When I Seriously Scolded the Mafia Boss's Badass Daughter…

  • 3 months ago
When I Seriously Scolded the Mafia Boss's Badass Daughter…
Japanese Manga in English
Manga video to learn English


00:00I'm Ryu Ogawa, a college student with no talents other than studying.
00:06The reason I've been so dedicated to my studies is because of the words of my late grandparents.
00:12Ryu, you can't slack off on your studies.
00:18Knowledge is a weapon that helps you in life.
00:21We couldn't study properly back in our time because of the circumstances.
00:26We had no choice back then, but if we could have learned, we would have wanted to study.
00:32That's why, Ryu, don't neglect your studies.
00:36Studying is the first step to creating a happy future.
00:41With those words in my heart, I've been desperately working hard.
00:45But that's all I have.
00:47My communication skills are as scarce as a sparrow's tears.
00:51I have only a handful of friends, and before I knew it, I had become a full-fledged introvert.
00:57Well, class is already over.
01:00Might as well head home.
01:03Since my lectures were only in the morning, it's great that I can go museum hopping in the afternoon.
01:09Taking it slow and absorbing information makes me happy.
01:13Once I get home, I'll organize what I saw today.
01:16That's such a hassle and I don't get the point.
01:20It's so boring and meaningless, don't you think?
01:23Why is she out at this hour, and in a school uniform?
01:27I don't really appreciate going out late at night.
01:30She's with someone who looks intimidating, maybe a mafia or something?
01:34Don't mess with a flashy girl if you don't want to get in trouble.
01:38But, miss...
01:40Shut up already. Studying is pointless, it's just a waste of time.
01:44There are more important things in life than studying, you know?
01:48Well, everyone has their own attitude towards studying, I guess.
01:52So, I can't really say anything about it.
01:56Seriously, I can't stand those who are eager to study.
01:59What? You should study. It's better for you.
02:03Huh? Who are you?
02:06Who do you think you're talking to, boy? Who are you?
02:09Um, c-come on, I gotta say something.
02:13But, but... I've already said it, so just gotta deal with it.
02:18Don't take learning for granted.
02:20Studying is a luxury, and being able to learn is something to be grateful for.
02:25Plus, knowledge becomes a weapon that helps you in life.
02:28You're lame if you give up before even trying to learn.
02:33Huh? What the? You little...
02:37So, that's my opinion.
02:39Well then, see ya! Have a nice day!
02:42Oh, hey!
02:43Oh no, I messed up! What the heck am I doing?
02:47But, I really meant what I said.
02:49I thought it wouldn't be right to stay silent there.
02:53But it's not something a nerd like me should do!
02:56Anyway, I ran away quickly, so I'll never see her again, right?
03:01And that's what I thought, but...
03:04Why am I here now?
03:06I opened the door thinking someone was there, and then I got brought here.
03:11I haven't done anything wrong!
03:13Sorry for bringing you here out of the blue.
03:16Uh, um, well, what did I do?
03:20Seems like you scolded my daughter yesterday.
03:24Scolded? Oh, so, that high school girl...
03:28She's my only daughter, Marie Ono.
03:32Huh? Oh, uh, um...
03:35Uh, I'm really sorry for saying something so disrespectful.
03:39No, no. I'm not angry.
03:42I'm grateful to you for scolding her.
03:45Huh? What do you mean by that?
03:47Since you value studying and scolded my daughter,
03:50I want to ask you to be her private tutor.
03:54Dad, what are you saying?
03:56Oh, hey, Marie. What's wrong?
03:59What do you mean, what's wrong?
04:01Why did you hire a private tutor without asking me?
04:05With your wild personality,
04:07there is hardly anyone who can handle you other than this guy.
04:11But still!
04:12Ah, sorry. By the way, what's your name?
04:16I'm Ryu Ogawa.
04:18Ryu, this guy will help you with your studies.
04:22No way!
04:23You know, if you fail the next test, you'll be held back, right?
04:28To avoid being held back, at least aim for a score of 80 or something.
04:34Otherwise, you'll get punished with stuffed bell peppers every night.
04:39Huh? What? Oh my god, I can't believe it.
04:42Why is it always the bell peppers I hate?
04:46Hmph. If you hate it that much, get the teacher to tutor you.
04:50So, Ryu, I'm counting on you.
04:54And just like that, in the blink of an eye, I became her private tutor.
04:59And so, I tried starting as a private tutor.
05:03Um, Marie, about studying...
05:08It's a hassle. If you want to study, do it on your own.
05:12Even if I do it, it won't make any sense. This is your studying, after all.
05:17Then you can just go home.
05:19I can't do that. Your dad asked me to do this.
05:22Plus, you don't want to get held back, right?
05:25Ugh, that's true, but... I mean, I seriously don't get it.
05:31What's the point of studying anyway?
05:33You said that I'm lame for thinking that way, but that's not true.
05:37Being a nerd is way lamer and uncool.
05:40That's not true.
05:42Being able to study is a real luxury and something awesome.
05:45What? Luxury? Seriously, I don't get it.
05:50Back in the day, what people held instead of a pen was something else.
05:55There were kids who couldn't learn and had to work.
05:58Kids who had to desperately work just to survive, with no time to study.
06:04We can study because it's the 21st century.
06:07You should understand how lucky you are with your current situation.
06:11Why are you so desperate? Ugh, you're so lame.
06:16If being desperate is lame, then I'm fine being lame.
06:20I believe in the words of my grandparents who taught me the value of learning.
06:24That's why I'm going to study so hard.
06:28Sorry, I went a bit overboard with that.
06:31It's fine.
06:32Hey, why do you hate studying so much? Is there some reason behind it?
06:39Studying is just boring, you know?
06:42I don't understand what the teachers are saying, and I can't keep up.
06:47I just don't understand anything, so I don't know how to solve it.
06:51But asking the teachers is embarrassing.
06:55And because of that, school isn't fun anymore.
06:58So I skip.
07:00Then let's look it up what you don't understand.
07:03Let's do it over and over until you get it.
07:06Aren't you gonna laugh?
07:09Everyone laughed at me because I couldn't study.
07:12Why is there a need to laugh?
07:13In the beginning, it's normal not to understand anything.
07:21Sorry for what I said earlier.
07:24And for acting like a jerk all this time.
07:26I'm sorry.
07:28No worries.
07:29Don't sweat it.
07:30I also went too far with what I said.
07:33I'll be serious about it starting from tomorrow.
07:36And with that, the first day ended.
07:38And although she became motivated.
07:42Marie, aren't you getting a bit too close?
07:46Is it not okay to study like this?
07:48No, but...
07:50Well, then.
07:52I feel more motivated when I do it like this.
07:55But this makes it hard to write, you know?
07:58Well, let's save this kind of stuff for after studying, okay?
08:03After studying?
08:05Fine, then.
08:06Then I'll study hard.
08:09One hour later.
08:11I did it.
08:12Wow, Marie.
08:13You catch on fast.
08:15You solve these tricky questions without any mistakes.
08:19It's all thanks to your teaching, Ryu.
08:21So, come on.
08:23Praise me.
08:26Hugging is not allowed.
08:28You said it was okay earlier, right?
08:31That was about the arm.
08:33If it's the arm, is it okay?
08:37The distance.
08:40Ryu, you're blushing so much.
08:42It's cute.
08:43You might be good at studying.
08:45But are you a beginner in love?
08:48Should I teach you about that?
08:50Hey, don't tease the teacher.
08:54A few days later.
08:56Marie, let's work on this today.
08:59What's this?
09:00A workbook?
09:01I brought it to focus on the areas you struggle with.
09:04Did you buy it?
09:06I made it myself.
09:08You made it?
09:10Yeah, so try it.
09:13Yeah, Marie is solving them correctly.
09:16She does have reading comprehension skills.
09:18So once she understands, she gets it right away.
09:21With this, studying could be even...
09:25I stayed up all night making it.
09:27So I'm getting sleepy.
09:30I bet he's super tired.
09:34Oops, did I fall asleep?
09:36You awake?
09:37Good morning, Ryu.
09:39Oh man, sorry.
09:41I fell asleep.
09:42And wait a sec.
09:43Was I sleeping on your lap?
09:46Sorry, I'll get up right away.
09:49It's fine.
09:50It's fine.
09:50Don't worry.
09:52You're just hired, Ryu.
09:54Thanks for everything you've done for me.
09:57You should still take a break, you know?
10:01If it's about the workbook, don't worry.
10:03I solved them properly.
10:04So come on, go to sleep.
10:07Go to sleep.
10:09If she keeps doing this, I'll get sleepy again.
10:12No, I can't.
10:16And one hour later.
10:18Yeah, great job.
10:20You're doing well.
10:23Thanks, Ryu.
10:24Studying is so much fun when you understand it, huh?
10:28I regret not doing things like this before.
10:32No worries.
10:32It's never too late to learn, you know?
10:35We're gonna study a lot from now on, all right?
10:38And so every day I taught her and we got into a routine of studying.
10:43Within that, she started praising me too.
10:45Like, you're amazing and that's my number one teacher and so on.
10:50Gradually, I started gaining confidence that I never had before.
10:55Then one day.
10:56You're dressed differently today, huh?
10:59I'm going out to eat with my dad later.
11:02Figured it wouldn't hurt to dress like this once in a while.
11:05That's just an excuse.
11:08I wanted to make you all excited.
11:11Here we go again.
11:15Hey, Ryu.
11:17Speaking of which, I have a test coming up, you know?
11:20So how about giving me a reward if I get a good score?
11:26Sure thing.
11:27All right.
11:28As your dad said, let's make it if you get 80 points or above.
11:33What do you want?
11:34I want to be your wife, Ryu.
11:36Quit with those jokes, seriously.
11:39I'm serious.
11:41Okay, and what do you want?
11:43Then how about a date?
11:45Let's go on a date.
11:48Okay, I'm gonna do my best.
11:51After making the declaration, Marie worked even harder than before.
11:56She solved twice the number of problems as usual.
11:58Aced her preparation and review.
12:02Yeah, you're doing great.
12:04This self-study notebook of yours is super easy to understand.
12:07Man, Marie, you're improving your skills more and more.
12:11Thanks to you.
12:13You know, Ryu, I found a dream.
12:16I want to become a teacher like you.
12:18I want to help kids who struggle with studying just like you helped me.
12:23That's a wonderful dream.
12:24I'm sure you can make it come true.
12:28Thanks, Ryu.
12:30Hey, hey, I told you.
12:32No getting all touchy-feely.
12:34And before we knew it, the day of the test arrived.
12:37Marie impressively scored above 80 in all subjects.
12:41Ryu, hurry up, hurry up.
12:44Wait, Marie.
12:45Today, you gotta stick with me all day.
12:48Cause it's a reward, you know.
12:50I got it.
12:51I'll stick with you as much as you want.
12:53All right, then.
12:55Is it okay if we do it like this?
12:58I keep telling you, it's about the distance, okay?
13:01Come on, it's only a test.
13:03Come on, it's all good.
13:05Today's my reward day, you know.
13:07Yeah, but...
13:10Ugh, fine.
13:12Just for today, okay?
13:16Afterward, Marie and I had a blast at the amusement park.
13:19It was a little embarrassing, but I thought it would become our final memories.
13:24And even that embarrassment became endearing.
13:27When did I start feeling this way about her?
13:30Ryu, what's up?
13:32Feeling tired?
13:33No, it's nothing.
13:35Look, the parade is starting soon.
13:37Oh yeah, come on, let's go to the front.
13:39And let's dance together.
13:42Sounds good.
13:44Let's go!
13:46A few hours later.
13:48Today was so much fun.
13:50Hey, Ryu?
13:52Since I'll get good scores on the next test too, how about another reward?
13:58Marie, my tutoring ends here.
14:01What's that supposed to mean?
14:03What do you mean?
14:05I won't be teaching you anymore.
14:07I've already spoken with your dad.
14:09I don't get it, why?
14:11Because there's nothing left for me to teach you.
14:15If she wants to improve her grades towards her dream, it's better to have a pro look at it.
14:20I can't teach her anything anymore.
14:22Besides, a socially awkward guy like me doesn't match the bright and cute future Marie has.
14:29No way!
14:30There's still so much I want to learn from you, Ryu.
14:34And yet...
14:34I'm sorry, Marie.
14:37What is that?
14:38I don't get it.
14:40I hate you, Ryu.
14:43It's all good.
14:44This is how it should be.
14:46As long as I think of her future, this is fine.
14:49But am I just running away like this?
14:52Making excuses and distancing myself?
14:54It's not right.
14:55What am I doing?
14:59I'm sorry!
15:01I was trying to run away from you.
15:03I made excuses and tried to keep my distance from you because I thought I wasn't good enough.
15:09But I realized that ain't right.
15:12So please, give me some time.
15:15Six months.
15:16In six months, I'll proudly come to see you.
15:20I'll study hard during those six months too.
15:23Let's both do our best, Ryu.
15:26So, I made a determined effort, stacking effort upon effort,
15:30so that I could walk beside her with confidence in my heart.
15:34As I pushed myself relentlessly, time flew by in an instant.
15:38And then, six months had passed.
15:41What do you want?
15:42What brings you here all of a sudden?
15:44I came to see Marie.
15:46I've worked hard so that I'd be worth being by her side.
15:50I have something to tell her.
15:52Marie, you here?
15:54As promised, I came to see you.
15:59I've been waiting.
16:00I've been waiting all this time.
16:02I've been working hard to become a girl worth you.
16:05Check this out.
16:07This is amazing!
16:09All scores are above 90!
16:12I'm the top of my grade!
16:13You're incredible, Marie!
16:16Ryu, you know, I like, totally have feelings for you.
16:22I love the way you've taken me seriously and taught me the joy of learning.
16:26I like you too, like, a lot!
16:29I fell for you when you were seriously working hard and found your dream.
16:33Your efforts totally stole my heart.
16:36Marie, will you be my girlfriend?
16:39Of course I'd love to!
16:41And so, Marie and I became a couple,
16:44with her dad's approval that we'd have a wholesome relationship until we graduate high school.
16:50Since we started dating, we've acknowledged and supported each other,
16:54and her grades have been steadily improving.
16:56I've gained better communication skills and completely shed my socially awkward shell.
17:01Of course, I'm still putting in the effort to teach Marie.
17:05And Marie has maintained her top grades until graduation.
17:10It's great that you two have such a good relationship.
17:14I'm really glad I entrusted my daughter to you, Ryu.
17:17No, thank you so much!
17:20Hey dad, you brought him caring about me, right?
17:24I totally get it now.
17:26So you know, I...
17:28I get it.
17:29You have your own dreams, right?
17:31If that's the case, don't worry about the family and go all out on it!
17:35Thanks, dad!
17:37Several years passed, and I landed a job at a major education company.
17:41Marie became an elementary school teacher starting this spring.
17:46And today, both you and I, we could probably live without each other.
17:52But I can't even imagine a life without you.
17:56Same here, Ryu.
17:57From now on, we'll always, always be together.
18:02I love you.
18:04I love you too.
