Pixel Pinkie Pixel Pinkie S01 E016 Truth or Dare

  • il y a 3 mois


00:00I know a study session isn't technically a date, but what's the difference?
00:25The truth is, in high school, there is no difference.
00:28Truth or dare, Annie?
00:31If you could kiss any boy, who would it be?
00:34None, but if I had to, I guess it'd be Vincent.
00:38I knew it!
00:40And I know you'd choose Max.
00:53I wish.
00:54Truth or dare, Nina?
00:56Okay, I dare you to kiss Max.
00:59What? That's a ridiculous dare.
01:01Come on, give me a different one.
01:03No way, that's the dare.
01:05Come on, you like Max.
01:07I do not.
01:08Well, okay, I do.
01:10But it's not that much of a big deal.
01:12Yeah, sure it's not.
01:14Come on, Annie, you've got to admit, it's a silly dare.
01:17I hardly even know Max.
01:19We're just teammates, that's...
01:21Hey, Nina, we've been paired up for the science project.
01:25We... we have?
01:27How about I drop by after school?
01:29I kind of need some help with the basic stuff.
01:32Um, sure.
01:33See you then.
01:37So much for just teammates.
01:39Wow, cool!
01:41Annie, this is big.
01:42This is just like a date.
01:44I've got a date with Max!
01:46I can't wait to tell Pixel Pinky.
01:48Nina, that's great!
01:50Now you can complete the dare.
01:52Don't get too excited,
01:53but the fact that I've been paired up with Max is definitely a sign.
01:56We're meant to be together.
02:03I'm ready.
02:04You think?
02:05Oh no!
02:07Don't worry about a thing, Nina.
02:09You just need a quick makeover.
02:15Oh no, Pixel Pinky!
02:17We've done that before and it was a disaster!
02:34Pixel Pinky, is this really necessary?
02:39How about blue?
02:40Pixel Pinky?
02:43No, no, yellow doesn't work.
02:45How about white?
02:53Pixel Pinky!
02:55I'm not worried about how I look.
02:57I'm worried about what I'm going to say.
02:59Don't worry, Nina.
03:00I'll be right there with you in your phone.
03:02I'll send you text messages.
03:04I don't know.
03:05That sounds way too risky.
03:07Nonsense, Nina.
03:09It's foolproof.
03:10It'll go down like this.
03:12Max comes over to work on the project.
03:14You act like everything's normal
03:16while I feed you lines via text message.
03:19Your nervousness disappears as you relax.
03:22Then after a few carefully chosen words,
03:25Max, you really are amazing!
03:29You won't have to say anything at all.
03:32You know, Nina, you and me, we're so in sync.
03:36So perfect for each other.
03:41And then you kiss him.
03:44See? Foolproof.
03:46But what if something does go wrong?
03:48What could possibly go wrong?
03:51That's him!
03:56Hi, Nina!
03:59Are you wearing perfume?
04:00Um, yeah.
04:03I thought so.
04:04I'm allergic.
04:05Oh, sorry.
04:06Anyway, come in.
04:08Actually, I thought we could go to the core.
04:10Have a juice, you know.
04:11Like a real date?
04:14Yeah, great.
04:15Let's go.
04:17Um, I think you've got something on your face.
04:29So, how should we do this?
04:31A 3D model of the solar system.
04:35I'm so lucky to be partnered up with you.
04:39Who would have thought?
04:41Sporty and smart.
04:44And you've got such great taste in music.
04:48How do you know what music I'm into?
04:50Oh, um... I guessed.
04:55Hi, Susie.
04:56Hi, Annie.
04:57What's going on?
04:58Don't ask.
04:59We've been paired up for the science project.
05:01Can you tell I'm thrilled?
05:03You're not the one who's ruining their reputation.
05:05Says who?
05:06Come on, let's get this over with.
05:09Susie and Annie together at the core.
05:12Now that's something I never thought I'd see.
05:16Me neither.
05:18Somebody should call the fashion police on Nina.
05:20I mean, seriously.
05:22What is she wearing?
05:24Only lawn bowlers wear white.
05:26Max doesn't seem to mind Nina's taste in fashion.
05:30Hey, that slam dunk you did during practice was the coolest.
05:35Yeah, yeah.
05:37It was really smooth.
05:39Wait, didn't I land on your head?
05:50I bet he's missing me.
05:51Look at him.
05:52He's practically pining.
05:54Yeah, sure he is.
05:57I might as well text Nina and put her out of her misery.
06:02So, Nina, other than basketball, what are you into?
06:08Don't think I don't know what you're trying to do.
06:11You are totally obvious.
06:15Oh no, I, um, I didn't mean...
06:17What I meant to say was, um...
06:20You are totally out of your league.
06:24I mean, um...
06:26Nina, what are you saying?
06:29Nina, are you feeling alright?
06:31Yes, fine. Absolutely fine.
06:34No, I feel a little giddy.
06:37Which is it? Fine or giddy?
06:39Um, we'll go with giddy.
06:41Excuse me for a second.
06:45Nina, what are you doing?
06:47Those messages weren't from me.
06:49Well, how was I supposed to know that?
06:51What's going on?
06:52Uh, Pixel Pinky has been, um, sending me text messages,
06:56telling me what to say to Max.
06:58You know.
06:59Well, whatever you're doing is working.
07:01Susie is completely jealous.
07:02She's practically turning green.
07:04See? I told you it would work.
07:06We're not trying to make Susie jealous.
07:08We're trying to make Max like me.
07:10Duh, Nina.
07:11Susie wouldn't be jealous if it wasn't obvious that Max likes you.
07:14Just keep on doing whatever you're doing.
07:16I'll try and distract Susie.
07:18How are you going to do that?
07:19Don't worry. It won't take rocket science.
07:23Sorry. I'm feeling much better now.
07:25So, Susie, I was just wondering.
07:29Wouldn't you rather do this at the mall?
07:31The mall?
07:32Yeah. Big building. Lots of shops.
07:35You know the one?
07:37No. I need to keep an eye on Max.
07:39That's a pity.
07:40Because I just heard that Blingalicious is receiving all their new season stock today.
07:45Blingalicious? Really?
07:48And it just so happens that I know the manager.
07:50We could probably get a sneak preview.
07:52Maybe even a discount.
07:53But that's okay.
07:54You want to keep an eye on Max, I understand.
07:56Are you kidding?
07:57Let's go!
07:59Sorry about all this. I'm just...
08:01Um, excuse me.
08:03Hey Nina, I'm glad we got paired up.
08:06But you seem a little distracted.
08:08I mean, I've never known anybody to get as many text messages as you.
08:13Not even Susie.
08:14If you're too busy, we could do this some other time.
08:17Oh no, that's okay.
08:18I mean, I'll just, um, switch my phone off for a while.
08:21Are you sure?
08:22Sure, I'm sure.
08:24That's better.
08:25So, about the project.
08:27Yeah, I was thinking, maybe we could use a basketball to represent the sun.
08:32Hey, that's a great idea!
08:34I mean, on the court, everything and everyone moves around the ball.
08:38It's so simple.
08:40Nina, that's an awesome way of looking at it.
08:43I mean, in the end, it's all about the ball.
08:46I know exactly what you mean.
08:49Maybe I should go.
08:52I think I'm allergic to your perfume.
09:01Oh, so close.
09:07What happened?
09:08I must have run out of battery.
09:09Did you finish the dare?
09:10No, I didn't finish the dare.
09:12I'm sorry.
09:13I'm sorry.
09:14I'm sorry.
09:15I'm sorry.
09:16I must have run out of battery.
09:17Did you finish the dare?
09:18Did you kiss Max?
09:19Maybe I did.
09:21Maybe I didn't.
09:23You did!
09:30I feel fabulous.
09:32You should have told me about this months ago.
09:35Maybe we should take the bus.
09:37Public transport is for losers.
09:41Okay, well, you take it easy.
09:43I'm taking the bus.
09:44But you can't leave me here.
09:45I don't like being on my own.
09:47Bye, Suzie.
09:49Annie, come back here.
09:51I will not be left standing alone outside a mall.
10:15To be continued...
