• 3 months ago
Depuis plus de 200 ans, les gens parlent de l'île Oak, au Canada, et de son supposé trésor laissé par un pirate légendaire. C'est comme tout droit sorti d'une aventure de cape et d'épée ! D'innombrables expéditions, coûtant une jolie somme, ont fouillé chaque recoin de l'île à la recherche du butin insaisissable. Vous avez tout, des tunnels secrets aux coffres cachés, le tout enveloppé dans un mystère qui attire toujours plus de personnes. Mais qui sait s'il y a vraiment un trésor là-bas ou si c'est juste une histoire à dormir debout ? C'est comme une véritable chasse au trésor, et la chasse est toujours ouverte ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00 If you come across a certain well in Portugal, resist the temptation to plunge your gaze into these unfathomable depths.
00:07 This inverted tower, close to the enigmatic palace of the Regaleira in Sintra,
00:12 gives the flesh of a hen to anyone who dares to venture there, while it sinks in a spiral up to 27 meters underground.
00:18 This well was probably not designed to collect water, yet its true purpose remains a well-kept secret.
00:24 Dating from around 1904, it is probably inspired by the mysterious ritual of initiation of the Templars.
00:31 The order of temples had been dissolved nearly six centuries before the construction of this well,
00:35 but their strange practices were revived by subsequent mystical societies.
00:40 Thus, a theory advances that the candidates seeking to be enthroned at the time had to face their most secret fears,
00:46 by facing this well and by unleashing their spiral steps blindfolded.
00:51 When they reached the bottom of the inverted tower, they took off their blindfolds and were faced with this frightening view.
00:58 The only way out of this dark labyrinth was to continue looking up in the air and following the light.
01:05 Imagine walking through the rays of a bookworm, until you come across a book written in an alphabet that you have never seen before.
01:14 You decide to use a translation application, but you get no correspondence.
01:20 Intrigued, you decide to buy the book.
01:23 Then you show it to your friends and family, but no one recognizes this writing.
01:27 The book vendor, Wilfried Voynich, probably experienced the same frustration in 1912
01:33 when he acquired what would later become the most enigmatic book in the world.
01:38 The work is now known as Voynich's Manuscript,
01:41 and it is entirely written in an unknown language that no one has yet managed to decipher.
01:47 The pages of this 15th century codex are filled with botanical sketches,
01:51 but they are not margaritas or lambda roses.
01:55 In fact, they do not look like any known plant, which makes things even more unusual.
02:01 These are seven illustrations of unknown constellations and women swimming in green water.
02:08 By diving deeper into the domain of mysterious parchments,
02:14 we made a trip to the Cumbrian caves in Sisjordani, not far from the Dead Sea.
02:20 In 1952, a team of archaeologists discovered two heavily rusted copper rolls on the site.
02:27 Unrolling these parchments was not an easy task,
02:30 so we decided to cut them into 23 parts to examine them.
02:34 Imagine the surprise of archaeologists to see Hebrew words like "gold" and "silver" appear.
02:40 But no, it was not a millenary bill, but rather a card indicating the hiding place of a treasure estimated at more than a million dollars.
02:48 Alas, this treasure has never been found.
02:51 It is not a fault of having tried, however.
02:53 But you see, the enterprise is not as easy as it seems.
02:56 Some terms of the copper roll are extremely technical,
02:59 and the mentioned geographical locations remain mysterious.
03:03 There is one last possibility.
03:05 Maybe all this is just a work of fiction, like an old-time pirate story.
03:11 People often talk about the almost obsessive gaze of the joconde,
03:17 who seems to follow you wherever you go.
03:20 But here is a small question.
03:22 Does it only have eyebrows?
03:23 You saw if you answered "no".
03:26 And this total absence of eyebrows only adds to the mystery of his gaze.
03:31 The most common explanation is that the criteria for beauty of the time were different,
03:35 and maybe the hair on top of the eyes was a common practice at the beginning of the 16th century.
03:41 But if you look at other Italian paintings of this period,
03:44 like "La Sciavona" or "The Portrait of a Young Unknown",
03:48 well, here are eyebrows.
03:50 So, not everyone was entirely satisfied with this theory,
03:54 like the French engineer Pascal Cotte.
03:56 He spent 3,000 hours scanning the painting to see through each layer of Leonardo da Vinci's masterpiece.
04:03 He claims that Mona Lisa once had eyebrows,
04:06 but that they disappeared over the years of cleaning and restoration.
04:11 However, some historians still question these conclusions,
04:15 which means that the style of Mona Lisa remains a mystery to this day.
04:20 You decide to go to Rio de Janeiro,
04:25 and everyone tells you how much the world of sugarcane is essential.
04:30 When you see the mountain from afar,
04:33 you realize that the stone has a cavity.
04:35 But around noon, it changes its appearance.
04:38 The shadow of the cavity then takes the shape of a bird,
04:40 that of an ibis to be precise.
04:43 This appearance is reminiscent of the Egyptian god Thoth.
04:48 As if the ancient pharaohs had visited Rio at the time
04:51 and had been inspired by this natural phenomenon.
04:55 But it is probably just a simple coincidence among so many others.
04:59 The real mystery, however, lies in the waters around the sugarcane.
05:04 In the 1980s, archaeologist Robert Marx learned from the Brazilians
05:08 about the existence of a hidden treasure in the bay of Guanabara.
05:11 He dived and discovered a number of Roman amphorae.
05:15 You know, those old jars that you find everywhere in Italy.
05:19 His discovery could potentially provide proof of a Roman shipwreck
05:23 that would have reached Brazil nearly 17 centuries
05:26 before the Portuguese set foot there.
05:29 He never managed to pursue his research.
05:32 And to this day, the idea of a Roman presence on the Brazilian coast remains uncertain.
05:38 The real location of Cleopatra's tomb is not the only mystery of ancient Egypt.
05:45 Many secrets are engraved in the walls of these ancient structures,
05:49 as in the funeral temple of Seti I.
05:52 Look closely at this hieroglyph,
05:54 and you will notice that it looks like a modern helicopter.
05:57 Take a look on the right, and you will see an engraving that looks like a submarine.
06:02 Disconcerting, isn't it?
06:03 The most plausible explanation lies in the successive marks left by the different pharaohs.
06:09 When a new monarch came to power,
06:11 he added his own hieroglyphs above those of origin.
06:15 But this is still a subject for debate.
06:17 Because some Egyptologists believe that these mysterious hieroglyphs
06:22 could represent a kind of ancient technology.
06:26 The same applies to Dandera's light bulb.
06:29 This engraving, discovered in an underground passageway of the temple of Hathor,
06:32 is subject to controversy.
06:35 Some researchers suggest that it would simply represent the rising sun,
06:40 while others interpret it as proof of the existence of a kind of modern lighting system.
06:45 And it does look like a Krux tube,
06:48 one of the first experiments in the field of electrical discharges.
06:53 Although there is no concrete proof that the ancient Egyptians had or had modern electricity,
06:59 some believe that this theory could help explain why many tombs discovered until then
07:04 did not present any residue due to the use of oil lamps or candles.
07:09 We have talked a lot about the mysterious pyramids of Egypt.
07:15 But people tend to forget that other enigmatic structures existed long before them.
07:21 Our next stop takes us to Turkey.
07:24 The summit of a hill known as Göbekli Tepe,
07:28 near the city of Urfa, holds an ancient secret.
07:31 It features about twenty encinitas of circular stone,
07:34 over 11,000 years old.
07:36 Many of these are adjoined to heavy stone columns,
07:40 carved in the shape of a T, and adorned with strange human figures at their hands.
07:45 The most widespread theory is that it is the oldest temple in the world,
07:49 probably used for rituals or festivities.
07:52 But its greatest mystery lies in the way it was built.
07:55 Because this site existed before the domestication of animals or the invention of metal tools.
08:01 Thus, its construction must have been particularly difficult,
08:04 and raises the question of our understanding of history.
08:07 I hope you are not dizzy,
08:12 because we are about to fly over the lines of Nazca.
08:15 You have probably already heard of these huge and mysterious motifs,
08:19 engraved in an arid region of Peru.
08:22 They are in many different shapes,
08:24 like a spider, a monkey,
08:26 and even a kind of alien with globular eyes,
08:29 which is probably just a simple fisherman.
08:31 Anyway, this story experienced some twists in 2022,
08:36 when no less than 168 new drawings were discovered.
08:39 The first could only be seen from the air.
08:42 But these new motifs are much smaller,
08:45 and can be observed on the ground.
08:47 However, one thing they have in common is that their function remains totally obscure.
08:53 Some consider them to be the world's largest calendar.
08:57 Others suggest that they may have been used as tools for agricultural purposes.
09:01 Of course, many other theories have emerged in order to give meaning to the Nazca lines.
09:06 But the truth is that it remains one of the greatest unsolved mysteries in history.
09:10 (upbeat music)
