I Picked Up My Archnemesis Badass Girl's Phone, Found Out I'm Her Wallpaper…

  • 2 months ago
I Picked Up My Archnemesis Badass Girl's Phone, Found Out I'm Her Wallpaper…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00You're something else.
00:03You ain't too shabby yourself.
00:05I'm Seiya Maeda, 17 years old, the leader of the badass gang, Fight Club.
00:12And right now, I'm throwing fists with Reina Ogawa, the boss of the girl gang, Angel Hearts.
00:19Our two crews are always at each other's throats, cause our territories overlap.
00:24So you could say Reina and I are arch-enemies.
00:27Today's the day I crush you.
00:30We'll show you who's boss, alright?
00:33Don't talk in your sleep, dude.
00:40Hey, what are you guys doing?
00:42Oh man, it's the cops, run!
00:45We'll get busted if we stay, let's bail!
00:48Huh, did she drop her phone?
00:51I can't just leave this behind.
00:54Alright, I picked it up, but...
00:56Boss, what are you doing?
00:59Yeah, yeah, I'm coming!
01:01Now what to do with this?
01:03I don't even know where she lives.
01:05Guess I should go back to where we were brawling.
01:08She might come looking for it.
01:12A few minutes later.
01:14Looks like I found you.
01:16What do you want, Seiya? I'm busy, get lost.
01:19You talking to me like that?
01:21Huh? What's up with you?
01:24You dropped something, didn't you?
01:27If you keep talking to me like that, I'll throw this away, you know.
01:32What? You peaked, didn't you? You jerk!
01:37Huh? Why would I do that?
01:39Anyway, just give me back my phone.
01:42No way, at least say thanks.
01:46Come on, come on.
01:48If you don't say thanks, it's gonna stay like this.
01:53It's eating you up, huh?
01:56Cut it out already!
01:59Ow! Going for my shins, that's a low blow!
02:03Shut up!
02:04I was just teasing a little...
02:08Huh? Me?
02:11Why did you look?
02:13I mean, it just popped into my eye.
02:15Seriously, you idiot!
02:17You calling me an idiot?
02:19Yeah, you're an idiot!
02:22What? Seriously?
02:24And why's my face on your wallpaper anyway?
02:27No, no, no, no! It's not you!
02:30I mean, seriously, it's me, right?
02:33No matter how you look at it, it's totally me!
02:36You've got the wrong guy, it's someone else! A doppelganger!
02:39Don't say freaky stuff like that!
02:42And why's my face on your wallpaper anyway?
02:46Come on, you gotta say something.
02:48I choose to remain silent.
02:50That won't fly, you know.
02:52I choose to remain silent.
02:55Alright, guess I'll ask the others then.
02:57Huh? Don't even think about it.
03:00I mean, just forget about this.
03:03If you don't, I'll make you wish you didn't.
03:06Got it.
03:07I'll spill the beans about your secret fear of bell peppers too.
03:11Cool with that?
03:13Why so desperate? Are you serious?
03:16How do you even know that?
03:18Hmm. You do hate bell peppers.
03:22You just cursed me out, you jerk!
03:25And why am I your wallpaper in the first place?
03:28To curse you?
03:30Don't go all horror movie on me out of the blue! It's freaky!
03:34Shut up!
03:36That's why...
03:38Huh? What?
03:40Cuz I'm in love with you!
03:42Huh? In love? With me?
03:47Now that it's like this...
03:49No more holding back.
03:52I'm gonna use my love power to crush you!
03:56Um... what?
03:58Did I hear that right?
04:00Please tell me I heard that wrong.
04:02I'm tired already. Let's just go home.
04:06And the next day...
04:08Why are you here?
04:10I did my research, obviously.
04:12Don't underestimate my investigative skills.
04:15You put that effort into something else!
04:18Shut up! A girl in love knows no limits.
04:22I have no idea what you're talking about!
04:25Anyway, I'm gonna...
04:28Go home!
04:31Hey, don't stick to me like glue!
04:33Why not?
04:35Doesn't it make your heart race a little?
04:38There's no way it would!
04:40Actually, it totally does!
04:42Like, a lot!
04:44Your face is all red.
04:46Shut up! It's just your imagination!
04:49Besides, we can't have other guys see you clinging to me like this!
04:54You've got girls chasing after you.
04:56Get a little excited about me!
05:01Alright then.
05:03What kind of girl do you like?
05:05Well, someone domestic, refined, cute, beautiful, and good at cooking!
05:12You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?
05:15So what's that supposed to mean?
05:18If you really want to make me fall for you, at least try to be prim and proper!
05:25Just wait.
05:27I'll become super duper prim and proper tomorrow!
05:31I'm gonna make you fall for me for sure!
05:36What was going on here?
05:38Alright, I'm forgetting this.
05:40Nothing happened in the morning! I saw nothing!
05:44And the next day...
05:46You're relentless, aren't you?
05:50My love doesn't disappear with just one try!
05:53Besides, I'd become more prim and proper just like you wanted!
05:57Fall for me!
06:00My skirt length!
06:02You look like a weirdo!
06:04That skirt's six inches below the knee!
06:06It's a long skirt!
06:08Isn't it cool?
06:09Long skirts are the epitome of refinement!
06:12There's a limit to everything, you know?
06:15I don't know about that.
06:17Oh boy...
06:19Come on, say it's cute!
06:21I'm your type now, right?
06:23It's not my type at all!
06:25What are you saying?
06:27You wanted prim and proper, didn't you?
06:29Quit clinging to me!
06:31I can't have others see this!
06:33And that's not prim and proper!
06:35Try again!
06:37You stubborn boy!
06:39Who's stubborn?
06:41The next day...
06:43We're going on a picnic!
06:45Let me go to school!
06:47You're not a good boy, yet you're trying to act like one!
06:51You're shaking my identity to the core!
06:54Once in a while, it's fine, right?
06:57I've got something I want you to taste.
06:59It's gonna be a hassle to refuse here.
07:02Alright, I'll come along, I guess.
07:05Alright, this way, this way!
07:07And where she took me was...
07:10Why am I here with this girl?
07:12Today's perfect for a picnic, don't you think?
07:16Yeah, sure.
07:19What I want you to eat is this.
07:22Whoa! That's a fancy lunchbox!
07:25The size and weight of the lunchbox represent the size and weight of your affection.
07:31Where did you get that info?
07:34But it's not just the box that's fancy.
07:36The inside is amazing, too.
07:40What's this?
07:42My cooking.
07:46Dark matter.
07:47It's delicious.
07:49Quit lying!
07:50You expect me to eat something that looks like this?
07:53I see.
07:55You can't eat it, huh?
08:00I guess suddenly presenting you with food wasn't the best idea.
08:04Seriously, don't suddenly act all humble.
08:07Plus, when I look closely, your fingers are all beat up.
08:13I'll just throw this away.
08:15Don't waste food.
08:17Hey, Seiya!
08:19Don't force yourself to eat it. You'll get sick.
08:24Shut up. This won't make me sick.
08:27There. I ate it all.
08:31He finished it.
08:33Next time, make something more normal.
08:38You're really kind after all.
08:40I love you, I love you, I love you!
08:43Let's kiss. Let's hug.
08:48I told you, stop clinging to me!
08:51And so, Reina's relentless love attacks continued.
08:54Like she was pushing and shoving her way into my heart.
09:00Then, one day.
09:01This is bad.
09:03I never thought the Goku-Aku gang from the neighboring town would come here.
09:08Getting ambushed like this, what a disgrace.
09:11But seriously, these guys have no honor, resorting to such cowardly tactics.
09:17If they've come all the way here, their goal must be to crush the local gang.
09:24Huh? Reina?
09:26What are you doing? You're all beaten up.
09:28Just a bit.
09:30Just a bit? That's not it.
09:33I can't believe you got hurt like this.
09:35Reina? What's wrong?
09:38It's nothing.
09:40Anyway, come to my house so I can treat your wounds.
09:44Don't be shy at a time like this. Come on, let's go.
09:48I'm sorry, Reina.
09:50It's fine. Don't worry about it.
09:54A few minutes later. Thanks.
09:57Don't worry about it.
09:59So who did this to you?
10:01I can't tell you that.
10:03Why the heck not?
10:05I didn't want to drag you into this.
10:07I get that, but you can't just stay quiet when your important rival is getting hurt.
10:12Even so, those guys are dangerous. I'll handle it.
10:16You're really something. Always staying true to yourself.
10:20You haven't changed since way back.
10:23Way back? What are you talking about?
10:26Forget it, it's nothing.
10:28Anyway, take it easy for the day and stay here.
10:31Head back after the pain subsides.
10:34Sure thing. Thanks.
10:36I took Reina's words to heart and rested for a while.
10:40It seemed like my body was starting to recover.
10:43Before I knew it, I had drifted off to sleep.
10:49Hey, you're awake?
10:51Sorry, I must have been out for a while.
10:54What the heck? What's this?
10:57What do you mean? I'm letting you use my knee as a pillow.
11:01You tend to fall asleep on the couch, you know.
11:04Since you weren't waking up at all, I thought maybe this would make you sleep better.
11:08My bad, I'll move right away.
11:11It's fine. You can sleep like this a bit longer.
11:15Yeah, thanks.
11:17Hey, I know this is out of the blue, but why are you leading the gang?
11:24Seriously, out of the blue?
11:27You want to get to know the person you like, right?
11:30Plus, it's not often we get a chance to talk like this.
11:34Well, at first, it was just a bunch of good buddies aiming to be the strongest.
11:39Then, before we knew it, we were roping in others, causing a ruckus together.
11:44It's kind of like college football players aiming for NFL, except we're aiming to be the toughest.
11:50What about you?
11:52Our team is full of lonely hearts.
11:55We didn't have anywhere else to go, so we just naturally gathered together.
11:59We're just sticking by each other's side.
12:01Sounds about right.
12:03That's how it is. There's no grand mission or anything.
12:07It's just that... there is where we belong.
12:11Well, not everyone understands that.
12:15I do, though.
12:18I mean, we're kind of the same, you know?
12:21Maybe that's why.
12:24What do you mean?
12:26Our team, we like you guys.
12:28Because we can raise a ruckus together.
12:31That's something you don't come across every day, right?
12:34They say your greatest treasures are your rivals.
12:39What's... wrong?
12:43What's going on?
12:44Why is my heart racing when I see her smile like that?
12:47Come on.
12:49For the sake of your recovery, get some more sleep.
12:52Well, it's just... I'm sleeping on your knee.
12:56Consider it an extended special service.
13:00Now go ahead. Sleep a bit longer.
13:03Alright, thanks.
13:06A few hours later.
13:10I... I fell asleep again?
13:12Thanks to that nap, my body's feeling a lot better now.
13:16The pain from my injuries seems to have subsided a bit.
13:19Wait, where's Reina?
13:21Did she go shopping or something?
13:25What's up?
13:26Boss, Angel Heart's boss lady showed up here.
13:29Reina did? What does she want?
13:32She asked about teams that have been active lately and people who recently joined our group.
13:38Wait, and you answered her?
13:40Yeah, she asked about Gokuaku and...
13:44Seriously? That means... Reina!
13:48Hey, I need to ask you for a favor.
13:53Gokuaku isn't much to write home about.
13:56Cowards will always be cowards.
13:59What's with this girl?
14:01Shut your smart mouth already!
14:05You're the ones who should be quiet.
14:08Seiya! What are you doing here?
14:11I came to help out my important rival!
14:14Don't do anything reckless, you're injured!
14:18That's right! How are you going to handle this with injuries, huh?
14:22Right now, if you cry and apologize, we might let you off the hook, you know?
14:28Cry and apologize? Are you serious?
14:32Besides, we're not alone here.
14:36Boss, we're here!
14:38Fight Club and Angel Hearts are here!
14:41Boss! Sorry for the wait!
14:44Come on! You have to rely on us!
14:47Why are you guys here?
14:49I thought you were going to handle this on your own.
14:52So, I had my crew call up your team.
14:55If we're going to do this, let's do it fair and square. No sneak attacks!
14:59Ha! You guys banding together won't make a difference against us!
15:04We'll see about that.
15:06Ugh! We can't let you talk like that! Let's crush them all!
15:10If you think you can, then give it your best shot!
15:17Ha! Child's play!
15:19So easy!
15:21But Reina, you're pushing yourself too hard!
15:25You're outnumbered!
15:27But thanks for fighting for my sake. You're such a cool woman!
15:32Seiya! I love you! I really do!
15:35Why do you like me so much?
15:38When I was in elementary school, I got bullied by some scary middle schoolers.
15:43You were the one who saved me back then!
15:46Me? I don't remember that at all!
15:49It's okay if you don't remember, Seiya.
15:53You got beaten up by those middle schoolers, but you looked so cool!
15:59That's why I fell for you.
16:01Since then, I've been chasing after you, wanting to stand by your side.
16:06Hey, Seiya. I really, truly love you.
16:11I'm sorry, Reina. I don't know if I still love you in that way.
16:17So, we can't be lovers.
16:20But I do value you as an important rival.
16:23I see, then.
16:31Death over time! Brace yourself!
16:34Oh boy...
16:37Phew! Man!
16:39In love, you just have to keep pushing until you win!
16:44And so, the commotion eventually settled down.
16:48Afterward, Gokuaku was exposed for various wrongdoings,
16:53and everyone was arrested, and the team disbanded.
16:56We were also scolded for not being too reckless, and we reflected on our actions.
17:02Our team started forming romantic relationships with each other,
17:06and there was no need for rivalry anymore.
17:09As a result, our team transferred into the Fist-Fighting Angels of Love,
17:14and a few months later...
17:16Hey! When are you going to admit you're in love?
17:20Who knows?
17:21You already are, aren't you?
17:24Huh? No way!
17:26Don't lie! Lately, you've been looking at me with those lovey-dovey eyes!
17:32What's the deal? Be straight with me!
17:35Alright, alright! I give up! I surrender! I lose!
17:40I'm in love with...
17:45I'll love you forever, darling.
17:47Yeah, you really are a handsome honey!
17:51I love you too, babe!
18:01I'd be super happy if you watch the next and other videos, too!
