• last year
Lud, zbunjen, normalan - 166. epizoda (S6E22): https://dai.ly/x91ernc (Sledeca epizoda)
Lud, zbunjen, normalan - 164. epizoda (S6E20): https://dai.ly/x91ern8 (Prethodna epizoda)


00:00I'm not a fool.
00:02I'm not a fool.
00:04I'm not a fool.
00:06I'm not a fool.
00:08I'm not a fool.
00:11Oh, Mentor.
00:13I need a beer,
00:16and a little bit of rakija,
00:18and then a little bit of gemisht.
00:23Yes, Kufa?
00:25Can you get me a glass of tomarak?
00:27No, I don't have it.
00:28I don't want to give it to you.
00:29I have to find a way to earn money, man.
00:33But how?
00:35It's the hardest to earn the first 10 marks.
00:37And after that, up to a million.
00:39That's easy.
00:40See what the papers say.
00:41They say the temperature tomorrow will be 40 degrees in the cold.
00:46Then we should avoid the cold.
00:48Yes, smart.
00:49What else do they say?
00:50They say they'll collect the papers by tomorrow.
00:53They'll collect the papers?
00:55Yes, this week.
00:58Wait a minute.
00:59Stop, stop, stop.
01:01Why should I stop?
01:02I just took a piss.
01:03It's been half an hour.
01:04Mentor, you just gave me an idea of how to earn money.
01:07A lot of money.
01:11God forbid if I know what I said.
01:15This is Bosnian.
01:16I don't understand a thing.
01:17Read it, man.
01:18I can't see it.
01:25Look, this is a recording break.
01:27He's not doing anything.
01:28He's just thinking about her.
01:29He's more depressed than the whole time he was in Europe.
01:32What's he doing all day?
01:34Running around.
01:35He's not getting up.
01:36He's just looking at the billiards and thinking about her.
01:38I'm worried about him.
01:39Maria has never been like this.
01:52How charming.
01:53Ears and moustache.
02:19Is it true?
02:20Is it true?
02:21Is it true?
02:22Is it true?
02:23Is it true?
02:24Is it true?
02:25Is it true?
02:26Is it true?
02:27Is it true?
02:28Is it true?
02:29Is it true?
02:30Is it true?
02:31Is it true?
02:32Is it true?
02:33Is it true?
02:34Is it true?
02:35Is it true?
02:36Is it true?
02:37Is it true?
02:38Is it true?
02:39Is it true?
02:40Is it true?
02:41Is it true?
02:42Is it true?
02:43Is it true?
02:44Is it true?
02:45Is it true?
02:46Is it true?
02:47Is it true?
02:48Is it true?
02:49Is it true?
02:50Is it true?
02:51Is it true?
02:52Is it true?
02:53Is it true?
02:54Is it true?
02:55Is it true?
02:56Is it true?
02:57Is it true?
02:58Is it true?
02:59Is it true?
03:00Is it true?
03:01Is it true?
03:02Is it true?
03:03Is it true?
03:04Is it true?
03:05Is it true?
03:06Is it true?
03:07Is it true?
03:08Is it true?
03:09Is it true?
03:10Is it true?
03:11Is it true?
03:12Is it true?
03:13Is it true?
03:14Is it true?
03:15Is it true?
03:16Is it true?
03:17Which of the two?
03:22What is this, you fucking Cuf?
03:24Business my friend, business.
03:26How? You started working as a journalist?
03:28Well, kind of.
03:29Do you remember what you said to me yesterday?
03:32Hey Cuf.
03:34Don't forget, you have to give my money back on Friday.
03:37But not that, friend. Not that.
03:39But that you are going to collect daily news.
03:42Well, I read that in the newspaper.
03:44See, now you understand what I was thinking?
03:46I don't get it.
03:47See, you don't get it.
03:49Listen, tomorrow he's going to collect the daily news.
03:52I went today and bought the whole newspaper at today's price,
03:55and tomorrow he's going to go like a half-wit.
03:57That's a safe job for you, huh?
03:59What do you say?
04:01Hey, where's the old man?
04:03He never asked for a nose.
04:05He's looking at the billiards.
04:07A little bit of billiards, a little bit of Senad in the picture.
04:09Look, I've been thinking about something.
04:12I think I have an idea of how to get him out of the house.
04:14What's the deal?
04:16Something that could even pay me off.
04:24Fuck, I don't have a deal.
04:26I have the cheapest newspapers, 20 pennies,
04:28but no one buys them from me on the market.
04:30I know what the problem is, Kufa.
04:33Do you remember what that first man told you?
04:37These are the newspapers from yesterday.
04:39There's no news that 20 pennies are cheaper.
04:40These are the newspapers from yesterday, Kontoš.
04:42That's right.
04:44That's what Viseňa told me and I offered them to him.
04:46Kufa, newspapers are like cans.
04:48They last a long time.
04:49Come on, please, don't talk.
04:51Do you see what a piece of shit, man?
04:53It's nice for me to come and bite my own hand off.
04:58But you know what, Kontoš?
05:00What, Kontoš?
05:01Do you see this camera?
05:03I don't see it.
05:04What do you mean you don't see it when it's in front of your nose?
05:07I see the box and the camera is in the box.
05:10Okay, you're right when you're right.
05:12I didn't ask the right question.
05:14Okay, so the camera is in the box.
05:17Well, I guess if it's not in the box,
05:18then there's a job for the police.
05:21Listen, nothing is being used at the moment, right?
05:24No camera, no light, no sound,
05:27the whole equipment is useless.
05:29Okay, so what?
05:30And listen,
05:31I'm counting on asking Faruk to sue us,
05:34and you and I will take action, huh?
05:36What do you think, does Faruk want to give us the equipment?
05:39Why wouldn't he?
05:40When he's standing there, he's useless.
05:42We'll give him a rating,
05:43and you and I will do the commercials.
05:45What do you mean, commercials?
05:46Well, yeah.
05:50all kinds of commercials,
05:52all kinds of commercials,
05:54musicals, commercials,
05:56What do you think?
05:57Hey, intellectuals, there you are.
05:59I need you.
05:59Come down and do something for me.
06:01Uh, for the hunt or for who?
06:03For who?
06:04Well, you see, Maria,
06:05it's not okay for you to constantly
06:07engage in
06:09who, you should be paying us for something.
06:17I have to tell you something about myself.
06:20if someone works for me for the hunt,
06:22there's always a chance I'll make them.
06:24Right, mentor?
06:25That's right.
06:27if we agree that you work for me for the hunt,
06:29I'll tell you the truth,
06:30I can make you.
06:31If we agree that you work for me for the job,
06:33you know, you're protected like a bear.
06:35I can't make you in any way.
06:37now you'll see how you'll do it.
06:39That makes sense, huh, mentor?
06:40We don't want to work for free anymore.
06:43Well, yeah.
06:44So, we've decided.
06:46Come down and do it for me.
06:47Come on.
06:48And this is what you get for stealing.
06:50When you know that the employer can't make you do it.
06:52Let's go.
06:55Let's see what's new.
06:58Oh, expensive newspapers.
07:00Dear God,
07:01these newspapers have become so thin,
07:04expensive and stupid.
07:06You've got a thick, thick sock.
07:11It's just a sign of a cold or a fever.
07:15That's your mother, he's not up yet.
07:17My dear,
07:18I can't dig my socks for days because of him.
07:22Grandpa, he's right about me.
07:23He's worried about me.
07:24He looks like he's gone mentally.
07:26And you,
07:26you don't seem to care about him.
07:28Nothing will happen to him.
07:32let me tell you, grandpa,
07:33he was born
07:35with teeth.
07:36He had a toothache.
07:38He was all over me.
07:41Just like I had a Rottweiler,
07:43not a baby.
07:44Here we are,
07:45back from the park.
07:47Jamica, son, let's go.
07:48Society doesn't suit us here.
07:51What is he doing here,
07:52the sun is shining.
07:54What's wrong with you?
07:54Why are you acting like a vampire?
07:56I don't want to.
07:58Who let him in the house?
08:01here, I'll tell you who let him in the house.
08:05The sun is shining.
08:08Hey, stop.
08:09Now just a little bit to the left,
08:11and it'll be fine.
08:14No, not like that.
08:16Both of you to the left.
08:17I helped him to the left.
08:19I helped him to the left.
08:20I don't count anything.
08:21To my left is to this side,
08:23and to the mentor's left is to the other side.
08:26You don't touch anything now.
08:32move your
08:35What do you mean, Mario?
08:36The right is to the left.
08:37Make up your mind.
08:39Come on.
08:40Oh, stop.
08:41It's good.
08:42There you go.
08:44can we get a drink now,
08:45when we've already installed this table?
08:49A drink.
08:52did I pay you for taking this table?
08:56You didn't.
08:57I didn't.
08:58So there was no business transaction between us, right?
09:02No, there wasn't.
09:03So I didn't owe you anything?
09:05No, you didn't.
09:07I didn't.
09:08Now tell me,
09:09what reason do I have to give you a drink?
09:13Is that logical?
09:14If you put it like that,
09:16then it's not.
09:18But you have sticks,
09:19you have balls,
09:20and you can freely,
09:22on my account,
09:23play for an hour,
09:25time, billiards,
09:26and a drink.
09:27It's dark.
09:29Because he's not a nobleman.
09:30Well done, Mario.
09:31Are you an old lady?
09:32A real lady.
09:35Kufa, do you know how to play this?
09:39Wow, a billiards table, huh?
09:42I told you I have a plan how to get Faruk out of the house.
09:45You know what, maybe he'll fall in.
09:46Now I'll tell him,
09:47that I have to run out of the house,
09:49because he's gone mad,
09:50and I'm waiting for him to calm down.
09:51We can have coffee here, huh?
09:53Yes, yes.
09:54I'm really glad that the two of us
09:56got to know each other.
09:59How long haven't we seen each other?
10:01I don't know.
10:02Maybe 20 years.
10:05What about you?
10:07Well, nothing, standard.
10:09What about your date?
10:10Happily divorced.
10:12And some journalist Diko?
10:15You know what, I'm not sure.
10:17I recently got involved in a relationship,
10:19and it didn't end well.
10:20I know one gentleman,
10:22who I'm making for you.
10:24I don't know.
10:31I don't know if I need that right now in my life.
10:34Okay, okay.
10:35But if you change your mind, I will.
10:38I'm going to test the situation a little,
10:40to see where he's at right now.
10:47When did you get out of bed, huh?
10:48I went to the bathroom twice,
10:50once light,
10:51the second time heavy reason.
10:53Well, you can't do that,
10:55you have to rub a little,
10:56so I don't know.
10:57Why don't you go somewhere?
10:58Why don't you go to Dubrovnik for May 1st, huh?
11:00I can't, I have so many plans.
11:02Man, May 1st is the day after tomorrow.
11:04I told you, I can't, I have so many plans.
11:06Well, go down to Marija's in Sanremo.
11:08What am I going to do there, I know everything.
11:10I don't know, Marija got that table for billiards.
11:12Shut up.
11:13Oh yeah, instead of lying and watching billiards,
11:15you go to Marija's, drink beer,
11:17and play a game of billiards, huh?
11:20I can't, I hate it.
11:23Dad, I have to see if Izet has calmed down,
11:25I have to talk to him about something important.
11:26And you,
11:28get up from there,
11:29go to Marija's for a beer,
11:30and play a game of billiards, did you hear me?
11:31Well, leave me the picture.
11:37have you calmed down, huh?
11:39Eh, good,
11:40ah, ah,
11:40put down that stove, come on.
11:45Maybe Damir is right,
11:48I should go to a game of billiards.
11:51I'm calm,
11:54I'm completely calm,
11:55but if you continue this topic,
11:59no matter what you do with that stove,
12:01I'll call you something else.
12:04you have to be realistic, reasonable,
12:06I mean, I know everything.
12:07I know you can't see her with your eyes,
12:09I know she'd rather suffocate her,
12:11but accept the fact that she's Grandpa Jebra.
12:13What do you expect from me?
12:15No one wants you to love her,
12:17but you have to establish a normal human relationship with her,
12:20and in the end, do you love Jebra?
12:22Well, I would give up on all of you for Jebra.
12:26Well, then do it for him,
12:28he wanted it, he didn't want it, she's his grandma.
12:31You're right,
12:32I have to do it for Jebra.
12:34Of course you have to.
12:35It's like it's the child's fault,
12:37that's why Grandma broke up with him.
12:39I'm begging you, call her in the morning,
12:41and bake it nicely with her.
12:44I need to drink something to calm down.
12:47Do you think it's easy to be such a reasonable man,
12:51like me?
12:55Ustov, Faruk, and Osho.
12:58Oh my God,
13:02this couch looks weird without him.
13:14This cafe is like a decompression chamber.
13:20As soon as I come in, I relax.
13:22Oh, look, look,
13:24she really got a billiard table.
13:26Hello, Raya, what's up?
13:28Where are you, Rukvas,
13:29here's the mentor in his pants.
13:30What's the mentor going to do?
13:32Well, Rukvas, it's better than I am.
13:34He didn't get a single ball in his ass for half an hour.
13:37Well, what's he going to buy?
13:39Give me something for the master to play a little.
13:42All right, Rukvas, all right.
13:43Listen, it's good that you came,
13:45we have that mentor and I have something to ask.
13:47All right.
13:48Rukvas, you won't believe it,
13:49but Kovu has a great idea for a business.
13:52Look at him, he's playing with a stick.
13:59Here's one for you,
14:01not bad.
14:06You see, it can't fall in.
14:10Oh, my people, who is it now?
14:13Hello, Izete.
14:15She was passing by here,
14:16so I said, let me jump on your coffee.
14:19You two, give me the camera.
14:21I didn't burn my head.
14:23Well, we wouldn't just give you the camera, Rukvas,
14:24we'd take all the equipment, too, right?
14:28What, you want to shoot videos?
14:30Well, Rukvas, the equipment is not used at the moment,
14:32it's in the studio.
14:33Listen, we'll find a job ourselves,
14:35we'll shoot, we'll edit,
14:36and in the end you'll get your 50%,
14:39There's nothing to lose.
14:41I'm afraid I don't have anything to get.
14:45All right, come on, the camera is upstairs,
14:47it's in the studio.
14:49Listen, we're going to keep it,
14:50who's going to get it?
14:52All right,
14:53find serious clients and the camera is yours.
14:56But, listen, don't let me see you tomorrow
14:59shooting spots for some piljars,
15:02granapes, čapčinice,
15:04kašunare, only serious clients.
15:07100% Rukvas, only serious clients.
15:09Oh, look at him playing, huh?
15:11He's got it.
15:12As if he's a little more relaxed.
15:14Wait, does he even know how to play?
15:16Well, of course he does,
15:17he just touched a ball.
15:19Hey, we need to praise him,
15:21as if he's the best,
15:22to get his self-confidence.
15:23Come on, let's go.
15:24Rukvas, you're going to pay for all of this,
15:27you won't regret it.
15:28Mentors, leave the billiards, let's go.
15:30Where are we going?
15:30To look for a sick client, come on.
15:36You're a good player.
15:39You think?
15:40You can tell right away that he's a good player.
15:42You know what, I haven't played in years,
15:44I've oxidized a little,
15:46but I've always been good at billiards.
15:48Well, it's obvious, you know,
15:49you've been watching him for a long time.
15:50I have, I even learned some tricks on TV.
15:55Look, Mare.
16:04Give me a beer.
16:05Here comes the beer, Faruk,
16:08excellent, excellent play.
16:09I won't throw it anymore.
16:11This billiard is really good for me.
16:16So, you have no one?
16:18Well, I don't,
16:20I don't have anyone,
16:21I had someone in the relationship,
16:25it turned out that that woman
16:27drinks so much,
16:29just like that.
16:31Why do you ask?
16:32These days I came across one of my old acquaintances.
16:36I drink coffee with her,
16:37so I'm just thinking about
16:39how you and she would be a good couple.
16:42Is she younger?
16:43Yes, she is younger.
16:44She's a little younger than you.
16:46I have a bad experience
16:48with those blind dates.
16:50Well, try it.
16:52It doesn't cost you anything.
16:53You see, she goes, she goes,
16:54she doesn't go, she doesn't go, and...
16:55I can't.
16:56As soon as I drink this billiard,
16:59I still have problems with her.
17:01If you change your mind,
17:02you have my number.
17:05She's in, mother, she's in.
17:07She shouldn't come when there's such a big crowd around.
17:10Mentor, leave the billiards,
17:13I found us a job.
17:14What did Kufe drink?
17:15Listen, a guy will come now,
17:16he has a billiard club.
17:18Like Omarija?
17:19Fuck, like Omarija, a serious billiard club.
17:21He has two tables, man, it's dark.
17:23There's no light.
17:24There's light, but it's dark.
17:26A good billiard club, that's what I'm telling you.
17:27Okay, Kufe, and?
17:28Now he's going to come,
17:29and he wants us to shoot an ad for him,
17:31so he can broadcast it on local TV, you know?
17:33Kufe, Faluki said
17:35that we can't shoot a billiard club ad for him.
17:39We need to find serious clients.
17:41I know, but how will Rukvaž know if we don't tell him?
17:44We'll just give him his 50% in the end,
17:46and he'll be happy, right?
17:49Here he is.
17:50Goran, we're here.
17:53Hello, Kufe.
17:56I'm talking to the mentor,
17:57how we agreed on the spot.
17:59Let's sit down.
18:04I have to say, you two don't give me much confidence.
18:08Do you want to know that?
18:10What do you mean, do we want to know?
18:12It's a piece of cake for us.
18:13We've been working since...
18:14Listen, what is the exact activity of your billiard club?
18:18I'm begging you, Marjan, I'm begging you,
18:20don't torture me with Faruk.
18:22I have to.
18:23Senada, you're wrong.
18:25He's crazy about you.
18:27He loves you.
18:28I don't love him, I just...
18:31You love him.
18:32He loves you.
18:33I'm begging you, what's the problem?
18:35I don't know, Marjan, I can't with him.
18:37I can't.
18:38He's irresponsible, childish.
18:40Sometimes I think he's not normal.
18:42Okay, forget it.
18:43But look,
18:44what's childish sometimes?
18:46It changes.
18:47Believe me, Faruk is working on himself.
18:50He's getting serious.
18:51He's done a series,
18:52he'll soon start filming a sequel.
18:54Senada, I'm begging you,
18:55give him another chance.
18:56I don't know, Marjan, I really don't know.
18:59I don't know if I have the guts to deal with it.
19:01You do.
19:05I have to go.
19:18Senči, I...
19:26Bye, Faruk.
19:34Wait, wait, wait.
19:37How can you be so stupid?
19:39What's wrong with you?
19:42I just talked to her.
19:44I don't know what to tell you.
19:45I don't know either, Marjan.
19:47I'm not smart.
19:50Take it easy, you'll see.
19:51It'll all come back to you.
19:52You think so?
19:53I do.
19:54Just make sure you don't do your stupidity.
19:56A woman is a full cup of your stupidity.
19:58Marjan, give me a beer.
19:59I need something to drink.
20:04the one who plays billiards in a spot,
20:06he really has to know how to play.
20:08Do you understand?
20:09Do you know how to play billiards?
20:11Well, a little.
20:12I was the champion of Bosnia and Herzegovina three times.
20:15Twelve times I was the champion of the Serbian canton.
20:19I'm sorry, but you know how to play.
20:21I know, man.
20:22Last year I was second place
20:23in the European Championship in Helsinki.
20:26Fuck it, it would be better if you were first.
20:30But let's see how much it will cost me for the hunt.
20:34Look, Goran.
20:35As far as the hunt is concerned,
20:37to be honest,
20:38we can't accept doing it for less than a thousand marks.
20:41Unless you offer less.
20:50The one who sits there with our intellectuals.
20:52What is he doing with them?
20:54He must be doing something extremely smart.
20:57Who is he to you?
20:58He went to school with me.
21:00Marija, do you know how much I cried?
21:04He is one of those who are the main ones in paradise.
21:07He was the best at everything.
21:09The best at football.
21:10The best at skiing.
21:12He rode a pony bike a kilometer behind him.
21:15Marija, he mistreated me wherever he went.
21:19I still have a trauma from him.
21:21Marija, do you know what he called me?
21:25And when he was in a good mood, do you know what he called me?
21:29He never called me by my name.
21:31I even had a coat, you know.
21:33He bought it for me.
21:35He is a direct culprit,
21:37because I only have half a building in my life, Marija.
21:42He put a value on you.
21:47I saw it a little while ago with Senad.
21:49You saw it?
21:50I have a sore throat.
21:52I can't speak.
21:54Shut up. I know everything.
21:56Do you know how you will cure the inferiority complex?
21:59You have to prove to yourself that you are better than him in something.
22:03In anything.
22:06Word for word.
22:07Fly, fly, fly, fly.
22:09Just to be better.
22:10Do you think so?
22:11One hundred percent.
22:12It was a long time ago when he was dominant.
22:15When you went to school.
22:17Here he is.
22:18Go if you want.
22:20See you.
22:22I guarantee you,
22:23in five minutes of conversation with him,
22:25just don't let him provoke you,
22:27you will impose yourself as a dominant,
22:30high-quality person,
22:32You will see.
22:35Come here!
22:38Yes, boss.
22:40What are you two doing with Goran?
22:42A job, Luka.
22:43Kufa arranged the first job for us.
22:45A job with Goran?
22:46What is he?
22:47He is...
22:48How do you call him?
22:49What is he?
22:52Director of what?
22:54Of what?
22:57Something important.
22:58How do you call him?
23:00Marketing director of a telecom company.
23:03We listened to you.
23:04No pills,
23:05no restaurants,
23:06no kebabs.
23:07Just serious clients.
23:08Maria talks so much about me
23:09that I can be better at nothing than him.
23:12He is a director.
23:13Telecom marketing director?
23:17You see, we can also sit together without any bloodshed, like a real family.
23:27When it comes to my ass, I'm ready for anything.
23:31I didn't get it, what was it?
23:33Great, that's really nice of you.
23:35Now, have a nice cup of coffee and have fun, and I'll bring you something to finish.
23:47He's right, Damir.
23:49If we can't have a romantic relationship anymore, there's no reason not to be friends.
23:55Are you for one maximum?
24:00Why not? Friends.
24:03It didn't turn out bad, did it?
24:04What do you mean it didn't turn out bad? It turned out great.
24:06You're playing billiards in the blue sky, congratulations.
24:09I just made an account.
24:11Man, how do you play billiards?
24:13On the first try, all the balls went into the hole.
24:16Do you know what I'm going to do to you now that I know the rules?
24:18I'm going to hit you, just like that.
24:20We're going to return the equipment, see you later.
24:22Let's go.
24:27Hey, Rukas!
24:28We finished this, so we're going to return the equipment.
24:31Take it easy, don't break anything.
24:33We won't.
24:34Take it easy.
24:39Oh, Kenyans!
24:41Where are you, Kenyans?
24:46What's up?
24:48You left me something.
24:50You look really bad.
24:51Listen, Goran, I have my name.
24:53Don't you think it's time for you to call me by my name?
24:56You have a name, what's it called?
24:59No, no, Fikret.
25:01Faruk, I know it's something like that.
25:03But I love Kenyans a lot, bro.
25:06Tell me, are you still the same?
25:09Or are you even more confused now?
25:12Goran, maybe those phobias could have passed
25:15in elementary and middle school,
25:17but now it really doesn't matter.
25:20What doesn't matter, bro?
25:21I'm acting completely normal.
25:23Come on, bro, let's have a beer, Kenyans.
25:26You're not saying anything to your friend.
25:28What's new with you on the emotional level?
25:31Well, there is.
25:32On that level, everything always goes well with me.
25:35Like under a blanket.
25:38Do I know why?
25:40I doubt it.
25:42That's a par excellence, lady.
25:46Lady, you know, extra.
25:49You certainly don't have anyone.
25:51I'm really sorry.
25:54Of course I have.
25:56You see, you remembered me well.
25:58I really forgot to arrange a meeting today
26:01with a wonderful gentleman.
26:04Don't tell me.
26:05Yes, he's an extra fine gentleman.
26:08Not like some.
26:10Hey, Rose.
26:12Yes, I'm free tonight,
26:14so I'd like to arrange a meeting
26:16with that wonderful gentleman we talked about.
26:19I'm really glad you changed your mind.
26:22You won't make a mistake.
26:23Don't worry about a thing.
26:25I'll call him now to see if he can come tonight.
26:28Yes, and I'm sorry I dragged him in for so long,
26:31but business is business.
26:34Come on, bye.
26:36He's a wonderful gentleman,
26:37but I just didn't have time to meet him.
26:40Well, he's just an ordinary...
26:43lucky guy.
26:45I'm glad you have someone like that.
26:48What do I have?
26:52Here it is.
26:56Tell me, darling, I'm listening.
26:58I just talked to my acquaintance.
27:01Listen, she's really interested in meeting you.
27:05You won't make a mistake, darling.
27:07She's the one who was created for you.
27:09Of course I can, tonight,
27:11for such a wonderful day.
27:13I'm always ready.
27:15Then I'll see you tonight at exactly 9.
27:21We can have another drink,
27:23and then I have to go.
27:26Such a wonderful lady can't wait.
27:29I can't wait either.
27:30I have to get ready for this gentleman of mine.
27:40Oh, man,
27:41you have to prove to yourself
27:43that you're better than him at something,
27:45at anything.
27:46Do you understand?
27:47Shut up.
27:48Come on, let go.
27:57Let's have another drink,
27:58just to make you feel better.
28:01I've had enough of this Kenjac.
28:04Believe me, it's disgusting.
28:06It's a habit, man,
28:07what's wrong with you?
28:08Come on,
28:10I suggest we do something,
28:12and if you get me,
28:13I promise,
28:14I'll never call you Kenjac again.
28:17to be fair,
28:18I have to tell you what I do.
28:20Don't get cocky,
28:21don't get mad,
28:22the mentor and the boss told me
28:24what you do,
28:25and who you are,
28:26and what you are.
28:28the billiard doesn't count as an option.
28:31Why doesn't it count?
28:33Because the mentor and the boss told you
28:35that I'm a phenomenal billiard player,
28:37so you can't.
28:39I can't,
28:40I can't,
28:41it's better for you,
28:42I mean...
28:46You can't, huh?
28:48I can, man,
28:49I can,
28:50I just don't know
28:51if it's fair.
28:52I know what you're like,
28:54you'd choose something
28:55you're better at than me,
28:56so you get me.
29:00or nothing.
29:03Here's the stick.
29:07You didn't tell me
29:08what to do
29:09if I lose.
29:11If you lose?
29:14I have an idea
29:16what you could do
29:18if you lose.
29:27admit it,
29:28you're not here by chance.
29:30You came to see
29:32if he's here.
29:34He is.
29:35I don't know,
29:36I really don't know
29:37what to do.
29:38Let go of your heart,
29:39that's what you should be doing.
29:42when I'm with him,
29:43sometimes I feel
29:44like I'm with a man,
29:45sometimes with a boy.
29:46You only know
29:47how he knows
29:48to be completely infantile.
29:51let go of that.
29:52That was Faruk once.
29:54Faruk now
29:56is filming a series,
29:57he's getting serious.
29:58You can't recognize him,
30:00believe me.
30:01I don't know.
30:02I really don't know,
30:03because I don't know.
30:05I'm going to the bathroom.
30:07Come on.
30:11we're so elegant.
30:13Do you have a date?
30:15Oh no,
30:16is it that obvious?
30:19only if you bring it to me.
30:21Come on,
30:22who's the lady?
30:23I don't know,
30:24but the information
30:25I'm getting,
30:26they're promising.
30:30what are you doing here?
30:32I'm here to see
30:33if you have a date.
30:35A date?
30:39what are you doing here?
30:41I told you
30:42I have a date
30:43with that fine gentleman.
30:45And you?
30:46I also have a date,
30:47but not with the gentleman.
30:49I have a date
30:50with that lady
30:51I told you about.
30:52A lady,
30:53par excellence.
30:54Instead of coincidence,
30:56we have a date
30:57at the same time,
30:58at the same place.
30:59What are you going to do,
31:00little Ruzo?
31:01Do you want to have a drink
31:02while we wait?
31:04Just don't let
31:05her be uncomfortable
31:06when she comes,
31:07my beautiful lady.
31:08She's sickly,
31:10she doesn't have
31:11a gram of salt.
31:13What would be uncomfortable for me?
31:15My former basketball player,
31:21you're going to cry.
31:22You're throwing in
31:23tricks all the time.
31:24Do you want some wine?
31:28He's looking at the money,
31:30an eight in the corner.
31:33What's up, Kenyans?
31:35Looks like your mother
31:36ate your tongue, huh?
31:39you're all
31:41all of a sudden.
31:43Well, I'm glad
31:44Kufa and Mento told you
31:45what I'm doing.
31:47I think it's time
31:48to finish
31:49our business now.
31:51It looks like
31:52you don't have this one.
31:54The real lady
31:55is always late,
31:56about 15 minutes,
31:57nothing unusual.
31:59But she doesn't even have this one.
32:01She's waiting for it.
32:03I'm sure she's got something
32:04for him,
32:05something very, very important.
32:08how's it going?
32:09Did you find him?
32:11Why are you holding that bouquet?
32:13Why don't you give it to him?
32:17What happened?
32:18What's the problem?
32:19You two are great
32:21for each other.
32:22I didn't hit you, did I?
32:23He doesn't give a shit.
32:27I've decided.
32:28If you think
32:30he's serious,
32:31we'll give him another chance.
32:33Well done.
32:34You won't regret it.
32:41Or I won't give you
32:42another chance.
32:48let's do it four more times.
32:50This is going on YouTube tonight.
33:01The Daily News
33:03Hey, did you see that?
33:04The Daily News
33:05recorded an incredible sale.
33:07Managers are considering
33:08a significant increase
33:09in the circulation
33:10in the Sarajevo canton.
33:11I know that, Maria.
33:12I know what's going on.
33:14It's a long,
33:16long and fantastic story.
33:18Hey, Rukovaš!
33:20Hey, you idiot!
33:21Where did you get the money
33:22to buy the daily news?
33:24Don't worry, Rukovaš.
33:25I sued them.
33:26Who did you sue?
33:28don't give me that
33:29judgmental tone anymore.
33:30What is that?
33:31At the time,
33:32it was like
33:33a real job,
33:34like insurance.
33:35As far as I know,
33:36in every business,
33:37there is some kind of
33:39And what,
33:40you couldn't predict
33:41that no one would be interested
33:42in yesterday's news?
33:44I didn't.
33:46what did he do?
33:47He heard he was going to
33:48buy the news
33:49and he bought
33:50the entire circulation
33:51to sell it tomorrow.
33:52He thought
33:53he was doing something.
33:54Who did you sue?
33:55I told you
33:56not to worry.
33:57Don't worry,
33:58they are our friends,
33:59trusted people.
34:04Hi, ma'am.
34:06Is that idiot
34:13Billiard club,
34:16how I'm shaking.
34:23you said you were
34:24doing a TV show?
34:26you see,
34:28that wasn't
34:29completely true.
34:30You said
34:31you were doing
34:32a TV show,
34:33and you made
34:34a show
34:35for a billiard club,
34:37And what is
34:38completely true now?
34:41the truth is
34:42that we made
34:43a show,
34:44but it's not true
34:45that we were
34:46doing a TV show.
34:47Thank you,
34:49that's it.
34:51you young people,
34:52you don't know
34:53how you got me
34:54into this shit.
34:55We didn't,
34:57we made a bad show.
34:59300 marks.
35:00300 marks?
35:01And how many discs
35:02did you spend
35:03while you were
35:04filming this?
35:08Do you know
35:09how much a disc costs?
35:10I know,
35:11about 100 marks.
35:12You young people,
35:13come here,
35:14100 marks
35:16a ticket.
35:17Where are you going?
35:18Okay, boss.
35:20I think
35:21this show
35:22wasn't worth it.
35:24we gave it
35:25a positive rating.
35:27my healthy,
35:31In the
35:32age of
35:34a man
35:35gets ill,
35:36I can't
35:38help him,
35:39then he
35:42for treatment,
35:45for treatment.
35:47you want,
35:48you go
35:49for treatment.
35:51I plan
35:58I will
36:04you have
36:06my dear
36:07my ribs,
36:08you have
36:10be strong,
36:14is required,
36:16all recipes
36:17are in
36:19Let me live, I just want to survive
36:23A little bit of sadness and happiness, life won't wait
36:28Let me live, I just want to survive
36:33A little bit of fear and pain, life barely hurts
