00:00 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:03 ♪ Aloha ee Aloha ee ♪
00:08 ♪ ♪ ♪
00:09 Hi! I'm Winsome W. Witch.
00:12 The W stands for wacky.
00:14 I was a fairy godmother school dropout.
00:16 (rire)
00:18 Ooh! That's a gasser!
00:20 (rire)
00:22 Landing flaps down.
00:24 Here goes!
00:26 (sifflement)
00:28 (explosion)
00:29 (sifflement)
00:30 That's the best landing I've made in two weeks.
00:33 Finally getting the hang of it.
00:35 (rire)
00:36 Hey, you lazy brutes!
00:38 Get up and start tidying up the yard.
00:41 Well, well, well.
00:42 What have we here?
00:44 A cute little frog.
00:45 (squawking)
00:46 Oh, this is a good chance to practice up on my witchcraft.
00:49 I'll change the frog to a peanut.
00:52 Ali-kazowie!
00:54 (siren)
00:55 Yikes! I did something wrong!
00:57 Ali-kazowie!
00:59 (siren)
01:00 (squawking)
01:01 There! That's better.
01:03 My phone.
01:04 Gee, maybe it's a customer.
01:06 Winnie the Witch here.
01:08 Have broom, we'll travel.
01:10 Who?
01:11 Oh, the queen.
01:12 That's right.
01:13 And I've been talking to my mirror.
01:15 I need your help.
01:17 Talking to your mirror?
01:19 Anyone who talks to mirrors needs help.
01:21 Be calm, your majesty.
01:23 I'll be right over.
01:25 Talking mirror, this I gotta see.
01:27 Hey, broom, let's go.
01:29 To the queen's castle on the double.
01:34 Very funny, very funny.
01:39 Now, if you don't mind, take me to the queen's castle.
01:42 You mean that old mirror really talks?
01:46 Yes, I'll show you.
01:48 Mirror, mirror on the wall,
01:50 who's the fairest one of all?
01:52 It ain't you, Queenie.
01:53 Snow White is the grooviest chick in these parts.
01:55 Oh, see what I mean?
01:57 I want you to get rid of this Snow White
02:00 so I can be the fairest.
02:02 Have you any ideas?
02:03 Well, I could give her a magic apple,
02:06 but I don't think it's gonna help you, Winnie.
02:08 You take care of Snow White, I'll take care of the apple.
02:10 Oh, no, not that apple.
02:12 Poor Queenie.
02:16 She's going to be asleep for a long time.
02:19 The only thing that can break the spell
02:21 is a kiss from a prince.
02:23 Come on, boy, cut it out.
02:28 Don't, prince, don't.
02:29 Prince?
02:30 Hey, dog, is your name Prince?
02:32 It figures, it figures.
02:35 Seven sure isn't my lucky number.
02:38 Not when it's seven dwarfs.
02:40 Seven pairs of socks to wash every day,
02:42 seven dinners to prepare every night.
02:45 Oh, I wish some prince would come along
02:47 and take me away from all this.
02:49 Now, who could that be?
02:51 With my luck, it's probably another dwarf.
02:53 Hello, little girl.
02:55 My girl scout troop is selling candied apples
02:58 instead of cookies this year.
03:00 You are a girl scout?
03:02 Yeah, the witch patrol.
03:04 Here, have an apple.
03:08 I can't, I have no money.
03:10 Oh, then take one free, dearie.
03:12 Oh, I couldn't do that.
03:14 If I don't get rid of my apples,
03:18 I don't get a free trip to camp with my troop.
03:21 Oh, you poor kid.
03:23 Stop crying, I'll take one.
03:25 No, no, no, not that one.
03:27 Here, this is your apple.
03:29 Thank you.
03:30 Oh, I feel dizzy.
03:33 I think I'm going to faint.
03:35 Don't worry, dearie.
03:37 These candied apples aren't fattening,
03:39 but they are flattening.
03:41 Oh, windy witch, you made a funny.
03:46 Oh, non, je l'ai fait de faute.
03:49 Le seul qui peut briser le spell
03:51 est un bisou d'un prince.
03:53 Quel prince me kisserait?
03:55 Bonne nuit.
03:57 Tu as vu ça?
03:59 C'est Winsome, la vache.
04:01 Qu'est-ce qu'elle fait ici?
04:03 Je n'aime pas ça.
04:04 Allons voir Snow White.
04:06 C'est dans ces bois que je, le prince charmant,
04:09 suis destiné à kisser une belle dame
04:11 et vivre heureusement pour toujours.
04:13 Ça semble bien, je vais en chercher.
04:16 Oh, non!
04:17 C'est ma belle dame, je dois la kisser?
04:19 Je ne peux pas, c'est la destinée.
04:21 Je ne peux pas croire ça!
04:26 Tu m'as kissé, mon prince, et tu as brisé le spell.
04:29 Je n'ai pas.
04:30 Comme dans la fable, le prince charmant
04:33 trouve la belle dame et ils vivent heureusement pour toujours.
04:36 Youhou!
04:38 Je vais me marier.
04:40 Marier? Oh, non!
04:43 Attends un instant, prince.
04:45 Ne fais pas la bête.
04:47 Brum, brum, ici, brum.
04:49 Oh, frère, la belle dame est une soeur.
04:51 Quelle blague!
04:53 Oh, viens, prince.
04:55 Faisons-le.
04:57 Oh, mon dieu, il y a une maison.
05:00 Hey, regarde qui est là.
05:02 C'est le prince.
05:03 Qui êtes-vous?
05:04 Nous sommes les 7 noirs.
05:05 Et Snow White, il faut la kisser pour la réveiller.
05:08 Je veux, je veux.
05:12 Oh, prince charmant.
05:14 Enfin, tu es venu me prendre de l'extrême.
05:17 Youhou, prince.
05:19 Où es-tu?
05:20 Ici, prince.
05:21 Non, non, pas le prince.
05:24 En bas, mon garçon.
05:25 Arrête, je vais te faire un pain.
05:27 Oh, oh, je me suis fait faire.
05:33 En bas, mon garçon, en bas.
05:38 Fais-le, et tu seras un bouclier ou quelque chose.
05:41 Tu sais, une fois par mois, j'ai un jour comme celui-ci.
05:45 Rentre, prince, rentre.
05:47 [Bruits de chien]