Hatchet For The Honeymoon 1970 With Eng Sub

  • 3 months ago
A cleaver-wielding bridal designer murders various young brides-to-be in an attempt to unlock a repressed childhood trauma.
00:00:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:00:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:01:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:02:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:02:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:03:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:03:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:04:00This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:04:30This is a work of fiction. Any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, is coincidental and unintentional.
00:06:32Just a minute, Mildred.
00:06:35My name is John Harrington. I'm 30 years old. I am a paranoiac.
00:06:42Paranoiac. An enchanting word. So civilized. And full of possibilities.
00:06:50The fact is, I am completely mad. The realization of which annoyed me at first, but is now amusing to me.
00:06:57Quite amusing.
00:07:00Nobody suspects that I am a madman. A dangerous murderer.
00:07:06Not Mildred, my wife. Nor the employees of my fashion center. Nor, of course, my customers.
00:07:16Poor little fly.
00:07:19Why are you so daring?
00:07:22You're so fragile.
00:07:25And yet you're born. You reproduce yourself and you die like men.
00:07:32The difference is that you don't think. And you don't need to remember.
00:07:37You don't fear death because you ignore it.
00:07:41Your insignificant life is a mere biological accident.
00:07:44But death exists, I can assure you. And that is what makes life a ridiculous and brief drama.
00:08:05But the fact remains that I have killed five young women.
00:08:10Three of whom are buried in the hothouse.
00:08:12Carol, Mary, Margaret. They were the friendliest. The most attractive ones.
00:08:21There is one problem.
00:08:24I must go on wielding the cleaver.
00:08:28It's most annoying.
00:08:31But when I begin to hear those footsteps.
00:08:34Those stealthy footsteps.
00:08:37I know I must kill.
00:08:40I know I must kill.
00:08:43And I shall have to continue killing until I find out the whole truth.
00:08:48That's it. Until I find out the whole truth.
00:09:10Good morning, Mildred.
00:09:15Did you sleep well last night?
00:09:18You know I never sleep well.
00:09:20It's pointless to ask me the same question every day.
00:09:24How sad. Another bride killed.
00:09:29But fortunately.
00:09:32She paid for her wedding dress in advance.
00:09:35Have you made any decisions about what we spoke of yesterday?
00:09:40I'll never give you a divorce. Never.
00:09:44We shall stay married until death do us part.
00:09:56That's a vague answer. They didn't suspect that death was going to part them so soon.
00:10:00You're in my power, John.
00:10:02The banks, the wholesalers.
00:10:05Everything works thanks to my money.
00:10:09None of this would exist if it weren't for little old me.
00:10:20Yes, but don't forget.
00:10:23I inherited the house and the fashion business.
00:10:26I inherited the house and the fashion business.
00:10:29From my mother.
00:10:31A mountain of ruins buried in debt.
00:10:34That's all it was and you know it.
00:10:39That's when I had the misfortune of finding a completely useless husband.
00:10:46I have records right down to the last penny I've invested.
00:10:50Stop that!
00:10:51Better listen to me carefully, John Harrington.
00:10:56I will never give you a divorce. Never.
00:11:00Do you understand? Never.
00:11:03As you wish, Mildred.
00:11:05I won't insist.
00:11:09Dr. Calloway has invited me to a seance tonight.
00:11:14I want you to come with me.
00:11:17I want you to come with me.
00:11:21Are you trying to communicate with your first husband?
00:11:25If he was really as intelligent as you say he was, I don't think you'll be able to manage it.
00:11:30At least while he was alive, he was a man.
00:11:33But you...
00:11:35How easily one is deceived by appearances.
00:11:39I could compete with your deceased husband easily.
00:11:43If it was worth the trouble.
00:11:46Thank you.
00:12:02Hello, Mr. Harrington.
00:12:11Mr. Harrington.
00:12:13We'd like to have you take a look at these sketches.
00:12:15You have time.
00:12:25Who are you?
00:12:27Hello, my name is Helen Wood. I'm a professional model. I heard you had a vacancy.
00:12:31How did you find out?
00:12:32Oh, a friend of Rosie's told me.
00:12:36She worked for a year here. Left us without warning a couple of weeks ago.
00:12:42Have you worked before?
00:12:43Here are my references.
00:12:46Your last job was at Regents. Why did you leave there?
00:12:50For personal reasons.
00:12:54Height, 5'7". Weight, 122.
00:12:5837, 22, 37.
00:13:01You're a half an inch out. My waist is 21 and a half inches.
00:13:04Have you ever modeled wedding dresses?
00:13:06A few times.
00:13:07Well, here you'll have to do it constantly.
00:13:09And pajamas, lingerie.
00:13:11We specialize in everything a bride might use on her wedding day.
00:13:15Including the bridegroom?
00:13:18You seem to be very intelligent. And rather witty.
00:13:22I think I am.
00:13:25I can offer you a month's trial at 500 francs a week.
00:13:28And we have to have an exclusive.
00:13:30Taxes and insurance are both included.
00:13:33I'll take it.
00:13:35You'll report to Miss Louise.
00:13:37All right.
00:13:38She'll show you the room.
00:13:40Welcome to Harrington and Company.
00:13:42I hope you'll enjoy working with us.
00:13:44I hope so.
00:15:39THE END
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00:18:09I begin to perceive some kind of message with increasing intensity.
00:18:14This room is being filled with pity,
00:18:17with forgiveness, with compassion.
00:18:20Who are you?
00:18:22Whom do you seek?
00:18:39Oh, John.
00:18:43Behave yourself.
00:18:46Leave me alone.
00:18:51Don't be naughty.
00:18:54I love you, John.
00:19:02I love you, my baby!
00:19:07I love you, my baby!
00:19:35I love you, my baby!
00:19:45I loved you so much,
00:19:53Stop it! Stop it!
00:20:05Good morning, Mr. Harrington.
00:20:08Good morning, Inspector Russell.
00:20:11Do you want to ask me some more questions?
00:20:15I'll do everything I can to help you.
00:20:17I'm afraid I've told you everything I know.
00:20:20I was just passing by.
00:20:22I thought I'd drop in and pay my respects.
00:20:24This place fascinates me.
00:20:27It's just a hot house.
00:20:30I'm attracted to everything that is an alteration of nature.
00:20:34Like the brain of a mental patient.
00:20:36Even that must be something like your hot house.
00:20:39Don't you agree?
00:20:42A curious analogy, Inspector.
00:20:45An impressive atmosphere.
00:20:47Flowers that are strange.
00:20:50And the birds of crime fluttering about in his brain.
00:20:58A special hybrid.
00:21:04And water.
00:21:08And the right fertilizer.
00:21:11We've drawn a blank regarding those murders.
00:21:13In less than a year, there were three women killed.
00:21:16And on their wedding night.
00:21:17Not to mention the four missing.
00:21:19Maybe their husbands weren't too keen about marriage.
00:21:23I can accept any crime if...
00:21:25I can understand the human impulse that motivated it.
00:21:28When you're dealing with a demented mind...
00:21:32Why do you say that?
00:21:34Is there another possibility?
00:21:36A madman can also have good reasons.
00:21:39For him.
00:21:40But I'm sure in the dark.
00:21:42That's the advantage the criminal has.
00:21:45He operates without logic, you see.
00:21:49Who knows who his next victim will be.
00:21:51More than 200 couples.
00:21:54Get married in Paris every day.
00:22:02The leaves you burned here.
00:22:06Only leaves.
00:22:10Have you heard anything from Rosie Miller?
00:22:13No, she left without notice.
00:22:19Look at these lovely flowers, Inspector Russell.
00:22:22They're beautiful, aren't they?
00:22:27They're beautiful, aren't they?
00:22:31Rosie was also quite beautiful.
00:22:34But Inspector...
00:22:36She wasn't planning to get married.
00:22:40At least she wasn't just before she left.
00:22:49I think I've mentioned before that...
00:22:51Girls who work in fashion are beautiful and ambitious.
00:22:54Husbands sometimes buy the garments for their wives...
00:22:57And use the models for themselves, if you understand.
00:23:00Thank you.
00:23:07Do you think Rosie is taking a secret vacation?
00:23:10Why not?
00:23:25Miss Wood.
00:23:28Excuse me.
00:23:29This is Helen Wood.
00:23:30She filled the vacancy left by Rosie's departure.
00:23:36Inspector Russell, I'd like to introduce you to Miss Helen Wood.
00:23:39It's a pleasure, Miss Wood.
00:23:40There will be a law against pretty models going away without leaving a forwarding address.
00:23:45I'm not going anywhere.
00:23:47Miss Wood.
00:23:48I have to leave you.
00:23:55That's it.
00:23:57That's it.
00:24:04The husbands of your clients are very fortunate men indeed.
00:24:11Oh, uh...
00:24:12I may have to trouble you again.
00:24:18Just routine, is that right, Inspector?
00:24:20Simply routine.
00:24:22Oh, Inspector.
00:24:24Don't worry about those girls.
00:24:26I'm sure you'll find them.
00:24:50Mr. Harrington.
00:24:56Mr. Harrington.
00:24:58I wanted to notify you that...
00:25:01I'm going to have to quit working for you.
00:25:05Because I'm getting married.
00:25:10You're getting married?
00:25:14I'm getting married.
00:25:16You're getting married?
00:25:19Thank you.
00:25:24I want you to stay after the other girls leave tonight.
00:25:39Come on, come on, hurry up.
00:25:43What are you doing tonight?
00:25:44I have an appointment.
00:25:48See you in the morning.
00:25:49Good night.
00:26:18Good night.
00:26:48Good night.
00:26:49Good night.
00:27:18THE END
00:27:36Here you see all the dresses created by the House of Harrington
00:27:39since my mother founded the organization in 1927.
00:27:43I adored my mother.
00:27:45And I decided to carry on her work.
00:27:49You're so young.
00:27:50And so lovely.
00:27:52Choose whatever dress you like.
00:27:55It will be my wedding gift.
00:28:09Go ahead, choose one.
00:28:18THE END
00:28:29This is the prettiest, isn't it?
00:28:30Put it on.
00:28:38I want to see you in your wedding dress.
00:28:42As if tonight really belonged to us.
00:28:49THE END
00:29:09A woman should live only until her wedding night.
00:29:13Love once,
00:29:15and then die.
00:29:18THE END
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00:30:48Why do I hear those footsteps?
00:30:51Someone is tiptoeing inside my brain.
00:30:56Why do I hear those footsteps?
00:31:19THE END
00:31:37Now you'll turn into another woman.
00:31:42And I'll find out a little bit more.
00:31:44Why that woman keeps calling my name.
00:31:48Why there's so much pain in her eyes.
00:31:52And I'll see her features more clearly.
00:31:56Each time, more clearly.
00:32:14THE END
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00:34:44Don't you smell something burning?
00:34:56what do you find so interesting in the newspaper
00:34:58that you forgot the toast?
00:35:03Don't do that, Mildred.
00:35:05You know it bothers me.
00:35:15I was only trying to make your toast edible.
00:35:22Did I tell you I received a letter from my cousin Gladys?
00:35:30Aren't you going to ask me what she said in it?
00:35:34You're going to tell me anyway.
00:35:37She's not feeling well.
00:35:39And she asked me to pay her a visit.
00:35:41To keep her company.
00:35:43So, if you have no objections, I'll go tomorrow.
00:35:47I have no objections.
00:35:49Of course you have no objection.
00:35:52For a whole week, you can pretend you're divorced.
00:35:57But I promise you, I will come back, my dear.
00:36:00You can be certain of that.
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00:36:48Hello, Mr. Harrington.
00:36:53What are you doing here?
00:36:55What do you think I'm doing?
00:36:56I could tell you I knew your wife was going away,
00:36:59and I've come because I wanted to be alone.
00:37:02I might be a model whose sole purpose is to capture her boss.
00:37:06Or Rosie Miller's sister, for example.
00:37:09Who wants to ask you,
00:37:11what did you do with my sister, Mr. Harrington?
00:37:15As a matter of fact, I...
00:37:17I killed her.
00:37:19Raped her.
00:37:21And buried her in the hothouse.
00:37:22It must have been wonderful.
00:37:26What motive would you prefer to have brought me here?
00:37:31The real one.
00:37:33That will be the most interesting.
00:37:38Are you really Rosie's sister?
00:37:44Would it matter to you if I were?
00:37:48I don't know.
00:37:49Would it matter to you if I were?
00:37:54How often have you been unfaithful to your wife?
00:37:57Three, four times?
00:38:00You ask a lot of questions.
00:38:03That's the only way that you're like other women.
00:38:07The only way?
00:38:10There's something different about you.
00:38:13I don't know exactly what it is.
00:38:15Perhaps your eyes.
00:38:19Or your skin.
00:38:21But for me, you're different from any woman I've ever known.
00:38:25I'm just an ordinary girl. I adore luxury.
00:38:28I'm terribly lazy.
00:38:30And I like to amuse myself doing crazy things.
00:38:33How? What kind of things?
00:38:35Well, I just turned 23 and I've had several lovers.
00:38:40How many lovers have you had?
00:38:42All of them.
00:38:43How many lovers have you had?
00:38:45Oh, I never counted them.
00:38:47Not many.
00:38:51Why aren't you happily married?
00:38:55Every man needs women for different reasons.
00:38:59Apart from love.
00:39:01Apart from love?
00:39:03Why do you need them?
00:39:07Perhaps to find out something about myself.
00:39:11You know, I could help you find out about yourself.
00:39:15I wouldn't want to...
00:39:18to use you in that way.
00:39:27I don't want to harm you.
00:39:29I know how to take care of myself.
00:39:32Do you live here?
00:39:35Yes, I do. Alone.
00:39:38Well, good night, Helen.
00:39:41Good night.
00:39:44Do you mind if I ask you another question?
00:39:49Why haven't you kissed me yet?
00:40:11Please, Mary, come away from here.
00:40:14Come away from here.
00:40:16Get your hands off me.
00:40:18Get your hands off me.
00:40:20Get off me.
00:40:22Get off me.
00:40:27Get off me.
00:40:29Get off me.
00:40:31Get off me.
00:40:33Get off me.
00:40:35Get off me.
00:40:37She's not like you, Mary.
00:40:38Come away from here! Come with me! He'll be all right!
00:40:47I beg you to come! I can't leave you here! I don't want to leave you here!
00:40:52Listen, Mary, she knows best.
00:40:56You've got to understand!
00:40:59It's for your own good, you must!
00:41:01I don't want to understand anything!
00:41:07All I know is...
00:41:09He's going to die!
00:41:17He was the only thing I ever loved in the world!
00:42:03I'm not a ghost, my dear. I took the first plane back.
00:42:23I wanted to surprise you, and apparently I did.
00:42:36Where have you been? With some woman?
00:42:41What were the two of you doing?
00:42:44Did you tell her how much you loved your mother?
00:42:49Did you think I was going to leave you here alone?
00:42:58I sent Gladys a telegram saying I wasn't coming.
00:43:01I don't intend to leave you here alone for a week, do you hear?
00:43:05Don't even bother dreaming about it!
00:43:07Are you listening? Not a week, not a day, not even a minute!
00:43:11I'll always be here at your side, whether you like it or not!
00:43:14Always! Always!
00:43:16Always! Always!
00:43:47Why do we torture each other?
00:43:51Who's torturing whom?
00:43:54There was a time when we were... we were happy.
00:43:59Before we got married, to be exact.
00:44:03We laughed together, made plans.
00:44:09And now...
00:44:10We laughed together, made plans.
00:44:16Had dreams.
00:44:19But you were never my husband.
00:44:21I know, but I wanted you so much.
00:44:32Something happened.
00:44:35Right on our wedding night, I...
00:44:37I heard those footsteps.
00:44:40What footsteps?
00:44:42Mildred, I know I should have done something that night.
00:44:48I was afraid.
00:44:51John, John, don't leave me like this.
00:44:54Have pity, die. Don't leave me.
00:44:57I'll be back in a minute.
00:45:00I promise.
00:45:07I promise.
00:46:04You don't want to separate from me.
00:46:07And I don't want you around my neck.
00:46:11What other solution is there?
00:46:14I hated these last years with you.
00:46:18And now, finally, it'll be all over.
00:46:22But why? Why?
00:46:24I think it's necessary.
00:46:27It's inescapable.
00:46:32I'm sure of it.
00:48:21All right.
00:48:22Where is she?
00:48:23Where is she?
00:48:24Where is who?
00:48:25Alice Norton.
00:48:26I know she's in this house with you.
00:48:28Alice Norton is Mr. Kane's fiancée.
00:48:31We heard a woman screaming.
00:48:34Yes, we certainly heard her.
00:48:36Oh, Inspector.
00:48:37You're allowing yourself to be influenced
00:48:39by a very impressionable young man.
00:48:41I'm surprised at you.
00:48:43It's not worthy of you, you know.
00:48:51No, don't touch me.
00:48:53Leave me alone.
00:49:06Leave me alone.
00:49:15Were these the screams you heard?
00:49:17Very interesting.
00:49:19You like horror films, do you?
00:49:22I don't find them very entertaining.
00:49:25I keep thinking that reality is more terrifying than fiction.
00:49:31Wouldn't you agree?
00:49:32Another strange disappearance of one of your models, Mr. Harrington.
00:49:36Alice Norton, who hasn't been seen in a week.
00:49:39Since she works at your fashion house and no one saw her leave,
00:49:43I thought you might be able to help me.
00:49:50It's hard to believe she wouldn't leave word with someone.
00:49:53Alice Norton and Jimmy Kane were to be married before long.
00:49:57Did you know that, Mr. Harrington?
00:50:00Your visits are becoming too frequent, Inspector.
00:50:03They begin to annoy me.
00:50:06If you wish to continue this investigation,
00:50:08you'll have to make a formal charge against Mr. Harrington.
00:50:12So you don't know anything about her, no?
00:50:14I must apologize. It was a misunderstanding.
00:50:16Isn't that so, Mr. Kane?
00:50:17I think so.
00:50:20Good night, Mr. Harrington.
00:50:21Good night.
00:50:34It's very cold tonight, isn't it?
00:50:37Yes, quite cold.
00:50:40It's curious. You seem to be sweating.
00:50:44Very curious.
00:52:37I saw Mommy dead.
00:52:43Something awakened me that night.
00:52:45It was raining very hard.
00:52:54I crossed the whole house to get to their room.
00:52:57I was afraid because it was so dark.
00:53:07Why did they kill Mommy?
00:53:12Who did it?
00:53:15I want to know who did it.
00:53:17John! John! John!
00:54:18What are you filling that cup for?
00:54:21Your wife asked for it.
00:54:47Can I have a look?
00:54:58The wig for number 12.
00:55:00Almost ready?
00:55:01In a minute.
00:55:02The white boots go with model 24.
00:55:05Yes, ma'am. I'm on my way.
00:55:06Mrs. Harrington.
00:55:08It's a pleasure to see you here. We thought you were away.
00:55:11Oh, by the way, John, what satin are we going to use for model 25?
00:55:16What would you suggest, Mrs. Harrington?
00:55:19She's gone.
00:55:21Well, then, shall we leave it the way it was?
00:55:24John, is it all right?
00:55:28Yes, fine.
00:55:37Listen, I'd like a color shot of this for the cover, Jacques.
00:55:42How's it going, Marie?
00:55:51Are you ready?
00:55:55Do you like that negligee?
00:56:00It looks fine.
00:56:02Thanks. I'm happy.
00:56:11Thank you.
00:56:34Model 11.
00:56:36Subtle breeze.
00:56:38Fashioned from a base of Swiss organza and appliqued with a spattering of flowers in free form.
00:56:45The flowered cap has a short veil, also in organza.
00:56:50The shoes are of delustered satin with Italian...
00:56:53Good morning, Betsy. Good morning, Lady Worcester.
00:56:56Model 12.
00:56:58Summer moon.
00:57:00This is an empire-style gown in fur with a cloak of lace.
00:57:05The shoes and stockings are of silver lamé.
00:57:09Model 15.
00:57:12This one is a nightgown of fine Dutch tulle, worn with slippers trimmed in swan style.
00:57:18Excuse me for a moment, won't you, ladies?
00:57:21Model 18.
00:57:23Orange flowers.
00:57:24An enchanting ensemble in natural silk and delustered satin.
00:57:29The shoes are...
00:57:30Inspector Russell.
00:57:32And what brings you here?
00:57:34Used to be when marriage for a woman was a simple problem of finding success or failure.
00:57:39Now she also has the simple problem of keeping alive.
00:57:42Which of those wedding gowns will the next victim be wearing?
00:57:45This one?
00:57:47That one?
00:57:48I wouldn't know.
00:57:50I made a routine call to the television station.
00:57:53I asked them to show me the film that was playing that night that we showed up and invited at your house.
00:58:00But nobody screamed before that scene we saw when you turned on the TV in front of us.
00:58:05Interesting, huh?
00:58:07Yeah, it's very interesting.
00:58:12Oh, would you like me to tell you my plan for trapping the murderer?
00:58:17If you want to.
00:58:19Just patience.
00:58:20Only that.
00:58:21Just patience.
00:58:23Right now all I can do is wait.
00:58:25But it won't be very long until I'll be able to burst this bubble.
00:58:29Good day.
00:58:30Good day, Inspector.
00:58:45A bore, wouldn't you say?
00:58:46My mother still thinks these things are important.
00:58:50And you don't think so?
00:58:52If only girls who deserve these dresses wore them, you would go bankrupt.
00:58:56Do you deserve one?
00:58:57Certainly not.
00:58:59You don't really think that I'm a lily-white virgin, do you?
00:59:01I'm my own boss.
00:59:04I hope you're going to be present at my wedding.
00:59:06You are?
00:59:07Sure, why not?
00:59:10He must like you, and that's something.
00:59:12He's very nervous.
00:59:15And very lucky.
00:59:23What's wrong with your mother?
00:59:25She's talking to herself.
00:59:27Are you blind?
00:59:29She's with your wife.
00:59:52Mildred, where have you gone to?
01:02:26I'll never leave you, John.
01:02:31Everyone will see me except you,
01:02:34by your side as always.
01:02:39Always, John.
01:02:45Always by your side.
01:02:47They'll say we're a perfect couple, always together, always.
01:03:14They'll say we're a perfect couple, always together, always.
01:03:44They'll say we're a perfect couple, always together, always.
01:03:49They'll say we're a perfect couple, always.
01:04:40My incinerator's too much.
01:04:43Even too much for you, Mildred.
01:04:48I think now you'll leave me in peace.
01:04:56Won't you, Mildred?
01:05:11I hope that finally you're happy.
01:05:15You wanted to be with me, dear.
01:05:21You said so yourself.
01:05:50Yes, sir?
01:05:51A whiskey, please.
01:05:56Would you like something, dear?
01:05:59A whiskey for you, monsieur, and a sherry for madame.
01:06:28Here's to us, Mildred.
01:06:57Would you like to come home with me?
01:07:07You have company.
01:07:11She won't disturb us.
01:07:15We'll go to my house.
01:07:17The three of us.
01:07:19My wife will see something she won't ever forget.
01:07:22Not even in hell.
01:07:25You rotten pervert.
01:07:26Who do you think you are?
01:07:28Throw him out of here.
01:07:29It's nothing to do with a filthy scoundrel.
01:07:31It's nothing but a pervert.
01:07:32Okay, let's take this one.
01:07:43Here's your bag.
01:07:54Thank you.
01:08:14Thank you.
01:08:39Thank you.
01:09:06Thank you.
01:09:34Thank you.
01:09:54Thank you.
01:10:22Thank you.
01:10:47Thank you.
01:11:15Thank you.
01:11:44Thank you.
01:11:54I was in the fitting room and I saw you come up here.
01:11:57May I come in?
01:11:58Yes, of course.
01:12:10Come closer, Helen.
01:12:16When I was a little boy, this was my room.
01:12:20We've all had a room like this.
01:12:23And then it gets lost, this room of memories.
01:12:27But you've kept yours beautifully.
01:12:30Yes, the memories do float about.
01:12:38You managed to preserve them very well.
01:12:47Get out of here, Helen.
01:12:48John, are you ill?
01:12:53I'm coming to the end of a long road.
01:12:57Our minds get so tired of suffering.
01:13:04Of suffering so.
01:13:06I've got to find out.
01:13:10There's only a little way to go.
01:13:15Only one step more.
01:13:19And I'll have found out everything.
01:13:22Only one step more.
01:13:24The last, Helen.
01:13:43The last, Helen.
01:14:11The last, Helen.
01:14:41The last, Helen.
01:15:12The last, Helen.
01:15:13The last, Helen.
01:15:14The last, Helen.
01:15:15The last, Helen.
01:15:16The last, Helen.
01:15:17The last, Helen.
01:15:18The last, Helen.
01:15:19The last, Helen.
01:15:20The last, Helen.
01:15:21The last, Helen.
01:15:22The last, Helen.
01:15:23The last, Helen.
01:15:24The last, Helen.
01:15:25The last, Helen.
01:15:26The last, Helen.
01:15:27The last, Helen.
01:15:28The last, Helen.
01:15:29The last, Helen.
01:15:30The last, Helen.
01:15:31The last, Helen.
01:15:32The last, Helen.
01:15:33The last, Helen.
01:15:34The last, Helen.
01:15:35The last, Helen.
01:15:36The last, Helen.
01:15:37The last, Helen.
01:15:38The last, Helen.
01:15:39The last, Helen.
01:15:40The last, Helen.
01:15:41The last, Helen.
01:15:42The last, Helen.
01:15:43The last, Helen.
01:15:44The last, Helen.
01:15:45The last, Helen.
01:15:46The last, Helen.
01:15:47The last, Helen.
01:15:48The last, Helen.
01:15:49The last, Helen.
01:15:50The last, Helen.
01:15:51The last, Helen.
01:15:52The last, Helen.
01:15:53The last, Helen.
01:15:54The last, Helen.
01:15:55The last, Helen.
01:15:56The last, Helen.
01:15:57The last, Helen.
01:15:58The last, Helen.
01:15:59The last, Helen.
01:16:00The last, Helen.
01:16:01The last, Helen.
01:16:02The last, Helen.
01:16:03The last, Helen.
01:16:04The last, Helen.
01:16:05The last, Helen.
01:16:06The last, Helen.
01:16:07The last, Helen.
01:16:08The last, Helen.
01:16:09The last, Helen.
01:16:10The last, Helen.
01:16:11The last, Helen.
01:16:12The last, Helen.
01:16:13The last, Helen.
01:16:14The last, Helen.
01:16:15The last, Helen.
01:16:16The last, Helen.
01:16:17The last, Helen.
01:16:18The last, Helen.
01:16:19The last, Helen.
01:16:20The last, Helen.
01:16:21The last, Helen.
01:16:22The last, Helen.
01:16:23The last, Helen.
01:16:24The last, Helen.
01:16:25The last, Helen.
01:16:26The last, Helen.
01:16:27The last, Helen.
01:16:28The last, Helen.
01:16:29The last, Helen.
01:16:30The last, Helen.
01:16:31The last, Helen.
01:16:32The last, Helen.
01:16:33The last, Helen.
01:16:34The last, Helen.
01:16:35The last, Helen.
01:16:36The last, Helen.
01:16:37The last, Helen.
01:16:38The last, Helen.
01:16:39The last, Helen.
01:16:40The last, Helen.
01:16:41The last, Helen.
01:16:42The last, Helen.
01:16:43The last, Helen.
01:16:44The last, Helen.
01:16:45The last, Helen.
01:16:46The last, Helen.
01:16:47The last, Helen.
01:16:48The last, Helen.
01:16:49The last, Helen.
01:16:50The last, Helen.
01:16:51The last, Helen.
01:16:52The last, Helen.
01:16:53The last, Helen.
01:16:54The last, Helen.
01:16:55The last, Helen.
01:16:56The last, Helen.
01:16:57The last, Helen.
01:16:58The last, Helen.
01:16:59The last, Helen.
01:17:00The last, Helen.
01:17:01The last, Helen.
01:17:02The last, Helen.
01:17:03The last, Helen.
01:17:04The last, Helen.
01:17:05The last, Helen.
01:17:06The last, Helen.
01:17:07The last, Helen.
01:17:08The last, Helen.
01:17:14I didn't expect you to be here, Harrington.
01:17:15What do you want, Inspector?
01:17:17The killer tried to get to Lady Worcester's daughter
01:17:20in her house tonight.
01:17:21You were at the reception, weren't you?
01:17:25How long were you there?
01:17:26Not long.
01:17:27Mr. Harrington and I have been here all evening.
01:17:31We decided to spend the night together.
01:17:35the night together. Any objections? Oh no, of course not Miss Wood. You won't be long
01:17:42will you? You seem to be a very lucky man Harrington. I must say very lucky. If I
01:17:51were you I wouldn't press my luck. Pardon this interruption.
01:17:57You are certainly very fortunate. I envy you. I'd visit a doctor if I were you. You're
01:18:12sweating again in the cold air. And I can turn into a nuisance. Good evening.
01:18:18Helen, what are you doing here? Can't you guess? You don't mind my using your bath do you? Or
01:18:39getting into your dressing gown? Why did you lie to help me? I wanted him to leave so that we
01:18:50could spend some time alone. You're not afraid to be alone with me? Me afraid? Not a chance.
01:18:58Go away. Please. Please go away. Do you mean it? Really? Yes. Something unforeseen has
01:19:24happened. Go. Go now. Before it's too late. I don't want to go. I want to stay. I want to be with you.
01:19:54I want to stay. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you
01:20:24I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be with you. I want to be
01:20:54with you.
01:21:24I want to be with you.
01:22:54I never wanted to hurt you.
01:22:57No, I didn't.
01:23:00But I have to put that last piece in place.
01:23:03I have to know who did it.
01:23:44I killed my mother.
01:23:47I killed my mother.
01:23:56I didn't.
01:23:59I didn't want her to marry again.
01:24:02I killed her.
01:24:07I killed her.
01:24:18Are you all right?
01:24:21Miss Wood, you are a very brave young lady.
01:24:47Helen was the pawn you introduced into the game.
01:24:53Am I right, Inspector?
01:24:59It could have been so nice.
01:25:02I think.
01:25:05Although I suppose it was a mistake.
01:25:09I'm sorry.
01:25:12I'm sorry.
01:25:15Although I suppose it couldn't be.
01:25:21Let's go, Inspector.
01:25:44Let's go.
01:26:14Let's go.
01:26:45Good evening, John.
01:26:47At first you couldn't see me.
01:26:50And now nobody will see me except you.
01:26:54And we'll always be together.
01:26:57At first in the insane asylum.
01:27:00And then in hell for eternity.
01:27:06Go away.
01:27:09I don't want you with me.
01:27:11I don't want you with me.
01:27:17Let me go.
01:27:19Let her go.
01:27:24I killed her once.
01:27:26I don't want to kill her again.
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