Inverness public unphased about general election set to go ahead next month

  • 4 months ago
00:00It's been a long time coming. I think there's been a lot of political instability, so it'd
00:05be good to get a democratic voice within the political world as to what direction we're
00:11going in. I think it's been a bit tumultuous. I don't think there's ever a perfect time
00:16to call a general election, and I think sooner rather than later is probably best.
00:20There's no action at all, like, you know, let's get rid of the pain, you know. But I
00:27mean, Scotland, I don't know which way Scotland's going to go, as long as it's not SNP. I'm
00:35Do you think the timing to the different parties for a general election just now, it's awfully
00:40quick, July 4th, isn't it?
00:42It's quite right, like, you've got to cut them off the hook, like a hoof, get in there.
00:48Yeah. Maybe not the right guy, but I don't know what the other crowd's like. Yeah.
00:54And do you have a, is there a particular party you'd be looking to see win this general election?
01:00Well, I was a soldier for 35 years, yeah, and I got my own business, and I came out
01:05and I opened up three businesses, and thriving, a thriving business, like, you know. So, Conservative.
01:13In terms of the election, do you think it's a quick rush?
01:16I'd vote Conservative, I've always voted Conservative, no different from that.
01:22Do you believe, hopefully, Sunak's still in power after July 4th?
01:25No, no, I would like to see somebody else, and maybe Penny Morgan.
01:29The party, the party agree, yes, yes.
01:31Get a woman.
01:32Penny Morgan, she's good, she's good, big strong woman. She'll carry the sword, half
01:37an inch of her. Yeah.
01:40And is there any particular change you're hoping for?
01:43Any change?
01:45What are you hoping for?
01:46I'm hoping for the wife to grow a couple of inches.
01:50I'm just hoping that then this race starts coming down, and people get a little bit more
01:56profit in their life, because things are tragic now.
02:01It's probably a good thing. It's been needed for a long time, I think.
02:05Why do you think that?
02:07Just the state of general politics in the UK. There's been a downhill trend of the way
02:16that the country's been governed, run, what's happening. So I think it's probably a good
02:20thing if, see if the next political party that comes in, if change is a good thing.
02:27And how do you think the timing suits all the relevant parties?
02:30To be honest, not that great. I think they'd probably appreciate more time to prepare,
02:34but I think it's been a desire of a lot of the population to have a general election,
02:39probably from the time Sunak came into power. So I think it's probably a step in the right
02:46I haven't really had a chance to look at the manifestos, etc. I'm aware that not a lot
02:51of them have been fully published, because sometimes political parties borrow things
02:55from other parties. So I'll be waiting to find out what the promises are made, what's
03:00realistic and what's not, before making a decision.
