When I Lost My Job and Became Homeless, the Former Badass Female CEO Took Me In…

  • 3 months ago
When I Lost My Job and Became Homeless, the Former Badass Female CEO Took Me In…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00How am I supposed to live from now on?
00:04My name is Ryu Nakamura, 25 years old.
00:08Until recently, I was just an ordinary office worker.
00:12Ryu, listen to me.
00:14I made a huge mistake earlier.
00:18Is it okay?
00:20It might not be okay.
00:23What should we do if it turns into a major issue?
00:28Ryu, please.
00:30Just a little, could you cover for me?
00:32If you do that, my punishment will probably be lighter.
00:36Uh, yeah, okay.
00:39After covering for my colleague Akita's mistake in front of everyone, I started feeling uncomfortable
00:45at work.
00:46Eventually, I decided to resign voluntarily.
00:50Well, I always thought this job wasn't really suited for me.
00:55That's okay.
00:56It's tough not having a place to live since it was a company dorm.
01:00What should I do from now on?
01:03Hey, isn't that Ryu Nakamura over there?
01:07Oh, uh, Anne?
01:08What are you doing here?
01:11This person is Anne Miura, the CEO of a business that my former workplace has a partnership
01:19She became the CEO at a young age and is quite famous in this town for her natural beauty.
01:26I just came here to do some shopping.
01:28Ah, I see.
01:30But more importantly, what are you doing here?
01:34What's with that big bag?
01:36Uh, well, um, the truth is, I'm a bit uncomfortable around her.
01:45What's with you?
01:47You're saying you can't tell me why?
01:49No, no, no, absolutely not.
01:52I'll talk.
01:53It turns out the CEO used to be a delinquent.
01:58I see.
01:59Well, as for finding a job, you can do that later.
02:02The problem now is that you have nowhere to live.
02:06Yeah, that's true.
02:08Oh, I just had a good idea.
02:12If you don't have a place to live, just come to my place.
02:17What's wrong?
02:18Don't want to?
02:19No, I don't mind.
02:22Then it's settled.
02:24Let's go right now.
02:25Why is this happening?
02:29This is my apartment.
02:30Come on in.
02:31Geez, it looks like a place a celebrity would live.
02:36I've been really busy with work lately, so it's a bit messy.
02:40Hope you don't mind.
02:42Right, you're a CEO after all.
02:45You must be really busy every day.
02:48A bit messy?
02:50This is way more than a bit.
02:53I'll make some tea for you, so have a seat.
02:56Um, where are the cups?
02:59I think they were buried around here somewhere.
03:02Cups being buried?
03:03What kind of situation is this?
03:06Um, excuse me.
03:08Please let me clean up.
03:11Thirty minutes later.
03:13Wow, you're amazing.
03:15Are you a genius or something?
03:17I've been living on my own for a long time, so I'm good at household chores.
03:22If it's okay with you, I can even cook meals.
03:26An immediate response.
03:29It's ready.
03:30It might be a bit bland.
03:33You're definitely a genius, aren't you?
03:36Oh, that's an exaggeration.
03:38It's just something ordinary.
03:40Please eat it while it's hot.
03:42Yeah, let's dig in.
03:44Her voice is so loud.
03:47This is amazing.
03:50What is this?
03:51It's incredibly delicious.
03:53You really are a genius.
03:55Wow, I've never seen her smiles like this before.
04:00Um, may I ask you something?
04:04What is it?
04:05Why are you trying to help me out?
04:08Honestly, we didn't talk much at work, did we?
04:13You don't need a reason to help someone.
04:15While it's true we didn't have much interaction, we did work together at least once.
04:20I can't just ignore it.
04:22She's so cool.
04:25She was highly regarded by her subordinates at her own company, but I guess this is why.
04:32Uh, well, I'll find a place to live and a new job soon.
04:36Until then, I'll stay here.
04:38Sure thing.
04:40And so, I ended up living together with the CEO, Ann Miura, former delinquent.
04:47Ah, I can't sleep.
04:50So much has happened and I'm wide awake.
04:53Besides, it's my first time staying at a woman's house.
04:59Did I just hear a noise?
05:04I-I feel like she's staring at me intensely.
05:08It's kind of awkward, so I'll just pretend to be asleep.
05:13Already asleep?
05:14That's quick.
05:15But still.
05:19You're really cute.
05:21Good night.
05:22See you tomorrow.
05:24Wh-what was that just now?
05:26There's no way I can sleep like this.
05:31In the end, that night, I couldn't get any sleep and morning arrived.
05:36Good morning.
05:37Uh, g-good morning.
05:39What are you doing? Get ready quickly. We're leaving.
05:43Huh? Where are we going?
05:45Your new workplace.
05:49So, starting today, we have Ryu Nakamura joining our company.
05:53Please get along with him.
05:55S-thank you.
05:57I can't believe I'm gonna work at her company.
06:00For now, I'll do my best not to tarnish her reputation.
06:05However, I thought...
06:08Huh? It seems like everyone is looking at me.
06:12I mean, what's the deal with that guy and Anne?
06:16Isn't it weird for him to join at such a random time unless he has connections?
06:22True. It's demotivating.
06:25This might be a tricky situation.
06:28It's alright, Ryu. You haven't done anything wrong, so stand tall.
06:35I appreciate your work, and that's why I brought you in here.
06:38Don't worry. Just keep looking ahead.
06:43Hey, you guys.
06:45I don't believe it, but you aren't thinking that I hired Ryu through connections, are you?
06:50Y'all should know that I hate those underhanded tricks the most.
06:54If you have time to gossip about others, you better work harder.
06:58Otherwise, he might take your position.
07:01That's right. Now that I think about it, even though I used to think of her as a scary person,
07:06she praised me the first time we worked together.
07:09She genuinely pays attention to people, and she's sincere.
07:14Feeling happy that the president had acknowledged me, I worked tirelessly from then on.
07:20Gradually, other employees began to acknowledge me as well.
07:25I was rude when you joined. Sorry.
07:28I apologize too.
07:30Don't worry about it at all. I'm happy to work here.
07:33Good, good.
07:35She works hard at the company, but at home, she's still the same as ever.
07:40You can bake cake? You're not just a genius, you're a god!
07:45I'm glad you like it.
07:47By the way, it's amazing that you can have a whole cake after dinner.
07:52I have a separate stomach for desserts.
07:55Huh? You...
07:57There's cream on your face.
07:59You got it while making it. Here, it's gone now.
08:04She... she smells really nice.
08:08What's wrong, turning all red like that? Are you a child or something?
08:12P-please just let it go.
08:15She's still such a heart-pounding person.
08:20After a month of living like this,
08:23she said she had a business dinner today, but she's pretty late.
08:29I thought I'd wait for her to come home, but maybe I should just go to sleep.
08:34I'm back!
08:36Hey there, Rue! I'm back!
08:38Hm? Are you asleep?
08:41Oh no, I missed the timing to wake up again!
08:44You always look so cute when you're asleep.
08:47I've got a great idea!
08:51Whoa, why is she giving me a lap pillow?
08:54When you're this cute, I just want to do anything for you.
08:59How about a little kiss?
09:02Huh? W-wait a minute!
09:05Oh, come on!
09:07If you were awake, you should have said something, you!
09:11She's in such high spirits.
09:14Could it be that she was also tipsy the last time I pretended to be asleep?
09:20I found an opening!
09:24Haha, I got your cheek!
09:27What are you doing?
09:30What's the matter? You should be honored to be able to be kissed by me!
09:35My first kiss was...on the cheek.
09:39Hey, hey! If you're awake, how about having another drink?
09:44There's a special wine in the fridge.
09:46I'll get it for you!
09:52No, it's too quick to fall asleep!
09:55Are you the protagonist of a certain cat-shaped robot anime or something?
09:59Vue amon!
10:01This is no time for jokes!
10:04C-come on! You should also remove your makeup!
10:07Such a hassle!
10:10Could you remove my makeup for me?
10:15There's makeup remover in there. Please.
10:20Why am I doing this?
10:23Ah, she usually looks so cool.
10:26But when she removes her makeup, she looks pretty.
10:30Wait, what am I thinking?
10:33But if she's showing me her bare face, maybe that means she's opened up to me?
10:39If that's the case, I'd be really happy.
10:45However, at that moment, I realized something important.
10:49I didn't understand a thing about the president.
10:53The next morning.
10:55Hmm? Who is it?
10:57Ann, it seems like someone's here.
11:02I can't eat anymore.
11:06No good. She's in a deep sleep.
11:08I'll go instead.
11:12Oh, wait. Are you due by any chance?
11:15Yes, I am.
11:17Nice to meet you. My sister always talks about you.
11:20I'm Satoshi, her younger brother.
11:22Huh? Your younger brother?
11:25She has a younger brother?
11:28I've heard a lot about you from my sister.
11:33She says you're a cute guy who is like me.
11:36Indeed, her brother. He does resemble me a bit.
11:41I see. I get it now.
11:44She was kind to me because I resembled her younger brother.
11:48She was just projecting her own brother onto me.
11:54I'm sorry. Please come in.
11:56I can't stay here anymore.
11:59I left her house with my belongings.
12:02I couldn't shake this uncomfortable feeling.
12:05Fortunately, I received my salary.
12:08I'll stay in a business hotel for now.
12:11Afterward, of course, I received relentless calls from her.
12:15And it seemed like she wanted to talk to me at work, too.
12:19But even I don't understand why I left her apartment on my own.
12:25Huh? Aren't you Akuta?
12:28What are you doing here?
12:30Oh, you! Good timing!
12:33I came here because I need to talk to you.
12:37You know, after you left the company, it was casually brought up.
12:41But she got really mad at me.
12:44She got mad?
12:46She who?
12:48The CEO of this place we had a meeting with.
12:51In front of everyone, she shouted at me not to speak ill of you.
12:56And after that, I felt uncomfortable at the company and decided to quit.
13:03Hey, dude.
13:05Could you do me a favor and talk to that CEO here?
13:08So that I can work at this company, too?
13:11Honestly, I can't stand working at the place where that person shouted at me.
13:16But it's for the money.
13:18I'll endure it, so...
13:22I see.
13:24So, in other words, the fact that the president got mad means you've been talking about me to everyone.
13:30Honestly, I kind of sensed it even when we worked together.
13:34That feeling of being looked down upon?
13:36But I didn't really care.
13:38However, I can't work with someone who makes fun of someone I admire.
13:43Like Anne.
13:44Please leave.
13:47Didn't you hear me?
13:48I said leave.
13:50And never mention her name again.
13:55What's your problem, dude?
13:57Ryu, you can raise your voice like that?
14:01I finally caught you.
14:03I'm not going to let you get away this time.
14:05Come over here.
14:06Why did you leave the apartment without saying anything?
14:09Can you explain?
14:11I... I don't even know myself.
14:13My feelings...
14:15I've been wondering why you helped me.
14:18And then when I saw your younger brother, it just clicked.
14:21And I somehow understood.
14:26I think you were just treating me well as a replacement for Satoshi.
14:30I felt sad for some reason.
14:32Before I knew it, I had run away.
14:35Ah, I understand now.
14:38I think I've fallen in love with her.
14:44You idiot.
14:46Don't go misunderstanding things and disappearing from my sight.
14:50I helped you because I really liked you.
14:54When we first met, I did think you looked a bit like Satoshi.
14:58But you know, every time I went to your company for business,
15:01I found myself following you with my eyes.
15:04I was drawn to you because you're so dedicated to your work
15:07and considerate of your colleagues.
15:09So when I heard that guy bad-mouthing you,
15:12I couldn't stand it anymore.
15:14And you know,
15:16couldn't you have had at least the slightest suspicion?
15:22There's no way we would have coincidentally
15:25bumped into each other like that in the middle of the city.
15:28When I heard that you had quit your job,
15:31I was frantically searching for you.
15:33I see.
15:35If you still can't believe it,
15:37look here at the messages between Satoshi and me.
15:41The man you love? He really resembles me, sis.
15:48I was so infatuated with you
15:50that I would talk endlessly to Satoshi about you.
15:55Her behavior when I pretended to sleep,
15:57it wasn't just because she was drunk.
16:00It was all her true self.
16:03I'm really sorry for not realizing your true feelings until now.
16:07Hey, cut it out now.
16:11It's okay.
16:12Just come back and let's continue living together?
16:15Yes, of course.
16:17Let's get along well from now on too.
16:21And so, Ann and I became secret lovers,
16:25keeping our relationship hidden from the company.
16:30it seems that Akuta found it difficult to stay in this town,
16:33so he moved away.
16:35His current whereabouts are unknown.
16:38As for me,
16:39I'm still working hard at Ann's company.
16:41I've become close with other employees,
16:44and I find working here much more enjoyable than my previous job.
16:48And then, there's Ann and me.
16:51Is dinner ready?
16:53I'm starving, you know.
16:55Just a little longer.
16:56Please wait.
16:58Her expressions of affection are still incredible.
17:02Oh, by the way,
17:04there's something I've been wanting to tell you, Ann.
17:08Wearing makeup or not,
17:10you're pretty either way, babe.
17:15When did you see me without makeup on?
17:18If you don't remember, I won't tell.
17:21What's that supposed to mean?
17:23Seriously, calling me babe only at times like this?
17:26It's not fair!
17:27Is that so?
17:29Well, isn't it nice once in a while?
17:31No way!
17:34Do you have any idea
17:36how much I dreamed about us
17:38being casual with each other like this?
17:43Stop calling me Ann.
17:45Just call me babe or baby.
17:47I've never let anyone call me that, you know.
17:51Understood, babe.
17:53And so,
17:55I, who was picked up by the former delinquent CEO,
17:59am now living a very happy life with her.
18:03Hi! It's me, Mel!
18:06Thanks for watching my channel!
18:09I'm super happy if you watch the next
18:12and other videos, too!
