BRUTAL: Ron Johnson Confronts Doctor He Claims 'Engaged In A Cover-Up' With Fauci

  • 3 months ago
At today's Senate Homeland Security Committee hearing, Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI) grilled witness about the lab-leak theory and how the government approached it.

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00:00Thank you, Senator Johnson.
00:03You're recognized for your questions.
00:04Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
00:05I want to thank you and the Ranking Member for holding this very important hearing.
00:09We need a lot more of these.
00:11I want to thank all the witnesses for your very detailed testimony.
00:14And I'd encourage anybody viewing this hearing to go online and read the detailed testimony.
00:20I think you'll find it very difficult to not come away after reading that, that we may
00:25not have a smoking gun, but the circumstantial evidence is strong that this was a man-made
00:31virus and that it was probably leaked from a lab.
00:34Probably at the Wuhan Institute of Virology.
00:40One thing that's convinced me very early on, I've been convinced this quite some time,
00:43is just the cover-up.
00:44I mean, the fact that the Chinese took down data sets, so all of a sudden you couldn't
00:49find a smoking gun because it no longer exists, and we'll probably never know that.
00:53But also the cover-up here within the U.S. government.
00:57I've been doing oversight on our response to COVID, which, by the way, was a miserable
01:03We're 4% of the world's population.
01:04We apparently experienced 16% of the deaths, supposedly the most modern medical system
01:10in the world.
01:11That's a miserable failure.
01:13And so we need to do a lot of oversight, not just on the origin, which is an important
01:17aspect of this, but on everything, okay?
01:23If we're serious about this, by the way, we've got to start letting subpoenas start
01:27I'll do this one more time.
01:28I've done this multiple times.
01:29This is the 50 final pages of Fauci's emails.
01:33By the way, the only reason we realize that Fauci was engaged in a cover-up with Dr. Gary
01:39is the fact that we had to FOIA these.
01:41They didn't turn these over, which they should have.
01:43We had to FOIA them.
01:44We had to go to court.
01:47Our staff has taken the 4,000 pages that we got that were redacted, narrowed those down
01:52to 400 pages, and they allowed us to look at these things unredacted in a reading room.
01:57350 pages, but not the final 50.
02:02In terms of the cover-up, my guess is the smoking gun exists somewhere under these heavy
02:12So my suggestion, actually, my plea to the chairman is to issue a subpoena to get these
02:20final 50 pages, then maybe we'll get a full extent of the extensive cover-up.
02:25Dr. Gary, I don't know, have you ever used the word conspiracy theory when it relates
02:31to the lab leak?
02:32Have you ever accused people who put that thing forward that they're a bunch of conspiracy
02:39Not in my public.
02:40Okay, well, I'll tell you who has.
02:42It was the editor-in-chief of Nature magazine that published the proximal origin.
02:47And he said, talking about your study, your cover-up, great work.
02:52We'll put conspiracy theories about the origin of SARS-CoV-2 to rest.
02:58Will you at least admit that people who are raising the possibility of a lab leak were
03:04not conspiracy theorists, that they were a legitimate concern about gain-of-function
03:09research creating this chimeric virus?
03:13Of course, sir.
03:14I mean, that would include us at the very beginning.
03:17That's progress, because, again, an awful lot of people's reputations were ruined by
03:21this cover-up and by the accusations of people being conspiracy theorists.
03:26Dr. Ebright, you know, the purpose of this hearing really is to talk about the danger
03:31of gain-of-function research.
03:33Right now we're about ready to be scaremongered, I think we're already being scaremongered
03:37on H5N1.
03:40Back in late 2011, the world learned of two scientific teams, one in University of Wisconsin-Madison
03:47one in the Netherlands, that had apparently said each of these labs create H5N1 viruses
03:55that had gained the ability to spread through the air between ferrets.
04:00The animal model used to study how flu viruses might behave in humans.
04:05That's pretty darn dangerous stuff, right?
04:07That is primarily what led to the moratorium on gain-of-function, correct?
04:11That is correct.
04:12What possible reason is there to be producing what nature probably couldn't produce?
04:21Why are we doing this?
04:24It's important to emphasize that the research in question has no, zero civilian practical
04:33Gain-of-function research on potential pandemic pathogens is not used and does not contribute
04:39to the development of vaccines and is not used for and does not contribute to the development
04:45of drugs.
04:46So, again, that rationale for all this research is exactly that.
04:51In case we have to respond to a bioweapon attack, we need a defense mechanism.
05:00That's the reason, for example, the Defense Department has spent $42 million or funded
05:05EcoHealth Alliance for $42 million and USAID for $53 million, correct?
05:10So the current definition is research that is reasonably anticipated to increase either
05:16the transmissibility or the virulence of a potential pandemic pathogen.
05:22That research does not contribute to developing countermeasures against potential pandemic
05:29Again, that's the rationale they used.
05:30The thing they really scared the public on was the 1918 flu pandemic, correct?
05:35Even Anthony Fauci admitted most people who died of the flu pandemic died of pneumonia
05:41because we didn't have antibiotics, correct?
05:44Bacterial pneumonia.
05:45I think one of the things we have to provide oversight is the sabotage of early treatment
05:51using widely available cheap and safe generic drugs.
05:55We didn't do that.
05:56I mean, from my standpoint, the first thing we ought to be doing in any kind of pandemic
05:59is, is there some way to treat this?
06:01And let doctors be doctors.
06:03Let them practice medicine.
06:04Yeah, I'm sure you're familiar with the concept of Miller's Ratchet, correct?
06:08Of what?
06:09Miller's Ratchet.
06:10Okay, well, it's basically what viruses generally do is they'll become more transmissible but
06:18less pathogenic.
06:20Because, again, it doesn't do – a virus snuffs itself out.
06:24MERS snuffed itself out.
06:25SARS snuffed itself out.
06:26Except there were a couple lab leaks that produced SARS outbreaks, correct?
06:32So again, my point is, are we making things worse with human intervention?
06:38Producing vaccines that are, that are not sterilizing, that allow variants to be produced
06:43in things like antibody-dependent enhancement.
06:46Again, there's an awful lot of concern that we don't even consider here because we're
06:50on this quest to have a vaccine for everything and produce vaccines for viruses that haven't
06:57even been created yet in a lab.
06:59Again, that's – the question we ought to be asking this committee is, what in the world
07:03are we doing?
07:04What's the rationale for doing this and are we actually causing more harm than good?
07:09With vaccine development, I would disagree.
07:12Vaccines, vaccines in general, do not pose significant harms and offer significant benefits.
07:22With respect to the gain-of-function research, which creates new threats, biological threats
07:27that do not exist currently and might not naturally come into existence in a decade,
07:33a century, or a millennium, that research creates threats.
07:37And those threats are existentially risky threats.
07:41And that research is being conducted without a justifiable rationale.
07:45There is no rationale in terms of development of countermeasures.
07:50Industry develops vaccines and therapeutics against diseases currently in humans, not
07:55against diseases that don't yet exist and need to be made in a lab.
08:00We could use a public debate regarding all things vaccine, the profit motive of it, and
08:05everything else, but that's for another day.
08:08Thank you, Senator Johnson.
08:09Thank you, Marshall.
08:10You're recognized for your questions.
08:11Thank you, Mr. Chairman.
