"Campioni di Vita - no al bullismo" Il video messaggio di Gabriele Corsi

  • 3 months ago
(Adnkronos) -


00:00Champions of Life, Stop Bullying, with this really beautiful mission, ambitious, but very, very important,
00:09which is to give testimonies through sport, to make sure that the 8 out of 10 boys who are victims of bullying,
00:18uncomfortable situations, do not feel alone, they feel represented, they have points of reference.
00:24So thank you very much, I am very happy that we are talking about this topic, that we are sensitive to this topic,
00:30and above all that we say to all these girls and boys, you are not alone, we are there, let's talk about it,
00:36let's face the problem and solve it together. Thank you very much.
