BREAKING NEWS: Ted Cruz Holds Texas-Based Senate Hearing To Demand Big Tech Action On Revenge Porn

  • 3 months ago
Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) holds a Senate Commerce Committee field hearing in Dallas, Texas, to demand action from big tech companies to combat revenge porn.

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00:00:30Good afternoon, everyone. Welcome. Welcome to a field hearing of the Senate Committee on Commerce Science and Transportation
00:00:37This is a field hearing on the take it down act ending big tech's complicity in revenge pornography. I
00:00:45Want to start by thanking the University of North Texas at Dallas for providing the venue for today's hearing
00:00:52Including the UNTD staff that have worked so hard behind the scenes to put this event together. I
00:00:58Owe another huge thanks to the UNTD Dallas campus police and the state troopers
00:01:05Who are providing security this afternoon? Thank you. And of course, thank you to our witnesses for testifying today and
00:01:12to our audience for taking the time to be here in person if
00:01:17You are a victim of revenge or AI generated explicit imagery in the Internet age
00:01:25your life changes
00:01:28you most likely are a woman or a young girl and
00:01:34you most likely have been targeted by someone, you know, and
00:01:38If you do not happen to be a celebrity
00:01:41You most likely are still struggling
00:01:44To have the images of you removed from the Internet
00:01:50The scourge of so-called revenge pornography is not new
00:01:54It has been with us sadly for decades
00:01:58however, new generative AI tools
00:02:01Have made creating realistic
00:02:04yet fake
00:02:06explicit images and videos of real people
00:02:10easier than ever
00:02:12Due to advances in technology now anyone can become a victim
00:02:19And it's increasingly affecting a particularly vulnerable population
00:02:25Teenage girls
00:02:27High schools across the country are seeing an explosion of AI generated
00:02:34sexually exploitative images of female students
00:02:40Thousands upon thousands upon thousands of them
00:02:44These images are often created and spread by male classmates
00:02:51We've seen almost identical cases
00:02:56In New Jersey
00:02:58Where a male classmate created and shared fake
00:03:02sexually explicit images of
00:03:05their underage female classmates
00:03:08We've seen it in Illinois
00:03:10Where boys altered dozens of their female classmates prom photos
00:03:15to create fake nude images
00:03:19We've seen it in Washington
00:03:21Where a boy at a dance uses AI to virtually strip his female classmates dresses off
00:03:28We've seen it in
00:03:31Where three separate schools around Los Angeles in Beverly Hills
00:03:36Calabasas and Laguna Beach
00:03:38Have had incidents of students using AI to create inappropriate
00:03:44sexually explicit images of their classmates
00:03:48We've seen it in Florida
00:03:50where middle school boys created sexually explicit images of their 12 year old and 13 year old classmates and
00:03:58We've seen it here in Texas
00:04:00where a boy targeted a group of female friends and
00:04:04shared realistic
00:04:06but fake
00:04:08sexually explicit images
00:04:10in each case
00:04:12this cruel filth
00:04:15Was then sent to classmates
00:04:18further exploiting and
00:04:20embarrassing the victims I
00:04:23suspect that there are many many more instances that are never reported to law enforcement and
00:04:29That don't make the nightly news
00:04:32State lawmakers across the country have been taking action
00:04:36including here in Texas
00:04:38But the online nature of these would-be crimes
00:04:42Demands a federal solution to provide peace of mind to all victims
00:04:47That's why earlier this month. I was proud to join with Senator Amy Klobuchar a
00:04:54Democrat for Minnesota
00:04:55to lead a bipartisan group of 14 senators 7 Republicans and 7 Democrats
00:05:02to introduce the take it down act
00:05:06Also joining me last week in introducing this legislation
00:05:10Where senators Shelley Moore Capito?
00:05:13Richard Blumenthal Jackie Rosen Cynthia Lummis Ted Budd
00:05:19LaFonza Butler Todd Young Joe Manchin
00:05:24Bill Cassidy
00:05:25John Hickenlooper Martin Heinrich and John Brasso
00:05:30since then
00:05:32Senators John Thune Roger wicker and Marco Rubio have all joined with the effort as well
00:05:38And there is a companion bill underway in the United States House
00:05:42being led by representative Maria Salazar
00:05:46Our bill has garnered support from over 40 organizations across the political spectrum
00:05:53Including organizations that are both left-leaning and right-leaning advocacy groups across the political spectrum
00:06:00It's garnered support from unions from law enforcement and from industry as
00:06:07the support for this bill plainly indicates
00:06:10This is not and should not be a partisan issue and it is imperative that Congress act quickly
00:06:18to protect the victims
00:06:20The take it down act will make it a federal crime with real jail time
00:06:25for publishing online
00:06:28Non-consensual sexually explicit images of another person
00:06:32with heightened penalties if the victim is a child
00:06:37this applies even if the image is AI generated and
00:06:42It also applies in cases where the original image was created
00:06:48But the depicted individual did not consent to its publication
00:06:53It also makes it a crime to threaten to publish these images online
00:06:59thereby covering the associated problem of
00:07:03Sextortion which we're seeing more and more targeting young people
00:07:08In addition the take it down act is the first of its kind to incorporate a notice and takedown
00:07:16Requirement for social media and other websites that allow users to post these images
00:07:22This means that tik-tok and Twitter and snapchat and Instagram will have processes in place
00:07:30to receive and
00:07:32to immediately act upon complaints from victims
00:07:37Notice and takedown is a critical remedy for victims who want the images and all the copies of them removed
00:07:45So they don't spread further
00:07:48Especially in cases where the victim may not even know
00:07:51Who initially posted the images
00:07:55As the Supreme Court stated in a 2014 case concerning restitution for the possession of child pornography
00:08:04Every viewing of child pornography is a repetition of the victim's abuse
00:08:11This is no less the case for victims of non-consensual so-called revenge pornography and
00:08:18For victims of realistic but fake
00:08:23computer-generated deep fake
00:08:26sexually explicit images
00:08:29Well many social media companies purport to have a zero tolerance policy for posting
00:08:35non-consensual sexual content in
00:08:38Practice it can be very difficult for victims to file report who file reports to have the images removed
00:08:45The take it down act ensures that social media
00:08:49Prioritizes reports from victims and if they don't comply it empowers the Federal Trade Commission to pursue
00:08:57enforcement actions
00:08:58The take it down act has been referred to the Senate Commerce Committee
00:09:02Where I sit as the ranking member it is one of my top priorities that this bill
00:09:09Be placed on the next committee markup so that it can be passed out a committee and that it can receive Senate floor
00:09:16consideration as soon as possible I
00:09:21Now want to introduce the witnesses are here today for this hearing
00:09:24We are honored in
00:09:27particular to have testifying to 15 year old victims of
00:09:31AI generated sexually exploitative images
00:09:36We have miss Francesca Mani of Westfield, New Jersey and
00:09:41We have miss Elliston Barry of Aledo, Texas
00:09:45almost unbelievably
00:09:47both of them
00:09:49Were victims of this heinous activity in the very same month
00:09:56October of 2023 while living nearly 2,000 miles apart
00:10:01Today they are together in person for the first time
00:10:05To ring the national alarm bell to tell their stories on the growing spread of deepfake
00:10:12Sexually exploitative images of minors nearly all of which are targeted at young girls
00:10:20Being a victim of this horrendous practice is deeply traumatic
00:10:26Choosing to speak out about it on a national level
00:10:31on a national stage
00:10:32with TV cameras
00:10:36Requires another level of courage and verve
00:10:39Thank you to both of you for being here. I know it's not easy. Thank you for telling your story
00:10:44Thank you for having the courage to tell your story
00:10:48for other young girls and other young boys
00:10:52Who might be victims of this going forward?
00:10:56Both Francesca and Elliston are accompanied by their equally tenacious mothers
00:11:02Elliston's mother mrs. Anna McAdams will also be testifying today. I
00:11:07Am also pleased to have here today another Texas resident
00:11:12Miss Holly Toups
00:11:14Who was the victim of?
00:11:18Intimate image publication over a decade ago
00:11:23Let's be clear
00:11:25Holly has been fighting for over 10 years
00:11:28To get her images taken down from the web
00:11:32This is inexcusable
00:11:34It is well past time that Holly and other victims of so-called revenge pornography see justice
00:11:43Finally I'm honored to be joined by two other tireless advocates
00:11:48Miss Andrea Powell
00:11:51Who has over 18 years of experience
00:11:55advocating for survivors of trafficking
00:11:58sexual exploitation and
00:12:00sexual abuse and
00:12:02Also, mr. Stephan Turk Heimer
00:12:05From the rape abuse and incest national network or rain
00:12:10Which is also a supporter of the take it down act
00:12:14Thank you all for taking the time to be here today
00:12:17And I'd now like to recognize miss Powell to give her opening statement
00:12:23Dear senator Cruz, thank you for having me here today. Again. My name is Andrea Powell
00:12:27I am an expert and advocate on sexual exploitation human trafficking and image based sexual violence for the past 20 years
00:12:34I've worked alongside more than 2,000 survivors to create safe homes
00:12:39support law enforcement and medical interventions and support both child and adult victims and advocates for critical policies such as today and
00:12:46That will give survivors access to protection justice and healing
00:12:49I am the author of believe me an advocates account of finding justice for victims of sex trafficking and a founding partner to the first
00:12:57survivor created AI facial recognition solution to technological deepfake abuse electro AI
00:13:03I am here today to speak on the most pervasively rising form of sexual violence harming women and girls
00:13:09Which is known as deepfake abuse as a survivor of sexual assault as a teenage girl from Central, Texas
00:13:15I never thought my silence in the face of my own abuse was a privilege. I never told anyone that was my choice
00:13:22Today I'm standing up for survivors of what is known as image-based sexual violence
00:13:26Which by design humiliates victims by showing the entire world their abuse often before they even see it
00:13:34However, many and very few of the resources to ensure their abuse images are removed and never again uploaded
00:13:40Meanwhile their abusers continue to share and degrade them with little to no recourse
00:13:46The term deepfake abuse is in fact a term coined by reddit user in
00:13:492017 who went on to create what is arguably the largest sexually explicit website?
00:13:54Mr. Deepfakes where women and girls are exploited is one of 9,000 such websites hosted by Google
00:14:00There is nothing fake about the pain that deepfake abuse causes in
00:14:052022 nurse practitioner and candidate for the Virginia House of Representatives
00:14:09Susanna Gibson was harmed in this way when her non consensual real videos of her with her husband were
00:14:14Distributed and then reported on by the Washington Post
00:14:17Creating a road map to her abuse rather than being treated as a victim of sex crime
00:14:22Susanna was exploited by the media the public and those who shared her content
00:14:26Shortly thereafter deepfake abuse content of Susanna was also online. She lost her job her candidacy
00:14:33Experienced terrifying threats to her and her family at their home and almost took her life in order to get her content down
00:14:40Susanna like many could not rely upon law enforcement because there were no laws
00:14:44To protect her like most victims of deepfake abuse Susanna had to create her own digital rape kit
00:14:51painfully locating each abuse image
00:14:53Contacting each platform and website hoping they would take mercy on her and take the content down most did not
00:15:00Susanna now runs a nonprofit advocating for survivors like herself
00:15:04Braised Louie considered ending her life when her former partner created both
00:15:08Non-synthetic and deepfake abuse images of videos of her her content was over 800 URLs across the world
00:15:15And currently over a hundred and forty of these URLs are hosted by Microsoft Asia
00:15:20Having just graduated from the University of California Berkeley and a venture capitalist
00:15:24But he's was shocked when law enforcement asked her if she was just a prostitute
00:15:29The truth of the matter is anyone can be a victim
00:15:32Whether or not they've exchanged the content willingly whether or not it was created by eat deepfake abuse
00:15:37But no one should be a victim
00:15:39Deepfake abuse is growing at astounding rates estimates indicate deepfake abuse has grown
00:15:453,000% since 2019 with over 300 apps often free with a simple search online
00:15:50I believe this directly contributes to situations like teen boys finding and using online abuse apps to notify their female classmates and teachers
00:15:59It's a digital virtual gun that is loaded and aimed at the faces and lives of women and girls
00:16:04Such as those testifying before you today
00:16:07So you have the app stores that monetize the apps the software developers that create it the platforms that host it and the websites that
00:16:13Explicitly create a form of organized sexual violence that is coordinated and monetized some creators make over
00:16:20$20,000 a year they hire assistance in fact deepfake abuse has become a dark culture that celebrates the abuse and sexual
00:16:27Expectation of women and girls a simple look at the forums of websites like mr.
00:16:31Deepfake show there's a culture emerging that validates the creators even young boys and rewards the violence
00:16:37Well tech platforms like meta and bumble loudly partnering with efforts that just stop ncii to remove images the abuse still remains
00:16:44I earlier mentioned a young woman named Breeze Louie
00:16:47Breeze went on to found the very tech solution that she needed in her darkest hour
00:16:52Electro AI uses AI facial recognition software to partner with platforms and give individuals their consent back
00:16:59This gives the control and safety back to individuals and it saves them time and resources on the platforms
00:17:05Electro AI demonstrates through survivor leadership once again that we actually can solve this problem
00:17:11Survivors should have laws that match the crime
00:17:14Perpetrators should be held accountable and I stand before you today
00:17:18With the hope that we can make that possible because we can stop deepfake abuse. I know we can
00:17:23Thank you, Miss Powell for your testimony and thank you for your advocacy speaking up on behalf of victims everywhere
00:17:29Mr. McAdams
00:17:32Thank You senator Cruz
00:17:34On October the 2nd we woke up to the news that devastated our lives forever
00:17:39The previous day a fellow classmate decided a fate for my daughter and her eight friends that they would never have imagined for themselves
00:17:46He decided to take beautiful innocent pictures off of their social media platforms
00:17:50And impose nude body parts onto them using an AI app from google called d and gg
00:17:56On snapchat, he made multiple accounts
00:17:59He friend requested people and blasted in the fake nudes of the girls
00:18:02It is important to draw attention here to the fact that he didn't just take someone else's nudes and put their faces on them
00:18:08Instead he took their actual bodies and used AI
00:18:11To make the images look even more real
00:18:14These images are child pornography
00:18:16These girls were 14 years old
00:18:19Their innocence was taken that day
00:18:22In just 24 hours everyone in their social group had seen these pictures and they were being sent out to the entire high school
00:18:29That week became a nightmare
00:18:31Some of their friends asked him why he was doing it
00:18:34And his response was that he wanted to go out with a bang and he wanted to ruin the girls
00:18:38In today's world those words are some of the scariest
00:18:42In today's world those words are some of the scariest
00:18:46We live with school shootings on a regular basis in this country. You could only imagine the fear those words caused the girls
00:18:53Would he come to school with his intent to hurt them? Would he kill himself hurt himself?
00:18:58The girls didn't want to go to school at all that week
00:19:01On friday of that week the girls did go to school and the school went into lockdown
00:19:05It seemed to the girls someone was after them
00:19:08We are thankful that it was nothing more than a false alarm
00:19:11But during this lockdown this boy decided to go onto his account and continue to terrorize
00:19:17That allowed the school's tech team to catch him
00:19:20it is
00:19:21So shocking to be violated in this way first having nude sent out
00:19:25That you didn't consent to and second then having the fear that your life might be in danger
00:19:31What he did was malicious. He chose his victims and he reveled in their torture
00:19:36Though he caught though he was caught he was still not allowed
00:19:39We were still not allowed to know his identity the sheriff's office in the school said that they had to protect him as a minor
00:19:45Our girls felt jaded by this. They were the victims not him
00:19:50We were able to have the school do a title nine investigation and once that was completed we were able to know his identity
00:19:57The school sent him to in-school suspension but could not tell us when he was coming back
00:20:02So the rest of the fall semester was spent in fear that he would come back to school without a warning
00:20:07My husband and I went to the school board
00:20:09Our plea was for them to expel him indefinitely
00:20:12The school board argued that there was nothing in the student code of conduct to cover these ai offenses
00:20:18The perpetrator was charged with sale distribution display of harmful
00:20:22Material to a minor it was a class a misdemeanor
00:20:26Instead of having our day in court our parker county determined that he was not a harm to anybody and just gave him probation
00:20:33When he turns 18, his record will be expunged. He will walk away unscathed
00:20:37However, our girls will forever live in fear that when they apply for a job or go to college these pictures might resurface
00:20:45He chose a fate for our daughters that we cannot change
00:20:48There needs to be consequences for what he had did
00:20:51If we do not have stricter laws and punishments for this type of crime, it will only increase
00:20:55We are thankful that our girls have family friends counselors who support them
00:20:59They will come through this
00:21:01If the girls didn't have this support it could have turned into something worse something imaginable like mental breakdown or even suicide
00:21:09This is why the take it down act is so crucial
00:21:11This bill will hold even minors accountable for jail time for this crime
00:21:16And it would require snapchat and other social medias to take those images down after 48 hours
00:21:21As of two weeks ago snapchat had not responded to the warrant issued by our sheriff's department
00:21:26Nor to any of the requests that we made as parents online
00:21:29When I met with senator cruz's office two weeks ago
00:21:32They were able to get a hold of snapchat and get the accounts and images taken down. It took eight and a half months
00:21:38If we had been taylor swift, we would have it would have come down immediately
00:21:42This bill will give us a voice that we did not have before
00:21:45Thank you
00:21:48Thank you, mrs. Mcadams and thank you for your ferocious defense of your daughter
00:21:54Miss mary
00:21:57Thank you senator cruz
00:21:58I was 14 years old when a fellow classmate created ai nudes from just an innocent photo on instagram
00:22:05I was 14 years old when I was violated all over social media
00:22:09And I was just 14 years old when I feared my future was ruined
00:22:13October 2nd 2023. I had woken up to multiple messages from a friend
00:22:19Notifying me that photos were circulating social media
00:22:22Not just any photos pictures from a past instagram post with a nude body created by an ai app upon mine
00:22:29Fear shock disgust and disbelief were some of the many emotions that filled my head in that moment
00:22:35I was left speechless as I tried to wrap my head around the fact that this was occurring
00:22:40Having to admit to your parents was shameful as I still felt responsible and began to blame myself
00:22:46As I attended school, I was fearful of the reactions and opinions people had we live in a society that is built on social media
00:22:53So I convinced
00:22:54I had been convinced at least the whole school had seen these images and to this day
00:22:59The number of people that have these images or had seen them is still a mystery
00:23:04As it took eight and a half months to get these images off of snapchat that doesn't wipe the photos off of people's devices
00:23:12Every day, I will live in fear that these photos will resurface or someone could easily recreate
00:23:17As these pictures were being passed around. I still attended school and was expected to act like all as well
00:23:23I felt unprotected walking through school
00:23:26Safety was never a concern of mine until these photos spawned the school was little to no help as I said
00:23:31It was out of their control
00:23:36The spread of AI nudes is unpunishable
00:23:38Because it isn't considered child pornography
00:23:41But as a victim of AI deep fakes it has created a tremendous amount of pain and this is why I come here and share
00:23:46my testimony
00:23:48My goal is prevent any other student from undergoing this issue
00:23:52Cases of students female and male are appearing every single day
00:23:56And the people behind this malicious act do not have any consequences
00:23:59My intent is to give victims a voice never had and hopefully turn this horrible situation into something good. Thank you
00:24:08Thank you very much miss barry miss mani
00:24:12First off a huge. Thank you to everyone who has taken time out of their insanely busy schedules to be here
00:24:19It means a lot to me to be able to share my story and ask you to do
00:24:23The right thing by putting laws in place to protect women and chilled teenagers like me
00:24:31on october 20th
00:24:32I found out that a few of my classmates created AI
00:24:36Nude images of me and other girls in my school without our knowledge and our consent now
00:24:43What is consent?
00:24:45Consent is clearly and willingly agreeing to something without any pressure
00:24:50Well, we did not agree to anything
00:24:53Despite not seeing the images ourselves and hearing assurances that they have been deleted
00:24:59What happened on october 20th to me?
00:25:02And the other girls is unacceptable
00:25:04No child teenager or woman should ever experience what we have experienced
00:25:10I initially felt shocked then powerless and angered by the absence of laws and school policies
00:25:17To protect us now. I am determined to push for reforms
00:25:22The obvious lack of laws speaks volumes we girls are on our own and considering that
00:25:2996% of deepfake AI victims are women and children
00:25:34We're also seriously vulnerable and we need your help
00:25:38This meeting proves that the politicians here today
00:25:41regardless of being democrats or republicans
00:25:44Genuinely care their fathers mothers uncles brothers and many more
00:25:50They understand how urgent it is to fix this mess
00:25:55Coming together to tackle the misuse of AI is super important
00:25:59So huge thank you to everyone here and even those not here
00:26:03But backing the newly introduced AI bill or thinking about supporting it
00:26:08I'm 15 now what happened to me at 14 could happen to anyone
00:26:13That's why it's so important to have laws in place. I'm not here by choice
00:26:19You know discussing legislation
00:26:21Isn't exactly my ideal way to have fun on a wednesday afternoon in june
00:26:27But I know my voice matters without senator cruz's bill
00:26:31We'll continue to have teens making AI deepfake images of girls
00:26:37But AI is not just a toy for bored teens. It's also a tool for predators
00:26:44And that's really not okay
00:26:46To wrap this up this issue is pretty black and white
00:26:49Creating AI deepfake nude images without consent should be illegal and it's not okay
00:26:55And it's the adult's job to protect us with laws and our job to learn how to protect ourselves by protecting our image
00:27:04In conclusion while we've been focusing on the challenges and potential misuse of AI
00:27:10It's important to recognize that AI is not also bad
00:27:14It's a fascinating and rapidly advancing technology
00:27:17That has been significantly benefiting our society in the health care and science arena
00:27:22It's crucial. However, that we approach AI with a balanced perspective
00:27:27We need to educate ourselves about its capabilities and limitations
00:27:32Ensuring that we evolve and grow alongside this technology
00:27:37If we get the right laws in place and learn more about AI in schools
00:27:41We can totally tap into the benefits of AI without getting burned
00:27:45It's all about
00:27:46Finding the sweet spot where innovation meets responsibility where progress doesn't come at the cost of safety and ethics
00:27:53So there you have it my Wednesday plea for change
00:27:57I hope I didn't take too much of your time and that together we will make the digital world a safer place
00:28:03Not just for me, but for everyone out there. Thank you
00:28:07Thank you very much miss bonnie and and let me thank say thank you also to your mom who's here with you today and
00:28:12Who was with us in dc, uh two weeks ago as well. Thank you for sharing your story
00:28:18Miss toops
00:28:21Thank you senator cruz
00:28:23Over a decade ago. I suddenly found myself in a disturbing and unfamiliar universe
00:28:28Intimate images that were of a personal nature had been posted on a website and shared with the world
00:28:33As I entered this alternate universe. I wasn't sure what to do
00:28:37I was overcome with an eerie feeling knowing that there were people in real time looking at my body without my consent
00:28:44But it was not just pictures. There were horrible comments threats and personal information posted about me
00:28:50I immediately felt unsafe in my own home and uncomfortable in my own skin
00:28:55Everyone in my hometown was talking about the website
00:28:58When I was in public, I was approached by strangers who had no boundaries
00:29:01They had after all seen me topless
00:29:04They felt like they knew me and they assumed I wanted the attention
00:29:08As soon as I was able to get myself together. I emailed the website explaining my pictures were posted without my consent
00:29:15And requested that they be removed. This was after all an egregious invasion of privacy, right?
00:29:21I was caught in a website where I was not allowed to share my personal information
00:29:27I was confident they would agree and that would be the end of it
00:29:30However, they said they would be happy to remove my photos for a fee
00:29:35Shocked I responded. I would not be paying to remove my photos. They had posted without my consent. I would however hire a lawyer
00:29:43I wasn't sure however that I could afford a lawyer. So I first sought assistance from law enforcement
00:29:48However, there was little they could do at that time sharing intimate photos without consent on the internet was something new
00:29:55And the laws had not called up
00:29:57I reached out to a lawyer who agreed to send a letter to the website
00:30:01Demanding the removal of my photos, but nothing legally could be done. He felt as they were protected by section 230
00:30:10It looked as if they were free to do as they pleased. This was not acceptable to me
00:30:16How was it that they were protected and I was not?
00:30:20By this time the photos had been shared and saved on other websites compounding the trauma
00:30:26Someone suggested I contacted a private investigator to see what they could do
00:30:31He agreed to help me and within a few days. My pictures were removed from the original website
00:30:36As you can imagine I breathed for the first time in months
00:30:40He warned me however that that might not be over and I found myself checking the website
00:30:45To be sure that my pictures were not back up
00:30:48Wake up pour coffee check website repeat
00:30:52Just when I began to feel like it was over. They were up again this time on the front page
00:30:58The perpetrators bragged about their ability to do freely as they pleased because they were posted protected by section 230
00:31:06From there my photos continued to be shared from website to website
00:31:10It was like a whack-a-mole trying to get them down as they continue to pop back up
00:31:15The comments the harassment increased with the help of the investigator I met with another lawyer who agreed to help me
00:31:23I had gathered names of other local women posted on the original website. He agreed to assist them, too
00:31:29We filed a lawsuit
00:31:31Naming the host site as well
00:31:33Unfortunately at that point when I choose chose to stand up for myself and fight for my privacy the harassment got worse
00:31:41The original site was eventually shut down by the courts and the site owner identified
00:31:47After some time of wallowing in depression I became angry this could not stand I reached out to my state
00:31:54Representative which led me to connect with then texas senator garcia and texas state representative gonzalez
00:32:01I had the honor of contributing to texas passing the relationship privacy act aimed at safeguarding texas from this unwarranted harm
00:32:09While they were able to determine who started the website
00:32:12I was never able to confirm who posted my photos and how they got possession of them
00:32:18For months after I checked the internet every day to make sure my photos were not there
00:32:23Every day it controlled me
00:32:25I often think of the messages and the threats that I received
00:32:29And of others who have gone through the same thing. It's really hard to put into five minutes what that year was like
00:32:36These actions can inflict long-term
00:32:39Psychological personal and social repercussions for the victims. I have gone through a lot of therapy to get past it
00:32:48I'm still to this day
00:32:49Amazed that with the click of a button your body your privacy and your personal information can be exposed for the world to see
00:32:57We have come a long way since my photos were posted without my consent
00:33:01And while i'm grateful to see the progress has been made
00:33:04To protect others and there are protections being in place. There is still more to do
00:33:09I think we can all agree on the importance of privacy
00:33:12I think we can all agree that things of an intimate nature should be kept private and not disclosed to the world by individuals who seek harm
00:33:20Additionally that bad actors should not be permitted to create images with someone's likeness
00:33:26Thank you for your time and your attention to this
00:33:29Thank you, mr. Tubbs for telling your very difficult and harrowing story, uh, mr. Turkheimer
00:33:39Thank you
00:33:39Thank you. Senator cruz. My name is stephan turkheimer and i'm vice president of public policy for rain
00:33:44Rain is the nation's largest anti-sexual violence organization
00:33:48We created and operate the national sexual assault hotline in partnership with more than 1000 local sexual assault service providers across the country
00:33:55Over 4.5 million survivors and their families have been helped by the hotline
00:33:59We also operate about 30 hotlines for partners including the dod self-help safe helpline for the department of defense
00:34:04Rain also carries out programs to prevent sexual violence educate the public ensure the perpetrators are brought to justice
00:34:09And help organizations and companies improve their approach to prevention and response
00:34:13Thank you for the opportunity to testify today on the critical issue of the distribution of non-consensual intimate images
00:34:18Often referred to as deep fakes revenge porn or non-consensual pornography
00:34:22Often referred to as deep fakes revenge porn or non-consensual pornography
00:34:25My testimony will outline why it's imperative for the united states
00:34:28To outlaw the creation distribution of these images and provide survivors with a means to remove them from the internet and stop the cycle of harm
00:34:35as you've heard from
00:34:37Everyone up here today
00:34:39Victims of non-consensual intimate image distribution often endorse a significant emotional and psychological distress
00:34:45Includes feelings of shame guilt anxiety and depression in severe cases distress can lead to self-harm or even suicide
00:34:52The emotional toll on victims underscores the needs to address these problems and for this bill to become law
00:35:00Distribution distribution of intimate images without consent can irreparably damage an individual reputation affecting both personal and professional lives victims may face stigma
00:35:09Discrimination and ostracism from their communities workplaces and social circles. The social consequences can be devastating and long long lasting
00:35:18Sharing intimate images without consent
00:35:20Fundamentally undermines an individual's autonomy over their own body and personal information consent is a cornerstone
00:35:26As miss money was saying of all interactions, especially those involving intimate or private matters
00:35:32outlawing non-consensual intimate image
00:35:34Distribution reinforces the importance of consent and personal autonomy and that's why it's so important that this actually becomes a crime
00:35:42Because criminalizing the distribution of non-consensual intimate images serves as a deterrent against malicious behavior
00:35:47It sends a clear message that such actions are unacceptable and punishable by law
00:35:54I want to underscore the lack of big tech support
00:35:58Intimate images have been around forever deep fakes are new
00:36:01It's the easy creation and distribution of these images has created the real problem
00:36:05We are standing on a precipice of proliferation of these images
00:36:08We know how harmful they can be but right now there is nothing requiring the tech companies to fix the problems that they facilitate
00:36:16Last week at the press conference
00:36:17I told the story of a federal prosecution for identity theft
00:36:20A woman had been in a brief relationship with a navy captain and shared images of herself in the context of that relationship
00:36:27After the relationship ended he created a facebook profile of her
00:36:31Friended all of her friends and new co-workers members of her softball team people at her gym
00:36:36And shared those photos and more with them
00:36:39There was enough evidence for a federal prosecutor to bring the case and for the jury to convict this person of identity theft
00:36:45But facebook who was asked 400 times to take down the photos would not
00:36:51Because they believed the fake profile was more real than the actual person
00:36:56Big tech they simply aren't going to fix the problem themselves
00:37:00Big tech needs this bill survivors need this bill
00:37:03We need this bill having legal recourse provides victims with a means to seek justice and hold perpetrators accountable
00:37:09It also validates the experiences of victims acknowledging the wrong done done to them and offering a pathway to closure and recovery
00:37:16I said earlier that rain runs the national sexual assault hotline where so many have found help
00:37:21I reached out to them this week to gather some stories about people that have been dealing with ncii and I was struck by how
00:37:27Often it overlapped with contact offenses. This is not just a crime of the internet
00:37:31It often flows from and leads to direct physical in-person abuse
00:37:35In many instances technology facilitated abuse overlaps
00:37:39this this
00:37:40This occurred at different points throughout the continuum or timeline of abuse
00:37:43I'm just going to give a couple examples from from people that have brought this up
00:37:47Technology is a tool to facilitate contact offenses. The survivor was groomed by a much older man online
00:37:52They said they were an online relationship at 13 14 with a predator and didn't know he was older
00:37:57Technology used during abuse the foster dad filmed himself hurting the visitor and also took photos of them
00:38:05The visitor states that their mother has threatened to share explicit photos of them
00:38:08If they didn't if they tell anyone that she has been allowing men to have sex with the visitor for money
00:38:13There's someone that was
00:38:15Sexually assaulted three years ago and took photos of it and now is being threatened by those photos being spread online
00:38:22This is a significant and pervasive problem and it's only going to get worse without help
00:38:25So thank you senator cruz for advocating for survivors and giving them a way to take back control of their own bodies
00:38:31Thank you for your time
00:38:34Well, let me say thank you to each of the witnesses for being here for for the advocates who speak to us
00:38:41For the advocates who spend your time speaking out and speaking out against this abuse. Thank you for doing so. Thank you for your courage
00:38:49And for those of you who have shared your own stories of being victimized
00:38:54That takes extraordinary courage
00:38:57It would be easy to say I I don't want to talk about what happened to me
00:39:02And you've each made the decision that that you're not going to do that. You're going to take the harder path
00:39:07Of describing the pain and the hurt and what happened
00:39:12And in doing that you're making a difference. You're making a difference for young people. You're making a difference for women
00:39:18You are making a real step to protect others and hopefully to prevent them
00:39:24From going through what you've gone through
00:39:28I have to say as the father of two teenage daughters. I'm horrified by what has happened to you
00:39:33and I hope
00:39:36That you're telling your stories
00:39:39Will help build momentum to drive congress to act
00:39:45It's well past time to talk about this we need to act we need to take up this legislation
00:39:49We need to vote on this legislation
00:39:51We need to pass it into law and I believe there needs to be real and serious consequences criminal consequences
00:40:00For doing to you what has been done to you
00:40:05I want to ask each of you briefly a question
00:40:09How important do you think it is?
00:40:11To hold big tech and websites accountable for taking the content down
00:40:20I think it's
00:40:22immeasurably important because I i've met with
00:40:25Now over 50 survivors of image-based sexual violence both adults and minors
00:40:30And a mix thereof and we identified three core areas of desperate need and the number one resoundingly is having their images removed because
00:40:39when we think about
00:40:40Traditional offline sexual assault, which is also horrific. There's a post-traumatic stress factor, right?
00:40:46But you can't be post if you're always worried about the future of your violence being exposed online
00:40:53As I've mentioned there are technological advances meta with stop ncii
00:40:57But we need to do more and we also need to recognize that there's ever emerging smaller actors and websites and they too should be held
00:41:05uh, so I I think
00:41:07Without that and i've been told directly by tech companies without legislation
00:41:11They will do nothing and it's not that they're heartless. It's that they're trying to avoid the communication decency act section 230
00:41:19Which my colleague here had mentioned earlier, so it's really about
00:41:22Bringing technology and law together to support and listen to survivors
00:41:27Mr. Mcadams
00:41:32I think like what she said it is very very important that we hold them accountable
00:41:37Like I had mentioned
00:41:38This boy is going to go on with life and never going to be phased by what he did
00:41:43But the girls will live in that forever
00:41:45And I like what you said about being re-traumatized every time you think that those images might be out there
00:41:51So if um, we need as just common people that live every day
00:41:55We need to be able to get a hold of these tech companies
00:41:58And get them to take our images down and not have to know someone
00:42:02In order to protect our children
00:42:05miss barry
00:42:07Um, I think it's extremely important because as a victim of aidfakes it is took a toll on my mental health
00:42:16And ai crimes are just increasing and they're getting more accessible and more normalized and so far
00:42:22There's not much that us as normal people can do
00:42:25So holding tech companies accountable
00:42:28For allowing these images to still be up is really important
00:42:34miss bonnie
00:42:35um, I think
00:42:37Yes, I think it's important that they're held accountable
00:42:42however, if they have joined us
00:42:46Um realizing it's the right thing to do
00:42:48but if they don't join us, they um
00:42:54They uh
00:42:56It's shown that they should be held accountable because all those photos and pictures
00:43:01Um will live on their websites forever and I just don't think that's okay
00:43:07And just to be clear that these owners of these websites could take down these photos in maybe less than a minute
00:43:16miss tubes
00:43:18Yeah, I agree. I think that the them being held accountable and also
00:43:22Being cooperative would have stopped my photos from being shared so many times
00:43:27And I think if you're if they're cooperative and they have the tools to do that
00:43:32Initially, then it prevents a lot of what we've all gone through here today
00:43:35Well, and I will say you're telling the story of waking up each morning and checking each day
00:43:40Afraid that they'd be posted again. I think that was truly
00:43:43Haunting and powerful and and it underscores
00:43:46The repeated victimization that this produces
00:43:49Mr. Keller
00:43:52I think it's imperative that tech plays a role here. Um, and if they won't do it voluntarily
00:43:59They should be required to do so
00:44:01This is a problem
00:44:03That is not just facilitated by them, but they're created by them
00:44:08The proliferation of these images is not possible without them
00:44:12And so they have to take a role in pulling this back there is not a situation where someone's creating a deep fake
00:44:20on their own without
00:44:21Without with the without the deep fake websites and then sending it in the mail. That's not what's happening here
00:44:26this is all facilitated by them and they have to be
00:44:30either part of the solution or
00:44:33required to fix it
00:44:36And let me ask again each of the witnesses very briefly and and
00:44:41Do you believe that congress passing the take it down act making it a crime to post these images and creating a federal?
00:44:49Right to have these images removed. Do you believe that legislation would make a real difference in fighting this this threat?
00:44:55Absolutely, when you think of the crime of image-based sexual violence in particular deep fake abuse
00:45:00You have sort of like a grid here. You have the victim you have the initial abuser
00:45:04You have the platforms that facilitate the distribution of that abuse
00:45:09And then you have law enforcement law enforcement can't serve what's not in the kitchen
00:45:13If there's not legislation on the books on a state and federal level
00:45:17Then they don't have the capacity to engage oftentimes
00:45:20Because they'd like to and they can't this legislation creates a through line and honestly sends an important message to tech platforms
00:45:27And I don't care if they're big or small to be honest with you
00:45:30That we are taking this seriously up until now
00:45:33They've been in charge of what gets taken down or not and when good stakeholders get involved good things happen
00:45:39Otherwise, it doesn't those 9 000 websites that explicitly are designed for deep fake abuse
00:45:44Absolutely do so with the joy of knowing they're causing harm and they have to be held accountable
00:45:49And so do the platforms that host them and it's a great point that this applies to big tech
00:45:53But little tech and anyone else as well that yeah, ms. Mcadams
00:45:58Yes, I think it is imperative to pass this bill what we
00:46:02Experienced with our school district was that they didn't know what to do. So they did nothing same thing with our local sheriff
00:46:08They didn't have any laws anything in place. So they just did nothing
00:46:13So this take it down act is going to be the basis the starting point for now us to be able to go into the schools
00:46:19And work with our student code of conduct and change that so we're going to change it at every level
00:46:24And I think this is the beginning part of that
00:46:27ms. Barry
00:46:29As I mentioned before, um, these ai nudes are not considered child pornography
00:46:34So it doesn't count for anything. So allowing this bill to be passed it allows victims to have a sense of relief and safety because
00:46:42These photos will be off of social media within 48 hours
00:46:46But as it took eight months the spread of my photos could have gone
00:46:50For many many people I still have no idea but within 48 hours. I can be assured
00:46:56That it won't spread as much as it did as well as the person behind this act will get punishment
00:47:03Yeah, ms. Money
00:47:05um, I have one word and the word is yes, I think it's
00:47:11important that this bill exists because it
00:47:15just proves and
00:47:18It just helps protect us and women and children
00:47:22ms. Tubbs
00:47:24Yes, I agree that this is this is vital I know that there have been
00:47:28Variations of laws passed across states to you know, try to combat this
00:47:32But I think this really encompasses like all victims
00:47:36And it's catching up with the times because you know when the laws were beginning to get passed
00:47:41we didn't have the ai problem, um, and I think the
00:47:44Take down provision is really vital because the sooner you can get them, you know
00:47:49Ideally, they don't go up right the sooner you can get them down the less likely they are to spread
00:47:54Um, and then also the mention of the threat of the posting, um, you know, that is just as bad
00:47:59I'm living under the threat that someone is going to post it
00:48:02Um, it is just as harmful to victims as the posting and so I think I think it's a great bill
00:48:08And I hope that it goes through right. Mr. Turcomer
00:48:13Yes, I think it's absolutely important I think that
00:48:18big tech little tech middle-sized tech
00:48:21None of them are really prioritizing the protection of victims and
00:48:26Having a criminal recognition of this crime is a recognition of the harm that it caused
00:48:31It's a recognition of the victims that are produced
00:48:35to get
00:48:37Tech to take these things seriously in order to take them down in order to recognize them in order to remove them
00:48:43It requires that sort of criminal element
00:48:46Of the of the of the charge and so yes, absolutely
00:48:52So now i'm going to ask questions of each of you individually going a little bit further into the testimony that you prevented
00:48:58Presented and i'll start miss powell with you
00:49:01Um, thank you for sharing your story and and thank you for for advocating advocating for victims
00:49:08Can you talk about how image-based sexual abuse has has changed over the years?
00:49:15Absolutely, so
00:49:17Many of you here today are probably familiar with the avalanche of deepfake abuse
00:49:21It was created of taylor swift billy eilish and ariana grande
00:49:25What many don't know is that much of the bodies that were used along with their faces in this non-consensual sexual violence act
00:49:32Were the bodies of teenage and adult young women and what is infamously known as the girls do porn case in which girls were
00:49:40lured into san diego
00:49:42And then ultimately sexually assaulted and filmed during those sexual assaults while those perpetrators have been ultimately
00:49:50held accountable sort of
00:49:53What that shows is that what was off what was was non-synthetic abuse
00:49:57But obviously obviously quite horrific is now being repurposed for new abuse content of other individuals
00:50:04So what has changed is there's these overlapping intersections of different types of image-based sexual violence
00:50:10And what's also I think quite important to point out is that while these notify apps and other sources are easily found online
00:50:17As I demonstrated in my testimony
00:50:20It means that young people are being exposed to this violence in ever
00:50:25Epidemic ways and it's shifting the narrative to think that things like this
00:50:29Are okay
00:50:31And I think as we're talking about big tech and we're talking about law enforcement
00:50:34We're talking about perpetrators when you think about the bystanders and what kind of bystander do you want to be?
00:50:38And I think image-based sexual violence is challenging that
00:50:42I think that's very powerful
00:50:44Right now in your experience are our websites making it a priority to take these images down
00:50:51some websites are particularly those who are compelled to do so or have received excessive heat to do so like the
00:50:59Pornhub website, but we need to make sure that it doesn't again
00:51:02It doesn't matter your size or what's going on. You need to have a simple clear
00:51:07Understanding that this is about the survivor and their consent and not it's not up for debate
00:51:12Whether or not you want to take it down, but right now it's very much at the whim of those sites. Yeah
00:51:17And I know you also have deep expertise in working with survivors of human trafficking
00:51:23Can you share a bit about how image-based sexual abuse manifests in trafficking cases?
00:51:29Absolutely, and this goes for both minors and adults traffickers
00:51:33Just like everyone here use the internet
00:51:35And they quickly learned in the early 2000s that they could take photos of their victims and use those photos
00:51:42one to coerce them into not leaving for fear of those photos being distributed to
00:51:46Use those photos to market to individuals who wanted to buy them
00:51:50Either without their consent or if they're a minor and then ultimately and I know this personally there was a young woman
00:51:56who was
00:51:58mentally delayed she was a young in her early 20s, and she
00:52:02Was in my office one day and I was looking through a website called looking for victims and working with law enforcement
00:52:08And I saw her photos. Well, I knew that that wasn't her because she was down the hall in my office in a coloring book
00:52:14So I contacted the website. They basically laughed in my face. I contacted law enforcement and they said what's the big deal?
00:52:19You got her out
00:52:20Anyway, and what I responded was with but the reason they're using her photos is because she looks very young
00:52:26And two months later a 16 year old pregnant girl walked into my office and she was the girl the trafficker was selling
00:52:32So they were manipulating her images long after she was out of her trafficking situation
00:52:37So when we think about it's a course of control
00:52:40If you think something horrible is going to happen to you, it's more likely you'll stay in a bad situation particularly if you're a child
00:52:47For fear of not wanting more bad things to happen
00:52:49And so that's how I see the intersection and where I think we need to have a coalescence
00:52:55advocates and leaders in this conversation
00:52:58Thank you, Miss Powell
00:52:59Mrs. McAdams
00:53:01Thank you again for for sharing Elliston's experience. Thank you for
00:53:06Everything you're doing to making sure that this this never happens to anyone else's daughter
00:53:11You said that you first learned these images were being distributed
00:53:17Can you talk more about your experiences?
00:53:20Reporting the images of your daughter to snapchat and what kind of response you got
00:53:25Um, yes, so we started with the school, of course and letting them know and then went to snapchat
00:53:31Once we had figured out who the young man was we pressed charges with the sheriff's department. So we did a warrant
00:53:38And then I continued to go on to snapchat and try to get somebody to respond
00:53:43So you can't talk to anybody. You really can't email anybody
00:53:46You just send in a form and you kind of explain what's happening
00:53:50And then you never hear back from them and I was told by the sheriff's department that don't expect to hear back
00:53:55You're probably not going to hear anything back, even though we did a warrant
00:53:58So we really felt like our hands were tied. We weren't going anywhere. We were getting no response
00:54:05Well, and I will say and you told this story some when you and I sat down
00:54:11In my office along with Elliston three weeks ago and right before we introduced this legislation
00:54:17And we sat and you told your story to me of what had happened
00:54:22I asked in the course of the conversation. I said are these images still up?
00:54:26And you said yes, they still won't take it down. I've been trying for eight and a half months and they won't take it down
00:54:32And and I turned to my team that was in the office and I said I want you to get on the phone with snapchat
00:54:37this afternoon
00:54:38and if need be
00:54:40Put me on the phone with the ceo of snapchat and we are going to get these pictures taken down right now
00:54:46Within an hour they were taken down
00:54:49Now frankly, it is ridiculous. It should not take a sitting senator getting on the phone
00:54:55To pull those pictures down
00:54:57You should have the right
00:55:01Elliston were a global
00:55:03Music star if she were taylor swift, this would be pulled down and they should be pulled down of taylor swift
00:55:09But they also should be pulled down
00:55:11For every teenager in texas and every every teenager and every victim in america. You should have the same right?
00:55:22And what's infuriating also is that demonstrates snapchat knows exactly how to pull it down
00:55:28It wasn't difficult. They didn't have any confusion about how to do it
00:55:32It just when you complained on behalf of your daughter
00:55:35It was not a priority for them
00:55:39That needs to change
00:55:43You also talked about the school's response to this issue how did the school
00:55:49Communicate to you and to the other parents, uh about what happened
00:55:54Um, they really didn't that was the hard part of it was we really had to be
00:56:00I had to kind of be that mama bear constantly calling constantly asking for meetings
00:56:05Um, you know my husband I went to the school board
00:56:07I mean, I couldn't get a response back from them
00:56:09It took weeks and weeks for them to actually get back in touch with me and we've still been working all semester
00:56:15I've been trying to get with them to just write
00:56:17Something in the student code of conduct so we're kind of ahead of this if it happens again
00:56:21So I think that their approach to it was we don't know what to do. So we're going to hope you're going to go away
00:56:27And so that approach can't be
00:56:30Um can't be how they attack it
00:56:32Um elliston and the girls were the third case that I know of i'm sure there's more at the school
00:56:37But all of those were just kind of swept under the rug because they didn't know what to do with it
00:56:41So, um, that's one of my pushes and I will say that when
00:56:46We got that word within 24 hours from your office that they had been taken down. I just cried
00:56:50I mean finally we got somewhere and somebody heard us, but it should be that way. It shouldn't have to go on that long
00:56:57Like you said anybody should be able to
00:57:00as a parent
00:57:01Protect my child, but also just a student be able to say hey, I want my pictures off of there
00:57:06Well, and so you've worked with the school district now and helping draft
00:57:11Policies or what is the status? No, I can't get them to respond to me
00:57:14So we've had a couple of meetings set up and then for some reason they've fallen apart and now we're you know
00:57:19We're into the summer. I still not have not heard back from them
00:57:22So I had to really push to even have a follow-up with the school board
00:57:26And then when I did their response was more we need to protect him
00:57:31We have a right to him
00:57:33And that was very maddening because he he did what he did. Um, our daughters were the victims
00:57:39So we really through this whole process. I felt like I really didn't have a voice
00:57:43well that that is
00:57:45Infuriating one of the things I hope when when the take it down act is enacted into law is making this conduct
00:57:52a federal crime and a felony
00:57:54I hope one of the things that will prompt is school districts across texas and across the country to adopt clear policies
00:58:01Against criminal conduct that that that that should be one of the next steps
00:58:07in response to this legislation
00:58:09can you also just describe your
00:58:13You're obviously a mom who loves your daughter deeply. What was it like as a mom to go through this experience and and what were the
00:58:22What was it like for you personally as a mom
00:58:25um, it really was devastating to be honest, um as a parent you always think you're going to be able to protect your child and
00:58:32We had no way to navigate through this. So as she's crying as she's going through every day
00:58:37She's a very social person
00:58:39Loves everybody never meets a stranger and I just saw her kind of resort into kind of a shell
00:58:44And kind of become somebody that she really isn't
00:58:47Um since he's not been back this semester i've seen her kind of come out a little but
00:58:51She's always going to live kind of in the fear that something could appear
00:58:55um, and then for me as a parent, I still I don't have anything any way to protect her anybody could do this and
00:59:02So this is one step
00:59:05Closer to as a parent being able to protect my child
00:59:08Well, and even though the images are down from snapchat right now
00:59:11You don't know if someone has copies saved on their phone
00:59:14You don't know what other copies might appear sometime in the future
00:59:19Thank you
00:59:20uh, miss berry
00:59:22Let me say and elston. We've spent a little bit of time together
00:59:26You've got a lot of courage. And by the way elston both you and francesca. Y'all are doing an awesome job
00:59:33um, you're both
00:59:35Really articulate and and brave and and you're telling your story powerfully. So thank you for both of you in particular
00:59:47Elston tell us
00:59:49How did you feel when you first found out what had been done to you
00:59:53I was terrified. It was something I had never even thought could happen
00:59:58And seeing that these images were on my phone. I was shocked
01:00:03I was scared
01:00:05And I couldn't even I didn't know what to do. It was terrifying knowing that
01:00:11These photos were going around without my consent without my knowledge and
01:00:15This was happening to my friends and I felt hopeless
01:00:19Now now you had a friend group that you that you went through this together
01:00:22How did how did the other girls who were targeted?
01:00:25How they dealt with this?
01:00:28I mean all of us were
01:00:3014 15 and we had just entered high school and seeing that these images were going around
01:00:35It scared all of us. It it's we're freshmen in high school
01:00:38And it just felt like our whole
01:00:42four years of high school was all
01:00:44Coming down in that moment because we'd always heard that your freshman year is most important
01:00:48It keeps you on track and two months of the school year. It's all falling apart
01:00:52And thankfully i'm so blessed to have that support around me. I
01:00:58Felt supported and I didn't feel alone
01:01:01And I think having a group was very beneficial
01:01:04But some of the many victims don't have that and they don't have anybody to run to
01:01:10Or to comfort them and help them and I think it's really important
01:01:13To allow everyone to know that this is happening and you aren't alone if this is happening
01:01:19Well, look and I I hope your experience of speaking out and and fighting to change change the law
01:01:26I I hope that helps you
01:01:28Gain ownership of what happened and and gain control that that I
01:01:32Think that will be part of moving on and I hope that it is and and so thank you for doing that. Thank you
01:01:40Uh francesca, thank you also for being here. Thank you for um
01:01:44your courage
01:01:47Can you tell tell us also?
01:01:51When you first found out what had happened
01:01:54How did it feel what what went through your mind when you first found out what had happened
01:01:59Well, you know at first I was shocked and you know
01:02:03um, I did
01:02:05um cry a little bit, but um in the end, I was just really mad because
01:02:13The school
01:02:15My school didn't have any updated
01:02:18AI school policies and I think that's
01:02:21Very important because if I had
01:02:24that AI school policy, I wouldn't be here sitting and stating the obvious because
01:02:31AI school policies, um protect us
01:02:35In our schools and I think every school in the u.s. Should update their AI school policies
01:02:41And am I right that that you now know the boys who who created these images? Yes
01:02:46And did they face any any consequences? Well, one of the boys did. Um
01:02:52What i'm aware of he did only
01:02:57One consequence and that was being suspended for one day and the other boys didn't get any punishment
01:03:04And you're still going to school with with the boys who did that? Yes, they are attending my classes
01:03:10Which is completely unfair
01:03:12And I just wanted to say also that you know, my principal is a woman
01:03:18She's a mother and she should be sitting here right next to me fighting for laws
01:03:23um protecting her students against what has happened and she's
01:03:28And just the whole school administration didn't handle this job correctly
01:03:36And and elliston you also found out the boy who developed these images that took some time, is that right? Yes, sir
01:03:42And and he was ultimately transferred to another school. So you're not not going to school with him
01:03:47Yes, he was suspended for around a semester and we were told he
01:03:52Had the ability to come back to school, but his parents had taken him out
01:03:57And this you said was a boy. You didn't know terribly. Well, he was in class at the time
01:04:01But it wasn't it wasn't someone you knew very well, is that right? No, sir
01:04:04I had classes with him and he was just a peer of mine, but never had an actual
01:04:10Sort of friendship or anything like that
01:04:13Um francesca, how were the images shared with your classmates? Um, they were shared through snapchat
01:04:20And what was the experience you and your mom had dealing with snapchat?
01:04:24Um, you know, um, our lawyer lawyers tried to take them down and it
01:04:29They it took a while for them and they it was never taken down except from your team your team helped them take them down
01:04:42Uh, uh, miss tubes
01:04:45So, um, I don't know if I can answer that question because I don't know if I can answer that question
01:04:52Miss tubes
01:04:54So your images your experience is a little bit different, uh from elliston and francesca
01:05:03And you've been dealing with this for for over a decade. That's a long time to be be dealing with this
01:05:09Can you speak about how the awareness around
01:05:14Posting non-consensual sexually explicit images how that awareness has changed over time
01:05:20Yeah, um, we've come a long way. Um
01:05:23You know when it happened to me
01:05:25I was so blown away that this was something that was going on that people would do
01:05:31And I remember
01:05:33You know speaking with
01:05:34the police
01:05:36Like it was a shock to them
01:05:39To them
01:05:41They didn't know what to do because again
01:05:42There was there was nothing for them to reach for and and rely on it as far as a law
01:05:47Um when I talked to my state representative at the time, I remember
01:05:51Him, you know leaning forward as I was talking and then just leaning back and like just utter shock. Um, so it took a lot
01:06:00of me
01:06:02Having to educate people. Well, first I had to figure out what was going on to myself
01:06:06um, and then
01:06:08Understanding the issue and then helping others understand and it was really difficult. Um
01:06:13because it was still kind of new and the people that it had happened to
01:06:17um understandably didn't want to talk about it because it was traumatizing and then um,
01:06:22You know when you did speak out publicly there was a lot of backlash and a lot of harassment
01:06:26That came with it. So it was hard to kind of get the message out there
01:06:31Of what was going on and get people to understand it
01:06:34And and at the time it initially occurred did people understand how serious it was or is has that
01:06:41Understanding grown in the past decade. I think um once they
01:06:47Wrapped their head around
01:06:49What I was explaining
01:06:52Because it was so foreign to them at the time
01:06:54and so I think once they wrapped their head around that they did understand the seriousness the thing that
01:06:59um, I think was was
01:07:01The underlying thread for everyone is was privacy like how
01:07:06Like that's such an invasion of privacy
01:07:09How is this happening in the first place, but also how come no one is responding
01:07:14And stopping it
01:07:16And are the images still online today
01:07:19Um as we sit here today, i'm not sure at some point I had to stop looking. Um
01:07:25You know, there was a point when they were they were so vast across, you know, so many places
01:07:32um, and the investigator that was helping me worked really hard to just
01:07:36Constantly go after them. But as we sit here today
01:07:38I don't know I stopped looking because I just no longer wanted to be controlled by that. Um, but I wouldn't doubt it
01:07:46Can you describe a little more your experience trying to get websites to pull them down?
01:07:51And how they responded yeah, so my as I stated my initial response was um to tell the website
01:07:58Because I just figured you know, it was user generated. They didn't know any better
01:08:03um, and that didn't
01:08:04That didn't work out. Um, and so the police and then my next step was the law enforcement and they didn't really have any way
01:08:12um to stop that and then the first lawyer sent the the
01:08:17Letter which was ignored and then I went to the investigator and he did
01:08:22um, whatever he did to kind of get them temporarily down and then they came back up and they were ultimately only ever removed from the
01:08:28Original site by the courts when we when I ended up hiring an attorney and filing a lawsuit
01:08:34And were you ever able to figure out who had posted the images where they came from?
01:08:40I I was not um, we were able to figure out who um started the website and
01:08:47Who was you know operating it?
01:08:49Um, but I was never able to figure out
01:08:52Um, you know, I had a lot of thoughts of how because some of the photos that were posted had never been sent to anyone
01:08:57um, so, you know, obviously
01:08:59I went into thinking, you know was my computer hat like all the things. Um,
01:09:04So that was you know another
01:09:07Scary thing was some of them had never been shared with anyone. Um, but no, I don't I still don't know
01:09:15Thank you, uh, mr
01:09:19Um, thank you for traveling to texas today. I'm, sorry. It's it's so hot. Uh, this is
01:09:25Summertime in texas. We can't help that. Um, but but
01:09:29Come in november and it'll it'll be beautiful and you can get shorts and you can go play golf
01:09:33But it there is a trade-off we get
01:09:38Your organization rain plays plays a very important role in protecting victims of sexual assault and abuse by running the national sexual assault hotline
01:09:47Uh, it's my understanding that rain has received millions of calls from victims of sexual violence over the years
01:09:55How often does rain receive calls and reports about image-based sexual abuse?
01:10:01It's a it's a really good question
01:10:04And um because of this this field hearing I I asked people on the hotline how many in the past few shifts
01:10:10They had been receiving so just sort of in the last week or less
01:10:14And um, they just did a quick, uh excel document for me and there are 20
01:10:23There are 36 in the last few shifts
01:10:26And that's in about a week. Is that the period or what? Not exactly sure what the exact period is
01:10:31But yeah, it's not very long. It's a few days. It's it's not an it's not months. No, it's not months
01:10:36And um, they talk about where they where they're where that's happening to them whether it's on tiktok or facebook or snapchat
01:10:43There's a lot of reddit on here
01:10:46What often happens in these situations is is some of these are are non-consensual image sharing
01:10:51some of these are deep fakes and some of these are deep fakes that are
01:10:55intended to get the
01:10:57Visitor to the to the to the hotline who's complaining about this to create self self-created c-sam
01:11:04There are two parts of the hotline. There is a a phone number and there's also an online hotline
01:11:08The online hotline is primarily used by people that are under the age of 18
01:11:14And all of these reports are coming from the online hotline
01:11:18So do you have any data or sense of the frequency that that
01:11:24These non-consensual images are targeting
01:11:27Minors as compared to adults
01:11:29I don't have any really good data on it. Um, I just sort of have the anecdotal data on it
01:11:34Everything that comes off the hotline is anonymized. So I don't have the ages that are associated with these
01:11:39But the fact that they're coming from the online hotline does suggest that they're trending
01:11:43Younger and certainly that they're they're people that are under 18 are experiencing it
01:11:49And and how often does rain see image-based sexual abuse?
01:11:53In connection to other physical crimes like sexual assaults. Yeah, it's a really good question
01:11:59Um, and it comes up relatively frequently. Um, a lot of times people are calling the hotline
01:12:04Disclosing things that happened
01:12:06Their first disclosure is to the hotline and the person they're talking to is hearing about the whole story and the whole story sometimes
01:12:15a sexual assault and then pictures of that sexual assault and then sometimes it's it's the other way around where
01:12:21someone has been been groomed and sextorted and
01:12:25ends up being
01:12:26sexually assaulted after image-based abuse, so
01:12:30there are
01:12:32Sort of countless ways in which which sort of an image-based abuse which is sexual abuse ends up being an in-person
01:12:39contact offense
01:12:42So you mentioned that the sextortion component of it
01:12:45Can you elaborate a little bit on on any information about how frequent this problem is?
01:12:50Yeah, um, so a lot of what happens for
01:12:55children online in sort of in grooming situations or in sextortion situations
01:13:02Person will the the the the person that's seeking the seeking the the survivor to create
01:13:09CSAM, um self-created CSAM does so by pretending to be a child themselves
01:13:15um, they will
01:13:18CSAM purportedly of themselves and try to get the child to create
01:13:22their own and oftentimes
01:13:25That's difficult to do for these people
01:13:27And the reason why is because a lot of CSAM is sort of marked through photo dna and so these sites will see it and remove
01:13:33It and so there's this market to create new CSAM that is evading these sensors
01:13:40Which is why the AI creation of CSAM is is so important to to these people that are looking to trade CSAM
01:13:47The second part of it is and they use the fake CSAM to get kids to create real CSAM
01:13:52and so you get that sort of relationship, um that is sort of exploding these numbers because
01:13:59As people have attempted to remove CSAM from the internet. It's created this
01:14:04market for new CSAM to be to be made and so that's that's sort of the
01:14:10kind of the economic
01:14:13That has created the supply
01:14:15Well, and we've heard testimony in the senate about teenagers targeted with with sextortion
01:14:22where they
01:14:24may have been tricked into taking an explicit photo or several explicit photos and then
01:14:29The person to whom they sent it threatens to to make it public make it public to the world
01:14:35And and in some instances those teenagers take their own life and commit suicide
01:14:39have you
01:14:41Seen that potential pattern that is that is
01:14:46That is something that we have seen and it's something that's happening more and more frequently
01:14:50Um, the people that are creating the CSAM or excuse me
01:14:53The people that are soliciting the CSAM and and inducing and coercing teens into creating it
01:14:59Don't care what happens to these kids at all. All they're trying to do is empty their bank accounts
01:15:04And they'll keep doing that until there's nothing left
01:15:07And a lot of these kids don't realize that this isn't
01:15:11That this isn't that there are ways back from this
01:15:15And so end up taking their own lives
01:15:17Which is why it's so important for them to have some sort of agency to have some method
01:15:22Combat this which is why I think this bill is is so so important
01:15:28In your experience have you seen
01:15:31How the non-consensual posting of these images
01:15:34Uh affects victims what what is the impact on the victims?
01:15:41You know, we see people call the hotline because they're feeling depressed they're feeling caught calling the hotline because they're feeling anxious
01:15:48They're feeling targeted. They don't want to leave their homes. They're they're they're having their life taken away from them
01:15:58That is the common response when you feel that you've been violated when you feel like
01:16:04Your body is not your own
01:16:10It's so important
01:16:12For those people to have their agency restored for those survivors to have their agency restored to have something that they can do
01:16:18And right now there isn't a tremendous amount that they can do
01:16:22It's very difficult to take back that control which is why it's so important that there needs to be some method
01:16:28That allows them to do so
01:16:30Thank you, uh, miss powell, I noticed you nodding emphatically during during much of what mr
01:16:35Turkheimer was saying and so I want to give you a chance
01:16:38To elaborate i'm going to give everyone a chance if there's any kind of final closing observation you want to make
01:16:44We're going to wrap up shortly, but i'll give everyone a chance just if there's something
01:16:48You don't want to leave without having said, uh, you'll you'll have that opportunity now, but but miss powell. We'll start with you
01:16:53Yes, I wanted to to close with um
01:16:56The story of a young man I worked closely with when matthew harrick was an emerging actor in new york his early 20s
01:17:03He began a dating relationship quickly realized the person he was dating was very controlling and ended it that individual made over
01:17:11Thousands of daybreak fantasy sites on a website called grinder
01:17:16Matthew tried to get the content down and well as over a thousand men
01:17:20And 1100 men came to his house his work attempting to assault him the more he ran
01:17:25The more he screamed the more they thought it was part of the game because of the way the ads were written
01:17:30Wow, he was targeted so badly had to move country
01:17:33He joined forces with I believe the most indomitable attorney in this field carrie goldberg
01:17:38Together they went all the way to the supreme court trying to get matthew's content off grinder
01:17:45To this day. It's still there
01:17:47And he is a internationally renowned advocate still living in fear
01:17:54And he's one of the bravest people I know
01:17:56And i'll close with this there was another young woman
01:18:00Who was desperate as a young actress had 50 at her bank account was told by a photographer take these images
01:18:06And i'll pay you but no one will ever know. It's you they even signed a document
01:18:10Within two years her images were all over the world and became one of the most infamous nude images on playboy magazine
01:18:17That was in the 1950s and that young woman's name is marilyn monroe
01:18:21We've been fighting this for that long and it's time. We actually do something
01:18:28That's that's horrific and powerful, uh, mrs. Mcadams
01:18:34Yes, i'd like to to say something about
01:18:37Um since all this started and everything we've been getting all this traction with it
01:18:40I've had at least three or four moms reach out to me with their daughters having the same thing happen to them
01:18:46um, even to the point that
01:18:49Like he was talking about somebody shared her images then groomed her and then he showed up and raped her
01:18:56So it's like whoa, I can't stories that are coming out
01:19:01And so I just think that this is a good starting point to maybe stopping this abuse against our children
01:19:08Miss berry
01:19:10I just wanted to say that no student
01:19:13Or anybody for that matter should fear for their safety
01:19:16Which is why this bill is so important because it ensures the protection of all victims
01:19:21and allow schools
01:19:22Um to take issues like this seriously
01:19:25Thank you, miss bonnie
01:19:28um, I just wanted to say that
01:19:30Schools around the us should update their school
01:19:34Ai policies so students know how to protect themselves against it
01:19:39And I just think we should have more laws being put in place to help protect these women and children
01:19:46Miss tubes
01:19:48I just want to say thank you to yourself and to the other senators who have signed on to this
01:19:53Um, I understand that you know
01:19:55The world changes and moves pretty swiftly and we have to continue to revamp our laws to keep up
01:20:01but I didn't expect to still
01:20:04Um see this happening, you know a decade after um
01:20:09We tried to combat it the first time
01:20:11um, so i'm hoping that you know, this federal law will cover more victims and deter more um,
01:20:18And and give like he was saying, you know give people
01:20:21The ability, um to be able to be themselves again
01:20:25And to you know, take back control of their lives
01:20:29Mr. Turcotte
01:20:32Yeah, i'm very grateful for your advocacy in this area and I think that
01:20:37Survivors past present and future will be grateful for it as well
01:20:42are not great
01:20:44methods for taking back control
01:20:46and there absolutely need to be um,
01:20:51when you have a situation where
01:20:54You know, you try to upload a snl clip that is that is recorded on saturday night
01:20:59And you record you've said you try to upload it on sunday morning and it immediately gets taken down
01:21:05Images that they know are child sexual abuse or images. They know are sexual abuse
01:21:11Um just get replicated over and over and over again
01:21:14is a situation where
01:21:16the platforms are prioritizing the rights of
01:21:21NBC universal
01:21:23Over people like this
01:21:25And it's going to take an act of congress to change that
01:21:30Well, thank you, I want to thank all of our witnesses today for being here
01:21:34and especially
01:21:35Elliston and francesca as as teenagers telling your story that
01:21:40You demonstrated a lot of bravery today and and I think a lot of people hurt you
01:21:44And and that's true of all the witnesses
01:21:49It's my hope that your stories remind other girls and other boys who are going through this that that you're not alone
01:21:56And that
01:21:59Americans across this country are standing with you to end this horrific abuse
01:22:09As we've said throughout this hearing image-based sexual abuse is not new
01:22:14You heard from miss toops that she's been fighting for justice in her case
01:22:19For over a decade and your resilience is inspiring
01:22:22Every witness today knows this is exhausting and an emotionally draining fight
01:22:28I'm confident that the bipartisan support we have for tackling this issue
01:22:34Will cause congress to act and act decisively to address non-consensual sexually exploitative images online
01:22:43Perpetrators will be held accountable
01:22:45And victims will have an additional tool enforceable notice and takedown
01:22:49There are multiple bills pending in congress to address this problem. Many of them are good and positive bills that I support
01:22:55What the take it down act does?
01:22:57That is unique is number one make it a crime
01:23:00A federal crime and it addresses in particular
01:23:04not just
01:23:07Actual images that are posted non-consensually, but also deep fake images that are created using ai and it addresses both of them
01:23:14But it also contains the notice and takedown provisions and as mr. Turkheimer was noting
01:23:20There's a model we use to draw from
01:23:23Which is the existing laws governing copy copyright and that came from the digital millennium copyright act
01:23:30that places a federal obligation on tech platforms that if
01:23:34If you post a clip of snl if you post a clip from the lion king
01:23:39A clip of snl if you post a clip from the lion king
01:23:43If you post a george straight song online, you will see it pulled down and pulled down very very quickly
01:23:50Because congress has put a federal obligation
01:23:54On these platforms to pull down copyrighted material
01:23:58This bill takes that exact same mechanism. They know how to do it
01:24:03And it applies it here to non-consensual intimate images that you have the same obligation
01:24:08If the individual depicted in the image has not consented they have a right to have it removed
01:24:17I'm hopeful that this field hearing will help build momentum
01:24:21We have a broad bipartisan coalition behind this bill and i'm hopeful we see in the coming weeks
01:24:26The commerce committee mark it up and that we move to the floor and pass it into law
01:24:31And you don't have to take it from me. I think our witnesses today
01:24:35Have provided powerful testimony on why congress needs to act and act now. I want to thank
01:24:41Each of the witnesses
01:24:43For your courage your clarity your power
01:24:47State of texas and our country owes each of you a debt of gratitude
01:24:50Thank you for fighting to make a difference for women for girls for victims throughout the country and with that
01:24:57This hearing is adjourned
