"Campioni di Vita - no al bullismo", lo sport come strumento di prevenzione e contrasto al disagio giovanile

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) -


00:00Good morning, I thank the National Observatory of Bullying and Youth Disorder for the invitation, an organization with which I have already collaborated.
00:10I would have liked to be with you, but institutional commitments do not allow it. I greet the authorities present and all the participants.
00:16I wish you good work, because the project presented today really deserves all the attention.
00:23The project is about champions of life, who promote the culture of sport as a motor of social inclusion and as a tool of prevention and contrast of youth disorder.
00:33As Deputy Secretary of State for Defense, with Delegate to Promotion and Coordination of Sports and Military Activities of the Paralympic Sports Group of Defense,
00:43I am particularly pleased that this initiative involves Olympic and Paralympic champions, civilians and military, as well as actors and singers.
00:51The aim is positive emulation. The boys need models and examples, and the testimonies and interactions with the champions of sport are the best tool and the most direct language.
01:05I would also like to add that I have read carefully the key words of the project, which are the fundamental values of sport, agonism and civil life.
01:16A moral architecture to support the entire society and with which the boys involved in the project will be able to interact through the digital platform created specifically.
01:28This aspect of the training project really reduces any distance, and the positive examples are the boys' peers.
01:36This reinforces the common commitment to promote the emotional well-being of the boys and make them feel less alone who live in a state of discomfort and who are victims of bullying.
01:48In this case, the network is a network of friendship, solidarity, inclusion and belonging.
01:54All institutions have the task of preventing and contrasting bullying and cyberbullying with the legislative instruments available, but I would say that this is not enough.
02:05It is not enough because each of us must do his part as a person, as a citizen, as an educator, as a parent,
02:11so that the fundamental values ​​of the project that is presented today are the perimeter not only of the sports world, but of living associated with everything.
02:20Good work and thank you.
