• l’année dernière


00:00 "Questions dans notre code de chien de vieille fille?"
00:02 "Quand nous allons nous marcher, tous les autres chiens vont vous appeler un nerd."
00:05 "Oh, oh, oh..."
00:07 "Mais ne vous en faites pas, vous serez le meilleur nerd en vêtements."
00:10 "Viens les gars, prenons nos marches."
00:13 "Peut-être que la lumière me fera arrêter cette humiliation."
00:21 "Ladies and gentlemen, Garfield and Friends."
00:28 "Friends are there to help you get started, to give you a push on your way."
00:32 "Friends are there to turn you around, get your feet on the ground for a brand new day."
00:37 "They'll pick you up when you're down, help you swallow your pride when something inside's got to break on through to the other side."
00:45 "Friends are someone you can open up to when you feel like you're ready to click."
00:50 "When you've got the world on your shoulder, friends are there to give you a tip."
00:55 "Friends are there when you need them, they're even there when you don't."
01:00 "For a walk in the park, for a shot in the dark, friends are there."
01:04 "I don't care."
01:05 "But friends will care for you."
01:12 "You folks have this confused. I'm real and you're animated."
01:18 "Friends are there to help you get started, to give you a push on your way."
01:24 "Friends are there to turn you around, get your feet on the ground for a brand new day."
01:28 "Friends are there when you need them, they're even there when you don't."
01:32 "When you've got the world on your shoulder, friends are there."
01:36 "Friends are there when you need them, they're even there when you don't."
01:40 "When you've got the world on your shoulder, friends are there."
01:44 "Friends are there when you need them, they're even there when you don't."
01:48 "Friends are there when you need them, they're even there when you don't."
01:52 "And then there are the lightweight models."
01:54 "And that concludes our 14-hour documentary, Your Friend, the Coat Hanger."
02:00 "I feel like such an unworthy parent."
02:06 "Tune in next week for our 16-hour investigative report, Cotton Swabs, A Blessing or a Curse."
02:17 "Hey, kids! Binky's the name and clowning's my game!"
02:23 "How do you like me to come to your house on your birthday?"
02:26 "Have your parents call this number!"
02:28 "Not now, Binky. I have to put Garfield to bed."
02:31 "Oh, shh, shh, shh, shh, Odie. Garfield needs to sleep."
02:35 "I have some shopping to do. Let's go out so Garfield can have some peace and quiet."
02:41 "Shhh."
02:43 "Huuuuh."
02:46 "Huuuuh."
02:48 "Huuuuh."
02:49 "Huuuuh."
02:51 "Huuuuh."
02:53 "Huuuuh."
02:55 "Huuuuh."
02:57 "Huuuuh."
02:59 "Huuuuh."
03:01 "Huuuuh."
03:03 "Huuuuh."
03:05 "Huuuuh."
03:07 "Huuuuh."
03:09 "Huuuuh."
03:11 "Huuuuh."
03:13 "Huuuuh."
03:16 "Huuuuh."
03:17 "Alright, who's the clown making that noise?"
03:21 "Hey, cat! I'm Binky the Clown!"
03:35 "Is this the home of Mrs. Edna Fogarty?"
03:38 "No."
03:39 "I'm here to wish her a happy 97th birthday!"
03:43 "If he does, Edna won't make 98."
03:46 "Happy birthday, happy birthday, whoop-dee-doo, whoop-dee-doo."
03:50 "May your day be pleasant, open up your present, just for you, just for you."
03:54 "Happy birthday, hap--"
03:55 "Happy birthday, whoop-dee-doo, whoop-dee-doo, whoop--"
04:01 "People who sing like that should be drug out into the street and shot."
04:06 "Neither rain nor snow nor gloom of night, nor cat with bad disposition, will stay this way!"
04:12 "Nor rain nor snow nor gloom of night, nor cat with bad disposition, will stay this clown from his appointed rounds!"
04:17 "Huuuuh."
04:19 "Hey, cat! Smell my flower!"
04:32 [Rires]
04:42 [Cri de surprise]
04:44 [Cri de surprise]
04:46 "I have to finish my birthday special!"
04:53 "I have another house to do after this!"
04:58 "Ho ho, merry birthday! Ho ho, yes, it's Santa Clown! Ho ho ho!"
05:03 "Santa Clown, give me a break."
05:06 "Have you been a good little cat this year? Here's a gift for you, cat! Ho ho ho!"
05:12 "And so forth!"
05:13 "Warning, splut enclosed."
05:16 "What's a splut?"
05:18 "Oh, right, I keep forgetting."
05:23 "Oh, I'm sorry, pussycat! Here, have a piece of candy!"
05:29 "That's chocolate covered Tabasco hot peppers!"
05:35 "Water, water, come on, I need water!"
05:48 "I have to wish Edna a happy birthday!"
05:53 [Cri de surprise]
05:55 "He won't go away. He'll never leave me alone."
05:59 "He doesn't realize he has the wrong house. I have to do something."
06:03 "All right, I'm through being Mr. Nice Clown!"
06:06 "Open up! I'm gonna wish Mrs. Edna Fogarty a happy birthday, or else!"
06:11 "Mrs. Fogarty, at last!"
06:15 "Happy birthday, happy birthday, whoop-de-doo, whoop-de-doo!"
06:19 "Along the way I figure it, I'm also doing Mrs. Fogarty a favor. She doesn't have to listen to this."
06:24 "May your day be pleasant! Open up your present! Just for you, just for you!"
06:28 "At last, peace and quiet."
06:34 "I think I'll sleep until Halloween. No, Thanksgiving, it's longer."
06:38 "Garfield, we're home!"
06:40 "Well, you look like you got a nice nap while we were gone."
06:45 "We got you some birthday gifts, Garfield."
06:47 "Right!"
06:49 "That's right. I was so tired I forgot today was my birthday."
06:53 "And while we were out, I arranged for a special birthday surprise!"
07:01 "Happy birthday, happy birthday, whoop-de-doo, whoop-de-doo!"
07:04 "May your day be pleasant! Open up your present! Just for you, just for you!"
07:08 [musique]
07:23 "Ah, made it! At last! A place where I can have peace and quiet!"
07:30 "I thought you'd never get here!"
07:35 "Happy birthday, happy birthday, whoop-de-doo, whoop-de-doo!"
07:38 "May your day be pleasant! Open up your present! Just for you, just for you!"
07:42 "Happy birthday, happy birthday, whoop-de-doo, whoop-de-doo!"
07:45 [musique]
07:49 "Hey, wait!"
07:50 "Oh, oh, oh, oh, oh, waited?"
07:52 "You gotta come over here, man, and scope this out!"
07:55 "What is it?"
07:56 "You won't believe it, man!"
07:58 "Believe what?"
07:59 "This bug I found!"
08:02 "A bug, a bug!"
08:05 "A bug?"
08:07 "Wade, you sissy, you shouldn't be afraid of a bug!"
08:12 "Woo!"
08:18 [musique]
08:47 [cris de loups]
08:49 "I can sleep later now that they brought out a whole compact desk of rooster crawlers."
08:54 [cris de loups]
08:57 [cris de loups]
09:00 "Another day, another 600 things to dread."
09:05 "Up early, Orson?"
09:07 "I got hooked on this book. It's about a wanted criminal, a fugitive from justice. The police hunted him for..."
09:14 [cris de loups]
09:16 [cris de loups]
09:17 "Everyone's up! Roy can knock off that crowing. I'm gonna go tell him to stop."
09:22 [cris de loups]
09:24 "Hey, Orson, is this your paper here under the sofa?"
09:27 "It's stuck!"
09:30 "Aaah!"
09:33 "What is this thing?"
09:36 "Warning, do not remove this tag under penalty of law, penal code 7756 so and so."
09:41 "Gee, it's against the law to remove..."
09:44 [cris de loups]
09:46 "Well, I have leaves to rake, so I tore a tag off. What harm can it do? They can't arrest me for that."
09:52 [cris de loups]
09:53 "Can they?"
09:54 "Maybe I could sew it back on!"
09:57 "What harm can it do? What harm can it do? What harm can it do?"
10:12 "It starts with just a little thing, no one would miss it all."
10:16 "What possible perceivable harm can it do to break just a little law?"
10:20 "What harm can it do? What harm can it do? What harm can it do?"
10:24 [cris de loups]
10:26 "Bedtimes every night at 9, but out of bed you creep."
10:31 "You play real quiet until you hear, 'You're supposed to go to sleep!'"
10:35 "What harm can it do? What harm can it do? What harm can it do?"
10:40 "Rules are made for a reason, always some we hate."
10:44 "But they help us all get along together, laws are made to keep us straight."
10:50 "You borrow something from a friend, a doll or maybe a truck."
10:55 "They saw you take it, they wanted back. Oh boy, no joy, oh yuck!"
10:59 "What harm can it do? What harm can it do? Wait, you're a wanted duck!"
11:04 "What harm can it do? What harm can it do? What harm can it do?"
11:09 [coups de feu]
11:11 "Oh!"
11:13 "Wait, duck!"
11:15 "You are charged with tearing the tag off a pillow, how do you plead?"
11:20 "I did it! I did it, I'm glad I did it! And I do it again!"
11:26 "I sentence you to 9,999 years in prison!"
11:31 "At least I didn't get life."
11:33 "I robbed 50 banks and 60 gas stations."
11:37 "Yeah, well I robbed 70 banks, see, and 90 gas stations and I stole the Klopman diamond."
11:42 "What are you in for?"
11:43 "Uh, I tore the tag off a pillow."
11:46 [coups de feu]
11:48 [coups de feu]
11:52 "No! No! I don't want to go to prison! I gotta sew that tag back on!"
11:58 [coups de feu]
12:03 "Roy, wake up! Roy! Oh, Roy! You have your earmuffs on!"
12:08 "I can't hear you! I have earmuffs on."
12:11 "The folks next door called the police. See, they called the police to complain. Turn the noise off!"
12:18 "I can't hear you! Wait till I turn the noise off!"
12:22 "This is ridiculous! That wouldn't put me in jail for tearing a tag! I'm too nervous! It's not like the police are looking for..."
12:31 [coups de feu]
12:34 "The police! They found me! Help, help! It's stuck! That's what I get for buying a stereo from a horse!"
12:42 "You've gotta turn it off! Hide me! I'm too young to go to prison!"
12:48 [coups de feu]
12:49 "Oops!"
12:50 [coups de feu]
12:51 "Well, that's one way to stop it!"
12:53 "Please! You've gotta save me! Hide me! Get me an attorney! Get me an attorney named Murray! I don't wanna go to jail! I didn't mean it! Please, Orson!"
13:01 "Wade, calm down! What did you do?"
13:04 "I tore the tag off of a pillow! And now the police have come for me!"
13:10 "Ha ha! You thought that was... You were... You were... You were... Ha ha ha!"
13:20 "Wade, you're not going to jail! I guarantee it!"
13:23 "We know you're in there! Come out with your hands up!"
13:27 [coups de feu]
13:38 "Come out with your hands up! We have you surrounded!"
13:43 "Ha ha ha! Didn't that sound neat?"
13:45 "I don't know, Booker. Do you think that was very nice?"
13:48 "Oh, come on! What harm can it do?"
13:51 [coups de feu]
13:56 [musique]
14:02 [coups de feu]
14:27 [coups de feu]
14:29 [musique]
14:35 [musique]
14:47 [musique]
14:55 [coups de feu]
14:59 [musique]
15:02 [coups de feu]
15:04 [musique]
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15:09 [musique]
15:14 [coups de feu]
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15:26 [coups de feu]
15:28 [musique]
15:31 [musique]
15:34 [coups de feu]
15:36 [musique]
15:41 [musique]
15:44 [musique]
15:48 [coups de feu]
15:52 [coups de feu]
15:55 [musique]
15:59 [coups de feu]
16:02 [musique]
16:06 [coups de feu]
16:09 [musique]
16:12 [coups de feu]
16:15 [musique]
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16:28 [coups de feu]
16:30 [musique]
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16:35 [musique]
16:38 [coups de feu]
16:40 [musique]
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16:44 [musique]
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16:51 [musique]
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18:39 [musique]
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18:59 [musique]
19:01 [coups de feu]
19:03 [musique]
19:05 [musique]
19:07 - Come on, Garfield, they're waiting for us at the studio.
19:10 - My public awaits.
19:12 I hope I don't have to sign autographs.
19:14 Mainly 'cause cats can't write.
19:16 (Lapin chante)
19:19 Maybe I should have brought a film clip.
19:22 I wonder what they expect me to do.
19:24 I wonder what they expect me to do.
19:27 (cris et applaudissements)
19:29 - Thank you.
19:31 Wasn't that just silly?
19:33 Well, our last contestant, I'm told,
19:36 is one of the silliest acts we've ever had.
19:39 - Come on, Garfield, we're on.
19:41 - Would you please welcome Mr. John Arbuckle
19:43 and his cat Garfield.
19:45 - Next time, I get first billing.
19:47 - Well, Mr. Arbuckle, what exactly is it that Garfield does?
19:50 - He dances the hula every time someone mentions Hawaii.
19:54 - I do not.
19:56 - Did you hear me, Garfield?
19:57 I said Hawaii.
19:59 (hula)
20:01 No, honest. He dances the hula.
20:04 He must be nervous.
20:05 (rire)
20:06 Hawaii, Garfield. Honolulu.
20:08 Surfboards, ukuleles, Don Ho.
20:12 - Me? Dance the hula on TV?
20:16 I have my dignity.
20:17 - Garfield, please.
20:18 - Hawaii! Maui!
20:20 - Cane sugar. - Book him, Dano.
20:22 - Pineapples. - Volcanoes!
20:24 He really does. He dances the hula.
20:28 Like this.
20:29 (hula)
20:31 ♪ Can I come over? ♪
20:33 (hula)
20:35 ♪ Come on ♪
20:36 (hula)
20:38 (hula)
20:40 He did! He danced the hula!
20:42 (rire)
20:43 Congratulations!
20:45 This is the silliest act we've ever had on the show.
20:47 You win the $1,000!
20:50 - I do?
20:51 How do you like that?
20:52 I get him on the show, he gets the money.
20:55 - I guess he's all cured, Liz.
20:56 Garfield's all over the Hawaiian cat flu.
20:58 - Great. But you better keep him inside.
21:00 There's another one going around.
21:02 The Alaskan cat flu.
21:03 - Alaskan cat flu?
21:04 How will I know if Garfield comes down with that?
21:06 Mush, you husky! Mush!
21:09 - John, are you there?
21:11 I'll explain about the Alaskan cat flu.
21:13 (sigh)
21:15 - Never mind.
21:16 (snort)
21:24 ♪ ♪ ♪
