do to calm them down, Sanem?
01:06:38I don't know either.
01:06:39I want to tell him everything I think and everything I feel for him.
01:06:43Maybe he'll stay after I talk to him.
01:06:47Maybe I'll convince him.
01:06:48Do you think it's possible?
01:06:50I know him very well.
01:06:52If we talk and I'm with him, he'll remember my scent.
01:06:58Yes, that could be.
01:07:00Try it, sister.
01:07:02Well, I'll go talk to him.
01:07:04Yes, let's go now.
01:07:09Excuse me for a moment.
01:07:12Excuse me, but I want to tell you something.
01:07:15Tell us, Sanem.
01:07:17Sanem, there's no time for a change.
01:07:19You know that.
01:07:20No, it's not a change.
01:07:22I think Deren should do the presentation.
01:07:27If you do it perfectly.
01:07:29Thank you very much, Miss Mine.
01:07:31But lately we have underestimated Deren a lot.
01:07:35Thank you.
01:07:36And she had a very bad time.
01:07:38Deren has made a lot of effort working on this campaign.
01:07:42And she was involved in the dirty game that there was because of the problems between you and me.
01:07:50She has been involved a lot.
01:07:52She has really worked very hard on the campaign.
01:07:55And she deserves to do the presentation.
01:08:00Deren, what do you think?
01:08:02I don't know.
01:08:03But I can do it.
01:08:05Well, go ahead.
01:08:08Excuse me.
01:08:09As far as I know, Mr. McKinnon was committed to Sanem taking care of the presentation.
01:08:14Am I wrong?
01:08:17Yes, that's also true.
01:08:19And he said he would be watching the presentation online.
01:08:23Look, Jan.
01:08:24Sanem has to be present on stage.
01:08:27We shouldn't bother McKinnon at the last minute.
01:08:31Of course.
01:08:35Okay, I have an idea.
01:08:39Let's do it together.
01:08:40Deren and Sanem.
01:08:41It's the solution.
01:08:43I think it will be the best.
01:08:46And that way we all win.
01:08:48What do you say?
01:08:52What do you say, Sanem?
01:08:53Yes, of course.
01:08:54Go ahead.
01:09:00Very good.
01:09:02We have a...
01:09:10Hello, dear guests and Red Mode family.
01:09:13We welcome you.
01:09:19We have the pleasure of presenting a new and surprising product.
01:09:23Shall we begin?
01:09:25Very good.
01:09:31Thank you.
01:10:01Thank you.
01:10:07The creation of a perfume is a difficult journey.
01:10:10The design of a presentation like this is even more difficult.
01:10:16In reality, everything is a journey.
01:10:18Which is nothing more than life itself.
01:10:21We don't know the stops.
01:10:24And we will never be sure of what our destiny will be.
01:10:29That's why we want to invite all the women.
01:10:37Bring them.
01:10:48And we invite you to challenge.
01:10:54We want you to leave a mark.
01:10:58Look at that.
01:11:02Impress the men.
01:11:05To end up being unattainable.
01:11:11But without fleeing.
01:11:13But resisting like a citizen.
01:11:17Only those who deserve you must reach you.
01:11:22And well, our dear guests.
01:11:24You will not go anywhere because a great party is coming.
01:11:28He has improvised the end as he always does.
01:11:30Although we review the presentations, he always improvises the end.
01:11:33It's something they always like to do, right Sanem?
01:11:35Good for her.
01:11:36It was excellent.
01:11:39Did you like it?
01:11:40Sanem, I loved it.
01:11:42You did very well, you were perfect.
01:11:44Sanem, you were wonderful.
01:11:49Thank you.
01:11:50Well, it's over.
01:11:51He's crazy, he was wonderful.
01:11:53It was very interesting.
01:11:59It was very emotional.
01:12:05Well done.
01:12:07Thank you very much.
01:12:09I really wanted ...
01:12:12I wanted to congratulate you, Sanem.
01:12:15You said some very nice words tonight.
01:12:18And the improvised ending was great.
01:12:20Yes, thank you very much.
01:12:22And now with all of you.
01:12:24The band of the night.
01:12:26The Whiskas.
01:12:41Jan, Jan.
01:12:42I think I know that group.
01:12:44Aren't they your friends?
01:12:45Yes, they are my friends.
01:12:46Yes, I remember we went to a concert of them.
01:12:49Do you know them?
01:12:50I don't know them.
01:12:56I don't know them.
01:12:57I don't know them.
01:12:58I don't know them.
01:12:59I don't know them.
01:13:00I don't know them.
01:13:01I don't know them.
01:13:02I don't know them.
01:13:03I don't know them.
01:13:04I don't know them.
01:13:05I don't know them.
01:13:06I don't know them.
01:13:07I don't know them.
01:13:08I don't know them.
01:13:09I don't know them.
01:13:10I don't know them.
01:13:11I don't know them.
01:13:12I don't know them.
01:13:13I don't know them.
01:13:14I don't know them.
01:13:15I don't know them.
01:13:16I don't know them.
01:13:17I don't know them.
01:13:18I don't know them.
01:13:19I don't know them.
01:13:20I don't know them.
01:13:21I don't know them.
01:13:22I don't know them.
01:13:23He doesn't know them.
01:13:48There was someone else, now there's someone else
01:13:55I told a mirror before, the reason for this
01:14:03There are days when I got bored of loneliness
01:14:10There were days when I called everyone I knew
01:14:17Now you are here, the world is not in my hands
01:14:25If time flows like water, my everything is complete
01:14:32Now you are here, the world is not in my hands
01:14:40If time flows like water, my everything is complete
01:14:48I sat down and thought to myself and you
01:15:08Where were you before?
01:15:13You made me wait a lot, so that everything in me would be mine
01:15:22I prayed a lot, I wanted this so much
01:15:30There are days when I got bored of loneliness
01:15:38There were days when I called everyone I knew
01:15:44Now you are here, the world is not in my hands
01:15:52If time flows like water, my everything is complete
01:16:00Now you are here, the world is not in my hands
01:16:07If time flows like water, my everything is complete
01:16:30Now you are here, the world is not in my hands
01:17:00Now you are here, the world is not in my hands
01:17:15Jan, do you think we can talk after the party?
01:17:35Help her! Please!
01:17:37Are you okay?
01:17:39I don't know, I feel very dizzy
01:17:41It's better to get her out of here, Jan
01:17:44Calm down, Jan, I'll take care of it
01:17:46No, no, no, I'll go with Jan
01:17:49Well, I'm going too, I can't leave you like this
01:17:53Yes, goodbye
01:17:54It's okay, ma'am, be careful
01:17:57Could you talk, Sanem?
01:18:00Sometimes there is nothing left to give up, sister
01:18:03If you want, I'll take you home
01:18:05I don't thank you, Mr. Emre, but Osman will come for us
01:18:14We are waiting for each other
01:18:22Thank you very much
01:18:24Of course
01:18:35You said give up, you said no, you said forget it
01:18:41When you said you were dead, did you hear the tears in my eyes?
01:18:53The mirrors don't show me
01:18:58So, everything can happen and you can't avoid it
01:19:03You can only let yourself go
01:19:07Once you laugh, life is what happens while we make plans
01:19:14Don't resist, don't protest, accept things and move on
01:19:20When everything changes, we'll be fine again
01:19:26You said you were dead, did you hear the tears in my eyes?
01:19:33You said give up, you said no, you said forget it
01:19:40When you said you were dead, did you hear the tears in my eyes?
01:20:02You said give up, you said no, you said forget it
01:20:32I want things to be ready as soon as possible
01:20:34Since I'll be downstairs, I think we'll see each other very often, Can
01:20:38Yes, don't tell me
01:20:39But it won't be for long
01:20:43Mr. Can will go to work in the Balkans
01:20:46To the Balkans?
01:20:47Yes, they offered him a great job and he accepted it
01:20:53Yes, yes, of course, but you have to keep working here as we agreed, right?
01:20:58Well, you're wrong, Mr. Can, because I made a decision
01:21:05I accept the offer
01:21:07Really? How?
01:21:08Like me
01:21:16Polen, what are you doing here so early?
01:21:23Do I have to be the last to know you're here, Yigit?
01:21:28Good morning to you too, sister
01:21:37Say hello to me, right?
01:21:42My brother lived in Canada
01:21:44Can, I had already told you about him
01:21:46You told me about him, but you didn't tell me he was a teacher in Canada
01:21:49Nor that he wanted to become a publisher in Istanbul, you didn't mention that
01:21:52I just found out about the publishing house, too
01:21:54Dad told me
01:21:55Dad went back to Istanbul?
01:21:57He went to Italy recently, I talked to him on the phone
01:22:00Anyway, that's how our family is, always traveling from one place to another
01:22:04That's great
01:22:05Italy, Canada, England, but it's an international family
01:22:09My family doesn't travel much, we all live here in the same city
01:22:13And the truth is, we never travel anywhere, but you live everywhere
01:22:18So you're Jan?
01:22:19Yes, it's me
01:22:20Jan, the traveler?
01:22:21Polen told me about you
01:22:23But he said you were an adventurous photographer
01:22:25who went into unknown forests and liked the wild
01:22:28Didn't he say you had an advertising agency?
01:22:30Yes, life is full of surprises
01:22:32I didn't imagine I'd end up here either
01:22:34But be careful, he won't stay here long
01:22:38He'll go to the Balkans and buy a forest there
01:22:41And some bears
01:22:44Can I talk to you for a moment, Yigit?
01:22:46Yes, of course, sister
01:22:47But first I want to go to the office with Sanem
01:22:50He officially accepted the job offer I made him
01:22:53We have to talk before he takes the job
01:22:55Sure, where do you want us to talk?
01:22:57Obviously in my new office
01:22:59Very well
01:23:01See you
01:23:02See you
01:23:04Come in
01:23:10Jan, do you want to go get some coffee?
01:23:13Yes, in my office
01:23:21I'm very happy
01:23:22I'm glad you accepted my job offer
01:23:25I knew you would
01:23:26But I didn't think it would be so soon
01:23:29It's the rest area
01:23:32It looks very good
01:23:34And there are the employees' desks
01:23:37I want to explain to you how we're going to work here
01:23:40And what the objectives will be
01:23:42So Polen is your sister?
01:23:44That's right
01:23:45But since we're going to work in the Balkans
01:23:48That's right
01:23:49But as you may have noticed, we don't talk much about that
01:23:52And you don't see each other much either?
01:23:54My sister and I are like a dog and a cat
01:23:57If we fight, we could spend a day without talking to each other
01:24:00But then at breakfast we make up
01:24:02That's not bad
01:24:03When was the last time I saw her?
01:24:05A couple of years ago she went to Toronto for a seminar
01:24:08And last year I went to the book fair in London
01:24:11And that night we had dinner together, I think
01:24:15If we lived in different countries
01:24:17My mother would organize family meals
01:24:21Like the lamb feast or Ramadan
01:24:26For Christmas or things like that
01:24:30Hey, I'm not as disconnected from our culture as you think
01:24:33I take advantage of national holidays to come visit my friends
01:24:37But Polen doesn't seem to be attached to our culture
01:24:40She always has a very indifferent attitude, doesn't she?
01:24:43Yes, well, she...
01:24:44She respects the cultures of all countries
01:24:47She always says that's why she also gets along with Jan
01:24:50Yes, but...
01:24:53For example
01:24:55Do you think Polen would move from London to Istanbul?
01:24:57For saying something
01:25:01No, I really don't think so, it wouldn't make sense
01:25:05I understand
01:25:09It's the office
01:25:10The office is very nice
01:25:13And the plans you have with me
01:25:15I don't know if I'm the right person or if I could do it
01:25:19Of course you can do it
01:25:20What smart editor wouldn't want to work with you?
01:25:23You're the perfect girl
01:25:26Do you really think so?
01:25:27Yes, really
01:25:28You write very well
01:25:30You have a natural talent
01:25:32And you have the experience of the agency
01:25:34You know about advertising, structure and marketing
01:25:36I think you have everything to work in an editorial without any problem
01:25:40When you say it like that
01:25:41It gives me the impression that I can do the job without problems
01:25:44Yes, and that's how you should feel
01:25:47Although our editorial won't be as big as the advertising agency
01:25:50It's a smaller business
01:25:51We'll have one or two editors and an editor
01:25:55An accountant, you and me
01:25:57And maybe a secretary
01:25:59Nothing big
01:26:00Honestly, I'm a little tired of the noise
01:26:03And to see so many people like the agency
01:26:06This place will be more...
01:26:10And I'll be able to read and write
01:26:13And besides, I'm convinced that we'll work very well together
01:26:19Do you want to choose your office?
01:26:21Why not? You'll be the first to choose
01:26:23Very well
01:26:25One, two, three
01:26:27Three brings me luck
01:26:29Do you also like even numbers?
01:26:38Thank you
01:26:45Is this real?
01:26:49I want to ask you something
01:26:52It's a personal question, but...
01:26:55Is there something between you and Jan?
01:26:59That's right
01:27:02It's complicated, actually
01:27:04That's why that attitude, understand
01:27:08I want to focus on my work with you
01:27:12When I leave the agency, I want to come and start working immediately
01:27:18But you can start coming to see how everything works, right?
01:27:22To talk about the editorial plans
01:27:25I hope so
01:27:27Now I have to go and keep working
01:27:30Very well
01:27:31The place is very good
01:27:33Thank you
01:27:34I'll be here
01:27:36Okay, I'll call you later
01:27:38See you later
01:27:39See you later
01:28:08I see you're still sick, Sanem
01:28:12I'm not sick, it's just that I have an allergy
01:28:15Well, you should stay away from things that cause you allergies, don't you think?
01:28:19I wish, but apparently it's not that simple
01:28:25If you finished your morning break, you could focus on the agency's work
01:28:29You know, life goes on and there's still a lot of work to do
01:28:32Not everything revolves around your professional plans
01:28:34So come to my office, please
01:28:50I'm coming, Mr. Jan
01:28:53Sanem, come in, sit down, please
01:28:54I want to talk to you
01:28:56Thank you very much, Mr. Jan, but I don't want to sit down
01:28:58I want to talk to me, I hear you
01:29:00Sit down, please, so we can talk in peace, okay?
01:29:03I understand perfectly, but don't worry, I can hear you perfectly
01:29:08You're very stubborn, Sanem
01:29:11Sit down, I just want to talk to you on a professional level
01:29:14Very well, and I can hear you on a professional level from here, I'm fine
01:29:18I can do it while standing, no problem
01:29:20I want to talk to you about the decision you made about the agency
01:29:23I really don't mean to be rude, but this is ridiculous
01:29:26How are you going to change your profession at this point?
01:29:29You have to think about it
01:29:30Do you also reconsider your ridiculous decision to change your profession?
01:29:34Hey, you don't have to say that my decision is ridiculous just because I said yours isn't
01:29:38Don't be silly, your decision is ridiculous, but mine isn't
01:29:41I'll go back to my old profession, something I did very well
01:29:45But you're leaving a job that you really do very well
01:29:48To jump to a sector you don't know
01:29:50It's a shame after having done a very good job here
01:29:53Yes, the truth is a shame
01:29:55Because I have sacrificed a lot for this relationship
01:30:00And I have made a lot of effort for this agency
01:30:03And yes, it's a shame that it ends like this
01:30:06I have also made a lot of effort, don't you think?
01:30:08I have also sacrificed
01:30:10That's why I'm disappointed
01:30:14You're leaving with a stranger you just met
01:30:16Does this seem normal to you?
01:30:18It's a guy who hit you with the car, who goes around without noticing, running over cats, dogs
01:30:22And he's going to roll everything that crosses his path
01:30:25It's like the evil sorcerer from the movie we saw
01:30:28With his long white beard
01:30:30He talks to you kindly to convince you that he is good and thus be able to manipulate you
01:30:33But then when you least expect it, he will hurt you
01:30:36Again and again, and he will end up turning into a demon
01:30:39He's the bad guy from the movie
01:30:40My decision is made
01:30:42When I leave, you won't see me again
01:30:44So you won't feel disappointed anymore, goodbye
01:30:46Shannon, Shannon, wait a minute
01:30:48Come here, please
01:30:49Stop it now, let me
01:30:50Can you wait a moment? There are people looking at us
01:30:51Come here to the blind spot so they don't see us
01:30:53We're already professionals looking for blind spots
01:30:55Shannon, please calm down, I just want to talk to you calmly
01:30:57While you're here, I want you to reconsider your decision
01:31:00Think about it, do you want to, Shannon?
01:31:02I made a decision and I won't change it
01:31:07Shannon, listen to me
01:31:09You recently promoted to editor and you're not ready for this yet
01:31:13You have talent, but you lack experience
01:31:16Thank you very much
01:31:17You still have a lot to learn
01:31:19I understand
01:31:20You mean I have a lot to learn from you, right?
01:31:23Shh, let me finish talking
01:31:25Let me finish talking, not just about me
01:31:27But about everyone, about Deren
01:31:29About the artistic directors too, of course
01:31:32And about your colleagues, because...
01:31:34I'll be leaving soon
01:31:36I'll also be leaving soon
01:31:38In fact, I'll be leaving in a couple of days, it's something I've already decided
01:31:41Shannon, I'm the boss, do you understand?
01:31:43You're the employee hired here, we're not the same
01:31:45There's a big difference between us, don't you understand?
01:31:47The truth is you're abusing your power, Jan
01:31:49I'm not abusing anything, it's the reality
01:31:51It's the facts, Shannon
01:31:52It looks like you're taking advantage of your position to influence my decision
01:31:54I say what I think because I'm your boss, but you're not a boss
01:31:56So you can't do the same as me
01:31:58You have to work here 15 more days
01:32:00Whether you like it or not, I'm sorry, but that's how it should be
01:32:03Sorry to interrupt you, Mr. Boss
01:32:05It's 13 days, not 15
01:32:06I resigned two days ago
01:32:08So 15 minus 2 is 13
01:32:10I have 13 more days
01:32:11Very well, you're right
01:32:12I wasn't counting those two days
01:32:1413 or 15, I don't care
01:32:15You have the obligation to stay working that long
01:32:19Do you realize you're an employee?
01:32:20Yes, I'm an employee
01:32:21And I'll keep coming until the last day
01:32:23Don't worry
01:32:24Can you stop protesting and start working?
01:32:26That's what I want
01:32:27I want to go to work, but
01:32:29I can't because you insist on me arguing and wasting my time
01:32:33Then leave
01:32:34Yes, I'm leaving
01:32:35Yes, do it
01:32:38You don't have to repeat it
01:32:42Attention, attention, there will be steps, I'm passing
01:32:45I'm passing, I'm passing, I'm passing
01:32:47I need you to let me pass
01:32:49What is this?
01:32:50What's going on?
01:32:53Make a side, please
01:32:56What are you doing?
01:32:58Slowly, slowly, very good
01:32:59Right, right, right, right
01:33:01Yes, very good, like that
01:33:02Little by little, carefully
01:33:04Hey, hey, you're crushing me
01:33:06JJ, JJ, get out of there, JJ
01:33:09JJ, get out of there
01:33:11I'm out
01:33:12Very well
01:33:13Guys, I need you to pay attention to me for a moment
01:33:17Let's see
01:33:18Everyone sees the blackboard, right?
01:33:20Very well
01:33:22These are the days that I stay working in this company
01:33:29Do you all see it?
01:33:31In thirteen days, I will stop working in this agency
01:33:36How many days will be left tomorrow to leave?
01:33:39Twelve days
01:33:40Isn't that right, JJ?
01:33:41Twelve days
01:33:42Yes, twelve
01:33:43Now let's move on to the most important thing
01:33:45The day after tomorrow, I will have eleven days to leave
01:33:48Is that clear?
01:33:49Keep in mind that this is counted until the time of departure
01:33:52That's easy to understand
01:33:54Very good
01:33:55Well, listen to me carefully
01:33:57During the next few days
01:33:59If you want to ask me something, come see this blackboard
01:34:02And you will be able to find out if I am available on the days
01:34:05But I don't want to listen
01:34:07I don't know how this is done
01:34:09Give me a format sheet
01:34:12Give me a clip
01:34:13Give me a ruler
01:34:14There are no more pencils
01:34:16Where are my sunglasses?
01:34:18Yes, exactly
01:34:19My lipstick?
01:34:20I have an appointment
01:34:21Give me your lipstick
01:34:23I don't want to hear any of that
01:34:24I hope you have understood
01:34:26Very good
01:34:27Very good
01:34:28Very good
01:34:29Sanem, thank you very much
01:34:31Bring the documentation of the tire campaign to my office
01:34:34At your service
01:34:38You still have thirteen days here
01:34:42Bravo for me
01:34:44Bravo Sanem
01:34:45Yes, go
01:34:47Very good
01:34:48We can't go back
01:34:49From what I see here...
01:34:50But I knew it was three days
01:34:52You shut up
01:34:54According to our study, most customers trust this brand
01:35:01Sanem, what do you mean by most?
01:35:03I think you should speak more precisely
01:35:0672% is more than half
01:35:09If it were, 52% would also be more than half
01:35:13But no, for you everything is the majority
01:35:15I left all the figures on your desk
01:35:17If you had read them, you wouldn't have to ask me what I meant by majority
01:35:21Oh, sorry
01:35:22Excuse me
01:35:23I suppose you were busy preparing your suitcase, am I wrong?
01:35:27I already told you that I don't prepare suitcases
01:35:29I'm not like you, who tries to do several things at the same time
01:35:32I'm focused on work these days, as I've always done
01:35:36But like you, I also have to think about my future
01:35:39Do you understand me?
01:35:40That's why when Jiggy...
01:35:41Let's not mention that name, okay?
01:35:43Look, I don't care what you do when you finish your day at work
01:35:47You don't have to explain anything to me, do you understand?
01:35:50But in the data I asked you, there is only information about 5 years ago, right?
01:35:55We need the previous ones
01:35:57But you said that was enough
01:35:59Well, I realized that the previous ones are also important
01:36:02So it will be better if we have them all
01:36:04Now it turns out that the previous data is also important
01:36:07That doesn't make sense
01:36:08You are the boss, so I'll do what you ask
01:36:11Very well, I'll take care of looking for the previous documents
01:36:16And I'll get the data from there
01:36:18Very well
01:36:19I will continue with my work
01:36:22It will end soon
01:36:26Hi Jiggy
01:36:27Hi Sanem, are you available?
01:36:29Yes, yes, I'm not busy
01:36:31What's going on? Tell me
01:36:33I have two questions
01:36:34The first is, where can I order good food to bring it to the office?
01:36:38And the second is if you want to eat with me
01:36:40So we can talk about the publishing house
01:36:44Well, there are many restaurants that distribute food in this area
01:36:49Mr. Jan, can I see this?
01:36:50Of course, it's fine
01:36:52Yes, there is no problem
01:36:55I will come down at lunchtime if I don't waste time at work
01:36:59I'll see you in a while, okay?
01:37:00Very well, great
01:37:01I'll wait for you and we'll choose a restaurant
01:37:03Very well
01:37:04Give this to Demi
01:37:05See you later
01:37:08When can I read the first pages of your novel, Sanem?
01:37:11Even if it's just a paragraph
01:37:13I'm very interested
01:37:15It's very soon
01:37:16And I've only done a few notes
01:37:18When the agency ends
01:37:20And you can join me
01:37:21You will be the first to read it, I swear
01:37:23I feel very fortunate
01:37:24I also write and I know how difficult it is to do it
01:37:27I mean, organize the ideas, express them
01:37:30And feel safe enough to allow someone else to read it
01:37:34Yes, letting others read what you've written is the most difficult part
01:37:38Because it's private and requires a lot of courage
01:37:42There are people who never allow you to publish what you write
01:37:45I don't want to do that
01:37:47I want people to read me
01:37:49But I'm also shy
01:37:51Until you overcome that shyness
01:37:53We can talk as editors and not as writers
01:37:56Let's talk then about the books we will publish
01:37:59About the design of the covers, about what will go on the back covers
01:38:02Those things
01:38:03Of course, we have to start somewhere, right?
01:38:06The text of the back cover is an interesting topic
01:38:08Did you know that editors are the ones who write that?
01:38:11And I'm a kind of editor
01:38:14I think I could do it well
01:38:16Are you sure you don't want sushi?
01:38:18Um, no
01:38:20I like pitas more
01:38:22I'm sure you like tea more than coffee
01:38:27That's right
01:38:28I like tea more
01:38:30Very good
01:38:33After eating, I'll make you a tea with my own hands
01:38:38Uh, thank you very much
01:38:40But my lunch time is about to end
01:38:43I have to go
01:38:44Don't worry, I'll pick it up
01:38:46Because I have a task for you
01:38:48As editor-in-chief
01:38:50We have three possible images for a book
01:38:53I'm going to send them to you by email
01:38:55Check them, please, and tell me what you think
01:38:58I'm interested in your opinion
01:38:59Very good
01:39:00I'll check them when the computer is in the office
01:39:03I don't know where I left my things
01:39:05I'm sure they're on my new desk
01:39:07See you
01:39:08See you
01:39:14Mr. Chan
01:39:15I brought you some work
01:39:17It's the color scale you asked for
01:39:19Thank you, but I asked for it more than an hour ago
01:39:22Yes, but I left
01:39:24Well, I wasn't outside, I was downstairs
01:39:27Oh, I understand
01:39:29Are you telling me that you're giving me the job
01:39:31that you have to do right now?
01:39:34Is that it?
01:39:35But of course it's not that
01:39:37It's my lunch time
01:39:38and I can go eat wherever I want, right?
01:39:41Technically, yes
01:39:45Do you have the file for the tires campaign?
01:39:48Not yet
01:39:51Because we have until tomorrow
01:39:53at night to deliver it
01:39:55And I want it to be perfect
01:39:56I'm still working on it
01:39:57You want it to be perfect?
01:40:01The posters for the chocolate company were supposed to arrive today
01:40:03Did you bring them?
01:40:05I sent you the digital ones by e-mail
01:40:07Is that a problem?
01:40:08No, there's no problem
01:40:09I'm just wondering if you can solve everything you need to do
01:40:12before leaving the agency
01:40:13because I don't think so
01:40:14Or that you'll come to work at the agency
01:40:16at your lunchtime when you're in the office?
01:40:18You're so funny
01:40:19I still have 13 days left here
01:40:21I'll take care of everything I have to do
01:40:23I want to leave without leaving any unfinished business here
01:40:25Sorry, I have to answer
01:40:26You always do the same
01:40:29Yes, tell me, Polen
01:40:32Your scarf?
01:40:35No, I don't see it
01:40:36Have you seen your scarf?
01:40:37Why are you looking for it?
01:40:38Maybe you dropped it
01:40:39Can you look back there?
01:40:41No, I looked well and I don't see any scarf
01:40:43It's not here
01:40:44No? It's not here
01:40:45Maybe you left it in the taxi we took
01:40:47Where did they go?
01:40:48Very well, I'll see you later
01:40:51Sorry, what did you say?
01:40:52I said I'll take care of everything
01:40:54So don't worry
01:40:55I wonder what your future plans are
01:40:58Don't tell me
01:41:00I guess you have to get out of here
01:41:02You have to run away with Polen
01:41:04as if you were running away from something
01:41:05I'll be on the ground floor, close to here
01:41:07But what will you do?
01:41:09What? Are you going to run the agency being so far away?
01:41:12I can take care of my own problems, Salem
01:41:14Exactly, take care of your problems and not mine
01:41:18Did you send the images to the manufacturer?
01:41:20It's ready, we already sent it to the client
01:41:22And the color scale of the tires?
01:41:24It's ready, it was sent to the printer
01:41:25We have to work on the campaign of the chocolate company
01:41:28But that's annoying
01:41:29Yes, I'll take care of that
01:41:30I also want to participate, that's why I'm telling you
01:41:33Do you want to try the chocolates?
01:41:36Come and try them, here they are
01:41:38They are very good chocolates
01:41:39The company sent them
01:41:41Here, take this
01:41:43Try it
01:41:46In the Balkans you can buy elegant and colorful scarves
01:41:50Yes, here you go
01:41:55Do you think this is okay, Sanem?
01:41:57These data are not correct according to the last report we received
01:42:01That's because these are the past and here are the new ones
01:42:06We have to focus on work
01:42:10Good afternoon
01:42:14How did you get here?
01:42:16By the stairs
01:42:19You love to arrive when they call you
01:42:21Sanem, I would like to ask you something, can we talk for a minute?
01:42:25Yes, of course
01:42:26No, you can't, no, no
01:42:28We are working on a campaign, don't you see?
01:42:30We have all the material on the desk
01:42:32Yes, we are reviewing documents that we have already reviewed a million times
01:42:35It is the review of the review, as you can see
01:42:38This is an advertising agency and this is campaign material
01:42:41We have to review what we do many times
01:42:43Let me interrupt you
01:42:45But from what I've seen, Sanem is a very responsible person
01:42:49Nothing will distract her from her work, not even a two-minute conversation
01:42:53About the editorial
01:42:54Exactly, Mr. Jan, you review the report
01:42:57If you find an error, take note and when you review it again
01:43:00Tell me you don't believe everything this guy says, Sanem
01:43:02If you find something wrong
01:43:03He tells you those things to convince you
01:43:05If you find an error, let me know even if there is none
01:43:07We're supposed to do this together, Sanem
01:43:09Excuse me
01:43:10Yes, get out
01:43:11Sanem, hey!
01:43:13It will be difficult for you to accept that you will no longer be in the agency
01:43:16Yes, well, we should all get used to it
01:43:20I don't want to cause you any trouble
01:43:22In fact, I called you on the phone, but you didn't answer
01:43:24Oh, I left the phone on my desk while I was meeting with Jan
01:43:28But if I do my job and I don't delay, there's no problem if we talk
01:43:32Well, I want to show you something
01:43:34Do you remember the designs I sent you by email?
01:43:37Well, I better print them
01:43:38I thought it would be better if you saw them
01:43:40Let's see if you can think of something
01:43:42The sea and you, highway...
01:43:43The one on the left is very nice
01:43:45But in my opinion, the one on the right is more attractive to the reader's eyes
01:43:50The orange color tells us that the story is full of energy
01:43:54Unlike the blue color that shows that the characters in the novel have a melancholic character
01:44:00It seems to me that in the orange the composition is much more harmonious
01:44:04So the character finds the harmony at the end of the novel
01:44:08Sanem, you're fantastic
01:44:10I'm already waiting for the day to start working with you
01:44:12I hope it's as soon as possible
01:44:14What are you going to read me?
01:44:15It would be great
01:44:17Meeting of the creative team
01:44:18Will there be a meeting of the creative team?
01:44:20I'll take care of organizing
01:44:21Let's go
01:44:23Come on, Deryn, hurry up, please
01:44:24Well, I have to go back to school, then we'll go
01:44:27Are you sure?
01:44:28Will there be a meeting of the creative team?
01:44:29Do not believe
01:44:31Poland comes here very often, just like his brother
01:44:35First, we will create the color scale of the campaign
01:44:38Yeye, you take care of that
01:44:39Okay, Mr. Jan, as you say
01:44:41That's all for today, you can go
01:44:44Thank you very much, Mr. Jan
01:44:45Only Sanem and Deryn are left
01:44:46There I go again
01:44:48You wait
01:44:49Let's eat
01:44:50Let's work, come on
01:44:52Very good
01:44:53Deryn, I want to review the list of pending tasks in case Sanem still has things to do
01:44:58Maybe you have to work extra hours
01:45:00Extra hours, why?
01:45:01For the tires campaign
01:45:03And we still have to choose the posters
01:45:05But I already did that
01:45:07That's right, Jan, and I reviewed it
01:45:09And since you've been reviewing everything twice lately
01:45:11I did it and sent it to the client this morning
01:45:13Very good, then we must review the text
01:45:15I already did it
01:45:16And the images for the press, are they done?
01:45:18Jan, that's already done
01:45:19What do you mean they already did all that? When? Do not tell me
01:45:22After working on the Red Mode campaign, we were very motivated and we are working very well and very fast
01:45:28It's done
01:45:29Well, very good job, congratulations
01:45:31Well, then today I finish my schedule to work at the agency
01:45:35If there is no pending work and I do not have to do extra hours, I would dedicate myself to my personal things
01:45:40Of course, we have nothing urgent pending
01:45:44Very good
01:45:46Who is it?
01:45:48Tell me mom
01:45:49Your mother
01:45:50Did you invite Osman to dinner?
01:45:52Very good, I agree, I'm going
01:45:54No, I won't be late, see you later
01:45:56Can I go now?
01:45:57Yes, of course
01:45:58Have a good time with your personal things
01:46:00This agency should be called Double Review
01:46:10Thank you for watching!
