• last year
Bloxwich high Street general election vox pop.
00:00I think it's going quite well, especially regarding the view, the different topics that
00:08are being discussed by the many leaders and me personally, I've just moved in recently
00:15to this community so I'm still getting in terms with what, you know, the ground level
00:20topics and issues that we face are. But I think, especially among me and, you know,
00:28the people around me, I feel they are quite, you know, passionate about wanting to vote
00:33and, you know, be aware of the things that the new government can do for us.
00:37Yeah, and so you've only been here for how long?
00:40A week now.
00:41Oh, wow!
00:42But I've registered to vote as well.
00:43Oh, so have you made up your mind on who you're going to vote for or not yet?
00:47Okay, and so what kind of based your decision?
00:50I, especially, I mean, nothing against the government right now, but personally I feel
00:57a lot of things could actually change for the better and, you know, I think they are
01:01targeting a few of the, you know, minorities in different instances. They might have their
01:06reasons, but I personally don't agree with those reasons, so I mean, I've made up my
01:12mind about who to vote for.
01:13And you've only been here for a week, but is there anything that you've noticed that
01:18you would like to take action on in the community?
01:21I mean, I think, kind of, there are incidences of, you know, social, you know, crime, I would
01:28say, because, you know, there are, I've heard stories of, you know, buses being, you know,
01:32thrown, there are stones being thrown at buses and it isn't quite safe at night, particularly
01:37around the small regions that are a bit deserted, so I would like those to be changed. You know,
01:42I've got a young wife as well, so she comes back home late from work as well, so I don't
01:48know. But, you know, personal safety is of utmost importance, so that is a pressing issue.
01:53I completely agree. Thank you so much for your time.
