Just for Fun Let's Read Tails Gets Trolled

  • 4 months ago
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00:00We're gonna doot-dee-doo. We're gonna stall for time, basically. I think YouTube doesn't like it if you curse in the first, uh, 10 minutes or so.
00:08So what we're gonna do is we're gonna browse around the page and look at the credits and everything. Maybe say hi to some people.
00:15There we go. That's going live.
00:19And then I'll take a peek over at Twitch and see if that's going live.
00:28Whoa, wait. Yeah, yeah, Mario, would you show up in this? I was thinking, man, I need to hum something Sanky-related for Tales Gets Trolled.
00:35Come on.
00:38Why can't I see anything on Twitch? My channel.
00:42There we go, live.
00:44Alright, I'm a number one Marmaduke fan and I love Tales Gets Trolled. So I need to share, I need to share the love and the magic of Tales Gets Trolled with the world.
00:54So we're gonna be doing it just for fun. We're gonna be reading it together. Storybook time with Uncle Marmaduke fan.
01:01I have read the first few chapters, so those won't be blind after we catch up to where I'm at.
01:07From that point on, it'll be my blind, unfiltered, raw reaction to the sheer magic of Tales Gets Trolled.
01:15One little nice touch, by the way, is if you refresh the page, it shows you a different Tales Gets Trolled meme or fan art every time.
01:23TGT, a postmodern comic.
01:26I just love the effort that the admins put into the website. It's got great energy, this website.
01:33The most sexy comic since 2011. So we've got the main series, Side Stories.
01:40I don't remember what's in Extras. I think Extras is just sort of like bonus pictures and fan art.
01:45Yeah, alright.
01:48Side Stories, I think, has some of like the polished versions. Okay, Tales Gets Gay, yeah.
01:57Here we go. The About gives you some basic information about it. Let's read some of it.
02:01Hold on a second. Just want to make sure I can keep an eye on the chat.
02:04Some user. I'd love to watch this, but it's really late here. Guess I'll have to watch the recording.
02:07Yeah, no problem, man. I'm gonna have a nice recording of it, too.
02:10So just in case there are problems or anything, I'll put the nice recording up afterwards.
02:15So for now, we're just stalling, trying to hide from Susan and the YouTube bots.
02:20When a fox named Tales is suddenly trolled by two individuals from a nation of real-life Internet trolls,
02:25it initiates a chain of events, leading to an all-out war between several opposing factions,
02:30influencing the lives of hundreds of characters.
02:32The Tales Gets Trolled saga chronicles the profound human drama resulting from these events,
02:37while at the same time providing an in-depth examination of the themes contained therein,
02:41including morality, vengeance, camaraderie, betrayal, romance, dark magic, drug use, and more.
02:47Then they give you some history of webcomic reviews.
02:52An Iliad for the digital age. It's a clusterfuck of revenge, fantasy, shonen anime, and self-aware deviant-art humor.
03:00You owe it to yourself as a citizen of the Internet to read it. Anonymous. E. Hentai.
03:05Warning. It is important to note that Tales Gets Trolled may not be appropriate for all audiences,
03:11and those who are easily disturbed should probably not read it.
03:14It contains subject matter which could be potentially traumatizing, including but not limited to
03:19bullying, offensive language, profanity, slurs, graphic violence, blood, gore, sexual content, substance abuse,
03:25religion, suicide, and sexual assault.
03:30Frequently asked questions. Who drew X page?
03:33The credits for every page since 2019 are listed at the bottom of the page.
03:37Yeah, so some of the interesting lore of this is, I think the creator, LaserBot, was homeless for a while,
03:43and actually fans of Tales Gets Trolled helped take over and continue the story for a while until he got back on his feet.
03:52They have a lot of extra info. You can read interviews and all kinds of background lore about the comic itself.
04:00Here we go. Let's show off the credits.
04:02So we've got the original creator, LaserBot, story and script, LaserBot, and Embergram,
04:08and of course lots of guest artists.
04:11I'll just scroll through this for now. I'm not going to read all of it tonight.
04:15We'll probably see more of these when we get to the pages where these people contributed.
04:19Tales Gets Trolled Ultimate Alternate Reality. I don't know what that is yet.
04:22I'm still a newbie to Tales Gets Trolled. I've experienced the magic of the first few chapters,
04:26and I just know that there's more for me to experience yet.
04:31I wanted to share that with you. My reactions are so raw, so powerful to reading this work of art.
04:37I just wanted to share it with the world. And the store! You can support the artist!
04:41I didn't know this until I was checking this out. They have a physical edition.
04:45I really want to get volume one, the physical edition, to collect.
04:50And then they have shirts with panels from the comic, and in-universe shirts the characters wear.
04:57Hey, can you put that on a coaster? On a coaster.
05:00Oh, that's good coffee. This is good.
05:04On a coffee mug.
05:06One of the reasons that convinced me to read this is how many memes it has.
05:10Like, it has multiple memes from one comic, right?
05:16The troll slayers.
05:19All right, let's get into the main series. I think we've stalled enough.
05:22Hopefully YouTube, the YouTube bots are gone, and they won't ban me if I start swearing at this point.
05:29Tales Gets Trolled, main series.
05:31All right, content warning. Go away, kids.
05:34This is an 18 and up comic with swearing and bad words and bad stuff in it.
05:39Be gone, children. Are you ready? Let's dive in.
05:43Chapter one. I'll read comments between chapters.
05:46They're short little chapters, so if I miss your comment, don't worry, I'll get to it.
05:50Tales Gets Trolled.
05:52Wait, how do I show all of the pages? Chapter list.
05:56Okay, then I'll just click through the pages like that.
06:00La la la la la la la.
06:03Look at that noob. What a talentless looking fox.
06:07What's that noise?
06:09Who's there?
06:14You're gay and a retard. You look so stupid.
06:17You're a noob, and you're such a retard that has no friends, and you're ugly.
06:23You should fix that ugly face of yours, retard.
06:27You mad. You mad. You look mad, you stupid bitch.
06:32She's mad.
06:39You have no talent, you big retarded hoe.
06:46And he runs away.
06:54What's he crying about now?
06:57He has been getting trolled. You know how it is.
07:00They're calling Tales gay and shit. He can't take it.
07:03The way to stop a troll is to become his friend, as his friend you can show him the right path.
07:09That is bullshit. Don't listen to him. That won't work.
07:14How would you deal with a troll, Shadow?
07:17I'll show you. Fuck you, trolls.
07:24There is no need for any bloodshed, Kama. This problem can be solved without any villains.
07:32Sonic, sometimes there is a need to do what's needed.
07:36If it was up to me, Eggman would be dead, and we would never have to worry.
07:40Them people that trolled Tales are just misunderstood kids.
07:45Tales, come. I will talk to these kids and stop this hate with kindness.
07:50That's not gonna work, Sonic. Tales, trust me when I say this. I know what I am talking about.
07:56Maybe Sonic is right.
07:59Go ahead. Leave. You will find out the hard way.
08:04Dumbass will learn.
08:09And you little faggot that has no friends, you retarded mushroom.
08:15Hey, what you guys said to my friend was really hateful, and I would like if you said sorry.
08:21Hey man, look at that dumbass fox brought his gay friend to talk to us.
08:26I'm not gay. I have a girlfriend, and I would like it if this conflict to end in peace.
08:33Oh look, we just be friends. This is stupid.
08:36I bet your girlfriend is a stupid cow and the town slut. She really knows how to take it like a man.
08:46Your girlfriend's a stupid hoe. Because of that, you're gay with that retarded fox.
08:51Wait, with that retarded fox.
09:01I'm gonna ignore what you just said and ask you one more time.
09:05Let's end this hate and become friends.
09:08Your girl is a bitch and you're a retard.
09:11Tails, let's get out of here.
09:15I'm telling you man, afterwards.
09:18Hey Sonic, you're back. How's it going?
09:21I'm so mad I'm gonna have sex with my girlfriend so I won't be so mad.
09:26Okay, I'm gonna take a random guess and say you guys failed with that peace crap.
09:32You was right, Shadow.
09:35I fucking knew it.
09:37What are you guys talking about?
09:39They have been getting trolled.
09:43Oh Tails, you have nothing to worry. Shadow is good at dealing with these trolls. I've seen it.
09:48Alright Shadow, can you help me deal with these haters?
09:53Okay, listen closely.
09:55I'm gonna show you how to defeat a troll so you will know how to do it yourself.
10:00You guys will only watch me. You will not speak. That may make it harder. Do you understand that?
10:07Yes, understood.
10:09Alright, let's go. Tails, lead me to them Batsaurs.
10:14Great, you can teach them who's boss.
10:22Establishing shot.
10:24Hey, do you see that? It looks like a group of Pokemon coming at us.
10:29Oh shit, it's that retarded Fox again. And he brought two of his gay friends.
10:35Hello dickheads. So you are the trolls I heard about.
10:39Oh, how cute. It knows how to talk.
10:42You're a retard that is a faggot that has no talent and you are really ugly even for a Pokemon.
10:49Hey, looks like you ate a little too much KFC, fat fuck.
10:53Well, you're stupid and you have no friends.
10:58You need to cut down on the McDonald's, fat ass.
11:01Hey, is that how you would stop a troll?
11:04No, he's just baiting them right now.
11:07Hey, um, breaded donkey, you're so ugly and your friend is ugly too.
11:14For a em-breaded donkey, I can sure fuck your mom hard.
11:19Shut up, you're a retarded noob that's stupid and ugly.
11:26Only retarded people and fat retarded people repeat the same insults.
11:31You're stupid. You don't know anything, you dumb faggot.
11:40What do you got to say now, you stupid fucking troll?
11:44Uh, I was just joking around. What I said about you and your friend before-
11:51Shadow, what are you doing?
11:53They can't troll you if they're dead.
11:56He's got a knife.
11:59Wait, there must be another way to deal with these trolls. I can't let you kill them.
12:05There isn't. You remember what happened when you guys tried peace?
12:09You can't talk to them. They're too oblivious.
12:13But he's right, Tails.
12:19Now for the other one.
12:21I'm sorry, I won't troll again. I promise.
12:26Stabby, stabby. Too late for that fucker.
12:36Man, it took a long time burying that fat guy. It's really late.
12:41Yeah, remind me next time to not kill such a fat person.
12:46I'm going home. I'll see you guys later.
12:49Bye. This was fun. We should do this more often.
12:53Hey, Shadow, you want to get high?
12:55You know I do.
12:57High shovel!
12:58High shovel!
13:00What's the problem?
13:02Sir, two more of our trolls have gone missing.
13:05Find out who's doing this and take them out.
13:08Yes, sir.
13:13Still chapter one. Establishing shot of a bright sunny day.
13:20Tails, wake up!
13:23You Knuckles and Shadow went and beat up them trolls, didn't you?
13:29Oh. Shadow killed them.
13:33You don't understand. He pulled a knife on them.
13:36Well, if Shadow killed them in defense, I guess it's fine.
13:39No, Shadow pulled out the knife and stabbed them to death.
13:43There was a lot of blood.
13:47I'm so traumatized.
13:49I'll be right back. I'm going to talk to Shadow.
13:52Okay. I'm going to go back to sleep now. Good night.
13:56Back to Knuckles.
14:01Man, what happened? I don't remember anything after Shadow killing those trolls.
14:08What the fuck?
14:09But enough. Back to Shadow.
14:14Sonic, go away. I'm trying to sleep.
14:17I'll hear your bitching later.
14:19I'm not the Sonic person you speak of. Who are you?
14:27Gun attack.
14:29Now I'll ask you again. Who are you?
14:32I know you killed them trolls.
14:34What are you talking about? I don't know what you're talking about.
14:38I asked around and someone saw you last night high as shit with a shovel.
14:42So that pretty much tells me you killed them.
14:45Before you shoot, I'll tell you this, Shadow.
14:48They are on your trail. It's only a matter of time.
14:51They don't scare me.
14:53Intense stare.
14:55Hey! Who said that?
14:58Which one of you trolled Toad?
15:00Wait, wait, wait. I don't want to do the Charles Martinet voice because that's too hard to do.
15:03I'm going to do like the old cartoon voice.
15:06Lots of spaghetti. Which one of you trolled Toad?
15:09Oh, that's right. They trolled Toad earlier. That was the silhouette.
15:12He trolled your friend.
15:17Oh, it's Mario. Die!
15:19Shit. He's getting away.
15:22Fuck. He's gone.
15:24Get ready to die, troll.
15:26I don't know the story.
15:28I'm not a troll, but the guy that got away is.
15:31And that guy's friend and the people that trolled your friend,
15:35And that guy's friend and the people that trolled your friend,
15:41Wait, but that guy's friends are the people that trolled your friend.
15:45Oh, it's Shadow. It's not Mario talking. It's Shadow talking.
15:48Yeah, okay. That makes sense.
15:58I believe you. I'm going to deal with these trolls myself.
16:01Now I'll be leaving. Now.
16:03I think I gotta tell Sonic about this.
16:05I think he needs to know that Tails might be a target.
16:10All right, there's Sonic. Aye.
16:12Here comes his bitchin'.
16:14I know Tails bitched out and told him.
16:16Why did you kill them trolls?
16:18There was no bloodshed needed, Shadow.
16:20I said not to bring any villains in this.
16:24There is something I need to talk about, so you don't...
16:27So why don't you just shut the fuck up and listen?
16:30And for one, villains was the only way to shut them up.
16:33Peace didn't work.
16:35Wait, wait, okay.
16:37There is something I need to talk...
16:39Okay, there is something I need to talk about,
16:41So why don't you just shut the fuck up and listen?
16:44And for one, villains was the only way to shut them up.
16:47Peace didn't work.
16:49You should feel bad for what you did.
16:51It was wrong, and I don't want to see slash hear about this again.
16:55Man, shut up.
16:57You need to stop thinking about...
16:59You need to stop thinking you're everyone's boss.
17:01I can do what the fuck I like,
17:03And I'm glad them fuckers are dead.
17:05They needed to die.
17:06And if you would have been more like me,
17:08Eggman would also be dead.
17:10So don't give me this bloodshed shit.
17:12What I did was needed.
17:14Guys, stop it. Please don't fight.
17:16Fuck you, Sonic.
17:18Um, who are those guys?
17:21Dun, da, da.
17:23Wait, Double Eye Guys is back,
17:25And he's brought three more trolls.
17:27The Blue...
17:29Oh, he's got a big nose.
17:31The Blue Faggot is mine.
17:33Naruto running.
17:34I have a girlfriend.
17:36Tails, go get Knuckles.
17:38Okay, Sonic.
17:40You're lucky Sonic is here,
17:42Or I would kill you.
17:44Back to Tails.
17:46So, you're telling me you wasn't drunk or fucked up in any way
17:49When you had sex with me and that monkey?
17:52Shadow and Sonic are being attacked by these trolls.
17:56There's more of them?
17:58Oh, this should be good.
18:00Yeah, let's hurry.
18:02I don't want to miss any of this.
18:04Dun, da, da, dun, da, da, da.
18:06They're flying into action.
18:08Page 16.
18:10You're a fag that likes taking Miracle Whip in the face like a faggot hoe.
18:15You're such a retard that sucks on dinosaur nipples.
18:20Shadow, don't say anything. I got this.
18:22Just don't talk.
18:24Oh, this should be good. I can't wait to see you fail.
18:27Okay, look. This little troll thing you're doing isn't proving anything.
18:31You're not doing anything but hurting others.
18:34You'll get nothing out of it.
18:36I bet your girlfriend knows how to suck my big hairy balls like a pro.
18:40I heard your girlfriend is a slutty bitch.
18:43Do not talk about my girlfriend.
18:46You're such a bitch that fucks all the fags in town because that bitch of yours has no dick.
18:54You shut the fuck up.
18:56You're going around fucking all the fags with your big penis.
19:00You're calling him Big Daddy.
19:04Well, that was fast. Sonic failed so bad.
19:07Dark Santa, Sonic gathers his energy and...
19:11Page 18.
19:14It was nice knowing you guys. Goodbye.
19:17Where'd you go?
19:19Whatever. He's just a noob.
19:23Sonic increases his power.
19:25Where did he go?
19:29Arm-breaking kick.
19:33Cut in two with a single kick.
19:35No! Why did you kill him? I love him.
19:40Sonic punches straight through his face.
19:47Intense close-up on Sonic's eyeless eyes.
19:51Don't worry, man. I killed the fat one. It's all cool, man.
19:55I know all about the taste for blood.
19:57Sonic looks intensely at his fists.
20:00Shit! I failed!
20:02Crap, we are late. I missed everything.
20:05Sonic, that's so awesome.
20:08Sonic, thank you for proving that peace isn't shit when it comes to trolls.
20:13You're a good friend.
20:15Fuck you, Shadow. Now why don't you tell me why them trolls came after us?
20:20That's what I was trying to tell you while you was bitching.
20:23The trolls with the sword talked about how there was more trolls after us.
20:28By the sound of it, there's a group of trolls. A cult of some sort.
20:33A cult of some sort?
20:35But there's something different about this troll.
20:38He hasn't insulted anyone so far.
20:41These people are after me and Tails, I'm assuming.
20:44It's best if we fight them, Sonic.
20:46No, I'm not going to be drawn into your little troll fight you're having, Shadow.
20:50Leave me out of this.
20:52Fine, whatever.
20:55Ah, everything is great today.
20:58Nothing can mess this up.
21:00Establishing shot. Step, step, step.
21:03Hey, you're awful lonely.
21:05You must be a looser or something.
21:08I can only imagine how it must feel to not have a family, even if they hated you.
21:13I mean, just by looking at you, I can tell that your parents must have wanted to get rid of you before you was old enough to speak.
21:21It must suck being you.
21:23I'm sorry, who are you?
21:26I bet time after time you wish you was Sonic.
21:30Someone with friends and a life.
21:32It is truly sad that pieces of shit are born in this world without a meaning.
21:39You don't know me.
21:41Wait, he has to be a little different.
21:43Okay, Sonic's a wimp.
21:44We have to give him a little bit...
21:46I'm going to give Silver a little bit more upper class twit vibe.
21:50You don't know me.
21:51You're right. No one does.
21:54The only girl in your life must just feel sorry for you.
21:57I know I do.
21:58I bet countless times your father wanted to never have you smoke cigarette.
22:04But hey, you can't life-saving...
22:07Wait, but hey, you can't live life saying what if.
22:11What if I have talent?
22:13What if my parents didn't hate me?
22:15What if someone loved me?
22:17No point of saying what if.
22:19Your life is meaningless and it will be until the day you die.
22:23Good luck with having a meaningless existence.
22:26With only one thing that will make you feel better.
22:29Your hand.
22:35Chapter 1, page 21.
22:39Look at that dumbass noob always feeding.
22:42You're the worst bad guy of all time.
22:45You just walk around like a retard.
22:48Only moron idiots like you walk off cliffs.
22:51Man, I would hate to be your boss.
22:54Stuck with fucking dumb non-existing creatures.
22:58You tell that small ball sack looking motherfucker...
23:02...that he's a little punk bitch...
23:04...and will be nothing more than some stupid monster.
23:08Yeah, you stupid monster.
23:12Mario and Luigi have arrived.
23:14Yeah, what the fuck are you anyways?
23:17Damn, abomination.
23:19Lol, he's got a big mouth.
23:21I bet he's good at, you know, sucking.
23:27Mushroom stomp.
23:29Mario prepares hammer.
23:31You're the one fat looking fat guy.
23:36Instant death.
23:38Alright, chapter 2.
23:40Trolls attack.
23:41Alright, let's pause there.
23:43Oh boy.
23:44Okay, I need a drink.
23:46ASDF, poor Tails.
23:48The medal, alternative title.
23:50The slow corruption of everything from your childhood.
23:52Mario is a very trusting person for no reason from his perspective.
23:56Emo guy definitely projecting, says ASDF.
24:00Yeah, oh boy.
24:02Yeah, I love the slow descent into madness in Tails Gets Trolled.
24:08Switching to creator mode.
24:12I don't like the Twitch app. It's so hard for me to navigate.
24:15There we go. Alright.
24:18Take a sip.
24:21Alright, there we go. Chapter 2.
24:23Trolls attack.
24:26Establishing shot on Mario.
24:28Back to Tails.
24:30Ha ha ha ha.
24:32What's that sound?
24:34Painfully because of your ugly face.
24:37I can only imagine how it must be for you not having a penis.
24:41I mean, there's no way to recover from that messed up deformity.
24:45I wouldn't want to see the two creatures that made you.
24:50There's a troll. Just remember what Shadow showed me.
24:53Hey, troll.
24:55Fuck you.
24:58He's learned. He's applied his lesson in life.
25:01Oh, you must be Tails.
25:03And you must be an asshole troll that talks shit about everyone.
25:07I point out everyone's flaws and problems.
25:10Simply pointing out your nothing.
25:13Fuck you, trolls.
25:16Kick attack.
25:18And he blocks.
25:19He blocked it.
25:20And reflection.
25:22Okay, I love the choreography in this.
25:24Okay, he throws Tails off him.
25:26Tails lands and catches his bearing.
25:28Alright, you better get ready to die.
25:31Tails comes in.
25:32Oh, no.
25:33Emo dude's coming in for the kill.
25:36Emo dude prepares to punch.
25:37Tails is shocked he's not prepared for this.
25:44Tails does a Tails attack.
25:46But misses.
25:48Elbow to the groin on Tails.
25:50Emo guy knocks him off panel.
25:53I didn't know there was trolls that knew how to fight.
25:57If you was smart, you will take this as a warning for next time.
26:05If you was smart, you would leave.
26:08Well, now I know you're not smart.
26:10Tails goes in for a punch.
26:13Oh, he does land a hit and gets some blood.
26:16Fuck you.
26:17You need to die, troll.
26:19If this is all you got, then I should warn you.
26:22If you keep this route, you'll die.
26:26Throat choke.
26:27Let me make me clear.
26:29Let me make meself clear.
26:31Don't even try it.
26:32I could have broke your fucking neck.
26:35Get out of here.
26:37I need a smoke.
26:42Step on leaf.
26:44How many people are gonna step on that leaf?
26:46Whoever it is, come back later.
26:48I haven't had any sleep.
26:50It's me, Shadow.
26:51And I need your help.
26:53Let me guess.
26:54You're getting trolled.
26:55Come on, dude.
26:56Can't this wait until tomorrow?
26:58No, it can't.
26:59This guy isn't like any troll I've seen before.
27:02He was smart.
27:03And he knew a lot about me.
27:06That is odd.
27:07Most trolls are stupid.
27:08All right.
27:09I'll help you.
27:10I'm gonna call some friends to back us up.
27:13So we can end them for good.
27:15Establishing shot.
27:18You're small and funny looking and stuff.
27:24You're a butthole, Spice.
27:26Your boss gots to be retarded.
27:29I know I would be if I had to deal with you.
27:32You're ugly.
27:34Who's talking about me?
27:37Oh, it's Bowser.
27:39I don't take insults lightly.
27:41And I don't really care for morons like you.
27:46We didn't mean anything with our insults.
27:50We were just joking.
27:53Intense Bowser stare.
27:54I don't like jokes and I don't like assholes.
27:58We're sorry.
27:59It wasn't a very good joke.
28:01I'll tell you that now.
28:02But there's no need for us to not start over.
28:08Intense flame.
28:12He's burned away intensely.
28:18I love the humanity of it.
28:25Bowser stares at him intensely.
28:27The troll stares in abject horror realizing what's about to happen.
28:31I'm so, so sorry.
28:34If you let me live, I'll suck your dick.
28:38Bowser comes in for the grab.
28:46Them trolls really was annoying.
28:51Cold blooded murder.
28:54They should be here soon.
28:56They are, look.
28:57So, who else did you guys get?
29:01Well, we found us...
29:03Well, we found some of the best troll fighters.
29:06They really are good at what they do.
29:08Yes, they should have been on their way...
29:11Oh, man.
29:12Ah, you really have to concentrate when reading Tales Gets Trolled.
29:17Luigi's voice.
29:18Yes, they should have their own way for fighting the trolls.
29:22Well, I know from being on League of Legends for so long,
29:25it's pointless to talk back to the trolls,
29:27so I just agree with them, and it pisses them off.
29:30I used to be trolled, but I found a way to stop it.
29:33I do all kinds of stupid and gay shit.
29:35They can't troll you if you dress up as a girl and kiss them.
29:39I don't like doing it, but it works.
29:41I was trolled until I got bigger and stronger than them.
29:45Now I am feared.
29:48Hi, I'm Rob.
29:49People can't troll me because I have no ears.
29:52They can't troll me if I can't hear them.
29:55The awesome.
29:57The power.
29:58The gay.
29:59The bastard.
30:00Our guy with no ears.
30:02The firepower.
30:04The sissy.
30:05Together we make the troll slayers.
30:12Hey, what about me?
30:13You didn't give me a name.
30:14I'm part of this group, too.
30:16Ah, fine.
30:17I'll give you a name.
30:19The money guy.
30:22The money guy is a retarded name.
30:24Call me the smart guy or something.
30:26Yeah, I really don't like the name you gave me, the sissy.
30:30Fuck the names.
30:31There's nothing.
30:32Okay, back to what I was talking about.
30:35We need a hideout.
30:36What did you say?
30:39I said we need a hideout.
30:42What is he saying?
30:44I can't hear.
30:45I can't hear.
30:47Oh, yeah, I forgot.
30:48He can't hear.
30:50I don't have fucking ears.
30:54We can't stay at.
30:57Okay, Mario.
30:59Mario says we can't stay at Peaches Castle.
31:03There's much toads there.
31:04We'll hide out at my place.
31:06We will never be found.
31:10The problem is that Brooklyn Mario and New York Mario, I both try to give them New Yorkese, right?
31:17I've really got to channel Captain Lou.
31:20Fuck you, Luigi.
31:22If you do drugs, you go to hell when you die.
31:25That should be Mario.
31:26We can't stay at Peaches Castle.
31:27Too much toads there.
31:29And then Bucks Bunny, you really got to get into that higher register, right?
31:33We can really hide out at my place.
31:35We'll never be found out.
31:36There we go.
31:38Let's keep going.
31:39Tails, beaten and bruised, approaches at dusk.
31:43A close-up on Tails, battered and bloody face.
31:50I got you, buddy.
31:51Sorry, Tails, if this looks gay to the viewers.
31:54That's all right.
31:56Who did this to you?
31:58Some emo-looking troll.
32:02Oh, yeah, that's kind of cool.
32:03Tails tried Shadow's advice, and neither of their advice worked.
32:07Nothing is working for him.
32:09Meanwhile, at a strange hole.
32:11A poster on the wall.
32:13Together we make the Troll Slayers.
32:15Okay, who's talking?
32:17Probably Shadow.
32:18Okay, guys.
32:19Due to the fact Hulk isn't able to fit down here,
32:22one of you will have to fill him in on the plan later.
32:25But for now, we will come up with the plan.
32:30Okay, everyone.
32:31Do you guys see this paper?
32:32Well, there's nothing on it yet, but there will be.
32:35Hey, can you put that on a coaster?
32:38Bugs, he can't hear you, and you really need to chill.
32:41We will clean out after ourselves.
32:45We need a plan.
32:47Luigi, why are you dressed up?
32:49We are not superheroes.
32:51We are troll killers.
32:52So why don't you take that gay shit off?
32:55Come on, guys.
32:56Come on.
32:57We need to focus.
32:58Okay, any ideas to stop the trolls once and for all?
33:02We need something that they couldn't help to troll
33:05and something that will draw them,
33:07one troll, two something, evenā€”
33:11We need something they couldn't help to troll
33:13and something that will draw more than one troll
33:17two something, even the boss wants to troll?
33:20No period, okay.
33:23We need to draw them in with something even nonā€”
33:26Ah, bugs. Okay.
33:28We need to draw them in with something even non-trolls hate,
33:31trolls hate, something everyone hates, something so big, all the trolls couldn't miss.
33:36If I got it, I got it. There's only a couple of things that all the trolls couldn't miss
33:42to troll. We stage a fake Justin Beaver concert.
33:48Justin Beaver, alright. What is it?
33:51Sir, we have found Justin Beaver concert flyers on the internet. We should get ready.
33:59It's a trap. Shadow set this up to draw us in. I know. I read Beaver's blog.
34:06What should we do, sir? I have something that will put this in our favor.
34:12What is that? What's that? I have a hostage and they won't think to
34:16try anything when they find that out. Bring him in.
34:21Daffy Duck is the hostage. Thanks again for paying for the stage and
34:27all of it. I can't thank you enough. It's my pleasure. You, okay, it's my pleasure.
34:34You guys did help me kill the Roadrunner at for all. It's the least I can do. Oh, and
34:40I hope your troll killing goes as planned. I'm going to go home and take me a bite out
34:46of some Roadrunner. I guess I was wrong. He's the money guy. Fuck
34:52you, Shadow. Okay, everything is set up. The stage and
34:56everything is finally builded. Hey, we should let the word go out a bit
35:01before having the concert. Let the word spread more.
35:08Trolls are already on Facebook, Twitter, and YouTube talking about it.
35:12Yeah, they're tweeting like crazy. Yeah, there's even trolls talking about it
35:18on Myspace. Whoa, and then the art suddenly changes
35:23quickly. Yeah, I don't think we are going to need to wait long. The word has reached
35:28Myspace, for goodness sake. He's, oh, Luigi voice. I have to switch so
35:33much. Okay, what is the, what is the Luigi voice?
35:36Okay, I have to, like, remember. Sorry, guys, Charles Martinet isn't the voice
35:42for me. I have to, like, go deep back into the Super Mario
35:46Super Show days. He's right. Teemo, if the word can reach to Myspace,
35:51then it's really big. So, when are we gonna have the concert?
35:55Please tell. Tomorrow. They will all die. I got a question.
36:02How will we kill them all at once? Really? How? Hulk, you tell them the
36:07awesome fucking plan. Okay, I'll tell them the fucking awesome
36:12plan. All the trolls come in, ready to troll.
36:15Then Shadow will come in and say that they're gonna die.
36:19We will all leave and then blow up the stage
36:22and the trolls.
36:29Meanwhile. Tails, wake up. You fucked up big time. Knuckles?
36:36You do, you do know Sonic is out for blood now.
36:39He wants all the trolls dead. I know I should
36:42have got you and Sonic to back me up. You do know that... Oh, boy. Hold on, guys.
36:47Hold on. I need a drink. I'm gonna, I'm gonna check the thread, too.
36:54All right. Sip of water for my throat.
36:59All right. And Knuckles. You do know there's only one person that Sonic can
37:03go to that could possible find the trolls for
37:06him. You don't mean... Hello, Eggman. It's been a
37:11while. And next page. I'm gonna
37:17call it at the end of chapter two. That'll be a good
37:20pausing point. Takes a lot of energy to read all these, to hop back and forth
37:24between all these characters. I need your help. I need the find, I need
37:28to find the trolls so I can destroy them. Why would I help you? What do you have
37:35that I want? All right, let's make a deal. What do you
37:38want? I want all the Chaos Emeralds. Fine. I'll
37:43get all of them, but not until the trolls die.
37:46I'll give you my Emeralds so you know I'm not fucking around.
37:50All right, Sonic. We may have a deal. Follow me to my lab,
37:54and I'll find them trolls. This may take a while.
37:59As long as they die.
38:03Page 17. Establishing shot of the Justin
38:07Bever concert. Tomorrow will be the end of trolls as we know it.
38:14This whole stage will be filled. We should get ready.
38:18Wait, we should get some rest and get ready for the big moment
38:22of all time. It is dusk. Daybreak. You guys got your bottles to
38:28throw at Bever? There's over thousands of them.
38:32Let's get them in so we can get this started.
38:36Yes, it's almost time to kill them all, doc.
38:41Where's Bever? Establishing shot of the mic.
38:45Shadow emerges from the darkness. I'm afraid Bever
38:49isn't coming. Now see this in my hand? You like playing games, don't you, Shadow?
38:55I'm gonna blow all of you up so you're all gonna die.
38:59You hear that? You are gonna die. We already know that you plan on killing
39:05us. It's been a while, Shadow. Who are you?
39:08Are you the boss of the trolls? No, our boss couldn't make it. Sorry, I
39:15guess I'll have to do. Hey, Shadow, you forgot to tell your
39:19friends that you was a troll until you decided to leave.
39:23I left because I found out how much I truly hate
39:27trolls. Don't even try it. If you do, I will kill your friend right
39:32beside me. Who the fuck is that?
39:37Hey, Bugs. Daffy? You know him? Is he a friend? Well, he's
39:45sort of my friend.
39:49Well, I don't know who he is and Bugs doesn't really seem to care.
39:53So kill him. I don't give a fuck. You know what? I'll fucking kill him.
39:59No, you can't kill him. I love him. Damn. When I was getting trolled, he was
40:06the only one for me and when I was acting gay, I actually
40:10became gay with Daffy. Who the fuck is that? I have no idea.
40:17I want that wabbit. I want that wabbit. Point the gun at them.
40:29Bugs says, he's a moron, Shadow. If you help us, I'll get you something
40:35better than wabbits. Okay. The only reason you got Daffy is
40:40because someone told you Bugs is our team.
40:42So who tipped you off? Why don't you ask
40:46Luigi? Yes, I told them. Chapter three, the truth. All right, guys.
40:54I'm calling it there. Good evening, says Gluten Free.
40:58Welcome. Chapter two. You know what? Hold on.
41:02Take a drink.
41:05All right, let's keep going. I can do three chapters. Three is the
41:08golden number. Let's do chapter three and we'll call it at the end of chapter three.
41:13You motherfucker. My beef is with Mario. I'm done being in your shadow. I'm done
41:19following you around Mario. No one thanks me. It's all thank you,
41:23Mario. No one thanks me. It's always Mario. You get everything. You get the good
41:28games, the bad games, the good games, the bad games, the good games, the bad games.
41:32You get everything. You get the good games, the better women.
41:36I didn't know you felt like this. Luigi needs to stop crying.
41:40It's time we settle this once and for all, brother.
41:44If you feel that way about it, I can't stop you. All right, Luigi.
41:47Let's do this. If any of you steps in, I'll kill this duck. Mario versus
41:54Luigi. They increase their power. Are you sure about this? We can talk this
42:06over. No more talking. Mario becomes a tanooki and runs at Luigi.
42:13Luigi gains cape power, runs right at Mario, dives through the air. Mario
42:18prepares to punch and kick. He's gotten stronger.
42:31Intense shot of Mario. Close-up of Mario. Luigi comes in for the kill and
42:39He changes forms really fast. He had a substitution spell.
42:51Wait, is that? Okay, Luigi has become a tanooki. I've got to step it up a bit.
42:56Frog suit. Okay, wait, wait, wait. Okay, Luigi's in a higher register. Mario's in a
43:01lower register. Frog suit.
43:06Damn it. Kick kaboom.
43:10He goes flying. Mario comes in for the kill.
43:14Luigi backs up. Luigi has mastered this suit.
43:18He can turn any body part to stone.
43:23He leaps over him with leap frog, but Luigi
43:26comes in with a green fireball from behind. Mario deflects with kick,
43:31kicking the fireball upwards and follows up with a kick to the stomach, but Luigi
43:35turns his stomach to stone, deflecting the kick.
43:38Mario backs up. Luigi dives into the air. Time to die, Mario.
43:44It's almost time for him to see my secret weapon.
43:49Stone fist kick to the knee. Mario deflects,
43:53but Luigi turns his face to stone. Mario dives above,
43:58comes in behind. The stone is starting to hurt my legs.
44:01There's only one way to break the stone. I'll have to punch with all my power.
44:07Charges up his punch. Comes in for the kill.
44:11Luigi blocks with stone at the last second.
44:14Intense flame smoke. Star power.
44:20Shit. He becomes golden and invincible and belts Mario in the face.
44:29All right, Luigi, you win. Mario, you've gotten in my way long enough.
44:35Now it's my time. Now die. Stop. I'm not gonna lose any good member
44:41because of some gay rabbit and his fucking gay duck friend.
44:46Right through the head.
44:49He shot him right in the head.
44:56No, Daffy. I don't know, it was duck season.
45:03No, you killed my love, Daffy. Get the fuck away from Mario. If you guys
45:09try anything, I'll kill all of us. Do as he fucking says. He's not fucking
45:14around. He will not hesitate to kill all of us.
45:18Mario, get over here. Now me and my team are gonna leave and you're gonna die.
45:24All right, Shadow. No. No, don't break the remote.
45:35You fucked up all my plans. Right in the head.
45:42Die. Bang, bang, bang. Shadow. Wait, okay, Mario. Boy, there's so many
45:49characters to keep up with. All right, Shadow, stop. He's already dead.
45:55Wait, what? Oh, okay. This is like a preview.
46:01What is this? Like a preview for the...
46:04We are. I wouldn't try anything if I was you. You're still outnumbered.
46:18You hit harder than tails, so give me that.
46:23Do it.
46:27That must just be like a clip from the audiobook. Nice.
46:30January 4th, chapter 3. We're still in chapter 3.
46:34I didn't know you had it in you, Shadow. You're more fucked up than we are.
46:38I wouldn't try anything if I was you. You're still outnumbered.
46:43Shadow comes in. Quick glance of the eyes to where Shadow's coming in for the kill.
46:50Punch the face. Splat. You hit harder than tails. I'll give you that.
46:57Do it. Wait.
47:02Shadow, who the hell's that? I don't know.
47:06Crew. Where the hell did he come from? I didn't see him coming.
47:12Get up, you fucking noob. If you're gonna feed, you should...
47:16If you're gonna feed, you should just uninstall right now.
47:20I didn't need your help, you tall motherfucker.
47:26New guy, okay. Shadow, we need to get out of here.
47:30We don't know how many more people that will come out of nowhere.
47:33He's right, Shadow. There's no way we would know how many more are waiting to attack.
47:38Dammit, you're right. Pussies.
47:42You noobs better run. Luigi, let's kill them and end it already.
47:48My brother will die. Hulk, if you do anything, I'll smash your bones.
47:53Shadow, this isn't over. I will end you trolls.
47:57Meanwhile, Sonic, I almost have a location. Give me a second.
48:04Almost found it. Found it. There. Now do you see it?
48:12Good. Now print me a copy of location. Here you go.
48:17Great. Now I only got two things left to do. One is find and destroy the trolls.
48:22What? What's the second thing?
48:25This. Oh, a sword right through his chest.
48:29This is for fucking with me and my friends for so many years, you piece of shit.
48:38Now I'll be taking this back and start destroying them trolls.
48:45Evil energy overcome Sonic. Evil Sonic.
48:50Intense close up of eye. Establishing shot.
48:53There's a blue creature by the name of Sonic coming this way.
48:58Father, what should we do? You are the leader of the trolls.
49:02We will return to the city of trolls as soon as I deal with this little problem.
49:08What's your plan? Are you a... Wait, is that the father or the son?
49:13Are you a retard? I pretty much told you my plan. I'll deal with this problem.
49:19Evil Sonic approaches.
49:23Close up shot. There it is.
49:26Stop right there, Sonic. I won't let you pass.
49:30Yes, sir. Wait, over here.
49:33I don't know. It's a mystery to me.
49:35What the? You're an actual troll?
49:39Yes, me and my son are actual trolls. It's deep in our blood.
49:45Let me explain to you so you will understand.
49:50I'm going to tell you the truth about us trolls. Our story.
49:55Dad, just kill them. There's no need to tell them shit.
50:00The art of trolling was actually started from humans.
50:03But it wasn't called trolling. It was called being a dick.
50:07But back in the Middle Ages, I was being made fun of because I wasn't human.
50:12So I hid it under a bridge.
50:14But it was only a matter of time before they would find me.
50:18So that's when I decided to pay them back and make fun of them.
50:22And that's how it started.
50:24I planned it out.
50:25And then I trolled anyone I could because they was dicks and they steal people's land.
50:31But I wanted all humans to feel like shit.
50:33So that's when my army started.
50:36I started looking for people that was worthy to join me.
50:41I found some people. A couple females.
50:44Because back in that time, females was also treated like shit.
50:48And a couple of robbers.
50:50That's how I found my beautiful wife.
50:53And how we started our family.
50:55My son was the cutest baby you would ever see.
50:59Troll baby noises.
51:04Well, I knew with my family, I needed a real home.
51:08So when I got enough trolls on my side, we decided to take over the city.
51:12And we send our army of trolls to take over the city.
51:16And that's what we did.
51:17After taking over the city, I gave the people a choice.
51:21Join me or leave the city.
51:23Half of them left and half stayed.
51:26But the ones that left seeked revenge and came back years later.
51:30Trying to take the city back.
51:32This will be important later.
51:34This is lore.
51:35But failed, they was killed.
51:37And us trolls wasn't done trolling.
51:40No, everyone has to know the name of the trolls.
51:44Killed them.
51:46You and your friends are the second group of people that tried to stop us.
51:50And you will die as they did.
51:53Cool story, bro.
51:55I don't care.
51:56You hurt my friend.
51:57And now you're gonna die.
52:05Come on.
52:06Oh, hold on.
52:07There, I clicked away for a second.
52:11Supersonic comes in.
52:13Troll Lord raises his fist and punches Supersonic in the face.
52:19Says Two-Eyed Guy.
52:22But Supersonic emerges from the rubble, mad as heck.
52:28Comes in for a punch, but is deflected by Troll Guy.
52:31Who casually blocks with just two fingers.
52:34Kaboot to the face.
52:38I've been a long...
52:39I've been alive for a long time.
52:42I've learned a thing or two in my years.
52:46Prepares a Kamehameha.
52:49Chapter four.
52:50All right, guys.
52:54Alice Jones.
52:54So I'm gonna leave like...
52:56So I'm gonna leave a like and go back to my stock market updates.
52:59All right, Elias.
53:00Go make some money.
53:01Shadow is betraying Bastard.
53:04What the fuck?
53:06I used to...
53:08What the fuck am I watching, says Elias.
53:10I was about to watch stock market updates and this came up instead.
53:14Yeah, go make some money.
53:15This is real stuff.
53:16You're watching Tales Gets Trolled.
53:18Link in the description.
53:19My favorite webcomic of all time.
53:23That's Laserbot talking LMAO.
53:25He was 18 when that was made, if I remember correctly.
53:29The Mysterious Voice.
53:30That would make sense.
53:31Laserbot being the narrator.
53:33Yeah, he was 18 when this started.
53:35There's some great lore to this comic.
53:37All right, guys.
53:39This comic takes a lot of energy out of me.
53:41Okay, I'm not gonna try to read it all.
53:43I was kind of like torn.
53:44Should I try to read the whole thing in one setting and really torture myself?
53:48But I don't know.
53:49I think it'd be more fun if I could keep up my energy.
53:51And I can keep up my energy better in short bursts.
53:54So three chapters.
53:55That's a good round number.
53:57Thanks for joining the chat, everybody.
53:59Tales Gets Trolled.
54:00It's a fun web indie webcomic.
54:01It's got a great community of fans who meme it.
54:06They love fan art.
54:07They have like a Discord.
54:08Check it out.
54:09You'll love it.
54:10With that, I'm a number of Marmaduke fan.
54:13I will probably do this once a week on Friday nights to celebrate getting through the work week.
54:18So with that, oh, I'm gonna hop on over.
54:21I'm just gonna check all the chat and make sure I didn't miss anybody before I sign off.
54:26So okay, nobody on Twitch.
54:29I have nobody on Twitch.
54:31It's all YouTube's where it's at.
54:32Gluten Free says bye.
54:33ASDF says bye.
54:35Thanks for joining, guys.
