• last year
(Adnkronos) - "Ricordiamo tutti gli anni Settanta, anni da dimenticare, da sotterrare. In quegli anni io ho deciso di fare ancora una volta l'emigrante e andai a cantare dappertutto, ricordo il grande Gianni Minà che mi diceva: 'Al Bano, ma perché vai in Spagna a cantare, quello è un paese fascista'. Ma io non ho niente né contro i fascisti né contro i comunisti, è giusto che ognuno esprima quello che ha dentro. Una ragione ci sarà se è così. Ma io vado a fare esperienza per capire cosa è il fascismo e il comunismo". Lo ha detto Al Bano, nel corso di un talk a Expo24 a Siracusa, nello stand del ministero dell'Agricoltura nell'ambito del G7.


00:00Many of us will remember it well.
00:04Years to be forgotten, years to be buried.
00:08In those years, I once again chose to be an emigrant,
00:12and they went around everywhere.
00:14I remember the great Gianni Minac, who told me,
00:18Albano, what are you doing? Why are you going to Spain to sing?
00:22I go to Spain to sing because they call me,
00:24and there is a good job prospect.
00:27Yes, but that is a fascist country.
00:29I have nothing against fascists, against communists,
00:33because it is right that everyone expresses what is inside.
00:36There will be a reason if there is.
00:38But I go to experience to understand what fascism is,
00:42what communism is.
00:44Then, seeing all that was happening in Italy in those years,
00:47I went to Spain, South America,
00:49I even went to Bulgaria in those years.
00:51I found myself, by God,
00:53and I really learned what it is like to be a singer,
00:56because there was another structure that helped music.
01:00There was a love from those who came to listen,
01:03he said it again,
01:05that was simply fantastic,
01:07and that I will never forget.
01:09Experience is good to do,
01:11but it is good to do it on your own shoulders,
01:13because if they tell you, yes, they are good,
01:15admit it, maybe admit it.
