• last year
(Adnkronos) - Rendere il mondo un posto migliore per gli animali. È questo l’impegno di Royal Canin, l’azienda del gruppo Mars, pioniera a livello globale nella promozione della salute animale attraverso la nutrizione. L’azienda ha organizzato a Milano un incontro con alcuni esperti per indagare l’importanza degli animali da compagnia nelle nostre vite e, soprattutto, la relazione positiva e benefica che può instaurarsi tra pet e bambini.


00:00To make the world a better place for animals, this is the commitment of Royal Canin, the company of the Mars group, a pioneer at a global level in the promotion of animal health through nutrition.
00:16A company that has organized a meeting in Milan with some experts to investigate the importance of pets in our lives and the relationship of pets with the little ones.
00:26The binomial of children and pets is certainly a winning combination. As Royal Canin, we are committed to a series of projects to ensure that the owners of tomorrow, i.e. the children, can become a generation of guardians of health.
00:40We have been carrying out several projects for years, one of which is the cat therapy in the hospitals of Fatebene Fratelli in Iguarda di Milano, where we want to bring smiles and positivity to children who are a little less fortunate.
00:52As Royal Canin, for years we have been carrying out days dedicated to our children, the children of our employees, our associates, to train them, so with moments of real training, to educate them to be responsible owners.
01:05And finally, we will start in September with a project in schools to educate the nursery schools, primary schools, but also associations where there are children, future owners, where it is important that there is awareness of what animals are, how to take care of them and how to make a better world, starting from the owners of tomorrow.
01:26According to the report Zumark Nomisma, 43% of owners of domestic animals belong to a family nucleus with children. When the pet arrives in the family, the relationship with the child must be carefully monitored.
01:39The child and the animal must learn to know each other, they must respect each other's spaces, their own resources, so it is a job that must be done not only on the animal, but it is an education that must also be done on the child.
01:54The pet-child relationship produces significant positive effects.
01:58From an emotional point of view, certainly the animal guarantees the child a relationship that is a very stable relationship, characterized by affection, lack of judgment and all this contributes to improving the construction of the child's self-esteem.
02:17From a relational point of view, the relationship with an animal allows the child to quickly come into contact with someone who is different from himself and this stimulates respect for diversity and also drives a good development of empathy.
02:37Finally, the animal induces a state of calm, so all cognitive processes are facilitated and then, thanks to the daily contact with the animal, the child is facilitated in learning some basic biological concepts, such as the fact that all animals eat, drink, breathe, have a heart, move.
03:02These learnings are then much stronger, much more effective because they are conveyed by a relationship that has an important emotional content.
03:11The presence of pets in Italian families is increasingly widespread, but animal owners have developed an anthropomorphic vision of pets.
03:20The problem is that very often we do not understand their needs because we treat them not as cats, not as dogs, so we do not recognize what their real needs are.
