• last year


00:00:37Walked on me well I ja
00:01:01Yeah, okay, you intent a volver al pasado
00:01:13That the prison
00:01:22Which no buck enough es tu turno
00:01:26Ya eres una estudiante de secundaria cuando vas a mostrarnos tus poderes
00:01:33La abuela no ha dormido bien y está gruñona
00:01:41Y tu mamá ahora no puedo ver nada del futuro si no recuperamos lo que perdimos la familia boca estará arruinada
00:01:50Deberíamos saltar juntos desde este acantilado
00:02:43Podemos comer antes de saltar supe que este es un gran lugar para pescar
00:02:50No puedo ver la luz al final de este túnel
00:02:55Es la clarividente si nuestro futuro es tan sombrío pues debería saltar tú primero
00:03:00Deberíamos estar aferrándonos a nuestras vidas no pensando en matarnos todo el tiempo todos juntos vamos a volver a nuestro mejor
00:03:09Momento antes podíamos volver a los momentos felices con un solo párpade por favor regresemos a eso
00:04:01Los momentos felices
00:06:37Es increíble que de verdad saltar a salagua pero yo no salte me caí
00:06:43Si erto es justo lo que le dije a ena que su papá se embriagó y le dieron ganas de ir a bucear oye
00:07:01Lo importante es que estás bien solo ten más cuidado
00:07:19Me distraje tanto que no le pedí su contacto
00:07:22La señora bogg viene hoy la tele insomnio la que le dará un millón de warnings a quien la haga dormir
00:07:28Oye, ni los sueños este millón no lo ganará nadie de aquí
00:07:32Siempre duda de nuestros productos y cree que el clima daña todo y cuando le compruebas que todo está bien
00:07:38Sigue creyendo que tiene problemas causados por el clima ella cree que todo tiene químicos extraños y que los aceites son un fraude
00:07:45Por eso nunca duerme pues que tome pastillas para dormir es una anciana que está atrapada en el pasado cree que se hará
00:07:51Dependiente o tendrá efectos secundarios y cosas de ese estilo yo paso es exigente oye no quiero y yo menos yo tampoco quiero
00:08:03Qué lo hará si todas se niegan de voy yo debería entrar
00:08:13Disculpe le importaría si yo entro
00:08:16Tú la nueva entiendo que seas trabajadora, pero siempre te esfuerzas demasiado quieres hacerlo
00:08:24solo así podré aprender
00:08:32Un placer conocerla mi nombre es dobae
00:08:35Quiere un poco de té antes de empezar
00:08:37Si es una de sus infusiones insípidas no quiero
00:08:41Es un té que preparé con hierbas de la montaña y me gusta la montaña por cierto
00:08:49Supe que tiene problemas para conciliar el sueño este té es excelente para tratar el insomnio
00:09:03Admito que huele bien
00:09:07Dígame salió a dar un paseo recientemente porque su piel está áspera y se ve mal
00:09:16Haré un aceite natural que es bueno para suavizar la piel dañada
00:09:44Eres fuerte prefiere algo más suave no así me siento bien
00:09:49Por supuesto hay muchos productos que son muy buenos pero nada le gana a unas manos expertas es verdad
00:10:02Gusta mucho pensar que impregno de energía mis clientes
00:10:07Porque la verdad es que la mayoría de nuestros clientes son personas cansadas
00:10:12Por eso en mi tiempo libre me gusta salir a pasear
00:10:17Así salgo de mi rutina
00:10:19y así puedo llenarme
00:10:21De energía y luego pasarla a mis clientes con mis manos
00:10:26ya veo
00:10:28Sentía que estaba metida hasta el cuello en un pozo y me estaba hundiendo
00:10:34Pero este masaje no se parece a ningún otro que me hayan dado
00:10:39Puedo sentir que una energía especial emana de tus dedos es algo que le hace falta a mi familia
00:10:47Que sería eso salud
00:10:49Dijo salud así es salud es lo único que mi familia necesita con desesperación
00:11:08Ya terminaste
00:11:11Señora ya despertó me quedé dormida imposible
00:11:17Cielos cuánto tiempo me dormí
00:11:26Muchas gracias
00:11:28Cuál es el nombre de la masajista que estuvo en mi habitación más temprano
00:11:34Es ella
00:11:37Yo soy today toda espera
00:11:47Eres tú eres la chica de la playa
00:11:55Si estuve en la playa hace poco eres tú eres tú es increíble que te encontrará en este lugar
00:12:02en realidad estaba ansiosa por encontrar
00:12:06No sé de qué está hablando cuando mi hijo saltó de la cantina
00:12:10Que su hijo salto de donde ah claro los zapatos de su hijo se los llevó el mar y yo le ayudé a recuperar los
00:12:20Esos son sus zapatos favoritos
00:12:24Toma esto no espera no es suficiente
00:12:32No es necesario ni siquiera pudo dormir bien
00:12:36Es verdad que no se siente cómoda si no duerme en su casa bien te gustaría ir a mi casa
00:12:51Trabajan a domicilio cierto
00:13:00Si entonces pronto nos veremos en su casa
00:13:24Hola buen día señora book soy yo de la del spa illusion
00:14:57Señora vogue
00:15:23Hola señora boca como esta por aquí así
00:16:02Es un jardín muy hermoso señora
00:16:05Usted misma lo cuida es precioso
00:16:39No te atrevas a cruzar esta puerta
00:16:51Quiere que le traiga una taza de té señora vuelvo enseguida
00:17:24Disculpe buen día, señor
00:17:31Necesita ayuda con eso
00:18:00Podría ser peligroso si solo lo deja así
00:18:11Yo la abriré por usted
00:18:29Que le acabo de decir que sería peligroso
00:18:43No no se mueva es peligroso además está ebrio cielo pero qué pasó aquí
00:18:53Tú lo hiciste que yo estás bien
00:18:57Oh deténgase
00:19:12Muy bien
00:19:14Listo así está mucho mejor
00:19:16Cielos te lo agradezco mucho es la segunda vez que ayudas aquí you
00:19:23Ya se presentaron
00:19:29Ella es la mujer que te salvó se llama dota no es un lindo nombre
00:19:35Este es mi hijo book que you santo cielo quítate eso
00:19:41De verdad me alegra mucho ver que ya está mejor
00:19:46Viniste por la recompensa
00:19:49Seguro que ella te lo agradecerá
00:19:53Oye tú no le hables así a la mujer que salvó tu boca you
00:19:58Kid you
00:20:00Oye kid you
00:21:10Dos padres deben vivir muy tranquilos porque su hija es una mujer muy buena
00:21:18Mis padres murieron
00:21:21Santo cielo siento haber dicho eso tienes más parientes
00:21:27creo que no
00:21:29También intenté casarme. Ah, pero no funcionó
00:21:34Casarte a tu edad
00:21:38Y no fue sólo una vez de hecho fueron dos como es posible
00:21:48Cariño Oh prepare algo grandioso para nuestra noche juntos
00:22:01Pues mi primera esposo
00:22:03Me era infiel cada vez que tenía la oportunidad
00:22:13Y mi segundo esposo era alguien diferente cuando se embriagó
00:22:24Pero todo fue mi culpa solo quería tener una familia
00:22:31Quieres tener una familia
00:22:35La verdad es que mi hijo que yo paso por algo bastante similar perdió a su esposa en un accidente
00:22:46Fue hace mucho tiempo
00:22:48se casó a los 20 años cuando era joven ingenuo así que tuvo muchas
00:22:54dificultades con la vida matrimonial
00:22:57Pero creo que todavía no ha podido superar a su esposa es decir eso demuestra lo mucho que mi hijo la amaba
00:23:21Cariño de qué tarde
00:23:24Donde está la salvadora de kiju ella ya se fue no le pediste que se quedara a cenar
00:23:30compre carne y
00:23:32Cetas de pino y muchas cosas más se fue de prisa porque tenía otra cita a la que llegar después de esta
00:23:49Perdió a su familia y tiene el corazón roto es justo como mi kiju
00:23:59Tengo hambre
00:24:01Si, bienvenida
00:24:03Por favor, de prisa
00:24:05Si, si, me disculpo por eso
00:24:07Oye, estoy ocupada, prepárate algo
00:24:09Está bien
00:24:11No es como la comida instantánea es más como una rica comida casera
00:24:18No, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no, no
00:25:01She is no longer like Kiju which persists trapped on the past
00:25:08She went through a lot of pain after meeting evil people
00:25:12but even then, she still seems to love a family
00:25:15Are you sure you don't like him just because he doesn't have a family anymore?
00:25:23So when he joins this family, he won't be able to start a scandal.
00:25:29Just like me.
00:25:45It's very strange. You slept deeply. I was worried because you weren't waking up.
00:26:12I had a dream.
00:26:14A dream?
00:26:15It was blurry, so I didn't notice many details.
00:26:19But you hadn't dreamed in a long time. This is a great blessing.
00:26:27What did you see?
00:26:29I saw her, Doda E. In my dream she was wearing the family ring.
00:26:35It has to be her. She is the savior who will help us regain our powers.
00:26:42I will invite her to come to the celebration this Saturday.
00:26:46Hey Ina, about Saturday. If there is something you want or need, I would like to know.
00:27:15I would like you to tell me.
00:27:26Well, I want you to know that I didn't jump on purpose.
00:27:46I'm sorry.
00:27:48I'm sorry.
00:28:12I'm sorry.
00:28:13I'm sorry.
00:28:17I'm sorry.
00:28:36I'm sorry. Aren't you the owner of the Vogue gym?
00:28:40I heard you were looking for trainers.
00:28:51You can start tomorrow.
00:28:53Oh, just like that?
00:28:57I still have charm.
00:29:05We don't hire staff for their physique.
00:29:10Do you have a minute?
00:29:12Who are you?
00:29:14The owner of the building.
00:29:20I know.
00:29:22Hot body of summer.
00:29:26The number of subscribers to your channel is...
00:29:33Let's say I'm famous.
00:29:41I know you can buy subscribers now.
00:29:49You're also very famous, aren't you?
00:29:55I'm not.
00:29:56Yes, you are. I know I've seen you before.
00:30:02You got confused.
00:30:04You have a mukbang channel, right?
00:30:06That's right.
00:30:07The sound you make when you eat was like music to me.
00:30:13It's a pleasure.
00:30:15See you tomorrow.
00:30:17Glutton girl.
00:30:22Son of a bitch.
00:30:23Son of a bitch.
00:30:34I didn't expect you to come to work.
00:30:37It would be much better for the business if you stayed home.
00:30:40I didn't expect you to train.
00:30:43Did you get the wrong place?
00:30:45These are my last fries.
00:30:48I'll lose weight.
00:30:49Forget it.
00:30:50If you do, you'll get it back.
00:30:53Your muscles will disappear and you'll only gain fat.
00:30:55Your figure will be ruined and you'll be prone to gain more weight.
00:30:59Lose hope.
00:31:01I'll lose weight and I'll get married.
00:31:03And this building will be mine.
00:31:05This gym will still be unpaid?
00:31:08Well, I'll get rid of it.
00:31:23I want you to buy me a gift.
00:31:28Oh, liposuction?
00:31:31If that's what bothers you, you came to the right place.
00:31:36Let's see.
00:31:37Look at this.
00:31:39But I'm afraid something might go wrong.
00:31:42You'll see.
00:31:43If we remove the exact amount required, you'll be fine.
00:31:47You'll be fine.
00:31:51Why haven't you done it before?
00:31:53Who, me?
00:31:58Of course I've done it before.
00:32:03What's the rebound effect?
00:32:06Diets are to reduce the size of each fat cell.
00:32:11So, liposuction reduces the number of fat cells in the body.
00:32:17Don't worry about the rebound effect.
00:32:26Are you kidding me?
00:32:27Are you crazy?
00:32:28Heavens, no. Wait.
00:32:29I can't believe it.
00:32:30Heavens, don't forget to call, okay?
00:32:42Ji Han.
00:32:43You look exhausted.
00:32:46Do you want to rest?
00:32:47No, I'm fine.
00:32:49I don't have time to rest until the clinic is established.
00:32:53That's the problem.
00:32:55The clinic hasn't been able to be established because every time a client comes for a consultation, they lose hope.
00:33:04From today, I'll be in charge of the consultations.
00:33:33The card doesn't have a cube.
00:33:40That's strange.
00:33:43Try this one.
00:33:53It's also overturned.
00:34:00That's strange.
00:34:05Please, can you hurry up?
00:34:12What is she doing?
00:34:13I'm hungry.
00:34:22Here you go.
00:34:25Mom, I'm busy at a consultation.
00:34:30Who did you invite?
00:34:34Thank you for everything.
00:34:35It's time.
00:34:36Thank you very much.
00:34:38Have a good day.
00:34:43And if she's a vegetarian, we should make a vegetarian menu.
00:34:46I think we have enough and more.
00:34:48And if she's really uncomfortable with how excessive all this is, if she's not used to it, she'll think we're taking advantage of our status.
00:34:55And the levels of polio.
00:34:57I already checked three minutes ago.
00:34:59Do you think heaven will fall on us?
00:35:04Let's go.
00:35:14What is this?
00:35:16A birthday party.
00:35:19I asked you to dress well.
00:35:21You're her father, please.
00:35:24Since when do you care about her?
00:35:25Well, we never gave her so much importance.
00:35:27Because we were worried that you'd think we'd release tensions with something different this time.
00:35:33I'm here.
00:35:35It was open.
00:35:38What happened?
00:35:39And Salvadora?
00:35:43Invite someone else.
00:35:44A Salvadora who will make this party not a complete failure.
00:35:51Did you bring what I asked?
00:35:52It's on its way.
00:35:54What were you thinking, Mom?
00:35:57Did you investigate that supposed Salvadora well?
00:36:01I'll take care of everything, just shut up.
00:36:08The tracking number.
00:36:10It takes time because it's an international shipment.
00:36:14I guess you don't know.
00:36:17Everything Mom has been plotting.
00:36:21I told you to shut up.
00:36:24Did you take the money from your niece's gift to eat?
00:36:28And I guess there's something else I need to know.
00:36:32Oh my God, why does Ina take so long to come down?
00:36:39Hello everyone.
00:36:44Welcome, welcome.
00:36:47Oh my God, you shouldn't have brought anything.
00:36:50How beautiful, thank you very much.
00:36:52Thank you for inviting me.
00:36:53I also thank you.
00:36:55Hi, how are you?
00:36:56You're the woman who saved my brother, right?
00:37:00It was a great catch, by the way.
00:37:04And me and you, will you get married?
00:37:09Let's sit down.
00:37:11It's this way.
00:37:14It's this way.
00:37:44I thought it would be a good idea for two wounded souls to lean on each other.
00:37:50Excuse me, but do you want me to marry your son?
00:37:56Well, you should meet my family.
00:38:02Today is my daughter's birthday.
00:38:04Your daughter?
00:38:06I have a daughter.
00:38:08It will be difficult to accept that I have a daughter and that she is also a teenager.
00:38:12Even if you want to understand her, she will not want because you are not a mother.
00:38:16And if you try to reprimand her for that, they will say that you are an abusive stepmother.
00:38:22Who, me?
00:38:23Our Ina is not like that.
00:38:28Can you come down now?
00:38:36Do you see her? She is isolated and does not respond.
00:38:39I'm her older sister, Bogdani.
00:38:44If you thought there were unbearable sisters-in-law, it's because you didn't know her yet.
00:38:48She spends our fortune on all the men she goes out with.
00:38:52When did I do that?
00:38:55Well, you had a bar, a cafeteria, and you bought your current girlfriend a clinic.
00:38:59Although you have gained experience.
00:39:03What are you now?
00:39:04A doctor?
00:39:05Why didn't you go today?
00:39:09I already left you.
00:39:11I close my mouth.
00:39:15Did you see?
00:39:19Kiju, come with me.
00:39:21Let's talk.
00:39:29I'm going to look for Ina.
00:39:39Although we just made a big fool of ourselves, this family was not always like that.
00:39:45We got to this because we got out of control.
00:39:51Do you want to eat something?
00:39:54If you try hard.
00:39:56I stopped dieting.
00:39:58I flew everywhere.
00:40:04If I could fly again.
00:40:07Were you a snitch?
00:40:17I'm sorry.
00:40:20Would you mind bringing me water?
00:40:26Of course.
00:40:36I'm sorry.
00:41:00I guess you hate parties.
00:41:03However, it's your birthday.
00:41:05At least let the candles of the cake blow with your family.
00:41:11It's okay.
00:41:12Just do what makes you happy.
00:41:20And the seaweed soup?
00:41:25I want to eat your seaweed soup.
00:41:30Of course I prepared a little.
00:41:32Why don't you come with me?
00:41:48Do you need anything?
00:41:49Yes, I came for more water.
00:41:51I'll help you.
00:41:52It's okay, I can do it.
00:41:54Over there.
00:42:23Bucky, you!
00:42:30Why did you invite another person on a day like today, Mom?
00:42:33I just want to help you get over it.
00:42:36You've been in pain for so long because of the loss
00:42:38that I wanted someone to be able to help you move on.
00:42:41Today is Inna's birthday.
00:42:43Didn't you think about your granddaughter?
00:42:45Well, says the one who wanted to commit suicide before.
00:42:48I didn't try to commit suicide.
00:42:49And why else would you jump into the sea?
00:42:52You've focused so much on thinking about the dead
00:42:54that you don't care about the living around you anymore.
00:42:56You tried to follow your dead wife to the grave
00:42:58without thinking about your family and your daughter in the process.
00:43:04Listen to what I have to say!
00:43:08Ceylon would still be alive if she hadn't married you.
00:43:18I tried to stop you.
00:43:20I told you that I didn't see a future for that marriage.
00:43:23But you just left her pregnant
00:43:25because you said you were going to forge your future.
00:43:28How did it turn out for you?
00:43:30That relationship has always been doomed to failure.
00:45:01¿Mi nacimiento fue el inicio de su desgracia?
00:45:07Ya lo sabía.
00:45:11Oh, lobster.
00:45:13Oh, meat.
00:45:16Oh, my God.
00:45:17Oh, my God.
00:45:20Over there.
00:45:21Oh, my God.
00:45:22Cover her.
00:45:23Yes, yes.
00:45:25Yes, yes.
00:45:31Oh, the baby.
00:45:35Honey, are you all right?
00:45:38What's wrong?
00:45:39Are you all right?
00:45:41Are you all right?
00:45:42Ma'am, just a little more.
00:45:44It's because he hasn't slept.
00:45:46We go to the hospital.
00:45:47I'll get the car!
00:45:48Take care, sir.
00:45:49I'll help you.
00:45:50One, two, three.
00:45:54We're going to the hospital.
00:45:56Honey, are you okay?
00:45:57Be careful, sir. I'll help you.
00:45:59One, two...
00:46:01I don't know.
00:46:02The pot, the pot!
00:46:04Leave the stove on to heat a soup.
00:46:07Go turn it off.
00:47:22Thank you.
00:47:27Well, I...
00:47:28What are you going to put in it now?
00:47:41Oh, that.
00:47:42You mean what I put in the tea?
00:47:44It was a regaliz extract.
00:47:46To sweeten it a little.
00:47:48See you later.
00:48:16Kiju, you?
00:48:45I told you to stop looking like that.
00:49:02It hurts him a lot too.
00:49:05He's worried that...
00:49:07Sejong will be sad if he sees you like this.
00:49:15How is Ina?
00:49:17I should have brought her.
00:49:19I'm very sorry.
00:49:22Sejong was also introverted like her.
00:49:32Sejong once told me something strange.
00:49:39That you had a special power.
00:49:43Do you really have some kind of power?
00:49:49It's more of a curse.
00:49:51That's what I think.
00:49:56Seven years have passed.
00:49:58It's not a sin to be saved.
00:50:01So live.
00:50:30Why are you still here?
00:50:35I already heated the soup.
00:50:36Do you want some?
00:50:38And there was also some rice.
00:50:41Did you put something in it?
00:50:51It smells really good.
00:51:12I'll try it first.
00:51:53Your dad...
00:51:55He didn't try to kill himself.
00:51:58I know because I was there that day.
00:52:01And I saw it all.
00:52:03The reason he jumped into the water is because he was trying to...
00:52:11Don't get involved with this family.
00:52:12It's better if you run away.
00:52:15What are you talking about?
00:52:19Didn't you notice?
00:52:21Nothing strange at all?
00:52:24I don't think so.
00:52:27Do you have a secret?
00:52:30I'm telling you because you gave me a decent seaweed soup.
00:52:35In this family...
00:52:42Everyone has powers.
00:52:48But they all lost them.
00:52:50Because of some disease.
00:52:54Because of their lifestyle.
00:53:00You don't like me, do you?
00:53:05Why do you think grandma always wants to sleep?
00:53:07Well, I think it's because she suffers from insomnia.
00:53:10It's because if she doesn't sleep, she can't dream.
00:53:13She sees the future in her dreams.
00:53:16So she must dream to see the future.
00:53:19But she ended up suffering from insomnia.
00:53:22My aunt's obesity makes her heavy.
00:53:25And she can't fly anymore.
00:53:28Well, what about you?
00:53:29What about you?
00:53:30What disease affects you?
00:53:33Is it the addiction to the phone?
00:53:35What is your power?
00:53:36What do you do?
00:53:41Could it be...
00:53:43X-ray vision?
00:53:46Is that why you haven't been able to see me all this time?
00:53:53I don't have powers.
00:53:55That's what bothers my grandma the most.
00:54:01And what about your dad?
00:54:04He could go back to happy moments from the past.
00:54:07Just by blinking.
00:54:11And why can't she do it?
00:54:13She doesn't find happiness in any moment of her past.
00:54:17She has depression.
00:54:37She has depression.
00:54:53You're home.
00:54:54What are you doing here?
00:54:56I was just heating up soup.
00:54:59It's her birthday, and I hadn't even eaten.
00:55:02Did Ina eat anything?
00:55:09Do you think it's a good gift for a teenager?
00:55:17I thought she just lost the power to go back to the past.
00:55:20But she got stuck there.
00:55:24Who told you that?
00:55:27It was her daughter.
00:55:31It seems like she has a great imagination.
00:55:34I really hope her watch works again.
00:55:38For Ina's sake.
00:55:41I have depression.
00:55:44Getting married and starting a family means that I have to protect someone.
00:55:49But I don't have what it takes to do that.
00:55:55Well, but I saw it.
00:55:59I saw her do it.
00:56:03We have to save her!
00:56:05My doll!
00:56:07We have to save her!
00:56:09Forget about her.
00:56:11We have to go.
00:56:12Let's go.
00:56:14We have to save her.
00:56:52¿Qué diablos?
00:57:21¡Mamá! ¡Papá! ¡Ya la encontré!
00:57:25¡Es Conejita!
00:57:27¡Un superhéroe debió salvarla!
00:57:30A mí también.
00:57:32Me salvó alguien hace tiempo.
00:57:38Pensé que ese sería mi fin.
00:57:41Pero no fue así.
00:57:42Sobreviví de milagro.
00:57:46Pensé que ese sería mi fin.
00:57:49Pero no fue así.
00:57:50Sobreviví de milagro.
00:57:52Y sentía mucha culpa por haber sobrevivido.
00:57:58Creí que no debí sobrevivir yo, sino otra persona.
00:58:04Me quedé sin nada y de verdad fue muy solitario.
00:58:10Sin embargo, tenía que vivir porque se lo debía a quien me salvó.
00:58:16Mi vida no es la mejor.
00:58:18Pero pienso en esa persona e intento ser muy feliz.
00:58:26Usted me recuerda a esa persona, Kiju.
00:58:31Creo que también es así, ¿verdad?
00:58:34Usted salva a la gente y les ayuda a seguir.
00:58:46Yo no salvé a nadie.
00:58:53Estás equivocada.
00:58:55Te diré una cosa.
00:58:58No vayas a esperar que te rescate.
00:59:01Porque me salvaste.
00:59:26Puedo esperar que me ayude con los platos, ¿no?
01:00:02Bien hecho, protagonista.
01:00:04Ven a beber un poco.
01:00:15Mamá, yo también quiero.
01:00:17Deberías cuidar tu física.
01:00:30Deberías cuidar tu física.
01:00:36Debo mejorar para que me den un papel protagonista.
01:00:40¿Por qué siempre soy la vulgar?
01:00:47Usted me recuerda a la persona que me salvó.
01:00:52Mi corazón.
01:01:01Qué línea tan patética.
01:01:03¿Quién carajo creería esa tontería?
01:01:05Oye, oye.
01:01:06Las mujeres sueñan con ser las damiselas en apuro.
01:01:09Pero algunos hombres también sueñan con ser el príncipe que vence al dragón
01:01:13y salva a la princesa al final.
01:01:16Así conseguimos mucho.
01:01:18¿No lo recuerdas?
01:01:44Tú misma lo dijiste.
01:01:46Que te recordaba al tipo que te salvó la vida.
01:01:59¿Es eso?
01:02:02No te debo nada, pero si quieres que te dé algo,
01:02:04entonces te voy a compensar.
01:02:23Puede iniciar el interrogatorio.
01:02:25Demandado Kim Gisal.
01:02:26El 8 de diciembre, ¿recuerda haber bebido y arrojarle una botella a la demandante Do Dae
01:02:32para causarle la herida que se ve en la foto?
01:02:36De verdad.
01:02:37No recuerdo nada de eso.
01:02:39Como se ve en la foto, el corte es muy profundo y debió causarle mucho dolor.
01:02:43¿Seguro que no recuerda nada?
01:02:46Le dije que no sé nada de eso.
01:02:49Creo que en la familia Vogue pasa algo más.
01:02:53¿Qué es?
01:02:56Tío, ¿tú no encontraste nada más?
01:03:01Esto es lo que dijo la hija de Kiju.
01:03:03Esa familia tiene un secreto.
01:03:06Ellos tienen poderes.
01:03:09Pero es algo que tiene mucho sentido si lo analizas bien.
01:03:14Siempre me extrañó que son muy ricos,
01:03:16pero no tienen ninguna otra fuente de ingresos aparte de ese gimnasio.
01:03:21La señora Vogue tiene premoniciones.
01:03:24Significa que puede ver números premiados y gráficos de acciones.
01:03:30A dormir.
01:03:31Debo dormir.
01:03:33Sí, sí, sí, sí.
01:03:34Así que creímos que eran un grupo de tontos,
01:03:36pero en realidad tienen poderes.
01:03:38Ahora estamos en grandes problemas.
01:03:40¿Y si nos disparan rayos láser cuando sepan que los engañamos?
01:03:43No, no, no, no, no.
01:03:45No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:03:47No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:03:49No, no, no, no, no, no.
01:03:51No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:03:53No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:03:55No, no, no, no, no, no, no.
01:03:57Rayos láser cuando sepan que los engañamos.
01:03:59Deberíamos denunciarlos.
01:04:01¿En dónde? ¿Inteligencia?
01:04:03¿O con...
01:04:07Ah, que diablos es Marvel.
01:04:16No, no.
01:04:17Y eso no es todo, esperen.
01:04:19Hoy me...
01:04:20Quieren saber lo mejor.
01:04:21Parece que perdieron sus poderes.
01:04:23Porque tienen...
01:04:27Oh my God!
01:04:30Oh my God, this is a big shit!
01:04:34Diseases, yes, of course.
01:04:36They're just problems of rich people.
01:04:38Tell them to try to exfoliate strange bodies all day.
01:04:41I'm so tired that I don't even have time to get fat.
01:04:48By the way, the sister-in-law will be an obstacle.
01:04:51Didn't you say that the one who gets married first will inherit the building?
01:04:55The matriarch of the family has already been won. End of the game.
01:04:59I think the key to marriage is another.
01:05:13Ina, happy birthday.
01:05:26Happy birthday.
01:05:40Thank you very much.
01:05:55Thank you.
01:06:19Are you going to save someone again?
01:06:21So who's going to save me?
01:06:24Your son will keep you safe for me.
01:06:54I love you.
01:07:24Sir, sir, sir, sir, sir.
01:07:39Sir, sir.
01:07:43Just tell me something, sir.
01:07:47Sir, sir.
01:07:58Sir, sir.
01:08:03Sir, sir.
01:08:05Ina, Ina.
01:08:13Sir, sir.
01:08:19Sir, sir.
01:08:24Sir, sir.
01:08:55Keep spying on them.
01:09:00Thank you for taking me by the hand.
01:09:06Do you need help?
01:09:07Do you want to marry me?
01:09:10It's hard for me to correspond to the gestures of kindness.
01:09:14The building will be my gift to him when he gets married.
01:09:18The main thing is that we live together.
01:09:21A version of yours came from the future and took me by the hand.
01:09:26It took me by the hand.
01:09:28Do you remember?
01:09:50I love you.
