You Are Covered - Touré Roberts

  • il y a 3 mois
00:00:00I have a word from the Lord for you. I believe it's going to help you. It's going to help
00:00:25us. Basis, Texas, Romans 8, 31 through 34, it says, What then shall we say to these things?
00:00:39If God is for us, who can be against us? He who did not spare his own son, but delivered
00:00:50him up for us all, how shall he not with him also freely give us all things? Whom shall
00:00:59bring a charge against God's elect? It is God who justifies. Who is he who condemns?
00:01:08It is Christ who died and furthermore is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God,
00:01:16who also makes intercession for us. Father, I thank you so much. God, we thank you for
00:01:25this opportunity to gather God, to be in your presence, in your courts, to hear your word,
00:01:30to speak with you, to dwell among you. We love you. What a privilege and an honor. Father,
00:01:37I thank you for the rich love that you have for each and every person under the sound
00:01:43of my voice. Hallelujah. Radical love, relentless love, love that pursues and chases, love that
00:01:52we couldn't push away if we tried. We thank you for that. Father, I thank you for the
00:01:58spirit of wisdom and revelation and insight and knowledge and prophecy and power and the
00:02:05ability to reach into the hearts of the mind, the soul, the body with your truth that will
00:02:13bring about breakthrough and blessing and victory and transformation and that we might be a little
00:02:21more aligned leaving than we were upon entering. So I thank you. I love you. May the words of my
00:02:28mouth and the meditation in my heart be acceptable in your sight. Blessed is your precious children
00:02:34in Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Amen. God bless you. Please be seated.
00:02:43The thought that I want to
00:02:48impart, reinforce today is really a declaration that I pray means something more deeply to you
00:02:57upon leaving than it has in your life up to this point. And what God wanted me to make certain that
00:03:05you knew is that you are covered. You're covered. You are covered. And I want to talk about that.
00:03:15As I stare at Jesus, and we are wise to stare at Jesus because the scriptures say that Jesus
00:03:23is the express image of the invisible God. And so no one had seen God. And so when you look at
00:03:32Jesus, you have to understand that Jesus came to be a perfect expression, not from a physical
00:03:39perspective, but from a spiritual perspective that would bring you into not only the heart of God,
00:03:47but what relationship with God should look like. Jesus was the model. Are you tracking with me?
00:03:54And there are a lot of reasons that we can deduce for Jesus coming, of course, to become our sin
00:04:01and, and many things. In fact, one of the things that I appreciate the most about him, this is
00:04:05actually the, it might be the only scripture that speaks with the word purpose as it relates to
00:04:13Jesus, as it relates to Jesus coming, it says, for this purpose, this is in John,
00:04:18first John, I think 215. So read your whole Bible. I promise you'll find it.
00:04:24But it says for this purpose, the son of God was manifest that he might destroy the works of the
00:04:31devil. I taught on this in a message called identity crisis in Dallas about a month ago,
00:04:36but it's a couple of weeks ago, rather, but it says for this purpose, the son of God was
00:04:43manifest that he might destroy the works of the devil. Now it makes you wonder in question,
00:04:50then what is he referencing when he talks about destroying the works of the devil? He, he did not
00:04:55destroy the work of the devil, the work of the devil happened, but he destroyed the works or the
00:05:02residual effect of the enemy. So what is the residual effect of the enemy that Jesus came to
00:05:11destroy? It essentially is his lies. The, the, the, one of the identities of the enemy that we
00:05:20often miss. And I think that we miss it by intentionality of the other guy is that he is
00:05:26an accuser of the brethren. So he is a liar. So the greatest threat of the enemy is not him
00:05:35killing you. He can't kill you unless the Lord gives him permission. He doesn't have that type
00:05:38of power, but it is him lying to you and then causing you to subscribe to his lie
00:05:46and thereby have your identity shaped pervertedly. I think I made up a word.
00:05:51So when it talks about Jesus coming to destroy the works of the devil,
00:05:55he is talking about him coming to watch this, tear down the strongholds in your thinking
00:06:01that are the by-product of the lies that Satan fed you and that you ultimately ate.
00:06:08Can we, if you stay with me, I promise it'll make a whole bunch of sense. No, that, that,
00:06:13that's the issue. Paul said it, he put it this way in second Corinthians 10 and, and somewhere
00:06:19around verse three through five, he says, for the weapons of our warfare are not carnal,
00:06:25but they're mighty through God to the pulling down of strong. You read that to the pulling
00:06:30down of strongholds, casting down imaginations and every high thing that exalts itself against
00:06:36the knowledge of God. Stay with me, bringing every thought into obedience. So it says the
00:06:42weapons of our warfare are not carnal, but they're mighty through God to the pulling down.
00:06:47Watch this word of strongholds. Now, if you look up that word strongholds, it has the idea of a
00:06:53castle. And if you, and just, I'm just going to help you. I'm not going to take you all the way
00:06:57through. I'm going to help you right now. When it says strongholds at the weapons of our warfare
00:07:01are mighty through God to the pulling down of strongholds. The stronghold watch this is a
00:07:06fortified argument in your mind. So the warfare is really over what you think it's over your
00:07:16perspective. It's over your, how you perceive things. And that's why Joyce Meyer wrote a
00:07:21wonderful book called the battlefield of the mind, because that is actually where the battlefield
00:07:27is. So the works of the devil watch this is what he caused you to believe. And as a result of that
00:07:33belief that has become a fortified argument, your life now is moving in a particular way
00:07:39because I move according to how I think as a man thinks. So as he, I cannot separate how I move
00:07:45from what I think. I am what I think. Are you tracking with me? So Jesus, one of the big purposes,
00:07:52one of the main purposes, it's the only place in scripture where it articulates the purpose
00:07:59for Jesus coming is to destroy the lies. And how you have been shaped, I feel the Holy Spirit,
00:08:08because if you ever got a revelation of who you truly were and you can see who you truly were
00:08:13clearly and can, I feel the spirit of God. If you can see it clearly and consistently, your life
00:08:21will look radically different because you would have no fear. You would move in power and victory.
00:08:26You would understand that you were created in the image and the likeness of God and that God
00:08:30is for you. And if he's for you, who can be against you? All of us will be so much further
00:08:39and all of us will go so much further as we begin to understand what our weapons are, as we begin
00:08:48to understand what happened to us and as we begin to understand what Jesus came to do and that is
00:08:56to destroy those works. And along that line of understanding,
00:09:02I begin to stare at Jesus a little more deeply and I realize something, another reason
00:09:12for why he came. If you study all of, most of I should say, all is a generalization and I try to
00:09:19avoid them as much as possible, but when you when you look at all of the depictions of God Almighty
00:09:28up until the time that Jesus came, he was just known as God.
00:09:36When Jesus shows up, he has new language about God and Jesus is not calling God God very often,
00:09:47he is calling him Father. And this was so radical, this is such a radical departure
00:09:56departure from how the religious people were experiencing God and quite frankly projecting
00:10:02and describing God that they were angry with Jesus because how dare you insinuate the notion
00:10:12that this holy God could be intimately accessed in the same manner that a child and a father is
00:10:20accessed. Are we tracking? They weren't just mad at, you know, just they weren't just evil
00:10:28necessarily, but I'm sure there were two or three people that were crazy.
00:10:33But the bigger idea is that this was such a radical departure from how they saw God
00:10:41and acknowledged God and experienced God. Jesus is walking around here
00:10:46talking about it, yeah that's my father, my father's talking to me and yes it's my father,
00:10:50I only do what I see my father do. And they were like, what are you talking about? Because somehow
00:10:58the perspective of God as father got lost because in the beginning it is very much
00:11:06a fatherly relationship. Can we talk for a second? I mean just think about it, God creates man
00:11:15in his own image and likeness. You can't tell me there ain't a father. Oh, would your child look
00:11:23like you? You'd be like, yeah, that's my boy, that's my girl. Too far, I'm sorry.
00:11:33He creates humankind in his image and in his likeness, the full expression, male and female
00:11:43is the full expression of the image and the likeness of God. Then he gives them a habitat,
00:11:49he provides for them, gives them this incredible vast habitat that all they have to do is work the
00:11:57stuff that he put in them and they would therefore be abundantly supplied for, provided for and would
00:12:04be fruitful and multiplied. They would have dominion and all these sort of things. There's
00:12:08nothing in there to suggest that there was this super formal and super religious relationship
00:12:14between God and humankind. It looked very much like a fathership. I think I made up a word,
00:12:21but you get what I'm saying. It looked very much like a relationship between father and children,
00:12:29right? And then what happens? The liar in the form of the snake, watch this, comes in
00:12:36and the liar begins to say, God ain't your daddy. He didn't say that. Look at what he says.
00:12:47He says, God is jealous of you. He said, God is trying to keep you from your best.
00:12:57God is a liar. Watch this, God is in competition with you.
00:13:03So the enemy comes and he perverts the character of God because he knows that if he can get them
00:13:10to buy into a perverted image of God, then that relationship will be broken.
00:13:19That's why you have to watch out for gossiping people. I'm just going to digress. I'll bring
00:13:24it back to you. You have to watch out for gossiping people. Here's the problem with
00:13:28people. Here's the problem with gossiping people. They mess up relationships.
00:13:34That's in the Bible. It says they separate even the best of friends.
00:13:40That was for free. That was for free. Particularly
00:13:46gossiping people who gossip in the name of spirituality. A prayerful concern.
00:13:58I don't know if I should say, I don't know. You know.
00:14:04I think we need to pray for brother so-and-so, for sister so-and-so. Why child?
00:14:13Well, I heard. Anyway, I digress.
00:14:20Just tell your neighbor, watch your mouth, watch your mouth, watch your mouth.
00:14:23All right. Second service, I get a little crazy. I get a little crazy. So you got to give me some
00:14:28grace. But so the enemy comes and he essentially violates the perspective that has shaped this
00:14:37relationship. And so the first family disconnect from God. They no longer see God as father. They
00:14:48do what they do, right? They eat of the fruit. They do what they do. And their eyes are open.
00:14:53And watch this. When their eyes are open, now all of a sudden they're fearful.
00:15:00They're fearful. There's nothing to suggest that before the perversion of the character of God
00:15:08had taken place that they were fearful. They were fruitful, not fearful.
00:15:13But then when the enemy comes in and he causes them to not see father for father, but to see
00:15:19father for competition, fear enters in. Isn't that interesting? Watch this. They were fully affirmed
00:15:30in the former environment because the scriptures say that they were naked and unashamed. They
00:15:35had full self-acceptance. Now all of a sudden they look at themselves, they're afraid.
00:15:42Now they're naked and afraid. They're naked and ashamed. Not naked and unashamed. Naked
00:15:50and ashamed. Now watch this. Because the father relationship was broken, what left also was
00:15:56validation. Come on, don't play with me. I'm going somewhere. Validation left when the father
00:16:07perspective left. Validation left. Self-affirmation left. And they begin to put themselves on clearance.
00:16:16Jesus, as it relates to what he was modeling, came to restore our relationship with the Almighty,
00:16:27not simply as God, as Jehovah, as Elohim, as Yahweh. Yes, God has all those things,
00:16:35but as it relates, that's about his power, his ability, what he can do.
00:16:39What he did, what he can do, but as it relates to you and I, I don't need to, I need to know that my father
00:16:46is El Shaddai. I need to know that my father has power and all that kind of stuff so that I can
00:16:52trust him in the right way. But what I need to know more than any of that is that he's my father.
00:16:58Because there's a difference between him being solely my God and him being my father.
00:17:05Because there's a difference between him being solely my God and him being my father and my God.
00:17:16Jesus, he moved differently, much differently than the religious leaders of his time.
00:17:23Here's what it says about Jesus. It says when Jesus spoke, he spoke as he had a boldness on him.
00:17:30It says he spoke as one who had authority, watch this, not as the scribes. So the religious, watch
00:17:37this, the religious people, the preachers and the teachers of that time, who only had a revelation
00:17:43of the father as God and not the father, watch this, had less authority
00:17:52than Jesus who saw him more as father.
00:18:00Are you hearing me? So, so, so, so this religious perspective of God was not working. It diminished
00:18:08their power and their authority. They had to be religious and enforce rules and try to, to force
00:18:13people into following them. Jesus didn't have to force anybody. He had a relationship with the
00:18:20father. He moved with power and authority. He was on a different thing and he would just say,
00:18:25follow me, boom, and the masses would follow him. And one difference between him and them is he saw God
00:18:36as father. Are you tracking with me? And I will submit to you right now that if you
00:18:43only see God as God, if you don't see God as father, you're going to lack the trust
00:18:51the type of trust, watch this, that you need in order to take risk
00:18:58and to be obedient. I wish I could say that the way I see it.
00:19:05Some of you won't move because you don't see God as father.
00:19:11But when you see him as father, you move different. Jesus was moving differently. They were talking,
00:19:16talking, Jesus, like my father, this, my father, that my, it made him stick his chest out.
00:19:22He's not just my God, he's my father. And because he came from the father,
00:19:26he could see it clearly. And you have to pay attention to how Jesus moved. There was a reason
00:19:31why he was calling him father more than anything else is because he wants you to call him father.
00:19:36And there are many people in here and you can call him God, but you cannot call him father.
00:19:42And watch this. Not only can you not call him father, but you can't call him Abba father,
00:19:52which is what the scripture says that we're supposed to say. It's what we're supposed to
00:19:56move in. When we recognize the truth of God has been introduced to us by his Holy spirit. Let me
00:20:02prove it. Romans eight, go to Romans eight real quick in verse 15. Let me show you something.
00:20:06Romans 8, 15. I think that's what I gave you. Whatever Romans eight scripture I put up there,
00:20:10Romans 8, 15. Is it there? And you're going to bring it as they're looking at it. Good.
00:20:14No, that's not 8, 15. I'm going to tell you what it says. It says you haven't received the spirit
00:20:22of God. You haven't received the spirit of bondage to fear.
00:20:31Put it up there. It's worth finding it put up there. Romans 8, 15. I want them to see it. Thank
00:20:35you. It says for you did not receive. Watch this. The spirit of bondage. Watch this again to fear.
00:20:44So remember what happened when their perspective about God as father was perverted and violated
00:20:50what was introduced and fear created bondage, right? So he's saying here for you did not
00:20:58receive the spirit of bondage again to fear. That was yesteryears, but you receive the spirit
00:21:07of adoption by whom we cry out. Abba what? Abba father. Abba father. It's like saying daddy.
00:21:22It's not saying, oh, holy and righteous went high and lifted up in the train,
00:21:26and that's wonderful. All that is true, but that's not what he says. You're going to say
00:21:32when you truly have a relationship with God and an encounter with the holy spirit,
00:21:37a deep work takes place that begins to reveal to you that he's not simply the high and lifted up
00:21:44one, but he is Abba father who will get down in the cracks and the crevices with you and lift up his
00:21:52child. And when you see God that way, it changes everything.
00:22:04It changes everything because a father watch this covers.
00:22:14When you see God as father, you see God as a covering as a, as a provider, as a protector,
00:22:21as a keeper, as my covering watch this and someone who is intimately invested in me,
00:22:31intimately invested in me. Put up Luke 11, 11 real quick. Just give me a minute. I'm
00:22:40going to tie it all in together. We'd be out like seven o'clock tonight. We'd be out. You know,
00:22:43you can still have your father's day dinner, be a little late dinner, but you'll still have it.
00:22:47Watch this. And I think it's 11 through something, but let's just keep going until I stop.
00:22:53It says, if a son asked for a bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone?
00:22:58It's a rhetorical, of course not. If he asked for a fish, will he give a serpent instead of a fish?
00:23:04Of course not. If he asked for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? Of course not. It says,
00:23:10if then, if you then being evil, now evil is relative. He's not calling you evil. He's,
00:23:16first of all, Jesus was a master exaggerator to get a point across. He's showing the difference
00:23:22between the heavenly father and an earthly father. He says, if you then being evil and some of you
00:23:27might not get, uh, if you then being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children. Look at
00:23:34this father language. He says, how much more now this is interesting. How much more will your
00:23:39heavenly father give the Holy spirit to those who ask him? Why does he want us to have more of
00:23:46the Holy spirit? He wants us to have more of the Holy spirit because the Holy spirit helps us to
00:23:51understand and to come into the consciousness of the reality that he is our father. And once we
00:23:57settle in our hearts that he is our father, we move differently.
00:24:06We move differently. He's my daddy. Abba father. He not just my God, my daddy.
00:24:17He's he's, he's like really into me. He's not trying to make me some religious robot and
00:24:25sitting there trying to grade me on all the spiritual or religious things that are due.
00:24:29No father doesn't do that. A father doesn't care like that. A father cares about you.
00:24:37I love my kids. I'm an earthly father. I love my kids and I know all of my kids flaws
00:24:43and I want the best for them. Absolutely. But at the end of the day, I don't care.
00:24:48Come on. I just love you. I'm into you.
00:24:56At the end of the day, come helmet or high water.
00:25:04I'm into you. The good, the bad, the ugly at the end of the day, I don't care. And I'm a human
00:25:13father. See, this is messing with some of your theology right now. I'm glad it is. It's supposed
00:25:19to. He doesn't care like that as it relates to loving you, as it relates to calling you his own,
00:25:29as it relates to being for you. That's why if we would have kept reading in that Romans 8 chapter,
00:25:35it would have said, what shall separate me from the love of Christ? And he names a list of all
00:25:41the things that should separate. And none of it does because father is for you and it ain't nothing
00:25:48you can do about it. His goodness and his mercy is going to follow you all the days of your life.
00:25:55Can we go a little further? So father is about a covering. And when you have the revelation and
00:26:03the consciousness of father, you feel covered. And when you feel covered, you move differently.
00:26:09I remember, you know, I grew up in Watson and we had kind of a different set of rules
00:26:17and the subculture of the community that I grew up in. And in this particular neighborhood,
00:26:22there was this cat. Oh, for those of you, the interpretation of cat is not like a cat.
00:26:30It's a gentleman. Okay, just so you know, I'm going to probably have to translate through
00:26:34this a little bit. If you don't have any hood, you know, background or context, I'll translate
00:26:39where necessary. Okay. So, so there was this, this fine gentleman who, who lived in the neighborhood.
00:26:46He was older than me. He was bigger than me. And he used to pick on me. And, uh, you know,
00:26:55he ain't going to be on too long. Um, so, uh, I had a, I had a cousin who was like my brother.
00:27:00He was an older cousin. Uh, and, uh, his name is Theo of blessed memory. But, um, but he was my,
00:27:07he was like my big brother. And, and every time I was around him, I felt covered.
00:27:13So the bully just so happened to catch me on a day where my covering was nearby. Theo was right
00:27:20there. And so, uh, and so I looked at him and he was talking, he was popping off. Oh, popping off,
00:27:26by the way, means, means trash talk means language that was not validating or affirming.
00:27:35That's what that. And so I looked at my cousin who was right there and I was like,
00:27:44I just kind of gave him that look like, like you got me. And he's like, he's like, I got,
00:27:48Oh, that means, no, I'm kidding. Um, so I, um, once we made that contact, I went over to the
00:27:57dude and I took off on him taking off on a person means that you commence to, uh, swinging on him.
00:28:08So I take off on this guy right now, this particular gentleman, uh, he had some pretty
00:28:19good boxing skills that I was, um, unaware of when I had this bold, uh, burst of heroism
00:28:29and that dude, let me put it this way. I have never been hit that many times in that short,
00:28:42a period of time with that type of velocity. I mean,
00:28:50and my cousin Theo stepped in and, um, um,
00:29:01accosted the fine gentlemen. And, uh, and then I was able to get my licks in. I'm not proud of
00:29:08that moment. And maybe that's not the best analogy. The point that I'm making is you take
00:29:19risks when you have a covering, you're brave. When you have a covering, you do things when you
00:29:25know that you are covered, you become a different person thinking about Jesus and,
00:29:37and he called the father, the father, the majority of the time.
00:29:43There's only one time. There's one time rather not only, but one time that's very noticeable
00:29:48that his language changes. And it's when he was on the cross paying the price and dying.
00:29:56Jesus was my father, my father, my father, everything is my father, my father. Yeah.
00:30:00You know, I only do what I see my father do. And you don't know what you're talking about
00:30:03because my father, my father bears witness. He was bragging on his father. And I believe that's
00:30:07what gave him the confidence and the boldness to move and to do the things that he was going to do.
00:30:11Even going to the cross itself. But there was a moment on the cross where, I mean, this is the
00:30:19worst moment on the cross. He has become sin and he has to literally become the price, the punishment
00:30:28for sin. And there was a moment where he has a shift in the sense of identity of the father.
00:30:36Of the father. And in that moment, he says, not my father. Why have you forsaken me?
00:30:43He says, my God, my God, why have you forsaken me?
00:30:49It was so rough and so intense that in that moment, watch this. He calls him
00:30:55God and not father, because at that moment he does not feel covered. He doesn't feel covered.
00:31:07And that's kind of how we are. If you only see God as father, you miss the reality of the blessing
00:31:15of feeling covered. And I'll tell you right now, there's some of you and you're called to things
00:31:22that you can't do if you only see God as God. If you only see God as God, you're not going to feel
00:31:32covered enough to take those tight. You're going to be religious and you're going to have a million
00:31:37religious reasons of why you're not moving toward. I'm waiting on God. It sounds stuff like I'm
00:31:42waiting on the Lord and I'm just waiting on God or God gave me. No, he didn't.
00:31:49You just don't trust him enough because you don't see him as daddy.
00:31:55My, my, my, my, all my children, they trust me. If I say jump, they'll jump literally because they
00:32:04trust in the relationship because they know I love them. They know I got them. They know I'll die for them.
00:32:12Can I take my time and walk a little slower? We're almost done.
00:32:17And so this, this idea of knowing God as father is everything. And Jesus is trying to
00:32:23get us to see it. If you model what Jesus did, you'll get it right. And Jesus also now, not only is
00:32:32demonstrating what a father, divine father and child relationship looks like, but he begins to
00:32:41move like a father as well. And he becomes a covering. I'm reminded of something that I read.
00:32:46It was over in Luke chapter or Matthew. No Luke chapter 22 and verse 31. You know, the story,
00:32:57remember when Jesus goes to Peter and he says, Simon, Simon, you know, his name was Simon. Peter
00:33:02says, Simon, Simon, he says, Satan has asked me, he's asked for you that he may sift you as we
00:33:12that he may sift you as we watch this. He goes to Peter. Hey man, Satan has asked for you
00:33:18that he might sift you as we, he said, but I prayed for you that your faith won't fail.
00:33:24And that's a covering, but there's some things in there because I think this is important to
00:33:28understand father and how fathers operate. Because if you don't understand how fathers
00:33:35operate, you may miss it. I was a little perplexed by that because I don't know. I would expect
00:33:40my God or my father. If I like, if Satan wrote up on him and say, Hey man, I want to write
00:33:47and I want to sift him as we, uh, if you're going to pray for me, pray that he won't sift me.
00:33:57If you, my father pray, pray that he won't. You know what I mean? I was a little before
00:34:01I had understanding. I was a little taken back a little bit by what he prayed. You can pray anything
00:34:08and Satan, not some, not some demon Satan himself wants to have his way with me.
00:34:15And all you praying is that my faith won't fail. Don't judge me. I mean, you will feel the same way,
00:34:23but I got it. I understood it because if you understand that daddy loves you
00:34:31and that daddy is only committed to your best, then you look at that differently
00:34:40because daddy won't let anything happen to me. That is not going to ultimately bless me
00:34:46in the end. Are you, you got to get this because the scripture say that those that God loves,
00:34:54hear me, you got to get this. If you don't get this, you will miss the benefits and the blessing
00:34:58of a father. If it says who God loves, he chastens, which means that the only reason why
00:35:08Jesus would pray that his faith wouldn't fail and not that God would deliver him from that moment
00:35:13or rebuke Satan in that moment is it must have been the truth that whatever this sift thing was
00:35:20going to do was going to manifest a version of Peter that was so powerful and so incredible that
00:35:28that would in hindsight be a light affliction. Are you hearing what I'm saying? And if you look at
00:35:33the end of Peter's journey, he was a bad boy. He went from denying Jesus to standing up on the day
00:35:40of Pentecost, preaching the powerful word of God amongst those that he knew hated him. And the
00:35:46movement was started on him. I feel that. See, sometimes you got to go through a thing or two
00:35:51to have a movement. I feel the Lord. There's a movement in some of you and you're saying, God,
00:35:57get me out of the fire, deliver me from the fire. And God is saying, if I deliver you from the fire,
00:36:03I will rob you of your purpose. I will rob you of the movement that is in you. So what I'm gonna do
00:36:09instead is I'm gonna pray that your faith won't fail. I'm gonna pray that you know, I love you.
00:36:15I'm gonna pray that you know, I'm your father. I'm gonna pray that you know, I will leave you
00:36:18and not forsake you. I'm gonna pray that you know that this weapon that is formed against you
00:36:23will not prosper. Will you trust me? Even when I make you walk through the valley
00:36:29of the shadow of death, will you know that I am with you?
00:36:33I love you.
00:36:40There's some things that I can deliver my kids out of,
00:36:46but I know that if I deliver them out of it, I'm gonna deform them.
00:36:54There is a deliverance that leads to deformity. Are you tracking with me? And if I love you,
00:37:01I'm gonna do everything in my power to make certain that you are shaped for the destiny
00:37:07that's on your life. I'm not gonna bring you out of the oven too soon, but I'm gonna be right there
00:37:12watching. I'm gonna be right there watching to make sure you don't get, I feel the Holy Ghost,
00:37:17to make sure you don't get burned. It might get a little warm. It might get a little rough. You
00:37:22might have to sweat a little bit. You might be uncomfortable, but I will make sure that this fire
00:37:29doesn't burn you because I'm Abba Father. I'm not just there to be good for you on the outside.
00:37:38I gotta make sure you're good on the inside. Are you tracking? Those he loves, he corrects. And
00:37:46some of you have said, God, you're not good. Or God, you're not my father. Or God, I feel distant
00:37:51from you because of what you allowed me to go through. No, that's a part of daddy too.
00:38:01But just know this, you're not going through it alone. And if you're going through it,
00:38:06I've already pre-qualified you to come out on the other side. And not just to come out on the other
00:38:12side, but to come out on the other side, you're better than you were upon going in. This is the
00:38:17God that I serve. If I'm in a fight, and I feel this for somebody, if I'm in a fight, if you're
00:38:22in a fight, if you're in the middle of a fire, you needed this because if you didn't know God loved
00:38:28you, you would quit. And I feel this. You needed to know he was your father. You needed to know
00:38:32that he was intimately connected to you. You needed to know this because it was getting real
00:38:38hot. And you were thinking about turning around or collapsing or giving up. But God sent me here
00:38:42to tell you. He says, I know the way that you take. I know right where you are. There is not a step
00:38:48or dilemma or circumstance that you have found yourself in that I, Abba Father,
00:38:56have not predestined for you to prevail in.
00:39:02And so we see Jesus modeling the Father by covering
00:39:08him while he's here. And then even after he's raised from the dead, which brings us to our text,
00:39:14God bless you, in Romans 8 and 34, we're about done. He says, it's Christ who died and furthered,
00:39:23God bless you, is also risen, who is even at the right hand of God, who also makes intercession
00:39:31for us. He can't leave us alone. He's fulfilled his mission. He's done his work. He preached,
00:39:43he taught, he loved us, and all this kind of stuff. And you would think that he would sit
00:39:49down at the right hand of the Father and just chill. But he can't get enough of you.
00:39:57No, he doesn't chill. All he's doing now is interceding.
00:40:10That's why when I say you are covered, I don't care how lonely the moment gets.
00:40:15I don't care how tumultuous to see. Right now, your heavenly Father
00:40:31is so radically into you that he has a full-time job interceding for you.
00:40:38Right now, I thank God for intercessors. I believe in intercessors. I love intercessors
00:40:48because people who are covered should cover. But even if I didn't have one intercessor,
00:40:55even if I didn't have one person to call my name in prayer,
00:41:00in my most difficult battle, I have a high priest
00:41:10right now with authority to pray. Let me tell you what that word intercession means.
00:41:18Let me tell you what that word intercession means. That word intercession, literally,
00:41:21when you look it up in the Greek, it literally means to make ready or bring to pass.
00:41:27To make ready or bring to pass. So, Jesus could have been chilling,
00:41:37could have taken the rest of eternity off. He's sitting there and he is so into me and you
00:41:47that he's interceding. And you know, we like to say he's interceding for us and he likes to group
00:41:54us all together. That's all cute. No, he's interceding for you. He says, for I know the
00:42:01plans that I have for you, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, to give you a future and
00:42:10hope. So, he's praying. Watch this. He's praying to get things ready.
00:42:17Oh, you got to catch this. While you're worried about whether or not God sees you,
00:42:26while you're worried about whether or not God's going to bring you out or bring it to pass,
00:42:31the reason why he prayed that your faith wouldn't fail, because all you got to do is hold on to
00:42:37faith because I'm working it out. My intercession is getting it ready. My intercession
00:42:48is removing the wrong people out of your midst. My intercession is closing the wrong doors.
00:42:55My intercession is getting it ready. My intercession is opening the right doors.
00:43:01My intercession is getting you in the right place at the right time with the right attitude and the
00:43:06right level of wholeness because he is going to bring it to pass. If that's your word, do me a
00:43:13favor and give the high priest a shot. Oh, gosh. Yeah, yeah, yeah. He's interceding for me.
00:43:23He's praying for me. I'm covered. I'm covered. I'm covered. I'm covered. I'm covered. I'm covered.
00:43:30I'm covered. I'm covered. You're covered. You're covered. Come on. I feel God in this house.
00:43:36You're covered. You're covered. You're covered. You're covered. You're covered. He who has begun
00:43:42a good work in you is going to complete it.
00:43:47Uh-huh. Something's about to happen on Father's Day. I feel God. I just need about 100 people
00:43:55to catch what I'm saying, to hear Abba Father saying, I'm for you, and if I am for you, who?
00:44:03What? Can anything be against you? What can separate you from the love of God?
00:44:17Not tribulation, not peril, not persecution, not life, not death, not principalities,
00:44:25or any other thing will be able to separate you from the love of God.
00:44:34You're covered. You're covered. You're covered. You're forever covered. You got a high priest.
00:44:44He's interceding for you right now. He's fighting on your behalf. That's why you don't have to worry
00:44:49about fighting your enemies. You don't have to worry about fighting your antagonists. That's
00:44:53why he says pray for your enemies because they cannot stop what God is doing in your life.
00:45:02Just pray for him. Pray for him and move on because God has ordained great things for you.
00:45:14Uh-huh. I got a high priest. I got a high priest, and he's my daddy. I got my own high priest,
00:45:21and he's my father. He's not just my God. He's my father. He's my daddy. He knows me by name.
00:45:28He knows everything about me, my uprisings, my down sittings, my great things, and my weak things,
00:45:35and none of that moves him. None of that moves him. He loves me just the way I am,
00:45:45and if I never change, his love will remain the same. This is the God I serve.
00:45:50You're covered. You're covered. You're covered. You're covered. Never alone. I feel that
00:46:05the next time the enemy tries to tell you that God's forgotten about you,
00:46:10say you're a lie. How can he forget about me when my life is in front of him right now
00:46:16because he's in a seat? I feel the Holy Ghost. I wish I had about a thousand people
00:46:24that are ready to give God radical glory and radical praise. I have a high priest.
00:46:32I have a high priest. I have a high priest. I have a high priest. I have a high priest.
00:46:38I have a high priest. I have a high priest. I have a high priest making intercession for me,
00:46:45and his prayers work. He's praying.
00:46:53He's getting it ready. He's getting it ready. He's getting it ready. Uh-huh. I tell you what,
00:47:01I get it. You've never seen love like this before. I get it. I get it. On this Father's Day, I get it.
00:47:15It's hard to fathom, hard to believe because even the best dad will let you down.
00:47:25Let me tell you something. There's a passage of scripture in the Psalms. It says, when my,
00:47:33it says when, not if. It says, when my mother and my father forsake me,
00:47:37then the Lord will take care of me, right? You might say, man, wait a minute. My mother
00:47:44is great. My father is great. They'll never, they'll never forsake me. Well, you got to
00:47:48understand what that word means. Look up that word that was translated forsake as a Hebrew word,
00:47:53and it literally means to relinquish. So it better reads, when my mother and my father
00:47:58relinquish me, you have to relinquish something that doesn't belong to you.
00:48:02Mom and dad are just the instruments through which you got here. God says, before I formed
00:48:07you in the belly, I knew you. I was your father before your father. And at some point in time,
00:48:18they're going to have to relinquish you to me. And that relinquishing can happen through a number
00:48:22of ways. Sometimes that relinquish, that relinquishing happens through someone transitioning.
00:48:28Sometimes that relinquishing happens through a rejection.
00:48:33Sometimes. And if it happened through rejection, let me pause for a moment. If it happened to
00:48:37rejection, let me just be honest with you. Sometimes God allows the rejection of a father
00:48:44to keep you from having to unlearn something that would keep you from who you were called to be.
00:48:51You're like, what are you talking about, PT? It is possible that God allows you to
00:48:58for your desire for that particular dad to have spent more time with you,
00:49:04to blind you from understanding that had he spent more time with you, he would have shaped
00:49:10you with things that you might have to spend the rest of your life in therapy,
00:49:15getting out of you. Sometimes it's like that. But there has to be a relinquishing. Sometimes
00:49:24a relinquishing happens through a transition. Sometimes a relinquishing happens through a
00:49:27rejection. There are a number of reasons of how and why it could be just a not unhealthy
00:49:37relationship altogether. And therefore there was some separation. But God says in his word
00:49:43that when that relinquishing takes place, God says, then I will. And that word, if you just
00:49:47study it, I'm just going to tell you, I will gather you for a purpose. So we have to get to
00:49:53father. We have to get to father. I love my kids with all my heart. I will die for them today,
00:49:59right now for any one of them. But I will not do them any service if I don't get them to their
00:50:09father, their everlasting father, because my time is limited. It's limited. We have to get to father.
00:50:21Watch this. Not to God. I get that. The religious people gonna be mad at me for saying that. I don't
00:50:25care because I'm loved. And I don't need their validation of religious people.
00:50:34I submit to you that you have to get to father. You have to get to Abba, father.
00:50:48And I want to pray with you. I feel the spirit so strong. And God gave me this message for you.
00:50:56It's a shift. You're like, well, is it semantics? No, it's different.
00:51:00How you see Abba, father, daddy, daddy. That's intimacy. That's trust. That's connection.
00:51:10That's adoption. I've been claimed. A child is not born rejected.
00:51:19Child is born like, hey, mommy, daddy, hey. Watch this. And they're spoiled because they're
00:51:26supposed to be. They're supposed to be. If you're here, and man, you're like, man, I never really,
00:51:37if I'm honest, like, you know, I can do my little cute church prayer,
00:51:41father, God, father, God, father, God. But I don't really mean it. I don't feel like
00:51:51God is proud of me.
00:51:56He was proud of you before you became you. Created you in his image. Who
00:52:01makes an image of something that they're not proud of?
00:52:07I'm proud of you. You're mine. Yeah, but what about this? What about that? That's your hang up.
00:52:14I never told you that I didn't love you because of any broken area. Who gave, who told you that?
00:52:22Oh, it sounded like the serpent again. I never said that. When did I ever say that?
00:52:27When did I ever say that I have degrees of love? A big old vast amount of love for the perfect,
00:52:34which is delusional. And maybe just a little, I'll give you 70% of my love if you're okay,
00:52:41some of the time. And oh my God, if you're just a hellion or a hellraiser, you only get a little.
00:52:49Or a hellraiser, you only get a little. Who said, who told you that God loves in degrees?
00:52:56God cannot love in degrees because in order to love in degrees, you have to be
00:53:02degreeous. I just made up a word. But you have to be, you have to be in degrees to love in degrees.
00:53:08God is holy. He's whole. He's complete. He couldn't, he couldn't love you less if he wanted to.
00:53:14He would cease being God.
00:53:20And he doesn't kick you out of the family.
00:53:24Enough, you can no longer bear my name. No. I hear God saying, come home.
00:53:33Come home. I love you. So I want to pray for some people here today. I know God sent me.
00:53:43And I want to pray in particular for some people who you have known God as God,
00:53:52but if you're honest, you haven't known him as daddy. You haven't known him as daddy.
00:54:00But you want to know him as daddy. You want to feel the nearness, the embrace on father. Look at
00:54:08this on father's day. Man, somebody needs a spiritual hug.
00:54:17From, from the one who gets you better than you get yourself. If that's you, I just want you to
00:54:23get down here and meet me at this altar really quickly. Just, I just want you to come. Abba,
00:54:29father, I need Abba. I don't need God. I don't need all the great I am. That's wonderful. I don't
00:54:35need that right now. I need Abba. I need Abba father. I need Abba father. I need Abba father.
00:54:44I need Abba father. I need my daddy. I need my daddy. I need my daddy, my daddy, my daddy,
00:54:54my daddy. And you will know God as daddy for real, because he's going to touch you and talk to you
00:55:02and minister to you. And I hear God saying he's going to restore the years. Everything you felt
00:55:08like you missed. Oh God, I'm trying to articulate this the way I see it. I see this flourishing,
00:55:16budding relationship and God's going to show you. He's going to show you he's been there all along.
00:55:24I remember I was about 18 and, um, I had a friend from, um, 12 years old to a transition when,
00:55:41when I was 18, I think 18 or 19. But when I used to go to this friend's house, his friend had both
00:55:48parents at the house and his dad, him and his dad, they were real close. And, uh, they just
00:55:55had a great bond, great relationship. And I used to be a little envious, not in an evil way, but
00:56:00I used to be like, man, wish I had dad like, wow. And I remember I was about 18. I went to God and
00:56:09I just said, God, he asked you something. I'm like, Lord, you know, like, how come,
00:56:14how come you didn't let me have like a dad? Like, well, you know, how come you didn't let me grow up
00:56:18with a dad? You know what I mean? It's like a real question. And you know what God said to me?
00:56:24God said, how long have I been with you?
00:56:30And did you not recognize that I've been your dad the whole time? And I begin to look back over my
00:56:37life. And I thought about the things that a dad does protects. I'm from Watts boy.
00:56:46People were dying all around me. Like every, I mean, they're wonderful people, every place, but,
00:56:51but every negative, bad thing that can happen was happening all around me. But goodness and mercy
00:56:56was following me all the days of my life. God was protecting me and shielding me. And he was
00:57:01warning me where there was danger and all these sort of things. And God started saying like,
00:57:07I've always been your father. I've always been there just because you didn't recognize it. I
00:57:17get that. I understand it, but that doesn't mean I was there. See, that's the type of God we serve.
00:57:22Even when you're not looking for him, even when you're not paying attention to him, even when
00:57:25you're not worshiping him. See, if you don't see, see, if you only see God as God, you'll know,
00:57:29you won't feel worthy of God's presence and God's protection if you weren't checking for him.
00:57:34But if you see him as father, and even when you weren't checking for him, goodness and mercy
00:57:40was still following you. Goodness and mercy, goodness and mercy. And I tell you, I hear me.
00:57:48He's been there. He's been there. So this is just a moment of awakening. That's all. It's awakening
00:57:59to the reality of your father, not your God, not in this context, your father,
00:58:09who never rejected you, who never threw you away, who never talked you down, who never turned his
00:58:16back on you. He can't. And even right now, seated on the right hand of God, committed to your life,
00:58:29committed to your future, committed to your purpose. They talk about being protected from
00:58:35danger, seen and unseen from the prayer room of heaven. He's throwing darts at demons that
00:58:41have been trying to wipe you out. Some of you are here right now and the enemy has tried to,
00:58:45on several occasions, to wipe you out. But the high priest, but the high priest,
00:58:52but the high priest said, oh no, no, no. You think they're by, they creep up on you and say,
00:58:58yeah, yeah, yeah. I got them. No, you don't. I'm interceding. I got my eye on him.
00:59:03I got my eye on him. If my eye is on the sparrow, he's had his eye on you.
00:59:13And in the recognition, in the recognition, in the recognition of his eye on you,
00:59:25it changes everything. It changes everything. And he will not let you go. And neither will I.
00:59:33And neither will I.
00:59:40If you're here and it's time to open up your heart to, you've never opened up your heart to
00:59:45God, maybe you couldn't. Maybe, maybe one of the reasons why Jesus had to come and reveal God as
00:59:50father is because you can't trust quote unquote God enough to open up your heart.
00:59:57But father, daddy, you can say yes to daddy because you have all these other images and
01:00:07interpretations of God. Namely that you're not godly enough to open up your heart to God.
01:00:17But you're human enough to open up your heart to your heavenly father. If that's you
01:00:22and you say, I want to open up my heart to my heavenly father. I want you to come,
01:00:26please come. I'm going to pray. We're almost done, but this is a moment. This is a defining moment.
01:00:34Or if you're here and you just say, I need, I need daddy's love.
01:00:42I can't even articulate it, I just need it. If that's you, come, come, come. Please come,
01:00:46come. Please, please, please come.
01:00:53I want to pray for you.
01:00:57While I was praying, I told him, he said, tell them they're covered.
01:01:03Tell them they're covered. If you tell them they're covered, it's going to change everything.
01:01:09Some feel alone.
01:01:10Some feel forgotten. Some feel insignificant. You move to this town. If you don't know
01:01:15that you have a father, particularly in this town, you move to this town.
01:01:18And listen, I'm from LA, so this is not a knock on LA, but the industry can be a bit tricky here.
01:01:24It can be so transactional because, watch this, because people who don't know that they have a father
01:01:31act like bastards. And bastards are always groping. Bastards are always groping.
01:01:38Bastards are always groping. Bastards are transactional.
01:01:43Sons and daughters are not because I'm already rich.
01:01:49You can keep your two cents because I'm already rich.
01:01:55And you don't have to be transactional. You don't have to see people as an opportunity.
01:01:58But when you are a bastard in your mind, it makes you transactional.
01:02:05And there are a lot of bastards in this world. They're sons and daughters, but they don't know
01:02:09it. And as a man thinks they are. So they act like bastards and they can be very transactional.
01:02:15And in the context of what I'm saying, they can make you feel like you're unworthy or you're not
01:02:21important. And it's a lot. So I want to pray for you.
01:02:30God sees you as a child. Ella, come here. Come here.
01:02:49That's how he sees it. And you could be 75 years old or 25.
01:02:56I don't care how old you get. God sees you like an innocent, beautiful, blessed child that needs Him.
01:03:12I want to pray for you. I want you to do me a favor and I pray this doesn't feel weird,
01:03:18but I just I think that for somebody is going to make a difference in their heart.
01:03:22But in your own way, I want you to reach up like like an eight year. Ella, can you do me?
01:03:26Can you help me with this? Can you reach up like you're reaching up to daddy?
01:03:30Like like I'm as like I'm trying to pick you up like you want to be picked up.
01:03:34I want you. I want you to do that. God, I thank you so much for this opportunity to share with your children.
01:03:43Hallelujah. And I pray God through this message and more importantly, what you do for us.
01:03:49I pray God through this message and more importantly, what you do in their hearts by the Holy Spirit,
01:03:53that you will reveal yourself as Abba Father and that the revelation of you being Abba Father
01:04:03will begin to drive away all fear, all inadequacy, all guilt, all shame, all condemnation.
01:04:13Hallelujah. That it would just begin to heal it.
01:04:17Your word declares that we haven't received the spirit of bondage again to fear, but the spirit of adoption.
01:04:29Hallelujah. Where our spirit cries out, Abba Father, you are daddy.
01:04:36And we thank you, God, for being our father who is in heaven, who is now interceding for us.
01:04:44Hallelujah. Getting things ready and causing it to come to pass.
01:04:48You can't get enough of us. We're on your mind constantly, day in and day out,
01:04:54second by second, moment by moment, especially in the difficult times.
01:05:00May we forever have that imagery and that vision and may we move forward with the consciousness
01:05:08of not you simply as God and Lord and all of those names that we have for you,
01:05:14but that most important name as it relates to our walk in this life is Father.
01:05:20And so we say to you, Daddy, Happy Father's Day.
01:05:30Hallelujah. I just want you to repeat after me. Heavenly Father, I thank you for your love.
01:05:40I feel it. I thank you for your word. I receive it. I thank you for Jesus.
01:05:50I thank you for making him who has no sin all of mine, all of my weakness,
01:05:58all of my limitation, all of my shortcomings.
01:06:04You placed in his body, nailed to the cross and put it to death.
01:06:12And just as he was raised up free and victorious because I'm in him, I'm raised up too.
01:06:22My past is behind me. My future is bright.
01:06:28I am forever loved and being interceded for.
01:06:34No weapon formed against me can prosper because you're my daddy and I love you
01:06:42because you first love me. In Jesus name. Amen. Amen. Amen.
01:06:50May the Lord bless and keep you. May he make his face to shine upon you and be gracious towards you.
01:06:56May he lift up his countenance over you and grant you shalom, shalom in Jesus name.
01:07:00God bless you. Love you. See you in a few weeks. Love to you.
