The Adventures of T-Rex E033

  • il y a 4 mois


00:30As long as he's still within range.
00:32Apparently, there's a tell-tale electro-respiratory pattern when a rat's nervous, angry, and on the lounge.
00:39What do you mean, I took the profile?
00:41Nothing, ma'am. Please excuse us.
00:43I'll locate him in Tokyo for someone else.
00:48And, uh, congratulations.
00:51Professor Edison and his cockamaniac gadget.
00:54I'm beginning to think it's time we found ourselves another inventor.
00:57Hey, hey, hey, what's with you, Fox?
00:59Yeah, Bob, lately you've been acting like someone starved your underpants.
01:06They said no kids speak! Let's get them!
01:08He's headed for the plantation!
01:15So this slobbery guy in violet is up to his bet locks and freeze, and Billy yells,
01:20I'm not finished with you yet, Black Knight!
01:22Hey, I'm talking to you!
01:25Work, work, work, it's all you ever talk about.
01:28If you gentlemen will excuse me, I think I shall go buff my snout.
01:33Sanctuary! Sanctuary!
01:39Sanctuary much for nothing, you big bronto brute!
01:45No can speak! No can speak? Ha!
01:48That nickname is weary out of time, because now, as you see, I am, how you say,
01:53moist effluent on your tongue.
01:57He's ours, Graves!
02:01Take him, T-Rex!
02:04You will forsnake me in my bower of needles?
02:10What he said!
02:11Sorry, no can speak, you're just not worth destroying this place for.
02:15And I still can't understand a word you say.
02:18Bounce him, boys!
02:23Bounce him!
02:50Look what they call me, baby!
02:52Grace's good time gal!
02:54How humiliating!
02:56Consider him chilled, baby.
02:58That shutterbug didn't make a laughing stock out of me.
03:01You did!
03:02You and all your uncouth, low-class, scooter-packing playmates!
03:07Behind us!
03:08Shut up!
03:09Sorry, BB, but this is the last straw.
03:12A rep's got her rep to consider.
03:15What are you saying, May?
03:17I'm saying, I'm the kind of rock that needs a certain kind of...
03:21setting to show off all my faucets.
03:24And this ain't it.
03:25You're all so uncouth.
03:27May, wait!
03:28I never knew you wanted couth.
03:31Why, I've got gobs of couth.
03:35Such as?
03:37Such as...
03:39the opera!
03:40The opera?
03:41The opera?
03:42The opera!
03:44The opera?
03:45Yeah, yeah, yeah, that's what he said.
03:47The opera, yeah!
03:48In fact, that's what all this demolition is really for.
03:52I wanted to surprise you, but...
03:55My associates on the board of directors of the opera
03:58have agreed to hold next week's premiere here.
04:01And you're going to sing the lead role.
04:07But that's really hard work, isn't it?
04:10I'm gonna need energy.
04:11I better start loading up on carbos.
04:18That's a pretty tall order, Big Boss.
04:21Yeah, how are you gonna pull it off, BB?
04:23I got a two-step plan.
04:25You figure it out, and you carry it out!
04:31Now, darling, you know I wanted to be with you last night.
04:35Oh, Bucky-boo!
04:37Well, no.
04:38Today's kind of tough, darling, you see.
04:40Come out, come out, wherever you are.
04:43Oh, just keep your flaming shirt on, will ya?
04:46Uh, no, no, not you, darling, you see.
04:48Uh, hello? Hello?
04:51Come on, boys, we gotta come up with some new material.
04:54And I got an idea.
04:55You know the opera opening next week?
04:57We all hate opera!
05:00So we do an opera sketch.
05:02Fat guys with broad swords!
05:04High-pitched dames with funny heads!
05:06Yeah, great idea, Puncy!
05:07It'll be a bonafide fat cracker!
05:10What do you think, Buck?
05:11An opera sketch.
05:12I think it's the stupidest idea you ever had for a sketch.
05:15And I'll join the corporation before I have anything to do with it!
05:20Well, who rattled his cage this morning?
05:28You guys call yourselves professionals?
05:30You can't even read a set of blueprints!
05:33But, but, uh...
05:35I see an O here. Do you see an O here?
05:38It's a coffee range.
05:40I don't care what the technical term for it is!
05:43If it's on here, I pay for it!
05:45And if I pay for it, I want it!
06:09And tonight, before the audience arrives at the opera house,
06:12we switch the real posters for these ones,
06:15saying the whole thing's been moved here.
06:17Nice work, Shooter!
06:19Yeah, Shooter! Nice work! Real nice!
06:22The day I want your opinion, I'll pay for it!
06:26Gotcha, BB!
06:27We're done with the renovations, wanna see?
06:34What's that?
06:36That, uh...
06:37Oh, yeah, that's your international symbol for opera!
06:41Oh, a big O! O for opera!
06:44Oh, yeah, yeah, we got one of those. Yeah, BB, yeah.
06:46Yeah, BB! And guess what?
06:48The contractor tried to stick me for it!
06:50Thought he was dealing with some kind of moron!
06:53You ready to hit the opera house?
06:55Huh? Oh, yeah!
06:59Darling, it's so sweet of you to come to the dress rehearsal.
07:04Oh, I wouldn't be anywhere else on Earth, darling.
07:08Whenever you're ready, Mrs. Spaghetti!
07:10You are my soul.
07:13And you, you're the very soul of, uh, of my soul, so...
07:35Hey, everybody freeze!
07:40Hey, what's the meaning of this?
07:42What'd I tell ya? Even they don't understand this stuff.
07:45Why, don't he understand freeze?
07:47Maybe he needs a little demonstration.
07:51No, please don't move!
07:54Oh, boy.
07:56Rehearsal's closed!
08:00Don't worry, darling.
08:01Oh, I'll save you.
08:03Without T-Rex!
08:06Okay, okay, okay, I'm in the record now, see?
08:09When I say sing, you say how high, get it?
08:12Now, here's a new cast member!
08:16Thank you, everybody!
08:18And especially you, Mrs. Spaghetti.
08:21Thought of us exactly.
08:24But this...
08:26And this...
08:29And especially this...
08:32Do you have any idea what you are doing?
08:35Uh, not really.
08:37I'm gonna kinda wing it, you know.
08:38But thanks for asking!
08:40What a classy dame, huh?
08:43Oh, thank you!
08:46You like me! You really like me!
08:53T-Rex will be back after these messages.
09:07Hey, hey!
09:08I called him!
09:10People, people!
09:14She's here, who wants to picture-take us?
09:20Now, we'll haul your classically trained tails over to the plantation!
09:24Yeah, I know, I don't want to go to the plantation!
09:28Les derniers devront recevoir de l'argent et une extrémité pour être choisis à la discrétion du directeur.
09:36Je suis convaincu que je parle pour nous tous quand je dis que je ne coopérerai jamais avec une piraterie si haute.
09:42D'accord, qui veut les pièces de Fatso ?
09:44Oh, c'est moi !
09:49Laisse un costume dans la salle de vêtements, Bob.
09:54Si je pouvais avoir seulement mes mains sur ce costume...
09:58Oh, oh, oh !
10:02Maintenant, soyez calme, Rottini !
10:04Le Ciel n'a pas fait de bonheur à l'épreuve de ton talent !
10:09Oh, ouf !
10:11Heureusement qu'il y a quelque chose qui m'a couché.
10:13Hey, en parlant de chance...
10:20Oh, s'il vous plaît, excusez-moi, mon timbre est un peu déchiré.
10:23Je dois le chanter ce soir.
10:25Tu es un toad sans espace et sans bouche !
10:29Oui, un genre de directeur, tu sais.
10:46Eh bien, franchement, j'ai eu un sourire plus grand la dernière fois que Mount et Wooly ont érupté.
10:51Vous savez, les gars, peut-être que Buck nous a tenté de nous dire qu'on ne sait pas assez de l'opéra de Spofford.
10:56Oui, eh bien, je ne vais pas à n'importe quelle opéra juste pour m'étonner.
10:59Oh, ces saloperies qui m'empêchent de respirer font que mes épaules grossissent.
11:03Oui, si aucun de mes amis ne s'est pas étonné, je n'aurai rien à faire !
11:07Eh bien, on pourrait aller à un réhearsal d'opéra...
11:10en disguise.
11:21Sous-titres réalisés para la communauté d'
11:51Transcription par Michel Cantigneau
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