H.R. Pufnstuf H.R. Pufnstuf E014 The Visiting Witch

  • il y a 2 mois


00:15Ouh !
00:16It's a message from headquarters !
00:17Yeah, a message from headquarters !
00:19What do they want with me ?
00:21Urgent to Witchypoon !
00:23Boss Witch will arrive on inspection tour.
00:26Inspection tour ?
00:26Will visit Living Island.
00:28Living Island ?
00:28For first time.
00:29For first time.
00:31What are you, an echo ?
00:33I don't need you to repeat that Boss Witch is...
00:37Boss Witch is coming here !
00:39No !
00:40On an inspection tour !
00:42No !
00:43Please, Witchypoo, calm down !
00:46Calm down, he says !
00:48The commander in chief of all Witchdom
00:50is coming here for the first time
00:51and he says...
00:53Calm down !
00:55Why did you say it, Orson ?
00:57Oh, this is terrible !
00:58This is awful !
00:59I'll never be ready !
01:00I'll fail the inspection test !
01:02I'll be a washed up, ditched witch
01:04without a wand to witch with !
01:05Hey, that's good, chiefie !
01:07Now, why don't you try ?
01:08Peter Piper picked a pick of...
01:09Oh, shut up, you dumb-dumb !
01:12My whole future is at stake !
01:14I've got to get ready for the inspection !
01:16I've got to let the whole island know
01:17that Boss Witch is coming !
01:20Corn on evil trees, two stones and mushrooms !
01:22This is your guard, the leader !
01:24Now, hear this !
01:25Boss Witch is coming !
01:26Boss Witch is coming !
01:28We're listening, oh gorgeous leader !
01:30Trees, comb your leaves and polish your roots !
01:32Roger !
01:32Witchy poo, comb and polish !
01:34Two stones, get scrubbed up !
01:36And you, douse that cigar !
01:38Anything you say, chief !
01:40And I'll be down to check on you later !
01:41Over and out !
01:43Atta boy, chiefie, that's telling him !
01:45Well, what are you standing there for ?
01:46We've got tons of work to do !
01:48The castle's a mess !
01:49We've got to clean, scrub, polish, wash...
01:51Well, just don't stand there !
01:53Move !
01:57Jim Wall Philippe
02:04Bitch on ! Bitch on !
02:05Boss Witch is coming !
02:06Bitch on ! Bitch on !
02:08Hold it ! Hold it !
02:09You mean the Boss Witch is coming here
02:11to Living Island ?
02:12Right ! She's coming to inspect
02:13Witchy Poo's castle !
02:14Oh, my !
02:15That's awful !
02:17Terrible !
02:17Who's the Boss Wtitch ?
02:19She's the Commander
02:20in Chief of all Witchy Dome !
02:21Boss Witch is coming !
02:22Boss Witch is coming !
02:23Boss Witch is coming !
02:24That's all we need another Witch !
02:26Qu'est-ce qu'il va se passer?
02:28Je ne sais pas.
02:29Il vaut mieux que je sonne l'alarme de la sorcière et qu'on s'unisse.
02:31Allons-y, c'est une vraie emergency.
02:34Alarme de la sorcière! Alarme de la sorcière!
02:38Goose Pop, qu'est-ce que cette sorcière de bus ressemble à?
02:40Est-ce qu'il y a quelqu'un qui l'a vu?
02:41Non, elle n'est jamais venue à notre île.
02:44Ça a l'air d'être un problème!
02:45Ça l'est certainement, et il vaut mieux qu'on se prépare pour...
02:48Alarme de la sorcière!
02:51Rapportez-vous au service, maire.
02:53Rapportez-vous au service.
02:54On a tout entendu parler de la sorcière.
02:56Je viens, je viens. Je suis prêt pour l'action.
02:59Je suis là, et le casque va voyager.
03:01D'accord, lignez-vous, tout le monde, lignez-vous.
03:04Faites attention, maintenant, vite, vite.
03:07Attention, attention, j'ai dit attention.
03:10Maintenant, les troupes, nous sommes face à une vraie emergency.
03:14Personne ne sait ce que la sorcière de bus ressemble à
03:16ou pourquoi elle est là.
03:17Mais nous savons que nous devons présenter une frontière solide.
03:21Three cheers for Puffinstuff.
03:22Il n'a rien fait encore.
03:24Encourage-le, encourage-le.
03:26Silence, silence, silence dans les ranks.
03:29Maintenant, nous devons découvrir ce qu'il faut faire d'abord.
03:32Je pense que nous devons garder un œil sur le casque,
03:34pour savoir quand la sorcière de bus reviendra.
03:36Bonne idée, Jimmy, mais qui va volontarier?
03:39Je vais.
03:40Tu vas. Merci, Hors.
03:43Attaboy, c'est génial.
03:44Mais, mais...
03:45Oh, je pense que c'est tellement courageux de volontarier.
03:48Tu es un vrai héros.
03:50Oh, comment ça? Je pense que je suis un héros.
03:54Laisse tomber.
03:55Votre travail est d'aller près du casque
03:58et d'annoncer quand la sorcière de bus reviendra.
04:00Finalement, il faut que vous fassiez un peu de travail ici.
04:03Faites attention à vos mains, Buster.
04:06Je suis un héros.
04:08Je suis un héros.
04:14Hé, regardez ça. C'est un chat stupide.
04:18Oh, mon dieu. Il vole à l'envers.
04:21Oh, oh. Oh, mon dieu. Oh, il va tomber.
04:24Faites attention. Faites attention.
04:26Oh, il a tombé dans les arbres.
04:28Pas du tout qu'ils l'appellent stupide.
04:30Salut, chat stupide. Tu vas bien?
04:32Chat stupide, dis quelque chose.
04:34Battlegram, message urgent pour Witchy Poo.
04:38Oh, oh.
04:42Message urgent pour Witchy Poo.
04:43Wow, je devrais prendre ça pour Puff'n Stuff.
04:46Sorry to leave you like this, stupid bat.
04:48But, uh, it's spy biz.
05:01This looks like a good escape, Ralph.
05:03Yes. My wagon couldn't make it, but the Rescue Racer can.
05:07Right, Puff'n Stuff?
05:08Right. We'll have the Rescue Racer ready to move out if we have to.
05:13Here comes Kling and Klang.
05:15Qu'est-ce qu'il y a, les gars? Qu'est-ce qu'il y a?
05:17Le chien est venu.
05:19Salut, tout le monde. Le chien est venu.
05:21Il doit avoir des nouvelles sur Boss Witch.
05:23Vite. Vite.
05:24OK, chien. Rapportez.
05:26Qu'est-ce que vous devez nous dire?
05:27Qu'est-ce que c'est?
05:28C'est un Battlegram.
05:29Le stupide bat a volé avec lui à Witchy Poo.
05:31Ça doit être important.
05:33Lise, Jimmy. Vite. Vite.
05:34À Witchy Poo, de l'administration de Witchy Poo.
05:37Visite annulée.
05:38Continuez votre mauvaise travail comme d'habitude.
05:40On vous verra pour la prochaine inspection.
05:42Bonne chance, Boss Witch.
05:43Elle n'est pas venu.
05:44Boss Witch n'est pas venu.
05:47Si ce n'était pas pour notre espion de Pokédot,
05:50on n'aurait jamais su.
05:51Tu l'as fait.
05:53Tu es un héros.
05:54Un véritable héros.
05:59Qu'est-ce que tu fais?
06:00La Boss Witch sera là bientôt.
06:02Sors-toi, toi, les gars.
06:04Retourne au travail.
06:05Lève ta main.
06:06Prends ton sac.
06:08La Witchy Poo. La Witchy Poo.
06:10La Witchy Poo. Il y a quelque chose que je dois te dire.
06:12Pas le temps de parler, stupide bat.
06:13Sors-toi et dis-moi quand la Boss Witch arrivera.
06:15Mais je dois te le dire.
06:17Tu vois, je portais ce batagramme et...
06:19Tu ne vois pas que je suis occupé?
06:26Comment ça va?
06:27Comment ça va? Je suis nerveuse.
06:28La Boss Witch ne va pas aimer rien.
06:30Je le sais.
06:31Je ne t'ai jamais vu si inquiétée, chef.
06:33Oui. Quelle sorte d'enfant est-elle, la Boss Witch?
06:36Je ne sais pas. Je ne l'ai jamais vue.
06:37Oh, j'aimerais avoir un petit cadeau pour elle.
06:39Quelque chose qui la mette en bonne humeur.
06:40Eh, chef, pourquoi ne pas regarder une machine d'images?
06:43Voir ce qui est disponible.
06:45Bonne idée, Seymour.
06:46Il doit y avoir quelque chose sur cette île qui peut la faire heureuse.
06:53Des tombes?
06:55Elle doit avoir un grave.
06:59Regarde ce joli dragon vert.
07:04Oh, attends un instant.
07:05Ah, c'est ça.
07:06C'est mon cadeau.
07:08Oh, le maire de l'île vivante.
07:10Je vais l'attraper et le donner à la Boss Witch comme un cadeau.
07:16Oh mon dieu, Witchy Poo.
07:18Tu es brillante, merveilleuse, intelligente.
07:20Et n'oublie pas la belle.
07:22Maintenant, vous deux, continuez à travailler.
07:24Je suis en train d'aller à l'hôpital.
07:27Bonne chasse, chef.
07:33Donc c'est la histoire, les gars.
07:35Maintenant que la Boss Witch n'arrive pas, vous pouvez tous vous détendre.
07:38J'étais prête à la tuer avec mon Lord Yip.
07:42Heureusement pour elle, elle n'a pas apparu.
07:46C'est la Witch.
07:48Prends-la vers les montagnes.
07:49Oui, c'est l'enfer.
07:50C'est parti, bébé.
07:51Vas-y et cours, tes arbres.
07:53C'est de l'argent que je veux refroidir.
07:59Oh, quel cadeau pour la Boss Witch.
08:02Elle va m'aimer pour ça.
08:05Viens, mon pote.
08:08Ce garçon pèse beaucoup.
08:10Je ne lui donnerai jamais de retour au château.
08:13A moins que...
08:15Bien sûr.
08:16J'ai oublié mon ancien enchantement.
08:18Voyons voir.
08:19Les espirits mauvais de la terre.
08:21Faites que la bouche d'enfer se situe dans la main de ma main.
08:28Un dragon dans la main.
08:29Il y en a deux dans la bouche.
08:31Oh, en plus, c'est une petite bouche.
08:35Il est dingue cet enfant.
08:40Maintenant, je vais lui faire du cadeau.
08:45Va t'en.
08:49T你 little dickens.
08:50I used to have a tiny little alligator just like you.
08:53I ought to leave you just the way you are.
08:55But you wouldn't make much of a present for the Boss Witch.
08:58Zipity dou, zipity zap.
09:00Stay as you were. Nice and fat.
09:04Alarme! Alarme! Alarme! Alarme! Alarme! Puff and Stuff's been captured! Witchy Poo's got them! Alarme! Alarme! Witchy Poo's got them! Alarme!
09:13Alarme! Alarme! Alarme!
09:43Alarme! Alarme! Alarme! Alarme!
10:14Hey, Timmy!
10:16Goodness! Goodness! You gave me a start!
10:18What a make-up job! You sure look like Boss Witch!
10:21We'll have to hurry if we're going to rescue Puff and Stuff.
10:23There's a sandbox ready to announce my arrival.
10:25Ready? Here goes!
10:33What was that? What was that?
10:36Things! It must be the Boss Witch!
10:38And I'm not even ready!
10:40Timmy! Timmy! Timmy! Timmy! Timmy!
10:45Oh, my! The Boss Witch!
10:53Nice going, Dr. Blinky! That goes to Dwarf Witch!
10:55Wait till you hear this!
10:57Make way for the Empress of Evil, Her Royal Rottenness, the Boss Witch is here! Boss Witch is here!
11:05Terrific! I'm on my way!
11:07Good luck, Timmy!
11:09Boss Witch is here! Make way for the Empress of Evil! Boss Witch is here! Make way for the Empress of Evil!
11:18She's here! I can see her! She's here!
11:22Boss Witch is here! Find her! Save her! Smile!
11:27Boss Witch is here! Make way for the Empress of Evil! Boss Witch is here! Make way for the Empress of Evil!
11:38Boss Witch is here! Make way for the Empress of Evil!
11:47Welcome! Welcome! Oh, your majesty, your imperial wizardness, exalted ruler of witchydom!
11:55Oh, stop sniggling, you bag of bones, and get up! Get up, I say!
11:59We're getting up! We're getting up!
12:01Oh, your majesty, your highness, I'm so honored by your visit to my humble abode! My castle is your castle!
12:09You call this a castle? I've seen better castles used as hamburger stands!
12:14Oh! I mean, what a sense of humor! Better castles as hamburger stands!
12:21Oh, you're terrific, Boss Witch!
12:22Yes, terrific!
12:24Who asked you to speak, dummy?
12:26Yes, who asked you to speak, dummy?
12:28I'll do the squelching about here!
12:31I mean, I ask for that, your majesty. After all, you are the boss, queen of them all!
12:37Oh, my Empress of Evil, if it wouldn't be putting you out, may I take you to my beauty chair?
12:42Look, your majesty, my very own beauty chair! And it's all yours if you would like a beauty treatment!
12:49Beauty treatment? How dare you think I need beauty treatment!
12:54Oh, my gracious leader! Oh, queen of magic! I didn't mean that!
13:00You're beautiful, gorgeous, exquisite!
13:02And you're a disgrace! You don't have anyone boiling in oil, no one being tortured, no prisoners!
13:09Why, you're not a witch, you're a good fairy!
13:12What? I am not!
13:14No, no, please, you rottenness! Oh, queen of darkness!
13:17Listen to me. I have a marvelous surprise for you. I have a prisoner. I got him as a gift, just for you.
13:23Oh, you love me for this? Love me?
13:25Prisoner? Well, don't just stand there! Where is he?
13:28Arson! Bring out the prisoner! Hurry!
13:30Right, chief!
13:31One prisoner coming up!
13:32Wait till you see him, oh majestic madam! I captured him with my own dipsy-doddle-doosy wand, given him beauty!
13:38Oh, you won't need that anymore, you old hag!
13:41Ah! My wand! My super-special wand! You can't!
13:45Of course you can! You can do anything, oh queen!
13:50You can do anything, anything, oh powerful wand!
14:03And here he is, oh noble empress, my gift to you, the mayor of Living Island, the mayor himself!
14:13What do you think of them apples, boss witch?
14:15Boss witch? That's the boss witch? But she's not supposed to...
14:20Here, take it! Now that's how to handle prisoners! Now watch how the expert does it!
14:26So, you're the mayor? Oh, tell me, mayor, has this so-called witch here been real evil to you guys? I mean, really evil?
14:35Who? Little old witchy-poo? Why, she's a regular pussycat! A real live doll!
14:42What? What are you saying?
14:44That's so very interesting! Tell me more, has she given you any trouble?
14:52Trouble? Trouble? That's a laugh! She's a regular sweetheart! Why, once she even came to my cave and gave us cookies!
15:01Sweetheart? Cookies? I was trying to zap you!
15:05Don't listen to him! I'm evil, I tell you! Evil! I mean, I'm rotten! There isn't a decent bone in my body!
15:12Really? I'm terrible! Orson, Seymour, tell her! Tell her how rotten I am!
15:16She's rotten! She's terrible!
15:19Oh, did you goody-two-shoes! I've heard enough!
15:22Say, Mel, if I appointed you to know witch around here, how would you handle things?
15:29Oh, I could be mean as the dickens!
15:35But he's ahead of the good guys! You can't do that!
15:39I can't, eh? I'll tell you what I can do! I can throw you out! I hereby banish you from Living Island forever!
15:49Oh, please! You can't do this to me! I've tried hard to be a bad witch! I've done my best to be mean, rotten and evil!
15:58Oh, please, give me another chance! Where can I get another witch's job at my age?
16:04Oh, stop that blubbering and get out! And take those two little creeps with you! Out! Out, I say!
16:16Oh, my! I wonder how Jimmy's doing in there!
16:20Oh, look out!
16:22Open the door! Make way for the Empress of Evil!
16:27Oh, no! You guys turned on the soundbox! Now Jimmy will get caught!
16:31Open the door! Make way for the Empress of Evil!
16:35I can't stop it!
16:37The witch is here! The witch is here! Make way for the Empress of Evil!
16:45The witch is here!
16:48My witch is here! Wait a minute! Who are you?
16:53Of course I'm here, you dummy! That's just some of my elves outside having some fun!
16:58Just a minute! Something's going on here!
17:01You dare to question me?
17:03Get away, you elves! You're bothering the boss witch! Scram! Go away!
17:08The boss witch is here!
17:10Oh, uh-oh! That doesn't... Poor Jimmy!
17:13The boss witch is here! Make way for the Empress of Evil!
17:16Those darn elves! They just won't listen!
17:19Now just one ding-dong minute! Put those fushies around here!
17:25I'll take care of them!
17:28Wait a minute!
17:30Uh-oh! Quick, let me help you, boss witch!
17:34Pardon me for being nosy, boss witch, but what happened to your nose?
17:40Oh, it's just another one of my super bits of magic!
17:44Magic, eh? Just as I thought! You're a fake! You're not the boss witch! You're that brat Jimmy!
17:51Stop them! My wand! My wand! Orson! Seymour! They're getting away! My wand! Where's my wand?
17:56There it is, on the floor!
17:58Jimmy broke it!
17:59But it's only half a wand!
18:00What? Half a wand's better than none!
18:02Bugs and bees, I order you to freeze!
18:10Guess I used the wrong half!
18:14Witchy pooter! Witchy pooter!
18:16Boss witch is coming! Boss witch is coming!
18:18Get ready for inspection!
18:19Boss witch is coming in for a landing!
18:22Oh no!
18:25Why me?
18:27Why is it always me?
18:38You got someone who loves you
18:40You got someone who cares
18:42You got someone who picks you up
18:44If ever you need a repair
18:46You got someone who'll take the time
18:49To listen to your prayers
18:51I got you, you got everybody
18:53You got someone who cares
18:55By the name of H.R. Puffinstuff
18:58Where'd you go when things get rough?
19:01H.R. Puffinstuff
19:03You can't do a little cause you can't do enough
19:13I got you, you got everybody
19:15You got someone who cares
19:17By the name of H.R. Puffinstuff
19:20Where'd you go when things get rough?
19:22H.R. Puffinstuff
19:24You can't do a little cause you can't do enough
19:27See you next week!