The Commish Season 4 Episode 13 The Johnny Club

  • 4 months ago
The Commish Season 4 Episode 13 The Johnny Club


00:00I really hate the idea of this, Tony.
00:03Oh, come on.
00:04It's going to be great.
00:06You and me up there where the air is rarefied.
00:09It'll be an invention.
00:11Yeah, if we don't crash.
00:12Oh, come on.
00:13We're not going to crash.
00:14Shawn, will you explain to Rachel how safe it is?
00:16Can't stand a better chance of being hit by a truck.
00:18I know exactly what you're talking about.
00:20I'm not going to crash.
00:21I'm not going to crash.
00:22I'm not going to crash.
00:23I'm not going to crash.
00:24I'm not going to crash.
00:25I'm not going to crash.
00:26I'm not going to crash.
00:27I'm not going to crash.
00:28I can't stand a better chance of being hit by a truck.
00:31I know exactly how you feel, Rachel.
00:33The first time John took me up, I was terrified.
00:36And now I'm hooked.
00:38She'll be fine.
00:40OK, if it'll make you feel any better,
00:42I won't let go of your hand the whole time.
00:45Tony, Tony, Tony!
00:50I can't get my fingers.
00:52You having fun, guys?
00:54Yeah, this is terrific.
00:57What's happening?
00:58Just a little turbulence.
00:59Oh, this is nothing, honey.
01:03Oh, a client in Allentown.
01:05Gotta have dinner with him tomorrow night.
01:07Oh, this is so romantic.
01:09How about a few stunts?
01:10Nothing spectacular, just a few twists and turns.
01:13Yeah, sure, go for it.
01:24Wow, that was better than going to the island.
01:26Hey, come on, do it again.
01:28Do it again.
01:44Well, I hope our adventure isn't over.
01:46How about a kiss?
02:29Oh, that was wonderful, you guys.
02:31We'll do it again.
02:33When hell freezes over.
02:35See ya.
02:37There's an ATM machine across the street.
02:39Get an extra 40, I have to pay Louise.
02:46Hey, what's going on?
02:47Oh, nothing.
02:48What's going on?
02:50What's going on?
02:52What's going on?
02:54What's going on?
02:56What's going on?
02:58How's my big, strong man doing?
03:00I don't know how he's doing,
03:02but your quivering, yellow-bellied man
03:04is still embarrassed.
03:05Oh, come on.
03:06It's because you got a little claustrophobic in the plane.
03:09Doesn't mean you're not my hero anymore.
03:11Doesn't mean you're...
03:13Hey, hey.
03:14Just kidding.
03:22Go, go, go!
03:25Somebody call 911!
03:26Somebody call 911!
03:28Oh, God!
03:31Oh, man.
03:33This is C1.
03:34I need an ambulance sent to the corner of Brewer and 3rd
03:37on a fourth width.
03:38Roger, C1.
03:40He stepped right out in front of me.
03:42I couldn't stop.
03:43I tried to stop, I tried to stop,
03:45but he stepped right out in front of me.
03:47Oh, oh, oh.
03:55Is today Friday?
04:02My grandmother died on a Friday.
04:06I was a little girl.
04:10Emily, I'm gonna stay with you tonight.
04:14Boss, can I see you?
04:18Morris Schaefer.
04:20This is Commissioner Scali.
04:23He was just there, you know,
04:25and just came out right in front of me.
04:27Just right there, you know.
04:28His field sobriety test came out negative,
04:30and he wasn't speeding.
04:33I killed him.
04:34You know, I can't believe I...
04:36I killed him.
04:38I'm gonna have to live with that for the rest of my life.
04:41I killed him.
04:42No indications.
04:43There was nothing you could have done.
04:45You got everything you need, Ronnie.
04:48You can go home now.
04:50I'd rather... I'd really rather not drive.
04:53Well, listen...
04:54That's okay.
04:55I can take him home.
04:56All right, thanks, Ronnie.
05:16Cool fire
05:20In a dry season
05:25Sweet treason
05:29Come back to me
05:34A warm body
05:39In a cold distance
05:43A non-existent
05:47Come back to me
05:53I don't know how this all started
05:58But I know it's gotta stop
06:02Let's change the end of the story
06:07And hit my broken heart
06:14Hey, can I help you?
06:19Uh, no.
06:22I, uh...
06:25Hey, when's that new Offspring album coming in?
06:27Uh, not for another week.
06:32If you think of something
06:37That you loved about us
06:42It's your best reason
06:46Come back to me
06:51Come back to me
06:55Come back to me
07:03Did you get him?
07:04I couldn't.
07:05The guy got off the phone and started talking to me.
07:07What was I supposed to do?
07:11I'm not a chicken.
07:12He was watching me.
07:13This book...
07:16Going to the mall?
07:18Uh, uh, uh...
07:20You haven't made the team yet.
07:25Bye, David.
07:41Sorry about Mr. Sherman.
07:43Oh, thanks, pal.
07:45The whole thing is just...
07:47Is Mom still over there?
07:50She's gonna spend the night with Emily.
07:55I wouldn't know what to say to someone at a time like that.
07:58Usually, you just listen.
08:02Dad, were you popular in high school?
08:06I was just wondering.
08:08Well, never really thought about it.
08:11Well, what do you mean you never thought about it?
08:13Did you have a lot of friends?
08:14We all grew up with each other.
08:16Knew each other since we were born.
08:18Some guys you liked.
08:20Some you hated their guts.
08:23How many parties would you say you were invited to your sophomore year?
08:27Somebody throwing a party you didn't get invited to?
08:30Even if there was a party, I wouldn't know about it.
08:32You got friends. Why don't you call them up? Find out what's happening.
08:35Like who?
08:37Jason's a geek.
08:41Well, what about Mark?
08:43I haven't seen Mark in three months.
08:46I thought you and Mark were best buds.
08:48Not since Stephanie.
08:51I've stayed home six Friday nights in a row.
08:54Must be some kind of world record.
08:56You're going through a slump. It happens to everyone.
08:59Slump? It's my pathetic life.
09:01What are you, in Bosnia?
09:03You haven't been out in six weeks.
09:05It's not the end of the world as we know it.
09:08Yeah, I know.
09:10It's just so easy for some guys.
09:13They show up at school and ten people around them.
09:16Ten people's not important, David.
09:19One good friend is all you really need.
09:23I feel like I'm invisible.
09:33I want something nice, but not too fancy.
09:39Fine, I'll see you then.
09:46Yesterday at breakfast, John and I talked about starting a family.
09:51Tomorrow I'm buying him a coffin.
09:56Insurance policy.
09:58Isn't it there?
10:00It's here.
10:02There's a problem?
10:07John's policy was cashed out six months ago.
10:09Emily's not going to get a dime.
10:11We started going through her stuff.
10:13Tony, you know I'm no accountant, but it looks like she's broke.
10:18He took out a second mortgage on the house.
10:20All his credit cards were maxed out.
10:22He had two uncollateralized loans.
10:24You should have seen the look on her face.
10:26How could she not know?
10:27They kept separate accounts.
10:29I don't get it. He had his own consulting business.
10:32She said he made over $75,000 a year.
10:34Well, where did it all go?
10:35Did he run up some big expenses this year or what?
10:37She said no. I couldn't find anything.
10:40But I went through the file effects.
10:42There were some names on there that she didn't recognize.
10:46Ira Allen.
10:48Ira's an eye doctor here in town.
10:50Rudy Gilbert.
10:52He owns a car dealership out in Groverton.
10:55Schoenig. No first name.
10:57That doesn't ring a bell. Was there a number?
11:00Arnie Palomino.
11:03Arnie Palomino?
11:15How's the victim business, Palomino?
11:18Tell me about John Sherman.
11:20Well, I had nothing to do with that.
11:22I didn't say you did.
11:24He was a friend of mine.
11:26I'm talking off the record.
11:28How much was he into you for?
11:30Principal or interest?
11:31All in.
11:32About $30,000.
11:36What was it for?
11:37How should I know?
11:39When did he start coming to you?
11:40About six months ago.
11:42Lent him a big chunk of change.
11:44Everything was going cooper till about midsummer,
11:46and then he started falling behind.
11:48I was patient.
11:49You have to be in this business.
11:51I doubt Petey Kramer would call you patient.
11:54Do you remember Pete?
11:55Fell out of a third story window.
11:57Broke every bone in his body a year ago.
11:59I had nothing to do with that.
12:01Stay close, honey.
12:03Don't go on his sabbaticals.
12:05I got nothing to hide.
12:07Look, I know you're upset because you lost a friend,
12:10but I lost $30,000.
12:12I'm upset, too.
12:18Palomino's scum, but killing John wasn't in his interest.
12:22Unless $30,000's the price of sending a message
12:24to all his other deadbeats.
12:26Pay up or else.
12:30Oh, great.
12:36You got a little leak there, Tom.
12:39Anyway, I sent Lopez to pick up Morris, the driver.
12:41Maybe he's connected to Palomino.
12:45You called?
12:49You got a leak there, boss.
12:53Can you fix it?
12:54Oh, you bet.
12:56Leaks are my specialty.
13:00What? Leaks are his specialty?
13:02I'm buying a snorkel.
13:05Where's Morris?
13:06I went to his house, like you said.
13:07An old lady lives there.
13:08She doesn't know Morris from the man on the moon.
13:10Wait a minute.
13:11I thought you dropped him off there last night.
13:12Yeah, I did, but I drove away before we went in the house.
13:14I mean, I had no reason.
13:15His license must have been forged.
13:17You're saying he might have been murdered?
13:19It's possible.
13:20The man who hit John wasn't who he said he was.
13:23He could have been working for Palomino.
13:25But John stepped in front of him.
13:27This driver was a pro.
13:28He could have made it look like it was John's fault.
13:31Do you have any idea why John needed money?
13:34Did he gamble?
13:35Did he play the stock market?
13:37Did he have any abuse problems?
13:39Drugs? Alcohol?
13:40Tony, he could barely finish a beer.
13:43His only vice was flying.
13:46You want me to get that for you?
13:48The machine will pick it up.
13:50This is the home of John.
13:51And Emily.
13:52Get off the phone, Emily. I got it.
13:54No, I got it.
13:56The husband might be dead, but his debts live on.
13:59I want my $30,000 by the end of the week.
14:13Have this duplicated.
14:14Send one copy over to the lab for analysis
14:16and one to Judge Fischer.
14:18I'm going to need it.
14:19I'm going to need it.
14:20I'm going to need it.
14:21I'm going to need it.
14:22I'm going to need it.
14:23I'm going to need it.
14:24Send one copy over to the lab for analysis
14:25and one to Judge Fenwick.
14:27Subpoena for Arnie Palomino?
14:29I want to get his phone tapped,
14:30see if we can match his voice to the one on the tape.
14:32And let's start a full court press on all the forgers in town
14:35and see if they did any work for Morris, the driver.
14:37How stupid is Palomino?
14:39I never saw his report cards.
14:41I mean, the guy leaves an incriminating message on a tape.
14:45It's a gift horse, Paisano.
14:47Let's not look it in the mouth. Let's go.
14:54Can I get you a cup of coffee or something?
15:02did you know that John was having trouble with his business?
15:06He told me everything was fine. I believed him.
15:10Tony, I can't come up with $30,000.
15:13You won't have to.
15:14This guy's a loan shark.
15:15The debt's not legal.
15:18We're going to protect you.
15:21Excuse me.
15:23Just had a call from the precinct.
15:25The car that hit Sherman is registered to Rankin Imports.
15:28It's a subsidiary of Ellerbee Corp.
15:30They checked out some of Ellerbee's other assets,
15:32and one of them is the Moonlight Tavern.
15:35Palomino's joint?
15:37Where are you taking me?
15:38You're under arrest.
15:39It was your car that killed John Sherman.
15:41I killed nobody.
15:42My car was stolen three days ago.
15:44You didn't file a report.
15:45Why should I?
15:46You guys are going to bust a hump to help a guy like me?
15:48I'm being set up here.
15:49Sherman owed you money.
15:51He couldn't pay it.
15:52And don't tell me what a kinder,
15:53gentler lending institution you are.
15:56And I was there when you called Emily Sherman.
15:58It never happened.
15:59You threatened her for $30,000.
16:01Would I do that when I know you're investigating a husband?
16:03How dumb you think I am?
16:05Where $30,000 is concerned, dumb enough.
16:07Let's go.
16:09These leaks are tricky, boss.
16:11There's the water.
16:12Any kind of water.
16:13Well, I guess there's only one kind of water.
16:17Water is a force in nature, you know.
16:20It always moves downhill.
16:22And not only that, but it seeks its own level.
16:25And then it, uh...
16:27Gets you wet?
16:29But don't worry.
16:31I'm going to get you some water.
16:33I'm going to get you some water.
16:35I'm going to get you some water.
16:37But don't worry.
16:38I've got everything under control.
16:45I don't want to hear it.
16:47Did I say anything?
16:52Palomino's out on bail.
16:54D.A. doesn't think we have much of a case yet.
16:56The good news is,
16:58we don't have to tap his phones.
17:00We got his statement on tape.
17:01I sent it down to the analysts.
17:03Well, if his voice matches the voice on Emily's machine,
17:06we bring him back in.
17:08How well did you know this guy, Sherman?
17:11Not as well as I thought I did.
17:14When you left Emily's,
17:15I asked her to give me a copy of all his business records.
17:18I mean, supposedly he was working out in the house, right?
17:20He was supposed to be some kind of computer consultant.
17:22She couldn't find a thing.
17:24Get out of here.
17:26Not an invoice, a ledger, nothing.
17:28His computer files were filled with junk.
17:31Household expenses, that kind of thing.
17:33Tony, there was no business.
17:36What was he doing?
17:38Whatever it was, it wasn't in Eastbridge.
17:42He went to Allentown a lot.
17:44I already booked us a flight.
17:45Oh, you are efficient.
17:47Live to serve, serve to live.
17:49Jimmy Connors said that.
17:51Boss, sorry.
17:54There's a guy here I think you should see.
17:57Ronnie, I'm busy. Take care of it.
18:00I don't think I can.
18:10Hi, I'm Police Commissioner Scali.
18:12Officer Lopez tells me you had a robbery at your store.
18:14Yeah, well, kids today think they can get away with murder.
18:16It's the way they're raised.
18:18Where is he?
18:20Boss, I didn't tell you. I quit.
18:23You know him?
18:26He's my son.
18:28Your son.
18:30Look, I didn't mean to...
18:32And look, I don't want any trouble with your department.
18:34Don't worry. There won't be any.
18:36I got a son of my own. I know how tough it is.
18:39Look, I don't have to press charges.
18:41I'm sure you'll take care of it.
18:43Trust me.
18:46Lucky break.
18:50Is it true?
18:51Dad, I...
18:52Is it true?
18:53It's not what you think.
18:55It was like an initiation.
18:57You steal other people's property, it's called theft.
19:00Not an initiation.
19:06My God, David, do you have any idea how much trouble you're in?
19:09What this means?
19:14Is he gonna press charges?
19:18Where do you think you're going?
19:20No, you're not.
19:21But you just said...
19:22I said that he's not pressing charges. I am.
19:24For stealing three crummy CDs?
19:27David, you seem to think this is no big deal.
19:30I'm gonna give you a little more time to think about it.
19:46What do you mean you left him in jail?
19:48Without talking to me first?
19:49I know I should have called you. I was just so angry at him.
19:52Yeah, well, I'm angry at him, too. That's not the point.
19:54He does not deserve incarceration, Tony.
19:56I mean, he's only 14 years old.
19:58That's when it starts, Rachel.
20:00I see it all the time.
20:01Well, this is not the same thing.
20:03I mean, this is David.
20:04He's not some juvenile delinquent.
20:06So what? Grounding him or no TV for a month?
20:09Is that the way you think we should handle this?
20:11Oh, those are our choices? No TV or jail?
20:13Yeah, he didn't play hooky.
20:15He's sharp-lifted.
20:16I mean, he's gotta understand there's a penalty to be paid here.
20:19If the kids he's hanging with put him up to it,
20:22he's gotta know they're not the kids to hang with.
20:25I was just thinking about him in there.
20:29I'm afraid it's gonna...
20:31Rachel, he's gonna be alone in a cell.
20:34Someone's gonna be watching him around the clock.
20:38I know you did the right thing.
20:40It's just...
20:42It's hell.
20:51Don't be coming home.
20:54Paulie and I have to fly out to Allentown.
20:59Make sure David's safe.
21:14In all the years that Mr. Sherman stayed at our hotel,
21:17I never knew his business.
21:19He checked in, stayed a day or two,
21:21and then checked out.
21:23Never saw him down at the bar or in the restaurant.
21:26You got those phone records we asked for?
21:29These are the calls that were made from the room
21:31for the last three months.
21:33Well, Eastbridge must be Emily.
21:35Down here.
21:36Is this a local call?
21:38May I?
21:41Line it out.
21:54Hello, this is Police Commissioner Scali
21:56from Eastbridge, New York.
21:58Who am I speaking to?
21:59This is Rhonda Shonick. Is something wrong?
22:04Shonick is the name Rachel found in Sherman's file of facts.
22:07I love a mystery.
22:17Sorry it took so long.
22:18I just came off back surgery.
22:20Thank you for seeing us on such short notice.
22:22We're investigating a man named John Sherman.
22:24Have you ever heard of him?
22:26Well, have you or your husband
22:28ever done business with the Sherman Company?
22:32It doesn't sound familiar, huh?
22:34Is your husband home?
22:36No, but he'll be home tonight.
22:38He works for the airlines.
22:39You ever seen this man before?
22:45It's a practical joke, right?
22:49A joke?
22:50Oh, that's John.
22:51I thought you didn't know John Sherman.
22:53I don't. This is John Shonick.
22:54This is my husband.
23:03I don't believe you.
23:04Oh, I'm sorry, Emily. It's the truth.
23:07I know this is a nightmare,
23:09but you have to call your lawyer.
23:11How can you live with a man that long without any...
23:15Tony, you know he loved me.
23:17You know that.
23:20I want to talk to her.
23:21No, I don't think that would be a very...
23:23I have to talk to her. Where is she?
23:26She's at the precinct.
23:28What for?
23:30To claim the body.
23:33To claim the body?
23:37To claim my husband's body.
23:40Emily, I'm so sorry.
23:42He married her first.
23:44She's his legal wife.
23:53Where does that leave me?
23:55That's why you have to call your lawyer.
23:57It was all a lie the last four years of my life.
24:00Is that possible?
24:03No, it's not possible.
24:06Where are you going?
24:08I don't need a lawyer.
24:09I can take care of it myself.
24:11I will just explain it to her that John loved me.
24:15And she'll understand that.
24:17Now, what you have to understand
24:19is that he's my husband,
24:21and he is going to be buried in Allentown, Pennsylvania.
24:24But arrangements have already been made.
24:26Well, they are gonna have to be unmade.
24:28Look, Rhonda, I understand how you feel,
24:30but things were different with us.
24:32John and I were gonna start a family.
24:34Oh, please.
24:36He gave me that line, too.
24:38It wasn't a line with me.
24:40Wake up.
24:41It was all just a big charade.
24:44I have a marriage license.
24:45Yeah, dated three years after mine.
24:47It's not as simple as that, Rhonda.
24:49Well, it is to me.
24:51Until my lawyers tell me differently, that's it.
24:54Look, I know how difficult this must be for both of you,
24:58but John's killer is still out there, and I need your help.
25:02Did you have any unexpected expenses this past year?
25:05Well, my back operation six months ago.
25:09The insurance company only covered about 60%.
25:12How much did you have to come up with?
25:15Well, between the surgery and the physical therapy,
25:19it cost us about $30,000.
25:22Well, how'd you get the money?
25:24John handled it.
25:26When I asked him how, he said,
25:27don't worry about it, it's all taken care of.
25:29He took care of it by going to a loan shark.
25:35Look, uh, why don't we call it a day?
25:39One of my men will take you back to your hotel room, all right?
25:43That'd be great.
25:48You think you'd mind stopping at Sam's Deli on the way?
25:51I haven't eaten since breakfast.
25:55Good night.
26:00Good night.
26:05On the plane, Wanda said she'd never been to the Eastbridge before,
26:08but she knew about Sam's Deli,
26:10and we didn't pass on the way here.
26:12So you think she's been here,
26:13found out about Hubby's double life, and then...
26:15It's possible.
26:16Why don't you find out if she's got an insurance policy in Sherman?
26:19Where are we with Morris to drive us?
26:21Still beating the bushes.
26:34I don't know how disappointed in me you must be.
26:36Oh, you don't have a clue.
26:37What do you want me to say?
26:39It was a stupid thing. I'm sorry.
26:41It won't happen again.
26:43God, I wish I'd never gotten caught.
26:45That way you and Mom would...
26:47Being a better thief is not the moral of the story here.
26:50You knew right from wrong, and it didn't matter.
26:52What mattered was showing your new friends how cool you were.
26:56You don't know what it's like at my school.
26:58Is that what this is about, being popular?
27:00That's right.
27:01I don't want to be stuck home alone playing video games
27:04while everyone else is out having fun.
27:06That's your idea of fun? Stealing?
27:08It was just to get in with these guys.
27:10Like a pledge.
27:11I wasn't gonna do it anymore.
27:13These kids are not your friends.
27:15If they were, you wouldn't need to prove anything.
27:21Open it up.
27:28It's out.
28:14How is he?
28:15He's okay.
28:19You know,
28:21I don't know what to do.
28:23I don't know what to do.
28:25I don't know what to do.
28:28I haven't been a perfect mother.
28:32I just don't know what I could have done more or less of.
28:35I don't know which of the millions of things I didn't do
28:38are the things that led him to this.
28:40Rachel, you've been a great mother. You are a great mother.
28:43Then why is he in jail tonight?
28:49I should have picked up on things.
28:52Remember when he skipped school last year?
28:55Remember when he tried to cheat the cab company?
28:57That was a sign.
28:59Just like that earring was a sign.
29:01Just like those clothes that we've been letting him wear.
29:03That's right. It was a sign.
29:05It was a sign that he's normal.
29:07He's not an angel, Rachel.
29:11You were right.
29:14It's not playing hooky.
29:16He's gone against everything that we've been trying to teach him.
29:19Everything that he knows is right.
29:22Maybe this is his way of throwing it back in our faces.
29:25Making sure that we know he's rejecting us.
29:29He's not rejecting us, Rachel.
29:31He's being 14.
29:33He's got so many things going on.
29:35Peer pressure, hormones. He doesn't know what's what.
29:38But I don't think he's on his way to a life of crime.
29:42That's not in spite of you. That's because of you.
29:48You know what really worries me?
29:52He's still gonna be 14 tomorrow.
29:55He'll be a lot older 14.
30:12Ronnie! How was David last night?
30:15He never shut his eyes. Did he get his breakfast?
30:17Yes, he got it.
30:22Oh, I wanted to surprise you.
30:24Just almost done, uh...
30:27There. What do you think?
30:29What is it?
30:30It's an irrigation system.
30:32Freddy, I asked you to fix a leak, not harvest corn.
30:35Yeah, I had a problem with the leak. I couldn't find the source.
30:39So I came up with this instead.
30:41The water comes along here.
30:43It builds up speed. Circles around in there.
30:46And then I put this in here.
30:49And then I put the netting inside to act as purifiers.
30:54So by the time the water gets to the bottom,
30:56it's as fresh as a mountain spring.
31:02Freddy, my chair. I can't get to my chair.
31:05Yeah, that occurred to me, too.
31:07We could move your desk.
31:09I don't want you to move my desk.
31:11I want you to fix the damn leak before one of my pipes burst, capisce?
31:15Okay, boss.
31:16Paydirt, we just got an address on Morris the driver.
31:19Pick him up.
31:42Help me!
31:43Give me your hand!
31:44I can't let go!
31:45Yes, you can. Give me it. I got you.
31:53Pull me up! Pull me up!
31:55Why'd you kill John Sherman?
31:57It's not like you think, okay? I was hired to do it!
32:00By who?
32:01I don't know!
32:02You don't know, huh?
32:03Look, this is not the time to get cute, Marvin!
32:05I'm not! I swear to God, I don't know!
32:07I honestly don't know! Please pull me up!
32:09If you want to get a break from the D.A., you're gonna have to do better than that.
32:11I'll explain everything! Just pull me up, okay?
32:13Good! All ears. Go ahead.
32:14I need to get something!
32:17My computer! I need to get my computer! Please pull me up!
32:23The people who I do business with contact me on the Internet.
32:27One day I went online and there was a message in my e-mail.
32:30Anyone in the world can contact you anonymously.
32:32Go on.
32:36Well, the message was real simple.
32:38Steal Palomino's car and mow down Sherman with it.
32:40You still have the message?
32:42Oh, no way.
32:43I erase everything from the system as soon as I read it.
32:45You know, like this, watch.
32:49So there's no way to find out who contacted you?
32:51No file name? No return address?
32:53No, no, just the user ID.
32:55Nobody uses their real name.
32:57You remember what the ID was?
33:02That's it? Just Jacob?
33:04How'd you get paid?
33:05They said they'd send a certified letter the next day.
33:07If I wanted the job, sign for it.
33:09I did.
33:10What was in the letter?
33:12Money order for ten grand.
33:14Look, that's all I know, I swear.
33:16You know Arnie Palomino?
33:18Ronda Schoenig?
33:21Take him away, Ronnie. Let's go.
33:23Whoa, wait. What about my deal?
33:25All you got right now is a good story.
33:27Look, I didn't even know that guy I ran over, all right?
33:29It was a job.
33:30We get Jacob, then we'll talk.
33:32Let's go.
33:42Didn't you say when you saw Arnie Palomino the other day
33:44he was sitting in front of a computer?
33:46That's what I was thinking, too.
33:47Where are we with the voice match-up on him?
33:49The lab's still working on it.
33:51Do we have any luck finding an insurance policy on John?
33:53They didn't have one with the major companies.
33:55We're checking the smaller out-of-state carriers.
33:58You know, Pauli,
34:00my gut tells me there's a million-dollar
34:02double-indemnity policy out there,
34:04and Ronda Schoenig is the beneficiary.
34:06Oh, wait a minute. Come on.
34:08That would mean that she set Palomino up for the murders.
34:10Look, she starts suspecting that John's stepping out on her.
34:14She hires a P.I.
34:16He finds out about his other life in Eastbridge,
34:19including his debt to Palomino.
34:21Next thing you know, John Sherman's in a box.
34:28I can't keep him here indefinitely.
34:31So what's it gonna be?
34:33Our lawyers are still discussing it.
34:35He can discuss it until they are blue in the face.
34:38He is not going to be buried here.
34:40No. Uh-uh.
34:42There they are, the merry widows.
34:45Who are you?
34:47Don't tell me. You must be Emily,
34:49the sweet and understanding one,
34:51which means you're Ronda.
34:53Bad back, bad hair.
34:55If you are going to insult us, can we at least have a name?
34:58Wilma Maxwell.
35:00I'm the third member of the Johnny Club.
35:03The Johnny Club?
35:05That bastard was my husband.
35:09He told me he was a traveling salesman.
35:12Guess he was right, huh? He sold us a bill of goods.
35:15How did you find out he died?
35:17I called him on his beeper.
35:19It was here at the mortuary, and someone heard it and called me back.
35:22That was some conversation.
35:24Your dead husband is here with his two other wives.
35:27How do we know that this is even real?
35:29I invite you to check me out as thoroughly as you'd like.
35:32Would you mind if I did that?
35:34Be my guest.
35:37Excuse me, ladies.
35:39You may have to come down to the station, okay?
35:59So, how long were you and John together?
36:02Two years.
36:04How long were you and John together?
36:06Two years ago, July.
36:08Where did you live? Albany.
36:10His flight route? Eastbridge, Allentown, Albany.
36:14Did you and John have any children?
36:16We were going to start a family next year.
36:19This guy was going to be busy next year.
36:22So, which one of you two ladies has the big, fat life insurance policy?
36:29John cashed ours out when he needed the money.
36:32How about you, Rhonda?
36:34We never had one, Wilma.
36:36Gosh, I find that hard to believe.
36:40No policies.
36:42Why, did you have one?
36:44Couldn't afford it.
36:46We didn't have the money for a lot of things because of you two.
36:49Well, then, what's so hard to believe?
36:51Call it a hunch.
36:54Theoretically, if one of you gals did have a policy,
36:57it would be in your best interest not to tell the other two about it.
37:00Meaning what?
37:02Meaning we'd be able to contest it and that money would be tied up in court for years.
37:06There is no policy.
37:09If you say so.
37:12I'm, uh, staying at the Stanfield Hotel.
37:15If I don't hear from either one of you by 8 o'clock tonight,
37:18at 8.01, I let my blood-sucking lawyer off his leash
37:22and he starts snooping around for that policy.
37:25And let me assure you girls,
37:28he won't quit till he finds it.
37:55Where's Dad?
37:57He's working.
38:00He doesn't want to see me, does he?
38:03I guess you're pretty mad at me, too.
38:06Well, there's no ticker tape parade for you outside if that's what you're asking.
38:12I'm really sorry, Mom.
38:14Don't apologize to me.
38:17Let yourself down.
38:19You know, I didn't kill anyone.
38:21Yeah, and we didn't disown you.
38:24I'm not like Dad.
38:26It's not that easy for me to make friends.
38:28You really think that's the point?
38:35I couldn't handle it if he stays mad at me.
38:39That's between you and him.
38:42Come on, let's go home.
38:52We tapped into his e-mail address.
38:54If somebody contacts Morris Schaefer, we'll get the message.
38:57Hey, nice work, Wilma.
38:59I knew high school drama would pay off.
39:02Here we go. He's logging in.
39:09Jacob wants to hire Morris for another job.
39:12Well, reply.
39:14We need to meet.
39:20Emerson Park in one hour, by the concession stand.
39:24So who's Jacob, Ronda or Palomino?
39:28My money's on Ronda.
39:32But my $5 says Palomino had a definite motive.
39:38See, that's your problem, Pauly.
39:40You're too literal.
39:43Ever tell you I hate it when you gloat?
39:46Burden of success.
39:48Burden of success, huh?
39:55Never figured you as a babe.
39:57Yeah, well, I don't like meeting offline.
39:59Yeah, well, there's too many users on the system.
40:01I'm being extra careful.
40:03I don't want you to get in trouble.
40:05I don't want you to get in trouble.
40:07I don't want you to get in trouble.
40:09Yeah, well, there's too many users on the system.
40:11I'm being extra careful.
40:13What's the gig?
40:15The Stanfield Hotel, room 325.
40:17Her name is Wilma Maxwell.
40:19How do you want it done?
40:21I don't care, but I just want it done today.
40:24Yeah, can you do that or not?
40:26Same-day service is gonna cost you, honey.
40:28How much?
40:30Times two.
40:33Okay, okay.
40:35But after you kill her, I want you to lose the body.
40:37I do not want this woman found.
40:39We got it, Ronnie.
40:43I'm a real stinker, ain't I?
40:45You entrapped me. I didn't...
40:47I didn't...
40:49Wait a minute.
40:54She wasn't really his wife.
40:56No, he stopped it, too.
40:58I guess triggering me was a mouthful.
41:03That lying son of a bitch got exactly what he deserved.
41:06He made a fool out of me.
41:09For better or worse, does not include a second wife.
41:13Come on, let's go. I'm cold.
41:18Hell hath no fury,
41:20like a woman about to lose her double indemnity.
41:23There's gotta be an insurance policy out there somewhere.
41:26Keep looking.
41:28Even if there is, you can't collect on it now.
41:30Maybe Emily can.
41:36Come on.
41:47Where's Freddy?
41:49I just saw him go upstairs.
42:09Oh, hi, boss.
42:11It's Niagara Falls in here. What are you doing?
42:13I think I'm getting close to the source of that leak.
42:16You're killing me here, Fred.
42:18Isn't there a valve or something you could just...
42:28That was the very next thing I was gonna try.
42:31I swear.
42:33There he is.
42:35There you are.
42:38The lab report just came back.
42:40Palomino's voice did not match up with the voice on Emily's answering machine.
42:43Well, if Palomino didn't make the call...
42:47I'm gonna sell the house,
42:49move back to New Mexico, start over.
42:52I considered staying here, but...
42:55too many memories.
42:57Who made the phone call the other day, Emily?
43:00What phone call?
43:02A friend? A lover?
43:05That was the loan shark.
43:07No. Palomino's been cleared.
43:09Well, then maybe he borrowed from someone else in Allentown or Albany.
43:13There was no one else.
43:15You and Rhonda were in it together from the beginning.
43:18Tony, that's crazy.
43:20It may be sick, but it's not crazy.
43:22If I was in on it, don't you think she would have told you when you arrested her?
43:26The way court's on nowadays, she could be out in ten years.
43:29Her half of the money would be collecting interest.
43:32Who's Jacob?
43:53I loved him.
44:00Well, I think Art Linkletter said it all.
44:05People are funny.
44:11Are you sure that you don't have another wife tucked away somewhere?
44:15Being a cop is dangerous enough.
44:18Come here.
44:20How's David?
44:22He's been sleeping since we got back.
44:25Did he say anything when you picked him up?
44:31Honey, don't you think it's time you let him off the hook?
44:36Come in.
44:45I'll never do a thing like that again.
44:48Glad to hear it.
44:50I'm glad to see you're taking it.
44:52I'll never do it again.
44:57You're a man of your word.
44:59You're a man of your word.
45:01You're a man of your word.
45:03I'm glad to hear it.
45:09It's not just because I spent the night in jail.
45:13It was the look on your face.
45:15I'll never forget it.
45:19I'm sorry.
45:25It's okay, Dad.
45:27I can handle it.
45:30I'm not sure I can.
45:33It's okay.
46:03It's okay.