Oilers Push for Game 6 Victory: McDavid Leads Charge

  • 3 months ago
00:00The Oilers have forced a Game 6 in the Stanley Cup Final, a win last night in South Florida 5-3.
00:10And once again, Joe, when they were down 3-0, everyone said the only way they're going to crawl back in this series is if Connor McDavid got going.
00:17Well, four points in that 8-1 win on Saturday night to get it back to Florida.
00:22And now four points last night in Game 5 to send it back to Edmonton.
00:28Here is some of his handiwork on ABC-SBN.
00:31Skinner stopped the flip from the point by Forsling.
00:35He's trying to get back with Fogle.
00:37One-handed the puck toward the corner.
00:39Fogle picked it up.
00:40Here's McDavid.
00:41Bottom of the circle.
00:42He scores!
00:46Edmonton leads 3-0.
00:49With 18.
00:53And now 13 as he establishes the zone.
00:56Nifty move through a double team!
00:58And Perry scores!
01:00What a play by McDavid!
01:03Highlight real stuff last night, Joe.
01:06And I'm sure you know which one that one was, the one where he basically ripped through two guys in front of the net and made that pass to Perry with nobody standing there.
01:14That's what world-class players do.
01:17And he's got Edmonton believing again, Joe, as they head back there for Friday night for Game 6.
01:22Yeah, absolutely.
01:24And maybe I talk too soon.
01:26I was all over Bobrovsky against Boston.
01:29Called him a rat in a sieve.
01:31He had so many holds, right?
01:32He steps up.
01:33He gets the first two series.
01:35They go to the cup.
01:36I start backing Bobrovsky.
01:38And what happens?
01:39All of a sudden, the last three games, he's leaking oil.
01:42Something's happening.
01:43They cracked the dam, let me tell you.
01:46Because he can't stop anything now.
01:48Is he rattled?
01:49He might be rattled, Carver.
01:51This is not a good sign for Florida.
01:53You know, especially when you said they're not built to play from behind by two or three goals.
01:58And it's been all Edmonton.
02:00The last three games, they have started to dictate the tempo.
02:03It started in the 4-3 loss.
02:05They outshot Florida in that game.
02:07Didn't get the win, but it carried over in the last two games.
02:11Florida's got to do something different.
02:13For Hagee, Kachuck, they need to establish it on the road.
02:16Otherwise, they're up against it.
02:19They're up against it, indeed.
02:21How about that hockey breakdown right there?
02:23You're not just the encyclopedia of college football, Joe.
02:26I mean, look at you, breaking it down.
02:29Bobrovsky, Hagee, Kachuck.
02:31Am I wrong?
02:32You got everybody in the mix.
02:34You know precisely what's going on.
02:36Don't kid yourself.
02:38When money's involved, I'll give you the best breakdown around.
02:41No problem.
02:42But money's on the line.
02:43Here is Connor McDavid.
02:46He's been talking the last few days about sending them back to Alberta.
02:49Well, that's precisely what he did.
02:51I seem to be getting this question a lot, which is a good thing.
02:54Anytime you're compared or in the same realm as those two, it's always a good thing.
03:01But I love playing in the playoffs.
03:03I love playing with this group.
03:05It's not possible without everybody, as Hagee alluded to.
03:10It's been a fun ride.
03:12We're glad it's going to go one more day.
03:14But that's all we've earned here is another day, another flight.
03:18And we'll be ready to go in Edmonton on Friday.
03:23You know, Joe, there's clearly some heavy momentum shift here in this series.
03:31It has flipped.
03:33And I know Florida still just has to win one more game.
03:36But, man, Joe, I don't know if I can bet against Edmonton on Friday night
03:41with the way that they're kind of humming right now.
03:43I don't know if I can do it.
03:45I think that they're going to send it back for game number seven.
03:49Amazingly as that sounds.
03:50I think it's going to happen.
03:52I do, Joe.
03:54Here's the thing.
03:55We'll bet Conor McDavid, now that he's hot, he won't even come close to scoring a goal.
03:59Oh, I know.
04:01Yeah, that's the thing.
04:02Haven't touched him the last two games, and the guy's on fire.
04:05Where's Dreisaddle?
04:06You know, they don't even need Dreisaddle.
04:08If David's going to play like this, they don't need much out of Dreisaddle.
04:10He's given them nothing so far.
04:12He definitely scored last night as well.
04:13Of course, we heard from Conor McDavid.
04:15What about on the other side?
04:16You know, we've played a lot of clips this postseason of Paul Maurice
04:20and his words of wisdom.
04:22He's been the steady hand guiding the Florida Panthers
04:26throughout these last two playoff runs.
04:28Well, Joe, are things getting a little tight now that they had a 3-0 lead
04:32in the Stanley Cup final?
04:33The Cups have been in the building the last couple games, haven't gotten it done.
04:37Maurice says we're going to be okay.
04:40Paul, if you go by home ice, it's supposed to be 3-2.
04:43I know it's not what you wanted, but it's supposed to be 3-2.
04:45Is that going to be somewhat, I don't know, definitely not comfort,
04:51but it's supposed to be hard.
04:53I'm not pumping tires.
04:54I'm not rubbing backs.
04:56I don't think we need that at all.
04:57Rubber backs.
04:58Everybody feels probably exactly the way I do right now.
05:04I'm not feeling deflated.
05:09See, there's the hockey team.
05:10They're not feeling deflated.
05:12A little grumpy.
05:14A little grumpy, Joe.
05:15Feeling a little grumpy.
05:16How about that?
05:17I'm not rubbing their backs.
05:18That's a Joe line right there.
05:19You're not rubbing any backs, Joe.
05:20I'd say Paul Maurice.
05:23You shouldn't be rubbing any backs.
05:25He eats iron and crap steel.
05:27You know that.
05:28That's what Paul Maurice does.
05:30He's a tough guy.
05:31I love him.
05:32Here's the thing.
05:33You know as well as anybody, if Florida gets back to basics
05:36and all of a sudden they start stifling McDavid and smothering him,
05:40right, where they get no shots after the first ten minutes,
05:44they're going to win that type of game.
05:46They most likely are considering the fact that Bobrovsky bounces back
05:50to the point where you get adequate goaltending.
05:53I mean you can't give up the first goal and then all of a sudden you blink.
05:57You're down 3-0.
05:58I mean that cannot happen.
06:00The power play has been the best benefit for Edmonton
06:03over the past couple of games.
06:05If they could stay off the power play, Florida's got a shot.
06:08And in Game 3 they jumped up early, right?
06:11They jumped up early and sealed it.
06:13So that is the key.
06:14If they do not jump up early, then all the pressure on Bobrovsky, right?
06:19Can he sustain it for three periods, get them back in it?
06:22They're going to play tight.
06:24So if I'm Florida, I go all out.
06:26I try to score first and go all out.
06:29If I lose, I lose.
06:30Then we worry about Game 7.
06:33I mean it also hasn't helped them, Joe,
06:35that not only are they giving up the first goal these last couple games,
06:39they're shorthanded goals they've given up to start these games.
06:44Those are situations where, like you said,
06:46they have an opportunity on a power play early in the first period
06:50to establish a lead, establish something,
06:54and instead you're giving one up the other way?
06:57That is not how you get it done.
07:00That's for sure.
07:01So that's an awful job that they've had to start these games the last few
07:05times out.
07:06The Oilers are favored, Joe, for Game 6.
07:08This will be Friday night in Edmonton, Alberta,
07:11minus $1.25 plus $1.05 for the Panthers.
07:16There's that 5.5, Joe, which has been smashed the last couple games now.
07:20That 5.5 has gone way up, up, up, and away.
07:23Yeah, I'm a little hesitant.
07:25Aren't you?
07:26I mean there's two ways to look at this.
07:28I still think Florida's got to be aggressive.
07:30And, again, how good is Bobrovsky right now?
07:33We know he's good.
07:34I mean that's not the question.
07:36The question is, is his confidence shaking?
07:40You know, or is he going to come up and all of a sudden come up with this
07:43game, 35 saves, and they win it, 2-1.
07:46Somehow, some way they grind it out.
07:48I believe, again, if you're Florida, you want to score first.
07:51You've got to take some shots.
07:52You can't be hesitant and say let's wait for a perfect opportunity because if
07:56they score, they're dead and buried.
07:58And I'm talking about Edmonton.
08:00If they jump up at home with that home ice, it's going to be very difficult.
08:04It's imperative for Florida to start fast and they need Bobrovsky.
08:08I'm going to lean to the under.
08:09I'm going to take a shot.
08:10I'm going to go against you.
08:11I think somehow, some way they bounce back the way they did in game three.
08:15I think they score first, but I think it's an under.
08:21So you think that Florida's going to win in Edmonton on Friday night, right?
08:25That's where you're going.
08:26You think Florida's going to win.
08:27You know what?
08:28I have to go.
08:29You know me.
08:30I like to know where's the money going.
08:31The money's going to flood in on Edmonton in the over now, right?
08:34That's very true.
08:35So I'll go the other way.
08:36I'll go the other way.
08:37Now, let me ask you this because I love asking you hypothetical situations.
08:42Edmonton wins on Friday.
08:45Are they going to win the whole thing?
08:47Are they going to finish the job and go four in a row?
08:51I would say probably.
08:52I think so, too.
08:53It doesn't mean, though, that I'm not going to try and get in front of it.
08:57But as of right now, you still have a game left.
09:01And I know the money's on Edmonton in the over.
09:05So I'm going to step in front of that freight train in game number six
09:09and take the under and four.
09:11I'll tell you what I like on Friday night, Joe,
09:13and obviously we'll have more time.
09:15We've got a couple days before they play.
09:17We haven't had an overtime game yet in this series.
09:20And I think that last night was the first game where it was tight.
09:26It was tension-filled at the end.
09:28There was drama.
09:29One goal game, close.
09:30You had the empty netter.
09:31Florida could have easily.
09:32They had some great opportunities in that third period to get the tying goal.
09:36I think sticks a little tighter on both sides as you get this deep in the series.
09:41I think we get our first overtime game on Friday night in Edmonton.
09:46I do.
09:47And I think it's an under with you.
09:48I think we're going to have ourselves a 2-2, 1-1 type of game.
09:55I don't know if I want to go against Edmonton,
09:57get in front of them right now,
09:59but I think we're going to get some kind of a classic finish on Friday night
10:03for that.
10:04We'll come back, Joe,
10:05and I want to finish this off by giving you the cons my thoughts.
10:08I got the series odds, too, because everybody seems to think now, Joe,
10:13doesn't matter who wins the cup.
10:15McDavid's winning the MVP.
10:17Win, lose, or draw.
10:19They think that that's going to him.
10:20It's happened five times in the past,
10:22so it wouldn't be something earth shattering.
10:24To win the series now, Oilers are plus 240.
10:28Panthers are minus 300.
10:30That's to win the series right there.
10:33So, I mean, look, obviously, Joe, it's pretty simple.
10:39If you think that the Oilers are going to win, you play that now.
10:42You go get the 240 now because it's going to be basically just the game line
10:45on Monday if there's a game seven.
10:47As far as the cons might, which is the real discussion I want to have with you,
10:50there are the numbers for that.
10:52McDavid now minus money, minus a buck 85.
10:56Barkoff 270.
10:57Bobrovsky 750.
10:59It's those three guys, Joe, and forget everybody else.
11:02Before last night, we were talking about this yesterday.
11:06I even mentioned to you on the radio show that the chatter down in Florida was
11:11from Dennis Bernstein that Barkoff was going to be the guy if Florida wins.
11:16And I think, Joe, because no one on Florida has really separated themselves
11:22from anyone else, that has now allowed this potential narrative that even if the
11:28Oilers lose Friday or Monday, McDavid's going to get the cons might as the MVP
11:35of the playoffs because of all the numbers he's put up.
11:37It has happened in the past, mostly with goalies.
11:400-3 Jaguar won it for Anaheim.
11:42Hextall in the late 80s.
11:44Everyone else, Joe, is a lot further back than that.
11:47So it's not something that happens often, but it sounds like it's going to happen
11:51here now with this series getting this far.
11:53It might.
11:54It might.
11:55And if he continues to put in points and score goals the way he has over the past
11:59couple of games and as long as it's close, I think McDavid is a pretty good shot.
12:05I will say about Barkoff, I mean, I don't know right now if they win 1-0 and,
12:12let's say, Kachuk scores the goal, is Barkoff going to get it?
12:16I mean, you're going to give it to Barkoff in terms of that situation?
12:20I feel like he's a distant memory now.
12:23So I'd still give it to Probrowski assuming that he steps up.
12:28What if he gets another shutout?
12:29Two shutouts in the series knowing how hot McDavid has been.
12:35I mean, to shut him out two times, no good?
12:39Yeah, I don't think so, Joe.
12:40I think it's over for him.
12:42I think the only way – I'm trying to picture a scenario where he even wins.
12:47I don't think just a straight shutout on Friday.
12:5040 saves and it's nothing, nothing, no score going into overtime.
12:56He's got 42 saves and they win it 1-0.
12:59I actually think it would have to be nothing, nothing going into overtime.
13:03They lose a heartbreaker and then he shuts them out again in Game 7.
13:06I think that would be the only path for him right now for it.
13:10I think McDavid's winning.
13:12And look, when I sat here with you yesterday and we were talking about Barkoff,
13:16I thought Florida was going to win last night.
13:18I really did.
13:19I thought Florida was going to win the game.
13:21Because I think if Florida wins last night, Joe, I don't think this is a discussion.
13:25I don't think if they lose in 5, they would have gave it to them.
13:27I think that 8 points in 2 games and extending it after 3-0 to a 6th,
13:32potentially a 7th, I think that it's going to be Conor McDavid.
13:36They love this guy, Joe.
13:38They love Conor McDavid.
13:40And I just feel like they're going to go and give him that award
13:43no matter what happens here over the next couple nights.
13:46So I'm sorry, Joe.
13:47I know you got a lot of Bobrovsky tickets.
13:48Unfortunately, I think you're going to have to toss them away, Joe.
13:52I apologize to you.
13:54I apologize to you.
13:55I apologize to you.
13:56I apologize to you.
13:57I apologize to you.
