Bitcoin Pizza Day Review - K Pizza (Miami, FL) presented by KrakenFX with Choose Rich Nick

  • 4 months ago
El Presidente | Pizza Reviews
00:00 [music]
00:19 Alright, pizza review time. We are at K Pizza by Roman Pizza Academy. I don't
00:25 think they have the original pizza makers in there. Special guest, Choose Rich Nick,
00:32 who I've come to love. We were having a little conversation before we started
00:37 this. He's lactose intolerant.
00:42 There he is. Choose Rich.
00:44 [laughter]
00:46 I'm gonna grab a lactate poster.
00:48 What?
00:50 I can't have milk. I'm lactose intolerant.
00:52 I do eat pizza though.
00:54 That was not the best start for the Choose Rich lifestyle.
00:58 I still eat pizza.
01:00 Yeah, the Choose Rich guy, you don't want him pumping lactose pills before you do pizza.
01:05 Anyways, we're doing this pizza because it's Bitcoin Pizza Day. They make a big thing about it.
01:11 So in honor of Kraken, he's a Kraken. Did I get you the Kraken deal?
01:15 You basically helped us close that deal.
01:17 So he's a Kraken guy, I'm a Kraken guy.
01:19 Sign up for Kraken. It's the only place we're talking. I did not use Kraken back in the FTX days.
01:27 It's cost me hundreds of thousands of dollars. So use Kraken. They've been around forever.
01:32 The safest, most secure place for your Bitcoin.
01:36 What do you get for that? Anything? Just a hello?
01:41 [laughter]
01:43 Put that in there and get a hello. I don't know that you get anything for that.
01:45 Let them figure it out.
01:47 So give me the background in 0-10 with lactose intolerant, Choose Rich Nick. I love the slogan.
01:54 Give us the background on this.
01:56 On the Bitcoin Pizza Day.
01:58 By the way, we're near the Dateland Mall.
02:01 Yes. This is where you hang out all the time.
02:04 Yeah, well, no, but I mean it's not a bad spot. We tried to find a nice spot for you.
02:08 No one told me you're lactose intolerant.
02:10 I still eat pizza all the time.
02:11 Yeah, but it's not, if you're going to be a Choose Rich guy, I want it.
02:17 Like I see, I thought you're going to come up in a big stretch limo and have it all going.
02:21 You were kind of like the first, "Hey, I'm Nick. I'm lactose intolerant."
02:25 Okay, that was not an introduction.
02:28 It's like, it's not, that wasn't the swag vibe I was hoping for.
02:31 You're putting the words in my mouth.
02:32 But so, so basically with Bitcoin Pizza Day, it's a guy paid 10,000 Bitcoin to purchase a pizza.
02:41 It's the first known payment attempt or transaction with Bitcoin.
02:46 That's the synopsis of it.
02:47 Also, people are like, "Wow, that guy totally lost a huge opportunity."
02:51 At that time, it was 10,000 Bitcoin for 40 bucks.
02:53 Now it's obviously like, I was checking the cracking app earlier.
02:57 700 million or something?
02:59 Yeah, it's a ridiculous amount.
03:00 Billion? Million? What is it?
03:01 700 million.
03:02 700 million.
03:03 But now people do that. Do we know who the person was?
03:07 I don't know if it's been disclosed. They know what pizza shop it was at.
03:12 Back in the day, people were doing that left and right going because nobody thought it would be,
03:17 it was like a black market, dark, wet thing, right?
03:20 It eventually got there.
03:21 But I think at this point in time, there weren't actually a lot of transactions for the first like year or so.
03:26 Like cracking came out a year after this pizza transaction happened.
03:30 So it was way earlier.
03:31 Really? Cracking's been a long time?
03:33 Yeah.
03:34 Oh shit.
03:35 Yeah.
03:36 So yeah, I'm a tattletale.
03:37 I'm a black toast.
03:38 I took my lactate pills.
03:41 What did this Jews Rich guy got over there with that shirt?
03:43 What is that? Is that a gift?
03:45 This is a gift. This is a one of one Miss Peaches pizza.
03:48 Oh, Miss Peaches.
03:50 Yeah, and then on the back, we got our character, Miss Peaches, and pizza.
03:54 That's a great shirt.
03:55 Oh, I'm glad you like it.
03:56 Whoever designed that knows what they're doing.
03:59 They're in-house artists.
04:00 Better than what we got. That's brilliant. Thank you.
04:02 Now we score this zero to ten.
04:05 Yeah, so am I going first?
04:08 Yes, always goes first.
04:09 Off of one bite.
04:10 Yes.
04:11 I've got to be honest here.
04:15 That's what you just did.
04:17 I don't want to be honest about this if I'm being serious.
04:22 I'm a rated a...
04:23 What are you, now a nice guy?
04:24 Your whole shtick is walking around with your cock hanging out, being like I'm the richest guy.
04:29 Now you're like lactose intolerant, don't want to give a real score to a pizza.
04:33 I'm going to go 5.8 on this.
04:35 Okay, that's fair. That's low. My scale's nicer.
04:37 Now, Roman should be crispy.
04:40 Like that should be, you should hear crisp. You don't with that.
04:43 Like I said, they don't have the real workers in there.
04:46 The only reason I say that is, you couldn't even understand.
04:49 I'm going to go 6.3.
04:52 That was my other option was 6.3, literally.
04:55 It's too soft. Like a Roman should be crispy.
04:58 But someone put up...
05:01 Did Bitcoin Magazine post a picture of a pizza today?
05:05 And they're getting ripped. It's the most disgusting looking pizza.
05:08 I missed the taste.
05:10 Oh my God. So this is better than that.
05:12 But again, it's Bitcoin Pizza Day.
05:15 People call me soft.
05:18 Listen, I have Bitcoin.
05:20 I'm not going to go over the story again.
05:22 I believe in Bitcoin.
05:24 Here's a question for you, Choose Rich.
05:26 The one thing I do get into Bitcoin people with
05:29 is the Bitcoin people, like, they own it for like moral reasons.
05:35 Like they do it, they think it's going to save the world
05:37 as opposed to like, you just want it, you're just doing it to choose rich.
05:40 Yeah, I'm all about making money, personally.
05:43 But there are ideological aspects of it,
05:47 which I actually understand some of it, like the decentralization of Bitcoin
05:51 and the idea that you don't need an intermediary.
05:53 They're trying to get rich, Nick.
05:55 Do you like banks?
05:57 I wouldn't say I like or hate them.
05:59 They haven't done anything to me personally.
06:01 Like they hold my money.
06:03 They are important for you.
06:05 And when you have a lot of money, they tend to be pretty nice to you.
06:10 Like my bank guy and me are pretty close.
06:13 Now, Joe Schlub coming down the street.
06:16 We all know our bankers by their first name,
06:19 but the average Joe doesn't understand that.
06:21 And suddenly choose rich. Nick is all about the average Joe.
06:24 What this guy's like, he's turned into Gandhi overnight.
06:28 All right, that's the Pizza Review.
06:30 K-Pizza, get involved with Kraken.
06:33 It's the only place that I trust,
06:35 and I've been screwed by a lot of different places.
06:38 There you go. Get rich.
06:40 Thank you for the Pizza Review. Nice to meet you.
06:42 Yeah, man.
06:43 It's lactose intolerant. It's bad for the brain.
06:46 It's a lactose intolerance review of pizza.
06:49 I feel like that's the most valid review you can get
06:51 because you put your neck on the line or your stomach in this case.
06:55 You don't want to know that the guy on the yacht with all the girls and everything
07:00 is lactose intolerant.
07:02 That's just advice. Moving forward, never say that again.
07:04 There you go. That's a review.
07:06 Choose rich and excellent stuff.
07:08 We thought it was good. We gave it a 6.4, which is a good score.
07:11 6.4? Yeah, yeah, yeah. Is this your spot?
07:13 No, I am the chef.
07:14 Oh, nice to meet you.
07:15 Nice to meet you.
07:17 You're the kind of guy that goes around to eat the pizza, right?
07:20 Yeah, yeah, yeah.
07:21 Thank you.
07:22 You're welcome.
07:23 Should we like sprint off?
07:28 [laughter]
07:29 That's like what he gets home and say.
07:31 All right, well, thank you for coming out.
07:35 Can we take a photo of us?
07:36 Of course.
07:37 Look at this. There's lactose pills in the box.
07:39 I can't believe you weren't like a stretch limo.
07:42 Like an old WWE skit.
07:46 We should have done that.
07:49 [whoosh]
