• last year
(Adnkronos) - “Ogni problema ambientale e di sostenibilità va affrontato in maniera scientifica, valutando anche i vari impatti di tipo economico e sociale. Quando le cose vengono viste in maniera un po’ semplificata senza tener conto dei vari contesti, si rischia di fare dei danni” ha dichiarato Carlo Alberto Pratesi, professore ordinario di Economia e Gestione delle Imprese all'Università Roma Tre, intervistato nell’ambito del Capalbio Film Festival, che anche quest’anno ha dedicato un’intera giornata ai temi della sostenibilità.


00:00What was true is that the demand for palm oil was so high,
00:10also for non-food purposes, above all for non-food purposes,
00:14that this had generated in the countries of production, Malaysia and Indonesia,
00:17an excess of production, but above all a deforestation
00:21generated to be able to enlarge the land, the production territories.
00:26Now, this, which was a protest,
00:29then transformed itself by the companies into a great action of improvement,
00:34especially as regards the sustainable palm oil supply,
00:39therefore a product without damaging the environment.
00:44What is happening now?
00:47First of all, the European Union, but not only,
00:50has introduced new regulations precisely to completely ban deforestation
00:55and what is happening is that what before could seem
00:58a choice of the individual companies to behave in a more responsible way,
01:02today is an obligation, not only.
01:04But if things are not declared in the right way,
01:07that is, if there is a communication closer to greenwashing,
01:10this can generate damage, fines, complications that companies avoid willingly.
01:16So, in summary, an interesting case of improvement
01:19generated by many different actors,
01:22which together have found a sustainable solution to a very relevant problem.
01:26Environmentalist associations, and therefore those who, more than others,
01:29have taken care of the defense of the environment, the territory and biodiversity,
01:33have shown that demonizing, or rather eliminating and boycotting 100% palm oil
01:38would not have been the right choice,
01:40also because that type of product still serves the industry
01:44and could be replaced with other products, such as sunflower oil,
01:49which do not always have lower yields and, let's say, lower impacts,
01:53sometimes even worse.
01:55Every environmental problem of sustainability must be faced in a scientific way,
02:00seeing the various situations and the various impacts,
02:04also of an economic and social type.
02:06When things are seen in a somewhat simplified way,
02:09therefore demonizing a product or an action without taking into account the various contexts,
02:15you sometimes risk doing damage.
