00:00Danser dans les fleurs du printemps et les nuages de soleil d'été
00:10Prendre un coup de nez dans la neige
00:13Courir dans l'automne qui coule des arbres au ciel
00:16Avec notre amour qui est plus grand que le ciel
00:19Guess how much I love you
00:38You for a day
00:41It was a sparkling summer's morning
00:44And the sun shone brightly on the nut brown hare's form
00:48Big Nut Brown Hare woke up
00:56And looked around for his son, Little Nut Brown Hare
01:01Wake up Big Nut Brown Hare
01:03Don't worry Little Nut Brown Hare, I'm wide awake now
01:08So is the sun and the wind and the butterflies
01:12Come and see
01:13Yes, it is a glorious day
01:16If the sun wakes us up, who wakes the sun up?
01:20Well, let me see
01:23The sun...
01:24Why are butterflies different colors?
01:26Well, that's a good question
01:29Where does the wind come from?
01:31Well, that's more complicated
01:34And where does the wind go?
01:36That's a lot of big questions from one Little Nut Brown Hare
01:40I'm sorry
01:42Oh, that's alright, I like your questions
01:45But there are a lot of them
01:48Why don't you ask me some questions for a change?
01:52Hmm, ok
01:57Now, ask me your hardest question
02:00Let me see
02:03Wait, I've got an even better idea
02:06Why don't we swap places for the day?
02:09You mean, I'll be you and you'll be me?
02:13Yes, I'll do all your jobs
02:16Finding food, being grown up
02:19And most importantly, lying in the grass and thinking a lot
02:24And you'll be me and do all my jobs
02:29And what jobs are they?
02:32Hmm, asking questions, playing with friends
02:36Running around and eating
02:39Oh, those jobs will certainly keep me very busy
02:43And I'm ready when you are, Big Nut Brown Hare
02:47I'm ready too, Little Nut Brown Hare
02:50Oh, it's such fun to be young again
02:53Not a care in the world
02:57Do you have a question for me, Little Nut Brown Hare?
03:00Yes, why are big hares big and little hares little?
03:05Hmm, this is a hard question and needs some thinking
03:10I'll get back to you in a while
03:15Oh, but I'm hungry, Big Nut Brown Hare
03:18Aren't you going to look for food?
03:20Of course, Little Nut Brown Hare
03:22Now take my hand and we'll look for food
03:25Do you know the answer to my question yet?
03:28Not yet, Little Nut Brown Hare
03:30I'm still thinking
03:34These are blueberries, Little Nut Brown Hare
03:37They are safe to eat
03:41So hungry
03:43Don't eat too many or you'll give yourself a tummy ache
03:47And be careful you don't eat me!
03:51Hello! Hello, Little Nut Brown Hare
03:54This looks like an especially good blueberry bush
03:57It is, please join us
04:00Yes, these are the yummiest, scrummiest, chewiest blueberries
04:08Is Big Nut Brown Hare alright?
04:11We've swapped for the day
04:13I am being Big Nut Brown Hare and he is being me
04:17Hello, Little Field Mouse, have some blueberries
04:21That sounds like a fun game
04:23I made up a game too
04:25What is it?
04:26It's a game using twigs
04:28Do you want to play?
04:30Oh yes please
04:32Oh wait, I'm supposed to be Big Nut Brown Hare today
04:36But Little Nut Brown Hare would like to play the twig game with you
04:41Oh yes please, I can't wait to play with my best friend
04:48You're funny Big, oh I mean Little Nut Brown Hare
04:53And then you let the twigs go
04:57Like this?
04:59That's right, and then you have to pick up as many twigs as you can
05:03Using another twig and without moving any of the others
05:07Hmm, that sounds hard
05:10It's tricky but fun
05:12Are you sure you don't want to play Little Nut, I mean Big Nut Brown Hare?
05:18Well maybe
05:20No thank you Little Field Mouse
05:23I have to think of an answer to Little Nut Brown Hare's question
05:28Why are big hares big and little hares little?
05:35This won't take long, Big Nut Brown Hare just lies down and the answer just comes to him
05:48Big hares big, little hares little
05:55It's not easy lying in the grass and thinking
05:58It's going to be hard to be Big Nut Brown Hare for a whole day
06:04I win again! Now it's your turn to think up a game
06:09Yes, Little Nut Brown Hare is very good at thinking up new games
06:13Oh, in that case we could um, oh this is hard
06:18Well, what about a race?
06:21Oh right, a race
06:23To that old stump and back again
06:26You're on Little Field Mouse, but you'll have to be pretty fast to beat this Little Nut Brown Hare
06:32Six times
06:35The race is to the stump and back again six times
06:41Oh that's a long way
06:43And on one leg
06:46Oh, I don't know if I can
06:53Well, hopping around and playing with your friends are some of Little Nut Brown Hare's important jobs
07:00Oh, then I'll do it
07:06On your marks, get set, go!
07:20Third time everybody
07:28Last time
07:32Little Field Mouse is the winner
07:38It takes a lot of energy to be a Little Nut Brown Hare
07:44Maybe we should play a quieter sitting down game
07:50What about a guessing game?
07:52Yes, I'll pretend to be an animal and you try to guess what it is
07:57That sounds like fun
07:59Now, here is the first animal
08:04I know, an owl
08:07Here it is again
08:10A Nut Brown Hare with a sore throat?
08:13No, it's a frog
08:20That's not a frog, this is a frog
08:31Oh it's hard being Little Nut Brown Hare for a day
08:34I think it's hard being Big Nut Brown Hare
08:37Do you want to swap back?
08:39Yes please
08:42Thank you Little Nut Brown Hare
08:45You're welcome Big Nut Brown Hare
08:49And so Big Nut Brown Hare went back to being himself again
08:53While Little Nut Brown Hare went back to being himself too
08:56It's fun to be someone else for a while
08:59But I think it's much easier being myself
09:03And that's just how I like you best
09:08I thought of the answer to your question
09:10Why are big hares big and little hares little?
09:14Big hares are big so they can help little hares do things and learn things
09:21And little hares are little so they can climb into big hares arms and ask
09:27Guess how much I love you
09:30As much as you love being a Little Nut Brown Hare?
09:34No, as much as a Little Nut Brown Hare could possibly love a Big Nut Brown Hare ever
09:42That certainly is a lot
10:00Thank you Little Nut Brown Hare