I Hit on This Cosplayer and Scored, But the Next Day, a Drab Colleague of Mine Was…

  • 2 months ago
I Hit on This Cosplayer and Scored, But the Next Day, a Drab Colleague of Mine Was…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00My name is Seiya Watanabe, 25 years old, and I'm an introverted office worker who loves watching anime.
00:07On my days off, I attend nerdy events and even take photos of cosplayers, but I have a junior colleague.
00:15Seiya! The documents you asked for are ready!
00:19Hey, are you alright?
00:22I'm... I'm sorry! I'll pick them up quickly!
00:26I'll help too, though there's a mistake here.
00:30What? I'm so sorry! I'll fix it right away!
00:35She is my junior colleague, Haru Tanaka.
00:38She's pretty clumsy, often tripping over nothing and making frequent copy errors.
00:43However, she seems to have a lot of determination.
00:47She always asks when she doesn't understand something and keeps detailed notes.
00:52Seeing her trying her best, I can't help but want to support her.
00:56Hey, hey! Did she goof up again? Is she planning to finish work in that state?
01:01She's doing her best too. Could you not interfere, Charao?
01:05He's Charao Yabasugi, a colleague who is good at his job and constantly teases Haru for her clumsiness.
01:12You're not actually sweet on her, are you?
01:16But seriously, you shouldn't. Someone as plain as her?
01:20I've had a super cute girlfriend since my university days, you know?
01:25He's always bragging about himself, but I want a girlfriend too.
01:30Well, calm down. I'll teach you some good things too.
01:34Good things?
01:36Cosplay events!
01:38Huh? You're into anime, Charao?
01:40No way, man!
01:43Then why?
01:45I saw this really cute cosplayer at Tokista the other day.
01:49I looked it up, and it seems like there are a lot of other cute girls there too.
01:54So, I'm planning to go try my luck and pick someone up.
01:58Cosplay events aren't meant for picking people up, you know?
02:02If you don't want to go, it's fine. I'll go alone.
02:06Ugh. He's not the type to listen to reason, is he?
02:09But if I let him go unchecked, he might annoy the cosplayers.
02:13Someone needs to stop him.
02:15Alright, I'll go too.
02:18It's a deal. Just don't be late on the day, okay?
02:24As promised, a few days later, I went to the cosplay event venue with Charao.
02:29However, no matter how much he approached people, he was being ignored.
02:34I spent my time either stopping Charao or apologizing to the cosplayers.
02:39One hour later...
02:41Why isn't anyone paying attention to me? I'm so handsome!
02:45People aren't cosplaying just to get picked up. Maybe it's time to give up.
02:50Shut up! I thought having you with me would make my coolness stand out!
02:55I'm just playing the supporting role.
02:58It's your fault I'm not succeeding. Go buy me a drink as an apology.
03:03Alright, alright.
03:06Alright, I've bought the drinks. I need to get back soon.
03:11Hey, are you okay? She's incredibly beautiful!
03:16Hm? What's wrong?
03:18N-no, it's nothing. I'm just... I'm not feeling well and I think not eating or drinking during cosplay is taking a toll.
03:27That's not good at all! Please, have this!
03:31Thirty minutes later...
03:33I'm feeling much better now.
03:36That's great to hear!
03:38Thank you so much! Is there anything I can do to thank you?
03:43If there's anything I can do, please don't hesitate to ask.
03:47Anything? What should I ask from this beautiful girl?
03:51Oh, I know!
03:53Well then, could you give me your phone number?
03:57Wait, this sounds like I'm hitting on her!
04:00I'm sorry! Your cosplay was so amazing that I wanted to know about your next activities.
04:05Or even if it's not possible to exchange contact information, maybe we could just walk around the venue together?
04:14That's right! I apologize for being forward. Wait, what just happened?
04:20I said sure.
04:22So, which request are you agreeing to?
04:28I'll give you my contact information, and we can explore the event together!
04:33Really? Finally, I have a woman's contact information!
04:37What are you doing? You're late!
04:40Ah, Charao!
04:42Who's this beautiful lady? You weren't trying to hook me up with the cute girl, were you?
04:47No, that's not what I was...
04:49You're doing quite well, considering you! So, how about a date with me?
04:54I'll pass.
04:57I already have a prior arrangement... with him.
05:03Well, let's go!
05:05Wait, you're not getting away!
05:07Wait, is he really chasing after us?
05:10Looks like we've finally shaken him off.
05:15So, what should we do now? Well...
05:18By the way, I haven't introduced myself yet.
05:22I was a bit flustered. My name is Seiya.
05:26I'm Naru Hakata. Please call me Naru.
05:31Naru? It feels like I've heard that name somewhere...
05:36Hmm... I can't seem to recall. Maybe it's just my imagination.
05:42I-Is that so?
05:45Why does she look disappointed? Also, her voice feels familiar...
05:51Well, let's be careful not to get separated. First...
05:55Oh no...
05:57Already getting swept away by the crowd?
06:00Naru, please hold on!
06:05We're really close! I-I'm sorry! I'll back off right away!
06:10P-Please wait!
06:12Should we hold hands as we walk around?
06:16It's easy to get separated in this crowd, and it would be safer.
06:23I never thought a day would come when I'd be holding hands with such a beautiful girl!
06:28Afterward, we explored the venue together.
06:31We discovered that we shared similar anime interests, and even had the same favorite cosplayers.
06:36We went around taking photos of each other and the cosplayers together.
06:41By the way, what made you decide to start cosplaying?
06:45I admired anime characters.
06:48Well, in the beginning, things didn't go smoothly.
06:51I had no money, no knowledge, and couldn't prepare proper costumes.
06:56But there was a person who praised my cosplay.
07:00Even though I couldn't do much, I'm still cosplaying today because of that person.
07:06Wow! There's such a wonderful person out there!
07:12Well, I can't talk about this hobby with the people around me, though.
07:18Why is that?
07:19Back in college, my classmates found out and teased me about it.
07:24So now, I keep this hobby a secret from everyone.
07:29It's suffocating to have to keep something I love a secret, but...
07:33There's no other choice.
07:36I think you're admirable.
07:39I've never tried cosplaying or anything, but I know the preparation is a lot of work.
07:44It's something you can't do without a passion for anime and the characters.
07:48So, no matter what anyone says, I think your hobby is wonderful!
07:55Thank you!
07:56She's really cute!
08:00A few hours later...
08:02Today's event was fun!
08:04And thank you for offering to escort me to the station.
08:08No problem! I had a great time today, too!
08:11Well then...
08:12Oh, right!
08:14We didn't exchange contact information, did we?
08:17Are you really willing to exchange it?
08:20Of course!
08:22Today was enjoyable, so...
08:25Ask me on a date next time, okay?
08:30Well then, I'll be waiting for your message!
08:33Her reaction just now...
08:35Does that mean she's interested in me?
08:37Could it be that I've finally found a cute girlfriend?
08:45Wait, where's my phone?
08:48Please, please, just turn on!
08:52My phone!
08:56The following week...
08:59I got a new phone, but the most important thing...
09:02Her contact information disappeared!
09:05Seriously, my luck is terrible!
09:08Good morning!
09:10Good morning! You seem to be in a good mood today!
09:13Of course!
09:15After all, we had a great time together the other day, didn't we?
09:21When are you going to message me?
09:25I mean, Mimi.
09:27Wait, you're Naru?
09:30Just realized now?
09:32Try rearranging Hakata Naru and see what you get!
09:37If you rearrange it, it's Haru Tanaka!
09:41That's right!
09:43But why didn't you message me?
09:45I was waiting.
09:47My phone broke afterward.
09:49I got a new one, but I lost your contact information.
09:52That must have been tough.
09:54Well then, let's exchange again!
09:58All right, there we go!
10:00So please ask me on a date next time, okay?
10:03Uh, yeah.
10:05I can't believe it was really Naru.
10:07I have so many questions, but it's not a good time to ask at work.
10:11I'll have to save it for later.
10:14After work.
10:15Shall we go home together?
10:17Uh, yeah.
10:19Actually, there's something I wanted to ask.
10:21You hid your cosplaying hobby because you were teased in college, right?
10:26So why did you act in a way that would give it away to me?
10:30Because you said my hobby was admirable.
10:33I thought that even if people found out I was cosplaying, they wouldn't make fun of me.
10:38Of course.
10:39What I said back then was truly how I felt.
10:42So can we talk about our hobbies and stuff from now on?
10:46I've never had anyone to talk about my interests.
10:50If you're okay with me, I'll always be there to talk.
10:53Thank you!
10:55So, on our next day off, can you spare some time?
10:58I want to prepare for the upcoming cosplay event.
11:01Of course, that's fine.
11:05And so, on the day off...
11:07Sorry to keep you waiting!
11:10This is Haru in casual clothing!
11:13She's so pretty!
11:15So, shall we go?
11:18Wouldn't you hold my hand?
11:22It's a date after all.
11:24Is it okay?
11:26A d-date?
11:28Isn't it a date?
11:30I was really looking forward to going out with you.
11:34Then it's a date!
11:35Let's hold hands!
11:38Thank you!
11:39She's way too cute!
11:42Afterward, we enjoyed shopping together while holding hands the whole time,
11:46even though it was mainly just for cosplay event preparations.
11:50Is this a wig specialty store?
11:53Yes, we use them when we can't achieve certain looks with our natural hair.
11:58By the way, Seiya, what kind of anime character hairstyles do you like?
12:03Sidetails, and I like blonde hair!
12:06I like the same!
12:08Wait here for a moment, okay?
12:12A few minutes later.
12:14Sorry for the wait!
12:15That hairstyle!
12:17I tried it on!
12:19So, what do you think?
12:21It's pretty!
12:22Haru, you look beautiful in any outfit after all!
12:28I'm happy to hear that!
12:30When I get praised by you, it motivates me to work even harder doing our regular job!
12:35I see!
12:37Well then, I'll keep complimenting you!
12:40True to my words, I started complimenting Haru more at work.
12:44In response, she became even more dedicated to her job!
12:47Thanks to her efforts, a few weeks later, we achieved great results!
12:52We found great success in a major project thanks to you, Haru!
12:57It's all thanks to you who always kindly teaches me!
13:02Thanks to you, this notepad is now filled!
13:06I've always been clumsy and often not lived up to people's expectations.
13:11But because you complimented me, I felt motivated to work even harder!
13:16So thank you!
13:17Her determination is truly admirable!
13:21Hey, hey! Are you two official now?
13:24You again!
13:25So, what about that girl you were with the other day, Saya?
13:29Oh, it's you!
13:30So you probably got rejected, right?
13:32She was so pretty too!
13:34What a waste, huh?
13:35That's none of your business!
13:37And Haru is a valuable employee here, don't say rude things!
13:42Let's ignore this guy and get back to work.
13:45Oh, wait!
13:47I'm sorry.
13:49Because of me, I've made you to go through unpleasant moments.
13:54Don't worry about it.
13:55Besides, I know what's wonderful about you.
13:58It doesn't matter what others say.
14:01Actually, I should apologize.
14:03If I were more capable, I wouldn't be subjected to those comments.
14:09Shall we try it then?
14:11Try what?
14:13Of course I mean a way to get back at Charo!
14:17What is Haru thinking?
14:21Several days later...
14:23I'm looking forward to today's cosplay event especially!
14:28It's that pretty girl from last time!
14:32Not you again!
14:34To run into each other in a place like this must be fate!
14:37This time, we should...
14:39More pick-up lines?
14:41It's unbecoming!
14:42Cut it out!
14:43The voice...
14:44Is Saya, isn't it?
14:46Don't interrupt!
14:48Wait, who are you?
14:51It's Saya!
14:52No way!
14:54It's true!
14:56I'm Haru!
15:00Today I'm happy to be with you!
15:02I always thought that you would look great in cosplay too!
15:05You look so cool!
15:07You look stunning in your cosplay too, Haru!
15:12Ignoring me and being all lovey-dovey!
15:15Actually, if this guy can do it, then I can do it too!
15:19No, I can do it even better!
15:21I've got better looks!
15:22You should be with me instead of this guy!
15:25I refuse!
15:26I'd never want to be with someone who has no love for cosplay!
15:32I really like Saya!
15:36I can still cosplay today because of Saya!
15:40I told you before that there was someone who encouraged me when I first attended a cosplay event.
15:46That person was you, right?
15:50I had a feeling I'd heard your cosplay name somewhere, and it was you!
15:54That day, your words really encouraged me.
15:58Since that day, I've worked hard to figure out how to get people's attention.
16:03After joining this company, I miraculously ran into you again!
16:07I was drawn to your kindness at work, and that's how I ended up liking you.
16:13I feel the same way!
16:16I also really like you, Haru!
16:19No matter how many mistakes you make or how clumsy you are,
16:23I've always wanted to support you until the end!
16:26I found your enthusiasm for your hobbies really cute,
16:29so please be my girlfriend!
16:32Yes, of course!
16:35Rejecting me is absurd!
16:37I'll find a girl much prettier than you!
16:40Hey, you!
16:42You've been bothering the cosplayers and causing trouble, right?
16:46We've been receiving complaints from the participants!
16:49Leave the event premises immediately!
16:55Afterward, Charo was caught by his girlfriend for approaching women left and right,
17:00and she dumped him.
17:01Rumors spread at work, and no one wanted to be involved with him anymore.
17:06And then, we started dating.
17:08We continued to attend cosplay events together, but...
17:11Can I take a photo with you?
17:13Of course!
17:15No way!
17:17What do you think you're doing taking a photo with someone else right in front of your girlfriend?
17:23You're my boyfriend, you know?
17:25If you're taking photos, I don't want it to be with anyone other than me!
17:31Then, how about a picture of you two?
17:33That's perfectly fine, too!
17:37Come on, Seiya!
17:39Since we're here, let's take a picture like a couple!
17:42Uh, yeah...
17:44My girlfriend is just too pretty!
