Dogowner Denies That Her Dogs Bit Passerby! | Part 3

  • 2 months ago
In this video, we delve into the ongoing controversy surrounding a dog owner who denies that her dogs bit a passerby. Join us for Part 3 of this compelling story as we uncover the truth behind the incident. #DogOwner #Controversy #DailymotionVideo #Judy #judgejudy #judyinbluejeans
00:00I actually did contact them, and...
00:02Just a second. You contacted them?
00:04But they had told... She had told me,
00:07with her own words, through her own mouth,
00:09that she was okay, and I believed her.
00:12Your Honor, it wasn't that I'm okay.
00:14She was asking me to go into her house...
00:16No, just a second.
00:17You don't have to explain anything.
00:18She's being stupid.
00:21She's being stupid.
00:23And if she wasn't being so...
00:24I've been done before.
00:28But it is stupid.
00:29I mean, she's got a patient who was bitten.
00:32She's bitten.
00:33You want her to come into your house
00:35with the two dogs, one of whom just bit her.
00:38And she says, okay, I'm just fine.
00:40I'll take care of it.
00:41Well, she wasn't bleeding from an artery,
00:43and you knew at the time that somebody was bitten
00:47because somebody was bleeding.
00:48Because you said... No, she didn't say it.
00:50She didn't say it. I didn't ask you what you said.
00:52You suggested that she could come into the house
00:55so you could clean it up.
00:56No, I just asked...
00:58Okay, good. Oh, my gosh.
00:59No, this is, like, so...
01:01Getting so twisted, it really is.
01:03It's not getting legal, Chrissie, if animal control
01:06leaves a message on your gate,
01:08then you contact them and you have a report for me.
01:10That's what happens.
01:11They didn't give me a report, no.
01:14But you know what?
01:15If she says after the fact that this occurred, that's fine.
01:17I would have contacted my insurance
01:19and we would have gone through it at that point.
01:22But nothing was ever said to me.
01:24There was zero contact at all.
01:27I mean...
01:27Now, you wanna tell me why this happened?
01:29I mean, she was on my property, so...
01:31This happened in what...
01:34I'm sorry.
01:35You're gonna pay, it's just a question of how much.
01:38It's your fault, your dogs.
01:39They bit her, they bit the patient.
01:41She was on my property.
01:42No, she wasn't on your property.
01:44I don't believe you.
01:45I don't believe you.
01:46I could show you an example.
01:47I don't believe you.
01:49Understand this.
01:50Understand this.
01:51You know why I don't believe you?
01:53I don't believe you because I'm a dog lover.
01:55And if there are dogs on property,
01:57I don't go up to a gate.
01:58I'm a grown-up.
01:59And I have a patient with me who is...
02:01Yeah, why is she there?
02:03I'm sorry.
02:04You have no idea how I'm gonna enjoy
02:06entering this judgment.
02:09Your dog bit two people.
02:12Whenever you were told about it,
02:13you should have taken immediate responsibility for it.
02:16It's your fault.
02:17No excuses, no on my property, it was on my driveway.
02:21You leave your dogs behind a gate
02:24because you want them to protect your house.
02:27That's why you leave them out.
02:28Otherwise, you leave them inside your house.
02:30Otherwise, why do you have two big dogs,
02:32one of whom is a German shepherd,
02:34patrolling your house behind a gate?
02:36It's done for a reason.
02:37That's not a bad reason.
02:38I don't think it's a terrible reason.
02:40But if you lose control of your dogs, as you did,
02:44and your dogs injure somebody, you are responsible, period.
02:48And if you try to deflect that because you love your dogs
02:51and you know if animal control comes,
02:53they may quarantine your dogs
02:55because if your dog bit two people,
02:57they are for sure gonna take that dog
02:59and quarantine that dog for at least 10 days.
03:02That's something a lady like you would want to avoid.
03:05So you don't answer the door,
03:06and when they finally leave you a notice and say,
03:08listen, this is our second attempt, you better contact us
03:11because you probably ignored the first one.
03:14And I'm just using my very well-educated imagination.
03:18They say, you better contact us.
03:20So you finally contact them and said,
03:21nobody was injured, so it's a scam.
03:23She's a scam.
03:24I asked if she was fine, she said she was fine.
03:27Well, that's what you said to them.
03:28Fine, it was a lie.
03:30She was injured.
03:31I have a medical report, a doctor who has no skin
03:34in the game, who says there are puncture wounds on her thigh
03:37and I don't believe this lady,
03:39she may not be a rocket scientist,
03:41went out and found a dog or took an ice pick
03:44and made two puncture wounds in her thigh
03:47and then went to the hospital on the same day.
03:49I just don't believe that happened.
03:50She never told me.
03:51We're done.
03:53You're done.
03:54Don't appear any more foolish.
03:55Judgment for the plaintiff in the amount of $3,000.
03:58We're finished, thank you.
03:59Thank you.
03:59Parties are excused, you may step out.
04:02We're back.
