• 4 months ago
DW's correspondents across Europe have been covering the results as they came in. Here are some of their impressions.

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00:00Ursula von der Leyen's party is the winner of these European Parliament elections.
00:05They will remain the largest group in the chamber,
00:08and so von der Leyen has a good chance to secure a second term as the chief of the EU executive.
00:15She has already indicated she would like to continue working together with the Social Democrats and liberals
00:22to push through a pro-European agenda.
00:25But the gains for the far right in Europe will probably make it much more difficult.
00:31Here in Germany, these European elections have proved three things.
00:35First of all, Olaf Scholz's three-way coalition is deeply unpopular.
00:40All three parties involved, his Social Democrats, the Greens and the Free Democrats,
00:45have suffered in these European polls.
00:48Secondly, the winner of the night is the CDU-CSU conservative bloc.
00:53It now remains the only big tent party, according to these latest elections.
01:00And thirdly, there has been a significant shift to the right, also towards the far right,
01:06although the far right AfD party failed to gain as much as it had hoped for.
01:12The big question now is how it will do in regional elections in autumn
01:17and what that will mean for national elections next year.
01:21Prime Minister Viktor Orban's ruling Fidesz party has come under pressure.
01:25Even though most polls suggest an average of 45% of the votes to be cast for him,
01:30which would still translate to at least half of the 21 seats available for Hungary in the European Parliament,
01:36there is a political newcomer and his name is Peter Magyar,
01:39mostly known for being the former husband of the former justice minister.
01:43In fact, he's been part of the Fidesz system but decided to go against it.
01:47He's poised to get at least six seats, which leaves a lot of people here with the question,
01:51what's left for the political left?
01:54Just one thing is certain at this point, there's been a massive voter turnout here in Hungary
01:59because there's been both a European and a local election.
02:03Here in Poland, the Prime Minister Donald Tusk and his Civic Platform party are claiming the win,
02:09taking 21 of the 53 seats that Poland have in the European Parliament.
02:14The Law and Justice party, who were in power until October for eight years,
02:19they took 19 seats.
02:21It's a loss for them but they say that they're going to use this as a way of understanding
02:26how they can make sure that they get back into power nationally.
