The Truth About Health Care! Freedomain Call In

  • 4 months ago
In this episode, Stefan passionately discusses the opioid crisis, shedding light on its history and impact while emphasizing the importance of physical health and exercise in preventing health issues. The conversation delves into the correlation between age and weight, the economic challenges of living the American dream, and the significance of societal accountability. Stefan and the guest further explore incentivizing preventive care in healthcare to reduce costs and improve overall well-being, advocating for a shift towards rewarding healthy practices and emphasizing prevention. The episode concludes with reflections on the influence of health insurance, societal changes, and the importance of engaging with audiences to foster growth and meaningful discussions.

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00:00:00All right, yeah, I just wanted to drop by, say hi, hope you're all doing well, and if you have
00:00:05things on your mind, I am more than thrilled above to hear all about them, and of course I've read
00:00:14some interesting stuff today, which I'm happy to share with you, but I turn this over if you,
00:00:18you know, you might need, you might be muted, you might want to unmute, but I'm all ears
00:00:23if you have something you want to talk about. Well, I found some interesting articles today
00:00:31that I wanted to talk about. The opiate crisis. Boy, did you know, did you know, I didn't know
00:00:36this at all, did you know that one out of ten Americans has a family member who died from the
00:00:46opioid, like died from opioid poison. Isn't that wild? One out of ten Americans has a family
00:00:52member who's died from opiates, and it was an article I was reading about a guy who was told
00:00:58as a doctor, he said, he was told, oh, you know, it's not that addictive, opioids aren't that
00:01:01addictive, and he's like, well, what about, what about the Civil War veterans, which is something
00:01:08I didn't know about. I mean, it kind of makes sense in hindsight, of course, right? It kind
00:01:13of makes sense in hindsight, but this is from Zero Hedge, and he says, when the US Civil War
00:01:19ended in 1865, both sides demobilized a weary horde of chronically ill and wounded.
00:01:24Some soldiers had contracted tuberculosis or a lingering pneumonia in the days before antibiotics,
00:01:29others had suffered field amputations with handheld saws, but whether the question was
00:01:34chronic coughing or terrible pain, the answer was morphine, the newly invented hypodermic needle
00:01:40allowed for fast-acting injections. Veterans everywhere got hooked to the point where addiction
00:01:45was called the soldier's disease. Soon morphine moved beyond the battlefield and was in use for
00:01:51everything from menstrual cramps to teething. And did you know that heroin was actually a trade
00:01:57name? It's not actually the name of the substance. When heroin arrived, it was welcomed as an
00:02:03improvement because things were so bare. Chemists had discovered it decades earlier, but in 1898,
00:02:07the pharmaceutical company Bayer started selling it as Heroish, German for heroic. Heroin was a
00:02:13trade name. It was a heroin trademark brought to you by Bayer. And doctors, of course, wanted stuff
00:02:21that was safer than morphine and were told, and I guess it's pretty easy to convince yourself,
00:02:27that this new drug wasn't addictive. And what was it? The same thing with cocaine. Freud was a huge
00:02:35advocate of cocaine and tried to get his friends who were hooked on opiates onto cocaine to make
00:02:41them better. It was just appalling. He was basically a drug dealer as far as I can see.
00:02:48So the philanthropic St. James Society even mounted a campaign to mail free heroin samples
00:02:54to morphine addicts to help them break the habit. And it was just, just appalling.
00:03:01In 1906, America established the Federal Food and Drug Administration because mom wanted to know
00:03:07if various cure-alls had heroin. There was a morphine and alcohol-based Mrs. Winslow's
00:03:15Soothing Syrup for fussy babies and it did quiet them. But of course,
00:03:20thousands probably never woke up again from such medicine. And it's really, really wild.
00:03:28Tragic, horrifying, fascinating, of course. And this constant search for something to take away
00:03:36the pain. This constant search for something to take away the pain. Now, the peak opioid crisis
00:03:45for the first round, 2007, and the Sackler family owns Purdue Pharma. And they pleaded guilty to a
00:03:55deception campaign that was really aimed at getting massive amounts of opioids prescribed.
00:04:02And as punishment, the company had to shell out $600 million and three top executives got
00:04:05multi-million dollar fines and 400 hours of community service. You know, it really is,
00:04:10it really is sad and just tells you about the power structures. Like you look what happens to
00:04:13the J6ers, right? And then you look at what happens to people who, you know, hand out this kind of
00:04:19poison like candy or promote it and so on. It's pretty wild. $600 million fine? Yeah, sounds
00:04:25impressive. But they cut the government check to the tune of less than 5% of the cash rolling in.
00:04:32And in the 17 years since, everything has gotten worse. Back in 2007,
00:04:40it was considered catastrophic when 20,000 people a year died. But for the past three years,
00:04:45about 80,000 people every year take an opioid, stop breathing and die.
00:04:52And this is up from 50,000 in 2017. Now, that's about the death count of Vietnam, like Vietnam
00:05:02per year. And it is, of course, it's a physical attack. It feels like a physical attack. And it
00:05:09also feels like or is an economic attack, because the amount of money that goes into people who are
00:05:17addicted to treating them to try to manage their health symptoms, and the criminality that's
00:05:23involved is just absolutely massive. Absolutely massive. So back then, Purdue Pharma had to pay
00:05:33$600 million. That was big news. Now, judgments are handed down for billions. Not much comment,
00:05:38not much public excitement. So what happened? $17.3 billion from CVS, Walmart and Walgreens,
00:05:44$5 billion from J&J, $21 billion from opioid distribution companies McKesson Cardinal Health
00:05:48and Amerisource Bergen, $4.25 billion from Teva Pharmaceuticals, $2 billion from Allergan.
00:05:58It's just wild. Well, and in a more modern context, the whole fentanyl issue,
00:06:05I mean, it's in the art of war is to weaken your enemy.
00:06:09Fifth generation warfare and all that. So that's a terrible issue.
00:06:17Well, and I mean, the Taliban cracked down on the poppy fields in a way that the
00:06:21American government either didn't want to or couldn't. So in 2011, J&J backed an organization
00:06:28called Imagine the Possibilities Pain Coalition, and they brainstormed targeting elementary school
00:06:35students. So there's a PowerPoint presentation from this group that noted, I should start
00:06:41marketing opioids to kids via respective channels, e.g. coaches. And aiming at the kids.
00:06:53It's wild. Johnson & Johnson also quietly funded the 2013 launch of Growing Pains,
00:06:58a new social networking site for young people with pain. This effort to market opioids to
00:07:03teenagers aged 13 and up was shut down only as of 2021. So yeah, nearly every 10th adult has lost
00:07:13a family member to an opioid. All major candidates for president have tapped into the anger. This is
00:07:17from the article, which however, they have chosen to direct at Chinese and Mexican cartels.
00:07:21Now, the challenge, of course, is that as long as people's childhoods remain hell,
00:07:31these addictions are going to be, it's going to be playing whack-a-mole. People are, and of course,
00:07:36this is in my new Peaceful Parenting book. Peaceful Parenting book, which, you know,
00:07:40if you haven't, you should definitely get a hold of. If you are a subscriber,
00:07:45then you get the Peaceful Parenting book just as part of your subscription. If you're not,
00:07:49you can get a copy, and you're free to share it if you like. The copy you can get, just
00:07:55donate at slash donate, slash donate, and you can get the book.
00:08:02And yeah, for the people who are asking, will there be a hard copy, almost certainly yes,
00:08:08almost certainly yes. And there's just some creation and distribution issues and so on,
00:08:16but I'm sure that will be the case. Of course, if you have questions,
00:08:21you can type them into the chat and so on. Somebody says, I've seen that a lot of people
00:08:27who die from ODing on opioids have their organs harvested. Is that right? Because I would think
00:08:30that if you died of opiate overdose, that your organs would be less valuable. Again,
00:08:35what am I? I'm no doctor and all of that, but it just seems, it does seem odd.
00:08:39But, you know, it's just a basic principle that whatever is surrounded by coercion turns
00:08:47out the opposite of its dated goal, right? So you've got a healthcare system that's designed to
00:08:53help people stay healthy. But the only way, there's only one way that a healthcare system
00:08:58can reliably make money and keep people healthy, and that is to pay for people's health rather than
00:09:04their sickness. If you have a healthcare system, and that's all the healthcare systems out there
00:09:09at the moment, public, private, doesn't really matter. If you have a health, well, with some
00:09:13exceptions, if there's some robust insurance companies, but when you have a healthcare
00:09:24system that makes money off treatment and cures and not prevention, then you will end up with a
00:09:31financial incentive for people to become ill. And the financial incentive for people to become ill
00:09:37is all over the place, and it's embedded everywhere. And we can look for all the heroes
00:09:42that we want, but fundamentally people are going to follow their economic interest in a moral
00:09:47standpoint. All right, so somebody has given me an article here from Sounds like a
00:09:57frightened first vice president., why is it not letting me open that? Oh, there we go.
00:10:02So, let's see here. This is from 2018. An unexpected consequence of the opioid crisis. The
00:10:09increase in drug overdose deaths is resulting in more organ donations and new hope for
00:10:13transplantations in Michigan and across the nation. In Michigan, almost 16% of the 320 donors
00:10:20whose life organs were harvested last year died from drug overdose. Wow. And that's up from 5.5%
00:10:27in 2012. Well, I stand corrected and I really do appreciate the information. It goes to show that
00:10:36you shouldn't get any medical thoughts from a philosopher. But let's see here.
00:10:41This is from What do they have to say? Let us see.
00:10:47Why are they so slow to load? I don't know. Still, it's better than being on a 300 board
00:10:55modem trying to get a website to load or something like that. Why is no loading? I don't know. Well,
00:11:02we'll come back to that later. So, yeah, it's rough, man. If you still have these wretched
00:11:07childhoods, then it's inevitable that you're going to end up with a huge demand for painkillers.
00:11:14And the other thing too, there was a great statement. I don't know who made it. I think
00:11:17it was a nutritionist or probably an exercise coach and said, if you stop moving, well,
00:11:22then you stop moving, right? And I was sort of explaining to my daughter, and again,
00:11:27it's not any kind of medical advice. It's just my idiot amateur opinion. But I remember,
00:11:33you know, when you get older, you see all the people around you who aren't quite as into exercise
00:11:40beginning to fall apart. You know, it's pretty wild when you see, you've seen these Chinese
00:11:44gymnasts in their 80s and 90s. Even Mick Jagger is like 80 or something and still practicing his
00:11:49dance moves because he's got this, you know, tiny cockroach body. But when you get older and
00:11:56you start to see, you know, people around you sort of dropping health bits, you know,
00:12:01just falling apart, like some robot that's having bits shaken off it. And for me, it's sort of as
00:12:06important to start to do the research a while ago, just on like how to maintain things and so on.
00:12:12People get hit in the legs, which I think mostly means the knees. Of course, it's the back issues.
00:12:17And the big one is neck and shoulders, right? Big one is neck and shoulders.
00:12:21And neck and shoulders are tough. And I mean, for me, a massage gun, massage, stretching,
00:12:26exercise, all helps. And so far, so good. Knee problems. I did crunch a knee on a disco floor
00:12:32when I was about 20 and managed to get it back. Then I whacked my knee falling in St. Louis when
00:12:38I was giving a speech at the sort of Phyllis Schlafly group many years ago. And I crunched
00:12:44that and that took a long time. I went to all this rehab and nobody helped me a bit. And I
00:12:48finally found a weird spot. Like the thing with the body is like whatever hurts, if you've pulled
00:12:52something or something's tense or whatever. For me, whatever hurts is like half a world away.
00:12:56It's like completely, seems to be completely unrelated, but it ends up working to release it.
00:13:01And knees in particular, you know, big, big challenge. And it's funny, because when you
00:13:06work with physical things, like you work with computers, you work with cars and lawnmowers and
00:13:10so on, then the more you use them, the more they wear down, right? It's kind of, it's a strange
00:13:15mindset for me to get into, right? Because I'm just used to, you know, worked a lot with mechanical
00:13:21stuff and in particular computers and stuff. And the more you use it, the more it wears down.
00:13:25But that's not the thing with the body, right? With the body, you know, as far as I understand
00:13:29it, to maintain your cartilage, you got to keep walking, to maintain your bones and you've got to
00:13:36work them, right? They work better the more you work them, which is the opposite of every
00:13:40mechanical thing, which wears out faster, the more you use it. So getting that kind of reversal
00:13:44thing that's going on, like I think with people's knees, I think what happens is, you know, you sort
00:13:49of think of the typical thing where somebody is, you know, they get up in the morning, they drive
00:13:54to work and they're sitting for an hour and then they get to their desk and then they sit off and
00:13:59on for eight hours and maybe they walk down the hall to a meeting and then they sit in their car
00:14:04for another hour, drive home and then they sit to eat dinner and then they sit on the couch and
00:14:07it's just sit, sit, sit. And I think then, you know, when it comes time to want to use their
00:14:12cartilage or to use their knee stuff, it's not particularly good. And I don't think it wears
00:14:18away in that way. I think from what I've read, the more you walk, the better your cartilage is,
00:14:23right? It's not like your, you know, if you brush your teeth too much, your gums recede and
00:14:29don't come back kind of thing. But yeah, it's rough, man. It's rough. So I think that's another
00:14:34reason, you know, the number of Americans in particular, like, you know, between a third and
00:14:38a half, sort of chronic pain every day. And I think 20, 25% of Americans have been dealing with
00:14:44chronic pain for 13 years or more. And this constant, you know, manage the symptoms, manage
00:14:52the symptoms, manage the symptoms is brutal on the body. And I would say, you know, other than
00:14:58that little cancer dip, I've been very lucky with my health over my life. And, you know, I mean,
00:15:02some of it's, I think, good genes. Some of it, of course, I do exercise and
00:15:07I'm just a shade under six foot and weigh 187 pounds and so on. And I actually, I mean, like
00:15:12a 30, size 32 weight. So not too bad. Not too bad. I'm no skinny vaninny, but not too bad because,
00:15:20you know, it's one of the things you notice when you age or, you know, maybe you had grandparents
00:15:23or whatever, you know, there are no, there are almost no obese people over like 75 or 80.
00:15:29You know, the people you see, he's 90, he's 95, they're all skinny as rails, right?
00:15:32It just seems to be the way things go. So, yeah, so I've got more stuff to talk about. Again,
00:15:40this could be your chat, your call, your feedback, your questions, your comments. Did get a very
00:15:45interesting question about copyrights and patents, which would be interesting to talk about,
00:15:51but I'll just give a pause here in case anybody has any questions, comments, issues, or, you know,
00:15:55just anything you want to share, whatever might be on your mind. I am perfectly thrilled
00:15:59to hear, as I'm sure will be others. I'll just pause here for a sec.
00:16:07I guess I'll just throw in there anecdotally, like I've, I came out of the army in my early
00:16:1120s with a lower back pain. I was diagnosed as degenerative disc disease and my back hurts me
00:16:19far less the more active I am. Generally, if I'm having a pretty long sedentary period,
00:16:26my back will start bugging me much, much more.
00:16:32Yeah, it does complain. It's like, you know, I think the body's like a dog. If you don't,
00:16:35if you don't take it for a walk, it starts to whine and complain quite a bit. So, what else
00:16:42did I get? Oh, yeah, I got something else today. I sort of noticed that I was reading today. I had
00:16:47a little bit of time to read today. So, helping out somebody with a little musical thing.
00:16:53Okay, so what does it cost to live the American dream under three years of Joe Biden, right? This
00:16:58is more economics than politics, but I just find this really, really, really, really interesting.
00:17:03So, according to a new report just released, again, this is from Zero Hedge, now takes over
00:17:08$100,000 a year for the typical family to live the American dream in all 50 states. And in 29 of
00:17:14those states, it actually takes over $150,000 a year. And so, Illinois was ranked 26th on that
00:17:25list. Pretty good snapshot of what the average US household is facing right now. Median home price,
00:17:31$255,278. Annual child care costs. Of course, I wrote about this in my novel, The Present,
00:17:41which is why it will never get made into a movie in my lifetime, because there's just
00:17:47too much pain. There's too much pain around the question of child care. People would lose their
00:17:53shit. I mean, if this was made into a movie, women would be, and men, they would throw up,
00:18:01they would be running out of the theater. It would be that intense. You know, when you get people
00:18:06to betray their kids, right? And I can understand some situations where in child care is really
00:18:14necessary. If, let's say the mother gets ill or something sort of really bad has happened,
00:18:19then I can understand that you might, there's sort of emergency situations,
00:18:24there aren't grandparents around or something like that. But for a lot of
00:18:31parents, it's not that. It's right. It's just vanity. It's just habit. It's like, well,
00:18:38you know, you've got to go back to work because, I mean, maybe people are so economically illiterate
00:18:44that they don't understand how much they're taking home after all the expenses.
00:18:49I went through the entire map in my novel, The Present, which I know sounds like the
00:18:54least exciting spreadsheet fiction on demand, but it's in a very dramatic and exciting way.
00:18:59So, what does it mean? What does it mean to actually have a job when you have a couple of
00:19:04kids? Well, it means that you're working for a couple of bucks an hour after all is said and done.
00:19:12And then you can take those couple of bucks an hour and use it to fund therapy for your kids later
00:19:17on, because they're going to need it or you're going to need it. But the second cost,
00:19:30annual child care cost, $24,174. Annual mortgage cost, $21,401. Car cost, $8,709. Grocery cost,
00:19:40$8,143. Healthcare cost, $7,000. Utilities, $5,200. Education, $2,400. Pet cost, $1,100.
00:19:49So, full cost of the American dream, $156,739.
00:19:59Oh, the pillaging is just appalling. The pillaging is just appalling. The pillaging,
00:20:06you know, the pillaging of inflation, right? The secret, hidden, most regressive tax known to man,
00:20:11and usually not one person in 100 can tell you what's going on, and not one person in 10,000
00:20:16can tell you the structure of this entirely predatory system called fiat currency.
00:20:24Fiat currency is like mosquitoes, right? It's like a swarm of mosquitoes,
00:20:30and you can't get them all, and you got to sleep sometime, and you just get drained.
00:20:35You just get drained. Every little tiny ghost finger in your wallet, scrubbing, scrubbing,
00:20:40scrubbing, right? I mean, my daughter saved up a little bit of money, and I had to tell her,
00:20:43in a couple of years, like the last couple of years, it's down 15%. I'm sorry. It's just
00:20:49the way that it is. Isn't it incredible, right? Isn't it an incredible system? It's an incredible
00:20:53thing to be able to steal from people without entering their house, without touching anything
00:21:04that they have, to just be able to steal from people when they're sleeping, to be able to steal
00:21:10from people when you're sleeping as the printing press goes. It's just the most staggeringly
00:21:17efficient, predatory, invisible, and toxic kind of theft, and because it's relatively risk-free.
00:21:26I mean, it really is risk-free, right? If you want to go break into somebody's house,
00:21:33they could have a guard dog. They could have, I don't know, a bear trap. They could be armed.
00:21:39They could, you know, you could get in serious trouble, right? Don't want to do that.
00:21:44Nerd theft is the name of the game. Nerd theft. And fiat currency is nerd theft. Well, I don't
00:21:50want to take you on. I'm too small. So I'm just going to inflate the currency and steal from you
00:21:55that way. And once you have that kind of power, I mean, what can you do? There's nothing you can do.
00:22:00Once you have that kind of power, it just has to go to crash.
00:22:03And, you know, it certainly is my hope. Here's my hope. My hope about the present.
00:22:10You know, like, how do I say not to black belt? Well, my hope about the present is something like
00:22:15this. The present is so well recorded that we are in the process of inoculating the future
00:22:29against just these kinds of disasters. It's so well documented.
00:22:35And it's going to be so vivid. You know, you look at these old timey photos and paintings and,
00:22:39you know, that sort of wobbly flickery film, and it just seems odd and dissociated. Imagine if you
00:22:45had like perfect 4k 60 frames a second window on the fall of Rome and everything that was going on.
00:22:52So there's a, I've mentioned this before, there's a great Steve Martin bit about,
00:22:56you know, getting older means you learn how to close doors.
00:23:01Just a whole series of doors slamming shut, like down a hallway, boom, boom, boom. And somebody's
00:23:06like, hey, let's go camping. Sorry, we're closed. And this is, the present is documenting
00:23:18all of the crazy, evil, vicious stuff that happens when you have crazy, evil,
00:23:22vicious beliefs. When you allow the government to educate your children,
00:23:27they are rendered defenseless against predation. They are open to the skies, tied down lambs
00:23:39with barrel-chested hawks swooping low. And all, all the craziness. In the future,
00:23:44people are going to be like, hey, let's try X. Sorry, we've seen that before. And we know, like,
00:23:52we are documenting the slippery slope so avidly, in such great and powerful detail,
00:24:01that the slippery slope argument will no longer be a fallacy. Will no longer be a fallacy.
00:24:12And all of the evils that come from contradictory, immoral thoughts parading as virtue,
00:24:25all of this is so well detailed, all of this is so well documented, we have a living, powerful,
00:24:30worldwide record, from here to eternity, about all the bad decisions that are being made,
00:24:35and all of the evasions that are being made. And because it's all so vividly documented,
00:24:43every nook, scrap, and alley videoed. I mean, if we make it to any kind of place of freedom,
00:24:51and I think we will, might take a while, but I think we will, we get to a place of freedom,
00:24:57and people are like, well, you know, we should try this. And we're like, no, no,
00:25:02we have a billion hours of exactly what happens, all documented video, audio, text, you name it,
00:25:11we have a billion hours of documentation about exactly what happens when you try this.
00:25:24So how about we don't? How about not? And there's nobody who advocates a return to slavery.
00:25:33And in the future, the enslavement of the mind that produces such dismal effects
00:25:41in the world of the present will be so obvious to everyone that it won't be tempting.
00:25:51It'll be like, I don't know, if you've ever had that friend, you ever had that friend?
00:25:54The guy who is so much fun, you know, every time he comes to town, you go out and you have these
00:26:02crazy times, and you're up for two days straight. And, you know, you can't remember what happened,
00:26:07but you're sure it was a huge blast. And maybe you wake up with a tattoo on your inner thigh,
00:26:12or something like that. The guy who comes to town, right?
00:26:14Or something like that. The guy who comes to town, right?
00:26:20And then at some point, you're like, this guy is like a sociopathic loser who's sucking away
00:26:27months of my life. And sooner or later, it's going to go really bad. And you kind of wake
00:26:34up from that hypnotic, super fun kind of days, right? And it's sorted, right? It's like the
00:26:42walk of shame that women talk about, like they go and sleep with some guy they just met. And
00:26:47then they got to walk home the next day in their wobbly heels with their sharp mascara. And what
00:26:53seemed glamorous and cool the night before is just sorted, gritty, and gross. In the sandy-eyed
00:27:02morning light of a hazy city street, gross. It's waking up to the effects of the release
00:27:15from reality. Like the release from reality stuff is really tempting. We don't have to be real,
00:27:24we don't have to be constrained, we don't have to be rational, we don't have to be moral.
00:27:28Let our freak flag fly. A Macy Gray song, right? And it's really tempting. It's really tempting.
00:27:42And then as the effects begin to sink in, the sordidness and grotesqueness of it all.
00:27:49You know, I remember being in a literature class in university when I did a couple of
00:27:58years of an English literature degree, and then I left to pursue theatre school. And
00:28:06I remember the professor, I still remember his name actually, my professor handed out a book
00:28:13to look at. I ended up, I used to be quite a sketch artist back in the day, or actually it
00:28:17was not really sketching, it was like a painstaking bit-by-bit drawing kind of stuff.
00:28:25Soft pencil, soft lead pencil. And I remember he handed out a book which was
00:28:35a play about Antigone and the people who were mostly naked. And it was some, I think it was
00:28:4170s or maybe early 80s, just some super underground avant-garde New York art scene,
00:28:48you know, where it's like, oh, everybody's so out of the box and they're all living communally.
00:28:54And, you know, there is a sort of dark hypnosis to it. And I remember looking at that book,
00:28:58flipping through it, and I ended up drawing one of the guys because I found his face quite
00:29:03fascinating. And why should there be clothes on stage? What's with all this bourgeois restraint
00:29:11and, you know, let's get natural. And this was kind of like a 60s thing too, right?
00:29:19Why should we have all of these constraints? Why should we be constrained by perspective
00:29:26and lights and color and depth and proportion? Why shouldn't we paint what we feel?
00:29:33What strikes us as cool rather than slavishly photographing with paint what is merely there?
00:29:43And this, I want to be free of all constraint. I want to be free to be outside of language,
00:29:53to be outside of grammar, right? The Dubliners and Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man that
00:30:00when I had my original Twitter account back in the day, my daughter and I used to tweet because
00:30:04we would read this. I was reading this book to her and she found it absolutely hilarious,
00:30:08Portrait of the Artist as a Young Man. And to be free of the need for comprehensibility,
00:30:16to provide deep impressions rather than clear communication. The Dadaist movement, right?
00:30:23Where you had plays with gibberish. And I sort of mocked one of these plays
00:30:28when I wrote my novel almost when Tom goes to Berlin in the
00:30:34late 1930s and goes to an avant-garde play. I wrote one of these insane plays
00:30:41almost always involving fratricide. That was the big theme in the 1930s German theater.
00:30:46And to be free of all restraint. Why not? And then you just portray all of the people who have
00:30:54standards as sort of stodgy, upright, restrained. Cecil versus George in Room with a View, right?
00:31:02They're all so uptight and constrained. Ned Flanders, I mean, at least they gave him a buff
00:31:06body, right? But you're uptight and constrained and naive and all of the cool people are edgy
00:31:11and dangerous. Like the guy in The Crow who died, Brendan Lee. Just make them all cool and
00:31:20attractive and give them a little bit of mascara. This is the pirate in Pirates of the Caribbean,
00:31:27Johnny Depp character. Some of them are kind of cool and they're unfazed by any standards and
00:31:32they never seem to have jobs. And they're cool and free, like five easy pieces. He can play piano,
00:31:37but he goes and works on an oil rig because he's free. Easy rider. They have no rules,
00:31:41no standards. They're free. And they just made the outlaw, no rules life so cool.
00:31:52And of course, the Bible warned us about all of this. To be free of rules is to leave the
00:31:59paradise of a good conscience. The Garden of Eden, to me, is a good conscience.
00:32:10And it's all been so meticulously documented now, the after effects of bad thinking.
00:32:18The idea that we need people subject to no rules to enforce all of society's rules,
00:32:28isn't that wild? This is fundamental belief. This is one of the reasons why voluntarism
00:32:33is so logically consistent and morally beautiful. We need people subject to no rules to enforce all
00:32:40of society's rules. Well, if rules needs to be enforced, who enforces the rules on the enforcers?
00:32:48The police have investigated themselves and found themselves to be free of any wrongdoing.
00:32:52And this should be the central question of political science. I took a whole
00:32:58political science full-year course at McGill, and I remember virtually nothing. I'm sure I
00:33:06could dig up my notes 30, 35 years later, 25 years later, and nothing. Nothing.
00:33:16Because that's the fundamental question, is if rules in society need to be enforced,
00:33:24who enforces the rules on the enforcers? And you can't say,
00:33:30a bill of rights, that's just a piece of paper, can't enforce anything.
00:33:32And the consequence of failing to answer that question in a creative and imaginary
00:33:47and morally virtuous way, the failure to answer that question,
00:33:51who enforces the rules on those who enforce the rules? There's only one answer to that.
00:33:58There's only one answer as to who enforces the rules on those who enforce the rules.
00:34:07A statism has no answer for that, any more than monarchy has an answer to that,
00:34:14or any dictatorship. Who enforces the rules on those who enforce the rules?
00:34:20And the only answer is the voluntary customer.
00:34:23The voluntary customer. Like if you were forced to eat at your neighborhood restaurant,
00:34:31then the need for quality from the neighborhood restaurant would be very low. Be very low,
00:34:37very low indeed. We know this from sort of the Soviet example, right? The restaurants stayed
00:34:42a business no matter how well or badly they did. So you're forced to eat at your local restaurant,
00:34:51and they could just serve any old slop, it could have crap in it, it could taste terrible,
00:34:56doesn't really matter, they get paid either way and it's a lot easier to produce low quality
00:35:00than to produce high quality. So what is it that keeps the quality going in a restaurant
00:35:06that nobody has to eat there? It's voluntary customer service.
00:35:15And as people have weirder and weirder jobs enforced by more and more rules,
00:35:19service goes down. Like just this month, I've had to wait at home
00:35:26twice for people who said they were going to come by, and they never came by.
00:35:33And you call them, oh yeah, yeah, well, something came up, yeah, you can't call.
00:35:38Like it's bizarre to me, because it's very, very, very far from the quality that I grew up with and
00:35:44expected and provided and try to provide, obviously, still. But the only people who can
00:35:50enforce rules on those who enforce the rules are the voluntary customers. If whoever's enforcing
00:35:54the rules is doing a bad, expensive, inefficient or corrupt job, you stop paying them and start
00:36:00paying someone who's doing better, or you start your own company to enforce the rules.
00:36:09The only answer as to who enforces the rules on those who enforce the rules is the voluntary
00:36:15customer and or competitor. That's the only answer. There's no other answer. There's no other answer.
00:36:24And yet, we are so far from understanding the nature of our society that nobody's even really
00:36:30asking the question. And you can see in these various political persecutions that are going
00:36:35on now that there really is, it's like the opposite of an answer in the present world.
00:36:45Very sad. Very sad. So, yeah, the amount of money you need these days.
00:36:51There is another thing that I read, and I'll just pause here for a second in case anybody
00:36:55has any comments, questions. Xingzhu Xia. All right, let's go for another couple of minutes.
00:37:04So, what percentage of retirees at the moment say that they are very happy? They're like living the
00:37:14dream, right? They're living the dream because, you know, you work, right? 25 to 65, you're 40
00:37:21years. 40 years, you work and you work and you work. 40 years, you work and you work and you work.
00:37:27And then you retire, and you're supposed to live the dream, if you make it, right? If you make it.
00:37:37So, in America, only 4% of today's retirees said they are living the dream. Just as many, 4% said
00:37:46they are living the nightmare. So, 44% said they're comfortable, 34% they're not great, but not bad.
00:37:5415% said they are struggling.
00:38:01So, the top concern, cited by 89% of respondents, is inflation lessening the value of their assets.
00:38:13That's followed by higher than expected healthcare costs, with 85%.
00:38:17A major market downturn that may significantly reduce their assets, 76%, not knowing how best
00:38:22to draw down income, 69%, and outliving their assets, 68%. I'll tell you this, my friends,
00:38:29it's a pretty bad thing to get to the end of your life and not know
00:38:38if you can make it to the end of your life, right? It's pretty bad if you
00:38:49get to the end of your life and you don't know if you can make it, right? Can I afford this,
00:38:56can I afford that, can I do this trip, can I eat out, what if I live too long,
00:39:00what if I get sick, what if, what if, what if, right? That's a nightmare.
00:39:09Americans may face a shortfall, again this is CNBC, sorry. Americans may face a short fall in
00:39:15their golden years as many workers still lack access to employer retirement savings plans and
00:39:19typical retirement savings are short of matching workers' pre-retirement standard of living.
00:39:27Today's retirees are more likely to use their own pension plan or a spouse's pension plan for income
00:39:30rather than their own workplace savings account. And it's awful.
00:39:37Americans think they need 1.46 million on average to retire comfortably.
00:39:44One-third of workers who calculated how much money they will need in retirement estimated 1.5 million
00:39:48or more. Yet a third of workers said they know they need 1.46 million, 1.5 million, yet a third
00:39:58of workers have less than $50,000 in savings and investment.
00:40:03Less than $50,000 in savings and investment. And 14% of workers have less than $1,000.
00:40:14Isn't that wild?
00:40:20And of course new projections just came out this week, confirmed Social Security,
00:40:23Medicare's trust funds are still on the brink of insolvency within the next decade. It's not going
00:40:29to work. Less than half the respondents in the survey, 44% said they saved enough for retirement,
00:40:3432% said they don't have enough saved and 24% are unsure. They're unsure, don't even know.
00:40:39Don't even know.
00:40:45Don't even know. They have no idea, no clue. How could they possibly know, right?
00:40:52Really tragic.
00:40:55And yeah, the amount, I mean, to me, just the amount of financial irresponsibility
00:40:59is just, it's really quite shocking. And, you know, again, I was raised poor, so,
00:41:05you know, learning how to stretch a dollar, learning how to save a dollar was
00:41:08pretty important to me. It's pretty powerful for me. And man, it's rough
00:41:15Man, it's rough seeing the number of people who just don't have
00:41:23the savings and don't even really seem to know,
00:41:27you know, whether they have enough, whether they don't have enough, anything like that.
00:41:32It's absolutely wild.
00:41:38And tragic. And of course, the really sad thing is that these are people who probably put their
00:41:44kids in daycare. So if and when they run out of money, what's going to happen? Are they going to
00:41:48be able to lean on their kids? Probably not. All right. Sorry, there are a few questions that I
00:42:00miss it because I was in the wrong one. I can't help but feel a bit of schadenfreude at hearing
00:42:05a large percentage of boomers are facing homelessness. Just do your own thing, man.
00:42:09See where that got them. Well, yes, there is that for sure. There is that for sure. And you can see
00:42:16why they need to, it's one of the reasons why immigration is such a hot topic, because they
00:42:20need to prop up the value of housing. Right? They need to prop up the value of housing.
00:42:28The founding father, somebody said, the founding fathers really tried to avoid
00:42:30the mistakes the Romans made. The next equivalent will hopefully be keen to do the same. Yeah.
00:42:40Somebody says, plus one for knees over toes guy. Oh, is that a health guy?
00:42:46Knees over toes guy is an excellent resource for knee rehabilitation.
00:42:49All right. Apologies for being late, but would you mind diving more deeply into the incentives
00:42:54regarding healthcare? I believe I've heard you say before that in China, you pay the doctor while
00:42:57you're healthy, and then they pay for you or your expenses when you're sick. Well, yeah. So
00:43:02the money to be made in healthcare is in prevention, but prevention
00:43:16accrues value to no doctor, right? Do you pay your doctor every year if your knees are good? You
00:43:22don't, right? I mean, the way that the market generally works is you have a doctor and your
00:43:31doctor is on standby. And you know, maybe you go, if you're married and your wife sets it up and
00:43:36right, right. But maybe you go every year and you get your checkup and you get your blood work and
00:43:41so you just check, you know, see, right? But you wait for something to go wrong. And then when
00:43:50something goes wrong, you go to your doctor and pay your doctor a lot of money. How does your
00:43:57doctor make money if you're well? I mean, this is foundational to healthcare, whether it's public,
00:44:06private, doesn't really matter. How does your doctor make money if you're well?
00:44:13It's an inverse of the economic incentives that are there, right? And this is all pretty obvious.
00:44:18I think we all understand this, right? You have a doctor and you know, you wake up and you got an
00:44:24ache and a pain and so on and it doesn't go away. You call your doctor and it's like, oh, you've got
00:44:27to come in and have a look at this. You've got to have a look at that. You've got to have a look at
00:44:30the other, right? So, you know, when I was younger, I would occasionally get these sort of cysts on my
00:44:35scalp and I'd have to go and get them opened and drained and so on, like just some
00:44:41infection in the hair follicle. I can't remember exactly, but you know, every couple of years I'd
00:44:45have to go and get one of those things dealt with, right? And I remember this is one of the first
00:44:50times I had one that it kind of just stuck on my head in the back and, you know, wouldn't matter
00:44:55that much if I'd had hair, but you know, you could see this little lump. And I remember I went to my
00:45:00doctor. I went to my doctor and I said, listen, I want to get this removed. This is in my late 20s,
00:45:06I think. I want to get this removed, right? And my doctor said, well, you know, I'm not really going
00:45:13to do that because, you know, I'm not going to do that in... Occasionally I'd have a doctor who would
00:45:17do it in the office, but he'd say, I'm not going to do that. So he said, you're going to have to
00:45:24get it done in a hospital. So, you know, I wasn't such a big advocate for myself earlier, you know,
00:45:31you know, when you're younger, at least, I don't know, I don't want to speak for you guys, but when
00:45:34I was younger, it's like, when, you know, you're in your 20s and the guy in the white lab coat says
00:45:41you have to get this done in a hospital, I was like, okay, I guess I have to get it done in a
00:45:48hospital. And I think one of the reasons for that, I don't know if anybody gets any money for
00:45:54referrals, but it's more time consuming, right? The doctors get paid by the patient. So what do
00:46:00you want? You want a patient who comes in, right? And as you know, the research is pretty clear that
00:46:05doctors listen to your symptoms for about 18 seconds before they interrupt, right? Because,
00:46:10hey, man, you got to keep things moving. You know, like, I remember when I was,
00:46:16when I would go to bars when I was younger, I'd go to listen to music, live music, love listening
00:46:21to bands, always love listening to bands. I don't care if they're, you know, professional or some
00:46:26monster band or whatever, I could just like go into, I remember coming to see a band and they're
00:46:30like, we'll play any song you want, except House of the Rising Sun. We don't do that anymore. We
00:46:36don't do that song anymore. And I remember I was there and I ordered my Coke and I sat and nursed
00:46:43it for a while. And, you know, the waiter would come by and say, you want a drink? I'd be like,
00:46:47no, we're good. And they're like, man, you got to order something. You're not paying for the band.
00:46:52I was like, oh, you know, it's just these tiny little lessons in economics that you kind of have
00:46:56to pick up from the planet as a whole. It's like, you got to order a drink, man. Well, you're not
00:47:01paying for that. So I'm like, okay, yeah, that's right. You know, there was no cover for the band.
00:47:05I'm not paying for the band. Right. So how am I paying for the band? Well, I'm paying for the band
00:47:10by buying drinks. And, you know, because I was underage, I wasn't ordering alcohol. I don't
00:47:14think I was even supposed to be in the bar, but I was not ordering alcohol. So I was supposed to,
00:47:19so, you know, and when you're a waiter, you've got to keep the tables moving. Right. This is
00:47:23why they come by, which you're going to give your bill. This is why they clean up the plates.
00:47:28Right. Like I remember when I was younger, like, why the hell do you want to keep cleaning up the
00:47:32plates? Like I'm still here. Well, they want to clean up the plates. So you'll get the hell out
00:47:36and they can get another table set down because they got to pay for that. And I remember there
00:47:40was a coffee shop, Tim Hortons, like sometimes says, you can't be here more than 20 minutes.
00:47:46You don't have to go home, but you can't stay here.
00:47:51So, yeah, doctors got to keep you moving. They got to get you the hell out of their office,
00:47:56which is another reason why you go to the doctor. And a lot of times they'll just,
00:48:00oh yeah, it's right. Write your script, write your script. Just get, you just write your script,
00:48:04get you to the pharmacist, get out, get out. I mean, I remember having a doctor once trying to
00:48:10talk to them about something. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Yep. Just like rushing you along,
00:48:14rushing you along. You're on this like mad conveyor belt. It's like, bro, this is my health.
00:48:19We're talking about here. Don't fucking rush me. It's my health. Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Yep. Yep. Right.
00:48:27Just keep you moving. Don't you feel like this is like conveyor belt. You're going this high
00:48:31speed through the doctor's office. So I think that while some of the older doctors, once or
00:48:38twice, I would have these cysts sort of drained, like cut open and drained and stitched up in the
00:48:43office, right? Because they're used to doing stuff that's helpful and all of that. But if, you know,
00:48:50let's say that takes them half an hour, soup to nuts, right? Well, in half an hour,
00:48:55they could see a whole bunch of people and write a whole bunch of antibiotics prescriptions or some
00:48:59painkillers, or, you know, here's your barbiturates or, you know, whatever it is. Just here you go.
00:49:07Here you go. Here you go. Here you go. Conveyor belt, conveyor belt, conveyor belt. No prevention.
00:49:11What money do they make from prevention? Like they might say to you, you probably need to lose
00:49:14some weight or something like that, but they don't make any money from that. They make money from
00:49:20your ailments. Now society, and this is an asymmetrical cost, right? Society loses money
00:49:28from your ailments. Doctors make money from your ailments, right? Your boss loses money.
00:49:33You lose money. Society as a whole loses money. The economy loses money when you get sick,
00:49:38but you pay the doctor. The doctor makes money from you getting ill.
00:49:45So, that's just the nature of healthcare. Now, what is the solution to this? Well,
00:49:52the solution to this would be quite simple, and it would take about 10 to 15 seconds to implement in
00:50:00a free economy. The solution to this is
00:50:09that the doctor gets paid for the patients he's not seeing.
00:50:19Right? So, if you have a doctor, then the doctor gets paid if you don't come to see him,
00:50:28and the doctor gets paid if your blood work is good, and the doctor gets paid if your knees are
00:50:35good, and your neck is good, and your shoulders are good, and your back is good, and the doctor
00:50:39gets paid if your weight is good, and if your cholesterol is the right amount, and I know that's
00:50:44sort of controversial. I'm just talking about general health markers, and if your testosterone
00:50:48is in the right level, and if you have enough vitamin D, and the doctor gets paid if you're
00:50:54healthy. Now, I understand that creates an incentive for the doctor to not see you
00:51:04when you're ill, right? But that's just sort of baked in, right? The doctor can't refuse you if
00:51:08you want to come in, but the doctor is paid for your health, right? So, 70 to 80% of health issues
00:51:16are lifestyle related, which is sort of a nice way of saying people choose to get ill.
00:51:21Yeah, people choose to get ill, right? I mean, as I've gotten older, I'm spending less and less
00:51:28time in the studio, like I'll do my six hours of studio time on Wednesday nights, Friday nights,
00:51:35and Sunday mornings, but right now, I'm not in the studio. Right now, I've worked quite hard
00:51:42to get a setup where I can walk around. It's better for my brain, it's better for the show,
00:51:48it's better for my health, and I'm not entirely sure that people spend two and a half hours
00:51:53watching me on video. I don't think I'm quite that fascinating, or animated, or interesting,
00:52:00right? It's just talking head me. I think people listen a lot, and even if there is video,
00:52:06they'll just listen. I don't think people sit there with popcorn watching me
00:52:10for two and a half hours, and I'd rather walk, and it's better for me.
00:52:15So, in a rational health care system, your doctor takes you on, can't dump you,
00:52:26right? Because otherwise, if you started gaining weight, your doctor would dump you,
00:52:29right? So, your doctor takes you on, can't dump you, has to see you when you're sick.
00:52:36When you're sick, and your doctor is paid. Obviously, your doctor is paid when you are
00:52:44sick, right? So, if you come in and you have a problem, then the doctor is paid to treat that,
00:52:51but you would want to balance the incentives so the doctor makes the most money
00:52:54when his patients are the healthiest, right? It's just like Rationality 101,
00:53:02and that aligns the doctor's incentives with what's best for society as a whole.
00:53:09And if you come in and you're unhealthy, then the doctor gets paid more as you get healthier
00:53:16and healthier, right? So, as your weight goes down, as your VO2 max goes up, as your flexibility
00:53:23increases to some degree, or at least stops decreasing, as your bones get stronger, you know,
00:53:28so the doctor is going to be very positive towards you being on an exercise program.
00:53:32Now, also, how much money do people save by losing weight and exercising? Well,
00:53:38you know, they save money on food if they're losing weight, although sometimes
00:53:43the healthier food can be expensive, right? If they're shifting from frozen crab to fresh meat.
00:53:49And of course, they have to buy a new wardrobe and so on, right? And if they're losing a lot
00:53:53of weight, then they have to buy a whole set of new wardrobes as they lose weight.
00:53:56It's quite expensive. So, but if you go from being sedentary to moving around,
00:54:06right, you go from being sedentary to moving around, who pays you? I mean, society's benefiting,
00:54:13right? I mean, society's benefiting because you're, it's not, it's not just whether you're
00:54:17sick or not, it's like the general level of energy. I don't know if you've ever had to
00:54:21claw your way through some day where you're half dead from tiredness. I remember
00:54:26being at a, like, leading a corporate R&D retreat in Whistler many, many years ago,
00:54:32back in my software days. I led a R&D retreat where we were coming up with great new ideas for
00:54:39software. And I don't know if it was a time change or, you know, if I'd had a couple of
00:54:45handfuls of M&Ms at lunch or something like that, but mid-afternoon, man, I was just dying.
00:54:50It's like, who do I have to blow to catch a 20-minute nap here? Because I'll do it, man.
00:54:55And it was rough. And so, it's not just, you know, are you sick or are you healthy? It's like,
00:55:00how creative are you? How attentive are you? How alert are you? How energetic are you? Because,
00:55:06you know, tired people are grumpy. Tired people make mistakes. Tired people aren't creative.
00:55:10Tired people are dragged on everyone's energy. So, it's a whole energy thing. If you're healthy,
00:55:18you have a lot of energy. And often, you'll have more emotional balance.
00:55:25You'll be more even-tempered. And people will want to work with you more. Like, it's just amazing
00:55:31how productive you are when you have energy. And I think, you know, I'm not speaking out of turn
00:55:35here when I say we've all had those days where we're dragging our asses around like a couple
00:55:39of dead donkeys. And it's rough. You know, it's tough to get anything done that's productive.
00:55:45And it's tough to be enthusiastic. And it's tough to be creative. And it's tough
00:55:48to really problem-solve and, you know, dig your mental fangs into some problem and tear it to
00:55:52shreds. So, it's not just, are you homesick? It's like, how much energy do you have?
00:55:59How much energy do you have? So, your doctor and your healthcare system, if you go to the gym,
00:56:09you start walking, you exercise, you say, okay, well, how do you know? Well, you know,
00:56:14now we have, of course, watches that can beam your steps, right? It's kind of crazy, right?
00:56:19But I mean, even if you didn't have that kind of stuff, you can tell the effects of walking, right?
00:56:24You measure the cartilage, you can measure the bone density and lots of kind of stuff, right?
00:56:28And so, if you go from sitting around like a slowly deep-fried Cheeto to moving around,
00:56:36you know, it could be volleyball, could be pickleball, could be just walking, could be
00:56:39running, could be, you know, you join a hockey league or whatever, right? Now you're moving
00:56:43around. So, how do you make money from that? I mean, it'd be nice if you did, right? Because
00:56:49right now, sickness is profitable and health is expensive, right? Sickness is profitable
00:56:57and health is expensive. So, whenever something's expensive, we generally get less of it. Whenever
00:57:01something is profitable, we get more of it. So, we get less movement, we get less healthy practices
00:57:08and we get more treatment. And think of the money that a doctor makes
00:57:16managing diabetes as opposed to you never getting it in the first place. Now, again,
00:57:20there are a lot of doctors who will definitely nag you to lose weight. You don't want to get
00:57:22diabetes. And so, there's a lot of honorable doctors, absolutely. But the general trends,
00:57:27you know, there were hard workers in the Soviet Union under communism. That doesn't mean that
00:57:30that's a generally productive environment for people as a whole. So, you want to make money
00:57:41when you become healthy. So, how do you do that? Well, of course, in a private sort of
00:57:46free market environment, health insurance is the cheapest when your risk factors are the lowest,
00:57:53right? So, if you don't smoke. I mean, I remember when I was being insured,
00:57:58you know, as an executive, when I was in corporations as an executive for my own corporation,
00:58:04you want to be insured, right? And in fact, I got so, quote, valuable to the shareholders
00:58:09and the board that I was not allowed to fly with other people because if two of us went down,
00:58:13the company would be toast. So, we had to fly separately after a while. And I remember I had
00:58:18to come in and, you know, they drew blood from me and they ran it through all kinds of tests to
00:58:25figure out whether they wanted to invest in the company, right? Did I have alcohol in my system?
00:58:31Was there nicotine in my system? Whether, you know, they just ran a whole battery of tests to see how
00:58:36healthy I was to figure out if they wanted to invest and buy the company or invest in the
00:58:39company as a whole, right? And if you don't smoke, if you maintain a healthy weight, if you're active
00:58:49and you eat well, right? Because eating well and maintaining a healthy weight are not always the
00:58:53same thing. They're overlapping circles, but they're not the same. Like, you can maintain a
00:58:56healthy weight and eat, like, garbage, right? You just don't eat much of it and, you know,
00:59:02calories are calories, right? So, are you getting enough sunlight? Are you getting enough sleep?
00:59:10Again, with these smartwatches, you can really track this kind of stuff. And, I mean, here's a
00:59:17funny thing. You don't get paid for going to bed on time, right? And don't you always have this thing,
00:59:26like, especially when you have a really busy day. Like, for me, my days are generally quite busy.
00:59:30So, when you have a really busy day, you get to bed and, you know, it's like, oh, it's some quiet
00:59:36time. I could watch something. I can just read something, you know? And there's this, like,
00:59:40like, this siren, like, this dance of the seven veils, except it's, like, sleep leaving in the
00:59:48middle, but shaking distance. Like, it's so seductive to stay up a little longer.
00:59:52So, nobody pays you for going to bed on time. Nobody pays you for getting your morning sun,
00:59:56nobody, right? But in a free society, you would get paid for these things,
01:00:00right? You would. You'd get paid for these things because
01:00:04if you get good sleep, your health is better.
01:00:08Poor sleep is linked to a wide variety of health issues. And again, like, nothing I'm saying is any
01:00:13kind of medical advice or nutritional advice or anything like that. This is, you know, all look it
01:00:16up for yourself, consult your doctor, blah, blah, blah, right? It's just my opinions and stuff that
01:00:20I've read about, but it doesn't mean anything and it's, nothing's true about it. It's all nonsense.
01:00:24So, just be aware of all of that, right? I'm just a philosophy guy. I don't know anything about these
01:00:28I don't know anything about these things in any professional sense, but
01:00:32sleep is important for health. You know, like, testosterone levels are dose dependent on sleep.
01:00:37More sleep, more testosterone. More testosterone is less anxiety and, and overall well-being and
01:00:43so on, right? And anxiety is tough on the system for a long period of time. So, who pays you
01:00:51for not ordering dessert? But you should get paid for these things. Why? Because they're
01:00:55economically valuable and you want to have a system where you get paid for making good health
01:01:02decisions. Nobody pays you right now for making good health decisions. In fact, they charge you.
01:01:07Society charges you for making good health decisions because often the healthy food is a
01:01:12little more expensive and you have a gym membership and, right? You're not getting paid for any of the
01:01:19good health decisions in general. Say, ah, well, well-being and all of that. I get all of that for
01:01:23sure. And even in communism, though, there was, you know, some people like, I just want to do a
01:01:28good job. I want to get that job satisfaction. True. And there's some people, the outliers,
01:01:32who will do a good job no matter what. But nobody pays you for making good health decisions and you
01:01:40should get paid. Now, how do you get paid? Well, you pay for access to a doctor and the people
01:01:47you're paying don't want you to have to access that doctor, other than regular preventive
01:01:54maintenance, right? Or preventive testing, right? So they don't want things to creep up. So they'll
01:01:59pay you for having an annual checkup and getting your blood panels done. They'll pay you for all
01:02:05of that because they want to catch things early and they want to prevent. They don't make money
01:02:11from curing. They make money from prevention. The less sick you are, the more money they make.
01:02:15Now, when I say they pay you, I don't mean, of course, that they write you a check. I mean that
01:02:18they reduce your premiums. Your health care premiums are reduced if you are healthy. So if
01:02:26you get good sleep, your health care premiums are reduced. If you maintain a healthy weight,
01:02:31if you eat well, if your blood work is good, if you exercise, if you move, right? I mean,
01:02:36I worked out for 40 minutes before doing this show. I had a nice game of Catan and did my
01:02:43exercises and nobody paid me for that. Nobody paid me for that. In fact, it kind of cost me.
01:02:53Exercise costs you because when you're exercising, you're not usually doing things that can make you
01:02:57any kind of money. So exercise, you've got to buy the equipment, you've got to buy the membership,
01:03:00you've got to buy the workout gear, you've got to buy the gloves, you've got to buy the
01:03:05weight belt if that's what you're using, you've got to buy the sports equipment. It costs you a
01:03:11lot of money. Even though what you're doing is beneficial to society and the economy and
01:03:16everything, right? It costs you money. So why would you charge people for healthy stuff and
01:03:22then why would people massively profit when you got sick? That's the exact opposite incentives
01:03:25that you would need. So in a free society, every step you take towards health is something that
01:03:37you get paid for in the form of reduced... And you get these early warning signals in the form
01:03:43of reduced payments for your healthcare premiums, reduced premiums. So if you drift into risk
01:03:50categories, you immediately get the feedback, right? So I don't know, let's say you stop moving
01:03:55and start smoking. Well, that's going to show up real quick and then your premiums are going to
01:04:01double. And if you quit, they'll go back down, right? So you get this sort of immediate feedback.
01:04:12So, I mean, that's the system that you want, where people are paid for healthy practices
01:04:17and less money is made from sickness. That way we're looking at prevention and we're looking at
01:04:23as cheap a treatment as humanly possible, right? I mean, this is sort of back to
01:04:27the controversies around things like hydroxychloroquine and ivermectin and so on,
01:04:32the controversies around those with regards to COVID. There was much more money to be made
01:04:36from the newly patented vaccines than there was from open source generic drugs.
01:04:43So this is a very key example, right? A very key example. Some of the optional
01:04:48surgeries floating around now can be $80,000 to $100,000. And if you have to pay for them yourself,
01:04:54people would probably make slightly different decisions than if they can offload those costs
01:04:57onto others. So I hope that's not too lengthy a discussion. And of course, there's a lot to talk
01:05:02about, but I think that's my sort of first run at the idea. But no, honestly, I'd like to get paid
01:05:09for staying in good shape. I'd like to get paid for that. That would be excellent.
01:05:17Sleep has been at the center of virtually all my problems. As someone with a good set
01:05:20of footworks, you don't wreck your feet. Thank you for your explanation and answering that. A
01:05:25very great thread to bring up. James says, Jared can attest to my level of energy change as a result
01:05:31of my weight loss. Is that right, James? Do you want to drop on and jump in and tell people what
01:05:40it's been like for you in your sort of health journey? I don't know if you even have a microphone
01:05:46or not, but yeah, feel free to jump in. But yeah, I'd like to get paid, and it bothers me.
01:05:52It bothers me. Somebody says, I do direct primary care, 75 bucks a month, no insurance runaround,
01:05:58fine, really great. One practitioner gets to know you and focus on prevention and make appointments,
01:06:02just make appointments with them when you need them. Had a solid hour recently of just going
01:06:06things one-on-one. I could tell she was interested and engaged. Yeah, yeah. Yeah,
01:06:11I mean, that's the Oklahoma Surgery Center as well.
01:06:18So, let's see here. What are your thoughts on AI potentially replacing a massive portion of
01:06:25the medical field, perhaps that addresses prevention in a satisfactory way for the consumer?
01:06:31Right, right. Am I familiar with crowd health? I'm not. Oh, James doesn't have a good mic. That's
01:06:36all right. No worries. But yeah, certainly, that is important. I mean, I had one time of
01:06:46insomnia over the course of my life before I went into therapy. Oh no, was it? No, during therapy,
01:06:51during therapy when I was just going through all this massive turmoil. And it's rough. And,
01:06:57you know, I have a friend of mine, a very talented and creative lady who has just brutal insomnia.
01:07:03And it's tough, man. You just drag your ass through the day. Just drag your ass through the
01:07:09day. And it's really no fun at all. So, all right. Sorry, there was a question here that I was about
01:07:16to kick into, which I have completely forgotten. There we go. What have we got here? Footwear.
01:07:25Yeah, I think footwear is important. But yeah, if you can get you good sleep, that's pretty
01:07:30foundational. And everybody has their own little tips and tricks. I have a mask. I have a sleep
01:07:37mask. You know, gossip girl style. I have a total sleep mask. And any time there's a show on TV
01:07:42where it's a girl who wears a sleep mask, I cringe a little, but then I have a good night's sleep.
01:07:47And I have a elephant's ass weighted blanket. Like the kind of weighted blanket that turns you
01:07:52into an inhabitant of Flatland. Like, it turns me literally two-dimensional. It's fantastic. I'm
01:07:58like one of these cartoon cats after the steamroller goes over in the morning. I have to
01:08:01pop myself back into 3D. Love it. Love it. Keep the room a little cool. Get myself under the
01:08:09womb-like embrace of the heavy blanket. Put my... I will often listen to... It's a fairly dull show.
01:08:19Never mind. Too much yelling. When I'm going to sleep. And it's great. It's great.
01:08:25Now, I'm in my 50s, so I'll have to usually get up at least once a night. Well, it's funny. Like,
01:08:29I wake up and I kind of have to pee, kind of don't have to pee. But if I sit there and wait,
01:08:34it usually doesn't work out well. So, I get up and pee, and go back to bed, go back to sleep.
01:08:38So, it's really, really great. Although, I will say this. You know, it's a really tragic thing.
01:08:43It's a really tragic thing. There's been twice in my life... I remember these days vividly.
01:08:52There have been twice in my life where I've woken up, ah, fully rested. Right? I just...
01:08:56I woke up fully rested, and everything was great. Everything was great. And I wake up,
01:09:04I'm like coming back from the dead. That's just the way it is. Right, wrong, good, bad.
01:09:09Do you have to manage extra warmth generated by the blanket? I don't. No, I don't.
01:09:15Zim says, I've been getting good, consistent sleep for the past month and change,
01:09:18and my quality of life, pretty much every metric has improved. Yeah. Yeah, I mean, you'd want a...
01:09:24See, you want a society. This is sort of what you want as a whole in your society. And I really
01:09:28tried to get this across in my novel, The Future, which you should totally get. It's free. You
01:09:33really should get it. Boy, talk about something inspiring. It certainly was for me. But in my
01:09:37novel called The Future, one of the things I tried to get across for most of the citizenry
01:09:49was how stress-chosen the society was. Stress-chosen. Now, I don't say stress-free,
01:09:57because I don't think a stress-free life is a good thing. We are sort of built for struggle.
01:10:01We're built for striving, but they should all be voluntary. Your stressors should be chosen.
01:10:07It's sort of like, it's one thing to be a boxer. It's another thing to be jumped by five guys and
01:10:14beaten to a pulp in the middle of an alley somewhere, right? So it's one thing to be a
01:10:21hockey player. It's another thing to just be checked by some 230-pound guy when you're trying
01:10:26to do some recreational skating, right? So I think I really wanted to show a non-stress society.
01:10:38And again, that doesn't mean there's no stress for anyone, but it means your stressors should
01:10:42be chosen. And the one thing that, I mean, there's a lot of that I dislike about contemporary
01:10:46society, but one of the things I really hate about contemporary society is how much society works
01:10:54to stress out the average person. Oh, there's war. Oh, there's this deadly disease. Oh,
01:11:00there's bird flu. Oh, there's this and just global climate change and, you know,
01:11:06terrorism and just fear, fear, fear. I mean, we live in a stressocracy.
01:11:18And because people who are generally morally sensitive and empathetic and so on
01:11:22experience the stress more, the reason I say it's a stressocracy is that those who,
01:11:27usually for reasons of being without conscience and kind of sociopathic,
01:11:31who don't really experience stress because they don't experience any empathy,
01:11:38those who don't really experience stress rise to the top. It's a stressocracy because
01:11:45the people at the top are selected out of the stressors of society to be those without a
01:11:51conscience because those with a conscience tend to be kind of worried about things. So there's
01:11:57this constant parade of terrors unleashed on the population as a whole, starting from early
01:12:02childhood, right? Starting from daycare and, you know, you get into the primary school and it's all
01:12:06about climate change and, you know, the stressors and systemic this and racism that and phobia,
01:12:12the other, and it's just a monstrous, endless, tragic pile of slithering stressors jammed into
01:12:20the eyeballs like parasites into kids and it just goes on and on and on.
01:12:27And stress, of course, is pretty terrible for your health over a long period of time,
01:12:34as far as I understand it. So I really dislike the stress-based nature of society as a whole.
01:12:42And of course, you know, the politicians benefit from stress because it keeps people nervous and
01:12:46jumpy and doctors benefit from stress because you come in and they're like, here's some benzodiazid,
01:12:52what are they gonna give you or whatever, right? They can just keep you rolling and psychiatrists
01:12:57benefit from stress and all of that. So yeah, I mean, a society where your stresses are chosen,
01:13:03like, can you imagine such a thing? Can you imagine such a thing? If you choose to have a
01:13:07stress-free life, you can achieve that and nobody's profiting, either politically or
01:13:12monetarily, from your stress. Oof, yeah, it's crazy. Very crazy.
01:13:22Somebody said, oh, Tim says, I listen to shows when I'm going to sleep too. If it's any compliment,
01:13:25I never listen to your show when I go to bed because it keeps me up too interesting. Yeah,
01:13:27thanks. I found the future to be very inspiring as well. Yeah, can you imagine? Imagine a society
01:13:33where the only stresses you had were the ones you chose. Isn't that wild?
01:13:37That it was not, there was no profit in inflicting stress. I mean, the media as a whole massively
01:13:42profits from inflicting endless stress on you, right? That's just, I mean, the media as a whole,
01:13:47right? Because people get kind of addicted to stress, right? And sort of the doom scrolling,
01:13:52you know, breaking news, another disaster, you know, and it's rough. Well, of course,
01:13:57what happens is people get stressed about the things that they can't control and they don't
01:14:03and they don't get stressed enough about the things that they can't control.
01:14:07And families do this too, right? I was reading a couple of
01:14:10weeks or a month or two ago about the problems of having like highly dysfunctional family members
01:14:15that are just crashing from massive problem to massive problem. Oh, I got fired. Oh, my roommate,
01:14:20you know, stole my stuff. Oh, I got pregnant. Oh, you know, I'm back on drugs. Oh, I'm drinking
01:14:26too much. Oh, I've got this health ailment or, you know, just crashing from disaster to disaster
01:14:30and just stressing the hell out of everyone. Because stressed people tend to replicate that
01:14:35stress in other people. Like it's fairly important to have fairly mellow people in your life.
01:14:42And people who are stressed a lot tend to spread that, right? I can sort of see them like there's
01:14:46this shimmer aura around them. And it's like, oh, well, good luck with all of that. But
01:14:51that's not my gig. That's not my life. And it's really not a lot of fun. So yeah,
01:14:57if your cortisol levels are low, if you're managing your stress, well,
01:15:00then you should get paid for that too. And you should get paid for everything you do
01:15:07that keeps you healthy. And that's just not the way things work at all. There's no money in
01:15:15prevention. There's only money in treatment. There isn't even that much money in cure.
01:15:26Right. And you think, what was it? Like, it's a crazy number. And I'm sorry, this is off the
01:15:30top of my head. But I think it's like 10% of American health care spending goes just to
01:15:34diabetes. Now, of course, some diabetes you're born with and massive sympathy for that. But a
01:15:38lot of diabetes is chosen, right? It's bad health decisions. And what was it? Was it?
01:15:48Oh, gosh. The actual, I should know his name. Tom Hanks. Yeah, Tom Hanks. You know,
01:15:55he was obviously very lean for that really bad movie with the football, the volleyball in the
01:15:59water. Wilson. It was just terrible. Oh, my God. Except for the plane crash was cool. But the rest
01:16:03of it was just garbage. But he got overweight and they said, hey, you're going to get diabetes.
01:16:11He's like, yeah, I'd rather eat. So how much money do people make from not getting diabetes
01:16:20and not being pre-diabetic and not being overweight and not having,
01:16:24you know, all the crazy stuff that goes on that are markers for pre-diabetes, right?
01:16:29How many people make money from avoiding diabetes? Well, not many. And of course,
01:16:39I mean, I talked about this many years ago on the show, many, many years ago now, which is
01:16:45everybody, when they've made bad health decisions, right? One of the reasons why
01:16:50Obamacare had to come in, right? Because, I mean, it's a very, very brief history for those who
01:16:56haven't heard it. Like, why is it your employer pays for your health insurance? He doesn't pay
01:17:00for your mortgage, doesn't pay for your car insurance, right? Why does he pay for your
01:17:02health insurance? Because in the Second World War, there was a directive from the government
01:17:06that you couldn't give people raises. And so companies still wanted to attract talent. So
01:17:11they offered to pay for health insurance instead, right? But then what happens is your health
01:17:15insurance is tied to your job, and it's tough to change. So the employers started offering health
01:17:22insurance benefits payments, right, as in lieu of raises. And then, of course, it just kind of
01:17:27stuck, and it became a sort of benefit that was kind of people got used to. But then, of course,
01:17:33you then are stuck at your job. Employers like it if they're paying your healthcare,
01:17:37because especially if you've got a family, you're less likely to quit. So they can pay you less,
01:17:41they can treat you worse, because you're less likely to quit. So let's say you quit,
01:17:45you're unemployed for a while, you get a new job with new health insurance. Well,
01:17:48what if you get sick in the interim? And of course, there are all these people who
01:17:54save money by not getting health insurance, and then they get sick with some bad disease.
01:18:00And the difference between men and women, men are like, well, that was stupid. And women are like,
01:18:06but we must help, right? We have to help. We've got to save these people. They're sick,
01:18:09and they're unwell, and we got to do whatever we can to get them healthcare. So when the women
01:18:15get the vote, consequences be damned, right? And I love the fact that women are so sympathetic.
01:18:22It's not good when it's combined with politics, right? And I love the fact that men can be
01:18:26aggressive, but it's not good when combined with politics, right? So you get the warfare-welfare
01:18:30state. The warfare state is male aggression plus politics, and the welfare state is female sympathy
01:18:34plus politics, and it's a pretty toxic combo, to put it mildly. So people, you know, they lobbied
01:18:43for these rules that says insurance companies can't deny you insurance for pre-existing conditions,
01:18:51right? So if you say, you know, I have really bad diabetes, then most insurance companies don't want
01:18:59to take you. And then, of course, people are sad, and they go to the women voters, and the women
01:19:04voters are sad, and so you get this rule which says you can't deny people for pre-existing conditions.
01:19:10Well, then what happens? Well, the entirely predictable consequence happens,
01:19:14which is why men's coldness about this kind of stuff is kind of important, because it's just
01:19:17accuracy. So all that happens is then if insurance companies can't deny you for pre-existing
01:19:24conditions, then all the people do is they wait until they get sick, and then they apply for health
01:19:29insurance, which, of course, destroys the entire healthcare industry, right? It's like, if you
01:19:38only, if you're allowed to buy fire insurance after your house burns down, then there's no
01:19:45such thing as insurance, right? Insurance is a risk game, right? So certainties, that doesn't work, right?
01:19:51And this is particularly true for young people, because young people usually don't, at least in
01:19:56the past, maybe it's not the case now, but young people don't have much to worry about when it comes
01:20:01to healthcare, right? They don't have much to worry about in terms of the cost of healthcare. So when
01:20:08there's all this stuff that gets jammed into insurance companies, because everybody wants
01:20:13their pet illness forced into health insurance, right? Health insurance should be for the major
01:20:18stuff, right? Cancer, heart disease, you know, the sort of the major stuff, and the big injuries or
01:20:24stuff that's going to disable you, I guess that's workman's compensation too, or sort of work
01:20:29insurance, but it should be for the big things, right? Like you don't have car insurance
01:20:35for changing the oil, right? Or regular maintenance. It's for the big things, right? So everybody who's got
01:20:44a relatively obscure ailment
01:20:48wants to force insurance companies to cover that ailment, because their costs go way down,
01:20:53right? So, I mean, if you think about fertility treatments, do you want to pay for, like the risks
01:20:59of being infertile, do you want to pay for that when you're 18 and you're a long way from getting
01:21:04married? No. Do you want to pay for that when you're 45 to 85 and you're past the age of having
01:21:11kids? Well, no. But the people who have fertility issues, they would have to pay a lot for it if it
01:21:17was just them paying for that insurance, but if they can force everyone to pay for fertility
01:21:22treatments, their costs go down by like 80-90 percent. I mean, that's a conservative guess, but
01:21:26it's something like that. So everybody wants to jam their own relatively obscure ailments
01:21:34and force everyone to be covered by them, because that way
01:21:39the costs for them go way down, right? So you end up with all of this crazy stuff that people
01:21:43would never want to pay for, or very few people would ever want to pay for, and all of that. So
01:21:50young people, especially when they look and they say they're forced to pay for stuff that's
01:21:56old people diseases, right? How many people who are 23 want to pay insurance for heart disease?
01:22:03Well, again, I'm no doctor, but I'm pretty sure heart disease is going to strike people in their
01:22:0770s and 80s a whole lot more than it's going to strike people in their early 20s, right?
01:22:13So what happened was, as more and more obscure ailments got piled onto the
01:22:21insurance schemes, then the value, particularly to young people, just went down and down and down.
01:22:28And especially when insurance companies could not deny you coverage for pre-existing conditions,
01:22:37then people just waited till they got sick, and then they would apply for insurance,
01:22:41they couldn't be refused, and so the premiums went through the roof.
01:22:45And the whole system would have collapsed in relatively short order,
01:22:48and Obamacare had to force everyone to buy health insurance because health insurance had become
01:22:52unviable for a significant portion of the population, as a combo of everybody piling
01:22:58their ailments onto health insurance, and also because people were waiting until they got sick
01:23:03before applying for health insurance, which, you know, you could say it's not the most moral thing
01:23:07in the known universe, but it's a pretty predictable outcome when you have these kinds
01:23:12of incentives at play. So that's why you have this mess. You know, one stupid rule leads to
01:23:22another stupid rule leads to tyranny. I may have fast-forwarded a little, but not by much,
01:23:28but not by much. So yeah, that's just the way the system works at the moment, and it's wretched,
01:23:35and it's terrible, and we can see this, right? We can see this when, you know, it's a funny thing,
01:23:40right? Because as the internet, and I'm not saying it's causal, but it's interesting to
01:23:47correlate. So as use of the internet has spread wider and wider and wider,
01:23:53people have gotten fatter and fatter and fatter, and less and less healthy.
01:23:58Now that's interesting, right? So you could say, well, but people are sitting on the internet
01:24:02rather than being out walking about and so on. It's like, yeah, but, you know, you can be out
01:24:05walking about and listen to a podcast, or, you know, there's lots of apps that you can get that
01:24:10will read the website to you so you can be walking about. There's no need to sit. But what's
01:24:14interesting to me is that, this goes back to the argument I made a month or two ago about
01:24:21infinite human knowledge being available, right? I mean, an infinity of knowledge is available to
01:24:25everyone all the time, and with, you know, Google Translate, for the most part, it's fairly accurate,
01:24:29and it's in their own language. So everyone has access to everything in their own language.
01:24:35And more health information, more nutritional information, more exercise information is
01:24:44available to people than has ever been available to people in the past. Literally in your expanding
01:24:51ass is an infinite number of recipes to reduce your expanding ass, right? It's pretty wild,
01:24:57right? So this is the whole thing, well, you know, if people had more knowledge,
01:25:00they'd be better. It's like, well, everybody has infinite knowledge about health and nutrition.
01:25:04Like you have nutritionists recording videos, you have an infinity of
01:25:12exercise information and examples available to you. I used to do this workout with my wife and
01:25:21daughter. It was this woman, it was like a good 25-minute workout, burpees and stretches and
01:25:26lunges and all kinds of cool stuff. And it was just free. You just booted up and do the exercise,
01:25:33and it was a great deal of fun. Although, you know, burpees are, like, if Satan was cracking
01:25:40a walnut and throwing it into his armpit, and that walnut was you, that would be pretty close
01:25:44to burpees. But, you know, I had an old chapter in UPP on burpees, like the ultimate evil, but
01:25:51I decided to exercise good judgment for once, you know, for once. And I did take it out,
01:25:56but it's probably available somewhere in hell itself. So people have as much information as
01:26:05they need to eat well and exercise, and people are eating worse and exercising more and more poorly.
01:26:12And it's really tragic, you know, these disincentives are just wrecking people's lives.
01:26:16And it's awful. Just awful. All right. Well, that's... I have more, but I've got to save
01:26:24something for tomorrow night. Let's see here. What do you think about Purli saying men are
01:26:29more nurturing than women? She says she has the data, but I think the data should be broken up
01:26:33depending on race. Maybe. How is it self-insurance if they can't deny you? Yeah, it's not.
01:26:38So, yeah, so Purli thinks that men are more nurturing than women.
01:26:46So, it's, you know, I don't think that men are more nurturing than women as a whole,
01:26:53but I do think that women have been highly corrupted by power. So, I mean, this is...
01:27:04an argument comes out of the man-osphere, and I'm obviously butchering it to some degree,
01:27:08but hopefully adding a little bit of frosting to it. And it's the last thing I mentioned tonight.
01:27:11I pretty appreciate everyone's time tonight. So, women's youth and beauty is so powerful
01:27:19that it used to be constrained by marriage and consequences, right? So, a woman's beauty would
01:27:25be like from, you know, 17 to 21 or 22. Like, you get married within a year or two of reaching
01:27:31sexual maturity, and then your beauty would be, you know, like a very brief flower, you know,
01:27:37like those flies that only live for like eight minutes. So, your sort of youthful beauty would
01:27:44be a fairly temporary thing, a very short-lived thing, and then it would be scrubbed away with
01:27:49sort of labor and babies and all that kind of work and all that kind of stuff, right? So,
01:27:53a female beauty is incandescent because it's designed to be short-lived.
01:28:01And now, because of propaganda, because of the welfare state, because of abortion,
01:28:13and because of old-age pensions, and because of all these sort of various state interventions,
01:28:20women... And not just that, but also, you know, equal pay for work of equal value,
01:28:26which is, you know, just socialism, and, you know, the massive amount of,
01:28:30you've got to hire women, you've got to hire women, you've got to hire women stuff,
01:28:32which drives up women's wages far above where they would normally be. So, because of all of this,
01:28:42women can live... They can live like men, but with the additional power of
01:28:50youthful sexuality and beauty, right? So, men, you know, young men like to, you know,
01:28:58horny, like to sleep around. No problem with that, right? It's just the nature of the beast.
01:29:02And the reason for that is because most men can't do it. Most men can't just go sleep around.
01:29:09But most women can. Even women who are not conventionally attractive,
01:29:15even if they're overweight and so on, they can always find some guy to sleep with them.
01:29:21So, men's desire to sleep around is highly limited by the fact that men can't do it. And,
01:29:25you know, you've heard of all of these studies where, you know, there's an attractive woman at a
01:29:30bar, and she's paid, and she goes up to some guy and says, you know, let's go upstairs. Here's my
01:29:36hotel room key, and so on. And, you know, a significant proportion of the time, men are like,
01:29:42let's go, right? No matter how attractive the man, the woman won't go with him to his hotel room,
01:29:48right? And have sex, or at least that's what she thinks is going to happen. And that's just the
01:29:53nature of the beast. So, men want to sleep around, but can't.
01:30:02And, you know, this is when the marriage gets opened up, right? The woman sleeps around with
01:30:06everyone. The man can't really get dates and gets depressed, and then ends up with some woman he
01:30:09leaves the sleeping around woman for, his wife. So, what prevented women from sleeping around
01:30:18in the past? Well, what prevented women from sleeping around in the past were fundamentally
01:30:26two things. One, pregnancy, and two, unmarriageability. And if a woman couldn't get
01:30:33married, she'd have a tough time supporting herself. She would have a tough time getting by
01:30:42in life. And, you know, Tennessee Williams has characters write about this
01:30:47in a variety of his plays, particularly in The Glass Menagerie, where,
01:30:52you know, these tragic women who just live in some attic at their, some relative's house,
01:30:59and, you know, barely tolerated, and you've got to move on. And, right, they're just like mice in
01:31:03the corner, not saying anything, trying to be helpful, and pretty sad and tragic, right? So,
01:31:09why wouldn't women sleep around? Because they get pregnant, and because if they got a reputation
01:31:16for being loose, men wouldn't marry them. So, women, because the restrictions on women's
01:31:22sexuality were deep and profound, women could blaze as attractive as humanly possible,
01:31:31because they couldn't sleep around. Now, women can blaze as seductive and attractive as humanly
01:31:38possible. They can keep it up for 20 plus years, right, from like 18 to 40, 22 years, 18 to mid
01:31:4540s, even late 40s, in terms of just like, just being physically attractive, right? They can work
01:31:50out, or they can use these various creams, right, made from the foreskins of Korean babies and other
01:31:54vile substances that should be out of the crucible rather than any pharmacy, but
01:32:01they can just... So, now they have, you know, massive peak quarter century plus
01:32:08beauty and sexiness and attractiveness. They have the government to pay for them or to force
01:32:14other people to pay for them, to give them artificially high wages, to give them free
01:32:21healthcare, to give them abortions, to replace the state, right? Sorry, to replace the husband,
01:32:29right? The state replaces the husband. And if women do screw up, they still get welfare,
01:32:35they still get old age pensions, all this kind of stuff, right? Free healthcare,
01:32:39and particularly if they work for the government and, you know, a massive number of
01:32:44women either start or end up working for the government. It's crazy, particularly when they
01:32:49become moms, they just want a government job because, you know, it's 9 to 4.30,
01:32:55weekends off, no nights, no travel usually.
01:33:02And, I mean, yeah, because, I mean, some years ago, I was just curious about some of the women
01:33:06I used to work for or work with or had professional relationships with, and I just tacked up on a
01:33:11couple of them. Every single one of them was working for the government. Like, and this is
01:33:14from entrepreneurial lives back in the day, right? All working for the government.
01:33:17And the only time I really worked for the government was in one government department
01:33:25in the educational sector, and, you know, it's all full of women, and they gossiped a lot,
01:33:30and they chatted a lot, and we took very long lunches, and, I mean, that was a temp, so it was
01:33:37fine for me, I guess, but it was just like, you guys do anything, really? It's kind of strange,
01:33:41right? So, women have still, we've inherited the sort of evolutionary aspect of
01:33:55male lust and women's beauty, women's sexiness, and now you combine this with,
01:34:02you know, Instagram and social media as a whole, a beautiful woman, her job used to be
01:34:09to produce children for rich, intelligent men, right? So, beautiful women, their job used to be
01:34:15to produce children for rich, intelligent men, and that's not their job anymore. I mean, whether
01:34:23it's all the way through butt-widening OnlyFans or just in terms of, like, being an influencer or
01:34:30being on Instagram, being a fitness model or whatever it is. So now, beautiful women, their job
01:34:36is to take money from unattractive men and produce no children whatsoever,
01:34:41right? So, it used to be their job to produce children for rich, intelligent men and, you know,
01:34:46be mothers themselves and be a stalwart part of their community and charitable and running all
01:34:50these kinds of cool things and help out neighbors and, you know, all this great stuff. So, the job
01:34:54of beautiful women used to be to produce children for rich, intelligent men, which, you know, helps
01:35:00the intelligence spread and so on. Now, for a lot of beautiful women, their job is to take money
01:35:08from unattractive men and produce nothing of substance and no children at all, and that's
01:35:17not the fault of women. I mean, obviously, they have causal responsibility and so on,
01:35:21but again, I mean, it just comes down to incentives. It just comes down to incentives,
01:35:27and that's where things are, right? So, a woman can make a lot of money.
01:35:34Even if she's not doing nudes or anything like that, women can make a lot of money just being
01:35:37pretty on the internet, and she'll find some guy to marry her. And even if she doesn't,
01:35:44she'll be fine. She'll get money from the government, get healthcare from the government,
01:35:48get pensions from the government. So, it's not to me that it's something to do with human nature,
01:35:55you know, as I've sort of made the case many times in this show as a whole.
01:36:00We don't know what human nature is looking around the world any more than we'd be able to study
01:36:05what wolf nature is by studying wolves in a zoo or studying wolves currently being experimented
01:36:11upon medically, right? You couldn't study the nature of rats by looking at rats in a maze
01:36:17being experimented on by perverse and possibly sadistic psychologists, right? All you'd know is
01:36:23about traumatized, experimented upon mice, right? You wouldn't know anything about mice in the
01:36:30wild. You wouldn't know anything about mice nature. You'd only know about the effects of
01:36:34torture on mouse nature. And it's the same thing, right, with the world that we have.
01:36:39We don't know much about female nature at the moment because the incentives are so perverse
01:36:44that, and, you know, I mean, much though I like and respect Pearl, I hate to say she wouldn't have
01:36:54the deep background, but I think that she's looking at women and thinking this is something
01:36:58to do with female nature. And it doesn't. It doesn't. I think female nature is absolutely
01:37:05beautiful in the same way that I view male nature is beautiful as well. But, you know,
01:37:12you get all these weird incentives and things go very strange very quickly and stay that way until
01:37:19the mouse utopia ends and there's a big-ass reset. All right, let's see if there are any other last
01:37:25questions or comments. Appreciate you guys dropping by tonight. It was really nice to
01:37:28have this chat while I have my walkie walk. And let's see here. All right. Well, listen,
01:37:39guys, thank you so much for dropping by tonight. A great pleasure to chat. I hope you have a
01:37:43wonderful evening. And thank you for your support. Of course, if you drop by
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01:37:54subscribe, although that wouldn't be the end of the world. You can subscribe at
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01:38:03you can help out the show. I really do appreciate it. And what a lovely chat
01:38:07this evening. Appreciate everyone's time and attention. Thank you for your support. Allow
01:38:11me to do these wonderful things and this great book that's out now. And lots of love from up
01:38:15here. I'll talk to you soon. Bye.