Bristolians Answer: What do you think of police stop and search powers?

  • 4 months ago
What do you think of police stop and search powers - too far or not far enough and why? Should police have greater powers to be tougher including using tasers for self defence?
00:00I'm all for stopping if there's any suspicion, especially now.
00:04You can't really trust youngsters on the streets.
00:08It's the way they've probably been brought up.
00:11I'm sorry to say, but in some cases, you've got to look at the parenting.
00:16It can only start from a very young age with the parenting.
00:22We take the recent example of the poor lad over in Bath.
00:27I heard on the television the other day that they didn't know
00:32whether he was carrying a knife.
00:35They interviewed the mother.
00:37Now, the mother should know whether he was carrying a knife or not.
00:40He was only 15. He was only going to a party.
00:43We've now got that tragedy and we've got the equal tragedy
00:47of three young guys in prison,
00:50one of which for life, the others are doing, what, 16 years.
00:55What sort of citizens are they going to become when they come out?
