• last year
Ahoy matelot ! Prépare-toi à tester ton esprit de pirate avec cette énigme compliquée qui impressionnerait même le Kraken ! Tu es en plein jeu de chasse au trésor, naviguant sur les sept mers quand soudain, tu tombes sur un mystérieux parchemin avec une énigme écrite en vieux jargon de pirate. Tout est une question de recherche du trésor enfoui, mais les indices sont aussi glissants qu'un serpent de mer ! Alors tu rassembles ton équipage, affûtes tes cutlasses, et prends la mer pour déchiffrer le code et réclamer ton butin pirate. C'est une course contre la montre et la marée, mais si tu peux déjouer l'énigme, tu seras le véritable capitaine des haute mers ! Alors hisse le Jolly Roger et que l'aventure commence ! Animation créée par Sympa.
Musique par Epidemic Sound https://www.epidemicsound.com

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00:00Today we are going to solve a single riddle, but I promise you that it will make your brain work like never before.
00:07Should we start?
00:10So the principle is simple. There is a secret island held by a crew of pirates as their base.
00:16The crew consists of 5 pirates, and they have just returned with a chest full of gold coins.
00:22When they count their catches, it turns out that there are exactly 100 coins.
00:26Now, they are about to distribute them among themselves.
00:29You would say that 20 coins for each pirate should be fair, right?
00:33But let's not forget the hierarchy. Some pirates are stronger than others, and those who are weaker must obey those who are stronger.
00:41Let's give them names so as not to be confused.
00:44Arnie is the strongest. The second is Bernie. Then comes Connie. The fourth is Donnie. And the weakest is Ernie.
00:52You can memorize them by the first letters of their names, to simplify.
00:56By the way, pirates have strict and rather fair rules to share the treasure.
01:01The strongest pirate offers a share, and the rest of them must vote for or against the offer.
01:07The simple majority wins, and if 3 pirates or more vote for the offer, they share the loot as agreed.
01:15But if more pirates vote against it, then the one who offered the share leaves in order to never return.
01:24Then, the pirates remain voting again, using the same rules.
01:31If there is an equality, however, then the pirate who offered the share has an additional way to break the equality.
01:39All the crewmates are also very greedy, and none of them will miss an opportunity to get as many gold coins as they can.
01:47I should add that pirates are reasonable guys. None of them wants to leave the crew forever and lose the potential benefits of subsequent adventures.
01:56They therefore first care about their stay with the crew, and the treasure in the last place.
02:01In addition, if a pirate does not care about his vote in terms of money, he will vote against the share.
02:07It is because he wants to get rid of the strongest opponents naturally.
02:12Another thing to know about pirates is that they all like to look at the back of their strongest comrades when they leave.
02:19But if they have the choice between getting rid of a rival and even taking a single piece of loot, they will choose the liquid money each time.
02:27In the last place, the pieces cannot be cut into pieces or divided in any way.
02:34Pirates cannot arrange to share the pieces or foment a sneaky plot against their strongest companion to guarantee victory.
02:42This is not an arbitrary rule. They just do not trust each other enough to respect the arrangements.
02:48Each pirate can only count on himself. Yet, they are all rational, and each pirate knows that the other guys are also rational.
02:58They will use a rigorous logic to get the best out of their situation.
03:02Now, the big question. How can they divide the gold in such a way that none of the pirates leave?
03:08I'll give you a clue. There seems to be no trust between the crew members.
03:14And that could well be the key to the solution.
03:17Pause the video now to think, or look further if you want to see the answer right away.
03:28The solution
03:32Ready? Then let's continue to explain.
03:35To find the solution, we must think well ahead and go back from the last remaining pirate.
03:42Let's say that Ernie is now the only member of the remaining crew, and that he has recovered all the gold for himself.
03:49How did he do that? Well, he had to eliminate the four others, of course.
03:54Let's go back a little. There is only Donnie and Ernie left, with Donnie offering the share.
04:00If he says that he will take all the gold for himself, Ernie will want it.
04:04Naturally, he will vote against such an unfair share, and the same thing will happen in all other cases, unless Donnie offers him at least 50 gold pieces.
04:14We remember that the pirates are greedy, so Donnie will not do such a stupid thing.
04:19If Ernie is in disagreement, they will have an equality at 1 to 1, and Donnie will have the majority vote, which will leave him all the gold and nothing for Ernie.
04:28Now, another step back, and we have Connie back on the bridge, and who offers a division, since he is now the strongest of the left behind.
04:37This time, if Connie decides to seize all the money, even her decisive vote will not help her.
04:42There will be two votes against his only vote, and he will have to take the miserable path.
04:47For things to work for him, however, Connie must get a vote.
04:53For this, he can offer a single piece to one of the remaining pirates.
04:57If he tries to buy Donnie's vote, Donnie will still vote against the share.
05:02Why? Because he knows that if Connie leaves, he will get all the money instead.
05:07So, it is not in Donnie's best interest to be bought at such a good price.
05:12Ernie, on the other hand, is the same thing. He gets nothing anyway.
05:16So why vote for Connie's proposal?
05:19But if Connie offers him a single piece for his vote, he will be better off than with any other result.
05:25He will therefore accept the piece, and vote for Connie to get the other 99, leaving Donnie without money and in the minority.
05:34All right, now another step back.
05:37And we have Bernie, on stage as a proposer.
05:40Seizing all the money is still not an option.
05:43And now, there are three votes against him.
05:46But he has the decisive vote, so he only has to get a single vote again.
05:51This will make two votes for his share, two against, and his additional vote to cut the waste in his favor.
05:58The simplest way for Bernie to get the most pieces is to offer a piece to Donnie.
06:03It is because everyone knows that if Bernie leaves, Connie will end up with 99 pieces, Ernie with only one, and Donnie with empty pockets.
06:13So, the fortune favors Donnie, who gets a piece on this turn, and Bernie wins the lot by taking the rest.
06:20Sorry, Connie and Ernie, you get nothing this time.
06:25Finally, let's put Arnie back on the right track, and in charge of the voting process.
06:29So, he has four votes against him if he tries to seize it.
06:32One bought vote is not enough, since there will be three others left.
06:35This means that he needs at least two votes for his offer to work.
06:40Buying Bernie's vote makes no sense, because if Arnie leaves, Bernie will get 99 pieces.
06:46At the same time, Donnie will get a piece if Bernie wins.
06:50But Connie and Ernie, as we remember, will get nothing.
06:54This leaves Arnie with a simple choice.
06:57He can offer a piece to Connie, and another to Ernie to win their vote.
07:01And the final distribution is as follows.
07:0398 pieces for Arnie, none for Bernie, one for Connie, zero for Donnie, and one for Ernie.
07:09This will make three votes in favor of the distribution, and Arnie will win.
07:13The funny part of this situation is that the weakest pirates have the power to make the strongest escape, but they won't.
07:21They all know that they will end up with nothing if the distribution fails.
07:25So they accept very little.
07:27And as the rule of the majority applies, it is not even necessary to buy them all.
07:32Likewise, if there were ten pirates instead of five, the strongest would end up being the richest again.
07:38He would only have to offer a piece to each other pirate, leaving him only 96 pieces.
07:44However, he must be careful not to offer a piece to the one who is just after him.
07:49So it would be nothing for the second pirate, one for the third, none for the fourth, and so on.
07:55Now, you know how to share a treasure and always win, if you are strong enough, of course.
